1 A i A live, (lean, Newspaper For the Home. AND THE TRYON BEE NO. 5 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, JUNE 7f 19 SALUDA. lis: L T Smith lind Mrs. Smith Bit week-end in the city. P. Savannah. Ga.. is Irof Mrs. G. W. Dwelle. Jest01-. U7m-rif whn has Marina "Iie"w', I fv i ting her aunt, Mrs. A. De- rikPhUadelpHa. . . g Thompson ia fe""- J-f Qimnson. who has been irsonville for some time vis ! H H. McKee this wek. s, ono-Vifor "Miss Werner uuu uou61iv., orrivnd last week la vuinci, ---- Charleston to spend the sum- Lh Mrs. L. M. McKenzie and Sara sno mau-i iuv.ivciiiic turned to their home in Ger ' v C, after being the guests and Mrs. J. B. Cullipher for SDartanburer. ,vpH to spend the summer and Lying her cottage. .. y Spartanburg, spent last U ' , i T i L Lucy Dermid, of Henderson- pent aiew nours nere on ouu- H P. Mercer and two sons, and M. E Mercer, Jr., of Mown. S. arnveu un x ues- $1.50 A YEAR f and sons have just returned. K'ew York, wnere tney nave Vich Dr. Mercer before he sail- France with the medical corps, and Mrs. Charlton LeLand and have arrived from McClel- , S. C, where they spent the .' They are at their home on ille street. - . h rank R. Stevens spent I last Jay in Greenwood as the guest brother. .TnVm Tavlor. of CamD Jackson. Ibia, spent last week-end .here guest of "his family. S. Tiner and friends motored feenville last Sunday to visit Miner's son. Malcolm, who is I led at Camp Sevier. . i. B. I. Hazard and Misses Hazel her and Lucile HazaTtr,weTe'tb& ; of Mrs. J. L. Egerton and Mrs. Kershaw in Hendersonville last ay. . ijai gg, of Charlottesvilles, S. s the guest of Mrs. J. B. Uuili- last Sunday. jhas been spending some weeks left on Saturday for Asheville. i. Will Forest spent Thursday mdersonville. . Howard Brvan. who formerly last week en route8 to his home He Cest, after spending several , is m unio. Laughter and little daughter e, spent Tuesday in Henderson- . M. Baumberger went down to Wednesday to meet Julia and who were returnfng from iS Hazel Cullinhpr mntorfid to lersonville with friends. Friday noon. ecial prayer services for Amer ind her Allies were held in the :opal church in Saluda and the es at Mountain Page and idship on Thursday morning. In afternoon all the graves of the erse were decorated, ss Higginbotha has been called harlottesville, Va., on account of illness of her mother. She has the guest of her friend, Mrs. Hearon, for some time. ;s- S. Coward, of Spartanburg, ed on Tuesday to spend some here. lsiness at the Park Theatre is nS up and therefore it will re open till September. J"da and surrounding community touted very liberally to the Red s drive. The drive came to a ; pn Sunday evening, several in fH addresses being made by !n? tourists. Earnest Leland has arrived ' Uemson College to spend the Jith his family. iS Minnie Morris, of Asheville, 'e guest of Mrs. Henry Ward. r- Uaud Thompson, of Camp Se- . 18 home on a furlough, sses Porcher, Alexander and foreland have arrived from nburg. , js- Baker and1 children have ar vom Spartanburg to spend e time here. Hester and Miss Hester, of are guests of Mrs. Locke. iS" .1aker- stationed - at Camp kll th'. Spartanburg, spent last JJd vnth his family at Dr. evml V Hart visited friends in erv last Sunday, it i, . Coward, of Spartanburg, ice nf w?ek-end here. His moth ccmpanied him home last Tues- idavPavk rTheatre ' will show every its V Wefnesday and ! Friday u ? awhile, then every night tt D1K feature oov. n.'f- r.and Mrs PrtanK, . ,CltV Iast week from- k 'JJ: Aailbraith, of Spartaii- b. w7 w dQIew davs with Mr. and Mr n, k,ldtuni iast weeK. tiams . n race has returned to feh snn:: , several , months; fur Hr Air , lCldH.VCB,, t t, of n c ', Aait and Miss Eleanor s. H narieston, are guests at uckes. Messrs. Rns coll ort1 XT have arrived from Piedmont College Demorest, Ga., and will, spend tU summer here. Mrs. Rohpi sVin-f.j -i--mj -o.viu ouu cnnaren, of Georgetown, S. C, have arrived. w ociiu uie summer and arp guests at Mrs. Garren's. Miss Margaret Simmons, of Vir ginia, is expected this week to spend a while as the guest of Mrs. Locke. Misses Brooks, of South Carolina arspending some time in town. Miss Fannie Hume, of Charleston, w-i vlsltmg her brother at Miss Wilcox's home. W. S. S COLUMBUS. There will be a meeting held at the Columbus Baptist church, third Saturday in June in the interest of War Savings. Speakers will- be se cured for the occasion., Mr. Roy Lewis, who has just re turned from the Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, will preach at the Columbus Baptist church, Sun day, June 9, at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Walker visited tneir daughter, Mrs. John Hutcher son, last week. Edna Pack spent the week with Ruth Hutcherson. Mr. Walter Ridings has been very sick this week. Mr. J. R. Shipman and children wer6 in town, Monday. Mrs. E. C. Shore and children are visiting relatives in Virginia. Mr.' Wajter McCurry, of Spartan burg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Case, last week. w. s. s. TRYON ROUTE 1. The fathers, mothers and friends can now breathe the sigh of relief that the transports that conveyed oqr boys across the mighty deep has landed saiely in harbor. An bfficial Red Cross inspector says "You mothers of Americans, if you only could have seen the expression on your son's face as they marched from 'theirships into the Unknown, erect and unafraid,- to look destiny in the eye, you would Have thrilled with pride." -.- -.v. . , "" I say,1iurfah 'for Plk who doubles her quota on second Red Cross War Fund, and for the ."NEWS who lends her , little patriotic hand to rouse the people to their duty, to this and oth er great war needs. The boys who wear the khaki must have help to win the war. Mr. Fishtop, we-I-have two com tassels, the third of June. Can you -beat it? But we have no peaches. Mr. S. Br Edwards has purchased an Overland. We hope he won't meet with the luck of Uncle Josh. Mr. F. B. Nance captured a turtle weighing twelve pounds. A flower lover on the route walked two miles to a neighbor lover of flowers, and returned al smiles, with a nice lot of cuttings. Hurrah for the Tar-Heel who took the village of Cantigny, and the boys who went to supper singing, "Hail, Hail, the gang's all here." W. S. S. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. FROM OUR FRIENDS OVER THE G0UII1Y Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Oar Correspondents Frem Various Sections of Polk Count 'f BIG LEVEL. FISHTOP. Weare sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Robert Walker. We are glad to learn of the safe arrival of our boys in France. Born on the 28th of May, to Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Case, two fine boys. There will be some harvesting done this week. Grain is good, the only lack is not enough sown. Clean out your crops now, then plant some more potatoes, early corn, cane and peas for feed. T. E. Pace with his two daughters, Misses Estelle and EVa, visited the former's son-in-law, Herbert Pace, Saturday night, and attended singing at Mountain Page, Sunday. We learn that Mr. Lafayette Thompson is very uneasy about E. J Bradley, as he has not been in Saluda for two Saturdays. We hope he will rest easy, now, as Bradley was in Saluda, Monday with peaches. A. F. Corbin has closed his writing school in Bright's Creek district, and is now teaching near Walker and Fishtop. He spoke Sunday at Sunset school on the plan of organizing War J Savings societies. MELVIN HILL. . . .-.4 Farmers , are making -good use of this fair, hot weather, filling grass. Mrs. DellaVMorris arrived home from a week'jl visit to her jhother, at Henrietta, Sstuday afternoon. v Crops areilooking fine in this sec tion; a 4good stand xof cotton general- iy. i ff There was to have been an ice cream supper and cold drrnks at Mr. Jack Burner's, Saturday jnight, but everybody wad so hot and tired after a week of hard work, in I the fields,! that they came by the car loads in the afternoon and gobbled j it all up before supper time. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Horn made-a flying visit to relatives hef-ej Sunday' evening. . Wheat fields are beginning to look! yellow, which indicates thait the har-! j. ! -.. i vest-is near. . ? Messrs. JeSse Jones and Richard Mclntyre have a garage iri the roller; mill building , here. ' : - ; Mr.. Alex Blackwood has? purchased a new car. f Mesdames Waldrop and tacy call ed on Mrs. Morris, Sunday tevening. .Look xut for. an eclipse jbf the sun next Saturday. I- 0OO0000Q0OO00OO00OO000O00OSOCCS0CQCC3C3C00O0OO8000OO D-ilDS PRDOE. "I haven't much in the. way o wealth" &e saidjjwith a smile to me. ; 1 4But I never. have left a dozen men to drown in a wintrysiea. i? ; Ihete are things &want -thatil c&iitluyvuj'to satisfied after all, For I never have handaged a woman's eyes an' shot her against a wall. $ ' 'The papers each morning leave out my name,, there is nothing