. . ; .1 TT TTTT TT Cm jO YANK SOLDIERS COOL, WILLING AND DETERMINED DUCHESS OF ATHOlL Our Doughboys Mean Business When They Take the First Line Trenches. THEIR EFFICIENCY EVIDENT Veterans Before They Enter the Trenches, by Flrst-Rate Military Training If Not by Experience Every Man in Line Has Personal Grudge to Settle With Huns. With the American Troops in Alsace Lorraine By the dim light of the moon you could barely see the stream of doughboys pouring out of the shel tering woods and scraping over the dusty French road toward the trenches. They said very little and trudged along with that measured swinging tread which enables Europe's veterans to carry their heavy packs almost unheard-of distances. The stream seemed unending, as the United Press staff car picked Its way from squad to squad without uing lights, without falling in ditches and without touching a single doughboy, i Finally one section of the human stream halted in a ruined village. The j press car stopped, too, for beyond this ! point everything except ammunition and food goes on foot, j The officers gave the order to rest, i and a lot of packs dropped to .the ! ground, followed by doughboys. Their ! rifles they never dropped. In the moon light you could see the ground covered with resting soldiers, mostly siting. There was a clicking of rifles and sounds of tightening packs, and bits of gossip which could come nly from a group heading for its first night ia the tenches. Indifferent to Danger. These were Uncle Sam's citizen sol diers, new men Just over from "the states." as they have a habit of calling borne when over here. A few ques tions revealed the fact that a year ago Iese boys were clerks, carpenters, students and whatnot. In civilian 'clothes. Six months" ago they were In a training camp. Now they were foI d'ers In France, and tonight they were making their genuine debut Into the w.-r for civilization. There was no wild enthusiasm nor any evidence of fear or even appre hension among those citizen-soldiers a. they rested before making the Inst lay Into the trenches. There was a r j rrer-of-fact sort of confiden t prev alent, -and every man was maUlntr the nvir of the breathing spell to thr.t he was 100 per cent ready for haul" Interest and talk centered around the disking rifles and other equipment. This old gun's sure going to do some work from now on," sa'd one doughboy to his pal, as he played with the rifle fondly., "It's the best gun in this army." Say. jou never shot this gun," re plied the other. "Nobody ever did, and .nobody will but me. It's some Boche getter. It was made for me 'spec5 all v, Bo." I Officers went through the crowd, giv ing a final warning about U3e of gas masks, and attention centered around masks for a moment. A lot of chaps tried them on again. Then packs again were adjusted, and the group of dough boys streamed slowly on. Ready for Business. As they got nearer the front trenches the word was passed to walk more quietly. Conversation except In un dertones stopped, and they descended Into trenches. All you heard was the steady knock of hobnailed shoos on the trench duckboards, as those i.ew arrivals were quietly Initiated to the trenches in France. Quietly and with out commotion the officers stationed their men, with lookouts watching across moonlit No Man's Land, the former occupants of the trenches left, and the relief was completed. : There Is something about the fear less quiet way these new dougbhoys take the trenches that makes you feel they know a lot about warfare. They are veterans before they enter the trenches, by first-rate military training if not experience. Their dis cipline is fine, and their efficiency tells you. they are ready for business meaning whipping Germans. "Well, you can tell Kaiser Bill we're here to fight," said one doughboy, as he took his" station. "Hear the Ger mans say we're just a crowd of un trained boys. We'll soon show them we're soldiers " I It happens this doughboy's platoon did it very vzori. The next night 150 : DAKOTA "PRAIRIE DOG" X BECOMES "DEVIL DOG" St. Paul, Minn. "Say, pard. I'm a 'prairie dog' from North Dakota and I want to go over there and become a 'devil dog,' " and, relieving himself of this sentiment, William D. Knickerbocker of Dogden, N. t).. took his place in line In the United States marine recruiting station here. Knickerbocker passed an aN most perfect physical test and Is now on his way to Paris Island. S. C.. to the marine training sta tion there. Germans came over, and fifty of these "untrained boys" withstood the attack and stuck to their guns. The Germans who were still alive and able to run, retreated, double-quick time. All In Day's Work. Speaking of the way the newly ar rived Americans take to the trenches and to their duties, one brigadier gen eral, who had just finished a complete relief, said: "They're not exactly glad to get into the trenches. I guess no one is glad of that. But these boys all figure it's work to be done, and they're here to lick Germans. They're keen to get the job done. They're con fident, all right, but not boastful, be cause they know there's a lot to learn." A doughboy gave his version of how he and his pals felt while out there facing. No Man's Land for the first time. "We're not scared of the Ger muns, and when the time