The Only Paper., Published in Polk. County. VOL. XXIII NO. 39 J0i00RW 1, 1918. v $i.50 A YEAR -'.t. for the ' Home. UNDER FIRE Newspapers and Many Promi- nent People Pronunce Him a Failure 'in Office. m SALUDA. OPINIONS OF SOUTHERN "NEWS Af three days of moderate weather lately has been a toon which i? A-enJoyed by all and felt to be a harbinger of spring, 'i . f v ' fh fyangeUsts, Messrs. Reese and Schofield are; conducting a series of meeting .at -the Baptist church with a good attendance, nothwithstanding the lndement.weatherand much in terest seems to be manifested. ' -.T Mr. and Mrs. HB. Lafie spent Sun- x r?tt,lofl in y011 visiting irs. LaMorte Mr.jXane's sister. Dr. J. C. Bushnell is still in Hamp ton, V a., as near the front as he could get waiting and watching - for a chance to "do his bit" to "keep the world safe for democracy," Mr. and . Mrs. H. P, Corwith have returned after spending a month vis iting relatives and friends in Illinois, and-look as if they had been having a fine time there. Mrs. ;B. I. H-azard and daughter, Miss Lucile, are visiting relatives in Bryan, B. C., and report a plenty to eat m that section, fourteen fine hos icilled on one farm, beincr an itom '.showing what they can do when they try. ' s - The Red Cross rooms in Saluda haye been kept v open for the lvgalar the. houdavs.; The question of the competency or incompetency of. Secretary of War Baker, is just now; commanding the attention of the entire Nation. It will not do to pass this question up lightly and' say that it is a matter of politics, for it is not., The fight against Sec retary Baker is led b Senator Cham berlain, of Oregon, afMississippian by birth; a man so strong with-the peo ple of his state that he was,, a demo crat, elected to the United States sen ate by a legislature containing a ma jority of republicans; a man who has never been defeated for office in Ore gon a republican state, though always v.iriTiinC on' the democratic ticket a ficrht was waged against meetings throughout Mr. Alger, Secretary of War under and since, in spite of the bad weather PvociHnt. McKinlev. and who had to prevailing, and th hH vf tVi? finally retire from office. - branch Miss Box, has not failed to It is not a personal matter, but it is be present, j though sometimes almost of too great importance to overlook the only o&e - . . or forgive, if Mr. Baker has 'been And. now; the ladies are planning a half so negligent 01 ms uuty as mc vu.iciii.jiit; party incomer to raise Senator charges. - - funds for the Red Cross work, and One thing that the people of Tryon trust every one will come and l.elp know, and that is the soldiers who are make it 'a -success' - We hop.v to reat-r PTiramnpd nearbv were not' provided izc a41 goodly! sum- for it-tnkns -a lof with enough coverings to withstand of money to do the work now being the winter, and had it not laeen for, done 4in this! country, and in FraneL the good women 01 iryon pusymg tnei.xvea vross. ; themselves and providing quilts and Miss 1 Lois f Pace has returned fronl blankets many would have suffered Florida, and I reports a fine time while vi-nrsp than thev ma. ivirr tsaicer says . mere. COLUMBUS. :-FRIEMDS OVER THI Scte Items of GeasraUdterit GatMeWd By Oaf CorreipViidWt From Vriout Sctin$or Polk County .'v;.. .COOPERS jGAip-J-jvt Well "the Weather h mrlorn'tWI and -We are sure glad of it. It-. Mr. andMrs -j; R;3lantun 'aiwt liti 80?ete fvisiting ' their B6n74R6b ert. While smurTi ' Rlpef nn rto ground tha liffla on-n' cUa j . wie roomer going to his assistance ten,, and the j father met - with- the same mishap j in going to the assist ance of the two. None were serious ly injured, i v - Mr. and Mrs Loori TTud children, spent the week-end;! with Mrs. Texaner Lawter; - : MlS; .loyd Corn sPent Sundays at Mr. W.N. Dimsdale's.; Miss Minnie Wilson and Mis Maude Lynch -scent. Saturdav niVlif. and Sunday at'Mr. T. N. Wilson's.; The baby of 4 Mr. and Mrs. Willie Corn has been very s-siek for the past wee.' r " 4 on SILVER CREEK. FISOTOP. 