POLK COUNTY NEWS. TRYON, N. C. IMPORTANT REUS HE IVORLD OVER v IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THI5 - AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEWS OF THE SOUTH What Is Taking Place In The South land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs Domestic - The toll in one day of federal of ficials in their efforts to stamp out smuggling: of liquor to Michigan from Toledo, Ohio, was 30 arrests and four barrels, 305 cases, 20 gunnysacks, . 25 suitcases, 67 jugs and 150 bottles of whiskey. ,, , . , - New York to Washington in eighty A five -minutes-is the record claimed by Lieut. P. H. Harmon, who made the flight in a scout plane. Edna Goodrich, the fourth wife of Nat Goodwin, intends to make a fight for his estate valued at three hundred thousand dollars. A maximum sentence of twenty yars in Leavenworth prison was im posed; by Federal Judge Landis on Congressman-elect Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee, and four other Socialist leaders, who ih final , pleas likened themselves to history's greatest mar tyrs. " The fire convicted succeeded in obtaining ; their release on a $25,000 bond.-" ' 'Scott Nearing, one time professor in . the University of Pennsylvania.: and Toledo university, anda Socialist can didate for congress in New York City in the last congressional campaign, was acquitted of seditious writing by a federal jury. Blanket release orders for fifty men held in the Detroit jail on charges of - having liquor in their possession and orders dismissing charges against as many others out on bail, were issued in the Detroit circuit court, following the ruling 'that search and seizure sec tion of the Michigan law is Invalid. v Arrests on charges of bribery and .graft in the personnel of the third na val district have been made following an investigation ordered by Secretary Daniels. It is charged that a system of bribery of minor officials of the dis trict, with particular reference to the naval reserve force, has been operat ing." in which it is charged that pro motions were sold. - Under the new senate measure go ing to the house it is provided for an army of 175,000 men. The temporary military establishment will be provided ior mu.ooo omcers and men. iReferendum elections will be sdught in fourteen states of the Union on the federal prohibition amendment, ac cording to an. announcement made by the National Association of Distillers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers in Cin cinnati. '' . . . . .Short-term notes, maturing in from one to five years, would be offered in the forthcoming Victory Liberty Loan campaign, instead of long term notes, under a tentative agreement reached by the house ways and means commit tee to fix the terms of the loan by leg islation. Four kinds of notes are proposed.- ' - -have been left behind there. Naval authorities at New York have begun an investigation to determine how 'two girls had been able to stow themselves away on the cruiser Louis ville, which arrived at that port from France with nearly two thousand Unit--ed States soldiers. Packing house employees at Chicaeo have been given a 10 per cent advance in wages. The advance is retroactive to November 10. Overtime 'begins af ter eight hours, with double time for certain work on certain days. Several plans ; for a soluti u of the Russian problems have been laid be fore the supreme council and the -members now have had an opportunity to consider them more or less fully. Only one of these plans involves the use of force. It is based on the idea that the reluctance of the United States to defy the Russian opposition to the use of their armies against what some" of them regard as' only a'working men's government" can be. met by recourse to a volunteer army. Premier Georges Clemenceau, char acterized by Lloyd-George as "France's grand - young man," was attacked by an Anarchist, Emile Cottin known as "Milou." Seven shots were fired, three of which struck the muscles of the shoulder, penetrating deeply, but, so far as is at present, known, not injur ing the .-spin, or 1 penetrating to the lungs'. Two bullets bruised the right arm and hand, while two other bullets are reported to 'have passed through the premier's clothing. r Sixty -thousand workmen are on a strike in Petrograd, demanding that the reign of Anarchy cease, and want to- put the. world on record that the decent workmen of Russia have no part in the present turmoil. The final armistice conditionswhich the supreme council is considering will be made public before the end of . the month, and they will include, among the naval conditions, the demobiliza tion of the forts on Helgoland and the Kiel canal, the surrender for purposes of destruction of the German warships now interned, and the opening of the Kiel canal for civil transports, it is stated Germany will be left with a fleet large enough for defensive purposes. T -" rrr i in i i ,.,Tf, , t ? m' FIGHT DPI EMBARGO OF COTTON STATES AMENDMENT INSERTED IN THF SUNDRY CIVIL BJLL REMOVES res'trictions CN EXPORTS. IHGLUOES ALL OUR EXPORTS Reappropriation Item Approved After "Adoption of Bland Amendment Relating to Embargoes. . 1 Scene In, Utter, deh Lin'.lcn. Berlin, as crown ha find th rehin.in . . mm. t ,,t .1 m - , , ' . .