r Largest Circulation In Western North Carolina Consolidated '." . ' ,, ' November 27, 1915 VOL. XXI NO. 30. TRYON, POLK COUNTY, N. C FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915. ESTABLISHED MAY, 1894. Weekly A ND H TP IP IO 1 O i . i .. i "T'r T . ' i ' : r r ; : : TRYON lavorcu oyvi wi (nd recreation. Excel lent hotels and board jni house. . . i NORTH lo the Thermml THE TRYONBEE DEPARTMENT BY WINIFRED A Farewell Statement I , Time and events fly quickly, last week Editor of the Bee, this week re duced to the rank of a humble citlzeD Twenty years in journalistic har ness witnessing many changes in our comm1111 Twenty years of strug gle to keep the "Bee" buzzing. Twen ty years ot loyalty; of friends. In that time editors by the score have invaded Polk County, but they are gene. The Tryon Bee which has been published ovr twenty years under one ownership will this week appear under new f management and we bespeak for the Editor, Mr W F Little, the "same loyalty and friend liness given to us." A larger better, more progressive paper was the logi cal need of a growing, wide awake community and our successor is fully competent to fulfil all of the re quirements. We hope all will co operate to make this a business and financial success, as a newspaper to a great extent represents - the com munity. - To our-friends who have helped us in our work by kind words and deeds our heart-felt thanks and good wishes are gratefully tendered ; Respectfully, G. E Morton. Greetings we come to you to dayunder quite different conditions than last week, the joining of the two -papers took place after last week's issue of The Bee, so there was- no opportunity to tell our, readers what had happen Hi. The subscribers to the Ee will Mtice - very -.little-jchange -however; A that- only for the better; the undersigned will still continue to lather news and keep in touch 'with the little "family" scattered all over this big country of ours and try still to make the Tryon Bee section, a weekly letter from home as hereto fore. To our Tryon friends we still ask your active co-orperatlon in mak ing this a newsy paper as there are many stay-at-homes here in Try on who have depended on the Bee t has" been eoing on in Tthia busy town and even those, a round town :wht know everything- as soon as it happened still yet like tc read an account of it in the Bee. It has seemed; in the past as though all Tryon people were our friends and we earnestly hope they will continue so to be. Sincerely, Winifred W Morton. Lanier Club The regular meeting of the Club was held Thursday afternoon at the Club house. The program was giv en by Mr Dwight Smith, who read many delightful poems from the French Canadian poet Drummondi show ing the . versatility of that author in depicting the old life of the French in Canada. Mrs Bacon and Mrs Beatson served tea. The next meeting will be Thursday, December h and Mrs Sharp will talk cn the "Woman's Side of Army Life," in the Phillipines and Alaska. v An Epitaph To the memory of Mrs Kennedy: Her kindly life, its cheer and l'ght. ' ' ' T V'-'-J We mourn their loss in sadness Yet mem'ry keeps its sunshine bright . ' ' L And links with sorrow gladness. . ,- : J H P v.'-j Cleveland, November, 1915. ! WEATHER REPORT, por Week Ending -November 9, 1915. Mitt. Max, 46 70 45 70 7:'30 p m 50 58 ov 24 fair Nov 25 fair Nov 26 cloudy, Nov 27 fair Nov 28 fair Nov 29 fair Nov 30 fair shower 45 46 44 31 70 70. 56 50 .. . .. M.ss Kimberlv of r.iftvAianri" Ohio. 18 8Peiiag the winter with the Miss Beautiful mountain driret; out-door aporta; mountain aprinf water. CAROLINA Belt Rejion W. MORTON tu,. xi t.i k"vi hub H v uai ui are ai Orlando, Fla. Robert Gaines has - already drawn two sets of dishes on cash tickets given, weekly by the Ballenger Co. Dr Laws, Miss Annette Hill, Miss Graydore and Miss Beckwith of the Converse College Faculty spent Thanksgiving in Tryon. Dr W W.Gray has bought a lot of land, 100 feet fronton Melrose Circle of Mrs W E Strong and will build a bungalow immediately. E E Missildine represented Mrs Strcmg in. the transaction.! Miss Lula Prestwood gave a box -supper last Saturday night at Mi Z U Edney's for the