iczrii,Tpi . , - . ?.y .-: - ... . ... . ,, - - Tn rCLK CQUI1H HEWS anH TRYD11 BEE Consolidated Nov. 195 ' Published every Friday . at TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99- Entered aa aeeond-claas matter April 28, 1915 at tk port office at Tryon, North Carolina, un to act of March 3, 1879 B. F. COPELAND, c. bush. - ; , - Editor Businesi Manager Subscription $2.00 per V ear OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B aotationa of Respect. Church or Lodgre Notices where an admission fee ia charged, or for financia rainT willbecharared.resrular advertiains rates of lv cent per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. tS6 WeatlSth Street. New Tork City, ia our aole and excluaire Foreign Advertiaiiyr Agent. "Long May It Wave." ' Don't forget5 that War Savings Stamps are still on sale at all the : postomces. o ' Latest Dress dispatch: '.'Woodrow -Wilson, who is employed in Paris, is spending the week-end m washing- 4- ff ..,.. v Rev. Mr. J. H. Griffith will address the teachers of Polk County at the Teachers meeting to be held nt Co lumbus on. Saturday, March, 14. The attendance of every teacher in Polk County is desired. - FARMER'S TOWNSHIP MEETING The farmers in every township of Polk county are asked to meet County Agent, J. R. Sams, and probably oth ers, at the following places and times Greens Creek, Greens Creek High School, Monday, March l'Oth, 1 o'clock p m. . " - ' , White Oak, Mill Spring school house, Wednesday March 12th, 1 o'clock p. m. Cooper Gap, Sunny View school House, Friday, March 14th, 1 o'clock p. m. ' - - Tryon, Tryon High School building, Monday, March 17th, 1 o'clock p. m. Saluda, Friendship church, Wed nesday, March 19th, 1 o'clock p. m. Columbus, Court House, Saturday, March 22nd, 2 p. m. ; - - Jhe purpose of these meetings is to take up the various questions now before the attention of the farmers of the county, and arrive at" some defi nite course of procedure. There are so many important things to be con sidered that no farmer can afford to miss these meetings. Ladies especially are invited. Mat ters of great importance to the wives and daughters of farmers ; will be talked over. AN ORDINANCE NOTICE. To the citizens of North Carolina and Polk county of an application for pardon. Notice Is hereby gi'cn that a peti tion is being circulated and that ap plication will be made to the Governor cf North Caroiiiu for the pardon of Andy Laughter, who was convicted &t the fall term: i'JU, of the Superior Court of Polk county of murder in the second degree and sentenced to twen ty years in the State's prison. All persons opposing the granting of said pardon are requested to for ward their objection to the Governor without delay. This 7th day of February, VVl. M AGSIE BAU MUBRCSK Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE: Pigs, good . stock, $15.00 to $20.00 per pair. J. M. Hea ron, Saluda.N. C. To provide for the Issuance of Fund-, .ling Bonds tor the i Town or oaiuaa, . .and for the Payment ot the Princi . . pal. and Interest Thereof. WHEREAS, The Town of Saluda is indebted to S. H; Slaughter and Carolina State Bank in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, as evidenced by promissory notes of said Town, which said indebtedness was incurred for necessary expenses of said Town and the notes issued for same on the 13th day of December 1913, and jn the 26 days of June,. 1915 and 1916 And whereas, there are no funds available to pay said indebtedness and it is necessary that bonds of the said Town be issued f or jlhe payment, the said indebtedness being now due and demand having been made for pay ment pf the same. Now, therefore, the Board of Com missioners of the TO wn of Saluda do ordain. . - ' L " 4 - : Section 1. That for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of the outstanding indebtedness of m the Town of . Saluaa, as set forth in' the preamble above, negotiable serial cou pon bonds of the town of Saluda, to be designated as Funding Bonds, be is sued in a sum not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent per annum, and maturing within the maximum period of 1 ten years. Section 2. That-the shortest per iod in which the debt can be finally paid without making it unduly bur densome on the tax j payers . of the municipality is ten years. ' Section 3. That in each year while any of said bonds shall be out standing, a' tax shall be levied and collected in accordance with law