ie only Paper pished in Polk County A lf 022.1 For Its 11:8 J ; - J . -y ' :: and the tryon bee 1 ' - " . : . 11 . -r- vol. xxv vr THE JUVENILE COURTS von of the passage by, the of hte State-wide Juvenile f , -i-:iJori nnHpr sixteen OUi" ' . nV. timuix" . oars of age cannut longer be dered criminals under the laws . i tKow sr miiltv of 'this state wucxi wv,j - o L0 infraction oi uie owe i I They must ue ueait wim, uvi criminals in me cuuius wuwc auuu j tfrtmpn are tried and prose- ben a"" - - . ted but they must De ueatt wiut m ! .niivt and in a manner de- Speciai tv-- ened to provide discipline, correc j v,ir tn rorrect their bad kbits, just as such discipline and Jelp should be provided Dy ail par- (nts. but is not. v The clerk of the court is now tne senile court judge for the whole ' i nuntvand ne IS given unguwi juiio- Jiction in all cases where children un- nr sixteen years of age may be Und in the following classes: (a) Who is delinquent or who vio- ktes any municipal or State law or rdinance or who is truant, .unruly, vurward, or misdirected or who is lisobedient to parents or beyond their r a m 1 ntrol, or who is in danger oi Decom- 2ng so; or (b) Who is neglected, or wno en rages in any occupation, calling, or xhibition or is found in any place there a child is forbidden by law to ie and for permitting which an adult May be punished by law, or who is in hch condition or surroundings or is Inder such improper or insufficient" luardianship or control as to endan ger the morals, health or general wel- are of such child; or (c) Who is dependent -upon public upport or who is destitute, homeless Ir abandoned, or whose custody is ubject to controversy. v - The board of county 'commissioners ind the county boardr of education hall - jointly elect anKpf ay -c-Unty; uperintendent of public welfare in ach county not later than the. fif- jeenth of July, who shall be the chief probation officer of the county and ;he chief school attendance- officer. And it shall be his duty to bring - to he attention of the 'juvenile court ill classes of children in his county f ho come under the above classifica- ion. The iudere shall investigate the . o ase in chambers, sitting anywhere in he county he may deem convenient, nd after finding out all he can ibout the circumstances of the child's pfer make such disposition as he eems best for the welfare, discipline, nd training of the child. In no case an a child of tender years be impris- ned with old criminals nor be put on chain guner. Hp shall hp ronfiniitted o the care of a suitable institution, Put under the supervision of a pro- ation officer or private person, who hall from time to time make report o the court as to his charge. A hild under sixteen can no longer be d m a Recorder's court except in 1 ety of over ten thousand population p m a towi. of five tlio.isand popula- on which is not a countv seat town. a which cities and towns a real ju- CIllie curt is established in accord- Me with the full provisions of the J"- All other cases come before the :'eik of the superior court. ,t will be seen at once that the ac A!tles of th iuvr.i,-:ia wniL-er are not limited to 1!!fen who actuallv P'. but extend to pvpw nhUA tTf care which should be, but is ( lulsned by parents or guar- !s is the most progressive M hum ane step that has been taken State, in aiy, many years. MAPLE GROVE. Mr tTn latG 'fr last "weelc-) m- Tolbert OHpI nA Uian werp vcu , Lett's c j iVir' M' N- J lS Sunday afternoon. i M?lG!ace and Oma Gibbs visit-' 0n' t s2f e and Kansa s Jack" anlFred w T VVHSOn' KinS Price ... ea Wilson ma . . . 0ft from8? Jakson has returned ..: rom Great Fniio o . A -r - : ynch - WV11 and Maye o "we the ynI oon. jiu Whiteside Sunday after- ' hnvo , Road to HaDDlne-,. , is Xen Un thfnlrln . Um? not have "ule Knot. : SALUDA., The Lelands, of South Carolina, are up for the-season, and are occupying "Hillside", their beautiful summer home. ,Mrs. J. M. Read and family are guests for several months at the Mel rose Inn. She has rented her cottage to the Duprees, of Spartanburg. Mrs. I. B. Hazard has returned from a visit of several days with her daughter, at Asheville. Mrs. Jenkins has rented her hotel, the "Charles" for the summer, and is living in one of her small bungalows. The students of Piedmont college, resident here and visitors, with the assistance of other young people, gave a second entertainment at the library hall, for the benefit of the ba by girl adopted by the "Nieces of Un cle Sam," which was very