' r .,j .....'. : : ." .-..,. ..... . ; s- ;vf .vH.W-.-' s ' . ' - r-i.''- ; - - .-- - : : : - 4- s -f he only Paper Published in Polk County i;:43TrSS '.M v..j s A N D T HE T RYO IN BEE VOL. XXIV NO. 45 TRYON K vi ss Sawyer spent Monday in iQnartanburg. . - , . - Yfrc U. O. ",,ov" , rRock friends. , - " . r V. Bell is spending a short tion in New Orleans. ' Jit Sunday in Tryon. p v J. H. Griffith spent a few ille. Monday. hours t :ttiA t ol4o -..roc Dr. short while, last : Monday. e a MlS Earle Urauy pcnv wwima; m Spartanburg, on a snoyping wpwu- tl0Mrs Wm. Flagg, of Nantucket, Mass es the guest of Mrs. C. S. Cor- Win- . . ur . rri !' Miss McLean ana iurs. ineouosia Kennedy spent the week-end in Ashe- 'v J B. Reed, of Spartanburg, . t '11 J it I. the WetJK-Cliu miu ma xawmjr i in Tryon. - Mrs F r xiacon leit, oaiuruay, for Flat Rock, for a short visit with friends. All memebrs of the Jr. O. U. A. M., arTinvited to attendt he meeting next Tuesday evening. - xir3 R. L. Kirchner left, Sxmnday for Detroit, Mich, where she will be gone for some time. . Mr Geo. Claxton came up from Co lumbia, S. C, to spend the week-end with his family inTryonv Mrs. R- L. Kirchner f left, Sunday Sunday, from New Orleans, where she has been since January 15th. Mrs. E. G. Holden spent a couple of days in Spartanburg, where she went to meet er sister, . Mrs. Lesuer, of Detroit. Read the Polk County Red Cross items for notice 01 saie 01 iwea vrots supplies at Lanier L.iDrary,:aaiuraay afternoon. Franklin Little entertained a num ber of his little friends at his home Wednesday, in honor of his tenth birthday. , ' . " ' . '. Tryon Baptist church: Sunday school at 10 o'clockV prtaching at It oMock, also at 7:30 ra the evening, tolfctr. KR-.N. mil. f . , . ltli social svem ui uhjwcc,. w the dance at Oak Hall, "Tuesday even ing. A large unmber. attended, ana report a most enjoyable time. - J Mai. FitzGerald wife and' children, of Toronto, Canada, arrived in Tryon a feu days ago, where they will spend some time, as guests of Mr. .Leonard. Special opening of Children's hats on Thursday. March 20th. Also a showing of spring and summer dress es and the latest creations in ladies' hats. Mrs. E. Rhodes. A meeting of the former members of the K. P. order was held in Missil dine hall, Thursday night, and the matter of reorganizing was taken up, and after full discussion, it was unan imously agreed to reestablish the or der in Tryon. All over the eountry the drive is going on for the collection of money for relief in the near East. Tryon will do her share. Solicitors will go from house to house in a few. days. He sure to welcome them with an ad dition to their-funds. Two sons of John Hannon have re turned from France. They are mem bers of the noted . Buffalo Division; and with their division saw . severe ngnting. Ihese are the first of our colored boys to return from overseas. e extend them a hearty welcome. A move is on foot for the organiza tion of a count v SnnHav srhftol union The matter has not gone far enough for us to be able to give full pbrticu yet, but the move is one in the "gut direction. nx last it ic . Hfinit1 v aTinmmcert that the 30th Division has set sail for lfe United States, and hamry are ma Ry hearts in Pnllr mrnitv and all Western North Carolina, over the Prospect of seeing their boys home a?ain soon. - Talk of a new hotel for Tryon Keeps bobbing up. We most assured ly ftope rumor is correct for once. Jhe present hotels are filled to over-nw-ing and unable to accommodate busines offered them. We need Mother hotel. vMLss Turdy, Miss Cheswright, Miss W Pitkin and Miss Watson, left Jtiss Watson will remain there for JJJe time, painting views of the city ?S 8rounding historic land marks. while remain but a short oft!!e of e most pleasant features services at the Congregational ;2,last Sunday was the . special lsi Sund; Ll numbers Sucai numhpra Mil ..-Mis Thn.1 iume on the Pipe, organ. . hearSrWho were fortunate enough to efforts Missildine aPPrcclate ner Unices churh: -in at the Congregational a. m.. bible school: Hi a Pasw Dn worship with sermon by the u-. Topic. "Th Pptil f -the otjfan enten services. followed by TrugL"1 at 4:30.,, Topic, "The WednSS H6art'" Mid-week services ffeiST' H- Griffith lt last V Will Av J , in thp uct me, special services duHnt'aPlscPal chrch of that cUy viCP9 ;.lh nt ten days. 