--- -;. l - - . . , , - , . i . VOL XXV NO. 19 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY,, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. $2.00 A YEAH I " ' ' ' ' I . - ' . rnii nun rniCMnn nurn nir nnmiTu , rr 7: - - - - - - . - . . .. . .. . Pftl uun mum uvcn ; int UUUNIY -L;: ; Tf8' 7 ' ' ' . """Mi I " ftgySffWWffyW ni- nwnfcji mi Bin iimi 1 1 nri i ii milium mirirnwa .m-mk - , lX mmmmB ? -mM, mmm; , i&.mim.j mm,. ., wl ,hh -r--- - J- " j V . l Oil iW88 I - ' - -1 i. n V 1 r a--Mlt I ' ' ' - i I I ' ,0 b,i ZaraX IaterIt ?llieiJ Br Oar Correspondent. From V. scns or roiic Uonnty nous The MILL SPKINO, revival meeting closed at cwed and some3'ery interesting ere , ifrS U. ox iow - be'r of young folks at her home, t7 j,v niht, in nonor 01 ner Saturday m0 , , Lsent l-eport a nice time. . i, . Some of wrs. j. . uaiwio r Vipr last week. Inves visi" - i number oi yuuxiK xvin u., ill j- ttTI TldaV allCniWXI vn-ii. vooig i" rr ... " Tri4-s T Hamilton, 01 - ny . Let us be more punctual at vnns- ian Endeavor, iry to De tnere Dy Mod and taKe an active part. I fader for next Sunday, Lizzie Dal- Ve will meet at wmte uaK l o..jov Rpthlehem the next. etc. !exv ouiiuj Miss Sue Gibbs is working in her gather's store at Greens Creek. I Miss Mertie Thorne and other rel 'atives, visited her sister, Mrs. J. M. Vwis, last week. . . ! Misses Mollie Dalton, Bessie Ham ilton, Clara Edwards and Leona fgerton spent Wednesday afternoon kith the 'Sunny Brook" Girls. . Williams, of Ion, jrwn, spent isunaay at Mr. A. A. JfiQwards'. Several -from this section went to the box supper at Uree school house, oo,wuiuty mgnt, and report a good time, miss Kachael Flynn was de- 1 1 xi . . . waieu tne winner of the "pretty gins- catce. Mr. Bert Edwards spent Saturday mgnt witn Mr. Knox Uree, N. C. miss juossie Edwards returned home from Inman, S. C, last week. She has 'secured a position in Tryon as one of the force of the Polk Coun ty News. Maggie Sue,, Girleath and Pantha Edwards visited their cousins, Bertha. Maggie Lee and Ida Ruth Edwards, bunday afternoon. Mr. Arthur Thompson, ..of Pea Ridge, was in this; section, Sunday. Messrs. Ralph and Bert Edwards went to Asheville, Monday. Messrs. Talmage and . Jolinie Grif fin attended prayer meeting at the Camp school house, near j Broad river, Sunday p. m. -o COLUMBUS. CROSS KEYS. Miss Nora Wilborn spent the week end with her parents, returning to Saluda Monday morning, . where", she has secured a position" with Mrs. Wil- cox. Rev. Liner of Hickory Grove, preached an interesting 1 sermon at Sandy Plains school house, Sunday morning and evening. . tr. Marshall Chitwood's new house is pgressing nicely.' . He will soon tore it completed. Kr. H; G. Flynn. made a business trip to Spartaburg, Saturday. Mr. J. H Gibbs, of Mill Spring has purchased the Cantrell store and farm at Cross Keys, also Mr. Jess Stocton's farm. Mr. Claude Jolly gave a singing at his home, Saturday night. Mr. Oil Smawley had a stroke of paralysis last week and is in a critical condition. His daughter, Mrs. Owens, of Landrum, is with him. Mrs, Collins is on the sick list this week. TRYON ROUTE 1. Just as the interest seemed to be in creasing, most all present, regardless of denomination, were working to gether with one accord, and the Holy Spirit was brooding over our hearts, ad Mr. Powell, one of Polk's sons of ffhom she should feel proud, was Pouring out the Gosnel messaee in n's charming nious wav. some of our s were receiving a new spiritual iUe, the meeting closed on .account of wcied, and Brother Powell had to "iter other work awaiting him. '". Marvin Edwards is at home Irm Ft. Thomas.' K v.. on a 'few s' furlough. i,. Misses Leona F.crprtm TClsip Fssie All O uiauya, aawiici aim uibbs, and Marvin . and Walter wards were Sunday afternoon WS of Miss Bessie Hamiton Al- MlSS H-amntATi Moo s, Bona and Ted Arledge, Floy. luey and Frank and Ray Edwards cie callers in th afbrnnnn Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr., and Mrs nion and children, of New Pros Bra; ct S. C, Mr Hubert