nfi Paner fished in County For Ite H2 AND THE TRYON BEE a-- v-kt. v VOL. XXV NO. 9 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, JULY 4, 19197 1 COLUMBUS $2.00 A YEAO JULY FOURTH. cements All Completed for the Rousing Welcome to Our Soldier Boys. in farming throughout the" State. Can your : Board conceive of what such a small annual investment !. thus. ' will Dring back: ot the county in a few years ? Much of the money you are j called upon to spend is gone whe . pended, but itw ould be entirely dif - frent in a case of this kind. Thi should be a highly productive invest ment. ' SILVER CREEK. ROl SlXC. TIME EXPECTED. i thin thir power to make Vinvo hppn Terfected yvanK1-'1'" i - he ri!i-th of , July celbration at nbus. The citizens of Columbus ikiny- extensive iiudugciucuw i-i. A1a tnA will Hr e caiv oi tut- pcuic, ..... ithin their power to maKe tne one of pleasure to everybody who iilov Scouts of Tryon, are going ut on their minstrel performance ie afternoon, and that alone is a jre worth going miles to witness, old people are working on a-pro-n of their own, andthose who never heard theold Christian monv singing, will be entertained. Vo, and perhaps three . speakers 'expected, as invitations have been In that number. is requested that everybody get e in plenty of time to take part in parade, which will take place at t y 1, - ri wry 11 Ka VoeiliH Vkir fen 0 ClOCK, dim nin v. k,j Junior Order, of Tryon; the Sun pchoolF of the county, Boy uts and other secret orders. ', r;ng plenty of food and let'sJiave bid-time pic-nic dinner. -elow we give the program, but e changes may be made in it on ; day. a. m. raracie oi ounuay stiiw, Boy Scouts and Secret orders. 0 Music. 0 Address. 00 Dinner. 0 Boy Scout Minstrels. - ; 0 Music. . v. DO Address. 1)0 Singing, "Star Spangled Ban- ner." ,: . - o A WORTHS CAUSE. i 1 FISHTOP. More rain more rain more rain now cool. We are informed that certain par ties, some from Henderson county, are foraging over this section, digging sang and other herbs without help from the owners. The parties are known and will be dealt with, and ought to be.. It is time such work is stopped, destroying timber, etc ?and the, sooner" the better.' .... Crops , are badly damaged by so much rain. No rattlers this week. We hope the shower .is over. Wie have heard a few. locusts, but this is not locust year in this county. If I remember correctly it is two or three years off yet. When is it? T. W. and I. B. "Bradley and Ear nest Laughter -attended the singing at Mount Lebanon, Sunday. Now that court has adjourned if the . rain will adjourn for a week or two farmers could catch up with their wojrk. What have the railroad surveyors done, or doing on the other side of the mountains, Brother Lynn ? Harrison Arledge returned home from overseas, last Friday, fat and sassy. , Hurrah for the Fourth hurrah for the mounment. ; While writing the above, . Robert Price killed a large rattler, almost in sight of me. Quite a number from here attended the funeral services of private Ziba Wilson,, at Cooper Gap. Major B. Sharp visited at H. P. Ar- edge's one day last week. Corp. Harrison B. Arledge, of. the 81st divisioon, returned home from ranee. He was in the last three days' battle of the war. ' Mr. G. Walker and son, i. Warner, motored up from Spartanburg, Satur day, and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bradley. Miss Jessie Green is still in the Rutherfordton hospital. Mr. Fred Arledge and wife, visited at Green River, last week-end. Mr. j. R. Sams was a welcome guest at Mountain View farm, Sun - o THE PROGRESS OF LYNN, "TRYON ROUTE 1; Br e are in receipt of a letter from n Williams, of . the North Caro- State College of Agriculture and ineering, in which he encloses a Jy of a letter sent out to the Board Commissioners of every county in State. After careful reading of letters we give it our most hearty emendation, and hope that the aid of Commissioners of Polk coun- will appropriate the necessary. pnt of money for the proposition. p plan is for the Board of Commis- jners to set aside a specified amount money to be used for the education young men inthe College of Agri ture and Engineering. e are informed that Polk county snot a single student in the Agri tural College. It is highly' impor it that we should have. The time s arrived when it is hecesary to ve educated farmers as it is to have ated bankers or lawyers. No y is farming a hap-hazard, go caling, but is being recogniz asa strictly scientific profession, clls for men and women special--qualificd to do that work. Under e Plan outlined we would have every ar a graduate from the Agricul jal College, pledged to return to county and engage in farming. 