comes, we'll show them. We're going to do our best, which is about all they ask of us. Believe me, It's going to be a mighty good best." The new men in the fighting game adapt themselves to the front quickly as did the first Americans over. Every night It Is "over the top" for patrols of them, and In a few days they are en tirely familiar with No Man's Land The German front trenches next fall In the line of Investigation and the Germans soon adopt the policy of fall ing back to avoid fighting. Back of the lines on the home side, bank clerks, barbers and men of every profession who have temporarily be come soldiers soon make themselves at home among the ruins and In woods. They eat army "grub" and relish It more than the most delicate meal they ever ate from a white linen covered table and real dishes, especially if there has been work to do. Soldier ing agrees with them, you can see, by the work they do. the meals they eat and the huskies they have become. Chauffeur Gets "Fresh." Discipline Is fine, even If It Is hard. A major tells how his chauffeur be came a little "tresh" one day. Know ing the doughboy was a good chap, the major took hl.n aside and talked to him Instead of "bawling him out" be fpre the crowd. The doughboy apolo gized. "I'm sorry, major." he sard. "Jon see I own a couple of businesses back In New York, and have more than a million dollars In my own name, and It's a little hard to remember my place in the army now. But I'll do it, some how." You think yw are in an internation al army when you visit some of the new American units now in the lines. One company from New York boasts that Its members know seventeen lan guages, and if you wander in on them about mess time, when talking and plates full of "grub" have beer, emp tied, you are convinced. But ail of these doughboys are ar dent Americans, and they have won the admiration of their comrades who can speak the tongue without an ac cent. They are ail snappy looking sol diers. Sure of Success. The new units have dragged their clean and fresh-looking equipment, such as supply wagons, camp kitchens, machine-gun outfits and all that is needed up Into the Alsace and Lorraine bills.. The line runs up and down steep mountain sides and across pretty val leys, it is neautirui country and a fine place to be initiated to the front, for the doughboy must be on the alert all the time. In this area there is a shell-swept, well-wired No Man's Land across which Germans cannot come without being easily detected. Woods and hills and wild country make the place one in which only strict atten tion to business will keep the Germans out. These doughboys in the line have no hankering to "take things easy." Ev ery man In the line will tell you In confidential tones that he has a per sonal grudge to settle with the Huns for dragging the world into this nasty, business, tind the sooner aggressive action is taken the sooner Germany is going to be punished and war made a thing of the past. This Is the job every doughboy fig ures be has to do, and the confidence with which he takes to the trenches tells the world he will succeed. TV ' jjCri$x iiKHi(5F photo by "gfr"- " : : Wnrn Nwpper I'nton; The Duchess of Atholl, one of the pit-1 'est wohi'm in England, ai:l the wife of the n-w duke'of Ath'I, who l.fs inherited many peerages an I pre rogatives from his ancestor, includ ing a cathedral In Perthshire and the right to maintain an armed gutrJ d a tnuusnnd men with artillery complete. BROTHERS. ARE RECONCILED Enlistment in Marine Corps Ends Feud of More Than Two Years' Standing. St. Louis. Two brothers who have not spoken to each other for two years, although they slept in the same bed and ate at the same table, became reconciled through their enlistment In the Marine corps. The boys are Dan and Angelo Tar antola of this city. Dan Is twenty and Angelo eighteen. They fell out when Angelo broke up a game of mar bles in which his brother was play ing. Angelo Joined the Marine corps. His brother learned of It and came to the train to bid him farewell. After be coming reconciled there Dan decided to join the marines and be with his brother. So he enlisted two days later and the brothers are now at Paris Island, S. C, where they are again fast friends, after two years' pact of silence. HEART RIGHT SIDE, REJECTED Patriot Who Tried Twice to Enlist Has Cardiac Organ in Right Breast Philadelphia. Another freak of na ture was uncovered recently, when Dr. John H. Bailee , medical director of local board No. 22, refused to accept George W. Nicholson for the army be cause his heart was on the wrong side, even though it was on his right. Nich olson is thirty years old and pleaded desperately to go4 Some months ago he tried to enlist, but was turned down because he was under weight, his examiners at that time be ing unaware of his cardiac peculiar ities. When he was called for exam ination before the draft board Doctor Bailey made the discovery of the true location of his heart. HAS FIVE BOYS IN WAR Mrs. A. P. White Is the Champion War Mother of Tennessee. Knoxvllle, tfenn. The champion war mother of Tennessee, and, perhaps, of Dixie, is Mrs. A. P. White of Powell Station, Knox county. She has five sons in the service; Captain Roy D. White, Lieutenant John H. White, Private William Homer White, Cook Marvin B. White and Private Edgar White. "All ray boys volunteered," she de clares proudly. MAKING HAT CORDS FOR OUR FIGHTERS -t. ' jjjf' "tow The manufacture ot itui cords for the vaiious branches of the United States army Is in a large part carried on hy women In factories In this country. Thin picture hIiowm the machine wrapping- twisted threads for hat cords. IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL stnwscnooL Lessor (By Rev. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1918. by Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 1 SOME LAWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. LESSON TEXTS Luke 6:30-38; 21:1-4. GOLDEN TEXT Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20: 35. DEVOTIONAL READINO-II Corin thians 9:6-15. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOR TEACHERS Luke 16:9; Romans 12:8; II Corinthians 9:6-15; Hebrews 13:16; Ezra 1: ?-4; I Chronicles 29:1-5. The principles of ethics which shall prevail in the earth when Jesus Christ shall be king are entirely different rom those of the world. The worldly spirit always inquires as to what gain will accrue from an action or service. Its policy is doing good for the sake of getting good. Those who have been made partakers of the divine nature, who are really subjects of the king dom, do good because they have the nature and spirit of God, not because they expect something in return. I. Give to Every Man That Asketh of Thee (v. 30). This does not mean that any request that may be made by the Idle, greedy and selfish should be granted. Only evil would result from such Indiscrimi nate and unregulated giving. Such benevolence would foster Idleness and selfishness. Oftentimes the worst thing you can do for a man is to give him money. The drunkard will only spend it for more drink; the gambler will continue his dissipation. The meaning then is, give to the one ask ing the thing which he needs. The man in poverty needs to be given a way to earn his living, rather than to be given money without the necessity of labor. There Is that in the human heart which refuses charity, and cries out for a means to honestly gain, a livelihood. . II. Of Him That Taketh Away Thy Goods, Ask Them Not Again (v. 30). "Ask" here means demand. It doubt less forbids the forcible demanding of the return of that which has been taken from one. III. Do to Other Men as You Would That They Should Do Unto You (vv. 31-34). This ethic puts life's activities on the highest possible ground. He does not say, refrain from doing that which you would not like to be done to you, as even Confucius taught; but to pos itively make the rule of your life the doing to others as you would wish them to do unto you. Loving those who love us, doing good to those who do good to us, and lending to those from whom we hope to receive, is just what all the sinners of the world are doing. The child of the kingdom of Christ is to be different. IV. Love Your Enemies (v. 35). That which is natural to the human heart is to hate the enemy. To love in the real sense means to sincerely desire the good of even one's enemy and willingness to do anything pos sible to bring that good. Such action is only possible to those who have been born again. Christ loved those who hated him. He was willing even to die for his enemies. V. Lend, Hoping for Nothing Again (v. 35). This is what the Heavenly Father is constantly doing. He is kind and gra cious unto the unthankful and the wicked. He sends his rain and sun shine upon the unjust and sinners. He makes fruitful the toil of those who blaspheme his name. He thus does be cause it is his nature to so dcf. VI. Be Merciful (v. 36). The example for the imitation of the disciple is the Heavenly Father. VII. Judge Not (v. 37). To judge does not mean the placing of just estimates upon men's actions and lives, for, "By their fruits ye shall know them." The tree is judged by the fruit it bears. The thorn tree does not bear figs, nor the apple tree bear grapes. Our only way of discerning the character of men and women Is their actions. That which is con demned is censorious judgment the Impugning of motives. VIM. Condemn Not (v. 37). This means that we should not pass sentence upon men for their acts, for to their own master they stand or fall (Rom. 14:4). The real reason why such action is not warranted is that the bias of our hearts and the limita tion of our judgments render it im possible to righteously and intelli gently pass judgment. IX. Forgive (v. 37.) Those who forgive shall be forgiven. The one who has realized the forgiv ing mercy of God will be gracious and forgiving toward others. XI. Liberality Determined by What Is Left (Luke 21:1-4). Wash Butter Twice. The butter, in the granular condi tion, should be washed twice with pure water at about the same tttii perature as the buttermilk. Keep Milk Cool In Summer. Great care is required to keep milk cool during wimmer where one has no ice or is not well equipped for han dling milk. Cool Milk Immediately. As soon as the milk Is drawn from the cow it should tut cooled. The following account, taKen tiuin the Red Cross Bulletin, makes plain the way in which the Red Cross of America is helping the women and children of France: The American Red Cross has placed at the disposal of General Petain, com