11 fV "TT . "TT - ' " - " . - . . TUT Ihe only Paper A Clean Newspaper -For ttrlloce PiiMisiieo in polk County AND THE TRYON BEE rFWJ5-rn- . :5fessa ,v' -L N 1 JL Vol. xxv no. 17 FRIENDS ,f Gsaaral Latere. Gathered By Sectinu of Polk Item' PEARIDGE. Mr. and Mrs! John Sweezy, Mr. and iu,,.. Ainrris. of Soartanuurer. u,.c AH-U1 ' " g C spent tne wet'K-eiiu at iui. w. T" Iva C.osnell has returned home C., after a month's visit with 'roni z. Misses .uamie , , r and Alice Wilson with relatives -in iijcuv List Wfciv fhesnee, v . Miss Ar-iie-betii waiarop, oi KUtn- erfordrcn, lsitea ine ivusses iaiton Vt week. Miss Mamie Uiass is spending tne reek at Mrs. E. Taylor's. Miss Katy Edney, df 1 ryon, visited brother, Mr. urady n,dney, last week. Misses Lena.Egerton, liessis lhomp on Essie and Elsie Edwards were the guests oi juss iaia jciuwarus on ryon Route 1. Sunday. Mrs. N- t). Moore is visiting rela tes n Tryon and Melrose this week. o MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. We are having some nice weather at present, which everyone enjoys. Several from this vicinity attended preaching services at Whiteside Val- ey Sunday, where a revival started. everyone present seemed to enjoy hearing Rev. Yates, of Mountain Jest. S. C, deliver a real interesting sermon. . Rock Spring choir did the singing or preaching services and also sang most of the afternoon, and of course that was enjoyed to the highest extent as Rock Spring choir get praise for its singing everywhere they go. Next Sunday they will sing at Round Hill, inion Willis, i. u. HjVeryDoay in vited, Prayer meeting at Mr. Griffin's Saturday night was a success, had it out on the lawn. The service was conducted by Mr.Talmage Allen. There was an open air service at Mr. R. L. D. Gilbert's Sunday night. A large crowd was present. The Misses Ing-al, of McDowell has been the guest of the family of Mr. J. B. Owensby for the past week. Mr. Floyd Wyer left Monday morn ing for Lincolnton, Ga. Messrs. L. H. Shehan and 5. Bryant of Inman,. S. C, motored up to Mr. A. A Edwads', Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. W. R Fowler, of Green hill, were visitors at their grandpar ents, Mr and Mrs. Gilbert, Saturday and Sunday. Little Panthea and Gilreath Ed Harris were guests of the Hyde child ren, Sunday afternoon. Maggie Lee and Ida Ruth Edwards ere the dinner guests of Mildred atd Maude Womark Snnrtav Let's not forget the Fair and pre- Pare something to exhibit. - . -Or SUNNY YIEW. Tl ine series of meetings closd at Cooper Gap Sundav. with twpntv-one -wpuzea. The church was filled to overflowing every day for the past 'J VUV, . r. Keubon WHsnn rUeA fn see "l!sS utlessM Spairv n f T?nuto 1 Sim. . ... Miss Pearl Gibbs epent Saturday '"Knt with her in ,i ..1 , sister. Miss Bessie Tl. .. . ' j j ywi-viu villi i i' J- J- Jackson ha5 lew Have w;v. ouv, "HI S.n , cii-i,t;iiuing iz. U1 '-ne Miccno n;ui ov,o uiuus, ounuay. tin hpvf wu;4-n;j. ;.-4 j it- .uui,, Saturday afternoon. , ii0-.- iv. muggins vimicu uimsdale, Sunday after noon. ;irs. Jay Ruff and children are vis Vf dl Alr- T. N. Wilson's this week. o iiiie Alexander, of Forest . ' Vlsited relatives here last week. f- ' HL'art Whiteside visited rela- s at Henrietta, last week. Vv h o 4- i aoout the snldiPrs' Mnmi fiie-nt? wno will second a motion ot .... ,aKe a drive. a dri vp T 4- t ii..' lJleted by -v,. jjcvs nave uiis cuiij.' the last dav of. the Fair. Mi Son n vviisun, rnii uacK. P .' "ariie Bro T, ,ntored to Asheville last Miss Esth Wilson .pent Friday Mi oun i OVER THE COUNTY Our Corre.pondent, From Various County night with Miss Beulah Odell. Mr. Andy McGuinn left, Sunday for Asheville. Misses Myrtle and Hannie McGuinn of Columbus, visited in this section last week and attended services at at Cooper Gap. Mr. R. N. Wilson, of Spartanburg, visited his father, Mr. T. N. WSlson, last week, returning Sundav. . Oh, let's boost for our community fair,a nd the county fair, too. MILL SPRING. Revival closed at White Oak Sun day with great success. Reverends J. A. McKaughan and Pink White, of Kutherfordton were helpers. Several souls were saved and 8 ' new mem bers were added to the church. Mr. Hamrick baptized the following mem bers Sunday morning: Mrs. Johnie Splawn, Misses Bertha Champion, Grace Waldrop, Sallie Briscoe, Mar jorie Walker, Messrs Preston Splawn, Ray Walker, and George Vivian Bris co. Mrs. L. C. Gibbs is very ill at this writing. Miss Gladys, of Montreat, N.C., was called to the bedside of her