enjoyable, and cleared over fourteen dollars. Capt. Patrick one of the oversea workers of the Y. M. C. A., recently returned and now occupying a cottage here for the summer, told of some of the orphans he saw while in Belgium, verifying what we have heard of the cruelty of some of the Germans, to the children there. Mrs. Q. C. Sonher took a party of young folks in her car to laurel park, Hendersonville, last week, for the day. The children of the Methodist Sun day school observed children's day past Sunday, in the Methodist church, which was beautifully and artistically decorated with flowers, chiefly daisies, which are now so plentiful every where. Recitations aP songs appro priate for the occasiorjere very well rendered nd an instructive talk was made by Mrs. H. P. Corwith, the wife of j the superintendent of . the Sunday school. . t- w Mrs. Stevens has just returned f jrontBlue Bidge, iear BlackMeua tairi, where a Chautauqua "isT held ev ery summer. The hotel accommo dates about six hundred pople, and is well patronized. The members of the Red Cross now meet on the first and third. Mondays, at the residence of the different mem bers. They are busy at this time ar ranging for an entertainment to-be giieen at an early date at the Esseola, Mrs. Campbell's commodious and pop ular hotel. 7 Miss Kosa Box has been quite ill but is much improved. We shall be glad to see her out again. Dr. Little has installed an electric piano in his new drug store and for a nickel you can have all the music while you wait. o - COLUMBUS. Mr. Frank Elliott who has been working "for the government at Gren ville, S. C, is home for the summer. Mrs. J. E. Shipman, of Henderson ville, spent several days last week with her father, Mr. J. P. Arledge. K Miss Coline Rippy, of Lynn, was the guest of Mis Odessa Mills, Sunday. Mrs. T. M. Johnson, Miss Sue John son and Mr. Gordon Johnson, of Ar den, N. C, were guests of friends in Columbus, Sunday. Mrs. Lindsey Smith spent Sunday with relatives in Spartanburg. " Mr. Arthur Ormond,- of Kings Mountain, is visiting his brother, Mr. J. F. Ormond, of this place. Mrs. Eli Patty fell from a .wagon and broke her arm. Misss Edith Keither and Grace Newman were the guests of Miss Le ona Feagan, Sunday. Mr. E. J. Jones was the dinnf guest of Mr. L. L. Tallant, Sunday. Miss Sue McGuinn and Mr. John Byers were married at the home i of the bride's mother, Sunday., Justice E. W. Dedmond, officiated. V Through the efforts of Miss Lizzie Dedmond, Miss Vada McMurray and Miss Oma Reynolds, who had ; charge of the refreshment stand during court the Columbus Betterment Club, real ized $25.00, the proceeds of which will be used for cement walks. The wool quilt made by the ladies of Mill Spring ? and Columbus, has been sent to the Elaida Orphanage, at Asheville, and the donors are inform ed that it is greatly appreciated. Our club members are getting sub scriptions for our county paper. Children's day at Columbus Baptist church 5th Sunday in June. The organization of the B. Y. P. U. was perfected, Sunday, with Miss Minnie Arledge, president; Miss Thel ma Mills, secretary and ; treasurer; Misses Hannah.- Mae McGuinn and Thema Mills, captains. TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, JUNE 20. 1919. MOUNTAIN VIEW. : Mr. Willie Gilbert, of MiU Spring Route 1, and Mr. Bob Lynch, of Kutherfordton, were visitors of Mre. H. H. . McCrain, Sunday. They, also were callers at Mr. Martin McCrain's Sunday afternoon. We are having some hot and dry weather at present. Miss Alice Corn and little brother, spent Saturday night- with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Jackson. t Mr. L. B. McGraw is on the sick list. Hurrah, let's not forget the Fourth of July celebration at Columbus. o PEARID6E. Mr. Lawter Wilson was visiting on Pearidge, Sunday. Mr.-Ralph Edwards and wife at tended the. singing at Greens Creek, Sunday. Mr. Ralph Edwards, Misses Annie Wilson and Lizzie Williams were call ers at E. G. Thompson's, Sunday. Messrs. Bill Pack, Otis Pack Bob Pack and Arthur Thompson made a flying trip to Rutherfordton. Sundav afternoon. Mrs. J. E. Dalton visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Nellie Foy, Sunday. ; Mrs. John Foy visited Mts. E. G Thompson, Sunday. We miss our "faithful doctor, A. R. Walden, very much. He is in Phila. delphja at present. Miss Iva Gosnell spent Saturdav night at Mr. Grayson Wilson's. Make your arrangements to attend the Fourth of July celebration at Co lumbus. Polk county will extend a welcome to