;Ti:.'-.T:v:.:r':r .r:nr;v.T:'-TSrrv7- t m t c-i n y : m , ."V Fj VV Ihe.Only Paper A .Cvo,0;;:;. Published Poik-County AND THE TRYOfN BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 42 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBURARY 2i, 1919. $2.00 A YEftr FOR BUSY TIMES POLK COUNTY. Various Organizations Relating to Bettering Farm Conditions Will be Pushed. - fm FARMERS ARE BEING AROUSED. According to previous call, the Good citizens ot Polk county assem bled in large numbers, on Monday, Feb. 3rd, and in meeting assembeled, by a unanimous vote decided to or ganize a Board of Trade to take care of every legitimate business in the county. To this end a. committee of five was I appointed on organization, to 'secure data and report to another meeting of citizens for further action; Now the movement is for Polk county's betterment in every way im aginable, and every citizen should get his best thoughts to work, along the line of his own business, and see if he cannot aid this committee in devising: the best organization possible, and one that will do the work I will be in Raleigh next week and will seek all aid possible. Then on my return will call a meeting of farmers in each township for a full discussion and un derstanding of the movement, and see if the farmers of the county will or ganize by townships, and then the county. A it is, every man is for himself, and "THE DEvIL TAKE THE HINDMOST." We must better these things. I have just made an effort to give the farmers of the coun ty nitrate of soda -through govern ment channels,at cost, and have made a signal failure because the farmers have no kind of organization through which we could use car lots . It will be no trouble to organize the bank, - the merchant, manufacturer, etc., but the farmer. And I am sure by this time that the farmers of Polk county. are wide enough awake to ii.k -warn. MZ f what 1 s coming if they do not ' organize. Ample : notice of these meetings and when they are publish ed 1 vnt every farmer in the county to feel that his imperative duty on that day is to attend : this meeting: f ' morr. or ioss,.tne aesrany oi nemcr this year. Then another ; feature of this work will be another system of poultry, schools, next August, by Mr. Ivey, who Will - bring to pure bred poultry growers the latest noultrv in formation and hold a poultry house Duiiaing demonstration in each town ship. This will be a new feature of the work; and Polk county will have the distinction of being f the x first county to start such an Witernrise. This will ,be worked out fully by the people themselves; by a well arranged plan. ' ;- Respectfully, J, R. SAMS, County Agent. FROM OUR FRIENDS OVER POULTRY ASSOCIATIONS. 1 THE coin Some Items of General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Secliens .of Polk Count? , COLUMBUS. North Carolina has entered unon a determined fight to make it a poultry btate, and not only a poultry State. but a State of pure blood Doultrv. Something, of what has been accom plished may be gathered from the following letter from the Cooperative Extension Service : In it's campaign for organization of poultry clubs in this State, the Poultry Club Office of the Agricul tural Extension Service has had one of the most successful periods that it has recently enjoyed. Mr. A. G. Oliver, assisted by Mr. E. G. Warden, has conducted this work in coopera-j A.' ?A-1- 11 'J - j v-t a . won wnn me county agents m Cataw ba, Lincoln, Davidson and Etlge Comb counties. " During the week of Jan. 27 to Feb. 1, in Catawba county, 17 community clubs were organized and the Poultry Club work was presented to 1,377 people. . In Lincoln county, Feb. 3 to 8, 16 community clubs -were organized and poultry work presented to 1,144 peo ple who attended the meetings and lectures. . In these two counties "Mr. Oliver was obliged to travel 591 miles