pOlK COUNTY FAJR9XO HO AND 111 o ly Paper A live, Clean, Newspaper for the Home. M " 1 Published in Polk County. AND THE TRYON BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 9 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1918. $1.50 A YEAR fPEIS sat COUNTY CAPITOL. Much of Interest to Citizens or polk County 1 rampirea at Columbus. GET TOGETHER MEETING. . . vi "wuwib, iijatume ex piring on June 30th. His work has been of such nature that the citizens r f county felt that they could not afford to lose his valuable services and good counsel. The matter of employing him regularly was discuss ed by the citizens generally. A few days ago the editor of this paper called on Mr. Hudsoiy at Raleigh and iajiu mm now me people of the coun FROM Some ltsmi OUR FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY - H Gsnaral Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County -7 FISHTOP. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. In pursuance to the call of County 1 l 1 .......... im wnicn miiikj:ii tui ho NKWS of last week, quite a 'Liber' of Polk" county citizens met nuVj,viK Inst Monday and took n the matter of improvement o: up We had a bic rain Saturdav ni dit ty felt in the matter and asked him also another Sunday, and did some ior some kind of a nrnnnojf I tj damam. Washed wv hnHo-e nn submitted one. and was sr fniv tVaf the small streams and tore nn fhp the matter was taken up to the Board roads. ana seeing the exceptionally good Messrs. Bert Edwards and Garner terms on which Mr. Sams could be Skipper went to Rutherfordton, Fri- of the . 1 mi conditions m the county. ine . ! ,-1 Kit rtlrtnf irirv n F CopIan(1 cnairman- Heasked JL'all present express themselves ; .'1,. nn.in the proposition. Talks made- OV xUflsbls i.. v,. mine, J.. ! Da' ... .1 j r r x: 1 1 "of'Trvon; Elias Cantrell, C. E. Gray and many others from different parts of the county. The residents residing along the various routes .now eminating from Landrum expressed themselves as be ing well satisfied with their present mail facilities, but that if some scheme could be worked out whereby the remainder of the county could be better supplied and them not. hurt they would be glad to cooperate in the' movement. Mr. Sams in opening the meeting gave instances of where neighbors residing in almost speaking distance of one another 11 they attempted to reach each other by mail would take three to four days to do so. It was ascertained that only four rural routes originated in the county prop er, while South Carolina supplied an equal number, and Rutherfordton one. The matter ' was freely. dis: cussed, and finally a motion was' made and-carried that the chairman appoint a committee of five to go in to the situation draw maps and out line some scheme, and when complet ed to notifv the chairman. - and'rhe would then call another meeting to be held in Columbus, and steps would then be taken to have the govern ment send a man here -to go into the matter more fully and lay out routes that would benefit the people of Polk countv and not the people of. some other state or county. One scheme jwas submitted by Mr. Sams to have Try on made the start ing point, and the mail taken by fast automobile to Columbus and Mill Spring and the rural routes start from these two places, and all mail sent back to Tryon in the evening in' time to catch the two evening trains out of herp. It' that idea can be worked out it would mean that any person in Polk county could be reach ed in one day, whereas it now takes from two to three days to do that. It takes as long for a letter to reach citizens on the various - rural routes from either Columbus or Tryon as it ft takes to reach New York or New Or leans. If the NEWS is not mailed m the Trjgfn postoffice on Thursday night it can not reach its readers in all parts of the county before Mon- ay ot the week following. One gentleman expressed himself by saying that the people in his com munity were interested Jn receiving mall from other sections