ii. - POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON. N. C. fee -from our list, xms, i0 uiC droPlr vou will receive. ujfcvv- Q T?e Wilcox was the guest oi IMiss friends last Saturday S ,U; five days and Monday Wne ZLr was observed m lryon vlTrThraul, of Detroit, Mich., Mrs- Ar her sister, Mrs. K. Cx. the rrvon. PT, '-Francis Osborne, Rev- iU' i Raleieh. was Ws !"w while, Wednesday. , V 10,m find on display a nic line Tott.'" Xa. hats in Mrs. Rhodes' ey' fi nnH spp them. Over illinery- " rS s L Jj v, snow and the horses, ?Wy had the sleighs there would ltowy , nt, mie'htv fine CIV . - " O of St. in our a w VP uec" SfJ TT.i rnniunidn 7:30 a. m.: , 'i m-nn a. n Morn- prayer amii!-" r" - . ; K nai suddIv was reinforced fkbv "two car loads. Coal is i ine to be one of the precious 'lin8 i ovVivnl anvwhere cre- incrais. n es a sensauuu the onmna , contrihnffti-o1' l -.! SwViTT.t " Ti3v "u'v, never been available, afeohie 4 of themgavc1 anonymously," but all must rejoice in tK6 sttccesslnf. the, bath chAu f daily, in increasing numbers, pyxr Solf qiers nna ' reiresament and renewed energy. ' f ; '- ' - Tryon had a fire scare last Monday. The alarm was sounded and it was reported that the home of Mrs. Le count was on fire. A larere mwH i fc nfediately went to the fire9 but. for tunately at was only a chimney burn ing out and no damage resulted. The same day a smiall blaze started at the home of Mr. J. N. Jackson but Mrs, Jackson called for Mr.-Jackson who went home and extinguished the blaze before any damage much result ed. - ' State Food Administrator, Henry Page, is after the food hogs, who are determined to secure what they de sire, paying no attention to the rules laid down by the food-administration. One of the latest rules is that no one family is allowed to have more than five pounds of sugar in its possession. Merchants are complaining that many people go from store to store, purchasing ' the maximum amount wherever they can. Mr. Page says that a strict watch is going to be set, and any such -person caught at this practice will be given the full penalty which is a fine of $5,000 or two years in the penitentiary. Better be decent about this matter. By request of Dr. and Mrs. Grady, uaptain bpencer assigned four khaki boys to dinner at their house Sunday, ieedless to say that they promptly mjle let alone three miles." He was iifvrvrtj I a I -".pmuw! oaiuua ana are worK- I?fv lightning flashes soon prov- jng this way. No doubt but fiat as ea tnatt was thunder and not guns, soon is the weather opens up rin the .nuiv I sfhuk wwia. ux reconstruction wiil De started- . ' . ' ' jf not ey made t 'thunder and guns te noise. Somebody has remarked on the strange mix-up of, this war year. French and English fighting side by side; American soldiers cheered as they marched along London streets; the great! protestant nation, Germany, and the great Catholic nation, Austria uniting with the Turks,, to slaughter their fellow Christians. Tryon the jther-day had a hint of oddity in this combined! January thunder and snow storm which was mistaken for the ar tillery, practice that is intended to sill the Germans. . U.vc trOm lilt VUIIUVJ wj. Mo., in traimus . 3Deyea orders, and attacked, captured L-vinir their home paper regu- I ATifi r.y.riA vmv Vmcfocc'c i-.7f 1 ,-t-i-n tr ram tike - - f u fhrouch the generosity ol a My iftrout" f thir town. Edward Emerson ar- and interned their hostess's lay-out, as they hope sometime, to eat up the ,rominentciuD -woman WV" Huns, when they get "over therL" w and Mrs. tawaro ameiswi n- Airs. Kicnard veroeKe also entertain- otTQ-nfVi iricif tn I 1 a rr ai a ai Li Kp their Sixui vi osuw - i ounuay w&u xu any uiau tney en- nn -i. niUCIl rtpkitwui.vv. v-"i"f" I 1UVCU U1C1USC1VC6 WUU1U LKS I1U IltJWS Lurt