by automobile to attend all of. the meetings which had been arranged. In Davidson county Mr. E. G. War den held 14 . meetings where there was an attendance vf 965 people. Going from Davidson to Edgecomb county 10 "meetings were held with the poultry work presented 816 peo ple. Mr. Warden trayeled 418 miles by automobile during . these two Weeks. - -.r ? The, department 13 determined to nut on the same kind of campaign in Polk county in the near ? future. P.olk county murt not lag behind ' in this , woTk.t Miss Ruth Weaver, of Clyde, N. C. spent a few days in Columbus, last week. Misses Oma Reynolds and Marga ret Cantrell spent the week-end with the tatter's parents in Landrum, S. C. Rev. Jones, of Tryon, filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church, Sunday. " Miss Arkansas Arledge- entered Stearns High School, last- week. Little Hoyt McMurray, who has been seriously ill, died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. L.'B. McGuinn last week. Iv:;3s Spivey, teacher of music and domestic science, of ' Stearns High School, entertained the faculty at the hotel,- last Friday evening. Misses Spivey and Arledge proved, as always the very lest of hostesses. iur. John Carnegie, of Rutherford ton, wa ir town, Tuesday. Miss Gladys Smith is now at home. Her school will be stopped two weeks on account of flu. Mrs.- E. W. S. Cobb was ori the sick list last. week. Mr. Avery Elliott moved to his new home in Columbus," Tuesday. Lieut. A. Y. Arledge has received his discharge, arrived from overseas, and is at home. v Christian Endeavor leader for this week is Miss Eula Jackson. The Philomathean jJterary Society of Stearns High , School, elected their new officers at their, meeting last Fri day with Bessie Hamilton, president; Thelma Mills, vice president; Elsie Edwards, secretary; Sue Gibbs, chap lain; Curtis Hill teller; and Aylene Edwards, pianist. Mrs. J. A. Feagan spent last week with relatives in Greens Greek. ' . Mrs. and Miss Bailey were dimmer t-ucsts of Mrs. J. W. Jack, bunday. Messrs. McCoin and Harnrick,- of Rutherfordton, spoke at the Baptist church, Sunday evening, in the inter est of the Baptist Endowment Fund. Miss Spivey sang The , Holy City, by request. The Polk county teachers will meet at. Cnhirnhns. Saturnav. . '-M1Ltrm:ii--t T .. , rA 'A 'r Columbus Baptist Churc LYNN. Dr. Pratt will preach in the chapel next Sundayat 7:30 p. nr. ? Kev, Mr Gnffith, Episcopal Rector, of Tryon hurch, will preach in the chapel theflifirst Sunday in March, at p. mfj ? Mrs. N.'W. Randall is at the Stead ly Hospitsil, , Spartanburg, having just been operated on, and at this writing is doing well: Mrs. Manor Hutchinson and child ren, of ' Columbus, visited his mother, Mrs. Sarahs .Williams; last week." Mr. W.;B. Parker moved his fam ily to his life's mother's, Mrsl Mills, in the Valhalla section, one day last week, -v v . Mr. Lafayette Thompson of Saluda. has. bought the mercantile business of W, S. McCall,1 and will conduct a gen eral stare at the old stand of the Hos iery Cos store. Gray Thompson will be in charge. . - The hosiery mill had a break down last Monday .morning that will keep thsm out of work all the week, and perhaps logger . It will be a good tirte for thfe-people to look after their gardens and clean up their premises and put them in a sanitary condition for spring nd summer.' : ' V The flag; pole at the chapel needs sone attention. Why not keep it in prjper : position and flag displayed at th times jt should be. Next Satur day is Washington's birthday; the fteg should be flying from the top. It's to be hoped that the teachers, wijle the school is m session, will look: afteri the flag. Unfurl :to the breeze on all national holidays. 