Newspapers / Polk County News and … / Sept. 6, 1918, edition 1 / Page 3
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it F CONVENTION . n nCI PRATCR HA" 1 GOVERNOR STRESS RESPONSIBILITY (S FROM RALEIGH nd Happening. That Mark of North carouna; re gress Lerfd Around the State Rale! eh. rth Carolina Farmers Con or . .. 1 nnn ctrnnsr. heard Innre t'.uui i"' " i P ' ctirrine address he stressed the great respon L nn the farmers of the producing uie iu ouF '.' ,i,p n?riod of the war ? that their effort in this concentratea m iw i un the mst intensive farming L a Houston, president of Iral Loan wans l 4un.i, f . . voinnment of fhe fed- ,i bank movements and of increasing uiua"uu il aid for tne xonu viunua, Kinghorn. of Washington, 'f nhtaining the highest mar- Lc-for eggs, and H. H. Wag- Re United States department. Id the application of the food law ot the shipment or eggs. Everett Colby of Washington 4 the attitude of the united ... j Li ood administration in uiv cuu- the food situation, and Col. . Li. A fkhlev.' assistant secretary 01 Jure, made a stirring address Irder for Cross-Ties. lederal railroad administration Jonathan Starr, of New York, siness associates, the largest order ever given before. Mr. rill cut the timber and furnish re to six million ties, j Jtarr has purchased' 165,000 i the sapphire country of Geor- uth Carolina and North Caro- d will begin operations at once saw tills. lotah output of the big tract led by Mr. Starr and , those as- M with him will approximate OOfr, and much of the prod- to be shipped to France for and other construction work he output of the sapphire for- h will go to the government for use and that of its allies. ill take much of this timber new conservation program an er the Southern railway from in North and South iCarolina," r. Starr. "We will do lots of i on motor trucks and branch ds. The government will get Ibit of the timber we cut if it itr We shall not sell to pri iteresta single stick." Starr will make his headqua-r 1 Charlotte or Asheville, which- je finds the most convenient. Fearful Storm In East n9pAi! Belated reports from several east em North Carolina points indicate damage to the extent of consider ably more than a million dollars to buildings and crops, and the loss of ar least one life in the storm Beau fort, Morehead City, New Bern and Kinston reported the severest dam age, indicating that they were in the -enter of the storm area. Wire com munication with Kinston and New Bern were restored direct reports from the other coast towns had nt been secured. Reports from Ne,w Bern tell of ex tensive damage to property, overhead wire systems and to crops, principally corn and cototri. The damaee tn th crops is general. Beaufort and More-head-City were the greatest suffer ers, John Crab tree, city alderman of New Bern, was crushed and instantly killed by the roof of a shanty car, when it was b'own from its fastenings into an adjoining street.. The storm strack New Bern in the afternoon and continued throughout the night. Ships were blown from their moorings and beached, houses were unroofed and the streets littered and blocked by fallen trees and tele graph poles. The electric lighting sys tem was completely knocked out and wire communication with the outside world cut off. Reports from Kinston declared that the wind reached a velocity of 80 miles an hour, leveling all wires, and doing considerable damage of a mi nor nature to a number of buildings. The lighting system' was completely demoralized and the little city was in total darkness. The streets were lit tered with debris and several suffer ed minor injuries. Matters are rapid ly adjusting themselves, or are being adjusted but it will be some days be fore normal conditions are restored. BAPTISTS PROTEST AGAINST RULING VIGOROUS OBJECTION IS VOICED AGAINST RECENT RULING AS TO CAMP PASTORS. QUOTA OF $1,000,000 FUND Associaion is Arranging to Go "Over the Top" ir Raising Its Propor tion of the Fund. CATTLE AND POULTRY SHOW Cattle and Poultry Exhbltlon Is Planned by the State Breeders and Fanciers. Early Call for Road Meet. A conference of delegates from eacn of the-"10 or more" counties between Charlotte and Wilmington through which the proposed Charlotte-Wilmington military highway will pass, will be called soon for Tuesday. Sep tember 24, at Rockingham, and an tion wiH S "over the top." The Central Baptist Association meeting at Wake Forest adopted reso lutions protesting against