he Only Paper Published n Polk County. A Uve,0c:a iiFcnH:2:IIiz2 :V SS-S- v - W &RTf2X -"-' --.71.-- " . 'tfKk 15 ' 1 : --li:- ' -r -:v - : ' v 1 and; th etkij be tsfeil; , y "Vs f;:" . ,r;:r--': r-, - VOL. XXIV NO. 23 s RISH INFLUENZA REACHES POLK. County Health Officer Dr. Earle Grady Forbids all Manner of Public Gatherings. OLD "FLU" IS WITH US. The Spanish influenza has arrived, and many cases are reported in var ious sections of Polk county. So far have had but about ten cases in Tryon, with one fatality. Superintendent 'Cobb informs us that all but five of the public schools in Polk county have been dismissed, and these are so remote that no dan ger is apprehended that the scourge will gain a foothold there, but at the first suspicious case these schools too, will be closed. Don't get panicky over the situa tion. It is all over the United States, and will do no good to try to run from it. The physicians have given lots of good advice in the matter, and vou will do well to heed it. The in fluenza itself is short lived, lasting only three days. The danger arises from complications that follow,, prin cipally pneumonia. If you 'should be attacked with the "flu," don't be in a hurry about getting out of the house. Send immediately for your , family physician and, follow his advice to the letter, and there is not much to be feared. "Better be safe than sorry." THE FAIR POSTPONED. At the request of the North Caro lina State Board. of Health and our town and county health officer, Dr. Earle Grady, the Polk, County Fair has been postponed. Dr. Grady says it will take but a short time to stamp out the influenza in Polk county if everybody will do all. in their power to aid. It is much easier to guard against the scourge than it is to fight it after it once gets into our midst. At present there are but few cases in the county, and it is hoped to be able far stop" it where t is. Just when the Fair will .be held is problematical, but due notice of the new date will be given. Don t be come discouraged, but gO ahead and get your exhibits in that niucn better snape. and lets nave a eooo rair when we do hold it. W.S. OXESUBSCRIPTION TURNED IN. Last week we published a eolumn article on the subject of sending the NEWS to our soldier boys in Fiance. To date only one person has respond ed to the appeal. The movement is Nation wide, and has received the sanction and best wishes of President Wilson, Secretary of War Baker, and Mondav in iaci an tne memDers 01 jrresiuent Wilson's cabinet. Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. Taft,a nd without exception every American who has been approached on the subject. Gen. Pershing is heartily in , favor of the movement, and says nothing Steeps the boys "over there" in such good fighting trim as frequent mes sages from home, and the home pa per is especially. welcomed by them. In almost every county the citizens are sending in their donations to the cause. Is Polk count to lag -behind in this move ? Do we not appreciate our boys as much as other counties and localities do? This is not 'a money-making affair of the publishers, for almost every body knows that no money is made pf! subscriptions. We desire to help in the cause of keeping our boys satisfied. One Dollar will send the NEWS to any boy "over there" for six months. " you have no particular person to .wna the paper to just send in. your ooiiars and we will supply the names JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. Mi " : ii i a n t m v. - m - . v. r ; "-" tvr toDacco lor iln Ae commanding officers all SiuVt ource Pleasure it is tothe boys to e amply supplied with Send in your dollars rA TA ITT? 1 1 send the tobacco. - - w. s. s , COLUMBUS. We were not flis5innAinf. of the postponment of the Fair, as we were glad to have more tje to finish up .our exhibits. ' btearns Hierh Schnni i ACO1 Fi m week pending further developments of influenza. Several out of town cases have been renrrtH k, proving. Mrs. Gaston Mills is very sick at this writing. The revival being held by Rev. J. B. Arledge, in Columbus, the past two weeks, closed Sunday night. There were ten who joined the Columbus Baptist church, seven, were baptised Thursday. Mrs. A. L, McMurrav. Mrs TTnfA. erson, Mr. Major Hutcherson and Mr. Hid Cloud went to Rutherfordton, Sat- uruay. ivir. uioud went to visit his wife who is at the Rutherfordton hos pital. We are glad to sav Mrs. Cloud is recovering nicely from her nnpra. tion. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mrs. John Lewis Smith and daughter! --xuicma, lurs. n. r . Mc'arJand and Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb attended the Carson-Jackson weddinc af TW lef Wednesday. Miss Dorothy and Master Kenneth Bostic, of Forest City, are spending a few days with their srrandfathpr. Mr J. P. Arledge. Miss Minnie Arledge, Mr. J. P. Ar iedge, Mrs. Robert Hill and rhildrpn and James Carnesrie. attended the Green River association held at Pied mont, Rutherford county, last week. Mr. Wash Hill is spending the week with his family. Miss Nell Constance is home hav ing closed her school on account of the epidemic. - Mrs. F--L Weaver and children have gone to DuPont, Va., where they vvill make their home. Mr. Weaver has had a trovernment iob there for - w - some time. ; f Mr. .John Lewig mith, Sof - St. George, S. C., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walker Newman. Mr. and-Mrs. John Lewis Smith visited relatives in Henderson county, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Angie McFarland returned from a month's visit with Mrs. Ed. Shields, at Chesnee, S. C. Miss Rose Bailey, one of the high school teachers was on the sick list this week, but is out again. " Mr. Fred Henderson, son of Mr. Jas Henderson, of Chimney Rock, was , buried at the Ridings cemetery, Mr. Henderson Camp Jackson of influenza. W. S. S RED MOUNTAIN. TRYON, N. C; FRID OBER I iMlg: $2.00 A YEAR: MMMM"IMMMM"MMI"MMMMM---M,,MM . mi hnnc fft enn rr- ; r : : : v . " -. i .. t ' '. . ,i .. - ,, . , , ., - . ., . , . ' . ' .MM---------Mi FRO Hi OUR FRIEIIDS; OVER THE' COil'ITY Some ri0a of Gen.ml Intrt4 CUtlrtJ Pf CKir CT0,pondeit FrDm. V 'r-ek'. --y -,.. LYNN. At a meeting of some of the people of LymCone night last week, for the purpose of selecting a committee : to solicit Liberty Loans, A. N. Kunkle was chosen as chairman, and Twitty Thompson vice chairman. We do not Know what progress has been made. Mr. H. C. Rhodes, located at An derson, S. C, was here, Saturday, re turning aunoay. lie was looking as though the water down the country agreed with him. Jake Justice, who has heen at the state hospital at Morganton, for treatment, has returned, looking very inucn improved. We think the postponing of the uounty b air will result in havyig a better attendance and exhibition, of the county; products. Itfs a very busy season, picking, cotton, peas, making sorghum, etc. , Hello, Fishtop, what about those rattlers, Have you sent any of them to the - Kaiser yet ? ' - The tent meeting cjosed last Satur day night, by order of Dr. Grady, County . health officer. It's reported that some complained and said lie ought not to stop the gospel. We think it's better to be careful han sor ry. . Edgar Covil, who has. been suffer ing wih a burned leg, is very much better. Mr. D. A. Goodman, of East Flat Rock, was in our village last Satur day and Sunday. Andy looked as though he had been well fed and not very hard worked. Come again, An dy, we are always glad to see you, and you remind us of days gone by. Earl G. Hudson, of Camp Sevier, was home, Sunday and Monday, re turning Tuesday, looking fine and dandy, although he was turned lown dn first examination over there. - . Mr. Whitsal Rollins has been quite sick with Spanish influenza, but is up, and some of his family are sick. V ... . Quite a njimber, pf our people just t this, writing" are sick-with the' flu; or. colds, and some in bed, while oth ers are going about. mr. - C tev. Liner; ; Hickory .Grove, de liyrd a ivery interesting sermon to a vf yUaievcrrod hite pakSun; dt&i&smg f orf his, subject "I ; have ' thought; on "mywayj jandtnaye turned my? stets unto, the testamonies of God- taken from the 119th Psalm. We wish everybody could have heard this sermon..' r:.- ' 1 . . Mrand Mrs. J, M. Barber and daughter, J ennie, , attepder , services at Lebaiion, Sunday, ti- ".