1 i "he- young people of Lynn spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mp Ernest Ballard. All present re port a very enjoyable occasion." The Sunday school had an unusual ly.large crowd out last Sunday. ' Many "of (the Lynn girls were at the singing at) Mr. Forest Hilton's Surf day afternoon. r. Jess Rhodes has had his car fixed and is)naw on the road1 again. was a visitor in this section last weekr ' .. - Mr. Landrum Jackson and little daughter, Kansas, visited Mr. and I Mrs. Archie Smith ; in Campobello, last week. Messrs. P. D. Wilb'ams and Roland Ruppe made a business trip - to Co lumbus and Tryon, one day last week. Mrs. J. J. Price . has been . very ill for the past weeki A ' Mr. and-Mrs. Garrison Corn were guests of Mr-and Mrs. M. H. Gilbert, last Sunday. - . ; ' ; Little Esther Wilson spent Satur day night with her sister, Miss Annie Wilson. ' " ; . Let's not forget to boost ; for our county schools. .. " . Mrs. Fred Gibbs visited her mother Mrs J). P. McGuinn, on last Sunday. 0 - SUNNY VIEW. -O ; - SHALL 1 USti lilMH" .... . I By this process of organization we I - ON THE GARDEN. want to lay the loundation wtiereby farmers can buy all their seeds, fer- Much has been said about the use tihzers and heavy farm machinery, at 0f 1 as a fieid treatment, but for cost, or wnoiesaie prices; ana to pur: tne small garden little attention has chase breeding stock, poultry, hogs, been iriven to the lime needs. The 1 1 1 1 A. I Ct . sneep, cauie, etc, m a co-operauve gar(jen js more intensely cropped wav. We Want alSO. tnrougn: tne I fVinn filH tw1 its smir anil troub- same channel, to sell all Polk county hes should be looked after as well as 1 A. - l1 . fPl. - 1 proaucts in tne - same way. 1 nis w e 1 those of the larger areas. flij :i.,:;MiLLsi Sunday school at . 10 ' o'clock. The Sunday school lessons 'are very inter esting and we want the people of Co lumbus to come and join in the study of the lessons. A warm welcome awaits you. J. P." Arledge, Supt. SALUDA. can do by organizing, and this we canhnot do as we are, and we all know it," so why postpone our impera tive duty longer? Respectfully, ' J. R. SAMS,' County Agent, Garden crops as a whole are injur ed by soils which are sour, or short m their lime supply. Ihis is espec ially true of the legumes, such as beans and peas, of the vegetaoie crops such as lettuce, spinach, ; and TO BE DONE - SYSTEM ATICALLY. 1 the 7abbale and rooot Tir 4. i I crops, such as cauliflower, cabbage, We are m receipt of the following 5-iiTVltt fn o11Tmlv-this letter from our. County Agent, Mr a Vood fast enourfi for Sams, written at Raleigh, while in at- these garden crops which grow rap- idly and make heavy demands on ,tne Mrs. Walter Biggars, of Rock Hill, S. C, is in Saluda for the benefit, of her health, and will remain for an in definite period. She is stopping at Mrs. Leonard s. ' , - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lane entertain ed a few friends at dinner, last week on the sixteenth anniversary of their marriage. '. - Mrs. I. B." Hazard has returned from a visit of several days, to her tendance at the State meet of County Agents Editor Polk County News: soil. The addition of lime to the gar- litor folic county .News: - i den satisfies the plant's need for this Yesterday ended the meeting , of element and indirectly hastens the decay of the manure and other soil materials to make them available for the growing vegetables. . For some garden crops lime is not Farm Demonstration workers . of North Carolina, for their annual - win ter meeting. - - ' - The meeting presented manyt new phases the work must assume during the coming year and years just ahead. Jeded, and ma y even cause harm At the cotton convention, called by This is : .Jrtw52 the Governor of the State, it was .,5, C5 which, becomes scabbv on fresh limed wtatlt r&S vear or a decrease soils. Outside of a few crops' liming f ,-nt;nn tw it. often it is beneficial. - - vould be agricultural and business Where very heavy applications of suicide