W Only Paper A liveGeao Newspapw For the Home 'Piihlislieil In !n II: rtlirlMf tfll i ihimi u iiu'. - i t AND THE TRY9N BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 2 TRYON, N. a FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1918. $10 A YEAR ESiCmE FIRE THURS DAI mUKNINU. jjy by Hard Work Was it Pos- jible to frevenr tne rire - Spreading. 'WILKIN'S & CO BURN OUT. T,.,.,,n was visited by a very de prive fire about two o'clock Thurs- Jv moining,,ymg in ashes the iLiful store of Wilkms & Co., the 'mv Theatre and a pool room un- rneatn - . . - . The origin of the fire is a mys- n:Ui. livinC nav the Tirpmisps. Cs the first to discover, it and he fvs it hid gained much headway Ln he discovered it. He immedi- IpIv turned in the fire alarm and W . J T J.T Jon a large crowu mm gamereu, y -it was apparent, iiim nuining Iuld be done to save tne mucins Mine so that ali attention was med to the lianK 01 i ryon ana tne FISHTOP. We did need rain to make the truck come up, but not by the week. Rev. Wm. Morris, of Henderson viile, visited Grandma Newman one day last week. Pink Messer, of Saluda, and Daisy Jones, of the cove, were mar ried last week. , Strange men continue to pass through this section. I. W. Bishop, E. J. and T. W. Brad ley went to Saluda Saturday last. Dr. Hooper and his brother, of Henderson county, were in this part last week on a fishing tour. James Case, of Greenville, S. C, visited his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Case, last week. Rev. Morris preached at Sunset View school house, last Sunday. Those who are not done planting would do well to plant early varieties from now on, as we may have an early fall again, and suffer loss. We sure need all that can be raised. w. s. s LYNN. Rev. Pratt preached last Sunday to a very respectable sized congregation, but not half so large as should have been, to hear his talk- nn MrthoT Hie lllengsr Co. buildings, adjoining, eulogies on "Mother's Knee Altar" W were saved witnout any aam- 1 were fine. Have we not all worshiped k , ,. . WM I around this altar? The siock ui luciuuuiuwc ui. i it s rumored that the roof on the ins k.o., xvi vi"""- new cnurcn. is to De pur on m a lew it as they carneu irom eigm, lo ten i days. misand, the loss is pretty neavy. I Some who have heen mntm-ino- b insurance was carried on the J through this mountain country say Hiding. :ur. vyumiui is w uie ujjui- mai tne old Howard Gap road af- n that the building is merely gutted, fords the finest scenery of all. id that the walls can- be saved. Sorry, Mr. Fishtop, if it's too wet to The Holly Iheatre people have a g0 fishing. You might catch or kill implete loss, and they have no I a rattler, or coon, and some sav it's a JansforMie future. I good time to locate bee trees. What One of the freaks of the tire was 1 about it? lat notwithstanding there were two I Mr. James Jackson will be in Lvnn on the 20th and"21st, to list your tax able property. Mr. S. M. Robinson and son, of Lowell,- N. C, were up one day last Mr. S. Sentelle, wife and four child ren, motored ud from Gaffnev last state that the building will be at I Sunday, visited relatives and friends. kce rebuilt, a new stock of mer- I returning Sundav evenine. Mr.--.Sen- iandise purchased, and they will be I telle once lived in 'Polk... pay for business just as, soon as ry c a ir loads of hay in the basement, it her caught tire, and was only dam- ted by water. iThe machine of the Holly Theatre jas saved, but the chairs and other irniture were lost. We are authorized bv Mr. Wilkins Ml QUR FR1EHDS DVEff THE COUNTY Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Oarj Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County BURNETT SCHOOL. The people were disarmointod Sun day, as Rev. C. G. Walker did not fill ms appointment at Cane Creek. Miss Clyde Allen is home after spending a few weeks . with friends and relatives in Rutherfordton. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Tavlor visited Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Gibbs, Sunday. Mr. Noah Lynch visited Wilburn Gibbs, Sunday. Messrs. Claude Wilson and Virgil McGuinn were callers at Mr. Law rence Spicer's, Sunday. Mr. Ernest Corn called at U. S. Gibbs', Sunday afternoon. The singing at Rock Springs is put off until the third Sunday in June. Hope they will have it then, for they have put it off twice. Mr. U. S. Gibbs made a business trip to Landrum, last Saturday. Sunny View, you were mistaken about the callers at Miss Ina Bur nett's, last Sunday. They went to Mr. D. V. Allen's. Mrs. N. L. Lynch visited Mrs. U. S. Gibbs, last Tuesday. The people in this section are about through with their planting. PEA RIDGE. a Mr. Richard Jolly, of Chesnee, S G.; spent Saturday night at W. R Turner's. . Mrs. Charlie Walker is in Ruther fordton hospital, suffering from broken hip. Mr. Jqhnie Richards and family, from Gaifney, . visited Mr. Calvin Phillips, 'Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Waldrop spent Sunday at Mr. J. B. Dalton's. Oscar Philips and wife spent Sat urday night at W. R. nilips'. A .young man from Tryon made a short visit to Pearidge, Sunday. He must have been in a hurry. Collett Fowler has received his no tice to go to camp very soon. It is hard to believe that a bit is your best. Don't believe it. -It is only your best for the time being. But do it. We wish to correct a mistake that appeared in Mill Spring items last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Thompson went to Gamp Sevier, Saturday, but Bessie Thompson has never been to Camp Sevier. Do your best, but don't neglect your bit. Rev. Ruppe spent Saturday night at W. J. i Wilson's. An Oath That Every ' American Should Vow. If ILL SPRING. ssible. w. s. s REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Rev. J. M. Barber filled his . regular E. D. Bradley, J. E. Pace, Jacob H. I atmointment at the M. E. church, phnson, J. W. Thompson, Mrs. Mar- I Sunday. and family firet Bamburger, J. W. Thompson, .B. Thompson, D. 0. Gilbert, Albert . Salley, V. G. Rhodes, Jerry Law- Ir, C. B. Edwards, 0. D. Gilbert, S. I Price, T. T. Ballenger and F. A. K'lor, lease to Manufacturers Pow- Co .; consideration $1.09. Henry Rich and wife to Agnes J. oolson, 8 acres: consideration $10. Id other consideration. LT. Tribble and wife-to Theodosia mes Kennedy, lot M acre: consider- pon. ?10 and further consideration. refer Parker and wife to R. L. jewnian. U acre lot. in Saluda: con- peration $10 and ot.hpr rnn si deration Elizabeth Ringo Gordon and her Mr. Creed Hampton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. G C. Brisco. Quite a large crowd from here at tended the dedication services at the Baptist church on Pearidge, Sunday. Messrs. Reagan Bradley and N. E. Arledge were visitors in this section, Sunday. A large crowd attended the Chris tian Endeavor at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon. Thirteen more members were enrolled. Leader for next Sunday, Miss Letha Barber. Meeting at the Baptist church, at 6 o'clock, p. m. ' Hurrah 'o: I elk county. t nave isband to Wm. Burton -Wei gel and gone "Over the Top". Three cheers aude Alice Weigel, 49.5u acres, Yes, let's have a big rally when the ore or less, m Tryon; consideration Honor Flag is raised. the v and further consideration, i I Misses Carrie Barber and Mabel U Ownby and wife to T. N.-Wil-1 Pack visited "Mis Anna Edwards - on 1-9 interest: consideration 26.50. 1 TWv T?nnto 1 Snnrlnv H --. i y - . x i j vlt f v rosev and wifo tn TvTrs Jnnp I TVt; CLurry. 