! . ! - . 1 1 . -.' li .1: Tli rQlKOTUWHEYiS anrfTRYOH BEE ? ! - Qosjiolidaied Nov. ,,1915 , - ; ? Published every FriOay 'at TRYO&-NORTH CAROLINA' , -v" Telephone 99 ' . a 1 i a.:i oa 1am: at tfc poet pffice at Tryon, North Carolina, un- ' h .rf A M) 4 .... .. r WW w ,w.r . .? . . I' - B. F. COPELAND; .C. BUSH, - - Editor Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per V ear OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS , Ksoationi of Respect, Church or Lodjre Notices; whin an admission fee is charged, or for financia ffsio, VillbechargredresruUr advertising rates of lira cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. t25 West S9th Street. New York City. 1b ur sole aad exclusive Foreign Advertising- Agent. . ,' - ''Long May It Wave." it Soldiers Overseas To Serve For Y. M..C. A.; Fewer Men Go From U. S. General Pershing Tells j.Y. M. C. A. to "Take Their Pick" From Men ' ; of A. E. F., Which Cuts Down Recruiting Program .- ; " f In This Country Atlanta, Ga., Jan.. ..The offer of General Pershing to release offlcera and' men of the A. E. F. from mili tary duty in order that their services might be utilized by the Y, M. C. A. resulted in the recruiting of a large number of soldiers for " Y" work and naturally resulted in a decrease in the number of men "being sent from" this country overseas. ,; ' V -Up until the time General Pershing's offer was made, the Y. M. ' C. A. had done extensive recruiting for the pur pose of sending a large number of workers overseas. But. when it was learned that workers could be secured in France men well fitted for the work because of their familiarity with conditions the services of many men in the United States were not needed. v While many candidates for service overseas were disappointed over the outcome, the Y. M. C. A. could not have acted otherwise. General Per hing told the "Y" to take any sol diers it wanted and as many as 11 wanted, and by so doing the Associa tion has saved a great deal of monej that would have been spent in trans porting the workers to France. The soldiers in France know the work oi the Y. M. r C. A. almost as ' well as their own, and those who have been so far selected are making excellenl workers. , The Y. M. C. A., however, will no1 discontinue the sending of men tc France. Now and then men who are especially qualified for he work over seas will be used, only they will be fewer in number. ' Dr. W. W. Alexanderf director ol personnel for the Southeastern depart ment, points out that the generous of fer of General Pershing is only 'an other; indication of the high esteem which is held for the Y. M. A. by the United States government and by the leader of the American Expe ditionary Forces. Don't trifle vit!v a cold it's, dangerous. 'i; You cant 'afidrd to rislc: InOuena.V : ' Keep always at handa :: box ct r casara,'B-9WN.ine; SWEET CHOCOLATE CARRIED UNDER FIRE Chocolate Furnished by Y. M. - i Arrives Just When It " Is Needed C. A. "Night-caps" and eye have gone out of style, hie "Bill Brvan High Ball" openers will soon become the most popular drink in j merica. , ' - i : Tf ie. Railroad Administration is no;v askiiig for the modest little sum of half : a billion dollars to make up the dencit 01 . Lrovernment operatea rau roads. That , is not calculated to "J make many converts to the plan of - Government ownership. y:-. ...T ; : -O : ;. .. - ! " . One of the . worst thingsi connected with the war- in which American troons participate takes place after ''r "War is over. We refer to the scan dals,. which' are unearthed. First conies; the Y. 1. C. A. which has been accused of .grafting, now comes tljie N charge that Mrr Hoover was imposed upon by the meat packers. We hope that the truth is uncovered in both in stances.. , : ' . " : : ..... . :. Two advertisements recently ap ; peared m a North Carolina newspa per,: one for at school teacher and a!n other f or a negro barber. The school teacher' was ottered thirty dollars per month, while the dusky razzor slinger was guaranteed thirty , dollars per week. We are hot quarreling over the iunount the barber was to receive, but what doyou think of the princely (1) amount . on erea rne scnooi teacn . er? I . ' With the American Armies in France, Jan. ...Praising the men of Company D, 109th Machine Gun Bat talion, 28th Division, Howard R. Keis ter, a Y. M. C. A. man of Dunnellon, ila., tells how; when without food, they sent the sweet chocolate which he secured for