OF THE HAPPENING OF INTEREST THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' IN TOSSOMS TO BE PROTECTED $4,674,573 Paid Into the State Treas ury by Insurance Commissioner Young Since Assuming Office. The Senate. Raleigh, Jan. 24. President Gardner convened the senate at 11 o'clock. . There was unfavorable committee report for the bill to amend the char ter of Cherry ville and for the bill to put swain county snenn on a salary. A special message from the gover nor transmitted the report and rec ommendations of Insurance Commis sioner James K. Young. This showed $415,458 paid into the state treasury the past fiscal year and a total of $'4,674,573- paid into the state treasury since Commissioner Young became commissioner. .' Tntw Vkillct YftrA?A fniiwj1fliAjtl - i-1 lows: . . . ; - Connor by request Petitions from the Farmers Union recommend ing that testimony of -women be put on a par witn men m court trials; full women's suffrage; make laws against usuary equally applicable whether the- debt is secured by mortgage or not; popular election of federal judges ; abolish corporation commission and' create a railroad commission and a separate state tax commission; stand ardize agricultural machinery so all parts will be interchangeoble; pro vide phosphate rock through the state department of agriculture " on the same oasis that lime is now supplied. The: House. The house, . Speaker Brummitt pre siding, was opened ' with prayer by Rev. C. A. Ashby, of the Episcopal church. -New bills Introduced were: ( Griff in To protect opossums in umun cuuuljt. Davenport Further provide for the protection of forests in this state. John, of Currituck Repeal an act of 1899 as to the appointment of the commission of agriculture. The Senate, Jan. 5. The senate -was convened at 10 o'clock by Senator A. M. Scales in the absence of Lieut. Gov. Gardner and prayer was offered by Represen tative Dempsey . L. Hewett, of Bruns wick county. The regular business on -the calen dar was taken up following the intro duction of bills, adjournment , being taken at 10:45 o'clock. Several bills were, introduced, among which were: , S. B. 167: Carr To increase pen sions for Confederate soldiers. Senator Carr, of Duplin, also intro duced in the senate yesterday a bill to appropriate $25,000 to.be used In purchasing hog cholera serum. The House. The following roll call bills passed their second reading:; H. B. 115, S. B. 139 To ratify and validate taxes for Martin county for the years 1918, 1919 and 1920. S. B. 135 To authorize commission ers of Wilson county to build court bouse and issue bonds for same. The following bill passed its third Teading and was ordered-ratified: H. B. 51, S. B. 84 Authorizing issue of state bonds to' pay issue due April 1, 1919. The Senate. Jan. 28. The senate. was convened by ' President Gardner at noon with prayer by Dir. Bruner, of the Baptist church, i ,;V ' : V There came from the secretary of state, a report showing the county boards of education nominated for the various counties subject to this meth od of appointing the boards through legislative confirmation. 1 ' New bills were introduced In the senate as follows: j ' , Scales Amend the primary law, Chapter 101, Laws of 1915, by pro viding that women have the right to Women Have Same Right as Men. "Women involved in seduction trials should have the same rights as men, the members of senate judiciary "com mittee No. 1 think and they have re ported favorable action i on Senator Scales' bill which permits the unsup ported testimony of the i women to be taken as evidence In seduction trials. Under the present statutes, .this can not be done. ' r - This committee will also report fa vorably Senator Burns' jbiir requiring a health certificate before a marriage license is issued. j Douohton Voted "No." . , A . 