' .v-"-- W V" V'VSZV7Z. - v ' -;-?vZ '"- '". f ;. - ' ": '' " ''-'" '''".."--' ;'.-V-: " ' ; A----': ; ' ' Z'- ' "-'' " - ' : - . i - ':' ' - "- '-' ; ' '. C '-':'i : Zs- -v : -"v- V;i::--?'-"':')v'.--A--'A ST'!.-'- "V-: ;?."V;'r i--"- s- '' - LI " - A':liyiCl22ii INewspper: VOL. XXIII NOb35 s-. Sit: ' '-r if- r ' ; ' i. J;, i i. :, ' ''.'A - T 1.50!A YEAR a 1 f. 3 a !3r Hi I 5 mm I'll F 1 B 1 xai8 jqy tcreduce the consumption of PftTTrnPfl R;'?feiS.--S'Si ?;::f:p?naH t'iVW"i-'''-s' ' ' " - - -: -i - - " - - i e ? a : yyitoods 4pRetber-tIf e - gospel pf. the: Clean-! Every V Patriotic American - KouhGld! Urged to Ob feerv3 roriaess'JLPay.: IIIUIMf BI - III ; . ' I I i fi 1 F i fi 11 nl'r:fl K f 111 WTO-B-8mni " pt.-:smaU;p.ortiQxii: f-i; U Unl I U U I 11 If i 11 It itsipurpos: sec?ie - a justl distrife THIKGS ;NEi3l)S3Dy2TIdK5; U1 ie;jpnces." vine onraing f 3 ! SAE AIID'SUBSTITUTE? c -SAiraHSEBBRT H0OVE1R 1 At Least One Meatless ' arid : WheatiessiMsalJEaclj. is : Esquested in ;j Statement From; Mr. v Ho over Vital Suggestions Given t Food Instruction 1 Card; for Every Household w Entire) Stated i7 '" 't- ' Ralei?h-pecVw22.--Thei State jSbpd Administration has 3ust.let contracts v forlth e printing fif, 400,000" supplei&en- tary home -instrtietionv cards J to bevdis-i 4 ;"; trltrated one for each housahold in the . - . : ri i j . mi , eiuue Btaie. - ins issuance .or, xne30 Ted by the increased ;seriousness of the ' ;food situation in Europboth from" the 'fi Jy; napoint'of military necessity- and ; " f of die .'relief fr: hundreds v. of J;, thou- sanos or. njuropeans vno are tnreaten cd ; with, starvatiorjc unless" immediate I relief can.be' given them, ' from access ; to more remote 'markets beyond the'.demands . of tbei Allies th e fpi- la a vnkl t iinonTi a hir the 7frf end lv cailstor a : brHess! 'day each weals in addition to J'Meatless": and Wheat less" days, and for a wheatless nd meatless meal each dayt'TjMcoii sumer is urged to use. sugaron abasis of not more than three pounds per per son per month.' Mt Hoover; on one side of the card, frankly and impress sively presents the food situation a a it i. ;v";'o; "As a nation we eat and. waste 80 per cent more protein than we .require Jo maintain health," the directions' de clare.' "Therefore, we can reduce the amount of meat we eat ' without harm. We eat and waste 240 per-cent mora fat than is necessary." " What Is ' Called for Now. y" Aside frftm the general ; directions contained in the first home instruction card the new card asks everyone o maintain rigid economy of at legst QNE WHEATLESS day eaeh week and one WHEATLESS MEAL each day,' the wheatless day TrJte Wednes day. By wheatless we mean to eat no wheat products. v " ; ONE MEATLESS DAY each week, which shall be Tuesday and one meat less meal each day: By meatless 'we mean to eat no rod meatr beef, "pork, mutton, veal, lamb; no preserved meat beef, bacon, ham or lard. ONE rOIlKLESS day each week in 6 dditlon to Tuesday, whichTshall " be Sn today. - By ptfrkiess we mean no fresh .-.or salted pork, " bacon, lard .'; or SUGAR fYcu can materially reduce mzzx ny reducing theTuse of candy and sweet drinks. We will piake ev ery endeavor .to see that the country is provided with supply of household Bugar on the basis of three pounds of sugar for each person per- month. Do not copsunje more.' i Ve Are a Vasteful People. Human foorlstnff.3 comprise thre principal .elements :-; ' -:. . j. , PROTEIN : Mainly present in meat, . beans, fish, poultry, milk, and to some extent in grains.' ..; ';;:':-; FATS ; Tha t "is, butter cream, lardn bacon, margarine, cooking fats, beans",; cotton seed oil and other vegetable 3 orae 1 ts .is i of . of 3 rl lot sra t tl thered 3 O arCrrssponJei - : eciin of pblfc Covmty i ; j - "ISII TOP. r-utu new. yearscjpens4is;Djiei.:ca- Tryon'is ; badly) ill' ireedf of a;tf & ;4'64e;aX9.jse;nd'..; ;".