k only Paper published in Polk County For the lloce AND THE TRYOINR BEE . 1 vol. xxv NO. 18 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1919. $2.00 A- YEAR ROM OR FR ENDS f 5 it, n. CasrU Itnett Gathered By Our Corre. potent. From Various Sections of Polk County MAPLE GROVE. jlr. Tolbert Odell returned home from Spartanburg last week. Mr. Clarence Whiteside has re turned home from Montana, where he 'has been for the past several vears, and he is going to enter school at Fruitland, N. C. this year. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gibbs visited Mr and Mrs.. G L. Taylor, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited Mr. -and Mrs. W. W. Gibbs, Sunday. Mrs. Zeb Taylor is on the sick list. Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs and Messrs. Claude Wilson and Tolbert Oclell visited Misses Thurcey and Leona Burnett, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bonnie Corn visited Mrs. Ella Gibbs, Monday. Mr. C. B. Gibbs and mother and Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited Mrs. Tay lor last Thursday afternoon. Messrs. Will Corn and U. S. Gibbs I made a trip to Spartanburg, S. C, l.ist week: There will be preaching at Cooper Gap next Sunday Everybody vited to come. 0 ' ' SILVER CREEK. m- The summer school being taught at Silver Creek by Bona Arledge is progressing nicely. The tarmers are very Dusy naming 1 - i" 1 appies 10 raaiKa in tms cummumty. d Miss brace Arieage nas returnea a 1 -m 11 home from a two weeks visit to her a . V I sister, Mrs. Jesse Splawn. Mr Will Green, wife and mother ' " ' I nar Saluda. Little Glenn Arledge, Jr. is 3Tery ill at this writing. Let everybody .' 'prepare " 'sometliing' nice for the fair. I It is Avith much interest the good .articles prepared by our faithful demonstrator, J. R. Sams, is read bv some of the NEWS family. UBLYIN HILL, A protracted meeting commenced , i . rp , . hue last Tuesday evening. Farmers are busy pulling fodder in this section. A heavy rain with some hail fell here Sunday, afternoon. " Mr.' and Mrs. J. P. Horn, of Mill Creek,Tattended church here, Sun day. T . i, . -j - ' 4 Mr. J. A, Morris and family, of . , , ,. . lenneita, visited relatives in this vicinity a few days last week. - Miss Sue Eva jriorton, oi k,ooiey Springs, made a brief - call -at the home of Mrs. Waldrop, Saturday Mr. -and Mrs. W. A. Reed recently 1 arrived home from Allegheny, where they had spent some time with rela tives and friends. Messrs. John and Ben Morris, of Henrietta, motored up on business, Monday Tl i . , - , I Hie two voimcesr. pnimren Of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones have the whoop- o-- lnS cough I here was no debate here last Saturn lav night on account of there wing church seiices so near. e are glad to see Mrs. G. A. Braascom able to attend church aain. Mrs. Morris, who has been sick .01" sme time, seems to be improv es a little. M i 1". ,infl M TT . -xic. ,-imc U.1H1U1W1, "eiHlCttn encf V Inn ,0nlr miU viiv- idso wv,iv . " r fauShterfMrs. O. R. Stead- "'ail ,-V FISHTOP. a 'iard rain with much wind Fri- day the blew "ver until it was non-fordable m a v cry few minutes; another hard lain with winH nn v,o?i dov tm. l-lup1 considerable more damage to eoln and i r 5, U!J. ward of 70 -,Mx Da., V'T0':U '. - vu l0 saiuda last week with 0Itte buttpr -v: Avhcli -j. 'j dollars. Why the people of The ordinance of baptism will be : ad opers Gap can't. L Pai,L,M ministered in the afternoon . at 2 30. lat a short niece f. ta W wav of River Cove would be to them church will be held SaTO aer ls hard tn . nnn at. 4 o'clock to attend ta mat- " Bishop has sent two of his OVER THE COUNTY Wm. Newman, of Hendersonville, was iij on a visit to his old home, last week. Mrs. T. R. Stepp is sick with fever. Ernest Laughter hauled a load of apples to Spartanburg l-ast week. Jasper is now on his way to the same place with a load. It is reported that revenue officers made a raid in the cove one day last week and had quite a skirmish over some prize. CROSS KEYS. The Farmers Gin and Mercantile Co., at Sandy Plains is progressing nicely. They are putting the ma chinery in at present and will soon have everything . complete and ready for business. . - . Mr. Zeno Shields and wife, of Asheville, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mose " Shields. The revival meeting at Sandy Plains closed Sunday night and re port a good meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Green, of Spartanburg spent the week-end with friends and relatives of Greens Creek. Mrs. Matt Davis went to Ruther- fordto n hosoital. Saturday, to un- derg0 a serious operation. We wish her -a speedy recovery. - .