From Senator Cloud. Columbus, IN. v-., lvlarch I o, I v I V. J Editor roue county lMews: ; rearing mat tne comment concerning legislation for. this county appearing, last week, in your paper,- might cause some misunderstanding, I am writing in ex- planation. ...' 1 - . I introduced a bill making it discre- tionary with the county commissioners as to whether or not they-should issue bonds in the sum of $1 5,000 to build a couiu turned to the Senate amended so as to leave the question to a vote of the people I made the motion tliat the Senate con- cur in the amendment. I had no objection to the question being decided by a vote of the people but was of the opinion that it - was not necessary to submit it when the amount I was so sman anu mc vors or pom par- ties seemed so generally fayoraWe to the propos.uon. , , - 3 f , tinction. -i i . i r .1 . .i . I I ao noi ueneve mar tne couniy com- missners would nave issued tne. bonds i l ... r;... c I unics u w au u. u, - the voters were in favor of such action, Unuer sucn circumstances it seemed to me unwise to put the people to troub'snd expense of an election. .ine I H If this question is submitted alone there may be an adverse vote because of general lack of interest and the resultant stay-at.home vote. It ' is ridiculous to suppose that passage of the road bill for this county would or could abrogate tie plans or contracts concerning the Tryon-1 Saluda or the Tryon-Lynn highway, but I did not object to the amendment which was as useless as it;was harmless.-" . I think thaiwJr t;ai e troducedrand which passed the4 Senate, I repealing Mr. SwanV court stenographer act of 191 7 failed to pass the House.; It was explained to Mr. Swan that his act of 1917, if followed by the county commissioners, would result in a loss in stead of a saving to the county. ; If any one doubts this statement they inly have to compare Mr. Swan's act, Chapter 3 1 9 of the Public-Local laws of 19 1 7, with Chapter sixty-nine of the Public Laws, extra session 191 5, to be , convinced, After making the explanation I told Mr. Swan that I would pass the bill through the Senate but would not follow it up and try to secure its passage in the House and t that he would be responsi ble for whatev er action was taken there. I think that this act of 1 91 7 has resulted in some saving to the county but it was because it was "misunderstood and not followed. If .its provisions had been followed the opposite would have been the effect. ; V i " I think that the assertion that my jury revision bill was defeated was inaccurate strictly speaking. According to my in formation no final action was taken con cerning this bill by the committee it was referred to. judiciary No. 2, For fear that th rnmmnt in vniir nans mav have created the impression that the bill did not pass the House because it was bad, or without merit, I will make a short statement. , " --. This bill was introduce'd, not to per petrate a fraud or to secure an advan- vk vviu aa viti j w . tr Er " 1 tage for one party in the trial of the pending political contest, but to. prevent such an advantage as exists in the jury box at this time. Since the jury was revised in June 191 7, the jury has been constituted as follows:; Fall term 1917, republicans thirty-four democrats four teen; spring term, 1918, republicans thirty-five, democrats thirteen; fall term 1918, republicans, democrats seven, and spring term, 191,9. republi cans thirty-five, democrats thirteen. In the trial of ordinary cases the : po litical views of the jurors wouid mnke no difference but of course it woiuUnot be 0 in a nnlihV al I nAr tVi tAr- cumstances the necessity for revision, of the iurv kw-.; "-AA citizen. - : ;. I would not favor a revision that would de either rwrtv tU Avntt,m m . th Pding contest. , If the jury , was xo'n- ituted opposUe to what it is :I would unhesitatingly. say that it .should be re vised so as to give neither narfv 4I j.