: i , . ' v - . ....... .4 N;r; " :-"..v .V-; l V ,v" 4 --, v , l - i - , i .. - " f-- : ; 1 1 i ii mi mimr irrr i n i mi . iinininiwmi in i mi in i i n n r , , VOL. XXIV NO. 52.00 A YEAH We-ish you a happy . and, prosper? day.rUis auto vrecked ' with him ous new year. .,..- caustngthe injury. - . - Christmas was very quiet ,1m our Werafe sorry -to report that ;Mr. little -village save a, httle" evidence of Robert' Wegtbrook has gone insane -romc booze;. r ' ; y; " ; . Mr. J.VT. Waldropwho is employed The hosiery mijl 'shut down or the at-a lumber plant- at Pomarifi C holidays on.7..tfte .' ' vtingis family ere,; during the day,, Dec. 30th.' Mr. Gregg ofRuth- - Mrt WO. Morris, 'of Unio'ii.'S. C. erf ortfton and Miss Bertna.tienderson visited ' relatives in this town, during of Henderson county, axe the. teachers Ghristmasv. 1 : - lit in charge. t . -; v wMJom Johnsn andMisstCPeari Mrs. W. J. Ballard .of this town, re- Keedere Stnarned or, 'Hriatmak day; ceived letters recently from, her hus-. .the Christmas holicUivC - H? iand saying that he. was well and to iMr Bob: Sanders, of .Win&tom&lem the good, having gone oyer the top Visited "relatives in this section during several times and Teturning safely; the 'holidays." v r F ci Mr. Ballard is in the famous 30th di- x iMrand Mrs. Claueilbertlhave vision. - ;y 1 , - --J ' ; - v moved back-to the old home nlade. . During, the r Itolidays , there . have. , There were' a few little Ohristmaa en &uite an exchange of visits, and J trees in 'Our town, Christmas evfii "been some- visitors we; have-not cbeen ble Mr. S, S. Lawter's mother, nMrs. to mention. v" - rr ;- A ' &t Sarah Lawter, of Coole Springs, is Mrs:1 T. A. Rippy? returned last wesk very low. ',--': v.-- ' j - from Columbia; -where she had ihe flu cases -have nll recovered, been .on a: visit oif several weexs. -;i ana na new ones tleveloned 'yet. , Miss Ularnie Holbert, who is , m 1 he box supper for r last -Sat iirday school at Boiling Springs, N. C, made nihgt was called off. , - a short, visit to home folks, .during the . Mrs. Ruth-Benn?U;who lias been nolidays.t;v.i;;-i-C-;-1 r--i vv; sick, is recovering.' ; Mr.. Lewis ,Blackwell. and family, of Mr. James " Waldrdn accombanied Spartanburg, . visited friends and rei-1 his uncle, W. O. 'Mlorris, to Union, S. atives : during vtha.hoUdaVs.' VI I where he will ;be employed iat ; a Mrs. ; Holland, of New Prospect, S. C. I Mr. J esse Jones had the"' misfortune visited- H; -C? Cannbn's family last 1 of breaking an ;. arm. one dav 5- last Spndayl; &'?f-l ': V V? J week. He was y cranking ; his Ford Sunt Vfl t.1, Hammett visited home i when the accident happened.- folks tat InmahS-iC.",. during the hoi- Mr. R.: O. Steadman has the f.Ten-, V v Sclirt of Lclk Omn Jr f SILVER CREEIS. , Son tUmi of Generml Interest Gather J By 'Oiir lletrWi . 'is? , 4 r. 1- . '.fl"- -'. ' 'Mr Spprgebn Arledge" spent", un-ii day night at Mr." William Green's;. Mr, . George Mitchell . died at the ho.meoof ' jMr. '' Avery:Halfordf last Saturday evening. ; , .i 'mrs- vaiiie - xiauoro: cuea last ues dayJ'aV her home hear Green' rivr.f. We are glad to learn that: it was ?a mistake; about the death of oneof vrxf N. C. boysi Mr. Grover Thompsorf, o rearidge. r,, :; ;Mr.