benefit of the new school building. The proceeds were $29.40. The help ef the young people outside of the community was greatly appreciated. Coke Foster who left Tryon a few months ago to work for the Al lison Drug Store in Asheville has re cently been placed in charge of the Montford Pharmacy on Montford ave which has been purchased by the Al lison, Drug Co. Mr Foster is a young man of considerable ability and his friends here-know he will make good. .! ;This changing the ownership of The Bee is going to have many far reaching effects, many of them un thought of, one is taking several hundred pounds of mail a year from the R F D Route. I Mrs Emma Nesmith has rented the Stearns House on Melrose ave, and will conduct a first class hoard ing house. Mrs Nesmith is the sis ter of "Mr Leroy Gushing and he and wife are living with her. Buy "your Christmas, gifts at the Episcopal Bazarf Wednesday after noon. Mrs MacNaughton has moved in to the Dowe house on Melrose ave, and will run it as a boarding house. Messrs A L Hill, W B Kruse, C D Sayre and. Cam Livingston attended the district meeting of the JrODA M, at Shelby last Friday. They went over ia Mr Hills auto. ! ' Mr and Mrs Grant Miller leave Sun day for their home in, Chicago. Mr Miller's friends hate to see him go as he makes a lot of improvements on his farm and in the neighborhood while here. They are both delight ful people and will be a great ad dition to Tryon. ! Dr and Mrs Gray f of , Bridgeport Conn, arrived at-Oak Hall, Saturday for a few days' stay, they, return later for the winter and spring and have rented Mrs C L Wilson's house, , as stated last week. The Grays seldom arrive before the middle cf February, they do not expect to get here this year any earlier. B L Ballenger and nephew, Wesley Jones, visited the laters mother in Wellford, S C, Sunday. Tryon Council No 143, Jr O U A M will haVe an, interesting meeting next Tuesday evening, December -6th, at Jr Hall. All members cordially in vited to attend. Refreshments and other good things. The friends in Tryon will be pai -ed to learn of the death of Miss Bid die in Washington, D C. She 'died on the operating table, Miss Biddle has been coming to Tryon every winter for some years and was a beautiful musician. She had met with an ac cldent several years before, which kept her from Jecom(ng a concert pianist but it did not keep her from playing whenever her friends asked her to and she played with an ex pression only the great concert pian ists possess. , The Knights of Pythias of Tryon had Columbus lodg as their guests Thursday night. The degree of Knight was giveii Messers N B Jack son and Yates Arledgf of Columbus A buffet luncheon, was served. Miss Mary Pitkin will join her sister in the Morley Snow Cottage this week. - Mrs Fanny J Ricks and secretary, Miss Burkhart,- from ,. Ricksha ven Farm on , Tryon moun,taln, were in Trvon Monday. - Mrs Ricks expects to leav ahortly for a two months vUH In Mississippi. COLUMBUS north Carolina Five mile inland from Tryon over a beautiful acenie drive. County Seat. Hon J F Spainhour of ' Morgantoh was heret on business Monday. Miss Minnie Arledge spent Thanks giving in Henderson ville with her sis ter, Mrs; J E Shipman.v Prof Cobb returned from the Teachers' Assembly at Raleigh oh Saturday. Misses Runnion and Hunter re ; turned from Alexander, where thej spent the holidays. Miss Armecia Green visited home folks at Silver Creek for the week end. i. , ' . : I Miss Nora Jonea of the Columbus High School, spent the week-end with hor sister, Mrs T A Rippy in Lynn. Twity Thompson, of Walker, hat returned to the High School to con tinue hs studies. He wasa stu dent here during a part of last yeari Several of our young people attend ed church service at Lynn on Sunday evening. 