POL K : C O T IMTV "M Pl AxTS" . . i Largest Weekly Circulation Western North Carolina VOL. XXI NO. 32. TRYON, POLK COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915. ESTABLISHED MAY, 1894. In ' ; j . - ' Consolidated AND T H IP in ik i n m o &c " 27' 1915 - : " -a fl-y if l Jf L y JLD JL, JLv I I I mmaMM. r" I "" ' t l ' : ... ; ' 1 I i&vored spot for rest j recreation. Excel- hotels and board houses. ' . TKlON NORTH CAROLINA In the Thermal THE TRYON BEE BY WINIFRED hb steam heat is turned cn In graded school building. f re destroyed a building of the A tuff Rock Quaxy. Thursday night. igs niiuma i' lies . ojf cut. a. cuuyie jjrs in Spartanburg- last week. Tie Asheville Gazette News is au thority for spelling it " Wenesay." and remember Sheriff Hill's . I.. 01 At- j brother of Mr ' Riis is on the $ Peace Ship, he represents the jklyn Eagle.. jev H Norwood Bowne will con f services at Lynn, next Sunday tfaing at i :d0. . - The Bazaar returns are still com- 1 J it, A ' -i a 1 jf in, aireaiiy tue - receipts nave agisted up to $212.00. v Regster of Deeds Burgess was in iron Tuesday en-route to Green ville, S C, on official business. '.. ' . There is always some one who-.har grouch. Now it's the doctors, fter complain this .town is too Why. They're almost -sick over it. The church of the Holy Cress wil hold services at the Library Sun- morning at 11 o'clock; Sunday school at 9:45. The Try on postofflce will be open aert Sunday eveniDg 7 to 8 : 30 for fte parcel post division only. Christ mseve, the office will be open, until SJ and Christmas day until noon. The distinction of originating the Red Cross Stamps in this country is given to Jacob Riis, the well known socal worker in New Y.ork and Miss Emily Bissell of Delaware, 5 Uward Nanney and "Robert Davis a' Rutherford ton visited Mr Nanney's sisfer, Mrs W H Durham, last Sun- A most elaborate Municiple Christ' ' eis Festival is being rehearsed, to be given at the school house, Thurs day evening before Christmas. Miss Violet Bray is expected home Saturday evening from St. Mary's school at Raleigh for her Christmas vacation. " ' '" . , The Red Iron Racket Store in ssartanburg was burned ' Monday total floss. H H Herring lost osiderable funiture. which was stor ftia the building. 'Jiss Katlierine Kohler of Detroit io has been at Mrs Howes for sev 1 weeks, leaves Sunday for Jack 'ille and St Petersburg -Fla, ere she will remain until cpring, she intends returning to Tryon bu'lding on her land .. recently Phased near Dr von Kahlden's. toy C Mitchell, a medical student tithe University of North Carolina 'Sects to arrive at Tryon on Decem- 23rd to spend the Christmas todays with his parents at the ssith Cottage on Melrose Ave. ra's is h's first visit; to Tryon. I. ' 7he Lynn Mass. "Item" of .Decern fourth had several columns devot to the business of J J trover's which has been manufacturing t Shoes For Tender Feet" for years. The head of the cpn- is Mr C L Grover the father 01 Mrs E E MIssildine, and a fre visitor to Tryon. . ' last the weather prophets, are 'fied. Way last July they had us i shivering, nearly, for the cold p winter that was coming. It got here on December elsv . but alas, far t.h. nronhets. it is tn ha oil rnn hafnm thlO IS n 'n that's the way our win- now they are and now they are h the current issue of Collier's V,1lliarQ Gillette, theatrical craftsman J-Clayton Hamilton. Mr Gillette's fluent visits to Trvon should Jlake tne story of unusual interest to ur r,-rt,An .... - The Western MnrtVi namilna De- Jrat of Hendersonville had a most testing account last week of the dermal Belt, it was from an old Pr written in ISSi ar, Hed tlie CUlars abnnt o -wJ. v, . noi especially refer to .e Thermal Belt in Trvon. but to P same conditions found in many fice5 a mountain,,' , Beautiful mountain drive; out-door sport; , mountain, spring water. Belt Region DEPARTMENT W. MORTON Photograph Exhibit Some very interesting photographs of -Tryon, scenery and bits cf life a bout us, the work of Miss. Martha Bunting of Philadelphia, Pa., will be on sale Saturday, December 18th, at Library Exclfange, Miss Bunting is one of