beside Polk county. Granted, but if an arrange , ment -can be devised whereby he can receive mail frnm PnlV rmint.v AND jHt: OTHER SECTIONS as prompt ly he' certainly could have no cause w complaint. The champions of this move do not want to take away "nJ' of the present advantages, but they want to give everybody addition al advantages. As. Mr." Sams snirl the nennle of county will never pull together i" coopm-ate until their interests be anie universal and common, and such a condition can not be brought about while they are not brought rarer than at present. ihe Polk County Fair was freely scussed, and it seems as if the ?'nole county is aroused on that sub let, an(i tnat we may eXpect a big "air. 4 V Mills said that it seemed to jm that the only way for the people of oik county to know what was go- JS on in the county was by taking l"e POLK milMTV MTT!WS fViP nn- y newspaper published in the county, Wi W lifVl H'Or. '"toiniation on county matters. 1 he chairman then announced the oilowing gentlemen las members of pe committee: MrJGeo. H. Holmes, 11-yii, chairman;. C. E. Gray, Lan r'rijm Route 4; Cheatham Jackson, v sPring Route 2; J. M. Lewis, h . sT,ring, and, L. H. Cloud, Colum U is earnestly requested that n committee get together as early h Possible and take up the matter W n-port to the chairman, who will tnrn r-nll 1.1 a.? ' t . 1 tiUULner meeting. day, on business Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins were visit ors at R. L. D. Gilbert's. Saturdav employed, grasped the opportunity Mr. J. M. Gray, district demonstra tor was present and nlacpd th mnt 1 1 . . - 1 , ter Deiore the Board, and these gen- -ana ounday. I . I 1" I T 1 1-- I I liur -1 1 I A 1 .1 1 1 t e i ui icct;ptiiig me v. a. n,awaras ana wne made a piupoMtion. iney are to be com- short call at W F. F,lWt' Prirlnv 1 J J? j L . I " v. , L?T S, VePet passed through Friday moving V -w-wm? . v in u 1 ir i i i r ill i r i i a - i - i waiu riountain, ana nre caugnt in several places. Lebanon church was m some danger of being burned county will uphold them in the stand taken. Mr. Sams has made many warm friends during his short sojourn in Polk county, and we feel quite cer tain that during the next twelve i months his labors will show such re suns tnat the people of the county will demand his permanent employ ment, tie is ousy at all times studv ing out plans for the advancement of I'olk county, and not for anv one par ticular section of the county but for the best interests of the county as a whole. He will have charge of a regular department in the NEWS during the next twelve months, and you may expect to see articles in ev ery issue of great importance to peo pie in all walks of life in Polk coun ty. W. S. S. NEW COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Edwards made a trip to Tryon, Saturday, Mr. Anderson Womack visited his brother, Rev. Joe Womack, last week. Bert Edwards and Garner Skinner have purchased a Ford car. Look out girls. A large crowd of vounsr folks en joyed a singing at Mr. Fonse Ed l j r i warns ounaay evening, we were real sorry those boys who started in a car tailed to eret therp. Miss Barbara White was thp o-uest of the Misses Edwards, Sunday night. Mr. Virgil Skipper savs he is coins' to run a car to tiills Creek, Sunday, to the sinertng. We hone he will catch it. Fine growing weather for last week. j John and Burton Williairis, Of Lynn, passed through this section one day last week, on their way home. They had hauled a load of tomatoes and other vegetables to Hendersonville. Well, Trvon Route 1, we hope to be at the Fair, and the rye will be there too. If you can't wait till then you may come over and not only see the rye, but some of the - finest : gardens and possibly as fine corn as is grow ing in Polk county. Logan Newman is marketing- his tomatoes and J. B. Bradley his peach es, this week. 1 Mr. Weaver, Mr. J. B. Bradley had tomatoes on the 18th, md Logan Newman roasting ears onHhe loth. ' We heard the first katydid on