- The Only Paper Published n; Polk County. A Live, Osan Newspr.. for the tiorna AND THE KIYON BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 3 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918. $1.50 A YEAR 5 " ! 1 . . , . ; , RED GROSS MAKES ANOTHER APPEAL. American Troops Sadly in Need of a Great Many of the Luxuries Due Them. COLUMBUS. FROM OUR FRIENDS: OVER THE COUNTY Some Items of General Interact Gathere'dBy Our Correspondents From Various -. Sections of polk County PEA RIDGE. MORE TOBACCO MONEY. NEEDED. We are in receipt of the following letter from Mr. Harvey D. Gibson, Manager of ih.e American Roo Ci'ss, asking for more contributions to the trbaiO fund. Read 'he letter; it bespeaks for itself. After reading bring your money to the NEWS of fice and we will f orward it on to headquarters, where it will ge proper ly expended. - 1 AMERICAN RED CROSS National Headquarters Washington, D. C May, 16, 1918 Tolk County News, ' Tryon, N. C. .. Gentlemen: The Red Cross Commission in France is continually receiving re quests from the commanding officers for supplying great quantities of to bacco for the' use of the American expeditionary Force in France. The efforts of your paper and others in the country to secure funds especially designated for the purchase of tobac co for our jarmy abroad, has made it possible thus far for the Red Cross to respond to practically all of these re puests for tobacco without it being necessary to expend any Red Cross funds for this purpose. - We have just received , from our Commission in France word that the amount of tobacco which we have been able to supply them in the past is not nearly enough to answer the urgent calls which we are receiving and will receive in the future. I give below some extracts from recent ca bles received from our Commission bearing on this subject. March 7th. Not over 300 cases to bacco in all our store houses. Last month distributed 1,000 cases. . March 13th. Have now distributed newspaper tol-acco and should hav- more. How much can we ex pect monthly? March 28th. We need 175 case newspaper tobacco a month for each army division. April 15th. Divisional bodies of our troops scattered detachments un der trainincr as well as sick and wounded, all make irresistible demand for more tobacco. Minimum needs 175 cases per month for each division. We must be able to supply such de mand as we had this week when American aviator who recently brought down two Boche machines ir one day walked miles in rain -to get tobacco for himself and comrades We are depending on you and hope that-it will be possible for you to in crease your activities in this line to meet the increasing demand. The need is gaining as the number of our troops abroad grows. We sincerely hope that you can make your endea vors proportionate and that you will be able to furnish us with a large quantity to equal the needs as indi cated to us from abroad. Very truly yours, H.D. GIBSON General Manager. W. s. s. CROSS KEYS. Sargeant A. Y. Arledge, of Camp Jackson, spent Sunday at home. . Mrs. Chits;,: Davenport and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A; Feagans. - Mf' v4 McFarland has been ap pointed UJS; Deputy Collector, with headquarters at Rutherfordton for the-present. . Mr. and Mrs. Forest Glass left Fri Mrs, J. 1. Lamn and Mrs Bnvd nf I day. for Morcanton 1ST f. ' wVita mucrest, spent Saturday night with they will spend several days. J- Mr 316m gn" . . , I Mrs. Gentry, of Asheville isvisit- hF iher and mother, Mr' and Mr. A. T Hart vf tv pfo 1 1S Alhe Connor spent Sunday attPnHpH Mm iL .cf"J" ' W1 MlS? Bessie Thompson. The f rier-f mII' c n J- ..r. A. Mills visited his son Bud vj. iuio. Kj. jj. uunaiua nlilJc ' iiinoir are crlad to 1m - o ' illlLIWTVllJlViH- I -r f. -. , from a severe ill A large crowd attended the Baptist rynare sPendinS the week at Mr. church, Sunday morning and enjoy-1 u- Moqre's. ed an excellent sermon delivered by Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Gault spent Rev. R. M. Pratt, pastor. The even-1 Sunday ut Mr. John Foy's. nig service was given over to the Ked I Mr. V. tt TViwincrm xr,e;f Mo Cross. There was a small attendance brother, Mr. Jas. Thompson, Sunday. Slpse 0.v wa,s Mr. and Mrs JJ. G. Thompson made lc-""cu, auu uy tne ena oi tne weeic i i : ...