1 A nice warm jrain . Saturday and Monday took aw jy most of the snow, but left us plentjf of mud. Miss. Myrtle, Pjme returned from Fruitlarid, Satiiry 'last. -Logan Newma went over to his place hear Columbus, last week, re turning .Friday, j? We failed to f eport that Logan Johnson hadhinjved to- Tryon. He moved about two4 months ago. Aunt Emily f (Constant, as she. is generally callebfis 83 years old, and Buffering f roha ajv attack of la grippe. i Two of i Govaji Constant's children are sick with la;i grip'pe. , T. W. Bradley has gone .to Finger yille, S. C, to tiach a singing school, but says he will be back as soon as the land .will -bit ready to work, to make a crop tolheip win the war. Mr. George. Ruff and young bride,! visited his father-in-law. James Case, have been visitkrjf" his sister, Mrs. nannanyaan, at JBrevard, N. C.: Mrs. Magelina Lawter visited Mrsl Floyd Corn, Saturday. ' v Another slide on the ' mountain, near Mr. Guff Searcy's, ocurred Satr uruay nignx. . ' ; 5fv" VI. Sunday: -. D.- S."Morrisb" and family visited his father-m-iafj T. Hi. I'ace, &unaay Everett Wm. organ passed though this section Monday, on his way to Trvon ta meefi the county board Tuesday. Mr E. W. Bradley made a. business trip to Rutherf ordton last week. Mr. A. E. Arledffe has returned from Spartanburg. His son who has been very ill at that place, is now convalescent. Miss Nona Searcv was the euest of Miss Grace Arledge last Saturday and Sunday. .. - Mr. Jeter Thompson was visiting on the route last Sunday afternoon. Mr. w.. ii. Ureen has returned home Camp Wadsworth, where he has been at work. Some of the bovs in this section have received, their cards. Some of whom are in the first class and others m the fourth HOW CHILDREN - -ME NEGLECTED. An Alarming State .of Affairs Discovered in School Rooms by Medical Investigation. MATTERS OF VITAL INTEREST. Will the time ever come when human ity will devote as much interest as is : now devoted to live" stock? This may. seem a foolish question to a , great Misses Addie and Daisy Arledge many but is anything but that ? If . spent last Saturday with Miss Char- half the attention was paid to - the ity Williams On account of so much bad weather this winter there is considerable cot ton and corn remaining in the fields. o PEA RIDGE. Miss Reba Field was the guest of Miss Iva Gosnell Saturday night. Mrs. L. Moore is visiting Mre Man ning Lynch who is very ill. Misses Minnie and Doll Williams visited their sister, Mrs. Henry Foy, Saturday and Sunday. - Mr. Henry Foy has moved onto the farm of Mr. M. breeding of humanity as is paid .. to the breedings of fine-blooded stock, v how much superior strain of people " would we produce. ; 5 Any person wishing to raise fine . chickens or hogs, knows that he.must v provide good quarters where the ani-, mal oj fowl can have comfort, in or der to do well. But are we as careful . of our children as we are of our' hogs and chickens ? We are not. In the providing" of suitable comfortable school houses, where the young, ones . spend a great portion" of their time, we do not take the same precautions for their bodily welfare as we do with MOOTER IT "it-was impossible for him to secure these things. Then why was it pos sible for private citizens to purchase these articles and send them to Ary- Mr. Marion Mills, of Spartanburg. cn ? Somebody has blundered. , ii it spent a few days with his parents is Mr. Baker he should step down and last week. i ' k out If it is some one , ..under v him, ... Miss May "Mills return from a that person should be made to pay Visit to Spartanburg. .-. v v., the- penalty.