mother. We hone Mrs. Gibbs will soon recover. Misses Lethea Barber, Clara Ed wards, Esther and Sue Gibbs, Messrs. Edward and Cline Barber were callers at the home of Misses Pearl and El sie Edwards, last Thursday. Mrs. Grayson Arledge cut her arm on some glass, very badly. Glad to note she is much better. Mrs. J. H. Gibbs spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Clarence Elliott. Mr. Weldon Hampton, Misses Hel- ' i "-.'' gar, Audrey and Cora JLee Hampton, of Rutherfordton motored up Thurs day to visit relatives, C. G. Brisco. Mr. Edward Barberv who has been visiting his brothers returned home Wednesday, accompanied by his cous in, Clihe Barber. Cline returned to his home Saturdav. Mr. Henry Thompson and Miss Johnie Edwards, of Inman, were happily married last Saturday. We wish them a long end happy life. Misses Lethea Barber, Pearl, Essie and Elsie Edwards, Leona Egerton and Bessie Thompson were the dinner guests of Miss Clara Edwards, Sun day. Mr. Frank Thome of Landrum S. C, rti t i was a visitor nere, mursctay. Mr. Gus Miller, Misses Lizzie and Minnie Shields, of ' Greens Creek, Misses Esther and Sue Gibbs, Messrs. Edward Barber, Frank Edwards and Ernest Gibbs were guests of Misses Lizzie and Mollie Dalton, Sunday. Misses Annie Beth Waldrop. of Ruhterfordton, is visiting relatives here. Doctor Smith has had several calls. we nope ne win locate nere. We understand the revival begins at Bethlehem, Sunday. We hope to have a glorious meeting. Mrs. Lelia Blackwell returned to her home Friday, after spending sev eral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cocherum. COLUMBUS. Quite a few ladies from different sections of the county attenaea tne Farmers' Institute here, August 20th. Mr. J. R. Sams is attending a meet ing of Farm Demonstrators at Ra leigh this week. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb attenuea a meeting of County aupemncuucuw at Asheville, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Carson ' spent , -mm- -mr 1-1 1 J Sunday with Mrs. R. M. lvicr ananu. Messrs. Robert and Wash mil were at home this week. Mr. Avery Elliott who has Deen at Akron, Ohio, this summer, nas-rcmiii ed home. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pack spent a un- day with Mr. ana ya't Smith. . Mr John T. Smith nas retumeu home from a visit at r ruiuanu, x. Miss Estelle Webster, oi Asnevuie, 1-1 rAnlc VlPTV Mondav. was visiting iiicxmo - Miss Emma Newman, Koy cantren and Jodie Wilson entered Stearns Higs School Monday. Lewis Feagan, son of O. L. Feagan, was hurt Monday, though not serious , j. Wo the eve from,falltae no.sonlinnber. IV, iiao TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1919. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mrs. Eli Jackson passed away into. that Great Beyond, i August - 13th Her remains were interred in the Mountain View cemetery August 14. Mrs. Jackson died rejoicing in a Sa vior's love. She leaves a husband, five children, several grandchildren, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. We sympathize with! the bereft family. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Arledge. The revival meeting closed August 23rd. There were not any additions to the church, but the church was re vived. We hope it was ar time of seed sowing. Among those who at tended these services were: Misses Nora Jackson, Maggie Hyder, Leona Sherman, Mr. Hobart Jackson and Mrs. Sherman, of Henderspnville, N . C, Misses Nettie and Fannie Martin, of Caroleen, N. C, also Miss Tmpie Burgess, Messrs'. John Martin, John and N. C. Burgess, of Inman. Mr. Hobart Jackson was a pleasant caller at Mr. H. H. McCrain's, Satur day p. m. Misses Leona Sherman and Tempie Burgess ' spent Saturday night with Miss Alice McCrin. Several from Big Level and Silver Creek attended the revival here last week. Misses Nettie and Fannie Martin spent Thursday night with Miss Alice McCrain. o - FISHTOP. Rain woud be. acceptable j'ust now. T. C. Laughter hauled a load of Bonum apples ot Spartanburg last week. -- Miss Alma Newman entered the Columbus school, Monday. That is right, patronize our own schools, es pecially when they are j'ust as good. Dr. Hooper says he ran his auto over a rattle snake on the Green river hill and when he stopped to see what Tie had done to him he was coiled up for a fight and singing to beat the band; and that he looked to be as large as a telephone pole ' by auto light. Now I propose to quit the snake newTs unless something unusual