'The ser- - me Church o thc- Holy Cross will be maintained by the Hec tor and vestry ministers, t , Mrs f!. s. nfturT cnffw.j of Paralysis, Wednesday night. Her condition als .critical, so it is said. Many of her relatives have been noti fied and are hastening to her bedside. Mrs. Xhrwm is well known and loved by Tryon people, and the best is sin cerely hopd by. her many friends. A general town meeting.' will be called in the near future, at which the present town; officials will submit a full and detailed; report of their stewardship of the town for the past year. This will be done before the campaign for the forthcoming town election is under full sway. This is a day of "Drives." A most important one is to begin on Monday, March 24th, and continue through the week. It is the campaign for. the collection Tf discarded . wearing ap parel for the Belgians. This cam paign willbe under the jurisdiction of vf. j cue uounty -led Cross, with .Mrs. J. W. Kennedy of Trvon as rh-rtnan. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Gray received cablegram from their son. John Gray, thathe sailed on the steamer Sindland, for the good old U. S. A.. and would arrive in Newport News about March 19th. Needless to sav hat all friends of the Doctor and his family rejoice with them in the pros pect of the early arrival of-their son. in Tryon. The members of the Tryon Country Club met at the Laiyer Library rooms Monday evening, and elected officers, as follows: President, F. P.. Bacon; vice president, Carter P. Brown; sec retary-treasurer, Eugene Brownlee. It was agreed to keep the links open all summer and a very active summer season is anticipated. Several tourna ments and match games will be ar- raged for that time. There will be two' match games of golf at the links of the Tryon Country Club, next Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Messrs. James Barnes and Jock Hutcherson, of Chi cago, and Carl Anderson and Tom Boyd, of New York, will be the play ers. i ne latter - named gentlemen are the ones who played a match game here a few weeks ago., If you wish -to see - some scientific and fast playing go to the links. , ; -.r : a few days ago telling of the" serious injury of his daughter, Mrs. John Stroshal, living at Maumee, Ohio, had received. It appears she was leading a mule to tne Darn wnen tne animai wheeled and kicked her, breaking the cheek; bone, and otherwise lacerating it. Mr. Stroshal is confined to his room with influenza and was unable to render any assistance. Mrs Stro shal was taken to a hospital , for treatment. Our neighboring little village, Lynn is certainly to be congratulated on her action last Tuesday in the matter of voting an additional school tax. There were 42 votes cast on the prop osition, and every single one of them voted FOR the tax. This indicates the fact that the people of Polk coun ty are awakening to the trmendous importance to be derived from better schools and longer terms. It is the duty of the present generation to see that the oncoming-one has every edu cational advantage that is within our gift. Education is the corner stone, of safety in a republic. Why the delay in the construction of the Tryon and Saluda highway ? The money is in the banks to be usefd for that purpose. Good weather is apparently here to remain for awhile, and the people who cast their votes in favor of this road are certainly en titled to at least know why something is not being done with it. The condi tion that this road has been m during the past few months clearly shows us the necessity of early action. The road should be completed and allowed to become in a settled condition dur ing the coming summer months. rrnn't force, the meeting at the school house next Monday afternoon at 1 o clock, we nope me w"d Trvon will turn out to mis meewug and give Mr. oaras anu wic classes of the .township your coopera tion Great questions are before the Xlo of the'Uole United States for . a ann.r.nf nut- ui m- w. - 4.ui mnotinff is the same as being agitated all over the country. ib Luis iii'.o " . . m nponle oi lryon nave , uv hfgout to tlS kind of meetings in the palt? but it is your duty to do so and 5... il a Vi.va a crood crowd there nXrSoFaftern.iWeBhope that as many ladies wm tuu,c Knainpss men of the town should be well represented. cm v riii. iiic , tv mud hole down by the tie yard to. being aiscuss, fm we " , ihat nuisance reierreu w . v-- . f wo hav times last year, a? w nrdiniri had so much i.JSS Kiff more of a-nuisance than in for mer vma Besides breeding malaria ndywe Trt d thai "it VL inve the relief. It ptnkes us ly tnat tne th- or. r . . th BOUtnem to Tryon uj . t,?