for to . I if lit XXV NO. 5 TRYON..N. C. FIUipAY,-JUNE 6,- 19Jp. . $2.00 A YEAR ii OF JULY . m HTCOLUfK SALUDA. UELVin niLU The Heriots. of Charleston. C J Born to Mr. and Mrs.Tilden Hig are up for the summer, ana iav- gins last Monday, a baby: boy., ing a family reunion, at their newly - Mrs. Norris has arrived home from painted home, in Saluda, the 'Melrose a month's visit with her daughter, at Inn. Clifton. Mr. R. A.:Parler has returned from The little child of Mr! and Mrs. Jim o was so low, is thought better. o Mr. Major Willis, who went to the . C plcbration Ever Held in . , Mr f - At has returned from The little oh jiggest teicorauu . the Johns Hopkins r hospital, in Balti- Edwards, who Polk County Will l&Ke more, very much improved in health, to be a 'little b place at 1 nan line.- The "Little Nieces of Uncle Sam" COME EARLY '.AND STAY LATE. ciearea over sight dollars at their hosnital ip; 3fl Xi and cfe ago, is home now,iid can get around weeK, thus making sure another Ion ormt a . WAS IAVMlJka 1MAW Vk'M : 11 "'"""i a support ior me orpnan in r ranee recentlv Adn-nnA Kv fiiom r,Crvthine is moving aiuK i ur. ana mrs. smith are gettme ve:J u. J TTrmrt.h of Julv celebra- l their hahv hnsni'lnl -oA ttiO I1IV X vr. - v . I J vJ lui LUC 11113- x of Columbus, ine coramiiiee wn mess 01 xne season in their line. imui.uieir worK preuy weu, now, iw" " vonnvf a ftoOQ SDeaKer I Miss KnsA Knv io Hnj; j.1 l Since tnev havA hnri snmo Hrv wontVi .qntreulcUl-a i v. - - c ,v . I ao ftuwaiuuig LIXC f "-. s V Wheat is about readv to' harvpst in 1 1 v Liifm-. 1.1 .... .-. . . . Dr. and MrsV Smith are eettin ml vlcim- . . - '.P? . o 1 ii J x ttiiuers are geiiing ' caugni up an SILVER CREEK. . i our readers Nvii nounea: 11 a. m. oniBs u" 11:30 prayer. 1 1 -SOd prayer. . 12:00 Address i.m n. m. LUJUU.-I. 2:00 Song by Boy Scouts. ";n hp secured am w6 u umeuwmcuk eAercises at neamont r YW' - .V. nlnoeil TO XT1 1 1 nP I fn DIM . I lamAvnnf 1 X. Ml . . ail! affora ' m If v.' . vra- uui win re . i f . - luiu uua ween. rier 'mPPtinsr of the committee ai Mrs. Zeigler and sister are nrpimv- . A oo-n the following Drosrram I incr the cottacp of Mr Rnhvv, few a , nd it is hoDed wiir.bei summer. - ' I The Sundav school at. Silver Creole Rnau'v . . I - I. . " -- - - . '-r- 'w r T r nv... ikonnoo OCA mono! Mice I niitn. T r i IIS nrntrntCQinir Tnolf r . fc' A A . carried out n wiuuvo ( w wupc viaiung inenas i: wo WM w" & " wn-, n.. . 1 1 Annan i in .'Nuir'iTiTin n rt i it-'iiir. BiinpriTiTonnanr Spangled I ; Miss Hattie Howe, of Charleston. Mrs. Zach Swain, of Snartanburir. S- C., is visiting her old friend. Mrs. has been spending the past week with I Wm. Staton, for a few weeks, before relatives in this section.- - I vvr: . vVi c?liaKe- . . Miss Mary Ann Bradley ' was the Xr?"n;t. nas turned to guest of her brother, Mr. Harrison :2ia'ir 1 m, t1 IV Mr: and Mrs. Jesse Snlawn- and bcuum.. vv x:r " 't: 17 lu il t!.' V v."?"""! - i " baby. Jesse Jr.. were tnut at Mm aririrpsi? on VjUUHLV r ui n. uuay kclliiivt rier nore rpanv Tnr cutyi- i, . . ' - .o - - j;ov - - . i .-. . iam view larm. sundav. T I indSPV I 11IC1 LUUriSLS. - . -1 , . u ;a Vinned to nave several sones dv i ur. ana i.virs. ivioorer. or St. lieorw. I xvirs. jonn iWiison and son. Paul: K"-r , . i.i.