them to an isolated pla toon, which was under severe fire, acress the Vesle river at Fismes. It was during the heavy fighting eastward from Chateau Thierry, that the men of the 109th Machine Gun Bat talion got ahead of their supplies, and the sweet chocolate which the Y. M. C. A. managed to get to them, was specially welcome. ; The battalion reached the Vesle riv er on its advance. There the German line . held. Men were thrown across the river by various units to keep in contact with the enemy. There was terrific fighting all along the line. A platoon of Company D was hurried over to help in holding the narrow strip that had "been taken at great cost by the American soldiers.- It was sur rounded on three sides by the Boche, who tried every means In his power to dislodge them, gas, shells, machine gun fire and snipers. It was a difficult matter to get food over to them for men with supplies had to cross the river which was exposed and under heavy fire. ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF SUPPLIES SENT BY Y. M. C. A. Coat cf Sweets and Smokes for One Month Reathes Staggering Fig ureArmistice Didn't End 8moklng on Any Front ' ' .i tf --k- J 1 Standard ccld rtpicdy for 23 yearn In tablet form safe. uriio opiates breaks up a cold in 24 hours relives grip in 3 days. Money, back if itfaih. Te genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. w solicit - : Your ordet for Flooring, Ceiling,. Siding, i Finis louldings,; Framing. We manufacixfre this, and can save you money. iee us for lath, brick, doors and sasj. ' J. T. GREEN? LUMBEPv COirANY. r -WXLTER JONES. ATT6TRNEY AT LAW Office UP Stairs in Jno. ; L. Jack&&n Co Bld'g. lillinerfe Dress laliirig; All Vork Guaranteed irit floor ilkins store MRS. E. RHODES. According to late press reports the demands of the allies at the T pealce conference- are very , modest. (1?) France wants all that portion of Ger many west "of the Rhine; England wants all of the colonies and the big gest navy in the world; Italy wants all the lad bordering the Adriatic "sea; the Agean islands and a fw more thousand, miles - of territory; Greece wants all of Turkey in Europe and so On down the line, while they ' ':- all want . Uncle Sam to loan them - money enough to start nousekeeping again. - ' I r -o ; N : . ' The newspaper correspondents in France are up in arms over the fact i that the peace conference is to be 1 i secret affair, so we are told. Mr. Wilson said before he sailed for Eu - ; rope, that so far as the United States V was concerned,- the proceedings would not be secret, but that our newspapers would be supplied with full and com plete proceedings and that everything -would be done to aid the cable compa nies in handling the news. We do not think Mr. Wilson wil agree to a "pussy-foot" convention. I FIGHTING PARSON GETS WAR CROSS John Clifford Wearing Y. M, C. A. Uniform, Proves Himself Real Hero New York, Jan. . ..Almost $4,000, 000 worth of smokes, sweets, sporting foods, chewing gum and other com modities was shipped to France during the month of November by the Army and Nary Y. MJ C. A., for the use of the American Expeditionary Forces. A statement to this effect has - just been issued fey the National War Council and tends to demonstrate that the demand, for supplies of this char acter has not been reduced by he fact that hostilities have ceased. : In exact figures the value of the, supplies shipped to France was $3, 895,908 and each month's quota will ap proximate this total until the - forces overseas have been materially reduced by demobilisation. : The demand for tobacco, cigars and cigarettes has not diminished sine the armistice was signed, as witness the fact that $1,351,000 of i the total amount went for the purchase of the weed in some . form. In the ship meats were 464,911 pounds of tobacco, 198,065,820 cigarettes and 99,700 ci gars. As for confectionery, there were 213,800 pounds of hard candy, 175,91? pounds of chocolates and 329,280 pack ages of - cough drts, not to mention 537,600 tins of jams and 6,541;30C pounds of sugar. 