n c it The Only Paper A live,-Clean Newspaper for the-Hone. Polk County. AND THE . TfYON BEE VOL. XXHi NO. 44 MONTHLY IE1G Tn Meet in Columbus on First Monday in c-acn iriuuui. Of Great Be: e'it. 'EXT MEETING APRIL FIRST. rtorNEWS: . As announced m your valuable pa Pr at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, Monday, iCch 4th, the farmers of Polk coun ty held a meeting, looking to a per manent organization to meet on eacn first Monday of the month. ., UlL,v . j.' J fill 4tirn This meeting aujuumcu un let WhlCn MH W WW mow iuuuuaj . There being more than 30 farmers nresent at tins meeting, ana we warn that meeting we want every far mer to bring with him one,two or more ears of just such corn as he ex pects to plant. We want this don: for comparison, that .farmers may learn where the best seed corn cai be had. The very best is . none toe Then we want to discuss fully the very best preparation of Polk county soil, m order to get oest results. Rpmember that good seed corn and thorough preparation of good soil is 4- A MAAH f Mod corn. Remember the, time April 1st, at 1 o clock, p. m., at Co lumbus. . . . . Come and take part in the organi zation and discussions. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, County Agent. w. s s. MILL SPRING. Everybody glad to see such pretty weather, especially the farmers. ' Rev. Holmes preached at the M. tL church Saturday and Sunday. He delivered some -interesting sermons. Quite a number from here attended the cotton picking Saturday night at the home of Mr. E. B. Edwards. They all report a nice time. Messrs. Jabe Lawter, Ziba Wilson. Jesse Lewis, and Grover Thompson, of Camp Sevier, spent Saturday night and Sunday at home, returning Sun day night. Mr. Lee Johnson went back with them,- after : spending-Tfiv days with his mother. Mr. Bill Pack has a very sick child. Messrs. Frank Jackson andJ. H. Gibbs made a business trip to Tryon, Saturday. Miss Pearl Edwards gave a cottor pickine. Saturday night. Mr. Nun Arledge, Mr. and Mrs. Is rael Arledge visited Mr. H. P. Ar ledge, Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Splawn visited the latter s mother last Sunday. The school at this place is progress ing nicely. Plans are already being made for county -commencement Let's everybody go to county com mencement and each school try tc win the most prizes. W. S. s. SALUDA ROUTE 1. Rev. A. T. Howard filled his regulai appointment at Mt. Page, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Staton spenl Monday in Hendersonville. "V R. P. Ward is workincr out the Mine Mountain road, and putting it in nne shape. Miss Delia Wade spent a few days a: i ruitland Institute, recently. The Sunday school at Mt. Page if progressing nicely, and planning tc tarry out a program on missionary aay, which is March 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Early Staton spen' Sunday with the Iatter's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. S, Pace. W. L. Davis has eone to Fletcher - Cv where he will teach a singing 01.11001. Several in this section have already wgun planting their gardens. . iur. jLeroy Pace has Durchased a toe youne horse. Levi Pace and family have moved yj mp vvuson place, near W. M. Quest's. W. S. S. .WALKER. Rev. C. G. Walker filled his regula appointment at Bright's Creek, Sun nnv on. . mot,. - There was a large attendance at fight's Creek, Sunday last, but not hke usual. Glad to see Mill Spring attendance come again. Misses Perlia Bertha Laughter and fva Mille Hill attended singing at m alley church Sunday last. there will be a singing at Mt. View cnurch the fifth Sunday. Everybody cordially invited to come and bring jell filled baskets. Wiley Bradley be the leader. . t C Rufus Constant has purchased wo hogs from John Hill, paying $10 ri!Lone' $8 for other. One has. QleA we are sorry to learn. lai i V Thompson's horse died , Mr. Dewev wni ya riA Uvp 11 . J TT XM.. ' Hill USe with the father of 'Mr. Good old Polk is progressing fine, n"1 good roads and farmers -raising dioi. i ' vu to maKe iooa ior tne soi- w. G Hill has been planting ipo Oes fny fl, i. -e j erl w Laughter has just Tfiturn- I. W1C UilML TRW IIHVS. 