in all I do That editors look on as real live news or worthy, a line or two. But I'm quite contented the way things are; to my fate I am reconciled, For I have never laughed in a golden court iyhile women were being defiled. I ' 'It isn't much that I've had on earth, but all jj that I've had I've earned, I An' I never have heard old people shriek, in grief as their homes I burned. $ The only power I own down here is a vote onfielec- tion day, j! But that's better far than the ,kind of might that jj will slaughter a babe at play. jj". "I'd rather be in my humble shack with the little that'sjnineto own, f Than the blood-stained creature.of wealth and Jpow- er who sits on a Prussian throne; For I never have crimsoned the ground with blood, nor ordered a wife to die, , Nor left men there in the wintry sea, to get wfiat I couldn't buy." Farmers in this section are well up with their work. Mrs P "R. Coccins visited the latters sister, Mrs. King Steppe, Sunday. Tvrwo MvTtla Whiteside. Maude Lynch and Messrs. Clyde Wilson and Claude Williams, motored to Chimeny Rock, Sunday. Messrs. Claud Ruff and Howard Allen, passed through this section, Sunday. Misses Grace Gibbs and Annie Wil son -were the guests of Miss Thercy Burnett, Sunday aiiernoon. Mr. Charlie Brown has gone Tto South Carolina for a few days. He is to leave soon for the training camp. Bill and Maggie Jackson have gone to visit their brother, Mr. Pink Jack son, near Sandy f lains. Mr PVpH Gihbs made a call at Mr. G. S. Whiteside's, Sunday. Mrs. J. L. and Miss . Bessie Jackson visited Mrs. U. S. Gibbs, Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Squire Brown was fortunate enough to catch a large mud turtle one day last weeic. , ( Mrs A. H. Lvnch visited Mrs. JN. E. Williams, Sunday. Arkansas Jackson visited Miss uma Gibbs, Sunday. Mr. Ziba Wilson wrote his parents that the ship on . which he sailed landed safe m r ranee, wu, uic rai ser. Our boys will get him, yet, Whiteside visited Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Sunday last. Mrs. Martha Gilbert visited -ner mother, Mrs. N. E. Williams, Sunday. Miss Mae Lynch was a dinner guest of Mrs. George Ruff, Sunday. Mr. Clarence hiteside, of Mon tana, is expected home, b" as he. is to leave shortly for ! the. training camp. , v -i iz - Messrs Furman Jackson and T. ,N. Wilson have purchased Ford cars. , Mr. Lawton Wilson;- of Spartan burg, is home for a few days. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson and son, Waldon, visited the home of Mr. N. WiiHorVis 5?aturdav evening. i Mr. Willie "Mills was a caller at M. U. S. Gibbs', Sunday. Hello, Poplar Grove, I'm all right, but guess who I aw. Mr Andy Gibbs visited Mr. Jesse Green, Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Taylor visited Mrs. Thos. F. Mills, Sunday. Mr. Aden Green visited at Stonv Brook farm, Sunday. The farmers in this section are; helping Uncle Sam by cultivating all' the ground possible. ; Mr. Pitts, from Spartanburg, vis- ited .at Mr. Thos. F. Mills', Sunday, j The boys in this section enjoyed the chicken roast last Saturday night. .Preaching services at Big Level. next Sunday. AH come. MILL SPRING. RESULT OF RED CROSS ? DRIVE. Rev, J. M. Barber attended Quar terly conference at Buffalo, last Sat urday. I Mr. Leo rJnsco of Hopewell, va.. is visiting his parentsat this writirig. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibbs and daughters, Esther and Sue, were out motoring, Sunday afternoon. Rev. Roy Lewis is spending a few days with bis parents at this writing. He delivered a very interesting ser mon at the Baptist church Sunday morning, and another at the Metho dist church Sunday night. Mr. and. Mrs. Leo Brisco were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M; Ross, Sunday. Mr. J. M. Barber's family is quite sick. " Mrs. L. C. Gibbs visited Mrs. J. H. Gibbs, Saturday afternoon. j Little Horace Brisco is very sickl Mr.