the illustrators for "Country Life" and other prominent magazines The photographs will be in charge of Miss Louise Kenworthy. "Bee" A Wellcome Visitor - The Tryon Bee has been merged with the Polk County, N C, News The combination is probably best for both, papers though" the Bee had a distinct personality which- it is a pity to surrender. It was always a wlecome visitor in ' this office. Greenwood Index. Forestry Meeting The regtilar monthly meeting of the Forestry Club was held at the Board of Trade office Tuesday even ing. Patrolman Riis made his report an(l made suggestions for the better merit of the service, one of which was the cutting of a trail on an old road from Kennedy's place to Skyu ka. Secretary Cobb and Mr Riis have the matter in charge. We thank You THE TRYON. BBE,- after years of service linder the hands of Editor George E" twenty veteran Morton, paased last' wIr4nt athe- hands of W F Little, editor of the Tryon Polk County News, who has consolidated the two papers. 'While bidding, adieu to Brother Morton, we wish great sue cess to Brother Little a conapeterii and affable editor, formerly of Illi nois. Aurora Highlander, Shelby, N C. - . . Commissioners Meeting The town commissioners met Tues day evening and elected Wright Gains commissioner to take the place vacated by Mr-Ford, who has moved to South Carolina. A 2 inch water main was ordered laid from Trade St, along HHoward to Grady Ave and Markham Road. Two fire hydrants will be. placed along this route. Wm McFarland was appointed tax collec tor. 1 Secretary Cobb of the Board of Trade has had printed a four page pictorial folder of Tryon to use as inclosures in letters sent from Tryon. Almost Envies Us The Tryon Bee and The Polk Coun ty News have merged and the paper comes out under, a double heading. Mr W F Little, former editor of the News, will continue to hold dowjn things while Mrs Morton, former news editor of the Bee, holds an edi torial position. The announcement is made that two papers found rough sleding in Tryon. Polk county now has one' paper and it has a splendid plant. Some improvements in the paper are announced and we see no reason why an excellent weekly can not be turned out with the forces united. It has not been but a few days since the writer was in Tryon looking over the situation with a view to purchasing anl now we al most envy Editor y Little and his possibilities for doing good in the growing county of Polk. Hender sonville Democrat About four Inches of snow fell on Saturday and Sunday, most of it melted Monday except on the North ern slopes. ' : , Mrs Garrigues held her first class in sewing at the Graded School, Tuesday. All the girls over a .cer tain, age are being taught. Mrs Gar rigues goest to the school Tuesday's and Fridays. Now Prof Dennis is wondering what to do with the boys while the girls are sewing. If there could be a teacher of manual training provided or a teacher of , penmanship, lV wouM kelp- materially. COLUMBUS NORTH CAROLINA Five milea inland from Tryon over a beautiful scenic drive. County Seat, Columbus The High School closes on Friday, for two weeks vacation. . Ray Arledgel came home Tuesday to spend the vacation with his home folks. '. R L Hunter made a business trip to Landrum last Friday. . ' F M Burgess went to Greenville, S C, on. business Tue3day. Read and remember Sheriff Hill's i .otlce. vadv 31-4t. - Jonas Biddy was here from Red Mountain Saturday on his way from Saluda. Mrs Eli Shields spent last Wednes day and Thursday at Inman with relatives ana friends. Elias Cantrell . accompanied his son, Will Epps, to Spartanburg Tues day for the later to have his eyes examined by a specialist. -He has been having serious trouble with his eyes during the last week. Miss Nannie Runnion, of Red Mountain School vis ted her sister, Miss Carol on Friday and Saturday Miss Bertha Foster of the same school visited her cousin, Mrs Lind sey Smith' during the same time. Examinations are being held in the High School this weak. Nearly all the students are trying to finish up the fall term's work, tho several have been kept out on account of ill ness and extra