pole oouoty unxm. TttYOn.H.C y33" THE POLK COUHH HEWS anrtTRYOH BEE Consolidated Nov. 191 5 Published every Friday at TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Entered aa second-class matter April 28. 1915 at the post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un der the act of March 3. 1879 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $1.50 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Resolutions of Respect,Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financial rain, will be charged regular advertising rates of five cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West S9th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave Now that Jim Vardaman and Cole Blease have been retired to private life, here's hoping that Jim Reed will be next.: W. S. S. Outside, ff his great wealth accum ulated in a short period, can any one tell why Henry Foid should be con sidered big enough for senatorial tim ber?;. w. s. s Gen. Pershing's prediction of "Hea ven, Hell or Hobokeri Before Christ mas," has been "changed to "Heaven, Hell or German Territory Before Christmas." We wish it could be Berlin instead! w. -s. s. The allies are back almost to the original Hindenburg line, and in a few instances have gone beyond that line. Soon the Rhine will be reached, then Fritz will let out a howl that can be heard from Amsterdam to Yuba dam. w. s. S- The Republicans of Michigan evi dently do not relish the idea of a Democratic president attempting to dictate the nomination of a United States Senator for them. Result Henry Ford did not run much of a race on the Republican ticket. w. s. s. The primaries in Illinois will take place shortly. If the Republicans of that state expect to hold their place amongst the loyal citizenship of the country, Billy Mason and old Bill Thompson will be buried even deeper than Cole Blease was in South Caro lina. w. SS. J.. Ham Lewis, the, gentleman with the "pink" whiskers, is on the Demo cratic ticket for United States Sena tor from Illinois. While the State is not very proud of J. Ham, yet he is a credit to such characters as Sher man and Mason, Republicans. W. S. S Just because "Grandpap voted that way" is no excuse for you to continue in his footsteps. Vote for the man wno will agree to do all in his power to prosecute this war to a victorious end, and to strengthen the hands of our boys who have gone, or are going "over there." w. s. s We take back all theunkind things we ever thought 'about Mississippi and South Caraolina.' With the re tirement of the long haired gentleman of the former state, and the defeat of Cole Blease in the lattr, it looks as if there was good reason to look for ward to the retirement of freaks and demagogues in those two old com monwealths. w. s. s. Hats off to South Carolina. Sne has no room for slackers and pro Germans either. The notorious Cole Blease "got his" in the primary in that state last Tuesday, and is buried so deep, politically, that it is hoped h!e will never be resurrected to be come a stench in the nostrils of the patriotic people, of that common wealth. W. s. s t It is plainly evident that the good citizenship of Missouri is not to be trifled with any longer. At the re cent primaries in that state, Dorsey W. Shackelford, a man who has been about as big a nuisance as Claude Kitchen, was defeated for renomina tion for congress,a nd that in a dis tnct which contains a large German population. Other pro-Germans would do well to beware. w. s. s. A "0n, to Berlin" is still the cry of the allies. The Bristsh have dealt th eHuns some staggering blows dur ing the past week, and the French have kept up their good work. The Americans have been taken out of the British and French armies and put into a strictly United States ar my. Just where they are, or what ,,ty-j"rgetting ready t0 d0 nobody outside the commanders seem to know But just wait until they break loose again. ? 3. S. Tvganton Herald of last week publisheda piece of poetry under the heading "What to- dS With the J&E ser, and marked author unknown, imsr poetry was wr cten by Mr. F. D. T Amburgh. editor of the Silent Part ner, We have taken this little pe riodical for some years, ana nnait a o,io omo fnr hliips. It is filled to overflowing with good, sound, whole some advice, and genuine American ism. The above poem was published in the NEWS on Nov. 23, 1917, un der its correct title, "Let Him Live, and credited to Mr. Amburgn. w. s. s. Id hp a irood time for the citizenship of the United" States to unite on the best material ior con gressmen and United States Senators from the various States which elect this year. If your party has been un wise enough to nominate somebody whose whole heart is not in favor of vigorously, prosecuting this war to a victorious end, and who will not agree to do all in his power to strengtnen the hands of the administration in the program outlined, then you owe it to yourself and ttte American inuhuh, well as the boys who have gone to France, and others yet to go, to cast your vote for the nominee of the other party if he is a genuine American. The