-S-';.pib i l saiids'- mcreaBS the demands luponk our: lip-Tbthjfjg "vBO-niuicu3i,r mvttH ioc cars ana aireaav. oecausA a w.iie(t-iii ut.ui jui...uPf pi our military dmandsi it is; with ex ir erris;diffculty :vecan now) inove tlie vitally necessary food to market. ' ?)hera4slnuchji insidious propaganda j ply bimmg to $ boast - offtji in; the country !affnst conervatJoniuilcii and)-Increa&id production.- AH oppo- I lNext, 5acient attchtion is h6&foM? suion io Jtnese services is direct- as-; sistancevtd the enemv. I iv Sxfei .jj;' r.,v--.--' .i;vV;r; 1 iiig.in: lrycnunertningcespecjaif t ? - Tne.)Situatton Gravet" . . acedeci is a' co'ntfort statioii f or tha : ?. Vr.:'iv:i''-H people .filets should r be' provided; a message t to . those who have signed t:ne pieagevtara- or ne Food Aamims tration.It :is)jttslfollowsV v l:S) To Members of the tfnited States Food : , Admiplstratfoh: . ; - ' '' The food situation in Europe Is- far grayer than- when thepseliminary. suf -ySy; of Tthe food tsuppty of the; world for this year was made.' We have an abundance for ourselves, and : it is the Ann policy of the Food Administra tion, by. the prevention . of exports, to retain for our people an' ample supply I of every essential, foodstuffs V The hair--. yeasts of bur; Allies Jiave proved less than we had, contemplated $nd -the great )curiallmenCoff shipping ,by , the Submarines during": the Jast few months J has ffurtherfpVe vented J them ,: For a Icnrcoiitmuca cold ss;U. tlrs ioids ilie record for many years." 1 "is weather makes us think of 'the. Mohammedan hell, i a place of ice and 'old. north, winds." : - ; .- " Some are" not 'done. 'sratherin. rnrn and the: prospects are that it-t will be aorne tune before they are, as the ;and on whicE itJsis rough and cov ered with snow, and Jce. , V ;Davld Morrison ; and f amilv visitSd ;Che; singing ;:)sb!iq6l' ic- gaiiig;. Tight along with a good attendance. ; Posey' Henderson asd Thomas Pace are. having a)rongh; job, fper Henderson-'s house, this week. . A Happyew Year tO;the NEWS its many . friends. ; 1 iinumese can De. put in- ior yex$mi :is)iio ttWr)toiM'iiivii ifidhaverto iniliiiUfXii. 7t p$3gi:?M e kiow that ;the; WJi cf . -xfm . ;iiave; Had tthJs.ihati,!5 xn&& ioitgi deration for tsoT-peitmie ,5iililtt ibt ait for tfe;lahcir)thatov :,his r)utt& ardsfwith ufBdent ilutciincr ixacli Vlvoti does not receive 'the icoujiisi jaculcthat shershculd.dfas enutk d W pst 'us 3 pro vide jjthese;-i i4 rtsvsi- snow them; that '11 ryon wan a- hoi t healthy. improve'nti&Uhe.dlu i comitryvtrade o6'hol.i 4f. feiiast 1-' but not 1 cast la ttf itt bii r- cannot" at Jeast in "part respond to these neutral calls, starvation! on an unparalleled - scale must ensue, V; Greater ISaprlfice Net!essary.; .'"- '.;. .;.; - ;: . f '; -. ) Food has now taken a "dominant po sition in the warK and' we must ask the : American people to sacrifice far more than, was at first thought neces sary. We have exported the whole of the surplus of the Wheat from this harvest after reserving to ourselves an amount sufficient for our normal con sumption ; of A seed and flour, until the next harvest, and therefore the amount of wheat, flour that the United ; States can contribute to mix with the war bread of our Allies during this winter will be simply the amount; that our j people reduce their consumption month by month. . In other words, ev ery grain