-Will?T: Green has V returned from Camp1 Sherman', Ohio also- Mr. James Bursress. - r - .vvx i Dr. Twitty and Clarence Justice were in' this, community 'Sunday. 4 Jr. Twitty was called in to see "some" pa tients with the flu;;: - 7" ;-jMrs. Dora Arledge spent last week end at the home of her daughterMrs, Jesse SpJawn.. cv; Mr.'H.- M& Foster'- and. son spent .the past week at his farm on .Green river. Misses Charity Wifliams aud,Mary Ann iiraouey-wei-e guests onthe ?route Sunday. - ,i ?EvtrvbUdv in this ' section . Enjoyed tM CftsteslioHdays- torthe fullest : i- A" thinner ofounff oeonle enjoyed ew hours of amusing games at pne home of m. A jawaras, ? aaiuruay night n ? MissesMossie aoVDoreas-Edwards and Bessie Thomson -i Vfsjted V. in Rutherford county -Friday, ana tsatur- day. TV j'--. !?-' ;?';;t"-w$ m;Mik"IMa;Oriendilittie daughter, 6valee; )ent Sunday' afternoon with! Mrs.fUatrie mawaras. - ; i 1 Priva-Aden Greeny returtied .ifenie A 1A. s&awaras ,maae 'a Dusiness " ' : coLtrtiBirs. Stearns "High" School' opened, M6n day again, dfter '."having stopped a week; for ;Chrjstmas. -.v - Miss Emhia MdNirich' stient Christ mas tvith her1' parents at home. . ''Misses Marie " Burgess : !;and Vada McMutray, of Elon-college, are spend ing Christmas-at-home. V; ; f Mrs. Brown and children left last week for their new home in Newberry S.'C;4!V-'- ' .-.!:' T.. : Miss Mamie Tavlor. ' Of X WashhlS- tonNf C.i is th6iguestrof:liss ftlarie Matie Btirgessthis week - - ' MiL.TH. Cl6ud,Hvho has-been, at work et Paris- Island, isnbwat home. - After' sehdin'g a ' few" daJjrs with Miss MSe Mills Miss j Pearl . Keenan left fpr her home in Rocky Ford Coloi r Miss 'Elizabeth Witherspoon, i. who KaS1eeri r visiting h.er aunt, Mrs. Bai ley; in Columbus,' returne'dto Brevard School "today. f v -: " Setoff C. L. McFarland spent a ; few days in Asheville last week: SMr4Johnie Carnegie, who has been I-- trio to wolumbus, Monday.-: f vSoiryfto note;that Aunt EliaaJack-i in military training, is -now at home. son ionesicKiist. vzsHWi''1 JVli6s 'llossie Edwards . spent 'Mbii-f day iftiioon with Mrs.-Lula Ogle, 5, rtwishin "and redisrhuch success and; Happy vew ' ' Dr? and Mrs. E.. M. : Salley and fam ily sfent the Christmas holidays with1 relatives in- Laurenburg, vS." C.: f , Miss, Bessie Sonnerris ..home from. schbol for .thef Christmas . holidays, and seems . to be having a good time. . ; Mr. John Coates his, returned from St. -Petersburg, Fla.; for a visit- to Tiis 'o)d home in Saluda -r; : ' : Mr.' Willie Cullipher, n6w"W' assist- -ant Engineer on one of the "steamers ' plying' bstween Norfolk, Va.7and "New 1 : lorK; is norae on a vacation, anai is having a busy time with -friends i in-' Satuda, his sisters Nare entertaining an old school mate and fellow 7 stu- 4 . dent of ' Saluda 1 SeminaryMfts i Sara McKenzie,'of Winston-Salem, and ?are keeping the house warm and "lively. A Christmas dinner party was given s by their parents to celebrate the ,occaJ ' sionand all who we're present enjoy-' -ed thegood things provided, -to c the fullest' ext6at;: ! - ' l.: ; Mr. ! Lonnie B61ick,ywhoaduated at Trinity College, Durham, jgC -last year,- but who ishow anEhsign f in th-Nary, made a short' Visit to" Sa.', luda,- his former . home, . . arid . has f a MrZEzra Constant, who has Englttid,'; has returned home. burg ..C, Visited home folks Christ mas.' ' " The Voiihg ' ' people 'of 'Columbus haveenjoyed several "parties- during good1 dear to say of his experienc'es. on ; jhip nliv. His elder brother: Bmn ' . very bad: this H.;C. Rhodes. f; Anderson; S. C C; time. - v-;; , i v - - ; v spent the holidays, irf Lynn. 4H VrWe had -a 'V very - quiet: ' (&ristmas Karl ... Underwood ', and . Marlriey I here I no booze or disorder, and not HooHeis Ijave taken positions in -V the I much shooting..'