j r - I : ft ...... - ' . 4 . . .. t - , . .j,- ,... .... -'V. A Kv2, Cli: For Its llcac AND THE TRYOISiBEE i X NO. 21 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, i919. $2.00 A YEAR 1 FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY iterest Gathered" By Oar Correspondents From Various Sctint of Polk County , View. in this section are very fodder, -and some are L pulling t1tr cotton. . 1 g a Mrs Joe McGraw were vis- ,0f Mr. ana - - -in this section carried 'pro- tnSpartanouig . .L rnrn was an afternoon Unf MiSS AUCe iUCictlll, ouima,. Mrs Plmma t J0e MCUia -------- made a business trip to Co- .v, last week. f f l Gladys and-Annie Belle vwn were the dinner gucaLo ui L Alice Com, Sunday. Emma tiauora was a cauw . .r Hf Anlav ' ' i fViia oeptinn Ynntnred jicrowtt irw"' 11110 v : MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. York, and will be home soon. "' Mrs. J. AV. Clark has returned to Rutherfordton. Mr. L. F. Camp is attending King's business college at Charlotte Mr. Oscar Bridges was back in his old home neighborhood, Sandy Plains, Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Smawley spent Sunday night with her brother, Mr. 01 Smaw ley, who is critically ill. Mrs. C. E. Gray visited in Rutner f ordton, last week. MILL SPRING. COLUMBUS. Rev. B. M. Hamrick preached his farewell sermon, Sunday. There were many sad hearts to see V him leave. He has labored so earnestly among us we will always remember him. . opurgeon and Max. Wilson spent Sunday with their cousins at Sunny Brook. Mr. Lynn Waldrop and family spent Sundav afternoon with t. r. O I.MW1 . X" It some reason uui ouuu I Gibbs. : . very small at coopers uap on The Community Club meeting next out last Sunday. Hope to have a Saturday night. iter turn out ut.u ouiv. Tne rall exercises will be-ren- r. and Mrs. Tom Jolly frpm dered next Suny at White Oak at U plains visited the latter two o'clock. Everybody come and con WsMr.and Mrs. W. W. Gibbs, tribute something for the 75 million mj. ' campaign. lliss Ruth Byers wno nas oeen go- Miss Qla Cocherum snent Sundav U Sterns high school was home afternoon with her cousins, Esther and Sue Gibbs. Christian Endeavor next Sunday at White Oak, Bona Arledge, leader. Mrs. C. M. Dicus returned to her home in Gaffney, Sunday. Born tb Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lynch, M. jurday and Sunday on a visit. r 1 r A ta to Mr. and ivirs.- a. hi a girl. - M. H. Gilbert went to TryOn Sat- day last. A large crowd attended prayer The second week of court commenc ed Monday, i k Mrs. Jack and son, Huerh. made a business trip t9 Hendersbnville,' Sat urday. . -: . . . ::- ; ... Friends of Miss Sallie Willie 'Hun ter, former Stearns High- School teacher have received announcements of her marriage to Mr. O. Burr Jones. They will be at home at China Grove, N. C. - ' . Mrs. J. H. Haddon, of Asheville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Avery Elliott. Miss Gladys Smith has been added to the staff of teachers at Lynn. Prof, and Mrs. E. W. S Cobb were in Spartanburg, Saturday . 7 Mrs John Smith, who has been sick for some time, is improving Miss Lizzie Dedmond has been vis iting at Woodruff, S. C. Mrs. John Panther, of Lynn, visit ed Mrs. H. W. Hill, Monday;- Mr. Calvin Philips, of Pearidge, moved his 'family to Columbus, Jast" week Mr. Ernest Bridges has opened., a blacksmith -shop at Columbus. lessrs. G. R. Rhyne and M. D. Jus tice attended court here last week. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Jones and Miss Johnson were dinner guests", of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Smith, Sunday." . Chief Wilson, deputy sheriff Otis Feagan and others captured two stills, Monday. i J . -. , The small son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Elliott, is very ill with pneumonia. Services at the Presbyterin church 4th Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev" Caldwell, pastor. Let us all be ready for the Fair with our very best exhibit. Mr. waiter .Edwards motored to Rlenderson county and elsewhere. fast evening. ... - ,t Misses Octa and Lillian Pack are off this week to Saluda Seminary. , Mrs. Joe Champion and ' children leave this .weejf for Detroit, Mich., ou MO 0 IE Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent. My T W Slnas Pip11 A wpnf for r ,v -7- ' - '4 reiatlvfs beef cattle, JWesf Raleigh, represent- Let's not; forget , the community fairs, and by no , means the Polk county, fair, Oct. .8, 9 and 10. Remember the rally day program ing the Division of Animal Industry, is arranging for an excursion of far mers from western North Carolina to the beef cattle fields of the central west and northwestern section of the FISHTOP, at N. E. Williams Saturday Sunday, a girl. PEARIDGE. jmces Sr. Feagan, from Landrum, -.spent my night at J. J. Prices. , Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Williams made trip to Landrum last week. j Mr. Calvin Philips has moved Several from this part are attend- I Columbus. J? court this week. " Mr. Ed Jones,' from Mill Spring, Sated in Cane Creek section Satur- i ar.d Surdav. I'.na Mrs F. Tt. Coggin worcj fternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. ing Stepp, Sunday. Mr. Dansig Gilbert. spent7 Satur- ; night at . E. Villiams. fcttie.Mae Williams spent Wed- to Miss , Iva Gosnell is visitng home folks for a few weeks. Lnzy Conner -has a J. H. Ford he purchased from Wm RusselL Miss Mabel Pack was the guest of Miss Annie Melton last Friday night. Misses Mamie and Alice Wilson were the dinner guests of Miss Lzzie Dalton Sunday. Misses Ola Griffin, May Mills and Wednesday night with Mrs. Festus Mary Mills left, Thursday last, for Wii- Tennessee, .where tkey will enter F. E. Coggin made a business trip, school. p Asheville last week. Miss Catherine Austin, the trained Mr. A. J. Dimsdale had the misfor- nurse at St. .Thomas Mission, left to get his house burned down Friday. She will visit friends in P week. They have the sympathy Rutherfordton and other places before r the communrtv. I rptuminfr to Encland. her native land. i Arkansas Jackson is spend- Mrs. Nellie Thompson and' children ft a few days with her aunt in Ashe, visited her mother near Columbus, Mrs. John Smith. " le Bessie Helton snent "Satur- Miss Bessie Thompson was the h night with Mvrtie and Carrie Lleasant cfuest of Miss Iva Gosnell, - ; Sunday. fft's not forget our community Mr. and Mrs. Josh Waldrop visited f at Sunny View. Guess we can iii Gaffney, S. C, last week PHT snmo (.v-,,c.i. i Tnkn I? t-nA ffc .T ' T?. Dal- ton werev callers at E.. G. Thompson s, Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church at Mill Spring, United states next 5unaay aiternoon at 12 o'clock. ;This excursion vvill leave Asheville, My, what abusy time, corn cutting N c about the 29th of November, of pea picfang fodder pulling, rye sow- which date later notice will be given, ing, and Mr. Saj-dream to make and Vill take in some of the best true and to court the ing both off '"I.! ' andon. .Anyway let's be ready for where the party will be able to the Fair. -. . w " v ' ..ii. :: . stup uver unu uave am pie Lime iaj in- vstiga'te the wery best pastures, feed ing methods, fixtures etc A r.,11 1 Ml - yery dry weather prevails and is A r Vf Urt"iea cutting crops short " Udlc ,""c a1 auu wm taiwe S. S. McMurray, of . Fingerville, S. e pla.ce f hotel accommodations on C, was in this section one day last the entire trip; at all