the War De partments ruling eliminating camp pastors from the forces of religious ' workers in army camps and asking j that the order be revoked. The Central Association began its meeting at ten o'clock For many years Mr. John E. Ray was moderator of the association. All missed him at this session. Dr. Chas E. Brewer was elected moderator, and W. R. Powell ,clerk and treasurer. The introductory sermon was preach ed by Dr. Livingston Johnson in the morning. The Biblical Recorder was also discussed. The Central Association was asked to raise $50,000 as its part of the mil lion dollar fund. Reports from ten churches showed just a little over the $50,0000. There are thirty-one churches in the association. Of course the stronger churches are included among those which have made subscriptions, but others are arranging for a cam paign, and it is hoped that the amount will reach up toward $55,000 or more when the reports are in. The central is the first association in the state that has made a systematic campaign for the million dollar fund, and if the others will do as well, the denomina- Charlotte. Indicating they had re ceived definite assurance that the an nual show of the North Carolina Live stock Association would be held here this winter, leading members of the Jersey Breeders' Association ol Mecklenburg county, in session at the courthouse, began preparing for their part in the show. The matter of pro viding accommodations for the cat tle which will be brought here for exhibit was discussed, but no deci sions were reached. While parrying the question of whether or not he had received as surances the show would be held here C. E. Miller, farm demonstration agent for the county, said: "I would not care to say until announcement is made from Raleigh. The only thing which remains to be done to secure the exhibition beyond question Is to arrange for the holding of a sale of Jersey cattle during the show, which practically has been provided for." The livestock exhibition will be held the week of December 10. during Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. At the same time the annual show of the North Carolina Poultry Association will be held here. CITY OF PEROIE TAKEN BY ALLIES PROCLAMATION OF JOINTOUSEVENT GERMANS CONTINUE TO GIVE ' THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, IS NAMED GROUND; INSECURITY OF rv PRPSinPMTwi.cnM ao THEIR POSITION SHOWN. rprirtr atim nV ACCOMPLISH GREAT CHANGES AH Danger to Channel Ports Has Been Averted and Overcome By Suc cess of Recent Movements. effort will be made to secure an at tendance of from 1,500 to 2.000 dele gates and officials. At this conference, the permanent organization of the Charlotte-Wilmington Military Highway Associa tion will be formed. Committees will The following resolution was unan imously and heartily adopted: "Whereas, we learn with deep re gret that the War Department has is sued an order eliminating the camp pastors from the forces of religious workers In the army camps, and Sunday School and County Fair. Salisbury. The annual Sunday school convention for Rowan county will be held with St. Paul's church, rear Salisbury. September 11 and 12. The Rowan association is the oldest county organization in the state and the coming convention Is its fiftieth one. The program will be given over largely to celebrating the event. The People's fair dates have been seated, they being the week of Oc tober 21-26. The stockholders are en husiastJc and are endeavoring to this the best fair yet held in faHsbury. War savings stamns will M used partly in. oaving nremiums( hut cash will be paid if the winners f nrfIunis prefer it. Premiums for ne K-ood stok will be greatly in Tensed over former years and a fea f"re of the fair will be a sale of blooded stock. be charged with the 'duty of taking : whereas we consider this, a very se up with federal, state and county 1 rious matter, as it not only deprives authorities the matter of obtaining f the young men in the army of the finances for the construction of the ' benefit of receiving spiritual instruc road. I ton and advice from ministers of State Engineer, Fallis will be ask-! theIr own faith- but is alst in our PIn' ed to submit a profile of the proposed , ion a serlous blow t0 religious lib road, and sueeestiona as to the best erty .therefore: nesoivea, rnat we, tne delegates of the Central Association, in annual session assembled, most respectfully and earnestly petition the war