-Joe Lyim Walker's little babe passed to the happy beyond at . the Rutherfordton hospital, last Wednes day. Funeral services were held' at the Baptist church, Friday. - Mrs. J. M. Barber was called away last Tuesday to attend the funeral of her grandfather. j Miss Helger Hampton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. C. Brisco. Mr. Pat Arledge visited his sister, Mrs. Jesse Splawn, Saturday. Misses Bertie and Nell Jackson and father, of Tryon, attended preaching at the Baptist church Sunday, and lso visited their grandmother, Mrs, L. Jackson. - j . , Chairman G. H. Holmes gives out the following figures as the result of the recent Red Cross drive in Polk county. It will be noticed that the country districts are becoming arous ed to the serious needs of money for this organization, and Greens Creek, especially, comes up with a good do nation. As time goes on we predict that all the remaining townships of .FoiK county will be doing their full share in all branches of war charity work. Great credit is due Mr. Holmes for the result of this campaign, for he was on the job every day until the campaign closed, and results" speak for themselves. Mr. Holmes also wishes to thank the various committeemen who did their work so well. Contributions as follows: Tryon...... $1,131.25 Tryon colored people 33..05 Tryon, Route 1 6.90 Saluda , 400.00 Lynn 125.20 Greens Creek Township..... 271.30 ! Columbus ........ 84..50 Mill Spring, Fisher 0, Cloud 22. Edgar A. Guest in Detroit Free Press OCOOOQC3CCOOOOOCOC&00&OCaCOQCSgCg?OPOpCPj&PC4 PEA RIDGE. Misses Mollie Dalton and Ruth Green, and brother, Ralph, have re turned from Brevard school. Mr. J. T. Corlew is visiting in Asheville and Penland at this writing. Freddie Connor is home from -Tennessee to register June 5. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Brisco motored to Spartanburg, Saturday. Mr. James Thompson spent Sunday with his brother, E. G. Thompson. Henry Foy and wife were guests of Mr. Jim Foy, Sunday. Collett Fowler and wife spent Sat urday night at Mr. John Foy's. Pink Macbee and family were call ers at Jim Milton's, . Sunday. Luther Philips -and wife spent Sun day at Jim Phihps'. Mrs. E. Taylor and Mrs. P.G. Bris co are on the sick list.; ,Rev. J. M. Barber failed to 'fill his appiontment- at Pearidge Sunday. A large crowd was there?, but was dis appointed, i Mr. Joe McGraw and family, from Spartanburg, spent , Sunday at ,W. J. Wilson's. Mr. John Shehan and daughter made a shopping trip to Rutherford ton, Friday. Mr. Frisby, from Rutherfordton, spent Sunday night at St. ; Thomas Mission. - Mr. J. T. Green and family spent Sunday afternoon at J. T. WaJdrop's. CROSS KEYS.' I The fanners were glad &o see the fine shower that fell Monday evening Most of the crops are looking fine through this section. I Young Mr. Thorne, of Ohesnee, y3. C, preached a very interesting ser mon at Greens Creek, last Sunday. Wheat harvest will soai be here, and we are expecting the largest wheat crop that has ever ifeen raised in this section. jjf , Mrs. C. R. Collins, .'four 5f her sons and B. B. Flynn, motored . Gaffney, S. C, last Saturday. f? Mrs. D. P. Welborn, Mfss Nettie Lou and Roy Welborn, epent he week-end with relatives a Hickory, N. C. 2- Mr. W. E. Cantrell is at ;home now. Mrs. J .0. Bishop has bven on be sick list for the past weelk. Mrs. H. E.. Flynn has len under the tioctor's care, for' he last two Mr. J. D. Weaver-and family visti ed.at Mr. H. E. Flyna!s,. lajst Sunday. A 4arge crowd attended a singing at Mr: W. B. . Jones', last Sunday. Mr. Ransom Horn and Miss Eva Sims were married, last wek. Misses Bertha and Margaret Canr trell have returned- from Diytqn, ya., where they 1 have 'been in college. ' ' The doctor was called, ..ednesday, to . see the little daughterf . Mrs T. A. -Pendleton, f Mrs. J. M. Brian and son, MrV How ard Brian, and Mis Ellen Moore i are visiting relatives in Henderson and Buncombe counties, this week. Miss Priscilla Camp has returned from an extended visit in Athens, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Clark, who visited' her niece, Mrs. C. E. Gray, last week", re turned to Rutherfordton. j Mrs. Welborn has returned to j her home after several days' absence. Mr. W. A. Mills and Mr. Ed. Bryan visited Mrs.R. L. Camp, last week. Rev. T. E. P. Woods and family, of Westminster school, were in j our community, Monday. The friends of L. F. Camp will be glad to know that he has arrived safely in France. W. S. S. SALUDA ROUTE 1. : Total $2,122.70 W. STS , A UNITED NORTH AND SOUTH. Tryon is a "melting pot" for North and South. Like two rivers they unite here and float down life's stream calmly and peacefully to gether. Tryonites will therefore ap preciate the following from Governor Bickett's speech before the League to Enforce Peace, at Philadelphia, about three weeks ago one of the best and most original, pithy, witty and sen sible war talks delivered anywhere. It was a corker: I have been particularly asked to speak for. the south on this occasion. kWellr this .much I , -wi1 rsayr and,this much I will swearDixie will do her L- duty ! Already from N the Potomac to the Rio Grande is heard the cry that rang through Shiloh's woods and Chickamaugua, the fearless south cheering on her sons, and I know that when the Godlike genius of Lee and the unconquerable soul of Grant shall sit down together at the council table of the allies, when the martial notes of the Battle Hymn of the Republic shall mingle with the maddening strains of Dixie, when the fiery spirits' of Sheridan and Stonewall Jackson shall ride the whirlwind and direct the storm, then something bad is go ing to happen to the Hindenbui g line. W. S. S CLOUD NOMINATED. The singing at Mt. Page was well attended, last Sunday '. j Mrs. Lizzie Petty, of Asheville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. R. B. Hipp, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert! Springfield, of Marietta, S. C, visited John T. Sta ton, Saturday and Sunday. j Miss Delia Wade, of Asheville: at tended the singing at Mt. Page, Sun day. ' Mr. Thos. E. Pace and daughters, Estella and Eva, of Fishtop, Spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Pace. Mrs. Sophia Wade, of East 'Flat Rock, is visiting in this section this week. ! . Prof. Early Staton attended Singing at Mt. Page, Sunday. Hurrah for the NEWS. If want to know what is going Polk county, just read the NEWS. Prof. J. B. Rhodes, of Tigerville, S. C., was at Mt. Page Sunday. There was lemonade served at Mt. Page, Sunday, for the benefit ofi the Red Cross. W. S. S SILVER CREEK. on the you in The Democratic primary in Polk county last Saturday was a very quiet affair, there being but 219 votes cast in the county; 'Cloud received 121, Fisher, 98, giving Cloud a majority of 23. As it is Polk's time for the candi date the other counties in the district had no primary, being guided entire ly by the action of Polk county. Below we giv th vot in dtail: Tryon, Fishr 86, Cloud 16. Columbus, Fisher 4, Cloud 25. Mil Spring, Fisher 0, Cloud 22. . . Pearidge, Fisher 1, Cloud 6. Big Level, Fisher 0, Cloud 12. Greens Creek, Fisher 5, Cloud 35. Saluda, Fisher 2, Cloud 5. W. S. s. MEMORIAL DAY AT GREENS CREEK. Mr. Harrison Arledge returned to Camp Sevier, Tuesday, after spend ing three days with home folks and friends. Miss Jessie Green returnel home, Sunday, after spending a week With her sister, Mrs. Roy Jones, on Pea ridge Walter Green enjoyed a visit last week-end calling on friends at Pacolet S. C. ! Mr. Reagon Bradley was home Sun day, from Camp Sevier. Mr. Nun Arledge made a flying trip, Sunday, from Spartanburg, home. j Chairman A. F- Corbin was seen passing through this section Monday. Mr. Will T. Green was calling ,on friends near Saluda, last week-end. Mr Boney Arledge was home, Sun day, from Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. Roscoe Hall was a visitor in this section, Sunday afternoons j 1 The farmers are busy with their crops, as it is such fine weatheri for working. -1 Everybody work to win this war of ours. i i Editor Polk County News: It fell to my happy lot to be at Greens Creek Baptist church on Thursday, May 30th, which was set apart by Congress and the President of the United States for fasting and prayer. Fifty or more patriotic men and women met at 11 a. m., and re mained until 1 p. m., in almost un disturbed prayer and sjpng service. The meeting from frst to last was characterized by strong spiritual pow er. A few excellent; talks were made and all went home with glad hearts that tln:y wre orcitrc at such a mat ing. J. R. SAMS. W. S. S A GROUND HOG CASE. A few days ago Mr. Jim Turner, on Landrum Route 4 caught a ground hog on an ivy bluff on Mr. Frank Belew's farm. We think it must have been the first one he ever caught or saw, for he fairly shouted when the dog dragged it out. Guess it would have been a grand sight for everybody to have been present at the time. He , alarmed all near by neighbors, but the best part came when Mr. Jim Fisher, of Tryon, came down, and they had a grand feast on ground hog. v Suppose he will go ground hog hunting real often here after. DAVID' WY AT. 7-W. S. S MEETING OF FAIR DIRECTORS. The directors of the Polk County Fair Association are hereby request ed to meet at the Bank of Tryon, in Tryon, on Monday, June 10th, at 10 o'clock a. nv Let every member of the Board attend this meeting, as very important matter is to come up at that time. W. T. LINDSEY, Pres. B. F. COPELAND, Sec. , .': j. . .. .