- matter. t&.. wne act.onm:thi matter. It can be done, ana yny ;, Contribute liberally JLt suffering humanity m the near i-ast. TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1 919. FRIENDS Some Item of Qnnl Interact Gathered '--:,' Sections of. - SALUDA, Mrs. H. B. Locke has returned to her home in Saluda, after spending the winter very pleasantly with rela tives and friends in, Washington D. C. Her son Howard has a position in the offices of "the Southern Railway there. Mrs. LaMotte spent Sunday in Sa luda with her brother's family. Mrs.- JLmdsey and daughter, of Me ridian, Miss., are stopping' at the Culliphers. They are here for the benefit of the daughter's health: Mrs. Killian has been quite sick m Chester, S. C., and sent for Dr. E. M. Salley. Mr. Julian .Ravenel is visitine friends in the South. Mrs. Hanna and .little daughter have returned to Saluda to remain until next winter's cold. The ladies' aid society realized "over forty -dollars from the oyster supper given last week. Lieut. Wm. Walker recently return ed from France for. convalescence from a bad case of pneumonia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lane, on.his way to Fort Oglethrope, Ga. -', . , VISIT FROM THE BISHOP. The Right Rev. J. M. Horner, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Asheville, visited The Church of the Transfig uration (Episcopal) on Sunday, March 9th, and preached a very help ful sermdnon "Faith," to a good con gregation. 'The Bishop was very much gratified with the work of the Church in its "various departments The Bishop1 made an address to the Sunday-school on "Responsibility." We have an enrollment of 48 pupils and teachers in the Sunday school. The Woman's Auxiliary has 12 active members and the Junior Auxiliary 28 active members. The Missionary Sewing Circle meets every Wednes day at o'clock, in the vestry. Bishop Horner was the guest pf Mrs. Wm. Staton during his visit to -o- COLUMBUS, Mr. J. P. Arledge spent a few days in Hendersonville, last week. . Messrs. Jack Guffy and Maurice Hill, of Stearns High School, spent the week-end with relatives in Ruth erf ordton. Mr. W. H. Hill, of Rutherfordton, spent a few days with his family, last week. The Women's Betterment Associa tion will meet at the Stearns High School auditorium, Friday of ternoon, at 3:30. -Every member is requested to be present. Misses Oma Keynolds and Marga ret Cantrell, of Steams High School, spent the week-end with the latter's parents in Landrum, S. C. Mr A. Y. Arledge, after a few days' visit with relatives at Hender sonville, has returned home. There will be. a meeting of the. Polk county teachers, Saturday, at the Stearns High School auditorium. The prog; am will be the same as arrang ed for the meeting which had to be postponed. Mrs. C. Cj. Shore and children and Miss Elizabeth Spivey spent the week-end in Asheville. The proceeds from the operetta, A Dream of Fairyland, given Friday night under the direction of Misses Spivey and MCNitcn amounted to $14.50. The quilt, made by the do mestic science class, was won by Mr. Floyd-Toney. Mesdames Jack , and Davenport, and Messrs. Archie Fea gan, Ernest McMurray, Leroy Mc McFarland, Maurice Hill and F. M. Burgess were each winners of a box of home made candy. Miss Elizabeth Soivey rendered vocal solos, "A Per fect Day," and "Just a-wearying for you," by request of the school patrons and which was enjoyed by all present. Miss Arkansas Arledge, of Stearns High School, was shopping in Ashe ville, Saturday. We are glad to know that, Mr. J. Austin Newman, of Fort Moultrie, S. C.. is much' improved. Don't forget Sunday school and church, ., o- - Columbus Baptist church Sunday school at 10 o clock. Everybody wel come. A ' young woman's bible class will be organized, officers , and com mittees elected, and a monthly social progratn "outlined. We wish . ' every erirl and matron in Columbus and community to join this class on Sun dav. that we may, start orr witn a large attendance. Preaching at 11 o'clock by the Rev. E. J. Jones. Sub iect for the morning service will be will be held immediately after ser vices, to attend to some important matters. We extend a hearty , wel eome toalt to join us in these servic? MILL SPRING, " Same :"irom here - attended tertainment ; at 'Columbus, niffht. - - - ' . the en- Friday . Mr. and Irs. J.7!!. Gibbs were call ers at Mr.tJ. MX. Lewis', last Sunday.- Rev. R.