to tne aut-iAAv-i-iviio i i me menus ui aiis. v eruese. as fitlu r v 1 u j av,: l ii jilt: nevci uues tunica uy naivca. Mr. J. B. Gray, farm demonstratoi :.'or Western North Carolina, was in iryon iuesday, and while here ap pointed the following named parties to look after applications for nitrate of soda, for Polk county: B. L. Ballen .jer, lryon, chairman i H. P. Corwith, ialuda; it, has Cantrell, Green s Creek j. ri. Oibbs, Mill spring; t. M. bur gess, Columbus. All farmers or ruckers desiring nitrate of soda will nake application to this committee. The U. S. government has purchas- jd 100,000 tons of nitrate for distri bution to American farmers, and will jell it at $75.50 per ton f. o. b. sea iort. .-Farmers will, in addition, be ompelled to pay freight from port f arrival and the State fertilizer tag fee. Mr. O. S. Bird of Rickshaven, gave as a call last Monday. Mr Bird says ,he cold weather has made no mater- al change in the plans lor making iickshaven one of the most populai esorts in this part of the State. .hey are now ready for business. iickshaven possesses all the desirec jonvehiences, such as steam heat. .ooms with private baths, etc. Just as weather conditions will permit a telephone line will be run to the hotel. the postoffice of Stearns is now lo cated in the hotel, and mail is receiv- d daily, so that they have all the ne- essities desired along that line. ;WViot7q will nn Hnnht nrnvp VllI.OliAA V Vii ..111 iiW w . w m ery popular resort for motoring par ies next summer, as it will be a most a small boy from Michigan, who lad learned the nMes ol tne in. . ren, last year wvuwju 1S- . - A-.n-r.A;,. Kii-rJ ucnin this leanng me ear. Oh, roomer, macs va- llina bpeciai. Francis Bover well known to ted Cross circles in Tryon has accept- lvv- i J ...... II nnil -r a the appointment anu wm tc ahout the first of. February L has been "commissioned a captain the Red Cross worK. It is said that the snowfall is of W benefit to growing gram crops, klso will be of benefit to tne sou next rop season, biaa to Know iu we magir.ert that all it was .good for Jvas to increase tne saie ex - wuuu iiiu oaL Mrs: Itet jens, who was a visitor to rvnn. last winter, is well known as sne of the promising young poets of he west. ihe pretty "Fancy Fair- was recently published in tne kagazine of which she is one of the Jeditors. Our Fishtop correspondent says we ave btii favprecL with seve snow- alls in Polk county this winter up to nd including last Sunday so the one .Monday makes eight, or ebout eleven ore than was desired by a great any people hereabouts. Mr. J. D. Beveridge, one of Tryon's Canadian soldiers, repeated his narra tive of his trench experiences, m Asheville, Iuesday evening, ine au dience. the Citizen reports, was - m The national government is dis couraging all travel not absolutely necessary on account of congested freight traffic This winter mature Jias aided the scheme for Tryon peo ple, oy Drmgmg at least Alpine ice and snow landscapes to their very doors. : O A blinding mid-Jaunary- snow storm and all day thunder and light ning storm last week shows what Tryon can do when it tackles the ele ments. The Tryonite I quoted last week as saying that this isn:t Try m's winter climate tbut only its sum mer weather bracing up 'for next summer evidently knew what he was talking about. In his poem pf "Paradise Lost," Milton makes Satan say in welcoming iiimself to his infernal regions, "hail, horrors, hail!" What would he have said had there been snow and rain and thunder and lightning as well as .tail, as there were in Tryon a few lays ago : I am told that the French officer Arho recently talked of his military .experiences so interestingly, was him self much pleased with conversations in his native tongue with French .peaking l .Tryonites I understand hey all spoke like a native some vike a Frenchman; others like native American. A humorous Tryonite aade a noise that I thought sounded ike French. And I told him when ver he tried to talk it, he thought he French fellow didn't understand lis own language. , ADAM JAY WALKER. o Report of the Condition of the CAROLINA STATE BANK d Saluda, in the State of North Car tlina, at the close of business Decem ber 31, 1917. . RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $27,673.27 Overdrafts unsecured .... 