1 ' Mr and Mrs R L Hunter made a shopping trip to Landrum last Satur day. F M Burgess, Yates Arledge Mis. Minnie Arledge and Miss Ellen -Erwln went" to Rutherfordton Tuesday eve ning to hear the Wake Forest Glee Club. They report a splendid' pro gram. J P Arledge and sen Yates, spent Saturday and Sunday in Forest City the guests of Dr and Mrs W C Bost'c they returned home Monday morning J G Hughes and Mrs Hughes went to Asheville last Tuesday and pur chased a new Buick runabout, v J R Gilbert and Heber Carson made a hasty trip to - Spartanburg last week and brought back Mr Gil bert's automobile which has been ua dergoing repairs. Additional Tryon News Died, Mrs Samuel B Edwards, Thursday December 2nd, at her home on Route 1. A husband and eight children survive. Mr Hirschel Robbins .is the new drug clerk at Missildintflg . He takes Mr Roy Cushings placL- wpile, Mr Gushing recuperates frbqjja. recent illness. 996 bales of cotton have been ginn ed in Polk county as against 1023 in 1914. There have been several "card par ties of late in town and especially en joy able one was that given by Mrs Lindsey on Friday evening, six tables of ladles and gentlemen enjoyed bridge. On Wednesday evening Miss Little entertained four tables of bridge at Miss Ravenel's. Wesley Jones made the hightest score. Mrs Hoyt and small daughter of Detroit have rented the . Grady cot tage on Markham Road. . There will be a teacher of sewing at the Graded School every Tuesday until futher notice. The moonlight school started at the" school house this week. Mon day, Wednesday and Friday are the nights and any who need the instruc fon are asked to be present and learn the rudiments of reading, writ ing, spelling and arithmetic. Mr Harvey ' Dumas of Detroit has rented the Hatch , Cottage of Mr Geo Warner for the winter. Take ycur supper at the Library Wednesday night. Th ladies of the Episcopal church will furnish a fine supper for 50 cents. ! The singing books for the Graded School have been ordered and should be here by Monday. To the 'members of Tryon Council No 143, Jr O IT A M. The delegates that attended fhe District Meeting at Shelby on, Nov., 27th, wer pleased - to be' able to make a fine report of general pro- es in the order They also found great enthusiam displayed in the great work done by the order in be half of Moonlight Schools, and urg es all members to be present - next Tuesday evening, December 6th, in order to hear a famous speaker on that, subject. W B Kruse, R S. W C Bass and Dr Johnson of Statesvilie spent y Sunday at Mrs Fine farming- aeetioa. Home of an excellent County Hih School. Polk County Polk County Teachers Meeting,- Fri day ., Decembeer 10, 1915. (Program) . Every teacher shall give an out line of the subjects taught in her grades. Analysis of chapters I and II, chart ers; ''The common branches, Mrs J W Arledge, chapter III, charters book, Miss Emma Morgan. Chapter IV, charters, Miss Myrtle Cantrell Chapters I and II, the teaching of geography, Miss Lula Prestwood. Chapters III and IV, the teaching of geography, Miss Clara Feagan. Chapi ers V and VI, the teaching of geogr? phy, Mr E P White. Chapters I an II, Geographic influences in America i History, Mr J M Hall. Chapters . Ill and IV, geographic influences- i: American History, Miss Nannie Runi on. . MILL SPRINGS Rev G C Walker preached the farewell prayer service Sunday night. ' The school at this place is progres ing nicely with Miss Ada Roberts, as teacher. Mrs J H Cocherum. and Mrs J H Gibbs are cnthe sick list at this writing - Mr Crawford Walker has movef his family into the Newman hcuse. Taxpayers of Polk If you have not paid your taxes by January first, I will be compelled to force collection and add cost fox same. Please remember this, x 29-5t, . A L Hill Sheriff Christmas Bazar The Ladles of th Episcopal enure1 will hold their annual Bazar at the Library, Wednesday, December the eighth. Fancy work, aprons, flow ers, candies etc; will be on sale Doors open at 3 p m. The suppe will be sened at 6 o'clock. Spelling Bee A Success In Spite o. Rain About one hundred were out Friday evening to enjoy the spelling match at the graded school auditorium, al tho only eighteen lined up to take part in amusing the audience, and those found it took considerable cour age to stand up and display their weaknesses! Gecrge Gash as cap tain of one: side had Mr Hart, Mr Doubleday, Will Wilkins, John Wil kins, Mrs Holden, Dora thy Doubleday and Miss Holden. Jas Jackson was captain of the other team and had the following assistants: Nelson Jackson Jr, Lawrence