16 ' vast amount -of good that One ed (1 person could do is not to be l'mated. It is surely worth the I ; asliington county, one of the : counties of North Carolina, has I day appr0priated money for that L; u Kington county in four r win have four young men 'in f Agncultui-al course, of the Col- f .one graduating and one-enter - -ii vpar -Williams truthfully says:, nder this nUn fv, . w.j mC yuuiiir men ss. t-w mils 1, r " . r,."1 U1 &ooa moral charac- and h -Hprover D unable f n ust w, c , wiy ve .fin5shed the tenth grade of Fee tW-' "" aim must Ie f 0. . ' ' "" cumpieuon oi turn i n al education they will sQ . "wve countv and en- r6C n som, i; . - . ' ! People f f 0 arming, so that 1 Ult'r home countv mav I pvt. . " 1 J lecial I nt get the benefit of their. it is believed that g a 7 1 the state adPt"" pcialiv t,. under which these VUltn rr ... re- different OPERATES WITH RAZOR American Red Cross Nurse Equal to Emergency. Performs Life-or-Death Amputation With Improvised Instruments and Succeeds. ; Ere this reaches us we will be cele brating not only the birth-day, of our independence, but of the - world, and the home coming of our soldier-boys. Wish that every one of our fallen he roes could have a goldenhearted daisy 'wreath placed around the gold stars today, the Fourth of Fourths. Mrs. John W. Searcy, after a long Illness, passed away into the great beyond, leaving an infant babe, three other small children and husband, to whdm she can beckon to come hear her play around the throne of God for she was a gifted violinist. Mr. 5 Bfoadus Nance and family truests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B Nance, Sunday. Miss Letha Barber was Miss Elsie Edwards' guest of honor, Monday. Glad to note Mr. Robert Pack, who recently underwent an operation is getting on nicely. Little Alvin Pack died Monday morning at 4 o'clock. Master Willie Egerton spent a hap py Sunday afternoon with little Bob Jack Hamilton. Some on the route attended the children's day at Columbus, and the exercises were splendid, . and the speech given by th pastor wa also much enjoyed. Mr. George Biggerstaff ana xamily were yesterday's visitors at the home of Mr. James Green. Mr. McGraw, of South Carolina, who recently purchased a large moun- To the People of the Lynn Special School District: It gives your local committee great peasure to inform you we, have suc ceeded i securing the title to the Lynn school property, consisting of school j building and euipment, the two-story ottage and furnishings, all to be our own for the purpose of promoting ed ucation in our community. l We think this will stimulate us to take more interest in the cause of ed ucation in our community We will now feel more independent that we wn and control the property. The voters did themselves a credit last spring when they vcted a special tax without a dissenting vote, indicating that you are unanimously in favor of education with your money, as well as in other ways. In view of the above facts it is the purpose of your committee to make the school second to none of its class in the State. The school . will open the first Monday in September, with throe.-ahe-iUhe-tanitee ex pects to build an addition to the pres ent building and have it completed for the opning of school, if possible. We have already forty new desks, which arrived last week. The eight room cottage and fur nishings is for rent to the right party with the contract to 1 oard the three teachers during the school trm. Respectfully, W. F. SWANN, Secretary. o ' CROSS KEYS. " Drama, Macedonia. -With a razor, a spool of cotton thread and a small portion of ether and chloroform Miss Maria P. Kouroyen, an American Red Cross nurse, performed a life-or-death operation here as the result of which and her other errands of mercy she has come to be known as "the Amer ican angel" by the homeless and starv ing Greek refugees. Born