213.94 United States bonds on hand, Liberty 100.00 All other stocks, bonds and ' and mortgages 4,750.00 Banking house $1250, furni ture and fixtures $1200 2,450.00 All other4 real estate owned 301.57 Demand loans 2,500.00 Due from National banks.. 2,397.60 Due from banks and bank ers Cash items Gold coin jilver coin, including ' all minor coin currency. National bank notes and all other U. S. notes.,.. Collections ;. . . started at Saluda and areffwork- j In this connection the gooc news comes that-through the effortsTof the road commissioners an .additional sum of $4,000 has been secure from the United States Government o help in the work. " 5 ' 'Mr. W. T. Lindsey, presidentHof the commissioners tells us that a oad is under construction from Pri'stol, Tenn., to MaVion, N. C, andon to Rutherford county, and that ihe en gineers are anxious that Polk bounty extend the road from Lvnn to ISolum- .bus, Mill Spring and to the ftuther- ford county line, where it wogild in tersect not only the above mentioned line, but another trunk roadl from Morristown, Tenn., Asheville, d on to Charlotte. No doubt but that the voters of the townships- whisbthis road would pass in Polk couifty will have a chance to vote on this -Opposition. ... j : Polk county is so situated that if the proper efforts are used fire will be placed on three or four may oi good roads from northern; to the sea. I n lines points IsThere An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home it Important Discoveries. Cheapened metallurgical processes will probably make available as. new materials a number of- metals now lit tle known. Magnesium f'r instance, is likely to become one of the com mnn metals very soon. OPEN AIR SCHOOL, A home and day school for girls of all ages and very young boys. Miss Edith Moultrie Thurston, Tryon, North Carolina. . T. W. BALLEW FRESH AMD SMT MEATS, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Prompt Service and Reasonable Price . TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA. !1 is Price $ 4.50 30 Days Free Tri'jil Guaranteed For : il 0 Years I IRYON ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY S Sell oKBo$& ANYTHING! Carry in stock all weights of I Beams, Channels, Angles, Plates, Concrere Bars, Plain Rounds and Relay Rails. Facilities foi-punch-ing and cutting. Large stock of black and galvanized pipe. High est prices for Hides, Skin, Wool Tallow, Beeswax ar.d Metal or Rubber Scrap. S. STERNBERG & CO. Asheville, N. C. Ask the Who fit Mae nows He will teH you that there is no easy road to success and wealth You must get into the game and fight your way foot by foot and have back of you a DEPENDABLE BANK. j e are read to ive the ' right sort ofi man "a lift" to better himself. I Eg I IB I. I M I 507.65 24.49 140.00 1,125.89 1,699.00' 60.00 terested and thrilled by, his descrip- jharming trip from Tryon and Salu ia, to go up there, have dinner and ,-eturn home in the evening. We vish Mr. Birtl full success m this ven ture. o- CARD OP THANKS. We take this method of. thanking ;he volunteer fire department of Try- . ii i T J 3 on. ana otner citizens wno resuunueu ;o nuicklv to the call of tire last fuesdav. and assure you that your ef forts in our behalf were fully appre