de partment to revoke this undemocratic and unAmerican order." route to be followed and the most de sirable method of construction. JConservation Program. new conservatio nprogram an il by Mr. Hoover simplifies to eitent the problem of enforce- or the food administration and ps the problem from the stand- ff observance for the consumer" t'3 State Administrator Henry e. after receiving and studying Eram from Food Administrator r announcing the new program. wy American citizen and par- ly every housewife should study Ilv cement of the new conserva- pgram. H1 be noted that the food ad- ratien is depending upon the cah people for voluntarv adher- P the conservation program. Ponse of the American people P so immediate and so effect- regard to everv eeonomv that eei requested by the food ad ration. it i8 feit that they can cu upon to give nrar.tirallv anv r of voluntary co-operation that f asked. Recent N. C. Casualties. Casualties among North Carolina troops overseas, as shown by late re ports from the front, are as follows: Killed in action Lieut. Paul Ven able, Durham; Corp. W. L. Moore, Canton; Privates E. B. Gallion, Ben son; Council Soles, Tabor; Wm. Bar rett, Kings Mountain; Loman Mor gan, Andrews; Ervin Cristopher, Cul berson; Paul Hogsed. Andrews; W. B. ohnson. Kernersvllle; W. Z. Pear son, Elkvllle. Died of woundn Private C. B. Cha zon. Fayetteville. Died of disease Corp. A. R. Cana dy, Bug Hill; Privates Fred Wilson, Fairmont; J. C. Brown, Kannapolis; John Evans, New Bern; Henry Grier, Charlotte. 1 Died of accident Private James ' 1 Alley, Sparfa. Severly wounded Segts. C. R. Sud dreth, Lenoir; W. H. Springs, Mars Hill; G. W. Goodman, Salisbury; Corps. F. M. Hildebrand, Newton; C. E. Lupton, New Bern; Privates P. W. English, Faust; Wm. Stallings, Gil key; Jesse Avery, Duke; A. McDon ald, Granview; C. S. Suggs, Thomas- ville; H. C. Scoot, Raleigh; B. G. Car Poole for Speaker. Mt. Gilead. R. T. Poole, of Troy, will represent Montgomery county in the next general assembly. The nom ination came to Mr. Poole as a great surprise to himself and friends, as he has built up a great law practice and it will be no little sacrifice to him to serve in this capacity. Mr. Poole rep resented the county in 1905. Mr. Poole's friends have 'begun to boost him for the speakership of the house. President Lutheran Society. Salisbury. The thirty-third annual convention of the Woman's Mission- I ary Society of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod closed its meeting, which has been in progress at Faith, j N. C, with a business session in" the i morning and a meeting of the exec utive committee in the afternoon. The convention represents aboul 100 societies of about 3,000 members. There were about 100 delegates enroll ed at this meeting. Several forward stfips were taken. The budget system of finances is be- Presbyterians for Success. Montreat. That which is the first distinctly denominational council of war work in the south is that of the Southern Presbyterian church, in ses sion at Montreat. The chairman and presiding officer of the council is Rev. James I. Vance, D. D.. of Nashville, Tenn., moderator of the general as sembly of the church and recognized a.s one of the ablest men in the church. The financial goal set by the war work council for this year is for the church to contribute $100,000 for its work ,and of this amount $55,000 has been secured. This money will be applied through the channels of the council, direct, and not through that of the Y. M. C. A., or( any other agency. The purpose for which it will be used will be to equip the arap pastors and chaplains of the Southern Presbyterian church, and en able them to do a larger work than hev cold do without assistance from 'heir church. The government pro vides a salary, but does not provide -"uipment for chaplains. This church will provide every camp p?.stor with -slan' and every pastor chaplain, who 's a. Southern Presbyterian, with an -orrobe nnd other equipment that will frcilitate his work among the soldiers in training. London. Peronne, the railroad cen ter at the bend of the River Somme, takea by the Germans in their offen sive of last March, was recaptured by forces of Field Marshal Haig. The towns of Bullecourt and Morval also were captured by the British. The Briti3h have reached the sub urbs of Lens. Large fires are burn ing in the neighborhood of Lens and Armentieres; These are regarded as an indication of a further