to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same shall fall due. Section 4. .That a statement of the debt of the Town of Saluda has been filed with the Clerks of said Town, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act of 1917, and is now open to in spection. , , Section 5. That the average as-, sesed valuation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Saluda for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, being the years 1916, 1917 and 1918, as shown by statement filed with -said Clerk is $280,270.33. Section 6. That the . amount of said municipal debt 6f said municipality,-authorized or 'to be authorized as shown by said statement is $24,- 500.00. f Section 7. That the bonds when is. Don'titrifle with, a cold You fcan't afford to:fisk Influenza. - Keepr always at hand a -box cfg ' ;i: ; CASC&AW QUININE i Standard cold 'remedy for 29 years In tablet form safef sure, no opiates breaks up a coid in 24 hours-r-reUeves grip in 3 4ays. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top, with Mr. Kili'a picture. At All Drug Stores. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Department of 'State. To All -Whom These Presents May Come GREETING : v : , Whereay, it appears to my satis faction, bf. duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution' thereof by the .unanimous consent of: ,all the stockholders," . de posited iiitflniy office, that the Saluda Phannacyjilnc., a corporation . of this Stat: whose principal office is situated in the town- of Saluda,- coun ty of Polk State of North Carolina (G. E. Lie being the agent therein and in clfsrrge thereof,' upon whom process liff be served), lias complied with the 'Requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal. of 1S05, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this certificate of dissolution : Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 17th day - of February, -1910, file in my office a duly-executed and attest ed consent! irt writing to the dissolu tion of saio! corporation, executed by all of the Stockholders thereof, whicn said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file i:. my said olfice as provided by law. In testimony whereoi, I have here to set-mylliand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 17th day of Feb ruary, 1919. PJ. BRYAN GRIAiES, . Secretarv of State. Have you perfected arrangements for rent or sale Qverbrook Or- Clerk of said 't own and shall be issued in such denominations as the Board for your ; "Victory Garden ?" If you chard Saluda N. C. haven't it is high time you attended! - M , to this matter. Eecs of Mottled Ancona chickens of Commissioners 1 shall by resolution for sale, $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs, provide. I Ti TX i 1 rr XT r 1 Jni4inl U 'I hnf "JNortn Carolina wwns au warn V" a' : :W: r. Il t. k rnCC tt i.it n ii. t :n 1 rur i3ait; i wiic v iuiiii . out; ivcii- 1 CRizeT1USely guTs invisible typewriter, bothin -dings on three sra days and thp rrpws o-PTitlP rpadr. conaiuon. xuquire dox mo, C5a- tliis thie ordinance separate Miss Pue of Baltimore who luda. N. C. has! I have buyers for a few small ira- Wn visitino- friends in Trvon for I proved; farms near Columbus. Write ' . some time .'was called home Monday, me -what you have price and terms. SLfo0g ew. "A hog for eyery person in United States" is the slogan of U. S. Depatment of Agriculture. Of Asheville, N. C. cuurse una iuccuis ux me iuui jcggcu variety. :" ; o - Habibullah Kohn the Amir of Af Ghistan was murdered on and shall not be submitted to the vot ers of the Town. i I, G. R. Little, propose the adoption omg ordinance, tnis tne January, 1919. G. R. Little, Commissioner. WANTED: To buy lumber of all! The foregoing ordinance was pro- kinds and would be interested in buy-j posed by G. R. Little on the 7th day ing the entire cut of several mills, of January, 1919, atva meeting of the Address R. F. Whitmer, Inc., Box 421 1 Board of Commissioners of the Town 43-4w- I of baluda on said date, present, M. A. Fnr Snip- "Pnrnlinfl TTnTnnnv" n iace, iiayor, ana Lr. K. JLlUie, J. U. Music book, for which we have flat- lr00Fr 5 F- Robertson and P. H. tprino- tPBfiTATiiQi frnrvi mnciV fpnv.. VVard, Commissioners, and unam- Februarv era who use it for pupils ready to mous adopted by the Board of Com we do Play simple pieces; and from boards ssloners of the Town of Saluda af the the 20th. He had four wives, but we do