ciated. , MRS. G. LECOUNT. . o CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. k Rev. Joseph L. Daniels, Pastor Emeritus. Rev. F. Barrows Makepeace, Min- Services: Sunday, 10 a. m, ihe Sunday School; 11 a m., Ptiblic wor- tDesettinp- mnflii'Tio wnrV mm Hnwn hiD. with, sermon. Wednesday, 4 p any Mondav. TuprHjiv nr Wpnpsrlav n.. mid-week prayer service afternoon, and we will eladlv show Public invited to all services. uu ana ext) ain r.ho machinp tn von. t.. -i. r . z " u viiicertainly well repay you to come and see this wonderful nipce of iudcninery. at work. ihe shortage of male labor all ci uie couHtry is becoming very seriousgarid manv pstahlishmpnta arp .training women to take the places -of men. I he Missmm Po. fi Roilwov 1 'uwvux i. j. UVX11V XKWli 7 3 established a trainine ' school at wttle Rock, where women will be warned "to take the positions m&de want by men being called into ser j.; l j. I hi. i j i. blUllS. OllU 1LZL Ltrtl VV1L11 lCaCllblllCllli ItL ly bv his recital of uerman atrocities. THE NEWS has an opening for some bright youne iellow who wish es to learn a eood Daving- trade. We want one, fairly well educated, am bitious boy tocome in and learn the printer's trade. You will never- have a better chance to learn the trade, and learn it right, than in the NEWS office. An officer in khaki called the other nJr. T-: TTM1 J- "itiit w ai. ins wav vo rine nm, ax the house of Mr. J. N. Jackson. Be fore he knew "where he was at" he found himself inside, seated at the supper table, and enjoying an even ing of cards and conversation. The uniform . opens Tryon's hospitable floors. 1 . vi are always clad to have visit- orsnd if you would like to see our WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE. $43,943.41 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. .... .$ 5,000.00 Surnlus fund " 500.00 Jndivided profits, less cur rent expenses and tax es paid 877.58 Deposits subject to check.. 22,167.06 Time certificates of deposit 15,376.67 Cashier's checks outstanding ' 22.10 43,943.41 State of North Carolina, County of Polk. January 12, 1918. I, H. B. Lane, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. B. LANE, Cashier. Correct Attest: M. A. Pace ' Q. C. Sonner W. C. Robertson. Dircetors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of Jaunary, 1918. J. L, White, Notary Public My commission expires Mar. 15, 191$. Through the kindness of Mr. F." P. sacon the public school has obtained supply of CQal and gchool will open Monday. Fphmnrv 5 Pororlo will Please take notice that by action of J? , st legislature . the compulsory icnaance period is extended to cover le entire Ierin.-1 nf nv aVionl atu not limited to four months, as for merly. W? received a pleasant call from JrvJ. B. Gray district farm demon strator Tuesday. He tells us that iarmers in western North Carolina are. waking up and that interest is in creasing in all parts of his territory, tte says that but one thing will keep PUS Section of t(o cfafo i?? XLS nog production 10 per cent. "ns year and that is the scarcity of vceuers. r i "e nave a Mr. W. T. Lindsey, county chair nan of the war savings association, :nforms us that a' representative of ;he State organization will be in Try m, on Thursday, January 31, and that a public meeting will.be held on that day at 11 a. m. at the K. P. hall, at- which time steps will be taken to organize the county and prepare for an active campaign. Everybody in vited to attend. ' Mr. Lindsey has also made the fol lowing appointments as members of Polk county executive committee, and as many of these people as can pobti NOTICE. IT xr Tryon Honey BalmIuQi t . at n iSr- Buy it -4 lou wifnewruse anyytfier Honey Balm is a nktural skin food made o the choicest preparations! con tains no animal fats ;!o en large the pores, no petroleum product or lanolin totxause growth of hair, no glycerine to cause yellowness oj! skin. It prevents all these ills and cleanses, purifies, clegrs and eliminates wrinkles. 