4. Washington, Specialp-On the bill to pension Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt $5,000 a year, the North Carolina house members voted fas "follows: Doughton, against; Godwin, Hood, Kitchin, Stedman, Weaver and Pou, for, anad Webb, Small' and Robin son were' absent. -''J"''---'- Mr. i Dbughtonsaid it was . time to , mite such donations. He thinks Mrs. Roosevelt "has enough without - It. Eight- other members voted with him in opposition to the proposition, t ? i ' : r;. . ..rv -;.',- fx-l j: 'ft 't,-f Jtjt.kl-ff.X '1 ,1'."-" ';"':1 PROCEEDINGS LEGISLATURE rote in these primaries. vowper, of Lenoir En courare road building in North. Carolina. ; . ocaies Amend the revisal reeard- ing seduction. ' Beddingfield Request members of . Congress to oppose encroachments on the rights of states.1 vf J Mangum Amend the law as to bastardy so as to require fathers to support such children, i . Senator. Brown offered a joint reso lution for a constitutional convention to be voted on at the j next general election, when 120 : delegates to the convention would be elected. ' The convention would be restricted . to ait initial 30-day session to receive amendments, the", convention then to adjourn for - 60 days and f reassemble for a 30-day session to j adopt the pro posed amendments forj a new consti tution. ' .The convention would conj venefor the first 30-day session on the first Monday in May. :; ; The House. Speaker Brummitt ; convened the house at 11 o'clock with prayer by Rev. W. W. Peele, of the Methodist church. , ': I;,.: ". t A joint resolution by Representative Grantham was introduced and given immediate passage as an emergency measure, providing for about 40 in mates Of the Caswell Training School at Kinston, .to be transferred to the state hospital here pending the re building of the dormitories recently burned at the training school. This was sent to the senate by special mes senger for immediate action by that body so that there shall be no further delay in making the j transfer. , r Representative Douglas, chairman of the finance committee, introduced a bill to amend the constitution to fix minimum income taxation for single men at $1,000 and married men at $1,500; specify that j incomes from property shall not be taxed at a high er rate than six per cent and poll tax es to be $2 on person from 21 to 50. The Senate. " Jan. 29. The senate was convened at 11 o'clock by .Lieutenant-Governor O. Max Gardner, the invocation being offered by Rev. Dr. T. W. O'Kelley, pastor of the First Baptist church. The regular business on the calen dar was taken up. : Under authority of a resolution passed by the senate, the chair announced- the appointment of a spe cial committee on forestry as follows: Stevens, Harding, Cowper of Lenoir, Scales, Long of Montgomery. The following bills I of more or less general interest were introduced rv S. B. 220: Ross To amend section 5 of chapter 102 of the Public Laws of 1917 relating to special school taxes in North Carolina. -r, SA .B. 221:0 Fisher pTo, protect, rent ers. - j--.- S. B. 222 : Cowper of Lenoir To amend and strengthen laws for con trol of contagious diseases of animals. The House. , The house passed the following bills: ; j H., B. 63 Repeal ! free road labor law In warren. S. B. 75, H. B. 204 To allow cities and towns to xreate ! planning boards. The Senate. Jan. 30. Discussion of salary b creases featured the; two hour session of the senate. The amended bill of Representative Saunders, which as re ported to the Senate simply removes first degree burglary and arson from the list of capital crimes, went over as a special order for next Tuesday. The Shipman child labor bill pro viding for factory inspection under the supervision of the Commissioner of Labor and Printing reached the sen ate via Senator Connor and was re ferred to the committee on manuf ac tures of whiph Senator Mangum is chairman, i The House. Representative ? Victor S. Bryant, chairman of the house committee on education, introduced the State Edu cational Department's, bills to provide a six months' school term, in compli ance with the constitution as amended at the last general i election, and to provide a county school budget and fix a minimum