6 from SnartaTi"hnrt. C FreHSn Lizzie Thompson andv UtT Mi red latin o.. . irnn nil w mm MisEv5 iiniani Mr-Geter ThomP son attended church at Bright's Creel Sunday. A- meetincr will be HpM af Creek the third Snr, a Sunday school. Evervbodv rt . I quested to attend.. . Mr. J. B. Hill went raccoon hunt ing, and caught one weighing eigh teen pounds. Miss Ola Thompson has been quite ill for the past week. Hope she will recover soon. T.MsValma Constant visited Miss i-.nue ceue vjidds, Tuesday. Mr. Twittv ThomDson has , tw,ni , - A 1 uuxue xrum xynn, to spend a few! days. Miss Lillie Belle Gibbs gave s birthday party last Monday. Those attending, Misses Perlia Bertha Laughter, Lizzie Eunice Thompson. Valma Constant, Mabel Thompson! Mary Ann Bradley, and Messrs. Mosc lbbs, GeT;er THompson and Ernes! Laughter., Mr. Bill' Gibbs has moved from this locality to Mill Spring. Mr. C. M. Hill is building a new residence. Bachelors and widows n this section. Mr. E. W. Bradlev has sold all hiV and on this; side of Green river. VV. S. S. FISHTOP. Another week of fine weather has kept the gardeners busy, and the far mers are plowing their land. Key. Joel Sherfy went to the coun ty home of Henderson countv. or. Wednesday, of last week on business. Posey Henderson went to Henderson n Saturday to meet his father, and returned Sunday. J. Bradley was- a business vis- tor in Hendersonville last Wednesday And Thursday. Lafayette Morrison, in company vith another man, were in this, sec tion Friday, trying to buy cattle. 1. W. Bradley sang for the Mt. Lebanon people last Sunday, for the irst time "since the bad weather be gan. All correspondents should chip in 3very week, so that we can hear from all parts of the county regularly. Let s raise a bumper crop of all the cereals grown in this latitude and send samples to the Fair next fall" and ship loads of it to our allies. - , -Seems that .spring is hero -in- etu lest. The timber is showing some, ipricots and Japan plums are in full bloom. " Miss Flora Bradley .went to Saluda in Saturday, to see a doctor on pro fessional business. Fire broke out on Short End Moun- ain, Sunday, and did some tall turning. Keep an eye on tire Lhronrhout March, as it is the windy month. C. C. Jones, visited his uncles, John ind S. S. McMurray, of Fingerville, 3. C, Saturday and Sunday last.. Posey Henderson caught the giant atamount, Tuesday. He is as large as a dog, and the rabbits are rejoic ing. W. S. s. LYNN. Get ready for the county com mencement. Don't forget the Fairs coming next fall. Subscribe for the POLK UUUJNT .JEWS and keep posted on. all loca Affairs of the county. Buv War Savings and Ihrii tr stamps, if you are patriotic. The County commissioners navt out a new floor on the bridge at Lynn md it was very badly needed. Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton were visit lg their children, Mrs. Jay and Ear lest Ballard, last Sunday. Mr. W. T. Hammett made a week :nd visit to home folks at Inman, S. 0., last week. . Sheriff Robertson was in Lynn last Saturday, collecting taxes, on his last call. Mr. R. F. T. U'owier is doing car oenter vork at Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg mi.. 4.,.' r T.vnn Tins pmnloved j h Metcalf as town marshal. It's o be honed he will make them a good officer -r'b T?vlpr. the efficient and .