of wheat or its products that the Allies, receive from the- United States jrom now until the next harvest will be exactly the amount which our people bave saved each mpnth on their behalf. ..Vv r,-v: "' 'X-';; ;"' The Allies today ask for '25 per cent more meat and fats (pork, dairy prod ucts and .vegetable oils), than we con sider our monthly production permits, us. to send them without trenching on ftr r.wTi . RnnnHes. or. on the others W fc ' ' ' ' - T ' . W. I hand, unless we can'sonsume less. Due ; -: f to the Shortage in shipping, our avails able sugar supplies mustbe.less thans normal from, the present time forward . Every Particle Saved Vil I Count. Thus every particle of diminished cons umption by th e Ameri can peopls is one particle mora for the. soldiers, . men women and , children cf - our - Al lies and for -the starving people in oth-' er countries:"" This is a personal obli gation upon every ione of ua toward some individual abroad .who "will u- fer privation to the extent of our own individual negligence. I -elitit-byi consulting )the-gove-e tatistics;;Practicallyt all' tlid-clit(Af -icu liroouin varoima, ana mat state jets the credit of , having -produced nany Laics of cotton . that were; rais ed in Polk cojunty. Thousands of dol ;ars go outside t Polk county 'every'' year that should be spent in the coun ty. It? is no uncommon sight" during the cotton season to see wagon loac" after . wagon load of cotton pasv through 'i'ryon and go on to ; point, n Spartanburg county,- S.C, to : b ginned and there" sold. Of course the arnier does his trading in the toyi .fhere he disposes. of his cotton. Thii s really a big item, and should re vive the earnest attention of Tryo; merchants. V ; ,.;. , .";-; -:;; ; Ml o the! above items can easily oe secured by Tryon if we go abdu -t. They all-come under the jurisdic tion of the Tryon Board " of Trade. tVhat,will you do about it gentlemen ? NOTICE , TO SUBSCRIBER. . We have to raise " a considerable iMm of monev Within the nAct 'vffiW lays. . If- we can . collect what our ubscribcrs owe "it .-will tide us ovei ill right. Look at your address slip t.wiil tell you ! when your subscri f .on expi red. . Kindly. ' remit, , ' as w " aust have the money. : -"' '"' ; Mr Trotzky: appears to be surprised that the Germans) are " not living up to the Jcrms of tlie armistice, and arc transferring large .bsd""es of ; troops from the east to the west fronts. ' Mr; Trots:ky.may:: beurprised, for' that about as muclisensky; as - you cculd expect from Sucha poor"; excusiky) of a tnansky. ;,;u County TRYON ROUTE. 1. ents Fr oca Var iou Christmas - was spent rather qruct lyin .our vicinity.-" Many attended church while others visited friends and relatives. . - - ;.-'-?'-'--" Mr. Oscar, Allen, of Va and sister Johnie and husband,, of Okla., are visH iting relatives in Polk. "" i ' ; A rMr. Joynef" and son, of Ashevllle, will help Mr. Kice erect" his -.new dwelling. : " . ). -:Yr: -"';.; - Mr. Halford a?jd family will move onto the v farm of Mr. Rice, Shortly- ; Master Hugh "and Miss Laura Jack, spentv)Chnte the xhildren of "Mr) Tayor Whiteside. . '-h ;More than 1 a ; million pounds ; of Ch'ristnfas' '.jcJieer lias" be-n tent to the Sammies -eer theit1' Sajita;:,,un dbubtedlyipeifoiTnfd Ida duties 'well.- Guess he felt he must do his' part to winthis -war ." ;: :;,:; Santa did not forget our mail . man. He was seen delivering a gift to ram surprised Mr. and. Mra. G. C. Ffagsi:, . on the night of tlie 27th of Deccn -ber, with musical) instrufchte :ar; iv treated them to an old-fa-hioBcd -'sc: ; enade in honor of the anniversary )c Mrs reagai's birthtlay They; weiv all invited ki and a number cf tho"; " presented Mrs Feagan with tokens cr irieridship. -; Services held at the church her, on Christmas day. ;;;;');;; '"' -;'': : 1 oh , Christmas day. ; 8 1 No mere old Englah.l will they s -2 Those men who die - for you. ant' rnc.