salary for teachers. Other new bills included : one by Matthews to divide the State into fire judicial districts; one by Young to erect a memorial on foreign soil to North Carolina soldiers and one by Mintz, at the request of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, to promote the safety of travelers and employees upon railroads. Some ' New Corporations. Charters were issued from the office of the Secretary of State for the fol lowing. corporations to do business in North Carolina: Plywood Corporation, of Goldsboro, to manufacture lumber, with $100,000 authorized capital 'and $40,000 sub scribed. The incorporators are AMI Edgerton, J. L. Borden' and H. Weil, all of Goldsboro." Amendment was filed to the charter of the Catawba Co-operative Cream ery, of Hickory to change name of , the r concern to Catawba Creamery Co. Dr. Chase Succeeds Dean Stacy. The trustees of the University, of North Carolina in special session here designated Dr. Chase of the university faculty to - succeed the lamented Pro fessor Stacy as chairman of the fac ulty in connection with the temporary readjustment that followed the death of President Graham. Gov. Bickett was directed to name a committee, of five to investigate and recommend to a subseauent meeting " suitable per sons to be considered for the . presi dency of the university; V . ' ;V' ' f. V : - '' BICKETT BELIEVES II! SAVING HEY REASONS FOR ERECTING ONE PUILDING ON CAMPUS OF STATE COLLEGE. : WOULD SAVE STATE $150,000 Additional Co-Operation Would B i Secured Between the College and Department of1 Agriculture. Raleigh. Reasons for the erection of a single" building on the campus of the State College for the use of. the Department of Agriculture were set m - a. The governor believes that by doing this and concentrating the women's work at the State Normal at Greens boro, a saving of $150,000 can be ef fected Also, he argues that the pres- ence of the "building on the; college grounds would tend to additional co operation between college and-the de partment of agriculture. Low Scores for Hotels. ' Raleigh. The hotels of the state are not living quite up to their usual high standard of sanitary excellence, if the scores made by twenty-three hotels recently inspected by official representatives of the state board of health can be taken as safe index. Of the twenty-three hotels inspected, only three scored as high as ninety. These were the Kentucky Home, Hen dersonville, with a score of 93 ;Blue Ridge, Hendersonyille, 92; New Briggs Hotel, Wilson, 90. Other hotels inspected scored as follows: The Southland, Wilson, $i; Proctor, Greenville, 87 ; Imperial Can ton,87 ; Imperial, j Wilson, 86 ; Entella, Bryson City, 85; Gordon, Waynesville, 84; Critcher, Boone, 82; fountain, Jefferson, 81; West Jefferson, West Jefferson, 77; Waynesville, Waynes ville, 76; Blue Mont, North Wilkes boro, 76; Suyeta, Waynesville, 74; Seabrook, Wilson, 73 ; Blount, Bethel, 72 ;Tull, Kinston, 71; Bonair, Waynes ville, 70; Kenmore, Waynesville, 70; Wilson, Wilson, 66; Central, Canton, 63; Young's, Bakers ville, 62. Ashe ville. Gets Baptist Convention. Asheville. The State Baptist - con- venUon will hold its 1919 session in Asheville. The mountain city was se- lected as the place of the meeting by the state board of missions which met In this city for permanent organiza- tion and the regular annual appropria- tion of State missions. The date of the convention will be December 8-11. Aftn, n.onn.r onnrnnrioH $RA"enr ff"n,f J,"-,1? 'North Car $65,000 for missions in North Caro- una, mis money going 10 cnurcues and associations dependent upon the tjitfl convpntinn fnr maintenanoe funds, the board officials for the en suing year, completed its work by naming Rev. Livingston Johnson pres ident to succeed the late Dr. John E. Ray. J. D.