- L. Shelton failed to preach for us last Sunday. Mr. G. B. Wilson and son, Charley, Missea Bertha ,palton and Gladys HUB OUR OVER THE COUNTY By Oar Correspondents From Various Polk County . . -V'.."- ' Gibbs,. Messrs. Claude Lewis, George Barber, Robert Foster and Clarence Gibbs, were callers at Sunny Brook farm -'Sunday, vGo to church "at J Whi te Oak next Sunday Rev. B. M. Hamrick, pas tor; "' ' : -;,.. SUNNY VJEW. On account of bad weather, Rev. N. L. Right, of Rutherfordtoriy failed to get here Saturday and Sunday. Hurrah for the editor's opinion about'-the special takes. He is right aboutt the , school terms being too shortso let's boost for better schools and longer terms. But we are sorry to . say some of the wealthiest people here who have n6 children, are fight ing our school. Mr. "E. X. Whiteside, of Ellenboro, N. C, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Misses Annie -Wilson and Maggie and Arkansas Jackson, were guests of Misses ;Mattie and Lizzie Williams, Sunday. Mr. Charlie Early, of Mill Spring Route'l, was a caller at "Sunny View, Sunday evening. Mrl; and Mrs. G. S. Whiteside were visitors at W. W. Gibbs', Sunday. Private Badge Haynes made a busi ness trip to Asheville, last week. Mr. John Whiteside, fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs.. N. L. White side, died at his home on last Tuesday at 5t6'clCck a. m., and was laid away at Cooper Gap cemetery, V ednesday. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones m this sad hour. Mr Charley Brown made a busi ness trip to Spartanburg, last week. We saw in last week s issue where all soldiers who were farmers could makei application and be discharged. We hope each farmer who has a son in the service will make application, as it is now work time. Private. Hobart Whiteside, who is over there has been transferred m the supply company. He reports he will be there for for six months. I4we Bessie. .Hilton was the" guest' oi ner scawimaie j-uciie liayior, last l i i a. t il m!t -i' t bunnday. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mr. Martin. McCrain, who has been very ill with asthma, is,' we are glad to note, improving. Mr. Willie Gilbert and family, of Mill Spring Route 1, visited his sis ter Mrs. HrH. McCrain Friday night last. Mr. Cc. Skipper, of . Rutherford ton, was a visitor in this section Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. Jonathan Whiteside died at his home last Tuesday morning. We sympathize with the bereaved ones. Mr. L- B. McGraw and family went to Cooper Gap, Sunday last. Farmers m this section are becom ing disheartened, owing to. so much ram. Mr. Dennis Jackson is making preparation to build a dwelling. o - SILVER CREEK. Rev. J. B. Arledge filled his regu lar appointment at Silver Creek Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. Walter Green has returned home from Zirconia, N C, Mr. Grant Walker and son, War ner, visited vv. .Bradley, last weeK. Mrs. H. P. Arledge is quite ill at this writing. Misses "Laura Townsend and rhel- ma Constant attended church at Sil ver Creek, Sunday. . Mr. Ray Edwards was the guest of his cousin, Mr. Reece Arledge, Satur day and Sunday. , Mr. Gather Johnson was a pleasant caller at R. M. Constant's, Sunnday. Mr. Reagan Bradley was in Ruth erfordton, on business, last week-end. . , o . UPPER COOPER GAP. Mr. Jasper Lawter is helping to build a large steel bridge at Chimney Rock. Mr. Z. C. Lawter, of Campobello, is visiting Mr. M. J. Brown, at his old home. 1 Mr. W. A. Ruff, of Route 2, is back home again, after an absence of two months. v Death called one of Mr. N. L. Whiteside's little boys. He has the sympathy of his neighbors. Mr. D. C. Jackson is very 'ill at present, with Dr. Hutch. of Hender son county, attending him. Mr. Pres Ownby has rented and moved to the Allen Lawter farm. The farmers are not getting to make any gardens, and it is very dis couraging.; Mr. Z. C. Lawter and brother, of Campobello, are visiting on Route 2. Miss Sue Jones, who has been .at Great Fairs, S. C, for four, months, has returned home. Mr. Briaon Lawter, of Campobello Route 3, is visiting in Cooper fiap, mule to Mr. P. D. Williams; last week.4Tenn. PEARIDGE. ,-' Grady Philips is t very low with pneumonia. ; :- : - Harley Foy and . wife spent Sun day at Mr.- John Foy's. Mr. s and Mrs. James Philips , spent Saturday nighty with the latter s . par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' J. T; Carswell. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gosnell spent Sunday at Mr. Bill Gosnell's. Messrs. Wittle Lee and Arthur Gray, have returned home from Caro leen, N. C. Johnie Thompson is very ill with the flu. Misses Bessie Thompson ami sister, Exiev sp-int Saturday night with &iss Mae - Philips. James Milton visited M"r. Romeo Melton, Sunday, James I h' lips made a business trip to Spartanburg, S. C, Monday. Mrs. J. B..Dalton visited Mrs. Thad Barber, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs John Sweezy, from Spartanburg, are visiting W. R. Tur ner. W. J. Wilsin left, for Salisbury, to attend the W. O. W. log rolling. E. G. Thompson spent Sunday at H. E. Thompson's. -o ' - FISHTOP. Rain, rain, rain, and then some more rain. C. C. Jones was in the lower section of the rove. Snnrlnv The Covei t.PR n to lianlinir in Vio?t. ) . j m a,. viivai fertilizer during this5 bad weather, The surveyors are progressing nice ly with their railroad survey. Govan Constant has about finished moving . ' T. C. Laughter has moved from the Walker settlement to the Price j House, on the Bradley farm. We are informed that the people around Mill Spring have eone wild oyer the prospect of a railroad. Jasper Henderson attended church at Mountain Grove, Sunday. fosey Henderson had some lively experience a tew days - since, while undertaking to make some grafting wax, the rosm .caught fire and he triet to extinguish it with the results lost his wax, also his cap which was burned, ' . E. J. Bradley was in Henderson county, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Visited the county home, which is an honor to the county and is almost self supporting. T. C. and Earnest Laughter went over into -Henderson county, Monday, hunting hogs. : MELVIN HILL, very ' mucn improxedT j J S3?? There was preaching service' at the church here last Saturday and Sun day, the first since the flu broke "out. Mr. Bullington Westbrook, who has been so very low with pneumonia, is able to be up again, also Messrs. Jack Burnett and W A. Reed are" im proving. , Mr. Robert Westbrook. died recent ly of influenza. He leaves a father, mother, one sister, a wife and two or three children. Mrs. Martha , Sanders is spending some time with relatives here. Mr. Tom Waldrop. of Pomaria S. C, visited his family here during Saturday and Sunday, returning Mon day. . Mr. W. O.-Morris came up from Henrietta on hunt of "hands" to work at the lumber business there, and got two. ' There has been but little fertilizer hauling done as yet, too much rain and mud. The ground hog thought he-knew his biz by going back into his den for six weeks, but it is our opinion he could have remained out without be ing bothered with the sight of his shadow very much, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Foster Head, on the 3rd inst. a fine boy. TRYON ROUTE 1. Well, the operetta of Stearns High School was simply .grand, and was pretty well attended by Tryon-oner ites, and I'm proud to say a Tryon oneite won the beautiful quilt which the D. S. girls had taken so much pains to make so neat, substantial and beautifully patriotic. ,, Misses Carrie Lee and Lillian Ruppe were happy home . visitors at week-end. , Mr. George Biggerstaff is off at Cherry Mountain this week. Mirs. F. B. Nance and children re turned to Spartanburg S. ' C, . after spending a happy fortnight with her parents. Mr. Noblet of Chimney Rock, spent a happy week-end in this vicinity. Ah, it's needless to say where. Three big rah, rah, rahs for the NEWS, our own county paper. o HILLCREST. Mr. Hunter, who came from his home near Charlotte, to be with his son, Rev. R. N. Hunter, during his illness, has returned. Master Frank Walker had the mis fortune to fall from a wagon and break his arm, - - Mr. Wi B, Barnett died Friday, and was buried at Hickory Grove on Sat urday. - Mr. Earnest Bridges spent the week-end with Mr. O. C. Bridges' family in their new home near Co lumbus. Private Lewis F. Camp is spending some time with relatives in Athens, wr. nugn Norville has returned from France; honorably discharged from the army. . Mr. andlklrs. J. 1. unip were -in Spartanburg - for a day or so. last week.; : -:.. ;" : '. , k- - The meeting called by Mr. Sams, at Greens Creek High School; last Monday, for the purpose of organiz- $2.00 X TtUAH ing the farmers of Greens - Creek township, was attended by a small but interested number of farmers. An organization was perfected, and a committee appointed to aid and -encourage development along various lines. This may mean much- 'to Greens Creekor nothing at alljust as our people take hold. County Agent Sams was ia this section the first part. of the week. LYNN. Everything was quiet at the spec ial school tax election, Tuesday. There were 49 voters registered. 