-of,, -frPiVht hauler of the Tryon Hosierv MfgTCo., has been quite sick, but we are glad to say that he is im- proving. ,: Mr W N Kanaan visiteu jus mother at Blacksburg, S. C, last WeeK. . , , ' Guv Thompson has purcnasea a . ' a van - nmy OT nne IllUlca. anu luuna v jiaix v " ' , much at home wnen uc gcw ov-u on a heavy load behind them. Mr and Mrs. win mcau, 01 Flat "Rock visited friends and rela- tives last week-end, in Lynn. Mrs Ed Foster is quite sick at rhi time Dock, her son, stationed lt Camp' Sevier Greenville, S. C, and Felix stationed at Portsmouth, Va. Edgar, Maude and Roxy, of sSndle N C, all visited her last Saturday and Sunday. It is to be hoSd that sHe will soon recover. The Sunday school resumed its work last Sunday,, after , a three bonths' vacation, on account of cold moiiwis vw , o?- roU for M -tift RollmS. 4th gaae; oenuy r osier, grade; Jormxw-f. , -elchoo&Pparinr county rencemenL It's to be hoped f2TCnSe2Ske a irood .record. TRYON, N. C FRIDAY; MARCH 8, 1918. FROM OUR FRIERS ome Itm of Genaral Interest Gathered Sections of COOPERS GAP. Well, in December and January we Sd -awi got in a little vVOOCl the Seventh. "NT rvur one back to the old rule again, since weather h " 1 , O w uuu V J IV -.uys ana rest the seventh. Mr. Ziba Wilson has hn i short visit. Misses Myrtle and Leona White - are home from Fruitland Insti tute. -kiss, Minnie Wilson spent last eek-end at Mr. C. L. Wilson's Messrs. J. A. Ruff and W. N. Dims e have gone to Rutherfordton on a )ig expedition. Mrs. J. B. Wilson is very sick. Dr. Waldon has been in this sec ion again. Mr. Henry Brown and Miss Naomi misdale made alflying trip to Mill 'pring, Sunday. Mr. King Gibbs, who has been out est on a sheep ranch for the past wenty years is back home on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Biddy were call us, at Mr. J. P. Dimsdale's Sundav afternoon. Mrs. Delphia Wilson spent last veek-end at Mr. J. B. Wilson's. The school at Reu Mountain is in fine progress, with the largest at tendance it has ever had. Mr. Martin Gilbert has sold his team of mules. Born, on Feb. 26, . to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Ruff, a baby girl. On Feb. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Belton Jackson, a baby girl. Mr. John Spfcer and family have moved to South Carolina. A SPRING SONG. Oh! the warm days; Ohl-the bright days! OhI the wild brook's ceaseless roar! Oh! the twitterings; Ohthebjrd;sc)iigs Trilling4Wintht Oh! the blue haze on the mountains! Oh! the red-buds on the trees! Oh! the playful, free caressings Of this saucy little breeze. Soon theviolets and the star-flowers In their shady nooks will peep; And the fuzzy balls of the fern fronds Stretch themselves and wake from sleep. Soon the oaks will hang their tassels, Push out leaves, pink furry things, While 'oer meadows and Joer roadsides Soon will flutter downy wings. The fresh greenness of the tulip, t And the fruit trees pink and white, Soon will make .the valley Eden, A fair haven of delight. Then along and up the mountains, Verdure, beauty, life will go, Till the world, a' brim with spring-time, Makes our g ad hearts overflow. ' Grace L. Morrison. BURNETT SCHOOL. We read an article in the NEWrS I !?t week about smokeless days. Will you please just change that a little and make it tobaccoless days, as that Would mean so much more, and would be the means of raising lots of money for the conduct of this war. It would also mean a little sacrifice upon the part Of the one using cigarettes the I j xi 1i fVoli. Una wJfli auu uiuac wtiv im v snuff. Have you any Wea as the i amounu ox muuey liii uuiu uc oo'v,u I , .v.- 1 O rpV, l4-li.