United States is greater than any man, set of men, or any political par ty. The time for "yaller dog" poli tics has ended, and it is the duty of everv genuine ' American to vote for the MAN and not THE POLITICAL PARTY. w. s. s. FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. Mr. F. P. Bacon, of Tryon has been selected as County Chairman for the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign, and announces the following membership of the various committees: F. P. Bacon, Chairman, Geo. A. Branscom. Vice Chairman, Geo. A. Gash, Secretary, Chas. J. Lynch, Sales Manager, Copeland & Bush, Publicity Com mittee, W. F.' Little, Chairman Speakers Committee. Trvon Township Committee A. L. Hillj. B. Hester, and W. F. Little. Columbus Township C. E. Shore. J. D. Carpenter, A. L. Pitman. White Oak Township J. T. Wal drop, J. M. Barber, J. M. Lewis. Greens Creek J. F. Branscom, M. Georgion, S. S. Lawter. Coopers Gap P. D. Williams,. T, E. Egerton, landrum Jackson. Saluda H. B. Lane, P, H. Bailey, G. R. Little. W. S. S. SENATOR JAMES DEAD. Telegrams, Wednesday, told of the death of Senator Ollie James of Ken tucky, at Johns Hopkins Hospital Bal timore, where he had been for the past fewnonths undergoing treat ment for kidney alFection. Senator James was, physically, big gest man in the Un;Ul States Sen ate. Having known Ollie James since a boy, we venture the assertion that his heart, was, figuvatrxly, as big as his body. Our first acquaintance wth Ollie James was as a school boy in his na tive town of Marion, Ky. He was while quite young appointed as a page in the Kentucky legislature, and there acquired a taste for poli tics which taste was not satisfied un til he was elected United States Sen ator. While possessing nothing but a common school education, yet he was quick of perception, a great read er of history, and but few public men were better posted along these lines than Ollie. While never agreeing with him politically, yet a personal friendship always existed, and it is with deep regret that we learn of his death. His father, L. H. James, was a sol dier in the Federal army during the civil war, and is a practicing attorney in Marion, Ky. The business manager, Mr. Bush, and his sister, Mrs. Copeland, were childhood associates of Senator James. w. s. s. SUBMARINES OFF OUR COAST. Many people of the United States, and particularly of our Southern Seacoast States, feel somewhat ap prehensive over the fact that German U-boats have appeared off the coast of this country. While it is something that a great many s of our people thought impos sible, no one should allow this thought to gain too much headway, for it is admitted by men who are in a position to know, that it is much easier for submarines to operate on the American side of the Atlantic, than on the European sinde. The reason for this is obvious; on this side there is no such restricted area wherein U-boats must do their dirty "work, the sea coast of the United States is so extensive that to keep these pirates in any. one section would require all the ships in the Navy. ; The. ships which have been sunk by these submarines are a loss, a distinct loss, no one can or will try to deny that, and it is regretablt that we can not report the capture or sinking of any of the German submarines. However, and this is very impor tant; the sinkings of the submarines so far, have been of absolutely no mil itary value to them, nor loss to us. We are going to lose some ships in this war, doubtless more will be de stroyed on this side of the ocean, but as long as the Navy can hold these losses to a few fishing boats, and a light ship or two, no one need worry greatly over the submarine menace to the United States. The Navy is taking steps to stop even these losses, and to make the work of the Germans increasingly hard, even so far as comparatively unimportant ships are concerned; but ,the main efforts of the Navy will con tinue to be as they have been herero fore, to convoy safely overseas, our troop ships, and .the ships which are carrying food and supplies to bur sol diers and the allies. So long as the boys in blue contin ue to protect these vitally important and necessary ships, taking our mil lions of soldiers to France without the loss of a single man, carrying food, munitions and supplies to our allies, as they have in the past, we at home can accept the sinking of these few small, relatively unimportant ships as a misfortune, but not a reason for worry or pessimism. TRYON Miss Corwin, of New York, is tne guest of her uncle, Mr. C. S. Corwin. Mrs. C. P. Wilson returned home Wednesday,' after a visit with Ashe ville friends. Mies Dnrothv Doubledav has re turned home from a visit to friends at Peoria, 111. Mr.. E. M. Walker, of Terre Haute, Ind., arrived in Tryon, Friday, on a short visit to relatives. Lieut. Nelson Jackson and Mrs. Jackson came up from Columbia and spent Sunday in Tryon. Mr. J. T. Green has purchased the plant of the Tryon Lumber Co., and taken charge of same. Married, Wednesday, Aug,- 28, by Magistrate R. A. Leonard, Mr. Krider Ross to Miss Florence Hardin. Chairman