June 28th. Old folks say 'hist three months before frost. j Cool on the first day jd$ July, hail on the 30th is probably ttie cause. T. C. Laughter and E. U . Bradley took two loads, consisting of pota toes, beans, apples, cabbage and roasting ears to Hendersonville. last week! ;jl Ike! Walkr and Earnest Laughter took a load of produce to market Monday. f: Lynn it is reported tjiat Walter Burgess killed two rattlers by tramp ing on them and he was brefoo. the week-end with relatives in Ches nee, S. C. '. Misses Bessie Thompson, Alice and Mamie Wilson were callers at Mr. M. C. Gosnell's, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Gault spent Sunday night with the latter's moth er, Mrs. Jno. Foy. Garfield Prichard has -returned home from Oklahoma. Miss Bessie Thompson and brother made a business trip to Tryon, Mon day lastday last. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. SOLDERS ASKING FHCCO. But Little Money Received of Late for the Purchase of Tobacco. BOYS GRATEFUL FOR WHAT IS BEING DONE FOR THEM. Mr. "Mack" Pace, of Saluda, has been appointed to -fill out the unex pired termof Mr. S. H. Slaughter, resigned, on account of ill health. Superior Court Clerk Arledge is to be congratulated on this appointment. wr. -ace is one oi saiudas promi nent business men, and is in position to be of great help and benefit to Polk county.-; He, howeverf'jrefuses to hold on any longer than to fill out the vacancy. W. S. S. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. gQooseooeeeeoooeeeooeoooeooeeooeeoooeeeooocieoooeooo "OUR ORDERS." f I to W. C. 7-10 acres N. C. Harris Receiver, Robertson, Collector, 81 consideration, $872.32. G. W. Justice, Com., to W. C. Kob rtson, 62 acres. Consideration $i4. J. M, Lewis and wife to J. R. Splawn and wife, quit claim to lot in Mill Spring. Consideration, $1.00. W. J. Scriven, Com:, to Anthony Allman, 2 acres, more or less. Con sideration, $504.00. Wm. Redmond, Jr., and Francis M. Scott to J. W. Edwards 208 acres, Consideration, $312.00. " Joseph E. Morgan and wife to Fletcher Jones, 66 acres. Considera tion, $1,881.00. yy g g MARRIAGE LICENSES. Polk Weave no more silks, vjeLyqns looms, J To deck our giris for 'gay delights; For the red flower" of battle blooms, And silent marches fill the nights. Weave but the Flag whose bars today Droop heavy o'er our early dead, j And sombre garments, coarse and g aj. For orphans that must earn their thc meeting that he had in his po- s'on government post route maps w such other data that would be of help to the committe. y g S COPNTY DEMONSTRATOR APPOINTED. the meeting of the County Com- ooiuners uav at finlnmhiis. Inst Mot ; vuuniy Demonstrator for one year. Mr. Sams was sent here L U1 United States and North Car Jitate Board of: Agriculture John A. Langley and Bessie Jackson. Zeno Johnson and Laura Moore. Ben Black well and Ruth Williams. Wm. I). Rogers and Julia Dill. -4W. S. S. . The second i week of the Teachers' Institute is progressing nicely. Prof D. F. Giles, of- Raleigh, another of the State Board of Examiners, is the conductor. Prof. Giles is a very ef ficient teacher and interesting speak er and we feel sure the school work for the coming year will go forward on a higher plane of efficiency. Dr. Cooper, director of the State Board of Health, made a talk to the teachers Tuesday afternoon. Prof. Moses, of Raleigh, assistant in club work in N. C, was in Colum bus, Friday. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb and family at tended 'the Langley-Jackson wedding last week. We congratulate the promising young man on his good fortune in naving won one who is of Polk's fairest daughters, also one who is held in the highest esteem by her many friends. Sergeant Ezra Constance, who is stationed at Newport News, Va., is home on a visit. Mr. Albert Burgess is also visiting his parents. Word has been received of the safe arrival over seas of Mr. Pat Hampton brother of Mrs. J. A. Feagans. Mr. Ray Arledge came home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Boise Weaver oi Greens Creek spent Monday in. U- lumbus. Mr. A. D. Brown is at home visiting his family. Mr. Brown is mployed m snip Dunumg ai Wil mington. N. C. Roscoe McGuinn is aoie to waiK airain. after having been badly hurt in an automoDiie acciueni. Miss Nell Constance and Miss L-iz zie Dedmond entertained the young folks of Columbus, and the visiting tenrhers. at the home of E. W. Dea- 7 i i i i . mond, Monday mgnt m nonor ox QoT-o-t Constance, who is home on a v Vrfx 5 v v v - r fnrloucrh. Miss Minnie Rogers, of Greens Creek, is attending the institute this week. flma -Reynolds. Mae Mills and Mr. N. T. Mills attended the Sun day school normal held at Greens Creek, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. E. B. .Cloud is on the sick list. Miss Estelle Walker, of Greens nrePk, in visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Cloud. -Miss Thelma Davis is visiting, her grandparents in Greens Creek. , Keep back your tunes, ye viols sweet, That pour delight from other lands; Rouse there the dancer's restless feet, The trumpet leads our warrior bandL And ye that urge the war of words With mystic fame and subtle power, Go, chatter to the idle birds, Or teach the lesson of the hour. Crops are looking good since the rain. Mr. Bailey, representing the Divis ion of Agronomy, made a splendid talk to the farmers at Sunny View, on June 25th, on the importance of growing soy beans, alfalfa and other legume crops. We were pleased to see so many people at the school house last Fri day for the purpose of buying War Savings Stamps. But few families but have bought, in this section. Say Mill Spring Route 1, .the- peo ple here were not afraid of the can vassers after Mr. Sams had told them why they should buy War Savings Stamps. We hope Mr. Sams will come this way again soon. Several from here have gone to Columbus today. ' Mr. T. N. Whiteside and daughter, Miss Myrtle, left for Montana, Mon day morning. Mr. Albert Lynch was out Fordiner on the sand clay road, Sunday. Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs, Mag gie Jackson and Annie Wilson, Messrs. Hobert Whiteside, Bill Jack son Noah Lynch, Dee Hilton, Frank Mills, and Charh Brown were pleasant callers at Mr. N. L. Whites'ides, Sun day evening. All enjoyed the good music. Mrs. Twitty Jackson visited Mrs. T. N. Wilson, Sunday. Mrs. K R. Coggm spent Saturdav night with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Dimsdale. Mr. Noah Lynch was a caller at Mr. J. L. Jackson's. Sundav. Corporal John D. Wilson who is "Somewhere in France' wrote home that he had been gassed and his lungs painfully burned and his eyes injured. Would be returned to America to a hospital soon. Mr. Wil son enlisted five years ago. Mr. T. N. Wilson visited Mr. W. W. Gibbs, Saturday evening. Mr. Corlew is attending the insti tute at Columbus, this week. Mr. Bill Jackson was out joy riding Sunday evening. He didn't seem to think his horse would run away any more. tjoys and gins now many 01 you are corresponding with the soldiers Let's write them cheerful letters. Sunny View writer, have you gone to the "Land of NM?7' Wake up W. S. LNN. it t Ye Sibyl Arts, in one stern knot Be all vour offices combined; Stand close, while Courage draws the ot, The destiny of humankind! L And if that destiny could fail, The snn should darken in the sky; J The eternal bloom of Nature fail, " And God, and Truth and Freedom' ie! Julia Ward Howe in Atlantic Monthly, Jujy, 1861. MILL SPRING. SUNNY VIEW. Hot July brings cooling showers Apricots and gilly flowers. Mr. B. F. libbs is very sick at this writing. Hope he will soon recover. Miss Leona fcgerton was tne guest of Misses Mollie and Nellie Ualton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brisco left for their home in Hopewell, Va., last Thursday. Mrs Lionel Brisco will leave for Hopewell iuesday, July Miss- Lethea Barber visited Misses and Essie Edwards, Sunday. ixrs. Wm. Ledbetter is visiting at Mr. W. G. Egerton's. Miss Clara Edwards