work on the farm. The teachers' meeting last Friday was well attended. "TSeveral teachers were there for the first time this year. The general spirit of progress shown by the teachers this year is encouraging to all interested in ithe. educational work of Polk County, -andpeelally to. the superintendent who is laboring to keep in touch with every department of the work. Some good work , along the line of Moonlight Schools has already been accomplished. Columbus vicinity is enjoying one of the most lasting snows in several years, and some few citizens have found it necessary to spend more time than usual at the wood-pile. s Mr T F Williamson of Columbus, was called to Brookline, Mass, on account of the illness of his wife who was operated upon at a hospital there last Tuesday. When a Small Boy Washes. A boy was recently asked to give t description of water, and this is what he wrote: "Water is a white liquid which turns completely black the mo ment you put your hands in it." Additional Tryon News A new card club "was formed Tues day evening by - some of the young people in town to play Bridge every other Tuesday evening. The mem bers are dlyided into two sets and the one which loses at the end - of the season is to entertain the whole club. They will meet at tne nomes of the young ladles. The following are the members: Misses Jackson, Stone, Bell Frances Bell, Evelyn Little. Freeman, Janet Freeman, Hes ter and Messrs Andrews, Stone, Ford, Davis, Jackson, B L Ballenger, Jones Richard Ballenger. V - . "The Trumpeter's' - Pure Home made Candy on sale at the Library, Oak Hal!, Ballenger's and Missll dine's. Special orders with tastful gift boxes for Christmas, also taken either at place of sale, or address Miss G L Donald, Box 215, Tryon, N C, or phone 110. adv It pd. Mr and Mrs Richard Kirchner en- tertainedseveral of their " friends at their beautiful new home Wednesday evening, where many ' rounds of bridge were enjoyed, the follow.ng ladies' and gentlemen were playing; Dr and Mrs Grady, Mr and Mrs Bacon, Mr and Mrs Bray, Mrs Sharp, Mr and Mrs Stone, 1'. Mr . Brownlee, Mrs Campan, Miss Flynni B LI' Bal lenger, Mr and Mrs Holden, Mr I and Mrs Holmes, "Mrs Davis, Mrs Free man, Miss Freeman, Mrs Wilson, Mrs McNauton, Miss Buckley, - W H Stearns, Dr Palmer, delicious . salad coffee, cocoa etc, was served and al so punch. Mrs Grady and Mr Stearns won the first prize. After the cards dancing was Indulged into the wee sma hours, . ' Fine farming' section. Home of an excellent County Hih School. lolfc County Resolution of Sympathy j Whereas our Heavenly Father has seen fit to remove from the earth by death, the wife of our brother, S B Edwards, and whereas the mem bers of the Columbus Lodge desirous of expressing to him their sympathy Therefore, be it resolved, that the members of the Columbus Lodge, No 114, Knights of Pythias, through the undersigned committee, do ex tend to our brother S B .Edwards and his family, our most heartfelt sympathy during these hours dark ness and bereavement and may He who counts the sparrows as they far eer. protect his home and be a com panion to its occupants. jBe it further resolved that a cop of. these resolutions be spread upor our minutes, a copy sent" to thr home of brother Edwards and a copy sent to The Polk County News fo: publication. v If ; AY Arledge ', A L McMurray -"2 ' L II Cloud Committee. Red Mountain Probably some of your readers will beUnterested to know that ihe Red Mountain School, though far away, is very much alive and doing many things for the school building mprovement of the and play ground. On Saturday evening, November 20th, at seven o'clock, a merry crowd oi yoijng and old people met at the school house to partake of a pie sup per, The pies and a cake for the prettiest girl, sold well. The proceed amounted to twenty seven dollars arc eighty-five cents, which will be spent to make the school rooms more at tractive and more comfortable. Arbor Day was observed Friday Nov. 26th by the school. An interes -ing, but short program was given out on the play ground. Several . shade trees were planted, but most of the day was