. It is hoped that the j hosiery: milL at Jelico, Tenn. leaving people will learn, sometime, tq ob for that place5 last- Saturday; s serve the .birthday, of. the . Prfnce V of r- Hon., Wz F. Swannv Representative, Peace in adecerrt manner, and Cnot will leave in a few; days to be counted like he. was: some great warribr;:",. 'v andrecorded being present at roll A light snow fell. here onXSaturday AVEi. FHALL 51 S e S v Gome to bur party S?; t'M Beai6pilp !des ; vti;.V;. t'.?.". i Attention: Quite a dangerous looJcri; ing place washed out Iduring- the last .big jin,' at the Skyufca; bridge. The damage should; be repaired ;Vat once. It -misKt; vei'someeHo RESOLUTIONS 5)F- SYMPATHVi ; morning"; .but" directly the out and melted it off. sun came UREE ROUTE 2. 4 V" : S : V. Mimosa Lodge, j Mp, 256; L 0; 0 F., Whereas; it has1 pleased Almighty Wi?'-. . Hope the flu will soon die j ' out so we . can have": Sunday -school and preaching; .' '''' -' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. " H.f Iiedbetter ' and small son al have the flurr Hope they will nnnn h Tin n can ". i . v 1 remw.iour beloved and esteemed brother, vLee.li. " tao:-xu. yrJ wi Fisher. Therefore be it Resolved ; 1st, that while we mourn the loss of our departed brotiier, we hope that our Joss is hs ctemal ga;n. 2nd; thit wt- extend to the bereav ed family our deepest sympathy. 3rd; i' i' 1 resoiu- that a copy of 1 these tions .be spread on our minutes, and one jsent to the fNorth Carolina Odd Fellow, one to the Polk County News, also.aicopy sent to the family. has had the influenza vbut is getting along finel -r AM-r'' -v.v Mr. Charlie . Flynn ' has 1 returned home from .Union . Mill schooL Mr. Thurl Skipper and family vis ited Mr. Joe Shehan and Mrs. Addie Skipper last week. Mr. And Mrs G, callers at Mr. . A. iN Whiteside's last Sunday. B. Parker , were W. T. A. N. Hammett, W. W. Ballard, Kunkel. Lona Gos- V Conieto ourparty ott Halloween, f Phosgene sweet Megfperitep A grewpme pasK, so ea- your v'-iDSoteez I the holidays. MrJ? A. ' L: Pitman' uahd famfly 1 have m i iiKivpij txi inp r npw nnmp .in ijomm- 3 I --Mr.. Ralph McFariand, sfrom ; Camp I T-rkl-L. Z " 4.T Z 1 1 1 , jacKson is, visiting in voumous. t nl! I moved" to Columbus J :, : 7 " . NrrTTJfiittyabT - v" - lOl Mr; . j; k. bams is .spending. uhnst OttqJWeen, ii Pnlas with his dauffhter at 'Mars HilL v spooks, maistpas;des snoops, n r- 'eS' sw , 7 ifet r. rl1Wa8msItmehnCkIumbllsllrln&the y Christmas, vacation.- '.i'!.'u-V;.:vii.U ! I t fMrs. ,T. M. Johnson ;.and children ; v'..- ? : ro spent' last week at I their' home in Aif- S : tS -Born to Mr d "MrsjVHutch- ..-48 LEtluicheMdTO , -; hew' home 'about 'one' hiile ;. froW Co- : u r lumous, last weeic.i MILL SPRINGKOUTE J2. 0 : his graduation a professor of mathe matics, is how also an rEnsign 'tt the ; " navy -. ; ' J-7-.