1- The chewing gum conignments totaled 6,100,000 packages enough-to load every slot machine in the United States. i Jjidge Justice, in charging a jury at Asheville, Monday said, in reference to the Northerner's "criticism of the mountain dialect, -that the mountain eers were more capable in the use! 01 English than some grammarians, as they found a plural for you, you-uns, which" the grammarians did not. We can hardly imagine what such matters have to do with the ad ministration of court affairs but iwe wish .to inform the Judge that the mountaineers' are not the only Ones whd have discovered a plural for you, and if the Judge will take a trip up North and listen, to the language used around some of the mining camps ' up : there ' he will hear, the term "yoiis," as a; plural for you. 4 Gov.;jBickett has given North Caro lina a splendid - administration, - and now he goes -and kicks the fat in the fire by, asking the legislature to give the Governor the appointing power of all state i otnees -' except -Lieutenant-: Governor. - Such, action would be , un-American;- un-Democratic,. and would build - up a political 5 machine whose power for evil could scarcely be com prehended. The fewer appointive of fices, in any commonwealth the better. ' The' Governor of almost any state has the appointing of too many officials now. Let the people select the offl . cials; county congressional, senatorial, iudicial. executive; and even to munic ipal. Make the United States just as democratic as possible. We are at a lczs.to understand Gov. BiekettV mo tive. , : .. New York, Jan. There have many war heroes; but there is certainly no more conspicuously heroic figure than John H. Clifford, Baptist minis ter in time of peace, but real fighter in time of war, who has been awarded the Croix de Guerre for extraordinary heroism in action. John Clifford, as a Y. . M. C- A. worker, braved the red wrath of war. He has been in the firing" zone as much as the hardiest inf antryman and was decorated for a, most unusual ex ploit. He was one of three men who braved incessant enemy shell fire while rescuing Col. Albertus w. Catlin, commanding of fleer .of the Sixth regi ment of Marines. The trio carried the colonel to safety on a stretcher. Mr. Clifford went over the top many times and came near being killed on several occasions. He is fifty - one years old and was born at Oxford, Eng land, and has preached the gospel in' many parts of the world. When given a chance, to serve with the Y; M. C. A. in. riauw, u tt.uer , mat It Was good thing, and ha jumped at it. . M. C. A: SECRETARY HONORED FOR BRAVERY Brooklyn Man Is Awarded Croix de Guerre by Commander of Polish Forces i Is There fill t Electric Flat Iron In Your Heme V.-i ' ' . - t: : .w . . . v ; In our large stock of General Merchandise you will find almost everything you heed in your home. Ybii won't findanything" at - Mess than : cost, 99 be cause we can't sell it. that' way ;But you will find many rare values in Honest Goods. Another thing you will find is that every article you buy is worth every cent you pay. We ask you to compare our goods and prices with those of any other house, and we will cheerfully abide by your finding. We are here to serve you honestly and faithfully, and on this basis solicit your trade. ' WiSMms & Co. TVypn, N. C. Gocobococococdscdcococococo o o o o q j i nriri otamp gives you me ngm 10 q O stand up when the Star Spangled Banner O is played O o o o o o An account at this bank classes you as one of the progressive and substantial citizens of yourcommunity. . No letter time than now to start that account. Gome in and let's talk it over. L r .Price $ 5.00 30 Daysfree Trial GuEiranleed or ijiO Years IllVOffllKTRiC SERVICE W. T. UNDSEY Pre J. B. HESTER Cashier. ' C) o 8 8 o () () () o o o OOOOOOOOCOC0800CCCOCOCCCOCO Do liar. Raising a I PEPPING SENDS MOTT NEW YEAR GREETINGS Paris, Dec. 11. "For heroic and uri tiring work for the soldiers while un er fire," Stanley fModra, of . 2123 Ca ton avenue, Brooklyn, a YJ M. C. A secretary, has Just received the Croia 4e Guerre from General Haller, com manaer-in-cmei or uie ronsn army, ind has been mentioned in the qffi cial citations. He is the third Y. M C. A. man thus honored for cbnspicu ous bravery. Modra has been with the Polisl forces continuously since his arrival In France five months ago, and has given many notable exhibitions of gal lantry and fidelity to duty! During thfl last days of the hostilities he served with the Tirst division in the Vosges In charge of a hut In a narrow vallej between the first and second tint trenches. From this but he made trii after trip, carrying supplies to the met at the most advanced posts, and waf under fire repeatedly. . - When the fighting was at its heavi est Modra and the men associated wit) him in Y work continued their minis trations to the soldiers, serving cocoa cakes, when the men were in positior to receive them, and cigarettes. Thii service contributed much to the higl morale of the troops and won not onlj the praise of the officers but the last ing gratitude of the men. i GEO;fA; GASH . JUSTiCEijOF THE PEACE AND -' - -NOTAfY, PUBLIC Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts vrritten at reasonable prices. j:D N, N. C. Raise Dollars the same way you. raise wheat-- , use horse sense "any thing planted in the proper ; soil will growDollars will grow if 'planted in this Bank.' ... 