Doubleday, Mr Morton,- Virginia Butler, E G Holden, Raymond Jackson; Emma McFarland and J B Hester. Rev S M Johnson was the pronouncer and the Old Blue Back Speller was the book used. The words went several ' rounds before anyone missed, and then the missing was lively until it finally narrowed down to Nelson Jackson and Jas Jackson, the former missed cn "avoii dupois" and realized it immediately but before he could "correct it, Mr James Jackson had spelled it cor rectly'and won the match, Miss Hold en stood up the longest on Mr Gash's side and really received the biggest test as she spelled six words to the others' one for a long time. The rain came down hard during the evening and kept -many at home so that several have spoken of repeating it. Before the spelling began Prof. Dennis spoke on the subject of a "school betterment association" and it was decided to form one, the fol lowing officers were elected: Pres, Mrs George E Morton, Vice Pres Mrs Jas Jackson, Sec, Mrs E G Hold en, Treas, Mrs A L Hill. Everyone interested in the school is asked to join parents of the children, es pecially, both fathers and mothers, and alsD any others interested 1 who may have no children there. A H Williams's meat market has - installed a new and latest approved pattern meat slicer for breakfast ba ton, ha $tc, ad? It, A Quiet ymmer resort SALUDA Among the mountain with 32 hotel and NORTH CAROLINA topa. Climate and boarding houses. scenery unsurpassed. In the Land of the Sky . ' ; Robert Gaines of "Tryon was a pleasant caller Tuesday. P B Gibbs of Hendersonville was in town Saturday. Mrs S S Oehler, is visiting in Tryon. Miss M T Blackman spent the week-end in Spartanburg. Rev and Mrs King spent Tuesday in Hendersonville. W L Thompson spent Tuesday in Hendersonville; Mrs L G Richmond has gone tc Columbia SC , for the winter. Mrs J C Thompson and Earned spent Saturday in Asheville. Rev Jesse Morgan is conducting r revival meeting at Tuxedo. Prof Wm P Hume, spent Thanks giving with friends in Charleston. W H Pace has returned from JacL scnville where he went on business. Dr and .Mrs Salley left Saturday for Orangeburg1 to spend a few days. James Pace of Tryon, spent Mon day night with Mr and Mrs J E Pace. Albert M Salley of Orangeburg, S C, t is spending several days in salu da. Jeff and Thomas King, have gone to Coeburn, West Virginia, to spend the winter. Miss Nettie Hooper spent the week end with MissXila Boling at Hender sonville. Mr and Mrs H B Lane spent Thanksgiving with friends in Spar tanburg, r Misses Ila . and Marie Pace spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Spar tanburg. Judge A S Moore spent Thanksgiy-: ing with friends in Spartanburg. Misses Rena and Mamie Forrest spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mr. Frank Pa?e at Landrum. The Ladies of the Baptist church gave a box supper Wednesday night, to raise money for a Christmas tree, a good crowd turned out and twentj five dollars was raised. Miss Mamie Little of Gaffney, S C, who has been visiting Mrs W C Rob ertson, left for home Tuesday. Q C Scnner and children, Avent fish ing Thursday. Ellis Laughter happened to a very serious accident last Thursday, his team became frightened, ran away throwing him out, breaking his col lar bone and it is feared Mr Laugh ter is injured internally. Mr. and Mrs Corwith were guests o Mr and Mrs Glessner at Grove Park Inn for the week-end. D C Steese and wife .of Youngs town Ohio, were visitors in Salud? last week. They thought Greeu River Cove the most beautiful sight of any they have seen in their four weeks stay in Western North Caro lina. Th3.v will visit Saluda again ir May. The Cooper property will be soH at Columbus Monday, December 6th. This is the property that is be'n sold under mortgage sale by- O Y: Garren. adv Mr Arthur W Glessner, wife and son, Herbert, of Chicago, who are spending two weeks at Groye Park Inn, took dinner, Thanksgiving Da with-Mr and Mrs Henry P Corwith at Overbrook. They will return for a few days visit in Saluda. , They are old school-day friends of Mr Corwith Mr Glessner is editor of The Galena Gazette and is a prominent manufac turer of furnaces and fittings at Chicago. They