42 votes were cast, and all FOR the tax, making it an unanimous vote. Quite a record. In fact this record will be hard to beat in the whole State. The Lynn people go on record as being al-. ways ready to vote for any progres sive movement. Rev. Griffith will preach in Lvnn next Sunday night, at 7:30. r i he hosiery mill is running onljr four days each week. It is hoped our people will . give their time to their gardens, lots, etc., and thereby save tneir time in that way. to an ad vantage. WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. Mr. Wash Fisher had an old-time ; working, Wednesday. Mr. Spurgeon Arledge, of Tuxeda, spent the week-end at home. Messrs, Walter and Frank Green, were recent callers here. Rev. J. B. Arledge visited, his dangh ter, Mrs. Bishop, at : Horseshoe, last Mr. Bud Rollins and wife, of Mel rose, spent Wednesday with Mr. Fisher. Mr. Joe Tallant of Columbus spent the week-end with H. L. Arledge. Mr. Edward Edwards has accepted a position at Tryon. Of late we haven't any news of special interest to relate-verybody well, nobody marries, no rattlesnakes or giant coons, and the weather, well everybody in Polk county has prac tically the same amount pf rain -"at ' the same time, arid are not very, orig inal, so therefore consider my . talk about told ? , - - v - , Mr. Fred Arledge attended the or- . . , chard demonstration at Saluda, and . teledlaabU inf OTtnatioxUi - - i PINE NOTES.1! Judge C. S. Cutting an&lMKft CinV ting, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. James E.. Blew, all well-known Chicagoans, were orrrVala , at Pine Hill on Sunday and will re- , main for a period of . three weeks.-Mr. and Mrs. Plew motored from .Palm Beach to ' Tryon. , ' : Mrs:. George, H. Martin and xas 1 Julia T". iMartin of Chicago, .are,, fuests at Pine Hill. Their .'friend. Irs. Thomas J. Hair ' and daughter, v Eleanor, also of Chicago, have joined them here. ; Mrs. Edward Bridge Danson , and family of Cincinnati, Ohio, ;arec occu pying one of the Pine Hill cottages. Mrs. Danson's sister, Mrs Sawyer,. xf k Gleridale, Ohio, will jom : them here : this week. Mr. Fred E. Roets who is well known to Tryon, , having visited here for the past two winters, is spending . the month of March, at Pirie HilL.Mr. Roets is from Chicago. Mrs. David L. Goodwillie , and daughters, Miss "Dora Goodwillie and : Mrs. J. .Foster Townsend entertained " at cards in their cottage at Pine Hill on Wednesday. Mrs. Goodwillie and Miss Dora are from . Chicago while Mrs. Townsend is from Proctor, rVer mont. 7"-'-.-; ; . . Mr. and Mrs. E. . : C. Reraiek ;f Chicago and Riverside, Illinois, . ,are enn joying Tryon so thoroughly -tilat they have decided to extendtheirwis it at Pine Hill. Both Mr.iand Mrs, Remick are excellent equestrians. , '- Mrs. H. S. Bowers and Mrs.,X3. O. Shapin, both , of New York City, are guests at Pine Hill. - . Mr. E. N. Ackerman of Atlantic City, . was the guestt of Mr. and! Mrs. Carter P, Brown over. the-weekend. Mr. and Mrs.. Harry A. jWilkie have arrived safely in Chicago , where rMr. Wilkie will look after business inter- . POLK COUNTY RED CROSS. A large supply of wool has been re ceived for knitting children's , socks. As this order must be filled, in . three weeks, all willing to . knit are asked to apply for wool at once to "Mrs. Lindsey. ' An allotment" of refugee garments is expected any day. It will be nec essary that every one throughout the county does, her share that these may be finished on time. Please .apply to head of woman's work of your district tor supplies. ' 'There -will be a sale of cotton cloth, scissors, thread safety pins gauz etc. at the Lanier Library,: in 4 Tryon Sat urday afternoon, March, 15th. These' articles left over at the close of , the workroom : when ttie armistice -was signed, and. there-being no , present call for them are" - best turned, into funds for the Red Cross work. . Richard. Dc valera has hmn de- - ,.. clared president of the prooseNttlrishr republic. What becomes ;of : the Kel- t leys, Mulcahays, vMuldoons? ;Who ever heard of an Irishman being nam- :J ed De Valara ? That break alone is enough to condemn, the proposed r puoiic. ; :,1 It in ;i 1 u i 11 'I r r r- f" - n . .

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