- Dr and: Mrs. Little treated a few friends to some Christmas coodies at teir1 home on Christmas . evening : " . . wm iuia. uuauucu cnwruuueu . . . Mr. and IMrs. 4 Lane and Miss Louise , Lane, Sunday at their hew home :bn ' -G6dshaw hilVTryoriNC. wSxa ' The' towni - of Saluda hasV'rfiently,'.' Abated a $3,000 bond, issue for .water- i ' works improvements, and the Caro- - jUna State Bank has taken" them over ' an ' ajjermanent investments ' ' J , " Mr. and JVlrs. '.Walter Jones ahd.ht- tie daughter, Catherine, were - ghosts ' of the Corwiths, at- their 'beautiful , . home;-Overbrook Orchard, onhrist-3 ma dayv-v . J wr' A forty gallon blockade, still was , -brought :in today, having ; been capi '-,, :tured. by the revenue officers.' but , as v ' usual the ; blockaders escaped. ' : The Sunday school of :the . Baptist ; church gaVe a J highly1. ; enjoyable ? Christmas " tree .? entertainment on Christmas eve, r which rave .much pleasure '..to all who- participated,; W he children. of the Methodist , . )py oy Cldus on ' ThUrs- . Come to our party oii Halloween, . The mystic maze qf dleri days ' Awaits you there, tie fi de f er-r Out in No Maifs mm Comedo our party on HSlloween ; : No tin WillieVf or AbriBilly, Fini vin blink, hair Witr&ut kink j Outln No Mis Lan. Gome to our partv oh riailoween; v Come not by flay, mas a-pied, N-auvais terrain pour Lfnousine Out in No Man's Lahi Committee: HILLCREST. Rev, pale, of Xhestf r, S. C, but for ' many ears a misionary to Mexico, has concluded a series of very inter esting! evangelistic meetings at Hill crest. Institute, j 1 1 Revi Mr. Hunter, the new principal at Hillprest, has gone to Charlotte to bring his: family to their new home. Missj Maude Coxe has ' gone to Ashville to spend thej holidays. Misses Alma High and Nellie Brian have gone home for the Christmas holidays. ' Y ' -! j " ' - ' Mr.fand Mrs. Crowell Bridges are spendiing Christmas in Wake county. Privates Roland Feagans, KeUben Mrs. Sue Foyster and Miss Whiteside visited Mrs. Maude nell last week. The water has been-very swift on Broad river since the rains. A war gon. one mule and load of sweet pota toes went to the m bottom yesterday. One mule was cut loose or both mules would Jiave drowned instead of one. Mr. Garner Skipper Tvas a caller at Rock Spring school house yesterday afternoon. , i :'' Messrs. Garviniand Virgil Skipper made a business trip to Rutherfordtori yesterday. ' I ; . - . . b " ; , :' TR YON ROUTE 1. - i V ...-; t "SV I 'Mam AMI I aAM i " k!! arge - crowa -aijenaeq ; . ounqajr fidaV school' vtermA hanVi II I dlKnnl I'rtAnaF ' ' I In rS 1UD '"." i. ' I s ' rr. 1 -SSr " y ICZZl ZXij C- ym? f rom Santa Claus on :T. g&z?&& dayxntohtThet Christmas -tree was cli Santa Clans himr , A Happy Ne world over. The since the birth of gone, and now we Year to all, the irreatest Christmas Christ has come and wait to see what Come to our party qn Hjalloween; Invitatioh? . pe nb fiit rein There's no M. P. tobpcal the glee Out in No Man's Latd. CollaTiL. Rov Smith. Sam Wilkins and the next year will bring; and pray the Howard Brian have received their world will be living in i still greater discharge from the army, and are peace and happily at home again aaiuruay anu ounuay ax, ivir. in. ej. gejf i . iiffcc rwiwJ Ghurck of the Transfiguration -Mr. Press Ownby and Mts ATrom- Christmas t I entertainment was r ne Jackson were married 'on HI Titesday. . ;,. i . f - 31 J Missf Bertha Dal ton passed through aay. A '9if rsf rAnt f nllri 'Wtihai1 tr 1 wi37 Iast,oh.her way old yW but ahd If 'new year in, but . to Mill Sonncr. 