her returned soldier boys at that time, so let's all be there. -LYNN.. Lloyd Panther is home on a thirtv days' furlough. Mrs. E. Rhodes made a business trip to , Spartanburg one day last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lewis, of Wil mington, N. a, are visiting Mrs. Lewis parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Rhodes. ' ; Supt. Hammett has had his cottage, "The Perch", freshly painted. We have- been informed that the program committee for the Fourth of July celebration will publish a full program soon. But we understand that the main feature is giving our Polk county soldier boys a good time and a hearty welcome, and to show them our appreciation of their patri otic service. We believe Lynn had the largest service flag in the county, so we feel quite safe in saying Lynn will be well , represented. N i ,Mr. Grey Thompson made a busi ness trip to Hendersonville, last Mori day." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, of Lan drum, were the 'guests of -Roy's nother, Mrs. E. E. Jones, last Sunday. Mrs. Clementine Parris, of Dana, N. C, was visiting her mother, Mrs. E. A. Jones, and other relatives, a few days, last week. Mrs. J. L. Jackson visited her moth er, Mrs. 'James Newman, at the old home in Green river cove, last week. What has become of our Ladies Aid Society. ' Some of our shopkeepers have left the ice cream business open for them, but as yet they have made no effort to serve. Just keep up killing those rattlers Until not one of them will show his head. Myself and ye editor of the NEWS have been planning a trip through your section before many moons, and we are both afraid of snakes, and don't like any of the so- called snake bite, .remedies. Mr. W. W. Ballard has been indis posed and confined to his room for several days. At this writing he is reported as being very much better, and it is hoped he will soon be normal again. It has been suggested that a slab for the soldiers of the war between the states be inserted - in- the boys' monument. We think this ; a . good proposition. If there are any other suggestions,! let us have them. . ; Subscribe for the POLK COUNTY NEWS, get" ready for the 1 Fourih of July and keep your eye on the boys' monument proposition.' . , OptimUtlc Thought Against stupidity the very lht in vaIn- gods ' 1 . . 1" . . " TRYON ROUTE 1. Keep in mind the glorious Fourth. Girls, let's wear middy suits and run the "Indian Club race" and see who will get first prize and who will get second ; prize. ; Oh, say. We wish to meet all of Polk's confederate soldiers as well as the -great world war soldiers on that day. If they make mistakes let it go.' The only people who make no mis takes are dead people. v My, jjtrs. R. G. Hamilton's sweet peas are lovely just now. ; A car load of Miss Sallie Carpen ter's Henderson county kins people (jailed at her home Saturday after noon.' J ' s :. The Messrs. Joyners, of Asheville, are helpinjg Mr. Price with his crop this week. Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards left Monday morning for the summer school at Brevard. I Misses Octa and Lillian Pack spent Saturday night with relatives on the route. . ; Mis4 Elsie Edwards and Messrs James '. Egerton, Clyde, Clarence, Brisonfand Joe Edwards, dined at Walnut Grove, Sunday, - Mises Cagle and Holbert'of Salu da, visitors of Mis Elsie Edwards, ac companid by Miss Elsie and brother, Walter and Roscoe Hall, attended the moonhght birthday party' at Mill Spring, given in honor of Mr. Claude Lewis. A most enjoyable time is re ported. . Victory? Yes, the centenary drive was a: big victory.' It was not only aSOOCOOO, but will run close up to $50,000,000. "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. , 0 UBLVIK HILL. oume oi me iarmers iiere are growling about having to lose so mucluime f cam their, crops? attending thevcohtest - at Columbus. It-brings to mind the aid adage, "Honesty is the best policy," even in politics. ihere was an all-day singing at Greens Creek church, last Sunday, and was enjoyed by the largest as sembly ever. Miss Lula Johnson went to Spar tan burg to have some dental work done, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, also the two Misses . Harris, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris, Sunday. Elders Branscom and Miller arriv ed here from the annual conference, last Friday evening. Mr. Will Gilbert has purchased himself an auto. Mr. and Mrs. Decatur Painter are having some sad experiences. Two of their sons went to