-Berry was elected record ing secretary of the board. Sees Rirst Street Car. Greensboro. Tn superior court the grand jury returned a true bill against James Coble, alias James Shoe, charge ed with the murder of Henry L. Amick on Christmas eve; It is .said, that this man, although living in Guilford coun ty had not been to Greensboro for 20 years until brought here by the offi cers Christmas day. He then saw a street car for the. first time. May Extend Car Service. Gastoniar An important conference was held by a special transportation committee of the chamber of com' merce, headed by W. T. Love and E. Thomaspn, general manager of the the city, to Ranlo, a mile further out. The establishment at Ranlo mills, with a population of several hundred people, makes this extension of the service almost imperative. ; i - Lynching Not Feared. New Bern. Word from Jackson ville, Onslow county,, is to the effect! that nffirpra now antir.into tin vin4 lence against " John Daniels and" Dan! Petteway, both negroes, by whom Mr.! Grover, Dickey, -farm manager for the Roper Lumber Co. at ; Camp Perry near Jacksonville, was done to death Mr, Dickey was struck on tha heal with a heavy wooden pole, whic'i re suited , in death. Br.ch negro 3 3 were taken into custody by a sheriff's posse shortly after the fact became known that Mr. Dickey could not live. 1 Vicious Dogs Are Killed. Hickory. Two dogs, neither be lieved to be mad, were Shot and kill ed today by Chief of Police Lentz in the campaign to rid Hickory of worth less or vicious dogs. Several persons have been bitten by dogs here recent ly and at least ' two have taken the Pasteur! treatment"5 at Raleigh. The latest victim, is W. S. Pollard, who was 'attacked ; and bitten ; on . the leg several nights ' ago, after the canine1 had entered his brother's home. Mr Pollard', killed the dog after a fiercr iincounter. : ' . - :i , 3" ''.''XW Piedmont and. Northern lines, withf ntinne to keep a watchful and ss, wnson; corp Kooeri iewis, reference to- extending the local Slpfeye the cottonseed ihdus-1 nan snV ech. Bruno Musgrave, Street car service from Groves east of;! .. - i Sl. SKOTGUrJflRGUr.lEfJTlMr.HflElfT HokV County Landowners Whose '.Farms Have Been "Occupied" Dy ; Uncle Sanv Guard Property. i ' ; '. . : ., . v Southern Pines. Uncle - Sam will ''fooUarouhd; down in. Hoke county if I ub; is r not iicareiui uniu ae. wui ; suiri the movie camera in that direction, for the atmosphere is v taking on : a "mellerdramar''.. tang. A. . tourist" who came up Ifrom there tells s story that has thrills; in. it. He fell-In with an engineer Jwtio is working on the Camp Bragg survey, and he says 1 the engi neer told J him that an. irate citizen laid on a hill top for, three days with a loaded L shotgun to . prevent the, gov ernment ifofces from trespassing. It seems the?! government representatives have been following their own sug gestions in dealing with private" prop erty tha$ is' in their way, saying to send bill and the government will pay, which it s said not to be- doing, until "'Z"? 'Sil . 5 ! i - - . Grancf Lodge A. F. M. Adjourns. Raleigh; At the concluding session of the annual meeting of the North i Carolina? grand lodge of Masons here the following - officers were elected for 1919 U Grand onaster, Henry A. Grady, of Clinton. 1 ' - ". L Deputy grand master, Braswell,-of Whittakers. i Senior I grand warden, Owen, of5 Henderson- Junior -grand warden. James C, J. Bailey James H. Webb, ofrHillsboro. Grand -treasurer, B. R. Lacy, Raleigh. -. of 1 Grand secretary, W. W. Willson, of Raleigh. 4 During?' the sfession Grand Master NorfleeCtOf Winston-Salem, and other speakers? pointed out the need of in creased Support for the lodge brphan age at Oxford. ; The annual reports showed that the work of.both the Masonic and East ern Star, homes had been excellent. It was noted that the Oxford orphan age service flag contained 82 stars. Twenty Gallons Not Too Much. Kinston Robert F. Brady, a I live- stock dealer, went free in Superior court nre alter aamimng me pur- chase o twenty gallons of whiskey a A 9 A from 'Tbjaddeus Tyndall, now serving a term In the Lenior county roads for violatioi, of . the prohibition law. Brady id $120 for the liquor. He said it was 'delivered to his residence . : " . ifit . . . - '- . . late at nignt. t. is. Brown, a neign- bor, saw the delivery and ; was a wit- ness against Brady. Judge Owen H. Guion U charging the jury said hav- ing more tha none gallon of whiskey in one possession was prima -facie evidence of having it for sale, but.that the burden nevertheless was upon the state td prove beyond reasonable doubt-that the defendant for it for and-ot for Dersonal uge. as Brady . - - - . 