1 z 4.. a.J:..T . vl. vv re; iMhC?A 1)1 v. v' W has inu store; fbAihem;. g W Mn MrsT- M. lynch visited p. H. Bailey's UsuaUJAnile is .one -H Mr. and Mrs. J. y. Price, on last ;-u HavA . Thursday. Mrs.- Belt Jackson is v influenza. ow'with sweet little! girl ' at his j home. Five car j loads . of, f Gibbs. last Sa,Hay.;. : fCT U&FiTl', W Mrs. Bertha Womack . visited rcla- tm s in this section last :week. Kisses i Annie Wilsdn 'arid . 'Maggie Jacksah, speht Wfedhes'day' hight with jy5' jAytsited kve not paid the annual "V"', i141"" vrituciu, v dollar. are i asked weanesaay iast; Mr. ! Aden Green has returned home from the camp .with an honorable dis charge. V- . . -. : 0 POLK ! COUNTY' Rl The drive for. 1919 not yet over in the co. toi fehd Some on the route are busy making little aprons for the rolk County Ked Cross Chapter, j The Christmas tree at Mill Spring was very well 'attended and enjoyed, especially . by those who smoked and played with .dolls. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shankle spent Christmas with home folks on the route. . . -'-I'M"..- i . - . ' A tackieparty home of E. B. night. . j Mr. and Mrs. Rice and family spent . 1 ! Jai. wr' riu 'as given at the Edwards, Saturday home for Christmas. Misses Janie Love and Mabel Pos ton iive gone to Statesville Jfor the holidays. ". j .i, j -. '... A Christmas-tree and beautiful pro gram was given by the students at Hillctest Institute,! last Friday. Miss Julia Abrams is visiting home folks! i- I - ... .;:"'.... Mr. and Mr. J. H. Brian and son, Howard Briaif : visited relatives in Spartanburg county last week. Mr. Howard Brian hsis' gone to Ak ron,, Ohio for Ian indefinite stay. I wish to most emphatically contra- . diet h;he report that Red Cross work Christmas day with Miss Sallie Car ers in the Christmas drive keep irom penter. - 25 dents- to7& cents out of evei-y ooi; Mr. Goforth and family have moved lar paid. One hundred cents out .01 Kings Mountain. We regret their every aoiiar p turnea over to to me departure. . Wei need more. good far v 7ZiS cnPr auu uBCU mers instead of . losing one. j.or nea Vross.worK. i ao not snow -whftthef this (report is being spread through malice. or ignorance, but cer tainly all well informed, fair minded ; persons must know the. utter falsity t .2 T iL.l A1-. ' ui i suppose uiav uierc iuc plel who cannot comprehend disinter ftstted work, but it seems to me we v,o have homes and healthy food and - victory can jdo noi less, than our best 10 those whose needs are so great, J arud whose fate but for the grace of I God; might have been ours; ' Come to our party (n Halloween ; I Some -reflections, no Inspections, Anyone tutestfun lbonscdut Out in No Man's Laid. 6n llalloween; some grenades. Come to our party No charades, bull 'Twill be such fun jo bg a Hun Come to our party !Tis strictly Psta Frit? will croak wHenf - Out in No Man's pnjpalloween; iflV)uta:fla.,, esayFpch 1 MEL VIN ' HILL. jM4rried,rat. the residence of. Elder I Gjso.T A. Branscom, on. Saturday, Dec. ' 21st, Mr. Willard Bennett, of Ram-. seytown, and Miss .Mae Higgins, 'of Melvin HiU. ,-,;:, ., Private