should happen; for snakes are, as the old saying is, "as common as corn bread." J. B. Bradley has been hauling his apples to Hendersonville for the past two weeks. Whv can we not have some one to buy and ship from Salu da. There are about twice as many apples as was thought to be so much foliage kept the small apples hid. - Eli Miller, of South Carolina, visit ed his brother. James Miller, last week. H. Jones and wife are visiting the latter's kinsfolks for a couple of weeks. Some one who is -depriving the chain gang of its dues, entered Mount Lebanon church after preaching Sun dav before last and tore ud a fine Bible which the late Mrs. Fanny Ricl-if donated to the church. We have been informed that officers destroyed some preparations for mak ing illicit whiskey in the upper section of the cove a few days ago; also one in the middle section was captured and contents destroyd last week, we are informed. WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. Messrs Clement Arledge and Wil liam Green are visiting-relatives here. Miss Julia Ball, of Charleston, has been the guest of Miss Irene, Salley for the past twTo weeks. Mrs. W. Garrett is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Beeger made an ex tended trip to Hendersonville, recent ly. . . Miss Ada Tallant, of Columbus opened school here August 11. Misses Frost, of Saluda, called on Miss Salley Friday afternoon. Little Carlethia Scoggins and Car rie Early, ages .12 and 6 went bee hunting recenty and surprised their mothers actualy finding a real bee tree on the mountain side. We wonder where Adam J. Walker has strayed. Prhaps to Fishtop and been captured by a huge rattler. Mr. W. F. Swann, of Lynn, passed through our locality not long since. The mountain crop of potatoes and cabbage is extremely short this year. Also the fruit. Mr. Jim Mathews is, greatly im proved. There will be an ice cream and box supper at Edwards School House on SfltnrHnv niffht. September 6th, for Ivwmav CJ 9 benfit of building. - -1 : -IiYNN. Dr. Pratt filled his. regular stand ing appointment j in Lynn last Sunday night. ." . 'iJ Rev. A. S. Caldwell, Presbyterian minister, will preach in lynn at the Chapel, the first' Sunday in September at 8:30 p m til; - It's to be hoped that work on the new church will soon resume and con tinue to a finish!;? It seems from best information that all of our teachers are coming from Rutherford county, except one. It. is to be hoped that the commun ity club that was organized some time ago will take on new life as soon as school begins. Wlio is our Truant officer for Polk county? - ji Mrs. Sarah "VMhisnant and sister, Mrs. D. J. Gibbons, of Blacksburg, S. C, are guests of, their brother and family Mr. N. W. Randle, the last week. 7'1 Mrs. T. A. Rippy spent a few days last week visiting friends and rela tives in Green river cove, returning last Saturday, i! Miss Coleen Rippy and Miss Pearl Keenan went to Spartanburg last Sat urday to do' shopping. Mr. and Mrs; X H. Jones, of Bur ton S. C., are! now taking a resting and cooline spelt in their old home in Green river cove The work on the addition to the school house fis progressing quite well, but will have "to hustle if school opens on schedule time. Boweh Constant moved his famiy to Columbus for benefit of school a r 1 good move. I;; Whv don't Columbus people build some cottages ! to . rent during school time? Also a good hotel would be a paying proposition. We hope the Mimosa hotel prop osition will not,fail to materialize; Mr. Dewey jLewis will leave in s few days for his old home"" in " Wil mington, N. Cr:; Mrs. W. T. Mobley and little daugh ter, of Atlanta, Ga., were visiting rel ativeslh Lynn this week. Miss Estelle "i Webster, of High Point N. C, is the guest of H. G. Can non and family last week. Miss Web ster was a teacher of music in the Columbus high, school a few years ago and manv who attended school then will remember ;her. Mr. A. W. Kunkel left, last Friday for a few visit to his old home in Newton. N. ClX'and will attend the camp meeting' at Bull's camp ground while gone, f j - H. Hinton Thompson was motorcycling- in Lynn last Sunday, 'having a motorcycle over from Spindale. We don't think there could be very much profiteering in sugar with our Lynn and Tryon merchants from the fact they do not handle any 25 cents worth at a time is a customer's allot ment and cannot get that very often. There is nothing being done on the old macadam' road as yet. We are waiting and wondering if the Lynn people will eveylbe called upon to vote any more roaci jbonds. Mr. Road Commissioners why not try out the section plan of keeping up the public roads ? Have a stipulated contract for section man to, sign. Stipulate in the contract his duties as to keeping up -af. certain section of road, drag the roads, fill up all holes, keep all waterways open so road will dry off and not! wash. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. E--S. Wilcox are glad to know they will be citizens of our valley again, having been fiying in Union, S. C, for a few years, f Supt. W. T. Hammett spent last week-end with 'friends in Henderson ville I' .: ! . W. A. Cannon ran down to Spar tanburg on day last week to see his son, DeWitt, who had j'ust been op erated upon by Dr. Stradlev for ap pendicitis and. found him doing well. In this connection your correspondent will add that this makes the tenth surgical; operation in his family. Qnite a record don't you think? Mr. F. S.Wjlcox is now in charge of the Southern Mercerizing plant of Tryon and -vyith his knowledge and experience in mill work andability to handle help jjveV suggest there will be something doing. v Much n Lump of Coal. The fragrance of jasmine, musk, hyacinth, the perfumes for scenting most expensive soaps, originally began in a coal mine. Creosote, pitch, oils carbolic aclantiseptics and high ex- I of coal, .' "jv.--. .. .' . - - : .... ". . ' ; "; 'OLK i COUNTY FARM AND HOME DEPARTMEI1T Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent. TO THE FARMERS COUNTY. OF POLK West Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 23, 1919. My stay of one and one-half years in your county has so endeared the grand little county from every stand point, to my heart, that J feel away rom home when I leave it for a few days. It is my duty to be here for few days and then will be back again with the people I have learned to love so dearly. I am here to see if I 'can take back something new or better than I have been trying to give you; out it is hard to get away xrom the old truths of Agriculture. It is ike the old Gospel of the Christian religion. The older the better. Now want j'ust a few words with you to ourselves. I don't want any outsid ers to hear what I amgoing to say. I want us to get ahead of all the rest. Now here is our secret. The truth of the matter is that Polk county can be made, the best place on the earth to live and we must pin back our ears and t roll up our sleeves and make it so and here is all we have to do to make it so. Listen! Wfc have the same problems to work out that other people down in Alabama have, and that the people down here have, and the very first thing for us and for them is to stop land from washing off towatds the ocean every rain that comes. We can do that by getting busy right now and cover all gullies and bare places on the farm with brush and weeds while they are green now is the time of year to do this RIGHT NOW-and don't forget nor neglect to do it. I have asked you before to do it; but I fear I'll go back and find that all have not obeyed me. Then -when we stop all soil from washing away, the next thing is to build up our soil till it will make bet ter crops. To do this we must grow legume crops, such as soy beans, cow peas, velvet beans, crimson ' clover, bur, red and sweet clover, vetch, etc., and grasses and sod crops to prevent the washing away of our soil. Now this is not a' hard thing to do. The hardest thing in the whole thing is to j'ust make up your minds and be de termined to begin it and to keep right on till the thing is accomplished, Then when all the land is saved from washiner awav and the soil so built up that fine clovers and grasses wi( O V grow everywhere, then the thing to do will be fence off all the land that is steep and set to permanent pasture and put good cattle and sheep on it and put that part, of the farm that is level enough, by proper crop ratation not to wash, in corn, cotton and other cultivated crops, and see howT much easier and better the living will come and then your title will hold your land. Now, whatever you do, don't say word about this little business we have on hand; just get busy. If you talk about it the secret might get out and the farmers over in Rutherford county or down in South Carolina might get busy and beat us which we must not allow. Now every intel ligent farmer in Polk county knows that these things ought to be done, and that which ought to be done can