- : " k'J' We are sorry to hear, of so many casejj of Spanish -influenza;,; We are easei wilt disappear f romf olirTmidst, and your midst. . ,r ;'; died at She her fa- the insane asylum at Morganton. leaves many mends to grieve Mr. Martin -Gilbert, visited his ther Sunday. v . . . Mr. Landrum Jackson spent - Satur day night -with his son, near Sandy Plains. ' " . Mrs. -M. H. Gilbert spent a few hours with Mrs. S. J. Helton, Helton, ; Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Gibbs attended; Sunday school at Cooper Gap Sunday.; - Miss Kansas Jackson was the truest of ;Miss Bessie Jane Helton, Sunday last. 7 w. s. S- " ,. PEA RIDGE POULTRY RAISERS . ; Since, ourjFair - is postponed we wilf have niore time to prepare for it. f Mr. J, H. Gibb,s and daughter, Miss Esther? rftade; a$ flyingjtrip ft Rutherf ford-On,-.'last Thursday.' v Glad to note that Claude Lewis, is impijS:fast.' . ''.vfxli ' Miss Sue Gibbs is vefylill atlthis writing, ,. v Hubert : Foster, of Camp Sevier Greenville, returned- to. camp, Satur day, after spending , a few , days .with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.' Fos ter. r ' :'" " "Four Libertjr Loan ; workers from Tryon made very interesting talks at both churches liere, , Sunday ' 'Leader fori Christian Endeavor next Sunday, at Bethlehem, Hubert Gibbs; topic, "Weak" points in our .society to stre.ngtften$di";We. ,urge every J memor pay their fee next Sunday. We: arib'twf mgnths t behind and; we want to buytservice flagsffl for each church. m'- : tV; YMif and- tored"to Rutherfordton, last Satur day. . I BUYERS OF LIBERTY LOAN BONDS. ( Whooping cough, measles and the flu" are conspiring to break up the r air m Polk county, but the Juniors will not be beaten. Schools are clos- H, but this gives more time for sew lng, canning, shop work and map drawing-. Remember in vrit' aw rlass and address on back of each Junior, entry card. When the new date for the fair is finally decided the goods may sent m with the entry tag attach- "I. A rirls should practice making vie wry muffins with 20 per cent cotton seed flour, erraham bread with the "heat or com hrpnd and rrmflfins. Borrow a map of Polk county from jour postmaster, and make a copy to Practice all the patriotic songs you can hnd, and write to the POLK vAJUNTY NEWS the name and pub I'sher of your favorite patriotic song, hat plates may be secured for use in - fe'-uu community cnorus. , r W G O TOBAACCO FOR THE SOLDIERS. we are-again in receipt of urgent appeals for tobacco money. Last week we sent away money for that Purpose, and are still accepting funds. Money collected in this way is turn- ,JJ over to the Red Cross, or rather lfte tobacco i t.nmod nvr f ft that or ganization for distribution.- It id all under the Red Cross supervision, and "aS the SATlH-inn nf UnAT ine anneals from tho enldipra make No doubt you will be surprised to hear from this nook. Most everyone is busy, making molasses. Mr. A. F. Corbin visited the school here,' last week, in the interest of the Fair. Mrs. Elmina Whiteside spent Sun day with Mrs. J. B. Wilson. Messrs. Jonas ruddy, T. IN. Wilson and Twitty Jackson attended the Green River Association on Friday of last week. Mr. J. B. Wilson visited his brother - t jj n 1 i... in KUtnenoraiOn, aunuay, returning Monday. Sunday, two of our older ladies and 11- 1 A. 1 a numDer oi young ioiks aoout nere were out looking for one of the "writing spiders" repdrted in this vi cinity, but failed to hnd.Arachne. ' Hev. Sunny .View and Mountain View, you haven't anvthing on Re Mountain school.- What other rural school in Polk county can boast a Teacherage, also three and one-half dozen supplementary readers for the primary room Hone the "nen-new-end-ways aon i invade this community. Ww S COMMISSIONERS FINANCIAL . STATEMENT. This space vill be devoted to pablishing a list of the names of those who have subscribed to the Fourth Liberty Loan. WE ARE GOING OVER THE TOP i and want our people and the boys at the front to know who did it. Get on the list this and next week. FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE. This space donated by Polk. County News. 'Mrs. J. B. Dalton spent last week at Jiutherf ordton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foy and - two daughters spent Sunday . night witH Mr. JohnoFoy. - - We" are glad to know that Mr. Os car. Phillips is able- to be at home again.'