1 , mll " claim;n defense. The jury ac i v luc Food Workers Demobilizing. ? Raleh. The Food Administration which as been the largest adminis- previously reported killed ; B B. Gil trativeSlbodv in ' North Carolina1 dur- len, High Point; Corp. J . .H, Hannah, ing the1 war, is rapidly demobilizing. Several! offices and . a considerable anrt of Administrator Henrv A. Pace's office force was released a month ago L. Humphrey. Kellum; H. C, Murray, and V df Feb. 1 the balance of the Asheville (last- four, previously re staff at? Raleigh with the exception of Ported missing); G. O. Wilson, Beu Execuiive Secretary John Paul Lucas laville; Lorenzo Price, Rocky Mount; ami Ms. E. P. W, Adickes chief D. F Wade, Fayetteville; Corp. Hor clerk, Mill be released. Mr. Lucas and : ton Bledsoe, Todd; Emory L. I Ray, Mrs. A4ickes will remain until all rec- staJe Road;' Mechanic W. Ladd, ords can be closed, files assorted knd Statesville; Geo. W. Glover, Belmont; shipped to Washington, the office L- D- Hall Leicester ; J ohn E. Sykes, Aiifnmht lonnani nf and th offira closedt" . y ..." 'v;'' .,. !. Cfnt 'JZ A ilmlntatntnii Para anil Pnnn. o.u .-6v-,- ty 'opa AaminisLrators wmr m the service until peace is lormany rxr, oT.V?Tr,Qtow normal conditions the activities of the administration will be very limit ed. I Mr. Page and his organization ! " : m r""v ;0Krw-4:;; cue mveiac i'xu:4' cmshef; and a weather eye wllllso be kepi open for any flagrant cases of nL'i-i A A fatntfa ;?ii- . -. :iv I: . i Xhild Burned to Death. : Hicjry. Four children of Mr.and Mrs.' James A. Herman, who live' four miles lnortheast of Hickory, ; were burned so badly by the explosion of . a can,",containing a mixture of kero sene and gasoline, that one of them died during the night and two others are iij a precarious condition1; The three younger ; children were playing with the mixture near the s tove ; when it exploded with fatal results, i The dead - child is Claudie Irene, age six years. , " - ' f' SrJ I Will Build Stemmerv. Goic&boro. Goldsboro chamber ; of .comnjerce had a request from an out of Idjifi expert tobacco man this week statilig that if Goldsboro capitalists rpul4S erect a 'modern stemmery building he would lease it for ja long term.VAt ,an,. interesting meeting" held by J , the business men .'.it" liwas decided to build the stemmery ; and the ittorney for the foregoing party wa instructed to notifiy" his. client that Vsuch; a building would be yail ablei The' influenza situation In the eounr ia ; reported better. A; NORTH CAROLINA CASUALTIES Lt te ' Reports From War Department of Casualties Overseas Among'; North Carolina Troops. i -4 The following list ' of casualties among North Carolina troops overseas, as recently reported is as follows: . - Killed in ActionPrivates J. O. . Holmesly, Lincolnton, previously ire ported missing ; ; Lyons 7 Reed, Win ston Salem, previously reported i at wounded; W. V. Donnerson,. Dover; I J. f M. Beason, Climax ; Garfield Lowyre, Pembroke ; W. L. Morton, Hubert.- 7: r;. ;.:"- Died of Wounds Private J. P. Gar ver, Lawndale; A, H. Walser,' Blow ing Rock. .:;";:.' f Died - of ' Disease - Private Wm. 