-.v.....m6 u., no uutuuqueieu warriors, ii'ai- IZnuXniSl iZi ? ? ar2,rS In Bucharest4h wa reported besieged by the. Roumanian republ-nn revolutionists. 3-.in American fire company fighting a blaze on the ddcks at Bassene, a suburb of Bordeaux. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS ean : The BriUsh government now is rais ing a volunteer army for garrisoning the empire and recruits are reported to be enlisting at the rate of a thou sand daily. Bavaria has lost two cabinet min isters by assassination, Kurt Eisner, the .premier, being shot and killed at Munich, and Herr Auer, minister of the. interior; being shot while he was addressing the diet on the assassina tion of Eisner. Lieut. Count. Arcoval ley shot Eisner, an4 was himself mor tally wounded. Eisner was a radical Socialist. The Diet building is now being guarded by soldiers. .Advices. from Berlin by way of Ba sle are to the effect that the pan-German, military; party, headed by. Field Marshal von Hindenburg, bitterly re sents i the; new clauses in, the armis tice, especially those limiting the Ger man army to the size of a simple po lice force, the supervision of control cl ammunition , factories and the de mand that Germany pay the expenses cf the allied armies of occupation on the Rhine. Cottln, who shot the premier of France, lived at Montrouge, a suburb cf Paris, In a small hotel, which had clns been under - police surveillance ie aeciarea that , he . had planned to :;I11 the J premier because . Clemenceau "x-as the 'enemy of humanity, and was preparing- another war." - ; ; ; Th6 whole effectiveness of the league 1 ?n5ft?fPnds Pn the allies Tiag reasonably trustworthy mii ry orcein, close Droximftv -y, declared the. British Secretory ! State for War ChurchilL at a meet - In London. - -, . Washington Under an agreement 226,000 tons of sodium nitrate held by the govern ment in the United States will be dis posed of by importers in this country, while 120,000 tons held in Chile will be sold to foreign interests. , Immediate resumption of trade be tween the United States and the colo nial possessions held by Germany on August 1, 1914. is permitted under an order issued by the war trade board. Although no formal announcement to that effect is made, it is under stood that the decision to open, trade with the former German colonies is reached in accord with the allied governments. It is reported in Washington that the matter of resuming trade with the occcupied portions of - the German Rhineland has been under considera tion, but so far as has been made known no decision has been reached. Laws and decrees of the Mexican government affecting foreign oil in terests in that country and the French and British notes of protest to the Mexican petroleum tax with the Mex ican government's replies have been compiled and soon will be in the pos session of officials at Washington. Officials and employees of a state, conuty, city or other political subdivi sions Will not be required to pay in-, come tax on their public compensa tion for 1918, the internal revenue bu reau announces in answer to hundreds of inquiries. Prince Joachim, of Prussia, young est son of former Emperor Williams, has been arrested in Munich on sus picion of being connected with "cer tain intrigues.? "Please convey to M. Clemenceau my heartfelt sympathy and my joy at his' escape," is the message of Presi dent Wilson to Secretary of State Lan sing at Paris. Col. George E. Stewart, command ing, the American troops In northern Russia, cabled the war department that "alarmist" reports" of the con dition of troops in northern Russia are not; warranted by the facts. , Paper money, especially the smaller ntoes, is being worn out so fast that forty additional expert counters are needed immediately in the redemption agency of the treasury. - Sir Wilfred Laurier, former premier of Canada, died of paralysis at Ottawa. He was the only French Canadian who ever held the portfolio of premier of Canada, which he occupied from 1896 to 1911. i American and allied troops ooeratine in north Russia will be withdrawn at "the earliest possible moment that weather conditions in the spring will permit To facilitate this movement and to improve lines of communication for the supplying of the forces that have penetrated into' the country Pres ident Wilson, has approved the send ing of two additional companies of American railway troops to Archan gel. " ; '. ; : -. Although congress has appropriated $48,500,0Q0 to assist the states in road building and. the government has ap proved 760 projects, embracing a total of 7,869 miles, less than forty-five miles of highway have been constructed un der the federal aid plan. These - fig ures are made public by the depart ment of labor as a'nart of its eimnaii to stimulate revival of , public works construction as an offset to unemploy ment. Rioters in the streets of Bucharest, Roumania, are openly demandm- th overthrow of the dynasty, 7 crying Down. with the puppets! Long live the republic!" The first step toward setting :ip the price conference commission approved by President Wilson to sugest prices which the government will pay for principal commodities during the post war