- The singing school closed at San- plains school house, Friday. Nathan Jones has Must returned holne from over seas. v tirT TI1IDTTC! The course in nursing begins at Columbus. SeDt. 8th. at 3:30 p. m. pefrxt"airth4'''mbthersr'of the "corn- mnnitv will be able to attend and enjoy these lectures, which are free 0f charge. A number of the young folks of Columbus attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Feagans Saturday night; also one at Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith's on Monday ... , ,. , - XT Mr, Claude Mills, son of N. T. .. , ' . Mllls' "as saiiea' ana 1S v home soon Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hyde are vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hughes Messrs Frank Elliott and Edgar Newman left for Washington, D. C, Saturday, where they, have accepted - 'wi.a v,ftsnital positions at St. Elizabeths hospital, , T sWrnnm. and . A Vat"" ArleHae vis- ited Mr. J, P. Arledge, Sunday. - Miss Thelma Mills leaves , Friday, for Greensboro where she will en- the Greensboro Normal college. Mr. John Burgess left for David son College, Monday. Miss Odessa Mills has been added to the staff of teachers at Stearns High school to assist in the 3rd and iu n,inP Wo nrA Viavinc a larger 4U1 gKWH-U. ' ' - . 11 1 1,;. number 01 pupus enruueu- wua than in any preceding year. . Mrs. John Smith spent the week end with her son, John Smith, on the Evelyn Daniel, of Landrum, S. C, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newman. Miss Delia' Vess is visiting her cousin, Miss Vada McMurray this week. - rm. tit cfiirianf a cm-oiled Monday new ovuutiiio " at the Stearns nign cacnoui wcic. Clarence JNewman ana Rutherford county. . mr a . Clarence Newman and of Rutherford county. Will Guffy,, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. jonn jx w r 1 : Ti Smith. Mr. Avery Elliott left for Akron, Ohio, where he has employment. Baptist Church, Columbus. Sunday school 10:30 Preaching service 11 :30. The W. M. U. will meet at 4 o'clock in the tfrnoon. R. Y P U will meet at 7 oclock Sun- day;eveig A full attendee .is Hesired as we wish to reorganize r:: - -e nffirers leaving for ok n Urhool elsewhere' we will be compell- U to elect captam for group No 1. Conference of the members ot the Uers. of importance. - A full attend- SUNNY TIBW. The late corn and potatoes are looking fine since the rain. " : Little Glenn, th,e two-year-old son of Mr. J. J. Jackson, died last Tues day and was laid to rest in the cem etery at Cooper Gap, Wednesday. "They had a little treasure once They loved it oh perhaps too well for soon it slept and died." sWe ex tend our . sympathy in this sad hour. Mr. and Mrs. Birch Jackson, J. X.. and Ralph Jackson motored to Spar tanburg, Friday last. Messrs Dewitt Helton and Bill Jackson went to Coal Grove, Friday, to hear some good singing: v Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett Mrs. N. E. Williams and daughetr Miss Lizzie, motored up to Chimney Rock last week. - Mr. U. S. Gibs and family visited his father Mr. W. W Gibbs, on last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blanton and son, Roy, were callers at Mr. J. L. Jackson's, on last Sunday. Mr. Clarence Whiteside, of Mon: tana, is visiting home folks at this writing. , Misses Alma Corn, Leona Sherman, Messrs Reuben Wilson and Henry Garrett enjoyed a trip to Chimney Rock, Thursday last. Miss Pearl Gibbs was an after church guest of Miss Annie Wilson, Sunday. , Mrs. G. S Whitesides visited her mother, Mrs. W. W. Gibbs, Sunday Mr. James Bradley and family, also Miss Mossie Laughter, attended services at Whiteside Valley, . Sun day Mr. Frank Mills visited at Mr. Taylor Brown's, on last Sunday. ' Mrs. A. H. Lynch and children visited her mother, Mrs. N. E. Wil liams, Sunday Mr. G. W. Bradley has been sick for several days Mr. H. K. Corn died . at his home I on last Sunday night ight and was" laid away in Cooper Gap cemetery, Tues day. Rev. John Arledge conducted the services. Mr. Corn was a mem ber and deacon of Cooper Gap church. He was ever active in Christian service. He was not whom after death, we began to speak words of praise, but in life it might be said of him, as of our Lord Jesus Christ, "He was about his father's