France, and one of them, Mr. George Painter, a fine young man, died and was buried there a few months ago. Last Sunday evening another one of their sons, Mr. Spain Painter, died at their home Their other son came home from France safe and well, on Saturday before the death of his brother, Spain, and perhaps can be a comforter for his stricken parents. Funeral at Sandy Plains church, Tuesday. The funeral of Mr. S. S. Lawter's mother, Mrs. Sarah Lawter, and his two daughters, Misses Florie and Pearlie Lawter, will be preached at Cooley Springs, next Sunday, the 22nd inst. A little rain would be appreciated in this vicinity. o . FISHTOP. E. Laucrhter. T. Wv Bradley and Gray Hill went to preaching andsing ing at Mount Lebanon, Sunday. , W. I. Bishop vjsited E. J. Bradley's family, Sunday. - T. C. Laughter and daughters, Per la and Vina, visited at E. J Bradley's Sunday. I. Henderson and daughter-in-law went to Saluda, Saturday. Three more rattlers went the way' of the earth, and several more had narrow escapes. Mrs. Bell stepp, Miss Dora Bishop and Spurgeon Bish op, all . in the rattlesnake section kill ed each a rattler, and I. B. Bradley,' in the. same field where T. Price had his scare, received a bad scare too, but he jerked out a standard from his ground scuffler and "settled with his snakeship before he reached the woods Now we hope this ; v is about all of this season's crop of snakes.. E. J. Bradley and E. Laughter made a trip; to Saluda, Saturday, with a load of produce. Mrs. Lear Laughter and daughter, Daisy, visited Mrs. N. A. Price, Sun day. .' RED MOUNTAIN. Miss Myrtle Whiteside, Miss Maye Lynch and Mr. Reuben Wilson motor ed to Chimney Rock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Corn visited Mr. Shirn. Corn, Saturday and Sun day. . i Miss Mary Lynch visited Miss Mag gie, Jackson, Sunday. Misses Lona andOla Lawter visit ed Miss Gladys Wilson, Sunday after noon. Mss Vena Bailey and Miss Viola Lawter visited Miss Sue Jones, Sun day. Mir. King Lawter was a caller at Mr. Landrum Jackson's Sunday. Mr. Walter McMurray was a visitor at Mr. Jasper Lawter's, Sunday. cMr?ni Wbiteside was a guest at Mrs. M. J. Brown's, Sunday. 'Mrs. M. J. Brown left, Sunday, for Chimney Rock, where she will stay with Mrs. Walter MIcMurray while Mr. McMurray is away attending to business at other places. Mr. Baxter Jackson and Mr. Henry Run motored to Forest City, Satur day, returning Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Wilson visitd Mrs. W. A. Ruff, Sunday. Private Ziba Wilson's funeral will be preached at Cooper Gap the fifth Sunday in June. Everybody invited. Everybody get ready for the big Fourth of July celebration at Colum bus. Remember that this will be Polk county's welcome to her return- soldier boys, and everybody county should attend. -o SUNNY VIEW. in the Several from here attended vices at Rocki Springs, Sunday, report a nice time;- . ser AU I-v?vejybo'iy' is invited to be vat Sun nView,- Sauniaylrratt? o clock p. m. Mr. J. R. Sams will be there accompamed by Mr. S. G. Ru binow, of the State Extension Service, of Kaleigh. It will be interesting, so come. The election for the speciaf taxes passed off nicely, so we are hoping to have two splendid teachers and longer terni. . a Mr. Reuben Wilson visited relativs at Spartanburg- last - week. Several from here motored to Chimney Rock, Sunday. Soldiers, don't forget the memorial services at Cooper Gap the fifth Sun day in June in honor of Private Ziba Wilson. Several from here went to Landrum Monday to have dental work done. Rev. G. C. Walker and Nesbit Wal ker were visitors at Mr. T. N. Wil son's, Sunday. - Don't forget the Fourth of July celebration at Columbus. This is in honor of Polk county's soldier boys, so be there. ro HILL SPRING. Mr. G. C. Brisco, Sallie Brisco and Miss Sallie Geer spent Monday night at Mr. Philip Brisco's; 1 Mr. W. B. Trogden" spent last week end at Greensboro. several people from here are at tending court this week, while others are harvesting grain. , Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards were guests of Miss Leona Eyerton, Mr. G. C. Brisco and family were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fos ter, Sunday. Quite a number of young folks at tended the' birthday party last Friday night in honor of Mr. Claude Lewis. Everybody reports a nice time. ' Miss Mabel Pack was the guest of Miss Annie Lee Gibbs, Sunday. Mr. Harviel Carpenter spent last week with Mr. Bob Foster. Messrs.