in the South, if not in the manure are made the needs for lime whole country, to produce a "bumper" tend to' be offset, for though the lime the soil is low the manure starts The slogan must be "Food and Feed the plants off rapidly and they will in North withstand the injury caused by the Carolina, and for everv head of live sourness of the soil. With plenty stock in the State. After this is of manure a sour soil may make a done there will be no -danger of an good garden, but the use of lime will over production of cotton. So let improve it and cut down the manure everv cotton crrower see to it now to needed. . lay RIGID PLANS to REDUCE HIS Lime can be applied on the plowed ACREAGE this year. It MUST be ground in the i winter and worked in done. If you had ,12 acres last year;, to the .soil in the spring. Crushed plant 8 this year; if you had 9 acres limestone and airslacked ilme - are last year plant 6 this year. If you Dreferable forms. Twenty pounds had 3 acres last year plant I this Der sauare ro(j is sufficient for most year, we MUST De patriotic, we can garden soils.- Missouri College or and must do it. ,Many things :must be undertaken, and worked out in Polk county that have never been 'done hitherto. -The plan to make Polk a pure bred poultry county is now worked out to a fine detail; but Dr. Kaup and his force at West Raleigh are powerless to ac complish this unless .the people of all of P.olk county will lend their aid. will you do it? 1 At once on ray '-.return to the; coun ty we wil go before the people in each township ' and explain ; this plan fully It is sufficient now to say tnat there have been five in each of the six townships selected who will take a setting of pure bred eggs and hatch and rear them as directed, and' build poultry : houses on v approved plans furnished by the. Division of. Ppultry, West Raleigh. Then .we desire ; to en list as many others as possible to. pur chase pure bred eggs and start this year in tiurft bred tioultrw erowing. The Fair next fall, Oct. 8, 9 and lp, will tell what progress we have made Agriculture. HORTICULTURAL DEMONSTRATION SPRING. Rev. J:1A: MiCaughtonrof Ruther fordton, accompanied by - Rev. B. M. Hamrick,; pleached at White ' Oak, Saturday and Sunday. Rev., Ham rick is our' supply for this year. The Church raised, about $135.00 to help pay the debt on Round Hill school.' Let us realize that this is our, school. I Mrs. Alta Pruitt has entered at IRutherfordton hospital for training. Miss Letha Barber gave a valen tine party at her home last Friday mght. lhose present report an en joyable time. ' . Mill 'Spring Baptist church has adopted resolutions of sympathy for the bereaved ones in honor of Corno ral Jesse T. Lewis, Co. G, 120th In fantry, 30 ; pivisioon, United States Army, who was slam m action Somewhere1 in France" Sept. zyth, 1918. , - V v'., Be sure?, to bring a box, ,and boys Mr. A. J. Dimsdale spent Saturday- with his mother, on route 1. Mr. J. L. Jackson and daughter, Miss Arkansas, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Zira Smith, last week. Mr. King Seppe and family "spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dimsdale. . " Miss" Maggie Jackson was a visitor at Mrs. G. P. Brown's, Friday. ' Mr. Ernest Ruff, who Is in the U. S. Navy, has been. assigned to the U. S. S. Agamemnon, transport, . and makes round trips to France and back in fifteen days.. Miss Lizzie Williams was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. H. Lynch, Sunr day-; - . ' : sMiss Annie Wilson receives ' mail more quickly from overseas than some of the rest. She received a let ter from LeMans, France, in fourteen days. Came via Iced Cross. ' Ask some of the soldiers if the Red Cross isn't all right. - Little Esther Wilson spent Friday and Saturday with her grandmother, Mrs. JS. J . Helton. Mrs. Jay Ruff arid children spent last week at T-. N. Wilson's. Messrs.