-r ttt&sexhextts - of MillSpriri Below we publish extracts .frc"n spent a few hours in Columbus, Fri- leadirig democratic papers of the day, en route to Camp Sevier, south on this question,' and what they The Domestic Science classes, of think of Mr. Baker: ' Columbus High school, taught by The Macon, Ga., Daily Telegraph: Miss Bertha Kelz, are now working "In respects he has betrayed an as- on their exhibits for the county com- tounding ignorance of the progress of mencement, I March 22. great and vital divisions of war pros- There are now very few hands ecution under his executive control." among your school children that are Tampa; Fla., Times: Congress- not busy with knitting needles, men who have been in France and in- The Columbus Betterment Club is vestigated conditions of our troops at planning lor give a play in the near tne ironx; ao noi connrm an me ruse- mture. Club meets Saturday, Feb. 2nd. j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Ar ledge, a boy. o - . ate stories which emanate from Wash ington. They tell of batteries being sent to the front that have not yei had a gun to train with or use in any form; they tell of a shortage of cloth ing, and of uniforms being ordered from already overtaxed English firms; of a shortage of nearly all supplies needed to equip troops in the field." Norfolk, Va., Pilot: "Duringvthe week in which the drafted men at the various encampments throughout the country have been destitute of pro vision against the rigors of winter the supply-bureaus of the War De- MELVIN HILL. Mr. S. S. Lawter's place of business was closed last Monday, in compli ance with the demands of the govern ment. Another sleet here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jones' children have recovered, from their recent at tack of scarlet fever. . , i j t " 'j. t I iuxo i.Tx. xj. luuixip. wiiu lias ukzkzii fi? i I t e 4.- K sick of la grippe, is some better, that fact. Inspecting officers have Mr Y otter ,kvttT and family of reported it generals in local command Brooklyn s c have moved into this nave emphasized it. But nothing settlement adequate was done to relieve the sit- chool children are havino- some uation though our embyro soldiers dimcuity in going, to and from school were dying by scores from insufficien- tghud. cy.of clothing, quarters and hospital M - gta t Sunday night lie and Congress took it up with de termination to ascertain exact condi tions and fix the blame- for them where it belonged." Memphis, Tenn., Commercial-Ap- peai Anegreai nauonai wa mrm days Were breeding, but it wnicn as yet nas no ny wneei, ceaeu turned t to be a h gleeL An Do you wonder, dear,' what they say lo me, Thete knitting necdl lwo A the dull-gray wool and khaki's cold la turn pass o'er and through? They say to me yet hone may hear 'Tis so far in the dimdecp past r - WhHe heart and minicf keepnev and coonjjJ i w uic tau wtiuui uii iivwua jasv. r ' 1 C. Gosnell. Misses Lizzie and Nellie Dalton, I our hogs or' chickens. If you do not . were visitors of Miss Mamie Wilson, agree with us1 just read the following cases reported by the North Carolina Sunday Miss Ivy Sunday Gosnell spent with Miss Keba Field, Mr. B. F. Gibbs is at Cainpobello buying cord wood for the camp at Spartanburg. Mrs. C. P. Jones spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Johnie Thompson. TRYON ROUTE I. "God gave tmto; you,'- they whisper low, "Threads of beaut v net wroueht of hand Dids'f thou weave thsm well will thy stithi Somewhere in that No-MaaV Land 14 They werethine alone e'en-before earthY tfjiht Or the eyes- of man might know; Oh, tell us now, cTids't thou render well? Ah! Tliei proving alone must show. old'true? r "Dids't &ou weave them true? Th3F ttiltsing on, n "The pattern of Christ was thine." "Will thy stitch iold fast?" each day mustprove:' Oh, mothen Your boy and mine. The needles fall from my trembling hands, My souho it's God stands bare! ! While the blind tears from my eyes fall fast4 Then I aee Ohi my boy so fair! f.V. :3 Si with her sister Mrs. Morris. We have had two warm diys last week, and old people said that they were "weather - breeders," which proved correct They did not specify what kind of weather the to have pressure, brought against itr pld darkey living a few miles 0f here, a iu il sioppeu. up to uaie vnc uu ess of war