- ; ' ' Mr. RolancL -Walker" has returned from Hopewell, . Va. - Mrs. Harriet Splawn is veryill. :Mr. and . Mrs.. Chap. Turner . spent Sunday with- Mr.. Jim. Melton. , Mr. J. T. Waldrop and. son Edgar, spent Sunday with Mr. J. T. Green vMII,LvSPRING4ROyTEl. Rev J, M. Barber filled his regular appointment at Lebanon, Sunday. He was accompanied by Mr. A. L. Hillt who made a splendid r talk on. the Fourth Liberty Loan. We hope ev erybody will do their duty. Mr. and Mrs. Barber and daughter, Jennie, visited Mr.: and Mrs.-Quincy Powell, Sunday., Misses Elizas White, Mossie , Ed wards and Dorcas Edwards,-; made a trip Uo Rock Spring, Sunday after noon.. . . - ; Cotton-Picking; 4s going on these hot days,- but the- girls; f this section pick -from;i 100 .tof25&Spounds.a day, destJje the hot weajther Jf Miss Lucy .Abraras spent' a few, so cial hours at, A. A. Edwards Sunday afternbdn. '' ' T;i!r.," - ;4-;MB.LVlNHILL.-; ' 'imlitSi&WfrM arrived Clwine torn last Friday t , . Mrs. Arthur Waldrop is visiting her mother, Mrs. Tate' at Chesnee' this-week.' Mr . and , Mrs. Philip Henderson, were shopping in Rutherfordton, Sat urday. Mr. J, E. Jones is putting in a grist mill at his garage. There was a sociable singing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T.-Cantrell, Saturday night. ' Miss Mamie Can- treli was organist for the occasion. Mr. G. C. Feagan .was at the Greens Creek. precinct,Iast. Saturday' for the purpose of opening registry books' and he will be for the next two Saturdays. Mrs. Wm. Ridings is spending this week with Mrs. Foster Lawter. The Rawley medicine man was in town, Monday, and the people were inquiring of him if he had anything thaU would cure the Spanish influ-nza j w. S. S r FISHTOP. SILVER CREEK. "PTlsPwhere in this issue will be found the financial statement by the rvmnfv Commissioners, of Polk coun- ... i ii L Tt ehnws tnat wnen W15 pie&em- Board assumed control of the county . Bradley, last, week. Spanish "flu" is now in this coun try. Let us try in every way to pre vent the disease from spreading. Mrs. H. V. Arledge and children have returned from an extended visit to Spartanburg. Misses Alda and Grace Arledge were unable to return to Stearns High School this week. They have Spanish influenza. Mr. Twitty Thompson and miss Lizzie Hooker, of Lynn, were callers on the route Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ragan Bradley, who came home on a pass, from Camp Sevier, Greenville, was kicked by a mule, last Saturday and was unable . to return to camp Sunday. Miss Edith Arledge is very ill at this writing. - Farmers are busy making sorghum in this section. Mr. J. R. Sams visited this section, Friday. Mr. Warner Walker, of spartan- burer. visited his cousin, Mr. Jeter Every Township in Polk ' County - Requested to Perfect an.,: COrganizntion, , OUTLOOK FOR POULTRY' "It pays to advertise'' is an , old . ' baying, and never was there a truer one An; account of Jhe organization v of the Tryon township poultry asso ciation appeared in the Ashevilie Citi- zen a fevwdays ago Already inquir-.' les are coming in, and one party from a South Carolina town writes in and' wants to buy White' Leghorn or Blue v Andalusian pullets. Jf any of our readers have any for sale and iwilklet us know, and what price you want.' for T them we will send, the gentleman4 the - lniormauon.. ? . . Another renJenan fmm . Aeoviiia : a Mr. Canipbell, traveling. salesman,, says he is in the poultry business, and wall gladly lend his aid to further the cause in Polk cjounty ; that he will send a few coops ; of chickens to ur . Fair for exhibition it o Requested.': V You just watch old Polk off-this""" proposition. We can ? and ? will, raise thousands of full blooded c hielrens. The day : of i the scrub chicken is past. ana ne is .doomed. If you have anv thoroiiirhhred . chickens; or want to raise such, write th$ editor and tell him all aboutit. -W. s. s. ' TRYON -POULTRY CLUB. In - pursuance of call ' through,, .the. V , NEWS, a few of the faithfuLmet at. Missildine hall, Saturday.,morningi to talk-over poultry matters;: The meet- mT - was strictly informal, , but much . intere's;'was: manifested; and it was . - the unanimous opinion of th6sepres- .