and brother, Frank, were guests at Mr. A. E. Ar ledge's, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Romeo Melton is on the sick list. Mrs. N. A. Nodine is visiting rela tives and friends here. There was quite an interesting Christian Endeavor meeting held at Mill Spring Baptist church, Sunday. The subject was "The Power of the Cross in Africa. "Leader, Miss Clara Edwards. Leader for next Sunday night, Miss Sue Gibbs. Subject, -All for Christ." Mrs. .Lula Barber is quite ill. Messrs. Frank Edwards, Claude Lewis and George Barber attended the Sunday school meeting at Greens Creek, Sunday. (Much success to the NEWS. also to our soldiers. , r - The people in this section are about through their work. . We are all glad to Lear from aur soldiers again. i) Mr. J. R. Sams madu a splendid talk on the clover crqp at .Sunny View, on the 25th. , Mr. Noah Lvnch visited Mr. Ho bert Whiteside SundayJ Miss Maggie JacksoiJ visited Miss Grace Gibbs, Sunday. J Mr. Bill Jackson mace a call at Mr. Lynch Whiteside Sunday after noon. :1 The people are buyinfr War Savings Stamps and bonds very! rapidly. Sun ny View has invested $'J55 with Uncle Sam. .it; Mr. J. R. Sams made a "nice talk on , i TIT . T7w, - tne war savings campaign, rveiy body enjoyed hearing, him. Mr. J. C. Whiteside Smade a nice No services in Lynn last Sunday, i being the fifth Sunday. We wish to correct a little error in last week's repoi-t. We should have said there were four accessions to the church. Get ready for the orphan children Saturday night. Give them ; a full house. ' S. F. Fowler and family, also Mrs. R. H. Metcalf, motored through to Bristol, Tenn., last week, for a ten days' visit to relatives. ; Marklv Hooker and sister, Lizzie, who have been at Jeflica, Tenn. for quite a while with their brother, W. Clyde Hooker, have returned. Ed. Foster and family, who moved to Rutherfordton, N. C. several weeks ago, have returned, and are now domiciled m same house they moved out of. ' Miss Ruth Williams, of Lynn, and Ben. Blackwell, of Henderson county, were happily married last Saturday morning, at the residence of J. H. Metcalf, Tryon, by Rev. John A. Langley, of Lakeview, S. C. A very enthusiastic, patriotic rally was held at Chapel last Friday night The W.S. S. and Thrift stamps drive was discussed by Rev. R. N. Pratt, W. F. Little and A. L. Hill. Several of the Lynn girls were selected to can vass the town Saturday, and pledges were taken for about $25.00. Mrs. John Lawrence, of Gramhn, S. C, run up to visit her mother, Mrs. J. F. Cochran, last Monday Mrs. J. T. Cook, of Black Mountain, . .1 T Tl is visiting inenas in iynn. ivirs Cook is a niece of Mayor W. vV. Bal- Jard. . i The little three-year-old boy, San- ford, of Mr. and Mrs. JN". H. Hardin, died last Monday, at about 2 o'clock p. m. Was buried at Tryon cemetery Tuesday. Mrs. A. E. Jones went to Asheville several days ago for treatment. Her many friends will be glad to know that she is improving. Miss Frances Rowland who has just finished school, has been employ ed as one of the teachers in the Pied mont Institute, at Demorest, Ga. The threshing machines are now From the Washington Bureau of the Providence Journal, 723 Fifteenth Street. Washington, - July 1. Notwith standing the official order making to bacco a part of the army .soldier's ration, the military authorities here favor a continuance of patriotic ef forts of newspapers to raise volun tary funds for supplying tobacco to our boys in France. Maj. John Caftlan O'Laughlin, spe cial assistant to Gen. Geo. W. Goe thals, Quartermaster General, said when told that the Providence Jour nal's tobacco fund had passed the $50,000 mark, .."Tell the Providence Journal to keep it going. The War Department has, of course, issued no order on the subject, but heartily ap proves the work- that has been done. The fact that tobacco has been added to the regular army ration should not halt the good work that the Prov- dence Journal has been doiner hrough its fund for the boys in