- r l- c r v 1 4. n v, 7 ' ' 4. j r .i" . : u vrtnnc neouie: uaiuo eieci.xuu uy i j. v..iivc uccn ui tneir cottairp. tor mowreu un irom itutnarrordton atid thp middle-aged, and Christian Har- several weeks, but have returned to spent Saturday and Sunday with Krs. J monv dv ine uiu pwyic m uwrge, uii - later, i wiei-f xur. uemen x Ar Rest assured that an interesting I wnen tney will come up for the sea- ledge. program is- oemg aruu, .j' - l: . . . " . Little Glenn Arlw Jr 'j... : irn ncr to r ft dip one. iiiVerv- i xne commencement nrnsM nf i p - jbody m rOlK county snouiu mane iw o nnmt to De tnere. Wp hooe'to have still more to tell you next week. Mr. Tr-N. Wilson v has been very sick for the past weeje. " Mr7j7w. Pitts and little son. Fred. made a business trio to Tryon. last Monday. Mrs. Bill Bradley visited relatives in this section, Saturday and Sunday.. Little Carrie Bradley spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs.. George Bradley. . , Mr& Coeein. from Spartanbure. S. C, is spending a few weeks with her son, r . K. Uoggin. JMiss Minnie Ruppe spent Sundav night with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Price. . i -UKNYVIETf. CROSS KEYS. The young cotton is dying to -a large extent ; m ' this neighborhood. The cause, w tbinlf, is from the cold weatner of . last week. . We, are gld to say the cotton gin; which the farmers are going to build at Sandy Plains, is well on its way. The erection of the building will be- gin soon, l ne plant win cost $io,uuu. A large crowd from here attended the W. O. W. celebration at Hender son ville, Sunday, and report a splen did time . Mr. Dewitt Helton has been releas ed, from the army, and is now home. Wje welcome the boys home again. Misses Myrtle and Ura Whiteside, Grace and' Oma Gibbs were pleasant callers at Mrs. S..J. Helton's, Sunday last. ' - Mr. Ralph Edwards and Mr. Tolbert Odell were in this section, last Sun day, --V Prof. E W. S. Cobb and Mr. J R.; Sams were at Sunny View, Saturday, and made splendid speeches oh school affairs Come again. . Mr. T. N Wilson who has been ill, ns now improving.- Messrs - Hobart Whiteside, Bill J ackson and Tench, ? JKdwards PULL FOR - OR PULL OUT. This is the Splendid Advice Giv- en by Our County Agent, Mr. J. R. Sams. SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS. By all means the garden should not be neglected. - Cultivators should be kept going to prevent, crab grass from growing. . What about that ' permanent pas ture ? : If it is as good as you want y it. iust let it alone. If it can be ira- report I nroved then eet busy and make it bet- they will be home from overseas bv I ter. July first. V - I: What about hay at $45Q0 to $60.00 -" Messrs. Willie Mills and Tolbert per ton? Think for a year- ahead. Mills and Odell were callers at Mr. U. S. Gibbs' Sunday last. . ' Mrs. W. W. Gibbs visited Mrs. G. S. Whiteside, last week. MILL SPRING ROUTE L Plant cow peas, soy beans, . velvet ; beans, sorghum caiie for roughage, sudan grass, etc- JNow is tne time. Uon't neglect it. Get sorry for that pig in the pen. Sow' a lot in cow peas or soy beans, rope and turn him in and watch, him erow. -- .i, . ; - ,; . . , Look after lice and mites on pouL-v The commencement exercises of L.A? uienn ATiea?e Jr is very Saluda Ssminarv wp U1 UetwMV ' i and the school is now closed till Oct. Jst: 0n Sunday, May 18, 1919, a 1st. Ine new buildings are nearing short grey coat between Mill Spring completion; and will be ready for use land H. P. Arledsre's. beloncrini- to GEORGE H. WARNER. when school reopens. Mrs. Edmund Credle and Mrs- Smith, of Beaufort and Hvde coun ties, came to Saluda