German re tirement. All along the western battle front the Germans continue to give ground before the entente allies. Daily the trend of events accentuates the in security of -the German lines and the inability of the German high com mand to hold back the aggressors. Where two months ago great salients projected into the allied front, these have either been flatten ed or are in the process of being ABOUT 13,000,000 AFFECTED The Date of Registration Will Mark Creation of Mightiest Army in History. Washington. All men from 18 to 45 years of age in the continental Unit ed States, except those in the ajmy or navy or already registered, were sum moned by President Wilson to regis ter for military service on Thursday, September 12. Machinery of the provost marshal general's office was set in motion to carry out the second great enrollment under a presidential proclamation is sued soon after the President had signed the new manpower act extend ing the draft ages. It is estimated that at least 12.77S, 758 men will register this time, com pared with nearly ten million on the first registration of men from 21 to 31 on June 5, 1917. Of those who en roll now it is estimated that 2,300,000 will be called for general military service, probably two-thirds of the number coming from among the 3, blotted out, and in some instancei 500,000 or more between the ages of the allies themeselves have driven in j 8 and 21. Registration this time will be con ducted as heretofore by the local draft boards. All federal, state, coun- weJges that seriously menace the enemy. With the Marne and Picardy sec tors now virtually all reclaimed, the : ty and municipal officers are called wings of the present allied offensive ; upon to aid the boards in their work, are moving in a manner that bodes j to preserve order and to round up ill to the Germans. In the north, the , slackers. All registrants will be clas- wing on the Lys salient southwest of ' sified as quickly as possible under the Ypres is being advanced under vol untary retirements and the pressure questionnaire system, and a drawing will be held at the capitol to fix the of Field Marshal Halg's forces. Fol- . order of registrants in their respective lowing the fall of Kemmel, the allied classes. line has been moved further forward j In a proclamation issued immedi until it now rests almost upon the ; ately after he signed the new man-Estalres-LaBasse road, less than power bill authorizing extension of seven miles southwest of Armentieres. ! 2l-31 draft ages, the President called By wiping out of this salient the an, tne younger and older men to en- menace to the channel ports has been . ron on that day with local draft boards, where they make their per manent homes. "We solemnly purpose a decisive overcome. American troops advancing along- , . rp, innA victory of arms." said the President, on Belgian soil. They captured . . . , 0 ' fltin noli horarohr tr HairAfa f hn iovai Voormezeele and joined with their al- T, . r ; ii ;T; V; I natin to the accomplishment of that which were carried out all along this T. . . . . . 'and deliberately to devote the larger part of the military manpower of the sector. The Americans, besides tak ing Voormezeele, have captured sev eral strong positions. AMERICANS MAKE A TWO MILE ADVANCE purpose. It is the call to duty to which every true man in the country will respond with pride and with the consciousness that in- doing so he plays his part in vindication of a great cause at whose summons ever true heart offers in supreme service " A. . . . , , T?..ana Youth in their eighteenth year will With the American Army iu France ' g in & -The American troops in their drive d rtment has announced( to be hevnnd Juviernv advanced about two .... . , cnn , suDjecc to a special educational pro gram, and will not be called until the supply of other available men in the new classes is exhausted. After citing the law, and stating the regulations for the registration, the President's proclamation read as fol- lows : Proclamation. "Fifteen months ago the men of the country from twenty-one to thirty miles and captured nearly 600 prison ers. together with considerable war supplies. The advance from Juvtgny began at 4 o'clock and the Americans had gain ed their objective by night. Ragged points in the new line were smoothed out. In addition to the 600 prisoners, two pieces of artillery were captured and a great number of machine guns . x t- A. T.AnAlinn cVia11 ana