France. The ration which the gov ernment now proposes to allow amounts to only four cigarettes a day and what is that in .the way of smokes for the boys in the trenches? (jto ahead with the volunteer fund. You're doing a good work." Near the Front Somewhere in Franc April 18, 1918. Polk County News Tryon, N. C. To Whom it May Concern: We, the undersigned soldiersbf the A. E. F. in France, have received a. package of ""smokes" for which we are very grateful. You have asked us to drop a line or two to you, land we will with the greatest of pleasure. The idea is a very good one. These packages have reached us T where there is not a-Y. M. C. A. hut for many miles and it was what we call a "lifesaver" for us. When the boys are at the front and are out of smokes it makes it very disagreeable to make the days go by as well as the shells. If some of the folks back home knew what a lot of good they have done by donating -these "cheer" packages. I am sure there would be no "slackers" to the good cause which you have given a place. We, in bhalf of all the boys "over here," fighting for the cause of humanity and justice, thank you and the do nors who have made this idea a real ity. We remain, Respectfully, Ralph C. O'Neill, George W. Tripp. Co. B, 1st Field Battalion, Signal Corps, A. E. F. 2nd Div. Logan Newman and Thomas Price have rented a cabbage patch from Terrell Stepp, near Walker, and have it ready for setting out. Milo Jones, from Tuxedo, visited his grandmother, Elizabeth Jones a few days last week. Thomas E. Pace s two daughters. Eva and Estelle, attended Sunday School at Sunset Mountain last week. Farmers in this section are very busily engaged just now in keeping down the weeds. MELVIN HILL. The first cotton blossom reported in Melvin Hill was in Mr. G. C. Fea gan's field, June 28th. Mrs. Etta Branscom has been quite sick for the past week, but is som better at this writing. Mrs. Mary Self, of Henrietta, vis ited her daughter, Mrs. Morris, last week. A wind and rain storm passed through here last Sunday evening. Mr. Tom Cantrell has lately pur chased himself an auto. Nearly everybody in this section bought , War Savings Stamps last week. Mr. Wm. Watson is reported being very sick. Messrs. W. B. and G. C. Feagans went to Columbus on business Mon day. Mr. and Mrs-. Otho Head s little girl has been quite sick for a week or Lmore but is improving now. SALUDA. talk on school affairs bn June Miss Annie Wilsonl fcent Saturday f night with her father, fir. T. N. Wil- son. -, , f Mrs. A. H. Lynch !spent Sunday evening witk Mrs. N. Williams. Good luck J;o our soldiers. w. s. s - PEA RIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.; Thompson have received a card announcing the safe arrival over seas of thpir son, Arthur A. Thompson, M. D.,Jl)5th Engineers. W. R. Turner and 1 daughter spent Hurrah for the Fourth of July, j Get ready for the Fair. Subscribe for the NEWS. -Buy W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps. W. S. s WALKER. We had a fine rain Sunday, and the farmers were glad to see it. ! Eli, Bradley visited his brother, Lewis Bradley, Saturday and Sun day. I Lewis Bradley went to Hendrson- ville last week and purchased a new wagon. - - t Polk county owes our efficient dem onstrator, Mr. J. R. Sams, a vote of thanks for his boost of Polk county as a sheep and cattle proposition, before the recent convention in : the interest of sheep growing, at Ashe ville. , He made statements as toi the very desirable "and moderate priced lands, climate, close market, etc., land general advantages of Polk county. It would have made any resident; of Polk county fejel good to have 'heard him. ! -k -i i- i i -V. : i .f kj verorooK .orcnaru bjuppeu n-o now apples June 22nd, fully two weeks earlier than usual. Miss Katherine . Middleton, of Mo bile, Alabama, arrived in Saluda, Tuesday, to spend the summer j in Overbrook bungalow. Her friends will all be glad to see her back. I Capt. Howard is happy again J for his old summer girl is in towiju j - 1r