- m ttt.j Columbus expects to have a sum they neidav P y ' T i ma v rf nrnnn n-r SALUDA. may be proud of. mere was a larere attendance at the Betterment Club Saturday. Many aew members tor the Ked Cross were secured. The library will be oDen to che public at each meetiner of the club. Mrs. H. H. Edwards. Librarian. Mr. J. R. Sams has gone to Ashe- vine tor a tew days. Mrs. J. A. Feagans has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. Willoughby Arledere and child ren spent the week with her sister, Mrs. Robert Carruth, at Landrum, S. ,-iCla'rence Newman has returned nome from Round Hill school. Vi'. and Mrs. Birch Gosnell visited MrvsJim Gosnell,' Saturday and Sun "day : .Misses Eliza, Bessie and Delilah jWjlsbn spent Sunday afternoon with -Mrs.wAnnie Liles. ; Most all the boys have left Camp Sevier. Some are in New Jersey. ;OneTydung man wrote to his mother ancf'said he was having a fine time, jbut 'was anxious to start to France. -T; Mr?.' Cora Duncan, of Rutherford tori Is visiting her mother, Mrs. P. G. JBrisco.- -,Mr.land Mrs. Bert Liles have re turned from Gaffney, S. C, to spend the summer with the latter's father, Wi Mills. The Dawn of Eternal Peace. ,t -i tut There will be services at the Pres byterian church Sunday, May 26th. at 11 a. m. Kev Kidd. of Hillcrest. ' pastor. Mrs. J. T. Hutcherson is in Spar tanburg receiving treatment at the hospital. Mrs. Doris Williamson has return ed from Concord, N. C, where she has een attending school at Sunderland Hall. Mr. C. E. Shore and family motored x bhelby, bunday. - w. s s MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. A large crowd attended the singing at Mrs. Toney's, last Saturday night. All seemed to enjoy the singing. Mr. Reuben Collins returned home Saturday, from Pee Dee, S. C, where he has been for some time. . A large crowd attended services at Green's Creek, Sunday night. H. E. Flynn and family visited the home of J. D. Weaver, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cantrell, of Spartanburg, visited Mr. Elias Can trell, Sunday fternoon. Mr. Oscar Bridges is the only one from here who leaves for the train ing camp, next Saturday. A number of people from here at tended services at New Hope, Sunday. Sunday school at Greens Creek nent Sunday, 10 a. m. Memorial ser vices at 11 o'clock, and an "old time singing' in the afternoon, expecting a large crowd. : FISHTOP. ' Several from this section attended nemorial services at Rock Spring, Sunday. Miss Eliza White and J. T. Ed- vards made a trip to Rutherfrdton, ruesday. A. A. Edwards visited his father, Monday night. Miss Barbara White spent Sunday ifternoon with Miss Dorcas Edwards. Say, Route 2, what has become of Mr. A. F. Corbin? Mrs. A. A. Edwards visited at the home of Mr. Robert Gilbert, Sunday afternoon. Some relatives from McDowell, are quests at Mr. J. B. Ownby's at this writing. Pearidge, chipping cotton is my oc cupation, now. A still was captured about four niles east of here one day last week, ind more running yet, but have not oeen located. Misss Ellen Edwards and Eliza White were visitors at Mr. Ownby's Sunday afternoon. Miss Bessie Lynch and brothers vere guests at Mr. Robert Gilbert's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Editor, what do you think has become of Saluda Route 1? Memorial service at Big Level next Sunday. Let s go. Hey, Oklahoma and South Caro ina readers, how do you like the NEWS? Fletcher Edwards made a trip to Trvon. last Saturday. Bert Edwards and Samuel Ownb'y vere callers at J. T. Edwards', Sun- lay night. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wilson attended nemorial services at Cooper Gap, Sunday. Miss Mossie Edwards stayed at tome, Sunday, and read the Bible, vrote letters, and also went to the 'Land of Nod." Do you ever get sleepy reading. w. s. s. POPLAR GROVE. Seems that raising stock would suit this season better than farming. Rev. Maurice concluded his meet ings, with 7 additions, last Wednes day. W. C. Pace visited his sister, Mrs. Herbert Pace, last week. He will leave for Panama about June first! This is the year for one colony of the 17-year locust to appear, brood No. 9. A few have been heard here. Brood No. 10 will be "due next year, so No. 9 is only a forerunner of the larger brood. . R. B. Staton. of Saluda, and Mes dames Arrins Young and Lavador Pace, of Upward, were visitors at Sycamore, Inn, last week. ! Mrs. T. E. Pace and son. W. C. vis ited G. W. Arledge and family, at dimrura, one day last weeK. Mrs. Henriftj TTpnftersnn " visited her father last Sunday. Grover Byers, of Asheville, visited Jasper Henderson last week. Rev. Joel Sherfly stayed over night last Monday with the Bradley family. The rain has put the farmers be hind with their work. Some are working their cotton, and lome through planting, and yet iidn't appreciate the nice time. The memorial services at Rock Spring, Sunday, were well attended A nice time, a nice dinner, and a nice rain in the afternoon. The singing convention has been put off until the third Sunday in J une. Let's all be present. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Noland, of Asheville, and Mrs. Waldron, of Lan drum, were visitors at J. W. White side's, Friday. Mrs. Bonnie McGuinn and Miss Beulah Odle, were callers at Dewitt Odle's, Sunday. A crowd of boys "had a chicken r-ntxtf. one nicrht last week. Those A vision came to myj; tear-dimmed eyes As I knelt in prayer, today. The brooding clouds of the gloomy skies And the moan of he ocean, gray, The barren shores and the corpses, pale Flung up in the rising: dawn, Of the glad and gallant.Iads that sailed To the shores of Eternal Morn! The lofty cliffs that towered down To the breast of the haunted sea, The farm and fisheif folk, around, With flags held, reverently. The long processlonf the (0 the broken hearts that mourn) The Cross and Flag at the head, By a priest and a soldier, borne. I passed through the mutilated forms, With thoughts for tears, too deep Cut down in the pride of manhood's dawn On the sighing shores, asleep, All crushed was the merry bouyant grace (And one was but a child.) Another wore on his tortured face The ghost of a peaceful smile. A flood of thoughts swept o'er my soul That filled my eyes with tears When I came to a boy with curls of gold On the last of the wooden biers. A woman might die for a face like this So noble and brave and true. On the beautiful brow I left a kiss, For he was with God, I knew. The sublime Funeral words were said, I heard the echoing volleys, three, That strengthened the Tuscania's Dead To the port of the Crystal Sea! The graves were filled with the broken remains Of those Tempels of the Soul, When lo! there vanished the lines of pain From the sweet white face with curls of gold O ! my brave dear lads, when your ship set sail A thrill with courage and daring grlance 'Twas steered by the hand of an angel pale To a happier land than ruined France! And a deathless victory you have won. The enemy's stab but brought release, For at last you've found with crowns well-won The Dawn of Eternal Peaee. Eva Plamandori Boyd. Mr. Reeves Boykin motored up from Charleston accompanied by Mr. x rank Holmes last V ednesday. Mrs. Boykin, who has been spend ing some time here has gone to Hen-dersonville. Mrs. Sybil Jenkins of Jacksonville, Fla., has arrived for the sumemr sea son, and will open the Charles Hotel, formerly having been run by Mrs. J. w. L,aMotte who is now in Hender son ville. Mr. J. C. Sales, of Fletcher. N. C, was in the city on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holland and baby, of Jacksonville, Fla., are guests at Mrs. H. P. Locke's. Mr. Herschal Thompson, of the U. S. Navy, battleship Nevada, was here this week spending his furlough with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Youmans, of Savannah, Ga., are guests at Mrs. H. P. Locke's. Messrs. Henry Head and Joe Bru erton, of Camp Sevier, Greenville,, were guests at the Seminary last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dormeus, of Augusta, Ga., and Miss Mary Coates left last week for New York to be gone indefinitely. Miss Clifford Wilcox spent a few days in Asheville last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dwelle, and family, ofi Savannah, Ga., have ar rived for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. McKenzie and daughter, Miss Mabel McKenzie, of Germanton, N. C, arrived last Sun day to witness the graduation of Miss Sarah McKenzie at the Saluda Semi nary. Mrs. S. S. Oehler who has been vis iting in Tryon has arrived to open her house, the Iona Lodge for the sea son. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Newman and little son are visiting Airs. Newman's mother, Mrs. S. S. Oehler. The Park Theatre opened the sea son on Friday and showed to gooei crowds. The pictures were fine and well received by the audience. Rev. Mr. Allen attended the Epis copal convention in Asheville this week. Mr. Robert Ta nner visited his mother. Mrs. S. Tanner this week, re turning to Orangeburg on Thursday. Mrs.'H. H. McKee and Miss Rosa Box were present at the conventidn held in Asheville this week. Mr. James Hill, of Germanton, N. C, visited the McKenzie's here the last of the week. Mr. Nick N. Peoples and two friends, of Atlanta, Ga., have arrived in Saluda, and are guests at the war ren House. The commencement exercises of the Saluda Seminary were held from May 11, to 16th. They were well attend ed. Miss Lillie Pace, who has been in training at the University Hospital, Baltimore, Md., is here on a short visit to her mother, Mrs. Jim Pace. Mr. Peck, of Flat Rock, was the niest of his brother, Mr. H. L. Capps, on Sunday. Miss Marguerite Robertson, who has been here all winter, has returned to her home in Boston. Miss Read, the Science teacher at the Seminary, returned to her home n Rochester, N. Y., last Friday morning. Miss Amanda Had is visiting in Asheville and Waynesville. Miss Ellen M. Click has returned to her home in Tenn., accompanied by her niece, Miss Addie Ramsey. Mr. J. R. bams, our hustling farm demonstrator, was in Saluda last Areek, and has made arrangements to meet all interested in live stock, or ehards and general farming. A day vill soon be set for the first meeting A.11 interested are asked to advise Mr. Frank Stevens, of Saluda Seminary. Decoration Day, May 30, will be appropriately observed at Friendship hurch, at 4 p. m. Patriotic talks and singing, decorating: of all sol diers' graves in this and other cem tenes, will follow. The colored Odd Fellows had s thanksgiving service on Sunday af- cernoon. There were visiting breth ren from Flat Rock and Tryon. fhere was a good attendance. W. S. 3. TRYON ROUTE 1. RED GROSS WAR FUND II Efforts Being Made to Double the Allotment Assigned Polk County. THE RED CROSS DRIVE. After several weeks of careful preparation the second war fund cam paign for the Red Cross has been launched and is meeting with wonder ful success. The chairman for the drive in Polk county, Mr. G. H. Holmes, reports by way of preparation he has sent Red Gross literature to practically ev ery family in the county, except Try on, where this was not deemed neces sary. Also he has appointed commit tees on every mail route and at every center of population in the county. He has been in personal touch with most of these committees, and they are doing good work. Tryon and Sa luda are being systematically can vassed by special committees. After two days' work it is certain that we have gone over our quota, and the effort is being made to double it. W. S. S. MELVIN HILL. HILL SPRING. Everybody enjoyed the memorial services at White Oak, Sunday. Mrs. Delia Bennett visited her par- t.- Mf -A "KT-m. T U fVViorm. present were Tolbert and W. D. Odle,. , 'F .d & ;il oryA ArW P.roor, lllnh Ed- 1ESl V 5nd Fra-nk MilK ' Ralpn Ed- . Mr. Lionel Brisco, of Hopewell, va. wards ar U Frank Mills were cooks, is yismng ms parents, rar. ana ju- Coffee lace was served, so wo are -B A t Sul Seems a if Pastel was scull Miss ieon ji.gerion, oi abucvu here.: jnome OCnooi, returned w ner Tie. tie, New Hope; here's coming Tuesday, to spena ner vacauga, : ' i A j I t xj Jani,fii Miss again. XOU Keep tne gUUU WUia up Mil. l. XA. uiuua w vicu6iii-i , too, as we enjoy reading the news Sue, are on the sick list. from New Hope. Seems . like old We are glad to see Claude Lewis times too. - back on his job, after an operation Hello, "'Mill Spring Route 2, how- for appendicitis m Greenville hospi-. do-you-do? .tal. , , . Words fail to convey our feelings if sorrow to the bereaved parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Holbert on the death :f their babes, which occurred last Thursday and Friday. May God sus tain them under their heavy afflic tion. Mrs. W. B. Henderson spent Mon dav night with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Holbert, to assist them with another little sick girl, which is very low ai this writing. Mrs. Emma Arledge and daughter were the pleasant visitors of Miss Myrtle Pack and mother, Sunday af ternoon. We are glad to note that Mrs. S. B Edwards is able to be out visiting the Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Feagan, also Mr. and Mrs. Philip Henderson, were hopping m Chesnee, Tuesday. Mr, H. P. Stacy, of Cherokee, R. I.. ;a lied on his brother, J. W. Stacy, riday. Miss Mabel Gilbert returned home. Sunday, from a week's visit to rela- i.es and friends. Messrs. 