1 arrp 9Q tioIpc lrf in C.n- I oitin K-rrktViPT T C Arlprlfrp. at mbus consideration, $300. ' Spartanburg. u.uinnon to Geo. H. Bradley, Misses Arkansas Arledge, pf Xound undivided interest: consideration I Mil 1 AmHpitiv. rpturnedniome. Tues- and other valunble consideration. A Misses Mollie and Eva Egerton were callers at the home of Miss Nellie Walker, Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barber were acres; consideration J callers at Mr. J. B. Dalton's, Sunday. Mrs. Elma Dicus left for Alabama, Sunday. Saturday is the day to clean off the erravevard at the Baptist church, at t does malfo tyiv hpfirt. rp- I fV.ic -nla.o nrA Snndav is memorial I. . - - I Lino luuvy j 'c? w see the beautiful fields offdav. Everybody who has friends n wave back and forth. I relatives buried here should be,,pres- diners and moViovc onpnnrfl (TP I ,,r- r-r fViia A(!icinTi 0 Mate :T; Cobb and husband to Ma- " lliiamS- 89 rn cor nr.ciWoT?if irir PiOUU. B. Willi o , . n , vill tv a. -ax divert. w. s. S. NEW HOPE. 6h how children to plant a little patch I I M O . ... i cannot makp thnnsnnHa it. Wll f r "1UUVV s mite. and Mrs. J. G. Scoggins visited "e Sundav fv-nnv- Tor u iln' w. s. s. CROSS KEYS. day is in r-Henry Hines made a short call ftObert McEntvrp ia rrmVino- nn coggins Saturday. dement on the public road near Mr r 1UdKi,1g a large nil. Some of the farmers in this sec tion have replanted their cotton. The wheat crop is looking good, though some is being damaged by rust. Mrs. T. A. Pendleton and three daughters, of Florida, are spending -,ome time with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Flynn. J. P. Horn. Lad Horn and two oth ers, went fishing last Saturday. Im- Kan, passed'thmiifrh this action, mediately after their return home the iaar -o-- 7i -tt ir eAAa.n1T 3eople Messrs. Horn were taicen suddenly 11 1 avp o-otti-r, ill and a doctor naa to oe cauea. cars. Dm v,Q i,f, I Guess thev will not eat so much fish can i V. "cxc "" u vviicici --" ( la Poplar Grove. Sounds like ines. Come again. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1.. Evervt? hard rain Sunday night. , iD0dy was turned - toward Pea- jf ounnay nPYt time Mrs, Roland Feagan was taken to the Rutherfordton hospital last week. Arthur Green's car wrecked1 with him near here last Sunday morning. Don't think he . received any serious injuries, but his car was pretty well smashed up. , A number from nere attenaea tne nrirl r.. . I ' u i. XT..'K PjAlot Siinnav fcildren E' Elliott and mveiung at wi j tlhott's in u Luther Collins is spending a few Robert Gmv .v,e davs with his mother. He has joined sister oi"; V m7I ow nd i expectine to leave i T i "-w xvira. a Drams, anu i - " ' -V1T ll.u ll - .Messrs. Floys waiser anu nuKu Norville have, joined the colors. i- D. Mr. le in l1-S 0 m r Kueats oi jyir. . ana ly Powell, Saturday and Sunt uite a irv from this section Oh v- on shopping, Saturday. we Vn fpeonie froni Tryon Route xt SnJr1 another glimpse of you to R;u . . . ? hat wii i "Pnngs, iunday,,to see done. r Ji NVonflering what became of I colonies. Poison for Rabbits. Poisoning by means of phosphor- Ized 'erain Is said to be an effective tne inc-ease or I will not drink from a German cup; Gr eat from a-Germ4p plate; I will not tieal with a Gemaniman, All vfoiilwithGeman.lmt ril use no drug with a German name That's grown on German land. Pll eat no food and drink no beer If made by a German hand. I will not use a German tool Razor or knife or saw. I will not trade with a German shop That lives by a German law. I will not sail on a German ship, Where, German songs are sung I will not breathe, where God's clean air Is soiled by a German tongue. I will not forget those awful deeds To girls and little boys; No more Pll hang on Christmas trees Those bloodstained German toys. ' I will not take a German's word He' 11 break it if he can. There is no love in a German heart Or faifh in a German man. This is my oath. When war is done Pll swear to keep it l;rue; And since I know you feel the same, Pll pass it on to you. Kenneth Graham Duffield. COLUMBUS. Miss Pearl Keenan SDent a few days last week visiting Miss Mae Mills. Annie Lowls1 Mills was a visitor of Miss Pearl Keenan at Valhalla, Sat- urday. Mr. N. T. Mills spent Saturday and Sunday in Spartanburg. Miss Lizzie . Dedmond gave a birth day party, in. honor of her niece, Clara Brown. Gomes were played, and ev erybody had a good time. Refresh ments were served on the lawn. Sargeant Ezra Constant, of the Aviation Corps, in Virginia, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Constant. 