'Wooley,1 Badin ; ' Lloyd Ausbon, Rober sonyille; Lewis Battle, Battleboro; previously reported died of wounds ; Samuel .Henderson, Little River; Jeff Taylor Elmore;. T. E. Lewellyn, Round Peak; S. J; Lewis, Raleigh. Died of Accident Jas. Whitley, Huntersville; Lieut. H. L. Suggs, Spencer. Missing Private J. . O. . Holmesly, Lincolnton; Robt. Thompson, Wil mington; Wm. Farris, Madison,: pre viously reported' wounded severely; G. W. Hoffnef, Salisbury, previously reported severely wounded. ; Returned to Duty Corps. E. N. Brown, Charlotte ; W. W. Daniels, Elk Park ; Private Jesse Benfield, Val lacoosa, all reported missing; Thos. Helms, .Kannapolis, and Ernest Mur ray, Altamahaw, both previously re ported missing; Herby E. Crawford, Whaley; William H. Daniels, Hughes; Ross J. .Yount, Newton; Corp. Chas. Massey, Charlotte, all previously re- lington; W. H. Johnson, lHaynes, both previously reported missing. , j Severely Wounded Sergts. Jno. C. Bynum " Edenton ; S. F. v Taylor, Ogreeta; W. N. Skelton, Burlington; Privates F. H. Lynn, China Grove; A. J. Williams, Chinquapin; F.. J; Kingsberry, Mt. Airy; J. D. Stokes, Wallace; Carl tMcManus, Monroe;! Da vid T. Gaines, Goldsboro; Robt. Lew is, Raleigh ; Leonard Lambert, Mt. Pleasant ; F. E. ; McNeil, Vass (last three previously reported missing) ; Privates Perry Best, Newton Grove; Benjamin Barnette, Lenoir; Grady W: uartner, Mocgsvme; Jturnest amitn, Grifton; James F- Williams VIIne- land; Alonzo C. Wotten, Tarboro; B. . B. Schondwald, Wilmington ; Moses Todd, Middlesex ; J. R. McLain, Spar- tar Sgt.1. W. Warren, Asheville, rand J. C. Cullum, Council, both previous- ly reported' missing; Ernest Nobles, Chadburn, Mechanic O. S. Dorsett. ti . -rrr " " t " TMr 1 riuea. vBuuer u. jt. uuou, Wilson; Privates James Robinson, Al- mond; Grover Ward, ; Windsor;; C. Kellum, Winston-Salem ; Sgts. J esse B. Champion, Mapleville ; William C. Wiggs, Princeton; Corp. John W. Bentley, Kannapolis; Lieut. W, P. Parsons, Rockingham, previously re- ported missing ; Private W. S. West, Goldsboro, previously reported miss- ing; Jas". Allen, Wilmington; T. H. Fox, Green Mountain; Cling Hughes, Green Mountain; M. Harmon, Vilas; W. F. Rook, High Point; Lonnie Smith, Smith; Corp. R. S. Allen, Reidsville; previously : reported Imiss ing; Pvt R. V. Elliott, Winston-Salem, ! Waxhaw; Bugler C N. Watson, Win v ton ' Lieut. C.. W Higgins, Greensboro ; CorP w- L. Linker, Concord ; Pvt. R , wummgion; nris. inomas is. muiims, Charlotte; McKinley Sharp, Speed; Joe M. Staney, Joe; Frank Burnett, , B . Offie Dail, Snow Hill ; I Carl ; Luther- Albert S. All- t a,' . r. red- Mount Airy; John Gur; Gurgahus, . . o . wm.,m Lirther P. Parker, . Gibson; William M. Winters Elk Park; Sgt. James D. - Wounded Slightly Pvt. Almond P. ! son. Rusk; Harold B. Jackson, Soring - mtaha fin - CtJJ' . PrmgS , Henry H. Foust, Siler City; James A. Haynes, Selma; Lieut. G. S. McKenzie, Faison; Corp. D. F. Graham, Lumber Bridge ; Mechanic W. P. .Killette, Wilson ; Pvts. Thos. J. Shaw, '- Wake Forest; Bruce - L. Wright, Gibson. v Released from German Prison..' . Washington The1" following Amert can prisoners of war have returned to France after having, been released from German prison, camps," accord ing to a war department announce ment: ' '"'' '-:r: 'v'?:; Chrles E.- Park, ' Rockwell, N. C; Samuel Atkins, Ramseytown, N.I C. Soon Be Thing of Past. , , Statesville. Federal court will be held in Statesville beginning the first week in April next, the first term; of court' to be held here - sicne April, 1917. All terms since that time have been removed to Salisbury on account of the fact : that the : western district exemption board was .' occupying the court room, and Judge " Boyd : did not interfere with - their operations, j The work of the district board is practical ly at an end and within a few week! it will be a - thing of the , past ''n-? .V" I LABORS PROBLEMS BECOMING SERIOUS SURPLUSAGE OF UNEMPLOYED THROUGHOUT THE NATION IS RAPIDLY GROWING LARGER. . HEW PLANS FOR STIMULATION The Department of Labor, Proposes Two Plans by Which to Relieve Acuteness of Situation. Washington. The reports coming ' to the department of labor show that conditions of unemployment are be coming more serious and . that labor ? surpluses are growing throughout " the nation. ' v::: Vvl'iff ;f . "The labor surplus in many indus trial centels has increased rapidly in the last 10 days," said a statement' is