for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones. Mss Grace Arledge. .Finder will please leave coat at E. W Bradley's. Wd have a few shares on hand we will L Jeif0 to all We aye woke up at u,r jl 4. u 4. - .,Y Rev. W. W. Womack preached at try. i Now is the serious time of ."the buy as we want cash to pay for, the Lebanon, Sunday, as Rev. Shelton year for little poults. mauunery. , , could not he there Onr SnnHaw I There is a nreminm offered for het Misses Bertha and Marearet Can- school is getting better, we are clad I collection of legumes, hay and pasture -r - -w w . . I . . - I , . m . ll .t. treil or L.andrum, were seen in this vi- w say. lviay . we nave a larger school grasses grown on iarms, ior roiK cinity, sunaya Oltemoon. , uwm nuw on. - ' luuuaiy rair. ix ow is uie wme w coi- V,. , , - . I Miss Bessie Thompson and sister. I lecf samples. Burr and crimson clo- -tiif 4- S?ys aFT Sry Exie. were guests at A. A. Edwards', ver have almost passed out, orthard night at Misses Miley and Docia Mc- Sunday, Mand tall oatgrass is just now on hand,- "iVJf ' I Spvpra trir c qtiH K-rc? PIaita I Alsn Ita and rpri r nvpr. nmnthv Miss Violet Toney spent Saturday land jnotored over and spent Sundav I and red top will be in by . and by," so SML.i- . ' i-l- UK' XT ITTlv' I linf U VAInf !iTn . I folTA nivonfiaf.A r-r oil' 4-V nnn ' AlAltAKB - ingui, wiui miss xxora weiDorn.' V with relatives. T?,r TJ., r TT.'II ...111 - " "ivv'i . iiuuw;i, ui xxintlai. Will nvarsoae atSandyPlains on the second Ralph Edwards robbed some bees, and fourth Sunday evenings m each Tuesday, and' to his surprise, was month.- . - maAa iV Aqf inose wno motored to Henderson- TTM1I 1 1 1 T I iever am nm iUW Thfiy have been attending the meet- nor the birds smg more sweetly tii ing of the confederation of Women's I vtuua ui naikcvuic oiiu xiciiuexouu- . . . ' i i. i j ners menas assemuiea io ao jura - i jii nai nonor. iw u ! The Rev. WV B. Allen, M. A., and rougn piaces naa oeen ww-bomv. i Mrs. J. O. Darby spent several days every roaa, tree ' aVlm Asheville attending ,the 4 Diocesan best. NevCT did tot . jjrta church. ".-fT 1. JTii:;. Zr'Z. ra-.uarDy.was a aeiegaie oi tne wo- Die, uus iiiuivau niupu iu vu - irnnn'o Amriiiarv mortality' come Wore: full, and clear J man 8 Auxiary. than fromHhe, linsr "f Js f ncnA-the I --fj Eev. H. Norwood Uowne,: and A sitt-r cerer and more heartfelt prayer than that of another friend, the Kev. Dr. Daniels. Comparatively little is known here in Tryon of Mr. Warner's earlylife. Don't forget that Polk County , will ex- tend a hearty. Welcome to her re turned COLLI MRUS. V But few survivors of those days can tell of faithful work in business, of cooperation later, wth his brother,; Charles Dudley Warner, in editing Mr. J. "R. XJantrell, of Spartanburg, is spending a few days with relatives in Columbus. He did not talk about l!- Murray, of Elon colloge, returned ly a few were acquainted with his weefc wevnous vears. Indeed, among au t.u t . . i t. j his friends and relatives, Mr. Holden, , fprt i. lasf wftP, who-was present athis Tmieral-was ; Mrs. Lindsey Smith and daughter, the only one who attenaea ms -Coy. spent the week-end with her dmg more than half a century ago. the, Mrs Laughter, of Lvnn. Mr E; W. ;S. Cobb and Mrs. J. W. Jack spent a few, days in Marion, N. C, last week, on business. , Misses Corinne and Jeannette -tea- Miss Grace turday and Sun- oken toiL He bore with great for-1 i::n t u!n tw, icifi-rr .... - 1 1 I AJX1C JJUJUVJIU IO TlovI6 wcuue unanciai ios cuu. " relatives at Cliffside this week. other's crune. With great kindness,! MOQa Pifn ond niftnde and what is rarer great forgveness, I w ,Q ojv rirtjhnR f Mr. Warner was among the first of I m- rw,iK- TUv.n,--T?c r AhAlona jus vicums IO secure t ins l um f-inHa in Colnmhns Sundftv. -I nrriAw maI iiam - - -1 - . r ; - - - I n,rcu acu, au:. ami m, iv r , , . '.Mr. Harrison Gibbs. of Asheville. We here know of his love of nature; onent 'Sundav in Columbus. 