i Benjamin P. . Morris of ; Camp Hancock, Ga., arrived home on Sunday before t Christmas. i. t -li i U J Mr. S. S. Lawter's little son Dew ey, was taken to ; Rutherf ordton hos- pitaj on Christmas day, arid . operated . M J AS ; ' J ' A ' A'. yu i,UA-tipjcnaiu5, j&na at iasv ,ac 0lts wm Com wejl, k ; Manv friends! of Misses Clara Pearl and Essie Edwards met Monday eve at the home of I Miss Clara, to ,give them a farewell party. - An ex ceedingly nice time is reported. They SUNNY VIEW, Mrf!all . of .Hendersonville. will iff ffJfoAa&'mnYnmv- far Brevard be at Cooper Gap, Sunday night. n.uA.i .. 1 ivi 1-- iinnnes'uiuwu . iuu awv. .t -Wi. - ' I. . r J 1 - . 1 . -r,. -mj 1 hnma from uamc AiancocK. , va. Mr. waiter ana miss jmsio xawaras rvi rj. ci- - .r Mi . . - 1 1 . 1 w pi 11 1 1 11 v neiia cue oiaiiiiut.'A spent a portion ot the ; nonaays - in - xvjtv Mis OHfe Ceai UOWansville, fc. W r.V ,waW,nKtim'1v . married. RundaM. Several homes are made happy-by Uw 99 . Alsn Mr. Daniel vRuff an the returning of their soldier boys: J Miss Myrtle Melton. , We extend corf ! A prosperous New Year is our wish 1 crratulations. ... , , c T ' I for the NEWS. f i ' : ; niad to nits that Mrs. Fred r Gibbs o , ' ' r I is"iraproyJtngA';: i: ' It is reported that Villa' is. Planning ' Mr.. Clarence Gibbs andl-sister! im .to 7. PEARtDGE. ha'i rtrian I Stearhs ' at ftTrydri , "hs soon : !; as possible. M;ssMae r lentyp, r iryon. and Mr A. F. Corbin. of Mill Smring. have done active and valuable work in the .' membership drive. In! i 1 ; 4 v; All who have shitts but are" asked Miss Myrtle Taylor spent Saturday to s!nltm !? at ds the shlpr night with Miss Nettie Davis. - v ; mVV2 tL'- 4;Va'-; -'i:- Miss Bessie Thompson and. brother, ""."Yi TtU1' 'Vv-5" r .1 nrj,. nj cans lor wont, oui reiugee garments nni are sadly needed just how;- ITie Polk Miss Mossie Edwards spent Christ- v'uu,,'i ry wim;tJiwj,: mas ! holidays with Miss Bessie "" vner,ia.ovcr.-jip xhomnson " iii.ia , cvivhj .uguivn'-.lvu Bramlett Thompson left for Bre .A -CdntribUtea: a "demonstration"; to see :what :: the Mattie Fay, and Annie. Lee, vfere via United States will . do. Villa's "dem- itors in this section during thte holi onstrations" mean the' torturing: of a davs. -:;;..:?:-C: -;l 1 - few defenseless men and women, loot ing of stores and a reign of terror generally.-; We have a ; few gentlemen just vtturning from Europe who have been. put?ng down such "demonstra tions:? over there that -wauld. moie k-iov vhat' they think, of such. "dVir ;;onntions,V: : . , Mrs. Pearlie Haynes, of Ure-i route 21 aiient Saturday' m"ght,vnthher eoiisin, Miss Annie Wilson. '-y Mrs. G. S. Wihiteside visited KMtS. Fred Gibbs, Saturday. ... X I ; Mr JJC: Whiteside and in. . Otis, passed through this section, jSaturday en route nu 01a aumt piuc. . . to aprons must be made at once.' , These . ii j. ... 1 i i. . l. jL 11. vard school Monday. 1 . : f; CS ana.caa oe;nau oi,w Lu.iD Tiff xtvtI-j J a ii,.rjn head of the women's work in the dif- spentlchristmas at E. G.teiompson's. Jfitft0? ! Misses Mae Gertrude Philins and Tl70n- These two, hundred, and seVr NettieDavis spent Friday gutfat fCTS M E.:G. Thompson.' Miss Iva ' Gosnell has to - tions to the Red.Crpss r: or iMr. A. H.rLynchmade, a trip Sjfiartanburg, Monday. fMl. and Mrs. Walter Haynes ,were .4:a. ..