1 The family of H. W. Hill was in Rutherfordton, Saturday, and attend ed the funeral, Sunday of Mr. Hill's father, Mr. Martin Hill. Mis Minnie Arledsre returned home after a ten days' visit in Forest City. Miss Ida Carnecrie returned home after spending the winter in Virginia, attending school. ' Mrs. Will Ward and baby, Aylene, of Tryon, spent last week with her sister Mrs. Chas Davenport. Mrs. T. W. Williamson has gone to Concord, N. C, to attend the com mencement of the school that her daughter, Doris, has been attending. Ernest McMurray and DeWitt Smith have returned home from Spar tanburg. ' Mi Walter Elliott and familv vis ited his father, Mr. C D. Elliott, last Saturday and Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Landis, Friday last, a girl, 'Evelyn May. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Feagan and family, spent Sunday in' Landrum, at the home of Mr. Columbus. Hampton. Mr. James Osmond spent Sunday with his family, returning to Spar tanburg, Monday. Mr.. R, F. McFarland is in States ville, on business. Mrs. McGregory and Mr. Daven port and family, of-Lilesville, S. C, were in town, Sunday. Mrs. F. L. Weaver spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Da venport. Sheriff Robertson and Mr. S. H. Slaughter, of Saluda, Were in town Tuesday. Junior ORed Cross meeting will be held -with, the Betterment Club, Sat urday, at . 3 -p.i,Tte-i,4 A meeting of the Columbus Red Cros auxiliary will be held Saturday at 3 p. m., to complete the organiza tion. All members, also the ladies of the community, are earnestly re quested to attend. W. S. S SANDY SPRINGS. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Mr. Albert Lynch and some of th Sunny View people were out touring, Sunday. Mrs. James Bradley spent Saturday night with Mrs Dock Jones. Mr. Bowen Wilson visited hi grandmother, Mrs. S. J. Hilton, Sun day. Mr. Clyde Wilson, of Spartanburg, is visiting his parents at this writing. Mr., Noah Ruff and Miss Maym Gilbert visited Chimney Rock, Sun day. -Several of the boys from here en joy hunting and fishing. We fear before another year they'll wish they had followed some other calling. Mesdames A. J. Dimsdale and F. R. Coggins, .visited Miss Anna Wilson Saturday evening. Mr, Twitty Jackson visited Mr. W. N. Dimsdale, Sunday last. Hello, Burnett .School, glad to know your Sunday, school has started -up again. Let's all strive to make better . men and women. Miss Myrtle Whiteside and Mr. Frank Dimsdale, visited the home of Mr. J. L. Jackson, Sunday. Say, Sunny View, you must not guess so much. Messrs. Frank Dimsdale, Bill Jack son, Hobelt Whiteside went fishing, Wednesday. One of them received a painful wound from a large cat fish. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs visited Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Whiteside. Sunday. we are sorry to hear that some of our soldier boys had left for France. II they're willing to go and fight, we should do our part by buying .Liberty aonos ana Xhnit .stamps, and rais ing food, to support them We are glad to say that Mrs. J. G. Corn who has been very sick is im proving some. Miss Maggie Jackson visited her sister, Mrs. Belton Jackson, Sunday. Little Ura Whiteside visited Ar kansas Jackspnt Sunday. w. s. s. MELViN HILL. SUNNY VIEW. TRYOK BOUTE 1. We are glad to hear from our sol diers again. Mr. Boun Wilson spent a few hours with Mr. A. H. Lynch, Sunday. Mrs. Ocie Gilbert and Miss Lizzie Wellington visited Mrs. A. H. Lynch, Sunday. Mr. Frank Mills made a call at Mr. U4 S. Gibbs, Sunday. Mr. Bill Jackscfn has gone to Spar tanburg for a few days. Messrs L. C. Brown, Clyde Wilson, B. Green and Lawton Wilson all from Spartanburg, spent Saturday night at home. Mr. Frank Dimsdale made a call at Mr. J. L. Jackson's Sunday. We are glad to hear that Burnett School is still alive. Messrs. 