- Noah Lynch and Frank Mills visited on the route, Sunday. Hey, .Kansas City readers, glad to note you en j joy reading, the ?Polk County News so well. Subscribe for it again and know what is goiu.g on m folk county. . Wake up, Poplar- Grove. Let's hear from you. . ?, - ' V " , U PEARJDGE. MORE PAY FOR GOUIITY BOARD Bill For TKat Purpose,. Alia: tqu Effect Tentire- of Office In ' traduced by Mr; Swann. bills Effecting POLK COUNTY, Editor Polk County News, - - Tryon, N. C. , : . .- Dear Sir: - am glad to see the people of Tryr on taking definite steps to improve; the High School. Inmy opinion this is a move in the right direction. I al; so notice that the people - of Lynn have become interested in school mat-. " ters and have called an-election, on " the 4 same. I doubt very much if I get home in, time to ' participate in, this matter, however, hope that . the -people will vote for the improvement. I Schools and roads concern people most at this time, the- two together guarantees progress both' - for the county and state; The people Polk - r no doubt are anxious to see the intro-. duction of a road bill, for the county, we expect. to get it in this week. It: is pretty tedious proposition 5dth the State-wide bill yet . unsettled Mr.1 Ed itor; I am enclosing V copies - of two-; bills introduced by myself intended -4 for the general good of our people.. I -believe the change : in the v way, of electing our County Commissioner. will be of great benefit to our county- ' affairs. The intention of the bill la to increase the effiency. of our county r administration byt keeping . ant; okir . member on the board to - cooperate with the two new . members elected at J -each general elections , It is my v de- sire to see the management of affairs r of Pxlk secondto none in the Statel ; I will appear before the- Forest Committee this " afternoon. I ahallT endeavor to present the' value of the protective work in Tryon township- ,' '. with as much force as possible. We . hope- for an appropriation to e&ahle us to take better care of; our forest" throughout the - State ' : - There seems to be considerable agirt tation in favor of building a County - Home for-our unfortunates1 I think 1 this is a splendid thing i and i in.- my t- to Pearidgel ... h' J x t : J , Miss -Minnie Brisco, Messrs. Al- 7 .1?!?? I bert Mooore and Grover Thompson ZJgL rtKi -VlSi were visitors at E. G. Thompson's, fav.?.ons the" PP thrmig Sundayr - legislation.; This question was of o T?n 'ik Mi- ovi" riif w,r much concern ; in the GeneTalvAsem w f c4.xxu j.fxxo. vjuiiv 41 x. t - i. ii , imrt rm..i. i ; mi v J uiy oi xv it. x nai. nonoraoie , uuuy . ler, a daughter. Rom to Mr. anH ATrs T?.alnK MonrP Po. a mw provioing Wie neceHSiVy o ' machinery by ; which any -ounty7 or Misl Bessie Thompson and brother. cold.111 an &J JT it- 1 3 . I !. 1 4-v,j t rj xt r , i ox wus Jtmu auu u tiw ueouuj are w Mr. John Henry .rrichard's family I'AT ' V ' 'T" tv r . . -i i iiiiin i.J i .iiiiiM m i NHiiiTiRFff Tiir .nri trv has tne nu. daughter in Asheville A valentine party lor the young bring vour; money to the box supper ioiks was given at tne seminary last at Mill Snrincr school house. Satur- Friday night, which was enjoyed by dav night. -February 22nd. Proceeds all. . , tn hex nepvl fnr tbft ReH Gross. HelD The Methodist Sunday school were us out in this worthy cause. entertained at a valentine party giv- Otho Lewis returned to his work en on Saturday afternooon. Games after an I extended visit with his par-5 werp nlaveri and va pntmes rpceiveri I ents. 1 by all and .last but not least, refresh- Mjs Uzzie Uaiton visited Miss le- ments were served to the- delieht of tha Barber. Sunday. the vouner folks who' alwavs eniov t Miss Esther Gibbs was an after good tilings to. eat, as wen as tneir noon cauer at . tne nume ox xvxis ucimct elders. x