- j MH. vantage or the jury in the trial of a con tested After having possession ot the facts , concerning the jury as now constituted Mr." Grier, chairman of the committee to, which the jury revision bill was refeWecl, expressed himself as follows r "I aralconvinced the jury box is loaded by the republicans and you may tell Mr. Swann that I said so, but the committee is of the opinion thaHt would be unwise to establish the Ficcucnc oeyisiag ine jury attimes other than specified in the Revisal." 1 suppose tnlt he was unaware that I the precedent had already been estab kshed 'When Mr. Swann had a similar act passed in 1917 providing for revis ion of the jury list at that time. That act was fair and honest but my bill was I damned bv all that was -frAiiMnlnf nn fair and dishonest. No reasonable and prejudiced man can make such a dfs- When Mr. Swann passed his revision bffl there was a full republican board of1 . . .' - . i .... commissioners but now there are two j j one republican. Then .i, wa. cnr fi , manipulation of the jury,, now there is L no such- opportunity E. B. CLOUD, At The Golf Links. f The following shows the table of 're - suits on Match play tournament at the 'y Country. Club week ending March 2 2nd, 1 9 1 9. Winners in each set are marked x. x Wilkins. Brownlee Ford Hill Bacon Marsh v Kelly Vernor Pleu'' Cutting fx Ballenger B. L. . Brown ! x Steward " , Thrall " . x Roets Pleu .,r ' . x Steward ; y Roets x Wilkins ' Ballenger, B; L. x Kelly ' ... Ford x cacon Steward -Kelly Wilkins Bacon . . s . .. . KeUy 7 : Bacon ' : Mr. Bacon winning first pnze, an Mr. Kellv winning second. w w Mft McFarlane, ,writiogvto the editor f'rom a Florida resort, says he is on the lookout, for quarters tor : two ladies jor the summer, who have in tne past speni their summers in the Bavarian Alps, but as tbey are Americans, have, concluded to remain in America. Have the ladies dome to Tryon, Mr. McFarlane; Bava ria nor any other part of, the world-has anything on Western . North Carolina for either summer or winter climate or scenery. Mr. McFarlape visited Tryon a few vears ago and was delighted witli iKa nlarr and the people. He speaks very pleasantly of Miss 'Wilcox whom h at that time, and whose : paintings - ; . m ' 'source of much pleasure to him were a Archdeacon Griffith. ;. ,The ReV. Jno. H. Grimrtit''Kector Af Rniscooal xhurch in Tryon. . has beenasked to become the Archdeacon of the District ..of Asheville, with resi Arnce at Asheville. Mr. Griffith wiU acquaint his c church of his determination, next Sunday TRYON Mr: C, H. Wilson, of Tryon Rovte I. w visiting relauyes in town; Mrs Josephine Wilson, of (Montana, is the guest of Mrs T. B. Reid. 5 f- Messrs J. - L. Jackson - and - L: f Rr Williams were in Hendersonville, :" yes- terday.V;;;.aW;fe " Mrs. Henry Rankin and little son. of Gastonia. are guests of her mother Mrs. J. B. Reid. " Have all your old clothing - for. the pwn ;vJ, a ' :u n Saturday, for same. Ifjyou are a member of the Junior Orderyou should attend the entertain' ment at - Missildine hall next Tuesday evening. - , :' . - Mr. Joo-D. Hall has landed at New port News, Va., from overseas' service, and his friends are eagerly awaiting his return to Polk county. . - Mr. and. Mrs. M. L.vTaft went to Asheville, Tuesday. Mr. Taft has been in bad health for- some time, and -has gone to place himself in the' caie of a - - The Junior Order is taking on , new, life. . Messrs. Wayne Creasman " and Earl Hudson were reinstated, and- Mr. Ramon Jackson took his first degree, Tuesday night. :v V v The manv friends of Mrs. Giles - and daughter, Miss Matilda, will he pleased Uq learn that they have arrived . safely in England. They report .a most pleasant and enjoyable voyage. " Congregational church -Bible school aT f 0; public worship at ;T 1 . Topic God's Work in Man's Life. Solo by Mr. Robert L. v Frost, of Milwaukee. Lenten services at 4:30. ! Rev. Wnu Chedester was married to Miss Bessie Stephenson, at the residence of Mr. James Rion, in Tryon, Wednes day morning, March 28th. Dr. Smith, of Asheville, performed the "ceremony. Mrs. W. B. Rankin and daughter re turned home from New Orleans,s last Tuesday, where they spent the- winter. After remaining in Tryon but a short while they went on to Asheville, where they will visit relatives. y Lieut. Mcv-ahiU has won the ever lasting gratitude of some of 4,Tryoh's -fu ture Ty Cobbs by the