5 of his talent for landscape gardening; fcMrs. iindsey Smith and daughter, his interest in young people; Jiis help- coy an(j Inez Hughes, spent a day guineas among nis coioreu mcuua. ijiast weeK with JYirs. J. a. amnn, neap Columbus. Church servicesx at the, Baptist church next Sunday. ;w great library proaucumn, ean yre the guests of woria;s uest literature,- invoiy ng Holbert of L Sa live years oi careiui, mun Solciier Boys at the big Fourth of July .;:". . . j' celbration at Columbus: t. , Nearly everybody in Polk County will be there. Bring plenty to eat, stay all day, and . make it an event worth re- - v . , . ' - memberingr the rst of your life! take ; advantage of all these clovers, has returned from I cow peas, both tame and wild,' soy beans, grasses, etc. This prize is oi- iered to any person , living, in town or - -on a farm, in Polk county, matters . not how little or how .much land; just t , so you grow the grasses and legumes ville one day last week report a good on ft and collect and take them to the r ume, except wnen they were having 1 roiK county r air. utunuuiA aiiu piulCMircS. s I a1" vivii i ivigct in jruui iuou ,tu A party of girls and bovs were fish- be patriotic.. Begin to feel more' pa ng, Saturday, just for fun, and had triotic now, and be boiling over by the- an me iun tney wanted together with I r ounn.. oi juiy. urmg.tne ,wue ana -. two strings of fish with about twenty- a tne children to Columbus. Lejaye: live on eacn string. - i omy tne uu Ab nome.on uiai; uay. Misses Bessie Thompson, Mossie and ast, out by no means least, let ev- Dorcas Edwards went to RopIt I ery man, woman and - child in PoiK Springs, Sunday, and enioved some I county cultivate the Polk .county, spir-: , fine sipging.. You all remember Rock Let's adopt the slogan Polk springs choir, do you .not. i - , I county is My .? Ljuntv.' The best , X; Sunday ichpol rBiV Level is ?nro-1 unty x the 'world. 'But it ittlacks gressing nicely. RED MOUNTAIN. - nis peaceful . and blessed passing from earth should known. Dr. Airady called it what Jie had , never seen before-"a transformation . rath er than a death." FISHTOP. If ILL' SPRING. Seems to have Fine weather now. come to stay. But next week is court, and that day vat the Methodist win set old Polk county ' back many I Sunday. The farmers are taking advantage of this beautiful weather, and are very busy. , .,.", Everybody; come xo me cnuuren . - . . . 1 1 I l- A4 cnurcn, ucav thousands of dollars. "0, consistency, thou art fx jewel.' . Misses Pearl and Bertha Laughter visited C. Arledge's. staying over - wgni, Saturday last. The Rantist Sundav school at this rk1fte is nlanning to go to Chimney Rock Sunday, June . iwe win carry our quarterlies, and song books, and v.'irA ohAn ftnme as we ao eacn oun- j A 11 V, irwoTvhere! are exnected was quite a treat. to see so many f ndcarrv well filled baskets. v. . t . 