-n f V.r oy.uus pia ; V yT li- 1 PwsWPTit; TTiicht h called to this mat- i v.v,w o - . . Knf ha nnw TiAs nlentv to OCCUDV i, 7- j ;f j ; his mind, with not only the United oiaies w ,j 'r , , , ? j in Europe as well. God help him and all other persons ,who pray for :peace. Some people get so angry .wheiv they have to, do without tobacco that to- baccoles days might lead to warfare at home between those who use and those who don't use tobacco. Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs and Annie Wilson, and Messrs. Reuben Wilson, Noah Lynch and fWheeler Odell, took dinner with Mrs. N. L. Lynch, last Sunday. . V .f Mr. King Gibbs sand nothwm relatives in this sectMft rcthiS W&iW W S1 to c ftf ' - ' ' ' FRt Thomas.' f from .the Camp, W;visitin5-his eweet We have not learned why he was not released to make a crop, as were sev- TRE COUNTY B Oar Correspondents From Varia Polk Countr SILVER CREEK. We were glad to see Mr. Sams,our County Agent in this section, last week-:, Rbbert Jackson, who has been home ;rom the camp for some time, has th snuinps. L losses Myrtle and Charity Wil siams spent Saturday and Sunday .vith-' Uieir relatives in this section. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Arledge arc ;hciPet, Nun, came up in the!? ar,jp. Saturday night, and spent Su;i LayHvit Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Arledg Messrs Will and Frank Green hav hadfmeasles for the past week. Preparations are being made bj the teachers and cluldren of Silvn Ireqkf for a great time at ; count commencement. Mr. "Helton, the attendance officer was iere on business last week. Mr; Clem Arledge, Sr., was; very i 'ast seeek, but is now much letter. lit'. Walter Green spent Sunday z: Mt. -Lebanon. -: M)r -and Mrs. Fred Arledge sperJ Sunday with relatives here. " W. S. P. Ready-Made Pie Crustl Someone has invented a ready-mad plev trust that will keep a year. By the evidences that have been encoun tered It might be Indeed that many am bitions cooks haye been experimenting I for a long time with this object In vlew jWe can guess now wherrsome of these new composition shoe tolea originated. Providence Bulletin. eral others from this section. Mrs. P. D. Williams and others arc ordering a car of cans. They mean business for several persons. Mr. J. G. Whiteside canned a two horse load of apples. Guess he will brine back a load of money. The boys had a chicken roast at Taylor Brown's on the 21st. Gues. they will stop roasting hens foi awhile. - Mr. Tom Beam is building e dwelling. Is also-going into the mer chandise business, aut put up a com mill. We are glad to have him moye into this community. Some from here attended bunday school at Cane Creek, last Sunday. W. S. S. BRIGHT'S CREEK. Rev.. C. G. Walker filled his regu- lar appointment at Bright's Creek, Sunday. Mr. Thomas Early recently pur chased a pig weighing - seventeen pounds, for which he paid fifteen dol lars. ' Messrs. Sam and .White Williams and Johnie , Jackson were pleasant callers : at Bxight'si Creek, Sunday. Let every tody jjaiit a big garden this year. i. Xknty j ir self and sonic for our neiglrsJR-'yV- v r '' - Misses : Mffiani j Dfadley ancf : Roxie Walker spec la fqj pleasant hours at the home of ; Jatliajl 'Constant, Sundays Messrs. Bv hum md Gray Hill spent Saturday night with Ernest Laugh-: ter. - a; ;-. '-.-.'- v-- : Mr. D. J. Hill 7mad. a business trip to Tryon, one-daylast week ' " Mr. U. C. Stepp, of Atlanta, return ed home after spending several days with friends and relatives. Misses Eva and Lou Hill were guests of Perlia and Bertha Laughter Wednesday. David Patty visited the Miller fam-, ily, Sunday. Misses Lizzie and Eunice Thomp son spent Sunday afternoon with. iRella Hill. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hill visited the Thompson family, Sunday. Mr. I. . 111, of Edneyville, spent Thursday night with his brother, Mr. VV. G. Hill. Miss Pearlia and Ernest Laughter. 