Dalton, Sunday. The renovation of the building to be occupied by. the Bailey-Staton Co., MILt SPRING -ROUTE 1. has begun, with the refitting and painting ot the interior. - A number of vDeonle enioved Dr. Little has sold his old soda birthday dinner given by 'Miss Minnie fountain, intending to install an up-to I Ownbv. at her home, on last Friday, date one, m his new store when com l A. A. Edwards and son, iJert, made pleted. Y a business trip to 1 Landrum, Satur Miss .TstnA Thrvmnsnn snnf Snndav day and night with her sister in Asheville. Mr. George Champion was a caller Mrs. LaMotte, of Hendersonville, made a short visit to her brothers family in Saluda, recently. Mr. and Mrs. McKee are now visit ing friends in Beaufort, S. C. The robins are migrating to their summer homes and feeding on the at J. T. Kdwards'. Sunday. Miss Lulu Ogle, of Spartanburg, was the guest of Misses Mossie' and T" T7& 1 . 1 . . uorcas xawaras, ounaay. Mr. Ucton, of St. Thomas Mission, called onMr. A. F. Corbin, one . day 'ast week1 Mr. Bejt nidwards was a caner on County. Coommissioners ,ior ; an elet tion on this subjects placing the re sponsibility where it belongs.1, " With very best wishes ' to : tht gobbd people of Polk ' I am, v - . : v Yours sincerely; . - - i W. .F. SWANN.- - . -' Mrs." Milnor Jones is visiting iMrs.r J, T. Camp. - Miss Love entertained some of our returned soldiers : on Valentine even- -' ing.- " :". ' v The many friends of Mr. Glenn Misses Margaret and Ruth Brian Arledge will be glad to know that he eintertained a number of theyocny is improving from a very serious ill- people oi the neignDorhood, baturday. Miss Tya Gosnell is visiting in South Carolina. ; - Mr. Robert Davis is visiting his brother, Mr. Birch Davis. , , Mrs. Harley Foy and Mrs. Bob Gault spent Sunday at Mr. John Fos. . J; Miss Myrtle Taylor spent Satur day night with Miss Mattie Philips. SILVER0 CREEK. ness. Messrs. Bynum Hill and Will Green spent the week-end at' Saluda. . Mr. and Mrs. Zach Swam and Hen-: ry Thompson will leave this week for Georgia. . y Mrs. Horace " Arledge and babies Annie Rhea and Glenn Jr., spent the day with friends on the route. Miss Thelma Constant has return evening. Mr. R. T. Owensby , has - gone- to Asheville on business connetced with the death of his brother. - ' - C . Mr.' O. C, Bridges has sold his farm " near Sandv Plains, and has .moved- to a farm near Columbus.: ' , ,'. Work is about to begin on-the new bridge over White Oak,." near. - the Moore place. 1 his bridge was- de ed home from. an extended visit near stroyed several months ago, -and' the Spartanburg. V , N. E." Arledge, of the U. S. Navy, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Arledge. , .... ' o- MELVIN HILL. delay in replacing it has been- a great inconvenience to the - people" iin that part of the county. NEW HOPE; holly, but the boys are determined Hickory; Nut road last Sunday. Miss Sarah Gilbert left for Tryon, Monday, where she will stay for two months. :; '- . ' ' Mrs. W. W. Womack was a guest at Mrs. Q. M. Powell's Sunday. An alarm, 5f mad dog m the town attendei preaching services at Rock that as few as possible shall survive to continue their journey. The blue birds also serve as targets for - their rifles and sling shots and other weapons. : : . t - On: March 4, 5 and 6, atOverbrook and. surrounding orchards in Saluda township the State Horticultural de partment will eive actual demonstra tions in pruning, spraying and graft in t? ' on aDnle and peach trees. Also proper way to take care of grape vines. '1 he State and National ex pert will be in charge of the wofk. ' Overbrook orchard is situated one mile east of Saluda, and is the prop erty ,of Mr. H. P. CorwithL At this orchard and those .of surrounding ones,- will be given the actual demons strations. March 4 will be devoted to pruning;; March 5 to . spraying; March; 6 to grafting and grape culti vation ; . x - '":;-:-: - 'Everybody interested invited to ' go and take lunch. ' Hot drinks will 'be served on the grounds. ' ; - ' was given a tew wiays ago, out Snrines.ast Saturday. stray . aogs ,wmcn; prow! around oay jhnie Waldrop, of Landrum, ana mgnt, seem to oe as numerous as was in this section, Sunday, also Mr. ever- - riarpnpp' Newman, of Pearidsre.