'Bill and Dewitt Helton made a flying trip to Tryon, Satur day. . We are glad to learn that oldTolk county not only raised her quota, but went over 50 per cent better. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor visited Mr. U. S. Gibbs, Sunday. Don't forget to send the NEWS to some soldier boy. ' f Mr. G. Corn took dinner with Mr. A H, . Lynch, Friday last We are -elad to jsee everybody workingrfor Uncle. Sam and his boys. Farmers are not through planting yet. It rams so much that the ground keeps too wet to work We hear quite a number of people say their cotton is not coming up as well as they wyuld like to have it. itoy iantreu, who underwent an operation for appendicitis recently, at the Rutherfordton hospital, was brought home yesterday. His friends are glad to know he is getting along nicely. Mrs. Sallie Smith spent last week with her son, Miler, at Fingerville, b. G. bhe says the terrible hail storm on last Wednesday completely ruined gardens, wheat fields and oats fields. Many chickens were kill ed by the hail. More than four thou sand window panes were broken in the mill and houses there, and tops of other buildings considerably damaged. Mrs. Richard McEntyre and sister, Mis Viola Humphries, of Cleveland county, spent the day at Perry CanT trell s, Friday. The bovs from here who were at Camp Sevier, left there last week. It was a mistake about Seth Davis having a discharge from the army. It was signed by all who had to sign it, except the Captain at Camp Se vier. He got the discharge misplaced and therefore Mr. Davis failed to get home. Mr. and Mrs. Berton Cantrell vis ited the latter's mother, at Melvin Hill, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Smith attended memorial services at Green River, Sunday. Misses Ola and Ruth Belcher'spent We had an unusual downpour of rain here, last -Wednesday evening. a destructive hail storm passed through Fingerville S. C.f and vicin ity, last Wednesday, destroying : the wheat and s-oats crops . and3 breaking the' window, glasses. &ElddrGranmmCn11ed iu&aeiru Tar appointment here, last Saturday and Sunday. ' ' ' . Quite , a ; unraber , of persons s . from here attended rnemorial services at Green River,, church, iast. Sunday. Miss Mabel Gilbert's school closed here one day last weefc. tittle Miss Osie Henderson won the prize for the greatest number of head marks. " Mr. and-Mrs. Smithy also Miss Pol ly Ridings and-Miss, Candace Calvert, of . Inman, motored over to church here last Sunday. Eld. W. A, Reed preached an in teresting sermon at the church here Sunday night. Quite a large party from Gowan ville motored down to '.attend reli gious services here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mary, Morris arrived home from Double Branch , Mine, .Sunday, where she spent a week ".visiting her son and other relatives. Mr. Walker Gilbert, of Inman, vit ited home folks here last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Harris and fam- ly, from near Cowpens, S. C., visited at the home pf Mrs. J. T. Waldrop, Sunday. Mr. Roy ..Cantrell, who has been in he hospital . at Rutherfordton, was brought home, Sunday, and is getting on well. Messrs. Ben.. Morris and James Waldrop, made a flying visit to rel atives at; Inman, Sunday. Mr. Belt. Green has had , notice to appear at Ciamp .Jackson one y day means or. r cnecKing rabbits in certain parts of the. British j Everybody in this "section has an ex Mra acre ior xnax purpose. .Tii at now nature displays her rarest . .... i n T7-? 