--snt to' Kb ahead full speed- in poultry y , " productioivst;;,i:;VQ::'.i v;-V' The natterjf ; thorauehbredAversua -:Z hscrubpptrywa a?w icu" i,u-gn every raiser-inter, v j jryon,;'; wwnsmp, u possioie, , r ahfd haveeias4i ;ayrwiJ scrubs stocfir-isind :su1sitot-fttUf:oolsrin stead. . This is 'the request, ; not only of the North Carolina State Board of ' Agriculture, but the U. S. Board as well. . - Remember that you donVhave to own a large flock to become an zc tive working member of . the new club, but if you have any chicken's at ail, and-desire to raise thoroughbred, . chickens you are asked to become a member. Mr. B. F. Copeland was elected president, and Mrs. T. H. Coggey secretary. Another meetincr will be held soon, and it is desired that ev erybody interested will attend. W. S. 3. BUYS LAND FOR GRAZING PURPOSES., A 1 .. t.JAklMjMArn mO Cg-l nut Aiirc tza. ri 1 1 1 n v: iiiucuiyciiiicao i J lJ W V vmm . . 3 - $54,773.00, and during their tenure of office there nas Deen paia on ims i ztehtAdness S17.4Zi.J8. TViio is condition at wnich tne wra- i JL mr j-i missioners , oeservp gr-eai crt?ui-, hvp n iust reason to be proud. It w . . - , - , shows that the aim or tne present Board has been m the interest oi rojK county. , TVi vTosp of thir statement rpads funds for 1917 on hand Wdiui.vv- T.rntlTI $2,700.00 WITH NO UViSLts iiNun RED, and the county sua owns m- terest in land. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thompson have moved to J. H. Gibbs' farm, near Mill Spring. Miss Mary Ann Bradley spent tne week-end "at Walker, -W. s. S.- SUNNY VIEW. School has closed here for three weeks.. The friends of Mr. Terrell Taylor will be sorry to learn that he is very ill. ... Miss Clara Feagan.returned to her home at Melviri Hill. Saturday. . ac- Thp annual, complete m-crt-of the companied by "Mr. J. L; Jackson. Commissioners will be puUis!il right Word has' been received that Mr. after their November meeting. Frank JDimsdale has arrived safely ' Bv personal experience wiui i wcioco. .. . nresent Board we know that the gen- Mr. John -Bradley passed through wmo t vivU' ivua- j i had been more cruelly treated than the negro! Say, Mr. Editor, why can't we have more correspondents from ' over the county? Think of our soldiehr boys "over there" who are now receiving the POLK COUNTY NEWS; think how eaeerlv they search for news from the immediate locality from which they come. Think the matter over and wake up, people. Messrs. Claude Wilson and Virgil McGuinn were callers at. Mr. U. S. Gibbs' Sunday. A large crowd attended prayer meeting at Cooper Gap, Sunday even ing. We hope, the people won't for get to attend again next Sunday. The purposes of these meetings is to have nravers for soldiers who are "over there," fighting liberty battles for you and me. Br. 'Squire Brown, who has been at tending to business in Cherokee, S. C, is visiting home folks. MiSs Myftle Pack and Mrs. Walker Arledge, teachers- of Red Mountain school, attended prayer services at Cooper Gap, Sunday afternoon. Miss Bertha Dalton spent last. Fri day night at Mrs. S. J. Helton's. Mrs, Posey Wilson spent several days with her grandmother Mrs. N. L. Lynch'last week. Mr. Noah Lynch spent Saturday night with Mr. Harry Bennett. Miss Maggie Jackson visited her sister, Mrs. Sallie Jackson, Sunday. ! Hello, McDonald school, come around some Friday and visit , our school. Our nroeram is every two i weeks. With much success to the NEWS and our soldiers. . MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. T. E. Pace and daughters, Misses Estelle and Eva, visited. Saturday and Sunday in the mountain top section. ; .DeWitt Pace, , Curtis Newman and. X T" ' T 11 1 1 J-l j . 