1 . " I ' - ..." . j m 1.T "k"us ai once last weeK moving me Conveyance will be, arranrea ior me survevinc Rnnnd tnte nnrl utensils 1 v-; hinder vou ? n 'v i vv v . . iiiiJiiiiir'i a. au nuab vaa r "own to Mill Soring. wfldv to start bv 7 o'clock a. m - -r W . w -F ... tf. . e ' Well, Brother Lvnn. I "have to re- and make up your mind to. have a mg last week. here. : ! ? v- - n : i .. Railroad surveyors have pitched T. W. ad t ndir Attended their tents-on Mr. J. H. Gibbs farm, v- . - S " . ti j im,ta tier An'vwith sur-f LIIH Ginmn .A. V A. . 1 A nH I A DT rjnil Hrtf : L.1 AYUlillft. V ' - . -umiay. vey Isaac Walker1 was in one day last week.; w? learn Dewe .Hill has gOne to nf t W Cihbs. nenderson villa wifv, Urynn lrvaH of l--.i . i t wtii.nd . snrvevors snapbeans. 1 : . L 1, woeV-end ; in Saluda' and With SMn finniia .nkkn ni nfllfthAO I . A Vi Mri 1 1 a cnemes. stmurWo 4awherrie whert. fiihhs spent last Sunday m r pies, we are beginning to - enjoy Columbus. , ' ; Hie onoa iv, " 1 Ti. A4- tho rommunitv club meeting at. the school house next oa- in ir v. , iukiv j TRvnw uoiTTti i I . t t? Qamsmade us a Pleasant "A1 ivu u iu x. I iux. v. , - call last veSk.v we,aiways 1 Wish .,.-1,1 "v.vv iiuavanb , TI- a I M i I rfWls ViSltCU lUiii. ' hev u r V ir- -ir-prton Sunday aitemoon. 1 . JJ. that Mrs. R. G. Hamilton had f or ; E0unmria07t he' little folks attend- l-Jl.'L nortv AT. I1UI11C Uirniua.r i. yj - T . jj LYNN. . The dd Fellows showed signs of havingonie Afresh mea; on 'hand at last week's meeting. . It's to be hoped they took .good, care of it. , . TM. Clarence Newman and , - Wilkey Capps jiave returned from, .overseas,; and are,at home. ; 0 . ' i T. C. Westall and iamiiyfc oi j&asi, Flat Rock, were guests of R. T. Fow ler, Mrs. Westall's father, last week. Mr. .and IMrs. Crowdus Ross are the happy rcipients of two bouncing baby boys. At this writing t mother and babes are doing well. Suppose Crow dus thinks we may have anothr war. ... W. W. Lancaster an up-to-date hosiery mill man,- of Spartanburg, was looking us over one day last Davis, colored, not have the road running from Try on ot-Columbus fixed up just a little? V As our suggestion to build a monu ment, to our heroes has taken root, and growing, and .will soojo be a reality, it would sbe . a . good plan ,to hear .from people4 all oyer .the county as to the. style, kind pf material, etc., to be used. This might prove helpful to the committee "when this stage of the project is reached. The special edition last week gave all the correspondents a rest. Well, we guess they needed it. If they did not the readers, did.v Nuf sed. What about those rattlers, Bro Fish top, You must keep us posted. Mrs. Lambert and baby departed one day last week, to join her hus band, who left a few days ago, for Boston, Mass. - Mi;, and Mrs. Lambert occupied the Brown cottage. , at the ; Mr. Jack Lawter is very ill at present. . . ... t Prite Major Jackson has returned from overseas. Friends and relatives are glad to welcome him home again. Mr. Posey Brown, of Spartanburg, was a visitor at his uncle's, Mr. J. P. Dimsdale's, Sunday. - Mr. Pritchard Dimsdale has return ed home from Spartanburg. A WORD OF APPRECIATION. ; anything let'i roUVup'our- sleeve and pull together and -make it i the , best. Everybody should either PULL FOR POLK OR PULL OUT. " Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, County Agent. .' MAJOR BALLENGER .GIVEN' DIS ! CHARGE AND RETURN SHOME. Major E. G. Ballenger. who went into Uncle Sam's 'overseas" service -with Atlanta's organization, the. Em ory hospital