Foster and nie friPnr! ff at t ttii --..o due xi'dxi, ui ten ' Were the far " at" Plants at rJinvA i4. c i . -'mivji last otixivi. Mr. JnoV uii l i j lhe Joe Edwards farm. iss Myrtle Pack and- Mr. Tom erno 1 "larriea yesteraay ai- 11 awards was very sick iIisses Aim, -oj a.,j , viura ana joe jlziu- lotted Cq entered school at phar varln Pearl Edwards left for Bre- Just Mr. Claude Mills, son of N. T. Mills of the 1st Division, . . . arrived from over seas and is at Camp Merritt, N. J. He will take nart: in the parade at New York and Washington,' Dr C, and then will" return'' to his home here. Mr, and Mrs. C D. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Green attended the re union of - the Green f amily at Ruth erfordtonV last week. i J Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Edwards, Mr. M. L Edwards and two eons, visited the family of Dr H. Edwards, . Sun day. : "; "-: . Miss Vada McMurray and Miss Marie Burgess left for Elon college Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Smith and daughter returned to their hoixie afr St, Georere. S. C. after a visit with reatives in Henderson county Mrs. G. C. Brisco, of Mill Spring, and Miss Helga Hampton, of Ruth, "M f! were visitors of Mrs. H. H. a ri . . - s Edwards Monday. Mr John Carnegie of Rutherford- ton visitedNhis mother., Mrs. Carne crie.. Sunday. A Mothers' class wasxorganized at the Bantist church Sunday, with Mr J. R. Sams as teacher. We trust all the mothers of the community will encourage this efficient teacher with their presence. Leader for thfe B. Y. P. U. next Sunday evening will be" Miss Mary Boone. -Columbus Baptist Church. Sunday school 10:30. Preaching service 11:30. The morning service will be of a special nature, dealing largely with the 75 million dollar- campaign, the Baptists of the Southland are begm ing to organize. It will b2 largely inspirational, devotional and explan atory. We are striving to make this service one that will appeal to all our people .from its educational and religious side. The singing will be good, several duets will be rendered, and the entire service will be of a highly interesting , nature. We ex tend a hearty welcomed any church in the county not having services of their own ' to come and join with us. We are looking for a record-breaking attendance and want everyone m tne community to come and enjoy the service. The church witn a welcome. j. T. W. and I. B." Bradley attended " the ; singing at Mount Lebanon church Sunday -evening. : Corn seems to have improved -some, perhaps the crop will be about equal I with cotton, apples, etc., which ? is around 60 per cent normel ; the lowest v since '65. We hear that W G. Hill has sold . his -home place to a Mr. Buckmire. THE POULTRY SCHOOLS. Polk county is beginning to appre- : ciate the special attention .shown ; by j the State Experiment Station in an effort to make Polk county a "pure bred"county. . ; ; Mr. jfi. J. Ivey, of West Raleigh; ar rived in Tryon Monday and 'opened the first school of the 'season's in Mis- sildine hall. Mr J R Sams; County: Agent, introduced Mr Ivey- who ex hibited recently compiled5'" statistics and charts showing advantages' of green feed and meat scraps or soy bean meal wherever the brood were , confined in a "dry lot.' , A fairly good crowd attended this meeting, both men and women; to . whom the advantages of . pure bred male birds in every flock were clearly' shown. . TftYON immf.m.mx.Kmmv.i Tryon; September 23, 24, 25, 1919 You've been silent for quite a while. Hurrah for the Fair. PEARIDGE. r W y. i ' be " ue. onth until the Fair,-let's itg na coming", with our exhib- MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Rev c t S. lar 7: helton filled his regu- K lar mtment at Lebanon, Sunday. . vxuwq was present. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mr N. C. Burgess, of Inman, ,S. C, and Miss Mollie Corn Mill Spring route 2 were happily.' married last Saturday night. We wish V them a long and happy life. , -Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McCram at tended preaching services at Bnghts - Mrs. Moses 'Jackson was a caller at Mrs. H H. McCrain's luesoay. ... . m: cn, Smith .of Spartanburg, passed through this section one day trip : to Spartanburg an Mr. H Alice, made last week. , , Mr." Fred Corn has purchased The pcopl of Mountain View are t rtTThurch building painted. , Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess, of Rutherfordton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dalton, Sunday. Mss Mollie Dalton left for Bre vard, Thursday; where she will' enter school , . The little son of Mr. Billie Wilson's fell last Friday an( broke Jiis arm in two places. Mr. John Sweezy spent Friday night at E. G. Thompson's. Misses ; Bessie Thompson Lizzie and Mollie Dalton spent last Friday at Mrs." Nellie Foy's. Mr. J." B. Dalton and daughter's Lizzie arid Mollie went to Asheville Thursdayto have their eyes treated. Miss Iva Gosnell is visiting in South Carolina this week. Grayson ' Turner and wife returned home Friday after a two '-.weeks visit with relatives in Spartanburg. Mr. andMrs. James Russell of Asheville are visiting relatives here this week.'- - . ' Mr. John; Foy and family Visited in Lynn Sunday, V. Mr. and rMrs E. G. Thompson were callers ; at Mr. J. R. Philips Sunday afternoon; . '.. Miss 5ssie Hyder spent Saturday night with. Miss Bessie Turner. - Miss Myrtle Tailor was the guest ot her sister Mrs Ralph Moore Satur day nights ; , Collett jFowleri and wife spent Tryon Monday, - -. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Thompson made a business trip to Ruthfordton Tuesday. . .,-VT-ii MAPLE GROVE. Sunday at Mr. John Prichard's Mr. Wilf Birkerstaff of Georgia called to v see Miss Minnie Brisco Wednesday ' last. - LutherjPhilips and wife spent Sun- last week: - -: , j..,vfnhiav withvMrv and -Mrs. J. R. Philips. . H. McCram ana 31 and Mrs. Calvin Philins Bornrtp!; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Philips a girl r;- . Clarefe Newman has' ' entered Columbos high school. 1 Born; t Mr. and Mrs. Willie Turner Monday a son. . , GraysonTurner mad a trip to Rev. Bud Jackson preached a very interesting sermon at Coopers Gap last Sunday. . Messers Andy? Searcy, Whit Wil son and sons Lee and Barney made a trip to Asheville last week. There was a box shipper at Cane Creek last Friday night all attended reported a . jolly time. " Mr. Ernest Ruff has returned home after a long stay inv the service Every one seems glad to have him home again. Sunny View has fell on ' a cheap plan as pork is so high, they season their beans with crawfish. Guess the rest of the people wiiybe at that if meat don't get cheaper. Messrs. R. R (Wilson and E. - S. Ruff were the guests of Mr. N. E. Williams, last Sunday. Misses Thurcey and Leona Burnett, Messrs Tolbert I Odell and Virgil Mc Guinn visited Miss Emma Spicer last Sunday. ' ' Mr. J. W. Biddy spent a few hours with Mr. U. S.i Gibbs last Sunday. Mrs.. Ella Gibbs took dinner with her brother, Mr. E. C. Lynch, last Friday. Mr. Sidney McGuinn has gone to Asheville to peddle for Mr. D. P. Wil liams, as he is jhauling in the truck. Rev. N. L. yrjght will preach his last sermon at Cane Creek next Sun day. Everybody invited to come. o : ' : ' i -, MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Mr Ji B. Reid of Spartanburg,, was in Tryon on business, Tuesday. T. W. Ballew and family spent the v day, Sunday, visiting friends in Hen-dersonville. It will not be long before you will' be wondering what has become of: your summer's wages. ; Chas Cobb, of Hendereonville, -was in town Sunday, visiting his parents,, ' Mr. and' Mrs. Geo; B. Cobb.