- , v ) So lone and cold iticy lie; but we, ) , ; ), We sulMiave iife;v: slill itfay'ri-i'et ... Our pleasant f.kncsu home and street; ; , We still have life, are ablest - ,)To climb ihe turf ol Signer Hill, ,.; ).' " To see the placid sheep go . by, " To hear t;:e sheep dog's eager cry, To feci the sun to ta'sle- the rain,) " - r To smell the au u nn's scents'again ))Benath.dje)pTOnTaud gold and red ) Which Octobers brush has spread,) ) - ? To hear the' robin in the lane, ';)): O 5 e o , .; u MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. ') "' Mr. Lad Lewis of Oklahoma, is vis iting his people here, at this writing. - Mr. Henry Lynch and family re turned home -Friday, after spending ' a few days with Mr. Hind Mrs. Robert Gibert.-; . ;..,..;; ;. -?;;:fc';;.:',-;;-l;:.-' Mr. Bert Edwards made a business trip to ; Rutherf ordton Saturday. - ':- : Mr. Jim i?gerton was on route ; 2 Christmas "day. - ' . );;:; : ;. -Misses Mossie-and Dorcas Edwards visited the Misses Williams Thursday and Friday. ;; Report a golly good time. : ? "..;;.l ) vt')i;!."-) '. . Wonder whai has , become T or )biir -near Millv-Spring - correspondent ? -1 Miss Penola ; Williams and Mr.-IIar- ry- Bennett were married Saturdays. We wish them much joy and-a pros perous, new year. - i;;;;.;; ) Miss Bessie Mills was the guest r-T Miss Mossje Edwards Friday and Sat urday. k-pte;. ;)iV .:;v;.' '.- Mr. Frank Frea spent several-days ) with Mr. Lewis; Mills,. last week.. . . A company of young people had a good time, serenading, Friday " ni glit. We wish the - NEWS and all ito many, friends a happy, ahdi prosperdua ; new year. . '-.;'''-.:n';-'."-i;;'"-i''' :);:;:)"'' PEA RIDGI. v. " ' S s o - ?- & . '4' To look;;uponjl.Eiigiisirsky t f ' So youngthey vvere. so .strong and well, - ; ::r-f: ; -r. o -v ,:. '' )' ' . .f'i.:i 1l L:..r f!TJ. .: ' v : I'--: , : " "S en O II s s 9 0 o 0 ' CI wan we l.caihot j risk the collapse of another of . our 'Allies from this same cause. There is) no vaste . of fooi amQiig any of our Allies there is the most drasjtic reduction in' their- eon-. jBumptionthere !;if . actual):; privation )apiong their women and .children; ;)there is starvation ? in Belgium.-;; ,J - ' Prcbiem for Indiiddual. .j WflVavWraifedvi issued'a "sexierCo! , f If v we - are) to '"reducev theconsump-; ' 9 ' tv,a few nrnducts . which we should export: abroad We;wiU need to;;r - "-r i ,Wo-nronnrti6n .- of many dif-- that is npw hanging in over - ten; vail; ferent foodstuffs which: we : cannot ex. lions , of ;homes)These: .. suggestions noft and' which we have at home) For have already, shown -important, results, "r . ttot. -kta'p ,rfoti AMV onwift Vhpss We now add others; ;Tne this reason we muo w - ? . . - . r; oils Until the bitter sumnxns fefl- Too ycung to. die. .. -, -" Yet there on foreign soil they lie, So pitiful, with glassy eye ; " And limbs. all tumbled anyhow; Quite finished, now. -On every heart- lest we forget' Secure at home--engrave this debt! Too delicate is the flesh to be .' The shield that nations .interpose ) Twixf red Ambition and his foes The bastion of Liberty. - So beautiful their bodies were, Built with' so exqVlsite a care; So young and ht and lithe and fair.) The very flower of us were they, ) The very Bower but 'yesterday.: ; . 