of Greek parents, Miss Kou royen is a graduate nurse of the Mas sachusetts GeneraKhospital in Boston. Because of her Jmowledge of Greek the American Red Cross sent her -fo Macedonia, where typhus, smallpox and cholera tread on each other's heels, and where the refugees bury their dead beneath the dirt floors of their shell-shattered shacks' so that the bread cards of the dead member of their family shall not be taken up. A Greek soldfer, one of whose legs had been crushed, was brought to the box car on a railroad siding, in which Miss Kouroyen-was living. Something had to be done for him at once. Miss Kouroyen spent no time Jn talking. Borrowing a. razor from Lieut. Abner J. Cobb of Deliver, Colo., an American Red Cross field worker, who was shav ing by candle light in the box car, Miss Kouroyen anesthetized hen pa tient with her small supply of ether and chloroform, and performed an am putation, using cotton thread to "tie off" the arteries and veins. Despite the prophecy of a local doc tor that the aged patient would not live through the night Miss Kouroyen some time later received a visit from hef patient. He had an American artificial limb made for him in the American Red Cross artificial leg fac tory for Greek war mutiles in Athens. TRYON tain farm in this much enthused ov vicinity, is very er the prospects of the railroad. Amen. 1 Who wouldn't be ? COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH. Fn to tu. ; : u yung men will Punti PQ 4.1 'Vuld in a few -years, FacticG ""Pavement in farm "u remuneration from of the i Sunday school. next Sunday aX 10:30 Preaching at- 11:30, Our children's day exercises last Sunday . was ex tremely gratifying both in regards to the character of the exercises and the attendance. We are striving to reach 125 for next Sunday at Sunday school. Let us all majce a supreme effort to be present. All those who erpect to parade with our Sunday school on the 4th of July are request ed to meet at the churchf at. 10:30 on 'v P TT. will meet .at '7:30. W. M'. U. will meet at 4:30. 'A cordial welcome " . ext6ded to all. , v : ' E. J. JONES,, Pastor. . Q. ,.. ;-: vk- - ' : A minister in Sandersville, Ga., has achieved considerable notoriety ; over shooting a jay bird in his church, on Sunday. The bird made, more noise than the preacher, but we are not told whether the preacher, shot the bird through jeajousy, or not., - ( The -farmers are sure glad to be able to fight the grass again, after a week's rain. They are behind with their work. v Hurrah, the Fourth will soon be here. Mr. and Mrs. McDade and two children spCnt the day at Mr. and Mrs. Flynn's, Sunday. Mr. Claude Jolly gave a singing at his home, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Oscar Bridges and Mr. Barnett Blackwell gave their parents a happy surprise last week. Just returned from overseas. Mr. Bridge Green and Mr. Reynolds of Spartanburg, spent Saturday night and Sunday in this vicinity. Mrs. Vetus Mclntyre is on the sick list this week. , Miss Gladys Flynn spent the night with Misses -Millie and Delia McKin ney, Saturday night. ; ' Miss Millie McKinney. visited Miss Gladys Flynn, on Sunday. The Sunday school at Sandy Plains vv'as well attended Sunday, morning. There was quite a large crowd a Sandy Plains school, house, Saturda light to practce singing. The ice cream supper at Sand Plains was well attended. The mo ay will be used to help pay for the o gan. " . ; ' o MOUNTAIN -VJEW.V Mrs. E. G. Holden was in Hendrson ville, Wednesday. Mr. Fred Swann went to Atlanta, Monday on a business trip. Mrs.-Boatwright, of Washington, D. C, is a guest at Oak Hall. Mr. J. JVl. Gray, district farm agent, was in Tryon, Wednesday, and gave W. H. Ward is spending a few days with his brother in Henderson county. Tryon's celebrated summer weather has been on tap for tbt past few days. Miss Tessie Kavanaugh and Master Gendel Brownlee spent Tuesday in Asheville. Mr. Fred Reich left for Cincinnati, J last Saturday, where he will again en ter an art school. And the world didn't stop when sa loons went out of buriness, Monday night at midnight. Material is being unloaded on the ground to be used in the rebuilding of the Wilkins building. Mr. Harry A. Huntley, of Elmira, N. Y., is wisiting in Tryon, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lindsejr. Sunny