irecncn munais. ncuuico, 0111 j ing put into operation with telling ef- riwan. Lowlands; W. G. Sheets. Idle- j fect am0unt to be raised during wild; Raymond Barnes, Taylorsville; tn enext year has been increased by C. P. Page. Wade; L. R. Pate Rock- the additi0n of $700. At the session, ingham; E. Willoughby, Goldsboro; in afternoon Mrs. John M. Cook, Con Lieut. E. B. Clark. Weldon. cord was re-elected president of the Prisoner or missing Lieut. P. M. convention. A field secretary will be Distribution of Bibles. fcwann, a colnm-tPiir fnr hp can Bible Society reports hav- r 7UUea recently 1,282 Bibles '"laments. The 1Cio ' mauiuieu ill iuh isib and c.;- u. .. . - us mcepoLtn naa P'Obably mnro tVi, 1 ATfnnn nnn ' Scrintnro - r'On in tv, . . l"c war against uer- hi, . 7 "cu ior l"e army, F Million hnnK ' H v . -vo ui atriyiure, one a4 "B pocket testaments in be rY bIu' a11 of which -""luuiea-or soon will be. Pernor n , aent tfc " autbor!zed the d Stat he ha tendered to the if rj,!!68 nayy department the ie p.P,.Glenn- Morehead City, Da7; , ment of a naTal aea- and atatIon and training a says that Just as soon 'as nr local adjustments are " lO ftnvJ. Nine v. ent8, the order for v new federal enter- M u "V"v.uuo will be I. u Montague, Winston-Salem ; Sergt Han-; put into the field with salary for a nlbal Davis, Marshall; Privates John ' period of time each year to stimulate Brown, Hays; M. Leansvllle. T. Matkins, Mc- Protest Is Overruled. Cotton ginners of Wake, Franklin, and adjoining counties me tin Raleigh for a conference with H. A. Page rel ative to the standard price that has been fixed for ginning for the com ing season throughout the state. Their protests were unavailing. The state food administration an nounced that numbers of protests from farmers against the change in price, as well as from ginners, have been received. This has strengthened Mr. Page in his belief that the prices as fixed are equitable. ex camp. Great Sales of W. S. S. Two hundred and , sixty-nine towni in North Carolina have been organ ized for the purpose of selling war savings stamps. This means that prac tically every store in these towns, rep lesenting 4.600 merchants, is selling Thrift and War Savings Stamps across the counter along with merchandise and other things offered for sale. The result is $809,000 of the merehani's war savings quota which was $2,312, 093 have .been fold. interest in the work and visit the local societies. Expecting Commissions. Special from Washington. It is un derstood here that these North Caro linians are to be given commission in the provost marshal general's offce: Junuis G. Adams of Asheville, Mi chael Schenck of Hendersonville, Thomas W. Davis of Wilmington, and Robert Pace of Raleigh. The Tar HeeJs may receive the rank of major. Some lawyers have been made lieuten ant colonels. William E. Breese of Brevard is among those on the wait ing list. Legally Trained Men Wanted. Charlotte Registrants in the defer red " classes, who have legal training and are good stenographers, by waiv ing their claims for exemption, will be accepted, should they volunteer, for army service in the judge advo cate general's department. Secretary Lyles of the local board for Charlotte, said. This board has received a call to list volunteers of these qualifica tions, who will be inducted into the army during September and assigned to the work of making stenographic reports of courtmartials. Session Jr. OrrW U. A. M. Closes. Wilmington. With the selection of Gastonia as the place for the 1919 con vention and the election of officers for the ersuing year, the twenty eighth annual convention of the state council of the Junior Order of United merican Mechanics, which has been in session at Harbor Island auditorium Wrlghtsville Beach, came to a close. There were approximately 500 dele gtes. from various councils through out the state in attendance. Woodus Kellum, prominent mem ber of the local bar, was elected state councilor, moving into his office automatically through virtue of the Tnct that he served as deputy coun cilor during the past year. holes and the open field were strewn ! years of age were registered. Three ' with German dead. montns ago ana again mis momn, The drive forward from the posi- j tnse wno na Just reached the age r-r tions north and south of Juvigny j twenty-one were added. It now re proved a field dav for the Americans . maIns to include all men between the and their allies the French. The