spent in digging up stumps and clearing out the under growth. The pupils and teachers feel amply repaid for their work by the im proved appearence of the campus We are planning numerous other im provements for our school, if success follows the planning, will send an ar ticle telling all about what we have accomplished. ' , Not Hard to Plcase. "De man Gat likes to hear hieClt talk," said Uncle Eben, "is mos' al ways mighty easy interested," A nice letter from Rev E N Joyner states that he and his litile house hold are well and happy at their home in Lenoir, where Mr Joyner is rector of St James church. Mr Joyner was formerly rector in Tyon and still keeps up hs interest in the place. Dr Simmons will be absent from his Tryon office for two weeks, re suming his days of Wednesday and Thursday,! January 5th and 6th. 32-2t The regular meeting of the Lan lex Club was held Thursday, Mrs Shan was to 4iave given a talk on her life in army camp-in the Philliplnes and Alaska but was unable to come at the last moment, so her , husband, Capt Sharp, USA, gave a talk on his experiences instead. It was one of the most delightful and informal programs the club ever had. After his talk, Mrs E E Missildine played four dainty piano pieces. Mrs Cobb and Mrs Reich served tea. Instead of a New Year Reception the club will celebrate on their Birthday, January 9th. Mrs Claud Ballenger. went to her former home, Troy, O, on Saturday keven.ng, on account or tne iuness and later death of her father, Walter Thomas. Mr Thomas was quite well known in .Tryon as he had visited his daughter frepuently here and he and his wife x were planning to come here this .winter. Mr Thomas was 76 years old , and was a well known lawyer in that part of Ohio, but had retired from active business several years 'ago. Eeside his wife he leaves four children, two girls and two sons He was a brother to 'Ca.pt. Thomas who lived in Tryon at one time and built the hcuse now owned by tne WasMmrns. SALUDA NORTH CAROLINA A quiet summer resort with 32 hotel and boa r din f houses. In the Land Mr and Mrs John Baumberger of Asheville spent the week-end with friends and relatives in Saluda. Miss Elsa 'Baumberger, formerly o Saluda now of Philadelphia is spend ing the holidays with her mother, Mrs Jules Baumberger. Read and remember Sheriff Hill's notice, adv 31-4t. Mrs J B Cullipher, Mrs W H Pace Mr and Mrs- E B Gtiice and Miss Lucile Garren spent Tuesday in Hen dersonville. ' . Miss Blanche Borrcns of Telford Tenn, is visiting Misses Nora and Lucy Brown. t Mrs R A Bishop and Miss Maud and Bertha Bishop spent Saturday in Spartanburg. v , S B Wilson spent the week-end at Brevard. Rev T C King attended the Baptist Convention in Charlotte, which he says a success in every way, and met many notable preachers of the South. t B S Aiken of Columbia S C, is spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr and Mrs W D 'Aiken. Mrs M M Pagan has returned from Walhal'a S C. Q C Sonner and E L Patterson at tended the Southern Commercial Con gress at Charleston this week. Mrs H B Lane is visiting friends and relatives in Charleston, this week. Mrs John T Staton, Miss Lola Staton and Edgar Barrett are visit ing friends and relatives in Alexand er, N C th e week: J f Mrs D S Hintoh spent Wednesday in Asheville. I , - :C G Kjng of Asheville and train master Southern Railway spent Tuesday in Saluda on official busi ness. Saluda will have a municiple Christ mas tree this ' year. It will be light ed with electric lights and have lots of good things on it for the children. The business men and all churches have joined hands to make it a suc cess. A program of music and reci tations will be given. The modern Woodman organized a camp here Thursday. Deputy Oldring of Asheville and Hendersonville camp installed the following officers: J B Cullipher VC, G R Little P C, R B Staton Advisor, J R Newman Bank er, J T Coates Jr, Clerk, L C Pace Escort, G Turner Watchman. Winter fn The Orchard (By, Nadine H. Morton.) .