- Mr. J ones, the mail : carrier, has a Miss Eth Ogle is visiting her sis- pet lamp or sheep, but so far as we ter. Mrs. Allen. know, he is the only person in: 4 the The little . Melton girls were guests township, who keeps a sheep instead 0f their schoolmates; Maggie, Lee and of half , a dozen dogs, moire or less. An effort is being made to raise twenty-five dollars for the " work of the Y. M. C. A., in. this county, but the people have been called on, so J many times, for so many purposes, that it is up-hill business. v t The drive for the relief of , the Ar menian sufferers is now; about to be- Ruth Edwards Sunday afternoon. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. -r -'V Our Sunday school at Cooper- Gap is . nrosrresing. Tet's not stand back on account of cloudy weather. - ' "HIV nn1 TLTfo 1 fl ? frm enmf Rftf . ... , . . , i , a'jli. aim wo '-..w. pvi" gm,auuus arjve win sure-appi urday ilighrwitb-MKJsnd Mrs. P. l to all who have read or heard of the wrn?a - - m: c way s in which they have been perse cuted by the Turks and the Huns, and of their present; starving condition; Mr. F: R. Coggm returned to his work aUUmon. S. C.Mast Moniay.' . Mr, Sam" Smith from Spartanburg, Within the past week there have I q0-j been five deaths in this-neighborhood, 1 iong. . " V as follows: Mrs. Caroline Edwards 1 .on fl ic ' in 'n,' Hv.u wife of Trank Edwards, died o the section; Five deaths within the-last rvtn;ou ' r'Tr'Ti t ten days.. But according to the-Bible' the 13thr Miss Pearhe Lawter, who there 11; wara . an(f f rumors-- of died on the 14thr sisterto MissFlone wars and; pestilence.- "Prepare.- to whodied just one week to the day meet thy God." It seems asfif. the aim.uuux pxcvxwuo, ' i wholewor!d is going to be last with- Tift m . 1 m ntAw'n f tir aMa s4 nwf ftHH I 7 v . - - xxi S. awB vw s, uiuci .uougi?. . out & change-.' Oh where is- that, -"old Miss Pearlie wasabout thirteen years time refigion?" ' ; uiu, a ime utue gui-: As the flu is so ; bad there - is .no fevedxyllT knSw' lso movement of the .people to report. Mrs. Nellie Lawter, wife of Mr. Fos- , , . - y - ter Lawter and -her four months old ." v 0 . , . infant -died on the 14th and were bur- FlsaTOr, ied the same dav.' There are still several serious cases! - wm. Morgan is suffering. severely of influenza here. Messrs. Walter! with a cancer. : ' Reed and Jack Burnett are not ex- Uncle jamea Case .wasr m the lower pected to live. section-of the cove, ? Monday;-. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gilbert's ba-, - We learn that the Southern f Bail-: by is quite sick of pneumonia. , v way Co. has a? gang; oft surveyors Mr. Bud Burnett, of Rutherfordton doing some surveying between I'lat is visiting at the home of Mr. Jack Rock and the- narrows on- Green Burnett. ' :, . -V', Biver. . r . ' ' There has been no Sunday school Bl - Bradley was a visitor in - the or preaching service here - for two Silver. Creek section, Sunday.r ' weeks or more, on account of the epi- Grayson - - Jaskson : visited Posey demic. HILLCREST. Henderson; Sunday. The weather might., be considered German; for just so sure as it nrom- ises to be ".fair, and- nice, iust so sure we get the opposite. i ,L he allies missed it when they signed that armistice. ..By this time Mrs Eliza Owenby has ? been - offi cially notified of the death, in France, : Miss Julia Abrams spenf last week 1 the Huns' would all have .been in hell, wnth hpr ictor- Mrs Pnwp ' - - i or iartner on.- ' J - . if -