donation of a lot baseballs and bats. Soon may we ex pect the McCahills to be ready to wallop any and all antagonists.. . This paper Nis in constant receipt of inquiries regarcing su.table . houses an apartments for summer visitors. Not all people like the high altitude of some of the other resorts. f There is no reason why Tiyon should not become as pop ular summer resort as it. is a winter re- sort at present. Mr. C. ,M. Howes made us a call, xxrt 1 1 1.11 - 1 - wednesaay, ana told, us the reason no Work had been done on the - Tryon- Saluda highway was owing to shortage of labor. They were also awaiting the appointment of a new. highway com mission by Gov, Bickett. That has since taken place, so we. presume it wil' not be long until active work will begin on this project.- Mr. and Mrs, Louis Ayant venter taineds the'Chedester-Stephenson brida party at dinner," Tuesday evening. The Avar.t home was tastefully decorated for the occasion, with- jonquils and ferns The color scheme was also carried out ;n the table .decorations, the' bon bon dishes, ttc.; being rnade to represen jonquils.' The cutting of r :th " wedding cake and many toasts to the bride were much enjoyed, and altogether it was a very happy-occasion. , o Horse Wanted. Good driving or, combination horse and buckboard or buggy. Would like to rent by the month with privilege of buy ing if price is "reasonable. : Address James Leonard, Tryon,' - r Donate to the Cause. ' Tryon, N. C' March 23,191 9. My Deaf.Mr, Gopelandf- ' r ' y -Will you help me to do, through your rrit auiucunug wnn-u i lacttea mc courage to do tne otner evening at the-l State Dinner, 'ycy''' :. ' 4 I 5- In spiterof the: rknown opposition i of :r management'' to such , a plan,7 and keeping them in profound ignorance of it, I had resolved that; after the speeches were finished I fvould , start a voluntary offering to the fund for whose.; benefit I the dinner was given. I jhad planned what I should say to acquit the manage- ment ot any . collusion with, or any 1 knowledge even, of my proposed action; 1 had my own-little, contribution ready; myself." Any one of whom will t gladly had secured a pan from trie kitchen and take care of amounts' and make true ac deposited itin a convenient place near counts ofhe same to Mr. Holmes, my seat as a receptacle for the offering, You have already ' given generously and, finally, for the convenience of those of your titner your talent and space in millionaires, who, for the moment, might your paperv Will you do this addition be separated from their , millions, I had al favor and so helpline committee to prepared slips of paper on which they might indicate their proposed gitts and d beautifully sharpened pencil attached! o same, and after : all these carefully I thought ; out preparations, my courage ailed me at the lasfc moment. j: . v Of course 1 knew that many of those present had been approached by special solicitors for the fund and had, without doubt, contributed liberally; I knew also hat all had paid for their dinner that evening and that it is not well, exactly good eliquelte to spring a collection on them under such circumstances, riut. the end seemed to justify such a breach of good form, ' ,:. ' , The; American Committee for Relief in ine Near East is irrrdertakirrg . a ' big ask a constructive work for these - - un- fortunate people which is going Ao put them on their feet and make; them sell- supporting, ; Muring the war this could not be done. The committee could give only temporary relief and try to save as as many as possible from death by star - vatioh- and exposure But now, happily, the war is over and the way is open for this constructive, permanent rehet. 1 he committee is I , .- ,t- . ; - ....... . v sending, to the near east, many doctors, nurses, trained social - workers, teachers agncutlujal experts, seeds for planting, farm tools, etc.