sued by the' department of labor. ."Plants heretofore engaged 'in war; work are not changing back to peace activities fast enough - to hold their proper proportion of labor. - , "The department of 'labor's investi gation of ways and means to stimu late building and improvements .and augment the. absorption of labor Jn industry disclosed these two impor-. tant ways of getting results: "1. Legislation enabling the build ing and loan associations of the coun-: . try to use their real estate mortgages . -for collateral in a system , of federal home loan banks; and j 1 " . ' "2. Legislation to authorize imme diate adjustment and payment by the government of , reasonable claims ' ! growing oijt of the summary rescind- r ing of war contracts. "The former would permit .home. builders to avail themselves of almost - I $2,000,000,0.00- in loans'; Vj the ' latter, would, provide much-needed, immedi ate capital for manufacturing. It is probable a proposed law on the for mer soon will be introduced in Con gress. Legislation on the latter now, is pending in the United States sen-'; ate." ; '." " : : - x:4y" : ;'::x UNEXPECTED OBSTACLES BAR PROGRESS ON REVENUE BILL Washington. New .'and unexpected obstacles to the long-delayed war rev enue bill developed, , resulting, in set tlement of more : minor disputes be Jtw.en4rthe senateand house, but . en ;tailing. r postponement pf final 'action by; the conferees., and submission of the. conference re-draft ; : While house discussion was pro ceeding, it was learned that the con ferees had agreed to j a compromise j amendment for pay bonuses ,of. $50 ; each to . enlisted" men and nurses and $200. to officers of the army, navy and marine corps upon .discharge. The bonus would be paid to those already discharged as well as to those subse quently given honorable discharge or who resign. . . h , PRESIDENT WILSON! TALKS , , PLAIN LY TO DELEGATES Paris. The crisis in the peace ne gotiations over the disposition-to be made of Germany's colonies seems to have passed, momentarily , at least. . - It is too early to say President Wil son's view has prevailed , in r its en tirety, but. in .American quarters .therje is confidence that a compromise plan, which has ..been. - accepted in princi ple, will be worked out with details which - will be acceptable to the Am erican viewpoint. ' What he said did not appear, in tha official ; communique, nor has , it been disclosed with . any . official au-. thority but it may be stated that it was a very clear, re-vaffirmation of the principles for , w?ilch the President has previously contended. - In phrases ' stripped of diplomatic niceties, 'it Is understood, Mr. Wilson told the mem bers of the supreme council he would, not be a party to -a division . -of Ger many's colonial ' possessions : among the powers which now; hold them and then become a party j to a league bt nations, which, in '-effect would guar antee their title. - There are infer ences1 that - the' President' even, refer red to a peace of "loot. '-- ALL PRICE CONTROL OVER. ; COAL BY UNCLE SAM ENDS Washington iAU price control ex ercised by the ' fuel administration over anthracite and bituminous coal and coke will cease Sunder a blanket order signed by Fuel 'Administrator , Garfield and made" public. Zone regu lations and practically all rules for the distribution ' of fuel, as well; as . most' regulations concerning oil and natural I gas, promulgated - under the ' Lever act as war measures, also , are rescinded. - , " ,-. - WILSON VICTORY IMMENSE 1 - BUT. PROPOSAL MODIFIED ' London The Paris correspondent of the Dally Mail says Japan, on Thursday formally - j accepted., ythe theory of - internationaliaation .-. of colonies -and that it was understood . South Africa .had abandoned its oppo sition -to the. scheme. t ; . ff "President : WilsonVT the correspoh dent adds "undoubtedly , won air im mense diplomatic victory; but has bad to . modify, his original 'proposals -to icaa extent" . x-

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