are charmed with Western North Carol na and will re turn next year. The young ladies appearing ' in in the bright , little play, entirled "Lucias Lover", last Friday evening will repeat the performance at 8 p m by reiuest. The troupe was enter tained by Miss Box informally, Tues day evening. After tea a dramatic club was organized, having the name, Saluda Dramatic and Musical Club, with Miss Box as the very capable president and Miss Annie Hart and i Miss Liicile Garren, secretary and treasurer, respectively. This club eonsideres itself a very, small begin ning of a- larger one, which it is hoped will include in its roll the names of all who have a taste for dramatic and musical entertainment Mark Fisher killed two hogs on Thanksgiving day we'ghing one thou sand pounds. Some pigs believe us. Miss Laura Beam representing the American Missionary Association of New York spent Thanksgiving with Miss M A Peck at the Saluda Semin ary. ' MJss Maude Hintcn and Leslie Thaxton cf AsheviPe spent the week end with Mr and Mrs D S HInton. s Mark Fisher left Thursday for Bailey, XN C, whre he has "receiv ed a position on the road as fireman. Miss Lois Harrison of Fletchers who has been visiting -friends,, and relatives in Saluda has returned home. 1 TheMasons here are planning to have a meeting Friday p m, Decem ber 10th, at 3 p m, for the purpose of confering the 3rd degree on five candidates after which they will serve refreshments. All Masons are invit- ed to attend. R M Hall Master. FISH TOP R B Staton and Miss Lavada Pace visited relatives at Sycarmore Inn, Sunday. A thunder shower visited this sec tion last Friday and j cooler weather prevailed. Rev Joel Sherfy and E J Bradley stayed over night with Rev Vance Thompson last Sunday night. Misses EsteU and Evern. Pace chap eroned by Miss Lerisa Bowen attend ed services at Rev Joel Sherfy's Sun day. - .. The old giant coon had another hair-breadth escaiei last Thursday night, wheat Louis Pace shot. him out . oi a tree,4 but his hide is tough and he knows how to use his legs. New Rural Route Rev Sherfy is much enthused over his success of procuring signers for a rural mail route, which has been worked up in a short time. It. only remains for Saluda township to finish the Cove road to the township line and we are assured that Coopers Gap township will do whatever it takes to get a first class auto road to in tersect with the one they now have. This will not only give free mail de-,1 livery but will open up one of the finest sections of Polk County. Let us haye the road. We need it. Arledge and Shields Wedding Married by Rev T S Childress, student of Furman University at the home of the bride, in Pickens, county -Blandina Arledge, to Devahie Andrew Shields of Tryon, N, C, November 28, 1915, at 6:30 p m. The wedd'ng was a quite home afair, with several close friends and relatives present. Many hearty congratulations were extend ed to them, also many presents, af ter which the bride and groom ,. led the way to the dinning room; follow ed by those that were present, in which quite an elaborate supper of five courses were served. The din ning room ushers were: Mf Mr Lyn say Walker, of Greenville, S C, Miss Winifred Henderson, of Lynn, N C, Mr Rupert Tarr, Pickens county. Miss Bertha Henderson, Lynn, N C. The bride is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs N A Arledge, formerly of North Carolina, now of PickenSj coun ty. Miss Arledge was a very popu lar young lady among her many friends. Mr Shields is a very pro minent youngman, eldest son of W J Shie!ds of Tryon, N C, graduate of the class of 1913, at Saluda Seminary The first to break the class chain of eight into the fieMs of matrimony. The bride and groom left Greenville Monday for, Chesnee, S C Their home will be in Weaverville, N C, after March 1st. Big Land Sale What promises to be the most successful land auction sale in this section will take place in Landrum, S C, ; next Saturday (when the Spartan Academy property will be sold by The Southern Land Auction Co, cf Asheville. Many Polk County, peo ple har said they will attend thi3 unusual sale. There will be many attractions to amuse the large, garb. 4 i