4 Mas- tage every' morning dust with fine face powder and enjoy a feeling of exjtilAat ing cleanliness. Wih all. its purity, convenience and pleasing qualities IfONEY BALM in a dainty 25z. jar costs but 50c, at you drug gist or order by mail;. You can always identify BjONEY BALM by the Bee jpn the Jar. Address '. j!' Tryca Hocqr Balm C bpaoy Inn, N. C. Bank with us. BANK of SALUDA v Capital $10,000.00 e9 N. C. i ti We Thank You Heartily. OunStatement sliows a health v o-rnutr. Tfai 0,pmb i aearly $50 000.00 in just six months. This demonstrates that the new bank Is appreciated, and that our efforts are not misdirected. With your heln we hoDe to donhl business year, Julv 1st. We want to earn success by deserving it. Our earninp-s have been modest, fnr th cimia nave a policy oi neipmg I rather than trimminp:,, our rnstompr.5 vVe know that by, rendering a real banking service that the earn ings will show up satisfactory when we fret, tha which we want you to help us get. We cooperate with our natrons to mnke th Will YOU come with us? We will welcome your account, whether large or small. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. "The Bank With a Conscience." Tryofi, N. C. J. T Waldrop, W. U Littie, Vice Pres. Caskier G. H. Holmes, President Tax To Mabel Harrison, Delinquent Payer. - Notice is hereby given to Mabel Harrison, and all persons that may be concerned as mortgagees of the land described below, that the undersigned NOTICE OF FOR SALE" E. A. CARLISLE PROPERTY Lot No. 1 and Yellow Cottage $2,500. Lot No. 5 an Cottage, $1,000. 7 other lots average $500 each. Total pro perty$5500. Cash. W. T. LINDSEY, Sale Agent. TRYON, N. C, f n Additional Ten rer Cent Bid on the Price id at a Prior Sale. ! . Under and by virtue on order of hhp Runeri6r Court of l!i)lK county, i i j. j i i. x i purcnasea at a aeunqueni utxiv x u T'". " -n1 nTMMintr entit County, on tne 7tn auc m Drr, K , r irn 1, Columbus. Polk dav of May, 1917, land described as follows: One lot lying and being in Columbu Township Polk County and State of North Carolina, com- bly come are urged to be present at' mencing at a point 50 feet easterly the above mentioned meeting: from .the southwest corner of Mrs. Saluda township; Messrs. H. P. Doty's corner, near the spring on line Corwith, H. B. Lane, J. p. Cullipner, of serpentine anve; running . norm- Mico t? m Tinv and Mrs. E. M. bal- easterly 50 feet from her line to -C f . - ' icw very fiends in Trvr wv, thoughtful t.hpv .have pmpany"pgo visiting give a reception ailow oi an item of news they call "b up and tell us about it; If i you ant to "stand in" with a newspaper man-' ii. j- it .. . ' ' t t . jh m juct uo inese tnmgs, ana ne win immediately look upon you as a ue mend of the paper. We want r We all 'the happenings in Tryon ut now can we if you do aWt it? you do not tell us , deficit in, the bath house fund i. s Realy been made up by contribu tions from Mr. E. H. Tomlinson,-Mrs acranton, Mrs. Chatmian. Mrs. Lyon Js Gray, Miss Amelia Watson, and wi -icii8e Walker. The namei ey i t Tr'4-- Tryon townsnip; messrs o. x-uotcx Searles, E: E. Missildine, J. a. Hester, W. F. Little, F. P. Bacon, W. T. Ham mett. . . , r-t.orta r.rce-k: Kev. J. M. waiKer J X W w 7 and Mrs. J. T. Camp. - Columbus; Prof. E. W. S. codd, j. p. Arldo-P. and Mrs. H. H. Edwaras. o- 1 J White Oak; Kev. j. m. isarDer ana Mrs. Dora Arledge. Cooper's Gap; W. H. LedDetter, r. N, Williams and Misa Odessa Mills B. F. Copelana was appoinxea as publicity manager for the county.. o J TRYON WALKABOUTS point where it intersects streams of water from the spring, and then on until it intersects, on the south and easterly side of the main Shunkawa kan or Horse creek, following the waters edge: of same stream to a point which would be at right angles and parallel with a line one hundred led Thos. C. Mills, .Administrator oi w V. 