be done,, and what can be done let ev ery farmer in the county lo his bit to aid. in doing it. , J. R. SAMS, County Agent. . The time is fast approaching for our Community and County Fairs to be on hand. Let every one of these communities strive to see which can put up the best fair. Thon let every one see who can excel in making the Polk County Fair a splendid success. Now if you want to see something go along, just keep your eye on the Hickory Grove community. They have their eyes wide open to the im portance of stopping their soil from washing away, and of building per manent pastures and at the proper time importing some good bulls and grow some good cattle. Now just watch thm. If anybody in Polk county has any doubts about grass and clover being an easy crop to erow. and . the most profitable; crop to grow on the farm, labor considered, just let him . go over to brother S. H. Slaughter's place, Saluda, N. C., and talk with Mr. Slaughter. He is only working on $2.00 A YEAR a small scale but he can both tell and show you how; so take a day off and go. We want every lady in Polk county who has pure bred poultry of any breed, to bring a cock and two, three or four pullets to the fair at Coum bus. First bring them to your Com munity Fair. We want to see our selves what we have, so that every body there will know where they can get eggs for" hatching purposes next year. aiso pigs, ot whatever breed you nave, no matter whether you have, the best pigs in the county or not, just bring him along for comparison and find out whether you have the best or not; if not, go home and start at once to have the best one next year.! , Now let me ask every farmer who wats to get in the front line of farm ing to subscribe for your county pa per. It is entirely non partisan, and the only medium in the county we can talk to the farmers through. I have no interest whatever in the paper and the management has never asked me to speak a word in his behalf, I tto so, simply because I see and feel the great need of some way of speaking to the farmers of the county' and can see no ohter. Then last let us remember that whatever Polk county is, her own cit izens will make her. If she stands high in character, intelligence and wealth, it will be because her individ ual citizens are people of character, intelligence and wealth. We can pro cure these things only by honest and legitimate effort. Then let us all . stand together for" education, goocl roads, good farming, good morals, good law abiding citizenship, good neighbors, and good "Christian homes where good loving Christian people lve; and then Polk county will be go ing somewhere and surely get there. HILLCREST. Mrs. W. B. Valentine and son, Billy have returned to their home in St. Louis, Mo., after having spent the summer here Mr. and Mrs. William Hood and family spentseveral days of last week at Hilcrest Institute as the guests of Mrs. Hickman. Miss Fannie Dickerson, of Ruther fordton, C, has returned to her home after spending the summer with , Miss Mary Camp. Rev. G. E. Kidd, former principal of Hillcrest, spent several days here and has returned to his home in Green ville, Va. Mr. Hugh Frasier, who for -the past several months has been the guest of Mr. Clark Gray, has return ed to Georgtown, S. C. v Miss Emma Boyd left, Friday, for Union, Soufch Carolina. Mr. Broadus Flynn left, Saturday for Mars Hill Academy where he will attend school. Miss Elizabeth Camp, of Tifton, Ga. spent the week-end at the home of her parents. The Misses Allen, of Rutherford college, are the guests of Misses Al thea and Louise McDade. Mrs. M. O. Dickerson and little daughter, Katherine, have returned to their home in Rutherfordton, after spending several days with Mrs; C. E. Gray. Mr. Charlie Davis, of Richmond,. Va., is spending a few days with his parents. Miss Juila Abrams has gone to the Rutherfordton hospital, where she will study for a nurse. o I "Rat Snap Beats the Best Trap Erer l -mrJ -mr t ! rtt n" iuaae, mrs. Xiinuy onaw says. "My husband bought $2 trap. I bought a 50c box of HAT-SNAP. Th trap only caught 3 rats but RAT- SNAP killed 12 inar week. I'm never without RAT-SNAP. Reckon - I couldn't raise chicks without it RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. Thre sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guar anteed by The Ballenger Co., and Carolina Hardware Co.' I Neighbor Women Note. :, Among the senses that of overhear ing seems to be the most acute. To edo. Blade.