business." May God save and comfort the be reaved ones. RED MOUNTAIN. Meeting closed Saturday night at Coopers Gap. Had a : wonderful meetiiTg, twenty .being baptised Sun day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Shed, of Spartanburg, S. C, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hamp' Ruff. Mr. Noah Ruff and Lawton Wilson were pleasant callers at Mr. Bud Lawjter's-Saturday evening. Misses Lona and Ola Lawter took dinner with Gladys and Lizzie Wil- s-on Sunday. Miss Mary Lynch left yesterday for Chimney Rock, where she will spend a few months. Mr. Clarence Ruff took dinner with Mr. Theodore Lawter, Sunday last. Mrs. Elmina Whiteside visited Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Sunday last Miss Mossie Lawter visited her aunt Mrs. BiH Helton, Saturday night. 1 .'. Mr. King Lawter was a pleasant caller at Mr. J. P. Dimsdale's, Sun day afternoon. Misses Gladys and Lizzie Lee Wil son, Lona and Ola Lawter, Mr. Theo dore Lawter and Clarence Ruff enjoy ed a pleasant walk Sunday afternoon. Mr. Theodore Lawter was a pleasr ant caller at Mr. Mark Lawter's, Fri day last. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Sveral from this section attended the baptising and services at White side Valley on last Sunday. Mr. Brewster Brown is very ill with fever. Prayer meeting at Mr. T. F. Mills' was a success, everyone seemed to take a part. 4lr. H. K. Corn died at his home last Sunday night, after a long ill ness. He leaves eight children; and many friends to mourn his ; loss. They have our - deepest sympathy. Mr. D. P. McGuinn and son, Andy, made a business trip to Spartanburg, S. C, last week . Mr. and Mrs. Wt J. Wilson, of Route 1, were pleasant guests of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, last Sunday. Mrs. F. R. Coggins spent Thurs day night with Mrs. -M. H. Gilbert Mr Clarence Whiteside from Mon tana, is visiting relatives in this sec tion i - ' : Mr. Willie J B. . McGuinn made a business trip - to Asheville Monday. 4 Miss Mossie t Laughter, ; of Red Mountain, spent Sunday night with her aunt, Mrs. James Bradley. MILL SPRING. - Revivalbegan at Bethlehem Sun day, Rev. Hubert , Powell is helping the pastor, ! We trusf there will be many souls saved during this meet- mg. ;v ; : - . George Vivian Brisco is visiting relatives atrRutherfordton this week. Mr. J. 1. Gibbs has purchased a Dodge car. i i ' . Mr.. John , Smith and family of (York, S. C.J and Horace Burnwell,of Columbia, S.C, spent a few sdays with Mr. JI M1 Barber, last week Mr and jMrs. Lee Cocheram and daughter, of Greens Creek, "visited relativs here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lionell Brisco ;and other relatives motored from Ruth erf ordton, Sunday to visit relatives. Mr. Otho Lewis, of Greenville, S. C, visited home folks, last week. ivir. ttuDert p oster visiiea nis la ther, Mr. Jl R. Foster, last Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Hadden, of Asheville, is visiting jher parents, Mr and Mrs. Grayson Arledge. A number of young folks were en tertained at Sunny Brook farm last Saturday night. .Mr; Edward. Barber and sister, Letha, visited at Westminster last week. I ,' A party j of young folks . enjoyed several games of croquet and : cold drinks at the Basin last Monday. . .i4. Miss Helga Hampton, of Ruth, N. is visiting her. aunt, Mrs. C . V. Frisco. Ht- - - - Glad to n6te Mrs. L C Gibbs is improving! Mrs. iL.ya walker entertained a number of : little folks at her home Tuesday p. m., in honor of her son Ray's 14th anniversary several inter esting games were played, after which refreshments were served. Ray received quite a shower of presents Rev. E. IJ. Barber, of Clinton, S. C, is visiting home folks. Mr Joe Walker, of Hillcrest school, is visiting his parents,-Mr and Mrs. Nesbit Walker. Messrs. Edward Barber and" Hor ace Burnweli and Miss Letha Bar ber entered school at Westminster last Tuesday. Wade Whiteside spent Sunday af trnoon with Gordon and George Gibbs. ;i Miss Ola Cocher.im spent last week with her j brother, Lee Cocherum, of Greens Creek. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Rev. Noblet preached a real in teresting sei-mon at Lebanon Sunday, only a small crowd present as several from here went to the Sunday school j and singing? convention at Round Hill, Union; Mills, N. C. and all re port a jolly; time. There was some-! thing to jenjoy "believe me", which was a good sermon, several talks on the Sunday, school a real good dinner and the very best singing that we ever, heard.. The different choirs present were Rutherf ordton, Mt. Vernon, Union Mills, Mountain Creek and Rock Springs. Rock Spring choir was not in the contest as they won at Mountain Creek 5th Sunday in June, and had to give the other choirs a fair chance. Rutherf ordton won at Round Hill and went back re joicing over their silk banner. Every one seemed to enjoy the day to the highest extent, except a few of us coming back in-the mud were scared while the trucks were slipping out of the read; ;But safely reached home alter a short drive in the dark Sunday nightr Mr. Ralph Edwards spent Saturday night with Messrs. Charles, Frank and Sidney Flynn, of Uree, N. C. Several from this section attended prayer service at Mr. Henry-Lynch's of Rutherfordton route 2, Sunday night. iSV Miss Ellen Edwards left for Bre vard, Thursday, where she will enter school. ! , Mr. Tommy Conner spent the night with Mr.! Bert Edwards, Saturday. Miss . Dorcas Edwards spent a few social hours with Miss Minnie Owen- by, Monday. f . 1 " " " .... ...... . - . . . . COMMISSIONERS COURT County Commissioners . met, all being present, and the following business was disposed of, to-wit: ' Ordered that the County Commis sioners meet at the court house on October 8th, to hear all complaints in regard to valuations, errors etc for the various townships for 1919 taxes. Those who have grievances will do well to meet the commission on that date. " Ordered that the following amounts in taxes for the vear 1919 as a His- cbvery made by Mr. Geo. A. Gash be made: Saluda Townshin. Mrs. N. B. Alexander. . . . . . S200.00 Miss E. S. Bradlev. 2 lots. . . 200.00 M. E. Martin. 2 lots'.". 200.00 Trvnn Townbin Mattie Fletcher. 1 lot 50.00 p.ati.flr.'T.o mtnr-n 1 lof . ?nn on Ward Heirs. 1 lot.. 25.00 John Henrv Ford, nersonal nronertv!.....'. 300.00 Oak Hall Hotel for 191.. 1918 " and 1919 .23575.001 Ordered that Lee Thompson be released of poll tax for 1919 on ac count of infirmities. Ordered that. E. C. Shore be re leased of $1,000.00 valuation for J 99! by error. Warrants were drawn unon the county fund for pauper and general expenses for August, of $377.22. F. M. BURGESS, Clk. B. C. C. o ; '.. THE SOLDIERS MONUMENT. ' As previously announced 1 in this paper, the citizens of Polk county in a meeting at Columbus on August 20th formed an organization known as "The -Polk County Soldiers Mouh- , A . .. ,, , , , , m mptir. A ssoiation." and elerten orn- cers and directors for its government and control. The -purpose of this organization was conceived in the T?:, " ;rV7"r'F H W him all' credit" is due-fbT-the-'promo- tion of this most worthy cause. . . . - .. jrjv for the purpose of raising funds by onill im 4"Vi"1cn lw on OTnAllTlf e oc ,. , - ,v the directors may see fit, for the f. ... , f the court house square at Columbus - -r, m memory of the soldiers of Polk . l , . - wuiivj- "w oaw.uvvu " the world war, and m honor of those , . who are living. mi . ill" ir 4. i. 1 This movement having been started and the plans laid for the perpetua- tion of the names of "our heroes of victory, peace and liberty," it now wmniTis for the nat.riot.iV neonle of r - cessful completion, and I appeal to a ; every man, woman and child m the county to take part in this great m w vnm enroll- ed.as members of the association. 0 , , ni,-- Send, your .name, and membership , . A . - T1C, dues (twenty-five cents for adults , , , - v,a o-nH ton nonto for hl InrPn I tn The Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. W.' A. Can- non, Lynn, N. C. The membership dues, after paying flight expenses of the association, such as stationery printing, .postage etc., will be turned into the monument fund; then be sides paying your membership dues, we want you to subscribe to the monument fund as much as you feel that you can afford to pay for the purpose of perpetuating the names of our noble boys. Some have sub scribed already in amounts if $20.00 $10.00 and down to One Dollar. How much will you subscribe? Don't wait for a personal solicitation, send your name and amount to Jthe treas urer or hand to any officer or direc tor of the association. It is a patri otic duty, and for our own sake and good name we cannot allow interest in this worthy cause to lag; reader, this means you. Do it today and you will never have reason to regret the part you took in this grand, noble work. Respectfully, THOS. C. MILLS, Pres. A SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE FOR POLK COUNTY. Supt. E. W. S. Cobb and County Agent, J. R Sams, are planning to" meet the trustees and parents of Greens Creek consolidated school district, on Wednesday, September 17, to consider a plan for building a two-story building, with class rooms for teaching agriculture and home economics combined with a dormi tory. There are already thirty of these schools in North Carolina which are aided1 substantially by fed eral and state funds. FARM E DEPT. II NOTICE TO POLK COUNTY FARMERS Mr. J. E. Ivey, of the Division of uury investigation, west .naieign, . N c Wl11 hold another series of u"ry SCilools at . me ionowmg times and Places, and will supervise and aid in constructing an up-to- date Poultry house in each township, where notlce will be given that lum- ber and a11 necessary materials will be ready, viz: Tryon, Sept. 8, 2 to 4 o'clock p. m. Missildine Hall. Grenes Creek Sept. 9, 10 to 2 o'clock P m-' Hih Scho1 building. . Mill Spring, Sept. 10 10 to 2 o'clock P- m- School building. Sunny View, Sept. 11, 10 to 2 o'clock p. 4 m., school buiding. MiU Spring, Sept. 10, 10 to 2 o'clock P- m school building. Saluda, Sept. 13, 2 to 5 o'clock p. m., schol building. Jhe People of Polk county will re- member the fine young man who held a series of poultry schools last year. The course this year will be a review of last year, with many ad ditional features. I want to ask ev- erybody interested in good poultry to come out, and Mr. Ivey will be prepared not only to tell you why not to, feed chicks till 72 hours old, but to show you why. Bring lunches and let's be sociable y J. R. SAMS, County Agent. Watch for the dates of the Poul try Schools in Polk county. This is one line of work taken 1 up in Polk county, peculiar to Polk county; . ' ... . ,. k We would like for all parties who I received eggs for hatching last spring to attend these meetings which are nearest to - you. , We would be glad if you would ? each Ibring ene ,!c6ckerel and Vpullet along f - . . if y - - :-... t ... wicu )uu iui wmpaiisuii auu w ici others see what we are' doing, and to advertise your surplus cockerels- that your neighbors may know what advertise your surplus cockerels- J , . r . , : and how much you have for sale, , , . ... d how much you have for sale. Mr. Ivey, as you know, is a polite, genial young man and is piping full &. J & . T of energy and enthusiasm and de- . . . . . , . , . ; sires to give out all the valuable m- J? 1. 1 4- C-. I 6 . . 1 better poultry. So don't forget the 1 date and don't allow anything pre- . " veilL yuui LU"U"K uuu HOLY CROSS CHURCH I Tl C,,-J,r Holy Cross- fall term next Sunday Sept. 7th. All . , J v f colars and . teacbe are requested to be present promptly at ten o'clock. . The other services for the day will De Holy uommunion at v:du a. m., ..,.. . . . , . wnicn win De a service oi special in - tention for the work of the Womans' I AUX1 iary 10 tne .... At eleven a. m., will be another cel eration of the Holy Communion. and sermon. V ' The Womans' Auxiliary and Parish Guild of Holy Cross church, held a joint meting at the Rectory on Mon day Lfternoon. Plans for the com ing winter were discussed, and the Rector gave a talk on the nation-wide campaign of the Episcopal church. "This campaign has for its -object the arousing of Jhe conscience and from the standpoint of spiritual edu cational and social, service efforts. This will be by far the greatest, ef fort ever undertaken by the ' church in the United States, and will cul minate in an intensive week' of prayer and information services in Decem ber The local committee on the Nation-Wide campaign consists of the following members. Others may be added later. ' Rev. H. N. Bowne, Rector: W. T. Lindsey, chairman; Mr. F. P. Bacon, Mr. G. H. Homes , Mr. Oliver An drews, Mrs. F. P. Bacon, Miss Kath erine Beatson, Miss Violet Bray, Mrs. Earle Grady and Mrs; G. H. Holmes. Rev. Mr. Brower, who has filled the pulpit at the Congregational church during the past month, returned to his home in Florida, Wednesday. For Mending China. ' Mix a teaspoonf ul of alum ahd a tablespoonful of water and place in a hot oven until it is quite transparent. Wash. the Droken pieces in hot water and. while warm, coat the broken edges thinly and quickly, as It sticks Instantly. Your china ithus mended will bear hot water and ordinary usage. 0 ! 1 i! i I'i

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