'Mill deceased, vs. tMary J. Ar- :pdj?e and others, heirs ift law; the mme being recorded inUhe special Sig docket of sai;i court, the unde xned cpmrmssione win oru MOmiiBBRUAR 4, 1918, af nhouf. ToV.lock m.. "rit .the court house door of Polk courfy, offer for sale to the highest biddejf, the folow ing real estate to-wit: JjThat certain fTnrt of land Iviner and being in Ci- lumbus township, Polk " County, North r!n.mlina. "adioinincr the lends of H. C. Durham, t.hft Thorhe estate and oth- ore heint? t.hft lands cotsveved to W. w Mills hv H. V. DurlUm. by deed 9 5 7 feet east of the yellow school house dated March 13th, IWjgnd recor building until it intersects Serpentine drive, then along north side of Jser- pentine drive to a place of beginning, containing two acres, listed in the name of Mabel Harrison and sold for her delinquent tax for the year 1916. Notice is further given that appli cation will be made to the Sheriff of in book 32. page 250 X the record of deeds of Polk county and more particularly described $as follows: Beginning at a white fcak, near the head of a hollow and runs thence south 40 east 45 poles to a pine; thence south 72 east Sp poles to a hlaek oak Mown: thence east 109 STTAnnTTTS Polk County by the undersigned for poles to a ttack oak, HO. Durham s AND TALKABOUTS. a eed to said property, if , not re- corner, thence with H.;,0. Durham s "Thunder an4 Guns,' said a TryonT ite last Friday, "a thunder storm in Tanuary with snow falling an inch an hour, and the thermometer falling Uaster'n that." "That's not thunder, said the other fellow, "that's artinery oracuce over v vxic deemed, after the 7th; day of May, 1918. 36-4t L. L. TALLANT, Purehaaer. ACTIVE WORK BEGUN. line north 69 poles to it - sweet gum; thence north 80 west H poles to a post'oak and black gumf thence south 80 poles to the place pt beginning. Containing one hlmdre acres more or less. ' ' , Terms of sale: One ftalf xash, and Wance in 12 montlis? with notes of We are able to announce to our read- . . . . M , ' A t 1 mex'tra i o thr qtivo wnrir rm mo irnnn heard they were going to begin about roads proposition from Spartanburg Deanng inieresi, f'T TO this time " "They've chosen a queer county. S. C, to Henderson cotmty. cured ,by mortgage on aid latid. V118 Am, . ri,I ;Arv riti, xr r vi,aa W11Tv TTi R Oovernrnent This 8th day of January, 1918. 7:rX:r THOS. C. MILLS, Commissioner. dncoul't see the target a quarter of a their part of the job last Monday. 4t-po. I An Ambition and a Record i I THE needs of the South arendentical with the needs ; I of the Southern Railway: the rrowth and success of on. mean I J the upbuadin? of tbe otner. 1 The Southern RaUway ask no farorf no ipecia! priyilffe not 't accorded to dbcrs. ! Thm .mSition of .the Sonthern Railway Company U to tee that I unity of interest that ia bcrn cf co-cperarion bctweeif the public and the railroads; to see perfected that fair and frank policy in the inanaee- ment cf railroads vhich invites the confidence of rovernmental J agencies; to realize that liberality of treatment which wiU enable it to obtain the additional capital needed for u! acquisition of better and enlarged facilities lncidcg to the demand, for increased ana better service; and. finally To take its niche in the body politic of the South alongside of other rrcat industries. 7t no more, but Mrtth equal liberties, equal riffbti aiul equal opportunities. , r " The Southern Serves the South;" . - i'J 9 I, I 1 1 I - i . - .' - '. : .... - . . v