- Messrs. C. W. Ballenger and P. G. Morris went o Charlotte; Monday to get a shipment of Ford cars J . M. Hearon of Saluda, was here Mdnday He was looking ior a loca- tion for a moving picture show. H. F. Fields, of Kansas City, Mo. has accepted a position with the Bal lenger Co.,-and is in charge of their meat market. ' " RevrMr." J. F. Black will preach at the Congregational church; . Sunday. morning, on "a subject of - interest to' all. You are cordially invited 'to' ibe- - - present. ... Mr." J. R. Sams sent us a good artU cle for our Farm and Home Depart- ment this week 1 which we are t com ' pelled to omit on account "of tinier It m appeariin : ou next issue.' - Mrs. 0. W. Nettles and' children, accompanied by her- mother. ; Mrs.' last week. Misses Pearl Gibbs, Annie Wilson, Gco: w Smith, left 'Wednesday,- for iviessrs. ttaipn ana uui jacKson were Ft Thomas Ky to j0in Capt Nettles; pleasant callers at N. E. Williams' wno has just ' returned from " service Sunday. - I over seas: .. i T-i t e I ,' xvir. ana lurs. uonn uyers, oi uo- -i waTltej.iA Rev. B. Jackson delivered a good.. sermon at Cooper .Gap .on last Sun day. : ' Mrs. J. B. Jackson is -very ill at this writing. . . lumbus, visited relatives in Big Level section, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blanton were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. u f Mcviumn. - Mr. George Fowler and children, of Spartangurg, S. C, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Pitts' A good many Sunny View young sters enjoyed good singing and mu sic of the piano at Mr J. W. Pitts' Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. R Coggin spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. A. J. Dimsdale. Mr.- and Mrs. Fred Gibbs sepnti Sunday night at D. P. McGuinn's. Mr. N. ,E. Williams and daughters, Lizzie and Mattie Mae, visited rela tives . in Hendersonville, last week. Misses Maggie and Arkansas Jack son, Annie Wilson, spent Friday at William Wilson's. Mr.. Ernest RufT is home with his honorable discharge. A large crowd assembled at D. . P. McGuinn's, Saturday night, to have prayer meeting. It was conducted by Rev. Bud Jackson. ' , FISHTOP. ' A nice week for saving fodder was last. But fodder is scarce as so much burned up before the corn got ripe enough to draw it. Perhaps this 'h season will learn farmers the necessity of sowing peas, cane and other grasses for feed and not depend on f odderT which detracts much from the corn at best (almost IthpTWluess-of the fodder.l l..Mxs.iH., Jones and Miss Myrtle Pee r visited at -Fruitland,' Saturday last. ' , . , - v " Miss Alma Newman visited home Mr. and Mrs; James Bradley made a ' business trip to Hendersbnvill I folks Saturday and Sunday. competent salesman . for Tryon and Polk county. We want a'manthat is 1 industrious and of'' ' high "character. Big oportunityfor ' right . man.- Address J. Ai Murray;: ' j Gen.' Agt; Southeastern Life Ins; Co., ' 58r Amv Nat." Bank.' Bids'.;' Asheville,- J. N. C. Miss Thurston wishes to announce v that the Open Air School will begin its fall session Wednesday, October ; the" first All communications ad dressed to Miss Edith M. Thurston, Tryon, N. C, will be forwarded un til her , arrival in Tryon to open the ' school. ' ' ' ; Mr.-John H. Hogan of -Washington, v D. C. - was in - Tryon -Mondayonbus-5--' iness and while here made us - a v pleasant . call. Mr. Hogan was -con-' , riected with the Polk County News- in 1910 when it was published- in Co lumbus and .left there to accept em- ployment in 'the Government print-.. ing office at Washington,-where he - has been since leaving .here. . The Lynn - school opens Monday' with Mr. R. D. Gray-as principal and Misses Alice McBrayer v and Mary Lallar, both of Rutherfordton, as as- sistants. All . the ' teachers have '' had several years experience, and ; with the -new addition recently built; Lynn should have a real good school this year. , ; j Don't forget that school' openff nextx. Monday. Also that "the last "session of Jthe legislature passeda compul- . sory school law requiring the attend-' ance of all scholars during" the school- . term.' In order , to save "yourself a - lot of trouble you had better see 'to it tht your children 'are in 'school on the opeing ' day uid that they are f there every day between that - time and the closing day. A word to thq .wise will be sufficient, "2 ewiord Wiluams, of 7h;Uo, Bie. vel. come gain.

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