ar- j ages of 18 and 45. j tillery literally blasted a way through ! the enemy ranks, tearing down de- "This is nto a new policy. A cen tury and a quarter ago it was dellbr-- j fenses and leveling the ground, while ately ordained bv those who were then allied planes mainfained complete and responsible for the safety and do uninterrupted connection by radio fense of the nation that the duty of ' with battery commanders throughout military service should rest upon all , the engagement. The infantry, when able bodied men between the ages j called upon for its part in the dram- of 18 and 45. We now accept nrd , atic venture, responded like veteran fulfill the obligation which they es i troops after a long period cf rest, and tablished. an obligation expressed in j with enthusiastic shouts began the our national status from that time un ! pursuit of the Germans who were not til now. We solemnly purpose a de ! caught In the terriffc barrage. j cisive victory of arms and deliberate- With the Infantry went the tanks, ly to devote the larger part of he and it was a different story from that military manpower of the nation to when they first advanced against Ju- the accomplishment of that purpose. vigny. Two companies, 30 tanhs, had , "The younger men have from the Interests North Carolinians. Rale'gh The announcement of Am hacsador Page's resignation will prove intensely interesting to North Caro lina readers and the news will be re ceived with regret that continued ill health is the reason for his action. Mr. Page Is a North Carolinian. He is a brother of former Congress man Robert N. Page, of the seventh district and of State Food Adminis trator Henry A. Page. Ambassador Page is president of the publishing house of Doubleday, Page & Co., of Garden City, New York. Camp Bragg Site Survey. Fayetteville. Under the supervi sion of a representative of Captain Dersheiiner of the Construction Divi sion of the War Department, an engi neer force Is now making a topograph Nal survey of the site on which Camp Bragg is to be built. The survey of the huge sie, taking in a large part of Cumberland and Hoke counties, will consume some timeS The work "s in charge of Mr. Payne, Captain Dersh Rimer's representative. A corps of draftsmen from the geodetic survey r making the topographical maps. been detailed for the work. SPAIN TAKES OVER INTERNED GERMAN SHIPS Madrid. The Spanish government has decided to take all the German steamships interned In Spanish ports, in accordance with Spain's recent note to Berlin, because of the torpedoing of Spanish vessels by German subma rines. Foreign Minister Dato announced at a meeting of the cabinet that the Spanish steamship Ataz-Mendi. has been torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine. NEW WAR REVENUE MEASURE TASK OF HOUSE AND SENATE Washington. Congress begins the tenth month of its present session with the new $8,200,000,000 war reve nue bill as the principal task ahead of voth senate and house. Th.9 national prohibition bill pending in the senate, the waternower development bill be fore the honse and other measures will be given consideration, but both branches expect to devote themselves from . now on largely to the revenue legislation. first been ready to go. They have furnished voluntary enlistments out of all proportion to their numbers. Our military authorities regard them as having the highest combatant quali ties. "The Older Men. "By the men of the older group now called upon, the opportunity now opened to them will be accented with the calm resolution of those who real ize to the full the deep and solemn significance of what they do. Having made a place for themselves, in their respective communities, having . as sumed at home the graver responsi bilities of life in many snhers look ing back unon honorable srice rec ords in civil and industrial life, they will realize as nerhans no others could, how entirely their own for tunes and the fortnn" of all whm they kye are pt t utikft in hi wr for right, and will Vnow thit hs rvi. records h"T hve rra rnd the? their Jives. Thv know how. ur.1v this is the nat' wr. how trnnera tlvelv it demands th mnbTrt'on and massing of all om" rmwrc cf prv kind. They will rd this rH the snnrme iil tn(!r dav ana wjr answer it accord inslvr
Polk County News and The Tryon Bee (Tryon, N.C.)
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Sept. 6, 1918, edition 1
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