- 1 o say nothing of the thousands of dollars worth , of - food and other supplies for immediate relief. All. of this takes moneyand more money. - it is tor jnis that they are mak t .1 ! . .1 ' t ing this campaign-for $30,000,000. : It is tor this that they are asking Tryon to give $400. On the evening of thedin ner the local committee lacked something less than $ 1 00 of the amount allotted to Tryon.: Why should we not have made this up by voluntary gifts that evening? We had enjoyed a good dinner,; fol lowed by literary and musical feast such as few places the size of Tryon and many m$ch larger coujd furnish. There were some of us who had not been, asked to furnish any of the food ; for the dinner. Should we not have been given the ' op portunity,, to even up a little more nearly with those women, who F not only con tributed food and bought , their ; tickets, j but also Worked the entire evehnig in the kitchen? Then therevwere others who had not been solicited. for-gifts - to this fund because they are hotel guests and no "beggars' are tolerated there. Many of those guests would, I feel sure', have contributed gladly and generously to this cause, as some of them have already given most liberally of their time and talent, to the delight and instruction of Tryon audiences. ' '. . ' ' -Oh it was a fatal cowardice that held up the plan just -when it would have been most effective, wh en all were, feel ing comfortable and happy after a, good dinner amid pleasant; surroundingsf.when a few well :hoserr words migh have brought out most. vividly the contrast be- tween the condition 01 the guests at the banquet andthat?of the "r rmsefable " refu gees in the - deserts of " western Asia where little- children wander day after day, month 'after, month,- uncared Tort half starved, clothed m tatters; wheie, lika-ravenous beasts, they tear the - flesh from the dead animals -on the street and eat till the last shred is goneneat'1 if -as they find it. uncooked, unclean. " Would not such a picture showing the contrast oei ween tne, uves ot our own lavored cMdreii and:those ot. Armenia have drawn titv and heln' from -ihe t tnist heart. And there twere" tio ' beartsi of stone present oh Wednesday evening, V JNow'what I want you to 4 do Mr. Editor, is to ask: thru C rny?letter,tthat all those who would haVe Welcomed the opportunity to make an additional ? con- (tribution to this" fund- on" Wednesday evening, would now do so, either thru your paperthru Mr. Holmes, chairman of the local committee, Mrs; Holden or make up its quota and more, as Tryon always does. , , v For-the sake of the sufferers-in the Near East. " " MRSJ. L. WASHBURN. At the Baptist Church. -"At the preaching hour the following J Missionary program will be rendered by the Sunday-school, next: Sunday; 7: A cordial invitation extended to, all to at- I tend tnese exercises: Opening song -Prayer.'rRev. E. J. Jones. f ; Song, "Jesus Loves fyle," by diss, i Readings W. M.- U. Work.- Julia J Averill. Song, "Dandelion," Ruth Steelman. Recitation, Frank Little. Son v rKmr ; Recitation, Mary McFarland and 1 Louise Averill. ' , Recitation, Mary Gash, ' V Recitation, Max Steelman. Song, "Little Feet," Kathleen Brown Recitation, Josephine Hill, y Recitation, Leila Wilson. Reeitati6n, Stewart Gash. Solo, Miss Spivey. - Recitation, Stella Streadwick. Recitation, LeComte Hill. Recitation and song, "Under, the Cross," Ruth Steelman and Kathleen Brown. Recitation,fGeraldinfe Sayre. Song, "Shine," by class. Solo, "Face to Face," Mrs, Eain- hart.. v - . ' 1 Missionary talkj Rev. Mr Pratt. Closing song, choir. v ;.y'; ' O " ' COLUMBUS. Mrs Lawterof Lynn, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Lindsey Smith v Miss McNinchi Miss 'Bailey, "Miss Spivey' Mrs Bailey Mr. f Arledge and Mr. Yates Arledge were dinner guests at Mrs. Carnegie's Sunday. : The entrtainment given by Stearns H'gh School Saturday night included plays by Mrs. Jack a minstrel . show by tha H gh f School and an old-time singinng by, the . Betterment ClubV Cakes . and home. ; matie candy were sold. Proceeds amounted to $24.71 . . M. Marion B. Mils of Spartanburg, visited his parents here Sunday. : , Mrs. T- M Johnson Mis& Sue John son and' Mr -Gordon Johnsqn, spent the: week-end at their- home ; in Arderi Mr. Jasper Guffey and Mr. WillraLm GurTey, of Stearns High School are visiting their -parents in Rutherford ton. , . - -T- . ; Las'; Sunday morning ajfc. the Bap tist church. Key. E. J. Jones 'helped to reorganize a Philithea class. The following officers were. elected:' Pres ident, Miss Emma cNich; vice pre'si dent, Mrs. H. H. Edwards; secretary and treasurer, Miss Mae Millsf teabhr er "Rev. E. J.; Jones; f substitute teacher, Mr. J. R. Sams. ?