5 - We Have; the Right Frices ANI Paris, Dec. 26. Many times during the past year General Pershing has taken occasion to comjnend the work 01 xne, x. m. u. A. for the or tne a. k. f. and to keenest appreciation; for soldiers express hi the manv 6WU UBBU3 uone oy tne Y" in thiaj " : i? On Christmas Day the commandei of the American ExpediUonary Forces sent the following cablegram to Dr Won w nea? 01 the NaUonai WarWork Council: . "With a deep feeUng of gratitude f oi the enormous contribution which ih Army Young Men's Christian Assbcia! tion has made to the moral and phys cal welfare of the American Army Yn ranks join me ia sending you ctato? mas greetings and corfcal bwt'TrtSl. Xor the New Ven R. R. O. FLYNN AS "Y" WORIiEfi Kind of Materials to do your building. FuK stock Doors, Wiiows, Siding, f ioorlng Ceiling," Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and; Moulding, Roush'and Dressd Lumber- Carry complete STOCK Or PEEDS " HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA, N. C. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX i PAYERS. we pay 4 per cent oriyour sayings account, ... This is the seed time for your- dollar .harvest crop begin your planting now; at . BANK of ALU OA Capital $1 0,000.00 ! HENRY P. CQRWITH, Pres. JOHN B; CANNON, Y-Pres. PRESTON H. BAIIEY, Cast i M 'rt REAL ESTATE, LflftHS AMD . . Cky and Farm Property Bought, and Sold. ' Furnished and on . furnished houses for. rent. ,: Property taken care of and rents " eoileeted. Do not waste your tone; and tire yourself out looking 't for a place. Our auto is at your service 7 free. Notary Public.4 JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, IN. C. Well Known Minister Leaves Pulpit t .Take. Up Work Overseas ; Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1 ..Dr. Richan Orme Flinn, pastor of the North Ave nue Presbyterian church, is going ti France for the Y. M. C. A. - " - Dr. Flinn, who ia one , of the bes known ministers In the Southeast, ant who has a host of friends throughbu this section of -the country will be er gaged in special educational work, ant will likely be overseas for sonie tiiu Notice is hereby given to the par ties given", hejtow. and: all persons who may be interested as mortgagees that the undersigned purchased at. a , de linquent tax i sale at; .Columbus, Folk county, N. u., on the 6th day of Mav, 1918, land listed and described as fol lows: 2 ton lots in Tryon, Tryon township, leis 1' foot, on back, listed in name of J3f B. Wilkins for the year 1917; 190 acres in Saluda township, listed in the name of J. Er Pearson. for the year, 1917; 1 town lot, less 1 j foot on backm town of Tryon, Tryon township, listed 'in the name, of J. E. Pearson, f oi the year 1917: 1 town lot less 1 foot on- back, in Mill Spring, White Oak jownship, listed in ; the name of N Champion, for the "year 1917; 99 acygs in- Saluda . township listed in thje . name of D. M. Rollins for the yea1917; T-town lot; less 1 foot on ' back, in Tryon, Tryontown' ship, listed in the name of H. Met calf for the" year. 1917; 22. - acres ; in Tryon township; listed in the name of Alex B. Emry, ' for the year 1917. , i Notice is further given that appli cation will Jje "made4 to the sheriff of Polk county, N. c- by the undersign ed for deeds! for said ' property; ; after the 6th day of May, 1919. J. D. CAKPENTER, Purchaser. Thia January" 17, 1919. ' , . Eat Om Meats!-' You'll need neither a .hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of ; ; A Fine Tenderloin Steak . An Extra Porterhouse Steak . : A Luscious Rouna Steak A Nutritious Roast v A Dish of Pork Chops fit ;-C If you havnt any teeth we have sausage thai will fairly v melt m your-mouuu . - - ; t 'v"" 'Ear out meats.':. 'Good for your stomach' - - Also want to buy good beef cattle, hbgs and chickens, for which: I will, pay the high-' est MARKET HRICE. 1 -V;-; v. v . ; 7 . 7?iWf&: wiluams,c ; ; - V v