2 Yet now so pitiful they lie, V - ); J- Where love of countiy bade them hie To fight this 'fierce Caprice and die. "- - ' ";; ' : )''; :') . ' -; ''' ' '' ' ; )And some leave wives behind) y)u'ng wives Already some hive launched new liver, : A littledaushter, IKtle son ;; - For thus this'blundering Avorfd goes on. But never more wjh any see .- "The old secure f ejicitv);.)):' :i. v; ); The kindaccses that njads lis gFad,. .")'.- ; Before the world went mad." ;)-). ; ) They'll nevdr hear other bird, ; . ;. Another gay or loving word; ' , " Thoe nien "vvho lie so ceid and lone, S Farin a ecu :!iy;nct iher own; .Tbo e men vyiuj died for you and me, THat Etiland sliH nught shtkered:be v.). '. .) ' -And';aii:::6-j r )iv es" ?q ' 'n . the . sme)j O CI o u & Ci 5 ' Mr. A. F. Corbin ) is visiting ) in Georgia. .; ; ;i: i'Zv;;.;:);; : ; Messrs: "Calvin; "Oscar," Jim, Tom) and Elijah Philips visited the, boys at Camp , Sevier; last week.- ); . r; - Mr. Logan Gibbs and.. family . have " moved near ' Spartanburg. - ' Oscar Philips and family are. vis- . iting i the former's father; Mr.W. HI '5 Phi rips.' ' ). "::;; ) f ;' ;: . ';-., ;,; :-))-:,; t. :. Mr. Sam Gosnell and family are visiting friends ' and - relatives:- - Mr. Garfield Pritchard" .was - happi ly married, to Miss Katy fjdiiey, of Tryoni; lastFriday. j ;We-jlylW them1 ; a happy dife. --V'i- lp. l:'M:' Johnie Daltpn ;lefuior)yalast TItll;Rdavi :':r-;',.i4s;":..; '; a; , r-:. ' SLefeThomps SHgfttth sairs? as.hOTnasoraar -Miss Grade ;Arlede:e snent the week end ; with her .- sister,- Mrs. Jesse Splawn.'rz'Z'; ';.-;:?;i:c;7;'V,;-;': Miss Iva Gosnell left ' Friday, to at tend school at Green's Creek. . . , ' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Phillips spent Saturday night with. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Thompson. - .' Ernest ; Smith, from - Campobello, has been visiting ? for the past 1 week. We wish to correct a mistake that appeared in last week's issue. It was ; Mr. and not Mrs. Marvin Hall. : Miss Bessie Mills spent Wednesday night with Miss Annie Mills. : , Messrs. Calvin -and Oscar Philip:. visited their uncle, Mr. E. G. Thomp son, Sunday. ' .. .. POLK (BOUNTY . RED CROSS. - s. c O mmy my:c.''-y-,, ;,-. ;" .-v v ;; ej;:.; ;f Q '-;."; rj- '""' :W:-y 'i y-yyy'' OZvv ;.;:;;. 0-:"i :;-Z;.: ii' Z;. - ; or-- ;. ; ' ?'vy?; .(Aljh'oygh todivsrliro ash an t-. ; i ; '- -i; -" ;;'.-'"' t" : ;- ;' 1 o o .8 o s o t$ MELYIN HILL. Very cold weather prevailed bre last' Saturday night,:, and Sunday mnrriinirj-Tbe thermometer ipgister bdrtwo degrees lowzero,) anoTftc told was accompanied Dy mutu . p -SiKrs Martha) Sanders spentt the hol idays with her daughterhere. t A-0rro . Hme.- with errppe. "V "Z T,--aa Mrs- fid States1 to ea rnererore. we can ; for ooa-neau 4 j1,,i.A:,(iflf-,-fnnii; --ltmeat r. liaim. . ; ; j every aioui -- nn f lwsa; , , RecesHiile3;. .In' thla winter. : We eat and waste fat than is necessary. foodstuffs A greatl many individuals ) problem of saving", in food is. a ndcal 4 ,Tv nnrmlation eat Tar more ioya - anQ-jumvui SyiiS, rr - w-eS to maintain their else and 'demiite)ruleS)Just toall can: CARBOHYDRATES: Grains, sugar, health and strength,' In this'emeren- not be formu atert..; it.is a mauer lor potatoes, and other vegetables. ' 1 only the simplest of . living i patri-, the; conscienticiis. consideration of ev- As a nation we .eat and waste 80 per oL e want no person in he Un cent more nrntPtn ti,9n wa ,ono tn ! ciotP-rn eat lesa than is required 'eat .only, that whkh s necessary to -"xwn ucaua. rnererore. we can ror ooa-iicivu v. ---- ---- w v . A rttfr fftnii :..t, i.;tj iuv leonesthasZbeen, fpver for some time, but it is 1 that several cases of t " . thA row tumi. ni c, iik .caLcvt -j ".