-Bob Foster, Harviel Car penter and George Barber and Miss Lethea Barber were callers in Chim ney Rock section, Saturday and Sun day. We had a very, very interesting Christian ' Endeavor society last Sun day, with Miss 'Bessie Hamilton' as eader. Her topic was, "What we owe and " how we can ' pay it." Leader for : next Sunday, Miss Elsie dwards: There" will be a farmers! meeting at the" school1 house next Friday ' Mr. G. Rubinow, of Raleigh will speak to .the crowd. , . Mrs. L. C. Gibbs and Clarence Mrs. Clarence Elliott $2.00 A YEAR : Z! SELLS NEW YORK HAY IN FAR SOUTH. Says a recent news bulletin issued at Cornell University.ln New York State, "A farmers cooperative com pany in western New York has found a strong demand for hay in the South. Recently this company has sold in the following cities: New Bern, N. C., Lavonia, Ga., and Rocky Mount, N. C. Other shipments have also been made to other points. "This hay has been handled through a broker at J5Q cents per ton brokers age fee. The hay has sold on a price basis of f. o. b. shipping station, the terms usually being draft on arrival,, inspection allowed, national hay asso ciation grades and rules to govern. The prices realized on the hay have ranged from $27.50 to $33 per ton." Now, isn't this a pretty how-to-do. asks the Extension Service workers of the State College and Department of Agriculture? New York farmers are selling hay in North Carolina," realiz ing $33 per ton to themselves, with one of the shortest growing seasons of the United States. North Carolina a natural grass country and with an all-the-year-round growing season, paying lVew York farmers $33 per ton for hay, when it is one of the eas iest handled crops that the State knows. An economic study of the hay sit uation in North Carolina reveals the fact that though we increased our acreage during the last three yars by 150,00 acres, the acreage for 1918 was only 590,000. On this area, 684,000 tons were produced, worth, according ot a recent study of this subject, $14, 364,000. In spite, however, of this increased acreage, this known value of the hay crop, farmers from all sec tions of the state import hay by the car load. ' . . ' c . Recently tt:Wib(u tehdinga 'iaietinj ln Chamber of Coininerce, It - wa notic that two car loads of hay were being'- unloaded during the short time of . the meeting. -! It is true says 'the Extension workers, that " good cold cash can be realized on cotton and tobacco, but what is the use of spending- this cash for food and feed stuffs grown out of. the . state when these can be produced abundantly; within the state. As Dr. Knapp has said, "the State should first buy a ticket for home before plunging on the cotton and tobacco gamble." . A LETTER TO JUNIORS. One of my boys told me the other day he had earned some money work-' ing for his uncle, and proposed to save it and buy some clothes. This morning I learned he is spend ing his mony on soda water and mo tion pictures in the village, and is not . expected home until the money is all gone. - How much better if he had bought thrift stamps until he had saved enough to get the clothes. , I The Polk county Fair will encour age the boys and girls to plant spec ial crops on land rented from their parents, to keep a diary of their sum mer's work, to exhibit in the court house," next October. Prizes ranging from 25 cents to $10 will be given, which the winners are urged to save. Special prizes for those writing the best reports and making, the best drawings. H .. ; If you are 12 years old you will, be in a separate class from the 15 years old. The largest prizes will be of- those who are doing agricultural club ; work. - Write J. R. Sams, Columbus" for in structions, or A. F. CORBIN, Mill Spring. Mr. Walter Horton was a visitor in this section, last week. Don't; forget that Polk county will welcome her 'returned soldier boys with a big celebration at Columbus, on hte Fourth of July. Everybody in ;he county owes it to the boys to be here. Cosmetic Art. From the looks of some of the wom en when It turns cold. It would be a good ' proposition to sell different shades of powder for hot, warm, cool and cold weather. They say that they sell different shades for day and night white for the daytime and blue for i-ose under artificial light, so, why noX for different degrees of temperature as well? However, probably some bright genius has already thought this up and patented his compound and It may not be well advertised as yet. Grit, -

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