3va, Millie and Gray Hill spent last week-end with friends and relatives n Fruitland. Mr. Tedia Arledge was in this sec tion Tuesday. We are glad to see our bid miller W. if. Jackson, back again. It oinds us of old times past. W. S. S. PEA RIDGE. re- Mr. Calvin Philips and familv sTen; junday with Mr. and Mrs. E." G Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Edney visitec1 ;hQ latter's father, Mr. Bud Mills. Grover Thompson was home agab Saturday, on a surprise visit to hi: ather and mother. Miss Reba Field was the pleasan' ruest of Miss Bessie Thompson Sun day. Miss Annie Philips is home fror Gaffney, S. C, to spend the summer Miss Annie Mills spent Sundaj aight with Mrs. T. F. Rowland. Mr. Ralph Edwards, Misses Mossk Edwards and Odessa Mills were the allers at Mr. E. G. Thompson's, Sun- day. Mr.- and Mrs. Jud Green, from In- man, S. C, spent the week-end at the iatter's mother's, Mrs. Jim Gosnell. W. R. Turner made a business trij bo Spartanburg, Friday. Misses Iva Gosnell, Mamie anc Alice Wilson visited at TWr. Dalton's Sunday. W. S. S HILLCRE8T. Mis Margaret Brian is home for eek. German or "Liberty" measle. .as invaded her school, and it ii hougth best to suspend for. awhile. Miss Mary Lizzie Houser visitet latives in South Carolina, las, '"Mrandfsu-W. W; Sputlin anc i r , i j i s , .amuy were oacK among tneir oa leighbors, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, Miss Love, anc' ;wo of the Hillcrest girls motored tc Spartanburg Saturday, to shop, anc ee the soldiers. Miss Lelia Lowrie, of Charlotte, if i new pupil at Hillcrest. Mr. T. C. Coxe is at Cedar HiL plantation again. Mr. Metcalf and family, of Ruther Jordton, are occupying Mr. Hamp on's house, and the rest of the fam ly will join the great army of f ooc producers. W. S. S. SANDY SPRINGS. Rev. Teal filled his regular ap lointment at Sandy Springs, Sundaj nis first time to preach there thit year. - Mr. Grayson Blanton, of Camp Se vier, is home for a few days' visit U lome folks. Mrs. Perry Cantrell is ill at pres ent. Miss Cora Westbrook has returnee rom Union, where she has beei ;pending some time with her orother Mr. Berton Cantrell and wife anc dster were business visitors ii lutherfordton, Saturday. Mr. anc VIrs. Cantrell are going to begh lousekeeping, soon. We are wondering if the childrer if this place will have to miss the ounty commencement. They have lad no school to attend this winter md no teacher to carry them to com nencement. W. S. S. COLUMBUS. Mr. James Ridings died at the lood Samaritan hospital, Spartan iurg, Feb. 27th, and was buried at ;h eRidings family burial ground; Friday, March 1st. Mr. Ridings war JO years of-age, and had been a mem ber of the Columbus Baptist churcl for 35 years. The large crowd that attended the funeral showed that be lad many friends. Little Ruth Hutcherson, daughter )f John Hutcherson, has been very sick with tonsilitis. Pearl McGuinn is still very sick. Mips Minnie Arledge has been -visiting her, brother,-, Mr. ? Walker Ar ledge. Mrs. Willoughby Arledge has beer visiting her sister, Mrs. B. :Leonard. who is very sick. Mrs. F. L: Weaver and baby are vis- iting Mr. Weaver at City Point, Va. We are fortunate in securing Rev. Mr. Pratt as pastor o2 our church liere. To hear him once will make you want to hear him again. ' The house occupied 1y Clara Feagans caught fire on Sunday, but was extinguished quickly by people on their way home from attending church services. .Mrs. Hosea Arledge and Miss Ar ledge Were visiting at 'Mr. L. L. Tal lant's,; Tuesday. , " " ' . ' 'MissMinnie Arledge and Mr J. P. ArledgS Went to ' "Hendersonville, hi Miss Btertha' Kelz gave a picnic to her boys' -Sunday. -school: class . at Hemlock ; Shoals, Saturday. ' All 4 the boys report having the best ' time of xneir uvea, jiuustr uitilvu wre; rvf- $1.50 A YEAR T FEED THE LC. This Heavy Responsibility Will be Placed Upon the United States. THE SONTH MUST FEED THE NATION AND HER ALLIES. Under the above caption the last .lumber of the Manufacturers Record, among other things-says: Upon the South, however, rests the supreme task of saving the nation. Every bushel of corn which this section produces this year will be vorth, not measured by dollars and ents, but by power, for good, moro ban any bushel of corn ever raiid in lie history of the world. Every bushel of peanuts will in rcase our supply of food and fats; ut while we are urging and stress ng the importance of raising more )eanuts and more corn, more oat: md more hogs, more poultry, more )otatoes, more cattle and more every hing else which will furnish food for nan or beast, we would also stress he importance of an enlarged pro luction of cotton. Another short cot ;on crop would be an international lisaster. Cotton and peanuts and ;oy beans are among the South's rreat contributions to. the world uppiy of fats, and the world is vergi ng close upon starvation for these things. We beg with all the power at our command that the seriousness of thh ituation be realized, and that the South increase its food production lot from any narrow point of view f feeding itself, but from that broad er point of view that the South alone an save this nation and our allies rom starvation. The rest of the ountry is a burden upon the South n this respect to a greater extent han the South is a burden upon any )ther part of the land, and the South nust carry the burden. It must save he day, it must meet the responsi bility which rests upon it to save the nation -from starvation and to save ur allies. It behooves eveiY-man in the South - preach this doctrine, to urge it ev- rywnere and to use-the utmost pow r of the South to increase the pro luction of corn, of peanuts and of ther foodstuffs, as well as of cotton, iot simply to feed ourselves, but to eed other sections of this country lependent upon the South for food and o help the Allies. T othe South alone can these look vith hope for salvation through this 'ear's crops. st Cloud, J. Ernest Cobb, Robt. Mc "arland, Guy Hill, Guy Davenport, nd Thomas Edwards. Messrs. Edgar Newman and Prince 'lark have returned to Camp Sevier .fter a few days' visit to home folks. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb has han the elco Light System installed in h's home. Our Farm Demonstrator, Mr. J. R. ams, wijl talk at the Columbu3 Bet terment Club meeting, Saturday, March. 16. Mr. Gordon Johnson win be leader X Christian Endeavor this week. W. s. s. URY LIST, SPRING TERM, 1918. First Week. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. 9. 10.. IV 12. 13. 14. 15.- 16. 17. 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. W. W. Capps H. Doubleday J. A. Davidson C. C. Jones J. W. Edwards J. E. Morgan E. B. Thompson H. M. Green W. T. Head N. L. Whitesides J. C. Davidson C. B. Edwards F. P. Bacon H. G. Cannon Clayton Constant D. L. Shehan W. D. Westbrook E. F. Ruff J. Riley Walker W. A. Cannon Robert Roddy C. B. Sanders J". A. Blackwood B. F. Green J. T. Gilbert H. E. Flynn Bud Byars t Charles Foster . W. J. Scriven S. B. Edwards G. L. Thompson W. B. Edwards . Chas. E. Davenport E. H. Edwards Frank Wood Second Week. 1. Forest jfilton 2. J. J. Garren 3. Joseph Gurley 4. W. H. Prichard 5. R. T. F. Fowler' 6. T. C. Mills 7. G.; W. Denton 8. D. E. Connor . . : 9. i FIoid Pitman vI . 10. , John Griffin 11. , J. Wilhelm .12. Jesse Splawn -..! .13. J. F. Jones 14. John Waldrop 15. J. M. Shitle fc16. W. G Splawn 17- J. M. Roe 18. h. O'DeH IS ENTIRE IVOR ounaay, V "