unit, has varnvea: u nis home in this city after having receiv ed his discharge at Camp Dix. N J. Campobello. R. 4. S. C June 2 1919. Major .Ballenger- is one of the most. Mr. Copeland, , prominent physicians in Atlanta,' and Tryon, N. C. he will resume his professional work Dear Mr Editor: at once. . .' . -? : " "J v-". Am writing a line of thanks for the Dr. Ballenger left Atlanta with, the history of Polk county, Columbus and Emory, "unit, but in a short time "Was ; Tryon. - detached from that; organization, be-i -Was so very much interested in said ing, sent to the 26th division He saw history, and . shall . preserve some, service on the front for many, months Many, many thanks. . , and was inUhe lines at Verdun when I appreciate it all the more, as Polk the armistice was signed. Afterwards, and Columbus are my native county Dr. Ballenger was -transferred, to, the and town, as my father was clerk oi 1 corps, , and . served aa. neurologist . the court, at Columbus about the for that organization until his return years 1864-68, as well as I can recol- I to America a - few days ago on the A- . - this 'traveling on' tho T? re vara Section J .,rv.C!,,Tiav giris "rrLAx Qf fhe Mrs. J, xx. steeie ! w"ui"6 ;'r. Ol A'nnt PAhera died very suddenly one day last week, j Midn-grou She was the wife of xayior xtevis. Lewis T. Blackwell and family of. Spartanburg were in Lynn last week- ena, visiving reiauiv;.,M As the, long ' expeciea material the purpose of making windows and door ' frames for the new church has been delivered, it is thought the com mittee will soon have the work of sale. -.4 V . Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards 5Lrturned home from", Brevard voi for the summer vacation. , wi;lSSrs- Floys Toney and Frank Ed Salt HTvy Tth Misa v.iui. jonn uarpenier. ' " , lie on the rout, Monda. were last Wednesday ed a Miss Mabel Pack, mMr J. H-'cocheran was the guest at sSny Brook farm, last Sunday f: 46 Mr!nBen 'Ros who h beep .at tending school t Raleigh, has, come homa to spend hk vacation. inaking the frames under nvay.' i Miss A.1 R. Uniack, of Fair Plains, Tenn., stopped off and called to see quite a number of her, old friends in Lynn, one day last week, on her way to her old home in Wallingford, Conn. Miss Uniack was, here ia few years ago under the employment 1 of the A. M. A.' """ ''' The local lodge of the Jr. O. U. A. M. will have on sale at the Fourtii of July ' celebration all kinds of icoid drinks: nd reiresnmeiis. rrueeeiu will ero t& ' the soldiers' mounment Some of1, our Tords aftd automobiles have-some very hideous squeaks and sduoks as signals. But one. passed through our village a few a days i ago ri a wiiKT a vervT-ood time, leaving mu sic out of the questidhon the exhaust pipe: Why not nave a camope mo Dues ur a v'rw.- - i Mpssrs. Hoad Commissioners, why it v '4 : Next Monday, the 9th. the county officers' contest will open ; Monday, the 16th a special term of court. On Friday, July 4th the biggest; best cel ebration eyer given : in Polk. Don't be a slacker, liet on the band wv m and be there. " ' HILLCREST. Dr. W. L. Wilson, of Lincolnton, N. C, preached a fine , sermon to a large congregation on Sunday, June 1st. Quite a number of our young peo nle enioved a. welcoming party given Mr Tlroadus K. F1VM DV 1US parents, Saturday night. Mr. iynn is one i our soldier boys recently home from UVanre. '. Rev. R. N. Hunter made a flymg trip to Charlotte, last week bringing hacV with, him his little sbn. William ATias Ruth .R6i?ers "went to - the RiitfterforHtoVr hinital. Monday, for treatment for stomach trouble. ? Miss Ellen M. Click of Saluda Sem inary, snent several days with Mrs J.IL Norville . :andi. Miss . Margaret R-rin-n : " . .' , , -r . ;."V' .'