- The wintry wind passed through the orchard trees, The old wind tossed the branches bare and brown; The. little snowf lakes came upon the breeze i And fell upon the trees as - soft as down. i The trees are decked with fairy gar lands white; The wintry clouds throw shadows ov er all; ' And through the dark and dreary winter-night The snowflakes on the last year's stubble fall. And the pale-faced moon opened in the leaden sky To view the orchard with its blanket white; , And as he sailed above the earth so high ' The whole earth glittered in her light. Tax Notice The 1915 property and pole taxes for the Town of Tryon is now due and payable All back taxes must be paid by January 1st, or I will be compelled to sell as the law directs. W H McFarland, Tax Collector. 32-2t WEATHER REPORT For Week Ending December 14, 1915. Mia. Max. Dec 8 far 40 38 32 34 32 36 SO 58 58 56 34 46 50 48 Dec 9 fair Dec 10 fair, Dec 11 cloudy snow p m Dec 12 cloudy! Dec 13 fair ' ' Dec 14 fair . 1 Amonl the mountain tops. Climate and scenery unsurpassed. of the Sky Christmas Musical A Cshistmas entertainment worth hearing and seeing will take place at the Library Hall, Tuesday: even ing, December 21st, at eight o'clock. Miss. Susie Reese, professor of piano at the Due West Woman's College, who will be in town as a guest to the Jackson-Ellis wedding, has kindly consented to contribute largely to the mus'cal success of the entertainment. A great trear is promised to all music lovers in this proposed concert, as Miss Reese has made music, piano and vocal, her life work and has studied, with Josef Lehvinne, Ernest Hoffzimmer and Proschousky in Berlin. The entertainment will be under the auspices of the Saluda Dramatic and music club. Admission, 15 and 25 cents. Masonic Celebration Probably the best Masonic meeting ever held in Saluda was on last Fri day afternoon and evening. Five can didates were made Master Masons. The session began at 3 o'clock and at 6 o'clock adjourned to The Car olina Home, where an elaborate sup per was served by Mrs W C Robert son assisted by Mesdames J C Thomp son, J C Bushnell, R M Hall, E L Paterson, Fayette Thompson. Those in attendance from other lodges were: J H Blake, Charlotte; J C Snowden, Asheville; Jones J Darby, Gaffney S C; E J Rhodes, Hender sonville; E J Owenby and C H'Le land, McLellanviUe, S C; Z Y Searcy Rutherfordton; H P Corwith Rock ford, 111 and W H Bange, Atlanta. FISH, TOP J A Henderson and wife went to Hendersonville on business Friday. C C Jones visited his uncles, John and C C McMurray, of Fingerville, last Tuesday. Eight teams went to Saluda, from this section Saturday4 and came back! in the snow flurry. The snow was about 7 inches and holding on, waiting for more I sup pose. Charley Henderson and Doc Gil bert visited Posey Henderson a few days last week Miss Louisa Bowen attended the teacher's meeting at Columbus, Fri day last. D A Shields and wife spent a few days last week with kin folk, . W A Henderson and family. Fox Mountain School (Mrs J Wj Jack, Teacher) From November, 8 to December 10, 1915, total 5 weeks, the pupils pre sent every day, are: Mamie Jackson, 6th grade, Lama Jack 4th grade, Wade Whiteside Jack 3rd grade 3d grade Hugh Frank Whiteside 2nd gradevAlvin Pack 1st grade, Hen ry Pack 1st grade, Sallie Jackson 1st grade. 5 ' For week of December 6, to 10 the entire enrolment, 35 pupils, except one, were present every day. The first grade of twelve members, who merit special mention, were present every day and on time, Nicie Robins, Helen Partons, Lawrence Robins Nettie Partons, Albert Robins, Sallie Jackson, Alvin Pack, Irene Edwards, Henry Pack, Margaret ' Whiteside Beauford McCraw, Annie May Mc Craw. Lynn Honor Roll 6th grade: Will Connor, Fay Ran dall, Bertha Hood, Burrena Fowler. 5th grade: Amanda Alewine, Artis Ballard, Ruppy Capps, Clyde Metcalf, Grace Panther, Ophelia Thompson. 4th grade: Gladys Foster, An entertainment will be given by the Lynn School, Wednesday, Decern ber 22, at the schoo house, beggin ing at 7:30 p m. The program con sists of Dialogues, Recitations, Songs and Bible selections. There will be a Christmas-tree loaded with pre sents for the children who have been In school. A nice time is expected Every, one Invited. , ' Subscribe for The Newt, -Li r