not , know : to do with tt1 j0 Cw , rr schools, patriotic and Sunday . school and th t1"1 on.tlAe Jan to his friends for a Httle loan of fongs and scripture anthems. Send - xouowing ?ting in $5,000,000,000 within a few days. lesumomais, or sena weive sc L'Tp'Un P i Ye'll Una We hope you get it and be- stamps for sample copy. Leonard x 1- J-a:" 3 ' JV lieve you will have no trouble in do- I ano wrKan ana rnonograpn Agency, -- w6.vy,, ". ueye you win nave no xrouDie in ao 1 TjP.narH M ooiiehnrv AT n Notice of the pas5i.re of tins crdi 1I1K U. I ' " ' . not...! V,o,t; UlUl 4 rolk County News j four successive weeks, beginning with the issue pub lished the 7th day of February. 1919. TT virfno ff Via nrvaran' rf cola nriri I Amr aif!n( yW mrsrsAl-er -.-,,ir4-'.-. La HSZSJriX : 1 hW-fVslS tained in that certain Mortgage Deed ing the validity of! this ord;nance ing Asheville is to have a -"Father and son week." Oh mercy. We remem ber the time, when about five minutes NOTICE OF SALE. was plenty. But a week of it? ' thank you. O executed by J. H. Metcalf and Mamie must be commenced within thirtv Metcalf, his wife, to Edmond A. Em- J days after its last publication, bury on the 6th day of September,! Approved: j . IOr I l'ntcrocf cai1 mnvfmru Koitin fan-I T A C? A T) A fT7 lrtT " at . The V. S. Weather Bureau is tempting to give the forecast N0h wUrllma ai,Weik- ' m adce ardin-tie office of the Register of now. We hope they hit it oftener I rw tiv rf kv ,ney uo wne? vney iry.n omy, mortgages No. 10 at page 396, de- -VP I .vsi4- 4-U 4. 4-1 NOTICE OF SALE. TT. 1 11 1 . 1 1 ijnnpr Ann nv virrno- nt nAwan Qnna aSKS vf a? provided the undersigned will, sell at of contained in that ceSS j w w d..vw -. w v . a aiiii 1111 .a- ill iiuiMr mi r 1 i-aiv e a -vk 1 14' ALTER JONES."'. ' JrTORNEY AT LAW Qfflco up 8ta!r In Jno. L Jackcen Ccr Bid's. liilsiitelaliisig All Work Guaranteed irst floor Wiik ins' store MRS.' E. RHODES. Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home EC You lire cordially invited to come in, inspect and; get our prices' on furniture. We have just added this line ;and want you to see it. , . - ' ;, ' ; . -: .- -,. : Iron Beds jc Tables Rockers Dressers ; Dining Chairs Mattresses Kitchen Gabjnets Etc. Etc, Qwr stock of Oik Hickory porch furniture is the largest in the county. We want your furniture trade arid will treat you right. w limns Co. Tryon9N. G, 'i osoooococococo 0 AThrift Stamp gives you the right: to n U stand up when the otar dpangled Banner O 5 -ir m An account at this bank classes you as . ' J 1 1 ' - ', - 1 ' . . . - one 01 me progressive ;ana substantial citizens pf community. ; Nor ;better S liime tKa&nlbw tostart that account. . t-gme liftiifl let'slalk it oyefT ; .; . BANK OFJFRYjQN It.1 TTT m T TmnTTl o o o o O O 0 O O O O O O O O O - ... -.w. m m . iu J. JJ VHUAUVi . ooopoosooQocococdcoco ?1 ; Price make up the entire party out of the KTvJnx? vc Anxx ,n,n, I A. Smith, in the sum of $840.00 to se uiuiepre congress ; at 12 c,clock the followine. de. I-- vTIZZaT .land and premises conveyed scribed, and of record in Book No. 11, id mortgage to-wit: . page i67 of the records for mort- mu, uicoaiws 1 wuuw same Demg tne soutnwest corner 01 r payment of the nrincinal and a i-f be to the entire country if some I Mrs. M T, TWp TAra int.- iy:nLxL.iie Pnncjpal and a part . 1 .1 ...... 1 ' w . . 1 111 . Liit-- 1 1 1 1 jt rfj s 1. 11110 r.nprpnn rna n-n oiners in tne senate should become 1 thence with thA said M. T,. Dnwe'sU:" : Lrrv : temnorarilv tonjrae-tiP.H. 1 u", iI ' 7i, oY ucxoiicu , wxu ben ax, puwic auction L o jQfU&rsnlc c cr .10 Years 'IfiYdB HC0RIC SERVICE COMPANY 11 southern boundary line south 86 deg. to the highest bidder for cash, at the "Storkerson lands on north coast of I of roadway: thence in eastern line of North Hnmiina 1 y' ; Alaska." says the headlines in Wed-1 roadway south 51 deg. 52 min. east I fpi n a v ' tvt a rrtr n -ini n , nesday's dailies.. Wonder if he has 90 feet; thence and still in eastern at 12 o'clock, noon if i, -frtii-i anything to do with, the bird that lme of road south 3 deg. 21 min east scribed oarcel and trat makes such mysterious visits in the 25 feet; thence north 86 deg. 39 min. veVed in said rn6rtP-aS f Jff . United States occasionally? The east 175 feet to corner of roadway; - BeriSiSS at T, SE?iJS"?li; names sound very much alike thence in margin of roadway north land gRoad Ind Sl RH doer A( VrtiTi oncf Z -Poof f ,fom I or. j . vticiive OUU,n vv.