3. T. Waidrop and Jack Burnett motored to Lar.arum, on Farmers in this section are very )usiness Saturday, msy, thining cotton. There was a good attendance at Sunday school, last Sunday. Mr. Arthur Waidrop, of Spartan burg, motored up to this town to visit us parents, Friday. Mr. J. W. Stacy has purchased the vilpatrick , property ,which was ; ad-. ommg him. , Gardens are looking well in this icinity, and the place is "worlrinfir ilivef with young chickens. Some- hing to eat coming pn. Quite a large party motored up to double Branch mines to call on rela tives, last Saturday. We wish to correct a mistakt vhich we made last week. It was Mr.; Ed. Green who was called to the -amp, instead of his brother. Belt Green. W. S. 3 MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Messrs Geter Gibbs and Clarence Fortune, of Landrum, passed through Sundav. en route to Chimney Rock. Mr. Reagan Bradley is home from - iju Camp Sevier, on a live aays iunougn. Misses Leatha Barber. Clara. Pearl. Mrs. W. P. Jackson visited her Elsie and Essie Edwards were truests daughter, Mrs. B. .Laughter, oi iry- 0f Miss Bessie Hamilton, Sunday. on Koute l, last weeK. TiccpS Mvrtl and Orta Pack are Christian Endeavor at Bethlehem, nome f rom school. Miss Myrtle next Sunday, at 6 o clock, p. m.; 1 p-raduated at Saluda Seminary last Frank Taylor leader. Mr.C. B. McFee, of Asheville, was a business caller here, last Wednes day and Thursday. Mr. W. M. Walker has a store in the postoffice building. Mr. and, Mrs. G. E. Arledge spent week. We extend congratulations. Mr. Furman Nance and family made a flying trip to Greens Creek section, Sunday evening, visiting Broadus Nance and family, and en joyed a most splendid supper. The absence of Mr. J. H. Gibbs and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. W.l family was very noticable at church, M. Walker. M Sunday.. . v .. .... . Rev. C. G. Walker filled his regular appointment at Cooper Gap, Sunday. le delivered a splendid sermon. Mr. E. N. Williams and family vis ted Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, Sunday last.- Misses Myrtle Whiteside and Grace ibbs visited Miss Annie Wilson, Sun day. We had a downpour of rain, Sun lay, and Several of the young people ?ot a good sprinkling. Misses Grace Gibbs, Myrtle White- ;ide and Annie Wilson, Messrs. Frank Mills, ill Jackson and Frank Dims- iale made a short visit at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs', Sunday. We were pleased to see Mr. A. F. Sorbin at Cooper Gap, Sunday. Misses Oma Gibbs and Vera White side visited their grandmother, Mrs. V. L. Lynch, Sunday last. Messrs. Noah Ruff and Brazilla Green will leave for Camp Jackson, Saturday. v- Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coggins 'gave the young people a sociable party Saturday night. Thosepresent were Misses Lizzie Williams, "Maggie Jack son, Myrtle Whiteside and Annie Wil son; Messrs. Frank Dimsdale, ' Her bert Whiteside, Bill Jackson, Dewit Helton; Frank and Noah Lynch. j? Who will help the Red Cross, as this week is the second .war fund campaign for that organization? Miss Annie Wilson and Mr. J. L. Jackson are the committee for this district. i Some of the young people of Pea ridge passed through here last Sun day. Rev. C. G. Walker visited Mr. W. W. Gibbs, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coggins spent Sunday i night with the tetter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dimsdale - La, la, Mill Spring Route 1, disap pointments are always hanging1 around this way. I w. s. S- JUNE 5th IS THE DAY. By a recent act of Congress,, all those who have reached the age of 21 since June 5, 1917, are now. re- ' quired to appear before the County Exemption Board and register. , This means that every young man in Polk! county who has reached his 21st year since June 5, last must ap pear before the Polk County Exemp- . tion Board, in . Tryon, on June 5th, r 1918 and register. v The jlaw on this, matter, is very 1 strict, and it behooves every citizen : of the j county knowing of any young' man who has reached this agt since ' June. 5th, to, tell him of the law,. so" that none may unwittingly violate it. .1

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