has been Principally huckstering for commissions, posi tions, jobs and seeking soft places in the army and making contracts to get the Government's money with the least possible expenditure of efiort" El Paso, Tex., . Morning ' Times. "By his testimony before the Senate inves tigating committee, Secretary Baker has proven himself unfit for the po sition he is holding in the service of the Government." Knoxville, Tenn.,! Journal and Tri bune: " Under existing circumstances, and in view -of recent developments, President Wilson himself must begin says that the people had better pre pare Wood in abundance, and get it in too, for "we have had no winter to what we are going to have." We hope, however, that the old darkey is a false prophet. But to tell what we have to base our hopes upon brings on more talk. 0 : I - CROSS KEYS. "Why, mother, dear," I hear him say, With the same sweet, boyish kiss; " Twas for God and for thee we came fjway, Greater love hath no man than this- " -if " "Fear not, though he walk through Death shadows deep" A voice fills my soul with song; f "If thy stitches fail and thy threads grow";weak. His' Saviour will make them strong!" .1 Rev. G. G. O'Neill filled his regular appointment at Green Creek last Sun day, though the weather was disa greeable; " . A number attended Sunday scnooi to at least have a shadow of doubt if Vtl he has a man in the war office who fjleM mu r. , ! measures up to a desired stature, 'Mr. Bud Willad and Miss Mary while the country has on its hands Tessneer were mamed last Thurs the doing of a gigantic task.'? day, Jan. 24th. , Richmond, vl., Evening - Journal: A number of the young meri of this "He has been proven unequal to the community whoare expected r to go to aZ " Zl T J:..-? fV,o the training camp soon, missed a. fine rJof D treat given by the. Hillcrest girls last mount importance." o All the blood, all the heroism, all the munitions and alLthe money in the world will not win this war un less our. Soldiers our Sail6rs" and: our .fighting . Associates ; vaxe - fed. They will not be fed, thi terrible, sacrifice of blood and money will be in vain, and the cause of Democ racy will be defeated,, unless every person, In every home, .every -day, guards the Natt6na ?-supply " 'of wheat; beef, porkfats - ; -andUOAIt ' . ?' : ARE YOU DOING YOUR SHARE? Thursday evening. It was our "tough luck that we did not get an invitation in time to go Mr. Willie Toney and wife, of Clif ton, S. C. have moved to the farm wear here. WelL the little J)hn. Henry is get-r ting to rest one time, though We near ' ' J. J '.. onccm a wnne oi some-one not unv ing, but pushing his cat -through the mud, or being pulled out of the 5 ditch. Mrs. Roland Green, of Boiling Springs, S. C, has been visiting at her father-in-law, Mr. W. P. Green She returned - home last Saturday. iBptfiCot Too' Much. ;:vTiei,'lt comes to price,' yotf can't tell ft necessity from .a. luxury. Memphis Commercial Appeal. ', ; ' Oh, Mother-Heart of the world today, Torn bleedings crushed afraud For the child of thy souC in yon far-off trench, Trust lhy God be not dismayed. fwo Pierced Hands with infinite lore Will strengthen thy threads so frail A II JT uuj v in. - j - y Pear mothers! He will not tail. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Mr. James Wilson of Camp ..Sevier, yisited his parents Saturday ana Sunday. Mr. V.'B. Hyder made a trip to Pea Ridge Saturday. . Mr. RarplT Edwards visited his grandfather last week. Mrs TTawkins is visitine her daugh ter Mrs. Maggie Gilbert this" week. Misses Barbara and Eliza White and Ellen Edwards ; are visiting rela tives in Cleveland county. Mr. W. E. Elliott made a business trin to Ratherf ordton last Friday. v' 'Oh5ysiaL!iingfrrespondent,- we all likejmir?scnopi 'Xeacner. . r " Rev. Chas Walkerfilled his ap pointment at Big Level, Sunday. Mr: Jesse' Green lsdn - very poor health now. : j ; 'Those who wish8 towrite to Tench Edwards would be glad to know the Kia address. It , IS