. lect. .Thanking you again, and wishing you every success, am gratefully yours, etc., , MRS., J. W. STACY. THE BOY SCOUTS. steamship Victoria. In speaking of his experiences in Germany, where he was stationed, at ' many points with the army of occupa- ' tion. Dr. Ballenger said he had traveled over Germany to a large ex- tent, visiting among other cities Cob-, lenz and Treves, where many of the American, boys, are serving. X - "Upon arriving in New York" 'said -Dr. Ballenger, "many people asked . me reganhng th popularity ;of , Pies-. A movement is on foot for a cam paign: starting June oth, and lasting until June 14th to raise a large num ber of associate members .of the Boy iAmt WiU amnnV the -atio- wn SCOUtS. It Will cost $1.UU tor eacij I resented at Taris and man v of them person. Polk COUnty S quota IS k9Va a idea- that the PreeiW'a uersonalitv. or to his failihc to mean-a will not only be raised, but will be ure up to the right standard, but trebled or quadrupled. All during the I thinking people ; who have , been on the war, the uoy scouts were iound anx- I ground readily recogmze that what- ious and willing to do all m their pow?. ever unpopularity our president su-er-to help in the work. Not only, mJfers among the European nations is - thisiwork, but in all other movements not from his failing' tq do the right the Boy bcouts have never tailed to thing for ,the ,common good - of. , the ,' respond to any call made upon 'them, world but because he listens neither to TheTwys deserve this recognition, and France, England, Italy,, or Gertnany, we not only believe, but have - every i but steers a course that bodes good reason' to know that Polk county: will for air peoples. ' . do the right thing by them. - I We should not judge President Wilson's work at the peace ; confer- rm. i v.ooi v MTw ence by his popularity, or hia lack of . Carolina State College of Agriculture ft among-the nations gathered .the has just been put off the press The Pace laoie, , saia major cauenger. nam mfhliVatinrt i 9 M mm mihli. I AV10UW vwuwi,uiawu. cation giving f ulLinormati.on, .regard- ring entrance requirementSj courses, of fered and ail conege activities, mciua ing the Agricultural Experiment Sta- lion ana xuxiension oervice. , a; uiui ough ' description of the Summer school is included It also carries a list of the 1020 students enrolled in te winter course of the college dur ing the past session, and. a register of all graduates since, tne iounumg, givr Lake of Sulphate. ; . ' A lake near Biggar, Saskatchewan, rod about three hundred miles Borth nest of Regina. has beo" found saturated with sodium sulphate, ; and Ae. deposit under the lake and . along side the edge to be nearly. 97, per. cent Mri W B 'Valentine has returned ed to all interested parties upon re-h.l froheVTo1 tanburg. , . ; ' i West Raleigh, N. C. , . y. r . crystals u 4 , ; , , . ,; . :-&r Dure sulphate.- The mineral -Is; used irig their degrees, year of graduation, extensively In the manuf acturojof 4 sul- present'address arid occupation: ' The phnrlc jictd1,'' fapnVto'grap)iy:4 .other, graduate roster speaks rernariably mdustrial"purppses. i The lake "decu- well for the product of ' Qlege. te:&e,o r r f 'i .