1 .4-l- and fairest nowers. assea vwi -Fridav nirht at. Mr. Walter McFn- Heaven's sunlight, bathed with her " warm refreshing showers seek these lovely spots, heart-weary by" regrets oppressed, and in the gran deur of these nowers my spirit soarb my soul finds rest. 1111 "ti 1! nftpn t tyre s Several boys irom around nere are expecting to leave for thet training camps this week. G. W, McGinnis has his corn mill in W. S. S. HILLCREST. Manv of us attended church, Sun- fine shape now, and is making good . ii. day, and a goodly number journeyed meai on to tne cnurcn dedication un jtc ridge. - Those who visited the sick on the route, Sunday, were the families of Mr. C. E. Shore, Mr. E. H. Edwards, Miss Sallie . Camenter. Mrs. . Minnie Hamilton and children, Graee .Bob-Jack, and found Mr. S. B. Edt wards much better, and quite uveiy. 1 mi ' a t- i i m i J Z " Tne American JBlDie society is iv eraging ten thousand copies of ser vi testaments bound in khaki. We (Too late for last week.) Mrs. U. S. Roddy and Mrs. and Feagans are on the sick list. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Yveldon Aorams, and Mr. and Mrs. Powell, visited Mr. J. P. Abrams' family, Sunday. Several of our Red Cross workers met at Mrs. Abrams', Tuesday, and ' . . 5 . i j I mei ai hope there , win soon De one piaceo in quilted a Red Cross Nurse's quilt the nanas w eacn American - the second our girls have made "t:."""6 S Mesdames Davis and Wilkins, of T d r l ! Abolene, were at Hillcrest,, Friday. Mr. E. B Edwards and-daughter, J ' r.OT, A -e PearL. motored to Rutherfordton, Sat- Mr. Jf M. Brian had Lthe misfor oJ to see little rwm,. arid found tune to lose a fine cow, recently. him imnrovinff. but not able to re- J I Rev.- G.-E. Kidd has gone to Lan- turn home with them. - I caster, S. C, for a week. ; W. M. S. will meet at Bethlehem, on -. Mr. and Mrs, ; Rowland-, Feagans the fourth Sunday . afternoon at 3 j spent the week-end in Rntherfordton. o'clock, also the Juniors. r j Rev. Mr. Lobdell, of Rutherfordton, - lio to icmonai services ai-'iimwiuwu dj... -x-: Oak, next Sunday.; .. r; .Sunday xnorning. , ,j this week. ITW. S. S HILLCREST. Mr. T. C. Coxe and family.spent the week-end at Cedar Hill. plantation. Little Miss Patsv Gattis' left Sat urday, to spend a few days with' Miss Steele, in Rutherfordton, before re turning to her home n Charlotte. Rev. G. E. Kidd returned, to Hill- crest Institute. .Monday, after , spend ing a week in Lancaster, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Houser spent Sunday at Boiling Springs. Mr J. M. Brian and Miss Margaret Brian attended a dedication service in upper Polk, Sunday. Mrs. J. P. Abrams visited her daughter, Mrs. Powell, Sunday. Miss Mira Sue Houser is,visiting Miss Bertha Dalton, at Chinmey Rock. The publie school at the Coxe school house closed informally, on Friday, May 10, the popular teacher, Miss Dalton, returning to her home at Chimney Rock, on. Saturday, r The many -friends of Mrs. Roland Feagans, who have been distressed by her illness and removal to the Rutherfordton hospital, will be glad to know that the doctors think she may pull through without an opera tion for appendicitis. Every one sym pathizes with Mr. Feagans who has laid down. his work- and spent the week - in Rutherfordton, torbe near his bride. . . Miss Webb, of Forest City, is visit ing Miss Mila McKinney. The Red Cross, workers of. Hillcrest are sending in a large package of finished work, and are ready for more. The prayer meeting, , at Sandy Plains church,' last Sunday, ;waa well attended, -Missv Lore was assisted by Mr. Lee Thompson, in the absenct of , the pastor, Kev. Judo, , 1 V, i I I; 11 i 1 V V ! i '? I i f r-o