15. crauiey, attenueu tne singing, Sunday. f We are sorry the grippe, or Span ish influenza, as called by some, has again invaded our country and causes so much distress. We will not have much of a Fair, if any, on account of la grippe. Jasper Henderson spent Sunday evening witn Hi. J. uraoiey. Rev. Sherfy visited T. Henderson and spent the night with him recently. Posey Henderson and E. J. Bradley hauled their last load of melons to "Sa luda, Saturday. W. S. S--HILLCREST. tlemen composing it have 'done every f,,w to strenfrthen the credit of the county, and- how well' they have suc-J neA0A it is onlv .necessary to say that errint'is now.worth 100 cents thfi dollar, and accepted by any Mrs. F. R. Coggins visited her par ents, Sunday, We were pleased, Friday,. to see so many people at our school. The pro gram for the afternoon was good, ana the debaters resolved 4" that the Indian Mr. Bill Pack passed through this section with his traction engine, one! da v -last week. Mrs. W. D. Helton visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George. Bradley, Sunday last. . Mr. Henry Haynes was a called at Mr; Landinim Jackson's,, Sunday. Mrs Emily Gibbs died last week, in Private Roland Feagans is at home on furlough, . accompanied by ! Mrs. Feagans, who has ..been near him, at Camp Hancock. Privates Reuben Collins, Howard Brian and Sam Wilkins, spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. Wm. Forbes and little son are visiting Miss; Maude Coxe, at Green River plantation. Mrs. C. EGray spent the week-end at Rutherfordton. Miss Bessie Long and- Mr. Leroy Smith were married by Magistrate" Weaver, Thursday afternoon. Mr.. Wylie Bridges visited his brother, L. D. Bridges, at Camp Han cock, last week. 1 Miss Love returned to Hillcrest In stitute, last Friday, to prepare for the opening of the Institute on Oct. 2nd Rev. and Mrs. Ii. Ji. Kidd and little daughter left Hillcrest Monday, for their new home in Virginia, lhey Have been general favorites during their year at Hillcrest, and everyone regrets that the state - of Mr. Kidd s health compelled-him to give up Ms work. here. ' ' Mr. Sams, our county agent, was in our neighborhood, last week, preach ing grass and yet more grass. Quite a number of eur citizens at tended, the patriotic rally' at Coluihbus last Saturday ' , ' . A merry " crowd of 'young people met- at Mr. Blackwell's Saturday night and had -,a sweet, time making molasses candy. , -, - Mrs. Fannie J. Ricks, living on Mount , Tryon, has purchased a tract of land from Mr. Geo. B. Cobb, of Tryon, for converting into a cattle , pasture. Mrs. Ricks has been experimenting along the line of raising thorough- -bred stock for some time, but? has, . been badly handicapped on account of all her land lying on top and on the north side of the mountain, depriving her of winter pasturage. The land bought from Mr. C6bb lies on the . South side of the mountain, and Mrs. Ricks will immediate proceed - to ' convert in into the much-desired win ter pasture.' This is welcome news, and from present indications there is a grand . awakening taking place in old Polk, and soon we will be very much in evi dence in the cattle raising industry. The U. S. Department of Agricul ture and the North Carolina State Board of Agriculture tell us that Polk county is peculiarly adapted to the raising of cattle, and they are both going, to do everything m their pow er to bring-it about. All hail the day. W. S. s.J WANT A THOROUGHBRED HOG? Elsewhere in this paper appears an advertisement from Mr. Chas, Lynch pertaining to a thoroughbred broken nose Berkshire boar. Mr Lynch is very much interested in raising fine . hogs and doing all he can to induce Others to engage in it.. This fine ani mal will be sold bjr Mr. Lynch, to any . Polk county farmer- who will agree to -keep him for breeding purpo.es, and . tyill be sold at the market , price per pound of pork. i This is certainly a fair proposition on, Mr. Lynch's part and we hope to be able to report ,the sale to some Polk county farmer in our next issue. -W. S. s. . TRYON ROUTE U Sorry we couldn't be at Bethlehem, Sunday, to hear the good talks given by our Tryon lady patriots. Several on the route are sick with lagnppe or influenza. Mr. Ray Ed wards is very sick at the cam. with it Mr. Arthur RuRppe is home on an honorable discharge He wasafflicted with gas. 1- ; Our mail man's mother. Mrs. Wil son, fell the other day, and was very badly hurt. We hope she will soon be "up again. Mr. Parrts' who was. hurt- with & car, nas. returned home, but- not fully xecovereu. - ; . .i v ,-, s Let'sall do our nart in hlnin- mA the NEWS to our brave lads in ichaki, . .... - " " . -y you heartsick, and you wish you haa I body.

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