-&t< . . .- . . :l ' y, j " v Miss Lizzie Dedmond has returned home, after an extended visit: to relau tives in-Clinton, S. C. Mr. G; 7. Kce is in. Augusta Ga. - Jr. ' MOUNTAIN VIEW. , Mrs Martin McCrain, who luur been very ill, is improving. Mr, Caldwdl Jackson, son of Henry T. Jackson, died at his home Monday mht. rHe leaves a "wif e : aad 1 f onr children to mourn his loss, also many relatives. His remains were interred in Mountain View cemetery, Wednes day, yyyyry Mrs. H. H. McCrain visited' her parents &jvand Mrs; Gilbert of rontfl ; 1, last Week. v Rev. Ruppe filled his regular Bp pointment at ; Mountain View Satur day and, Sunday last. ,-T Mr. and Mrs. U B. McGraw made a business trip to Tryon, Monday lasi MILL SPRING. Rev. Hamrick was unable to preach' 1 for us udray, but sent ReyViWhite in his place. 1 " Misses Bertha Dalton, Esther Gibbs and ' Letha Barber attended . teachers meeting at Columbus, Saturday. On account ' of the rain nnot hlany of the young folks attended the birth day party in honor of Clarence Gibhs - Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dicus hav - moved to Inman, S. C. Mis3 Sue Gibbs and brother, Hubert of Stearns High School, visited home folks last, week-end. ."". Don't forget the box supper afc SiK ver Creek Saturday-night Marchi22. " ;Mrs. Edgar Jones is spending a Uvr days in Spartanbugr, this week" -. y-j ; - Don'tf orget the pp0itiioa-f26f " one-7-it's good proposition thatyotx had better take hold of holds good. , , . f Several of our; eltizea'4itfvrcVat- ; ly purchased : teams;'-? Some - h6t2C3 ' a"tid somis ;ftiules iiiSimm farming wili-iddneNvt.;a done irr the pastfTherdh4ts!eetf moreliiiteresin-stoc fruit;shownfthan yer felef6re,ll this "Is being' advised 6nd ent6tteby. our : county 'demonstrator Mnt V J. Bj ' Sams . ' ' Well Bro Fisfitop let 1 -ui ? tZiir about :thetf airroadurvey' yti'iVjoke of - Where ddes it "begin 1 ; hd 7H:re w-11 it terminate? ' . n ' . ' . .: Last weektwe got- a" Iittl ayrnd boasted Of j butf prbssltensbter , the fact that the sclioop taxt feaJ Vofc-' ed wbu;anleppentl,f51iow we r'-doftty wantto ayeW-takck what w said, Let us progress oUttla further and-finish - Jthe nice v' c-urch buildingf that has1 ben started a teg lime ago, Al pto6s.ltibn; has btcn mad- to'the 'pebple of Lyiuihlii'for every t dollar 'raised b theto trKll. . 5e added. Nowvddn't fori think this is a liberal proposition ? One V tliat 3nould'b6'ttee"ahdp1ied''tb('at once. V Now letevery. one heStres to 1 See - the -cbmpletion-lbf ;:4luThiph' see the pastor Dr 'Prattf 'ahtf-fbrev-ery-ldollar you givresf assured that two more will-be added. - v iU V A daughter waa born tqi vMr. )i ciid Mrs. Chas. Edwards Jr March 14th, Both mother and " babe ' are . doing welL Congratulations. T " ' ; . - Hon. W. F. Swann arrived ratlus home one day- last'eek, iaftcrtwo months- stay in Raleigh, as -Represen tatfve of- theUe::la. ture. . . . . ' . r ' A. Kunkle is having his : store building touched up with a fresh' coat . of paint. o:Mrv J..G; Monroe, of Tryon is Weilding he paint -brush. ; ' ' ' -; I Dr. Pratt prched atthtf chipci fiundytoregokr?tirvAr,iri5ll tiorifor the cjroteh 'resulted la 4 the LTadies' Aid giving check tf or ! $50; Mrs.T Willis $5.X); congresaticn $57rf ; Total $607. - This wa deposited in the bank!Q the eredUt nof -thdchureH extension fund and JaccordiSguto Pr. PrUtt's rrpositino is to ie; indtIpUed by;two. - Jt NMrA. N. Kunkle has a -brother from Portsmouth,' Va.; Tlsitiijf hint. Mr :W.-v A. Ihna As raotlns to -tha placheypurchased' at the: cclecf ,th old Ballenger place, recently. , , last Sunday- evening- amused thciisclves by a ' Uttle pitched battle'at s tta time of IizzteFefts'.'tCZ of battle had cleared ztizy h fit found that Liizib hadrecdvexi zzr ious wound which ' af rardfiroved f aiat ? Oni lihds.t'aa escape , A-cdroner's -inpst vras held "Monday;-1 Srirl Jaclon h4ttro cr thre'imdef a