Slope, the Y, W. C. A. camp for young girls, is now open; ana is filled with a jolly lot of young people. Mrs. J. P. Williams and little daughter returned home, Tuesday, from a visit to relatives' in South Car olina. We received a communication from MUl Spring Route 2, this week, but as there was no name signed to it, we could not publish. the NEWS a call. Mr. Gray tells us he has seen more fruit in Pok county than any county he has visited in Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lindsey enter tajned number of "oung people with a dance at .Oak HalFMonday nighty ' in honor of visiting guests. YOUNG AERO ENTHUSIAST -It seems that nice weather has re turned at last, which is very accept able to the farmer. . : I Miss Alice McCrain spent one night past week with Mrs. Altha McGraw. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McCrain visited the tetter's parents, Mr. and Mi's. R. L. D. Gipert, one day last week! Several from this section attended the funeral services at Cooper; Gap, Sunday, .in honor of Mr. Ziba Ailson, who was, killed in battle in France. Mrs. Martha McCrain is very ill. ; Mr. Columbus Jackson was al visitor of Mr. King Corn, Sunday. Altar vs. Halter. Said the facetiousi feller : 'pobody expects a . wedding ceremony to go Ihrough, without a tmcho - Civilians were recently allowed to go up in airplanes at the British flying field at Hendon, England. Photo shows little boy getting dressed to take his first flight. HORSE HOLDS PLACE IN ROME SALUDA TO HAVE COMMUNITY mil FAR Vemium List, Containing Full Information, Will Soon Be Completed. TEMS OF INTEREST FROM POLK'S SUMMER RESORT. Thousands Drawing Cabs Not a Sin g!e Taxicab in Italian Capital. Rome. The horse here has not va cated his position to make room for the automobile. There are still thousands of horse-drawn cabs operating in Rome while there is not a single taxlcab. Two reasons are given for this equine superiority. First, there are 3,000 cab drivers in Rome, according to the mu nicipal statistics. These exercise a con siderable influence in the municipal elections of Rome, and as a conse quence no motor vehicle concessions are granted. " t Besides, the supply of gasoline In Italy Is not large and to insure enough for the military needs it wasv found absolutely necessary to discourage as much private motor vehicular trade as possible, , Daily Thought. Look, then.' into .write. Longfellow. thine heart anr Major Sharpe, a former Tryone, spent a few days in this section, last week. The major has many friends in Tryon, who are always glad to wel come him.' Mr. Greer Boatright and brother, Mr. Jack Boatright, have arrived in Tryon for an extended stay. The for mer has but recently returned to the States from overseas duty. Mr. E. E. Missidine and wife, Miss Eva Missildine and Mis Emma mc Farland returned home Sunday from the meeting of the State Pharmaceu tical Association . at Wrightsville Beach. They report a most enjoyable trip. v ' The surveyig corps for the South era Railway Co., pitched its tents in Tryon, last week, and are at work be tween Tryon and Columbus. We are informed the engineers will have sev eral weeks of work before finishing their job. . . , The Rev. Mr. Bowne Rector o Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Wil hold two 4 services at that church, next Sunday. The first at 7:30 a. m., the next at 11 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend these services. The family of Rev. J. H. Griffith left for Biltmore, Tuesday, where they wil make their future home. Mr. Griffith was recently elevated to the position of Archdeacon for the Ashe ville district, and decided to move to Biltmore in order to De more conven iently located for his work. In conversation with Mr. W. E. fRankin a few days ago, he informed us that there had been more of the black rot in the grape vineyards around Tryon than for several years, aggravated, no doubt, by the exces sive rainfall of the last few. weeks. But, he says, now that the 'sunshine is with us again, prospects for a bumper crop, of the famous Tryon grapes, is good. People in and around Tryon who have to use the public , road between Tryon and Landrum would like to know when they may reasonably ex pect to see something done with the