-," . e- ' - v , - . - Of the carbohydritesSwe ca Just :cl00 wen consume corn, oats and other UH? cereals as wheat and.We.haye.abund-) we must twt OTek SeWM:Yg? l supplies of potatoes ; and;.yegeta- Russia . collapsed ; not, jtWor iS e business here, ,; -. ;i : -;' Z-..L Germans. - on -berv-prn a nnn Warvav. A; r-:'Z ; ;Z Donot 1 mit-your..uppUe8)bf : - r evw7 rt7 mue many can eat les, natfonkl necessiU'es. ,:ln tbla winter scaTkt fever for 240 per cent more ' substitute of 1918 te)tbeM K '.-i-:;ta11 p tlie fewthaf are)V-be teaitftgi . ' - . : i nth crv foodstuffs for tne -.tua-.. . ? -i.- -,.fv,. T,rtf-.oct vist ab ties. and table butter, but cqniu Administratloa . town several times, dast weeic He visi ted several homes, also went sere- nadi ner. . ; 5-Z ;.-.;" . ;v ,. -. Mr, and Mrs Ed Johnson spent the holidays with kmf oiks "here, i j . un The chapter finished ut the vear b shipping, on December 31st, three boxes, containing ; three hundred anti fifty five-yard gauze rolls, and one box containing nearly two thousand miscellaneous hospital dressings. . . , 1 he newest branch, that m Green's Creek township, has sent in. a fine lot ' of bandages of various kinds. These were part of the shipment to which contributions were made .by all the The following letters have been rc ceivfed in acknowledgnient of tbo Christmas -packages shipped from th;: Polk county chapter,- containing gift.; from Saluda, Columbus and Trvon: )Z - Camp Hancock Ga. Dec. 15, -1917. ' I was pleased indeed with the con - tents of thepackage I received froi your organization. I was unable to find the jndividualv . donor's ;p'ame about the contents, so I will have to thank the Polk county chapter as a whole for what 1 bave received. , ; - New Year's greetings from . -; ; .. ; Amb. Co. 112. - Many thanks; for ; package. KnevZ you expected it : to go- to our "Over- . seas Forcer andT too, wish they Han received it. Best wishes for the com ing year h Z, Headquartrs Co. )..'; ;" - .; ' 188 F. A.''. .,:;.:;' v.v - ' Camp Wheeler, Gr Camp Wheeler, .Macon Ga Dec." 25 , The Polk Co. Chapter Red Crosse ; Tryon, N. C : y : ; ',Mt" Dear 'Friends: i? ?-;--rZ;;-:z; .Z I wjll try to show, my approciati by writing; this) letter-5ocn aftir rc ceiying your-nice l'i.ttie : present', gi en out to U3 ;by burfriends, the MJ' C.r A. ? It; makes tus feel gbo'd) i know", we have friends, think: of us b sides home 'folks, for we could not g home Tfor Christmas, and ;t took r ! the power on a fellow to fight oil th; blues so I; thank you all very ruci for helping)to make i pur Christzaar happy . , - Your friend. 7 Corp' BatE) m F ATN. V; The city of Lrpool" sutetit tec from - Mr. andMrs. Kil patrick who went from here to Texas a few weeks aero, that when they; got there they were met by a "norther". It's our opinion that ) old Mr. Is orther would have been met here bad theyiremain ed in North Carolina., ; The largest hog butchered -here this .winter belonged I to Mr. J. W 1- I I- Z 1 J nil.:nnnla intho Wre weather -also manv i .some -tomatoes were grmvn 1c mg. .-f?v!?-l eal e ' aiSOL y elass instead of flowers as, heretofore. Mr. Tilden Higgins has bought the tjon'of people who are doing as much Ti G. Randolph property,;; and has as Did England is in the way of ij co jnoved .in." - ; . I "conservation ? : We certainly are Zad School "was resnmed There. Monday that we have England and Franc af morning. . " ' allies in this struggle instead of .jz ' A party of fifteen or more persons) tria and Germany. ) )Z. . : ! 'clrrvsanthemums, with the T23ub "Zha 0,000 pounds of rthe lusciou?, wh:le waste any.