readjustment period, was taken by Secretary t Redfield with, the appoint toent of W. M. Ritter, formerly head of the hardwfiod lumber , section of the war industries board, to supervise nnfxation and be executive worker. Allies " Propose to , Maintain a Watch on the Rhine for a Long Time to Come. MAKE HUNS REALIZE DEFEAT i New Armistice Terms Bring Forth Walls Fight on the Projected League of Nations Opened In Congress Without Awaiting President Wilson's Prom ised Explication. By EDWARD W. PICKARD Emile Cottln, the anarchist who tried to murder Premier Clemenceau in Paris, could not have! done his cause a greater disservice, j If he recovers from the wound in his shoulder, as seems . probable at this writing, the Tiger will be stronger than ever In France and the people of his country will give support more unite! than ever to hi? plans and demands ft,r the restoration and the safeguarding of France, even though he may be "pre paring for another war" as the assas sin asserts. Clemenceau, bj his cour age and 1 robust patriotism has won the esteem of all his f eliow citizens except the rabid anarchist, who al ways havn hated him. His Influence In the deliberations of the peace dele gates has been powerful and his statesmanship has been demonstrated at every turn. ! It Is becoming more evident daily that the entente allies have no inten tion of yielding too far to ma ud:n sen timent where Germany Is concerned, and that the Huns are to be pioperly restrained, with just enough economf freedom to enable them to work hard and pay for the tremendous damage they have done the world. They may wail and squirm, but they will not be permitted to organize their forces for the armed resistance against the terms Imposed on them by their conquerors. At least during the present genoratlor the allies Intend to keep a wauh on the Rhine that. In the. words of Win ston Churchill. British ! war seoetarv will "make it physically Impossible for Germany to begin a war of revenge, at jray rate; in our lifetime." The ef fectiveness of the league of nations, he said, depends upon the allies hsving o trustworthy military force In close proximity to Germany, and n T. plaJned that the British government therefore would retain about one fourth of the men now in the service and also Is already raising a volunteer army for garrisoning the empire. Dur ing 1919 the BriUsh army will number 900,000 men. Presumably the other : lied nations will do their part In thi respect. America's -selective service act army must be demobilized wit) four months after the forms! prcc'alm Jng of peace. The army bill as pas, by the house last week provides for the regular peace-time army of 175,000 to be obtained by voluntary enlist ments. As the enlistment periof Is re duced to one year and the four-year n kL reserTe is donc y r dfc ? believeJ whatever army Is needed abroad can be recruited from I ranss or -tne soldiers now ti-ere Since this bill is rprorri ... hIS gTeat many senators it has small chance of becoming law and it is believed an extra sessfon 5 toe new congress will be called to pass appropriation bUL. which, it is taken for grants Tri America to d SrSiS; narding the peace of the world. In.the new armistice terms loosed ontem the Huns are getting a li foretaste of what they may nSt ZZT: -"-y.raaical change were . mese include the cessation of 811 hostilities against the the removal of German- troops, from hesPosen , and , Thdm district t also - " conmtion all the ih i atfPlaDCS notortrucis d rolling stock which are to be turned ' ' - 7 ' : i: f-. ' - . over. Nothing was include about de mobillzatlon because it was ascer tained that fess than 200,000 Germans are now under arms. Erzberger signed the new terms under protest, and when he returnedo Weimar, he explained to the national assembly that he had no recourse. . He was violently attacked by a delegate' of the People's paily but was sustained'by the majority. Wha t seems to be worrying Frzber ger most Is the prospect that th peace treaty will ggre to France the Satr val ley, where the best of the German coal deposits are. -located. The I rench claim this basin should be theirs ii conjunction with the nearby Brio Iron region, but ferzbereer oredlcts thnr I It Is given .them Germany some day will recover, jt by force. In this, Lnd In his repeated protest against he "harshness" .'of the treatment tle Ger mans are receiving or are about to re ceive, Erzberger is speaking for a large part of the German nation, which seems incapable of realizing that it has been whipped; and must pay fully for its crimes. :W , The arrogatlce- of the Huns has reached a higkpoint in lour, objections to the league of nations, n the Ge man press. i; Some newspapers even urge that Germany should have noth ing to do with the league, but others, while severely crticizing some of the proposed statutes, demand that U many be perniltted to join the league simultaneously with the' other powers. It Is taken for granted . by the allied nations that Germany will be admit ted to the league at some future date, but only after she has given sufacient guaranty of her sincerity. As Ptofes sor Larnaude; dean of the Pans law faculty, saysi? "Surely when Geimany enters a ' league , of