mander in chief of the French armies, the sum of 5,050,000 francs ($1,130, 000) for distribution among the sick and "reforme" French soldiers and their needy families. It extends its aid to the repatriated children coming in convoys from occu pied France and Belgium by way of Evian-les-Bains. Four thousand chil dren have been examined and nearly 1,000 treated at the American Red Cross hospital where also acute and contagious cases are -treated. More than 16,000 have received dispensary treatment, and those in need of con valescent care or those suffering from tuberculosis are sent to the Red Cross hospital near Lyon. The thousands of old folk, women and children without homes, who leave Evian each week for the various departments to which they are designated, find there the repre sentatives of the American Red Cross. There are more than fifty distributed In forty-four departments, who take part in the work of rehabilitation, sup plying furniture, clothing, fuel and food. In Paris, twenty-six houses for the lodging of refugees have been turned over to the bureau. These will take care of 700 families, or 3,850 indi viduals. The Red Cross furnishes the necessary requisites and in certain cases advances money to cover the ex penses of construction. A refuge of the American Red Cross at Toul houses 4G6 young children and their mothers who have come out of the bombarded villages, while the means furnished by the Red Cross have made possible the opening of a maternity hospital at Chalons in which 600 ba bies have been born since the begin ning of the war. The American Red Cross gives care and comfort to !U i,,, thirty-seven dinV,,!? vvnicn are i. ,,. ni J tablished in l',ri " 'j dren whose war work m!lV v, ,,, 'nJ Work is :,u , ' villages select;., f,,. l'!) W 1 - . Hornil l,l,!i..i . V llf buildings have ,-llV - DI1 in ., -A . . 'lllHIKlf , shell-fire and , """? J fit for service, v , ' a uuu rranes (sin MHn v.. , ' 111 for the Planting ui' ion'n the orchards .W ,, ..., : ments of the t,..rti." tlie - iii. mndp riinw.f ,i , "'nW branches. A t.,t:,i f 74.372 a.J n nrti no- . . . , -..tail Mu.-oir layette 150 meters ,f ac! tHhiittwi .... w..ii ... '. r,een tJ " , Saving ma,h: womes Mandate. Owinc to tilt n mi. . .: . . ' Ml for cot. """"s neiuus ana labor, and keen the pvpr.ricim, .... a unu iu uiiiiiiiiuin, iushion j ties nre nnt nif.u:.. uitruunifc rauicai eiianees for tl,. tumil Therefore the silhouette wf Via strnioht nn,l -7K..i. ."'"'iiiui; colors be restricted to the smallest po number and for street wear mi l dark and rich in tone, with much J trimming, mnge and embroidery. One hpfi re tliot ft,- smart unless they are touched nn a checked or plaid fahrlo. And caps you know, are as smart as jackei and will continue to be so through autumn. They are wnrn over senanij skirts and cuirass blouses, or ski Chinese tunics, and thev have swagger military air that comesfrtl their careless arrangement across M shoulders. All of the new ones some kind of waistcoat arrangement which holds them closely over the birl and waistline. Riding Togs for Youthful Wearei Whatever accomplishments or sports are to be cultivated in our girls, their training for them should begin early. Riding, swimming, tennis, walking, climbing, music and languages add so much to the joy of life that every girl is entitled to a chance at some of them. While the girl is growing up is the time for her first instruction and for the really tedious practice which a knowledge of music and languages compels. Timidity is easy to overcome in the young. It is especially sensible to insist On having children taught to swim and ride, and girls excel when given a chance in these sports. A glance at the habit of the smartly clad little miss shown in the picture above reveals that her habit follows closely the summer-time habits worn by her elders. The fad for puttees in place of high-top boots has extended their use to the youngsters, and wash able cloths heavy linens and Palm Beach cloth particularly make the best choice of fabrics for breeches and coats. It is only in certain details that there is a difference between this habit and those made for grown-ups. The coat Is less trim in lines than those cm for developed figures. The soft blouse with turn-over col la. and bow tU provides about the only appro priate inanner of dressing the neck, and the high-crowned vlsored cap, fit ting snugly, is thu ll!l!lI'u's t I aA ia I headwear for a A habit of tins Kin-i tfj comparison with "iilt'r ,d , nr C"""- . u ne ,,1 ,.ini? r vouncest horse-w" ponies at the horse fair. There ought to for all of them ' 0 ticular excellent Id f r Vfeil lili t'M ill i'l wi I y v Ortman Belts. 1 v Roman belts have i"'" ' tha ilir1 ieweli v ; ,'v''1 ..-.,. a friii- sashes with deep knoU $ coming to the fore. 1 ' ,(M,fc h 'I I I.I Lit I 11111 . ,hP ' f Z.U 1 . ...it 1 1 or wnicn is m"- . , ...ms. '. me oiii . . . -r. Ill U"- U.M W Ol 11 . in' inl and matching smart with white go! of which tons, and fancy jewelry is with the wash drt sse i.. the k' IIIUM1.1US - tl)lt Hi." xv-hito worn, with tin Face Powder to Be The French govenuuent ed the manufacture .or from rice, an official reput , f 100,000 soldiers' rarw defP wasted daily on women a v ccr

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