now pnvati TVnrh & Edwards Zotn -i in onfFtr Machine Gun Co Ameri can Expeditionary Force,' France. Mr. Bazillah ? Green r spent - the week-end with his, parents; ... G. to. E., Selma, AI .9 SAIjUDA ROUTE 1. A. T. Hoffard filled his regular ap pointment &t Cross Roads church, Saturday ajd Sunday. J. M. Pa4p sold some fine steers at Saluda Mealt Market for beet. Mr. LeonilrdRevis has purchased a new Ford cr, so Jook out girls. &firhort tfe. Face has been elected sunerintendmt of the Sunday school which meefs "at Piney Grove, every Sunday aftfrnoon, at 3. Most all !if our boys have received their classification cards, and several of them: arijpin the first class." Miss;fSofhia, Wade, who has been atFlatRo c, N. C. is home for few days.. .- '1.L-- ..' " Joseph iwd Bunyan Staton and Earl Stykeii are working at the Green river: dam. . r ' -Little- Ei-nice Staton is fpeiing the iweek th her grandma, Mrs. W. S;Pace. t,; V; ' We haveghad lots of show, but think -the mud isf? worse than snow,- and sxme of or roads aw in very- bd condition. i Oh, Mill Spring Route 1 we don't have examinations, all the time, if it was only a shortage of coal instead of cold one would feel more like writ ing, for the kind we had almost brought on pneumonia. But come on, every correspondent, and -let's make aur -m8k. POLKsCOUNTYiNEWS bet ter:thaneve;'- T"andMfs;rbeip day night; with Miss Sallie Carpenter' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr of Okla homa who have come to make thei future home near Columbus, visited , their sister, Mrs. Lula Hart Edwards, last Sunday. Mrs. Perry .Newman, daughter Ilean, and Miss Kathleen Layne, of Try6n were the pleasant visitors of Mrs. H. B. Henderson last week-end. Mrs. Claude Paris, who has been very sick is now convalescent! . The north pole weather doesn't stop the cotton pickings, for there have been two on Lightning Rod Ridge recently, and large crowds at tended. They e n joyed themselves immensely, and especially were the refreshments enjoyed. The heaping stacks of pies, and two large frosted cakes. It didn t seem like war times at all, except that they were partial to the-sammy who was present. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Edwards spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Hall, visiting their soldier brother, Joe, who left for Camp Se vier, Friday. . Mr. S. W. Heno a former Ridge resident, has moved his family to their new home near Columbus. A surprise party was given Miss llean Newman last Tuesday evening, at her sister's home, Mrs. H. B. Hen derson. All reported a good time. Miss Elsie Edwards was the wel come guest at Walnut Grove ,Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nance and "wee girliefc" returned to home home Fri day, from Spartanburg. There was a cotton picking at Mr. Jeff Holberfs, Saturday night. It rained so hard that we haven't had a report. Messrs. Walter Edwards and'Floyd Toney visited on the route, Sunday. Whoop. Are we not glad to have a farm demonstrator again? Hope he -will not be drafted and sent to France, but that we will be able to keep him. 1 Three cheers for the active road work which has begun at Saluda, and working this way. Bye and bye we hope to have it extended from Lynn to Columbus, Mill Spring, and on to Rutherfordton. No doubt but what some voters will say "taxes are al ready high," but let it raise the tax. it will alsd help raise the money two fold or more to have a hard sur face road on which to haul our wood, lumber produce, etc., which will give us the money to pay this tax, of which, without this road, the circum stances are very gloomy. Nothing can help Polk county more than a hard surface road, so wny not nave wi --o 1 MILL SPRING. Despite; the appearance of the weather Sunday . morning Rev. J., M. Barber filled his 'regular appointment at the M. E. Church. , ' Mr. Jesse T Lewis, of Camp - Se vier, Greenville, S. C, spent last week at home. Sav, Fishtop writer, I think you nre mistaken. It was the