&. v,v w , ovu 1 aesr. oz min. east 7 -ff . a kv All the secret treaties made before margin of VaDialla road; thence m stake; thence south 61 dee 25 min or during the war are now; coming to said margin of Valhalla north 36 deg. east, 67.8 ft. to a stake- trence 4 fl ,light Somebody has go to "rue 20 min. west 100 feet to place of be- ftto a stake, nortvesrcomer of hack" or Uncle Sam will taVA hi dnll ginning, containing 545-1000 of an 0 nf thi' a oJ;It eJ ? l? rags and return to Washington If j f cre 11 von don't tote f-air with vmir TTnolal known Qw,;4-V, 1 i. 1 . more or less, and otherwise viin i 11, mjiir 2; " . a w AkHijiwAA ixx 1.1 if uj w 11 aai a i idin thotia. ii you don't tote fair with your- Uncle 1 known, as lot No. 5 m S. D. Hadley's deer. 4 minT TfiVrSJrce v ..Sam he certainly refuses to play. Ki southwest ! corner of In? O " , uu.y x: ux, oWMi ox iNortn varo- No. 2; thence north , 69 de; Three rften of the U. S. Navv were! u , T nn 4 minutes west 1140 fAAt. f o i.:nj t.,c it 1 I xms January 20, .' - I -tol-Q. lu , v" . " r "ST. Tv .fZx.f- EDMUND A. EMBURY. Mortcee. 1 o 51 jV . aeF: ' 1. aepun oomo ,Conuumng xou pounds OI Waltpr jOT1as. AttomAv I . . ine T:FN. .LTSat "-SleS Walter Jones, Attorney. could be found. 100 bad-a few' tons, , of that couldn't have been dumped on Berlin a iew montsn ago. - . o tar-l&luSSdril 5 "."p'S l,,40 u? certain whethor or , . I they shall, have a snecial sciiool oaVAri rfava and had iifa ,w oil I ed said district, of an amount not to Pollen oSt of.' place, wa, 'told to "Jl. "Sinilef damn you, smile. Being lot No. 1 of Geo." A lace of beginnings tion of -property, and $ 1 .50 on each pou. .Boundary specified 1 on - the rec- TV, a Fifth T.oan to K e ""i Vw"VUft w"ccora- Second Subdivision i n the eastern part of .Tryon,1 N: C, as shown 011 man madf K-ir Wm xr An election was ordered in Lynn Engineer, in SpnW w loin ' yi 1 x ms r eoruary feth, 1919. " ; - Geo. A. Smith, Mortgagee. k Geo. A. Gash, Assignee of . ', . Mortgage . ..... .'' . Bank of "Tfyon, Owner of " v noto secured by said mort- gage. f.;Vvv;r;;.,.:.v.-.:. NOTICE. school district for March 11th, 1919, not tax WE SOLICIT the Victory i.oan, win taice. - place John Panther was aoDoinifd as rpo- v ' j pomu , x neiuv i uuumawui ue nNewraan and Silas Fowler rruW 1 t 6 imou -"xwuiuxxigs, rrammg. Jfor.-inope ttan. likely, Done Feb 3M by order of thA We manufacture this and can. sdve ' uo xui xciin, DricK, doors and sash. - - . . J. T, GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. will be the last loan asked "of the county commissioned American peopie iu snouia meet p tlt pttppvco ith pwmpt response.; : . Xif S to jt C. GEO. A, GASH ' JUSTICE OF THE-PEACE :i - AND NO.ljARY PUBLIC. Collections aspecialty. Deeds and Mortcrajres Drenared." and Con tracts -wr i tten at reason abl e prices. -J' TRYON, N. C. We Have the Right Prices ff! AND Kinol cif Materials to doyopr building. A Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, Flooring CeilingilShingles, Loths, Interior Finish' and Moulding,' RouKh arid Dressd pumber. Carry complete STOCK OP FEEDS HEARON LUMBER, CO. - i 3C 3 TRENGIFII-O SEHWDCE SEGUIRflTV . si ; '-. These Essentials of Sound Banking , are enibddied in this' institutibn. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED AN SALQJOA Capital $1 0.OOO.OO HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B CANNON, Y-Pres. PRfSTON hbAJLEY, Cash. it 1 1.1 ill B. REAL ESTATE, LOAHS AND INSURANCE City and Farm Property Bou?Jit and Sold. Furnished and utv , furnished liouses for rent. ' Property taken care of, and ' rents ; eolleeted. Do not waste your time and tire younei out looking for a placev Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. : JAIVIES; LEONARD; Tryon, N. r i - i SALUDA, IS. C " WifF: LITTLE NOTARY; PU 13 LiC i! Tryon,N. ,C. at Out Meats! You'll need neither a hatchat?nor a stick of dynamite. A good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of ; A Fine Tenderloin Steak , , An Extra Porternouse bteak v A Luscious Round Steak f " I. 111! I ! A Nutritious Roast , - A Uish ot rork Chops f i: .-'If youhavo!t any teeth we liave sausage'tKatlwill faHy-' ' :'" melt in your mouth.-;- -'V! ' V- ..It -, fc.at out meats. -3 Uood tor your stomach. u'a Also want to buy good beef cattle, hogs and chickens, for which I will .' pay the high est MARKET PRICE: 1

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