-! t ; r:uu c,,..ir iPnvate Reuben K. Wilson who is silver there" reports that he was in tfce ArgOnne drive, and !that; it was te -fartherest drive north made by tie Americans. He also 'Wpbrts hat h is iiow Aiarchihg through Gefrhany Mjr. Ia. t. searcy naa rne misiorxune lose his barn; cow iand hogs, by fire, oe. night last week. " ; .Miss Lirie ?WiHiasas the guest Amie:TOri, Smiday; ; t L. JacksbhV Siino. ';"- ,3; .: Si Mr. T.I P. Brown and - family . are 3On to leave " for. Tennessee, ' where ey Will Duy"a...farm.45;v iChrpT DVWitt BItoAi t at Raritaii, N.vj; reports Vthat the thete ill: iibt Jbe;- aschirged next stiminer. w : ' A SAlJUDA. r. and Mrs. Henry McKre are .vis iting friends and relatives in Savan nah, Ga. and expect to be gone about two .months, i:, . - i - ;,;;v.-; ..Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Turner are snendine the hblidavs ih"? Wilmiriirtotl N. iC.; with'thfe nieces of ithfeV latter; Mrs: - Campbell? and sister.- Mrs. Killian, are visiting : relatives ; in Ches te. S. C. V -: S r yr i Mrs. John Hearon has gone to Vir ginia, her old home, to remain six wfeeks1 drimore',. yJ 'J LET'S HAVE MUSICAL ORGANI ZATIONS. ' , : so everybody is asked to'talce'a hajid. lSi V Jt ' .(. . . uj'AiA. rofnmo1 I xvememDer me xwea Cross coniLaues A WV.A. MW I . T l t- , . A . t.ivj T-u- o n r war or no war. us Dusmess - is iiouiq Arum Aiimwi, o. j. i r,a1- f baij' TAU vMii J. B. Dalton visited at Brevard " "" DU1 Y, DWiV"T Tii'peHflv I y lase your irouoie? . anu i quo Misses Pearl, Essie and Clara iLd wards have returned to Brevard school. - ! ; ; . ,. Polk county is well .represented at Brevard institute, twelve having eii rolled from this county. Mss Clara Edwards visited Misses, Esther and Sue GfbbsSuhday. .. Misses Pearl and Essie") Edwards and ILetha .Barber were 'callers- at W. G. Egerton's Sunday. I- Miss Pearl Edwards gave a tackie party, Saturday night, to a large crowd, and all report an ; excellentn time. ' . -.. -' 1 - : - .. . ' Misses Mamie Jackson and Letha Barber spent Saturday night 1 with Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards. Trybn has many sicians, and. they accomplished' mu should be under some kind of ah organization c We are informed that at one time -the town had . a splendid, glee Jclub. vvny hoc again ; i a ne vo wrr is rapiuiy , awaloening oh 'j different,. kinds .-pf j amusement and ' entertainments, and 4 nothing would do more igood than 'for the musicjans to rband together ,ana iurnisn .xne ciiizens yiin me rausi&w treats which can be isupplied with mu- ' sic. By all means let us have a reor- : ganization of the glee club. 4 l3i - And while on the subject, why not have a brass band ? ; There ar enough ; gentlemen.. musically, inclined i to get up a spiencua pana . m A rypn, , add such an orgaiizati6ir is one of the "4 r rttmx ' ' 1..' The political 'campaigniof 480 will be upon us: before we aretwure of it, ? i : .t i! -J1 J 1 ana aurmg sucn times :w uana .w ver much Tin demnd;klf an orgsiur"tion is perfected soon jjust i abbut;V c': tJi time to get in good shape for 10: There are many J events .Held .every year in the county when -the service? of a band are very much 4n d: and, arid there is no good, reason wy should,nof have both a' band ari4 ( -1 : ft ii; , it& iff ..' .V:-:.