terrible mud holes just inside the town limits. Off and on temporary Work is done by the town, but as the road has-been taken over by the. gov- e?n7rent anid 'stite, we would like '.,t'o fee some of the money e-'pi ded th t is piled up in the banks of the county During the past --rainy season that part of the road has become almost impassable. Why begin construction work in the very middlo. of a nronoSerl j good road and leave the most traveled T . A mm pan to irooi nog or aiii" t : - The Rev. Dr. Cornish preacehed a timely sermon on "Reconstruction' at the Episcopal church Sunday week. The Rev. William W. Webster, of Dublin, Ga., was special preacher at the Episcopal church, on Sunday , last. Miss Mary Coates sang a solo very nicely at the M. E. church, Sunday. ' The little lady's voice has volume and sweetness. It is a treat to hear her sing. Tfle Rev. A. B. Edbrooke, D. D., Rector of Grace Church, New Or- eans, La., was a recent visitor to 'Sunnie Brae," the residence of Rev. ' and Mrs. W. B. Allen. Th M. E. church is to have a new orban, which will enable its faithful organist, Mrs. Walter Jones, to make better music than with th old one. Saluda needs a, park golf links first-class hotel and some other things. Who is going to start the ball rolling to get them? Friday being "Independence Day" special services at the Episcopal s Church, at 10:30 a. m., and address by three visiting clergymen. Every- . bodl heartily invited to attend. Nearly all of Saluda's sodier boys are back, ooking fine and dandy. Saluda township Community Club, at its last meeting decided to hold a commuity fair. The State will fur-" nish half the money for premiums, " and the club the other half. A prem-' ium list will be issued and the 4ate ', decided upon at the next meeting of the club, July - 16th . atFendshipx: church. It is proposed as well, to give the farmers a chance to sell po tatoes, apples, chickens, etc. G. L.I. Thompson, chairman of the committee will complete plans to be presented at the next meeting of the club. Do not -fail to be there if you are interested in -your own and your town's welfare.' As well to have a little fun, for "Dad dy" Slaughter, the president of the club, always has to have his little joke. 3 MEETING OF LANIER CLUB,, The Lanier Club had a special meeting at the club rooms, Tuesday evening The matter of providing so cial entertainment was one of the principal objects of the meeting. The Club agreed to make arrangements for social dancing, to be held under, the auspices of the Club, and the floor manager and hostess vill be a member of that body. While nb trouble is apprehended over an at tempt to introduce some of the pres ent objectional dancing, yet no chance will be taken, and you may rest assurr ed that any and all dances given at. the Lanier club rooms in the future will tfb absolutely unobjectionable.1 The Club voted to purchase another piano to be used on dance occasions, thus preserving their fine concert pi ano for other uses; " The Club also adopted resolutions to again take charge of the many movements of a public nature for the welfare of Tryon, and already many important matters are under advise ment, and we hope soon to be allowed to mention some of them. The Club wishes, to do all in its power to foster any and all kinds of proper and wholesome entertainment . for the Tryon people, and will "do all in its power along that .line. On Thursday evening, July 10, the first event of the summer season, a icon cert dance will De given It will be one of the famous old-time Tryon events, where everybody, young and old, will find amusement, and a gen eral invitation is extended to the pub lic, to attend. . ' - " i Happiness Easily Attained. Those of us who ever stop to reason r think along profitable lines know, that there are "sermons In stones, books in running brooks, and -good la everything" as the poet sings. We do not have I to be either rich, or famous to procure ' happiness. If we try to keep cheerful, forget our woes and "look pleasant," our narrow sphere will take on a broad and pleasing as pect. Furthermore, .Jthis view will'! make us see lots of good In the folks ; around us and many fine attractions) !n our home and old "bouie town." Y v-V'r'. .- t

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