B. L. Ballenger an nounces that the next War Savings Drive in this county will be the week of Sept. 9-15. Mr. Embury and Miss Mary Em bury returned Wednesday. Miss Em bury, although still weak frpm her long illness, is recovering. Rev, Mr. H. N. Bowne and wife, of Biltmore, were in Tryon for a short stay Tuesday. This is their first vis it to Tryon since going to Biltmore. Miss Ruth McFee left for Asheville Tuesday, and after a short visit there will go on to Knoxville to look over fall millinery styles and purchase a stock of same. " A young man with too much confi dence in a five feet by two post-office window pane, leaned up against it the other day. The lower third was al ready gone, and a crash followed that made the neighborhood think the Huns were attacking the town. County Chairman B. L. Ballenger says you may be asked by your town ship chairman to devote one or more days solid time to the war savings stamp drive. Don't refuse, for there is nothing so important. If all will do their duty Polk county will go over the top. Tryon Graded. School will not be gin until the second Monday in Sep tember, so we are informed by Mr. Geo. A. Gash, of the board of trus tees, and may not then, all depending upon getting a teacher to take the place of Miss Brown, who resigned at the eleventh hour. It was hoped that Mr. Edwin Wal ker, who is visiting with his wife, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J; N. Jackson, would have sung at the trench or phan lawn party Tuesday evening, but he was absent from town. Music lovers count on hearing his fine voice before he finishes his vacation. North Carolina and Polk county are not the only communities with sheep and dog troubles. The other night the dogs killed a thousand dol lars worth of sheep at Bloomfiend Hills, a suburb of Detroit, and the residence of Mr. urady, Admiral and Mrs. Berry, Miss Cutcheon, Miss Florence Grant and other well known Tryon visitors. We are in receipt of a letter an nouncing the marriage at Norfolk, Va., of Miss Claudine Lee to Mr. Finer Henrick Magnussen, both of Savannah, Ga. Miss Lee will be re membered by many Polk county peo ple as a former student at Saluda Seminary. Mr. Magnussen is serving in the U. S. Marine corps. The cer emony was performed in Scandina vian Lutheran church by Rev. G. G. Blensheim. Once more we must call attention to the fact that if changes are desir ed in the advertisements, copy for same should be brought in on Monday and no later than Tuesday morning under any circumstances. It is a matter of physical impossibility to ar range all copy, set the matter and get ready for press on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and have a lot of advertisements to change. Tlease do' not ask it. Mr. R. F. McFee desires to an nounce that next Tuesday is clean-up day at the city cemetery. Everybody is requested to be on hand and help in this needed work. If it is impossi ble to be there, then do the next best thing and send a hand. Mr. McFee is pretty well disgusted at the attitude of the people of Tryon regarding their cemetery. It certainly presents a much neglected appearance just now. Surely our people should have more respect for the ones buried there than to allow the grounds to fall into ab solute neglect. Be on hand next Tuesday. W. S. b REMARKABLE RECORD. Levi Butler who is "over there" with the American army, writes back to Tryon relatives that the company of which he is a member, was engaged in an entire week's fighting, and that not a single man was killed, and only a few received minor injuries. That is cheering news. Here's hop ing that they may go through the en tire campaign with no more serious results. CAPTURES COUSIN IN RAID American Soldier Grabs Relative In Attack on the Hun Trenches. Hackensack, N. J. Details of how two cousins, one a corporal In the American army and the other a soldier of the kaiser, met in France after a raid were told here recently. The American Is Corporal William Munz, Jr., of Hackensack, a member of the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth in fantry, the old "Fighting Sixty-ninth." The German boy is Gustave Winkel mann of Bremen, a prisoner in an Araerlcan camp. Letters from Cor poral Munz say he was in a raid against the German trenches recently and came back with a batch of pris oners. The captives were being Identified when Winkelmann mentioned that he had relatives In the United States. Munz asked their names and found that the boy, was his cousin. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. Joseph L. Daniels, Pastor Emeritus. Rev. F. Barrows Makepeace, Min- ister. Services: Sunday, 10 a. m.., The Sunday School; 11 a. m., Public wor ship, with sermon. Wednesday, 4 p. m.. mid-week prayer service. Public invited to all services. w, s. s. Typewriter second sheets for sale at the NEWS office at 25c per hun- Classified Advertisements. WANTED. Female nurse or attendant for a. sanitarium for Nervous and Mental diseass. Salary $24.00 a month with board and laundry. Address S. Lord' Stamford. Conn. FOR SalE. Two fresh milk cows. Apply to G. H. Holmes. Tea Room Mountain Industries, Saturdays, 4 to 6 p. m. Hot tea, iced tea, lemonade, cake. Special parties served on 24 hours no tice. Mountain Industries. FOR SALE 25 acres of standing timber, two miles from Tryon. On shares or by the cord. GRANT C. MILLER, Valhalla. For Sale Long bodied, one horse spring wagon. Excellent for haul ing fruit. Valhalla Fruit Farm. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old reliable nursery company, of Pomna, N. C. He can save yu money and assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. SAVE FUEL. A furnace at a bargain. Burns both wood and coal. In guaranteed excellent condition. Much less than half price. Will heat half a dozen ordinary sizfrd rooms. Can be seen at FRANK WOOD'S SHOP. SALE NOTICE. By virtue of the powed of sale con tained in a Deed' of Trust from the Pacolet Gold Mining Company to Harrison Crook and John G- Dudley on the 11th day of November ID 14, and recorded in record No. 10 page 161, Registers office of Polk county, we will on the 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1918, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in Polk county, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-wit: Being part of Patent No. 1013. and including the land known as Double Branch Mine on the waters of Paco let and described as follows: Begin ning at a stone and pointers below Elias CantrelFs store t house where the land of A. P. Henderson and M. A. Cornwell corners with Elias Can tress, and runs with Henderson's line south 3 deg. west 140 poles to a rock and pointers J. S. Morris' corner; thence with his line same course south 3 deg. west 40 poles to a stone, Morris' corner; thence with his tine south 87 deg. east, 12 poles, crossing a small branch to a white oak his corner; thence with his line south 3 deg. west 57 poles and 20 links to a stone and pointers on the east side of an old road, Weaver's corner; thence with Weaver's line south 10 deg. west 20 poles to a stake by a large white oak, Weaver's corner: thence Lwith Weaver's line north 75 de? west b6 poles to a stake and pointers thence same course north 75, deg. west, 12 poles and 11 links to a stake and pointers in CornwelVs line of the W. A. Cannon tract; thence with the line of said tract north 13 deg. west 87 poles to a post oak; thence with said Canno7i tract north, 89 deg. west 47 poles to a stake and pointers in the patent line; thence with said line north 4 y2 deg. east 84 poles to a stake and pointers in Mrs. Putman's line; thence with line south 73 deg. east 80 poles to a pine, her cor ner; thence with4ier line north 3 deg. east GB poles to a stake and pointers, M. A. Cornwell's corner, thence with his line north 76 deg. east, ?2 poles, to the beginning, containing One Hundred and fifty-six and one-half (156x) acres. This the 6th day of August 1918. Harrison Crook, John G. Dudley, Trustees. Wood's Seeds limson Clover Increases crop produc tion, improves the land and makes an excellent grazing and forage crop. W00ITSFALL CATALOG Just Issued Tells All About Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Fulghum Oats, Abbruzzi Rye and all other Farm and Garden Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. Catalog mailed free. Write for It, and prices of any Seeds re quired. . T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen - Richmond, Va. Stock New WILKINS & 000000000080000i O o q A Thrift Stamp gives you the right to O stand up when the Star Spangled Banner is played. O o O citizens oi your community. No better 0 time than now to start that account. O Come in and let's talk it over. o 0 W. T. LINDSEY Pres o OOOGOOOOCO8QOOOOOO0QC IE d to the prosperous man. j . . . j I EVIDENCES 1 A Price or As we carry nothi ng but the best of all items 1: I our line, we willsimply quote a few prices that wi. J be good for the next, two weeks. Betjer act a I oice asthe prices are good for only two week?. . HON EST GOODS AT THE MOST 9 . - - 1 ..... .- .v ot oct. 3 Our stock of Groceries Has arrived, and we are doing business at our old stand. Our stock is new and fresh; as low as we can consistent ly sell them. Your trade is appreciated. CO. An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial BANK OF TRYOIN J. B. HESTER Cashier. 322 Of PROSPERITY! Of course vou know haw Onnnrtnnitv alwas comes If you have, you have observed that an unfailing evi dence of Prn?;r.oritv i A Bank Account with a sound bank like the Fank of Saluda. Your fnoney is absolutely safe, and you can. get it at any time. We will gladly extend any accommodation consistent with sound banking to our depositors. BANK of SALUDA Capital $1 0,000.00 Sa!nda9 N. C. HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN 6. CANNON, Y-Pres. PRESTON H. BAILEY, Cast .rt'iL""'1'"" Two! 2 cakes Pa!nio!ive, 2 cakes Rose Bath Soap for 25 cenl One-half gallon Fairday Syrup for 40 cenns i Fine Line Sunshine Biscuits ! We carry the beet line of Coffee in town. Get ou i prices on all kieds of Groceries and Country rrc 1 1 duce. H. PACE & SON, sanlucDA REASONABLE Pit"

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