nations she will agree to sign every undertaking we de sire; but we know what undertakings mean to the (Jermans. Did they not sign a treaty guaranteeing th neu trality of Belgium r This attitude of distrust, which Is shared by al the allied nations, is rec ognized as justifiable by one Teuton, at least, Kurt Eisner, premier of l varia. The Germans, he says, eh! not realize to what extent the allies con sidered -the German revolution a pure comedy, and he said that it will be tnus while the German leaders remain the same as those who conducte-l Ger many's odiou war policy. The constitution of the league of na tlous as drafted, has been received with general approval In England and. Italy, while In France the prevalent feeling is that it is a good beginning for a project hy which there is hope of establishing world peace. In America opinion Is widely divergent, and ad verse criticism is based on the fear that the United States Is about to sur render the Monroe Doctrine. Presi dent Wilson by wireless, asked thai there be no discussion of the league. In congress or elsewhere, until he could' explain it fully in the public spei-che-he was planning to make In v cities. Some of the more Impatient In congress, however, declined to wait and started the music last Wednes day. In the senate the league wi:s a tacked strongly, by Poijdexter, Borah Reed, Vardaman, Lodse and nthore' and was defended by Shafroth and Hitchcock. In the house Fs oi Ohio opened the fight on the league, declar ing it "monstrous" and ... filled with vicious possibilities. As can be seen, the league of nations is not a party question, but man v astute leaders of the Republicar part'v are urging that .criticism of the plan be suppresseduntll the attitude of th country is ascertained from the 'recep tion given the president's explanations Air. TaTt, who; has not ceased to be one of that partyjs chiefs, denounces the opponents of the league for another reason because he already ardentlv bel eves in the efficacy 0f the pioposed iu nations, it Is easy, to pre dict that, after a deal -of palaver, the senate will gve. Its approval to the league plan, probably with formal res-thatjwillprotect.theAIonroe cording to report, were striving y rr tain their old military- jobs by organ izing a strong movement egairst Po-' land. r - General Denikine and his anL8v!et army, .it was announced, had resched the Caspian, having scattered a great body of anarchist troops and captured 31,000 prisoners and large quantities of material. ( In Esthonia, however, the soviet armies, which had resumed their activities with a general attack, were said to be making considerable progress, especially in the region Pskov. This continuation f hostili ties by the Lehihe-Trotzky force3 again maaes doubtful the holding of the pro posed conference at Prin.es Island. Moreover, three of the Russian govern ments, those of Siberia. Archangel and southern Russia, have formally de clined to take part in the conference, stating that there can be lo concilia tion between them and the bolshevik! who are denounced as traitors and fo menters of anarchy. - - Information from Petrograd shows that opposition to the rule of the Le nine anarchists Is increasing ainonir the more Intelligent workers. Sixty thousand workmen in that city are on strike, demanding the end of civil war and the establishment of free trade. The United States and G eat Britain have announced thnt rhfr fnr.e i M . au northern Russia are -to be withdrawn when weather conditions permit, and will be re-enforced to facilitate this movement Meanwhile those who have been worried by alarmist stories of the distressing conditions under which u"j' lune are existing may oe r lleved by the cablegram from Col. George F. Stewart, commanding the Americans. He says the reports . are not warranted by the facts; that the health of the entire command is excel lent, the sick and wounded are well cared for and tre entire allied expe dition Is capable of taking care of it self against the whole. bolshevik army. Washington.--Representatives from the cotton growing states were suc cessful in their efforts to write an amendment into the sundry civil bill, designed to remove all embargoes placed by the war trade board against cotton export shipments. . The amend ment, including the' amendment, now goes to the senate. - Although designed 'primarily to af fect cotton shipments, the amend ment applies to all American goods exported to foreign countries. The amendment prepared at a conference of southern representatives, was of fered in' the iiouse by Representative Bland, of Georgia, and afterward amended on motipn of Representative Steagall, of Alabama, so that cotton seed and peanut oil also would not be subject to embargo. , - The amendment was offered while ,the house, in committee of the whole. was considering an item of the sun dry civil bin reappropriatina- for th war trade board tha unexpended bal ance of appropriations granted last year for continuing its operation. Continuance of the agency for a part of the next fiscal year may be nec essary, it was said by members of the appropriations committee, who fram ed the sundry civil bill. Funds, it was added, also would be necessao for the agency