Silver-Creek correspondent who was writing about the Constant boy's death; , There will be a meeting. .. of ;vtbe teachers 'of Cooper Gap and Ma -prim: .townships heV. rt the irhooi house nerc, rrmay. -v.. State Board of Health, and then say, if you think we have overdrawn the picture in the least. ' "Whoever is in doubt about the need 1 of medical school inspection is advis- . ed by the State Board of Health to read what Dr. J. N. Hurty, secretary Ipf the State Board of Health of In- diana, found on an inspection tour of - . the schools of his state. This ac-' . count is contained in the December issue of the Health Bulletin "which is just coming from the press. A part of the account is here given. ' "In One rural school of twenty- .. seven pupils I found seven anemic -emaciated children and five of these5 were actually, starving. . One - little wizened girl - had had wone batter-cake withrtinolasses, ? f or.; breakfasi; anr In her&nner-hu sosrery biscuit and one small apple. all of the twenty-seven pupils - in this school needed mescal " attention. There was not a child that did not have two or more decayed teeth. Ev ery child had suffered from one or t more attacks of so-called "cold" dur ing the winter, and sixteen said they had had colds since school opened in the fall. There 16 was not a clean tongue in the school; eventhe teach er's wore a coat, and she, too, had several decayed teeth. ;Ohe child had a running ear, seven had defective sight, and every child , had' dirty cars, dirty neck and dirty scalp, and, of : course we found diseased tonsils, en larged neck glands, pigeon breasts, and eruptions. One girl of fifteen, still in the third grade, suffered with dementia precox. The word hospital should have been over the door in stead of District School No. 3. The evidence in this instance was conclu sive of the opinion that life is a dis ease. I "Medical inspection and health su pervision are as greatly needed for teachers as for pupils. A truly sani tary schoolhouse, recently erected at the sewerless city of X, was inspect ed. The first room I entered, and al so the second and third and fpurth, were evidently -well ventilated, for the nose could not detect the staleness , and soddenness which characterize the air of the usual urban and rural schoolroom. But alas, when I enter ed the -primary room the olfactory nerve instantly wrote foul air upon the appropriate brain centers. T What was the matter? Of course thevpu- pils were heavy-eyed and drooping, and coughing was continuous in all parts of the room. Very languidly, a few of the helpless children looked at the intruder, but most swere so thoroughly anesthetized that, they never stirred. The teacher, ' emacia- . ted, with bad teeth and putty skin,; was forcing herself to teach the class"; of foul air dummies. .What was the matter? I looked at the teacher, she looked at me and cleared her throat. I felt sure she had it, and she did. Her general appearance and the peculiar sound which attends the clearing of the throat of a con sumptive were unmistakable. My eyes wandered to the room, closet The door was closed, but I knew they would pe found there safe on the up per shelf. I opened' the door, and ; Sure enough, there they were, tW empty and one freshly opened bottles of yellow-wrapped cough syrup. The poor teacher had not yet risen above the patent-medicine stage of igno rance." Dr. Hurty concludes his account with: "One thing is surely true and that is the awful sin of the neglrt of child health will never . be abated until health supervision of school children is made compulsory.' '. . o - . ,," What They . May, Claim. PeansTlvania, claims .to contain th Hercules' of the nation las well ms ths Vulcan. New. York will no doubt put In a claim as the- Midas of the land, Washington as the Jupiter, Bo3ton as the Minerva, and Oskaloosa, Jowa, as .the Venus. . f And- Chicago, with ten "changes of weather at each perform anee, will put in its claim- as-the Mer cury. ;- ' - 0