to settle its accoui The reappropriation - item was fen- proved .after adoption of the Bland amendment which directs that no part of the appropriation bill will be available unless all embargoes are lifted. IRISH DELEGATE PRESENTS CREDENTIALS TO CONFERENCE: The Spartacan anarchists of Ger many were extremely busy throughout the week, organizing here and there and in Westphalia going so far as to start a bombardment of the ftwn of Rotterop. In the Ruhr industrial re gion along the Rhine the Spartacans occupied several towns and decked a general strike, fortifying the tttiter works and powerhouses and preparing to resist the government troops. Muhl helm is the center of the movement and the anarchistsliave gathered there in large numbers. Congressman-elect Victor T. of "Wisconsin and his fellow defend antst Engdahl, Germer, Tucker tind Kruse, convicted of violating the es pionage act and conspiring to ob struct the United States war program, were sentenced by Judge Landis to twenty years' Imprisonment Leavenworth. Appealing to the fed- erai circuit court of appeals, they were released on bonds, but onlvaffpr giving their solemn pledges that they would neither by word nor act do any of the things for which they were con victed pending final decision of their cases. - r, The senate judiciary committee took a steP toward curbing the activities of the anarchists when it unanimously op proved a bill to punish such activities and to prohibit the disnlav nf or other emblems of violence. Paris. Sean- O'Cealligh presented himself to the peace conference as the "accredited r envoy : of the provi sional government of the Irish repub lic." . . r ' ; O'Cealligh has sent to Premier Clemenceau, to Paul Dutasta, secre tary general of the peace conference, and to each delegate, a letter, in which he brings to their notice the claim of his government, in the name of the Irish nation, for international recognition of the independence of Ireland and for the admission of Ire land as a constituent member of the league of nations. This communication was accompa nied in each case . by copies of the Irish declaration of independence. In his letter O'Cealligh states that Professor de Valera, Arthur Griffith and Count Plunkett have been dele gated by the national assembly to pre sent a statement to the peace con ference and to the league of nations in the name of the Irish people. He asks a date be fixed for the reception of these men. POLITICAL OFFENDERS ARE FREED BY AMNESTY DECREET Rome. -Under the amnesty decree just published,., various socialist lead ers, condemned for political- offenses, such as incitement to revolution,1 were released from imprisonment In Turin. Among them are Signor Serrati, edi tor of The Avanti. In the evening the released men went to Camera del Lavbro, Turin. wher a great crowd . of workmen awaited them., A triumphant meeting followed. The tenor of the speeches may be gathered from the language used by Signor Serrati, who said Rus sia was the only nation which hnd found the 'right way of treating ene mies of the proletariat Virtually all the speakers urged the people of Italy to follow in the footsteps of Russia. FIRST SPEECH IN SENATE IN ' DEFENSE OF CONSTITUTION Of those peonies whn Jn;landf Asia there H not . rue mis week; -The Poles arbelfig lwrd pressed bv the Ukrain ians in the LemKrr Sa.- troops were -- wuc iipnn? tnem under the old Imperial standard. - The junke -. There were interesting develop ments In the "scandals? and charges that inevitably follow a war: Governor Allen of Kansas, supportirg a motion of RepresentaUve pampbeii for an ! ISSSX?! rtory that the caar ua,7 ine 'Anirty-flfth division were needlessly larger told the house com mittee on rules a shocking story of in efficiency and blunders and lack of ui.ery ana equipment Simmlng up ua: me record of the Ameri can army In France, he said everything fel down except the raw man mate Cm DqnIry ,nto tbese Editions will not be made by congress until the next rsession. when th nft of the war will be sifted. - yJS! M ; investibn ordered by Secretary Daniels, seven naal offi ZZltJ0' yeomen were arrested In the Third naval d!e . . J asserted that a great manv sons of - wealthy fandllea a,J anms for fecial favors, -oasy ai menu and romow.v .JT . -TT." - Washington. The first address in the senate in defense of the proposed . constitution of the league of nations was delivered by Senator Lewis, of Il linois, Democratic" whip, who took is sue with the recent criticism made by Senators Borah, Republican, and Reed, Democrat Speaking for nearly two hours. Senator Lewis denied contentions of opponents of the league that it would abrogate the Monroe doctrine. CLEMENCEAU'S WOUNDS DO NOT INTERFERE WITH WORK ' , Paris. ". Premier Clemenceau's wounds hare not interfered with the conference work anda general t ff Jrt has .. been made to . speed up all work of committees so as to be able to es tablish , with i all possible' rapidity the preliminary peace terms. It is intend ed i that in preliminary - peace terms, which it is hoped win , be Teady for signatures, earlier than was generally expected, the", future frontiers of Ger- aiany wm be draws - : t

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