stop-overs. WpV Hfi ln Ww f 3n. Many of the most important beef nlp nff hi liftl ian0 u ctiii cattle and packing centers will be vis x .r tf "v. herf in the cove. " I. - I. Brdley hauled a load of potatoes S1ow and sale will be the last place to rtendersonviller Saturday.. . vimu. mcos m tius-enure ruu- A number of the cove folks- attend- f XCUmn JngT ed court last week and quite a num- $45-J Pe,r head' . Partles ln Polk ber are in attendance this week. county who are interested r in beef Miss Flora BraHWs'tnn, rat ranht cattle as a future business should get and wounded to death a garter snake ucTfMr J W Sloss' Beef two and one-half feet long, one day Cattle Field Agent, West Raleigh, third seven-eights, when to. all prac tical purposes are as profitable for beef as pure bred. We want all far mers in Polkxcounty to get into this campaign and , keep in it, till every scrub bull in the, county is "swatted Polk county used to be dead and did not know it; but she is being awak ened from that slumbering condition and in a short time will be tremend ously awake. You know when you arouse a. sleeping lion or tiger there will be something going on - if you don't get out of the way. So the lion tamer had better be on his guard when thjs awakening takes place. The farmer who lets his stuff re main at home- and goes to his com munity fair and says he has better Y stuff at home than is in the fair, is an (exceedingly poor booster, either for the fair or his community. 1- - to market, Mon- f TV ..Columbus Baptist Church. (Sunday school at 10:30. Preach ing service at 8 o'clock in the; evenr ing by Rev, Mr. Hudson. Mr. Hud son, is a forcible and an entertaining speaker and we bespeak for" him "at Columbus a large audience. We ex tend a hearty welcome to all to at tend this evening service. E. J. Jones, Pastor. , . pears and dav. " . -- Jasper Henderson is on the way to market with a lead of apples; also a Mr. Foster who got his load of Mr. Henderson. MILL SPRING ROUTE : 1. Pe. HILLCREST. SILVER CREEK. i ss Maude Coxe has returned to ,!n River House for the autumn. fiev- Nathan q00t ijj Mi Sam Smith: an artist from in this neighborhood, last week. Spartanburg, has been spending sev Mr. and Mrs. M. Georgion have re- eral days with friends in this part from an extenHe h- f Pal. of Polk. - - and other points north ' Mr. N. B. Arledge made a business J. T. Camp has returned from trip to Rutherfordton, last baturoay. !3tas, apnftTynro:.i , . nr- moitai. rirppn and Miss Minnie Mn -v "'Fuieu r ner moiner -xi. fx vjxvw.. - Jlilnor .Tnnn ri, a MnPriHv were hannily married last .v,, yy lLyj Will UCUU . - - . filter here. . Sunday. Miss MicBride has been . Wm. Fnnc a x.:,j tMU.ot'Mt Lebanon for the past -g their aunt, Miss Maude Coxe. two sessions. , . anH r u n . . ! "m:. " :n u all-Hav mcinff at J P . s- V1- georgion and Mrs. inere wm yc , "" " 00 r. AKw. I i. Cnmi Sent.. 28. Ik, 3 spent Sunday with Mrs. Silver ureeK, ni- v. Vfincv P,..ii 7 I n,.n. t. ,.tV. Tiac Keen in l. - . Mr. Willie imuui. " o... tt ' . . " - ti Maw fm eieht years, was a call- WfflT,r'-. eiV Mountain-View Fann, Sunday. Miss Lena Green attended the mar riage of her brother Walter, who was rVn-and will ' , ' Mm married at Saluda, last Sunday.. Mr Kid 6 thGir hme Mr J T Outz and family, of Spar- fc ..Kld(1 wa Princpal of Hill- Mr J' LVZil Z tt p vAr- tanburg, were visiwio - K ;riiU1Ubon nospitai. s- u- E- Kidd have .--small farm from Mr. M. Rev. Wright delivered a very in teresting sermon at Lebanonj Sun day evening." His subject was "The Devil, Disease and Death." Every one seemed to enjoy hearing it. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ed wards, on th 19th, a son. Miss Mossie Edwards, of Tryon, spent the week-end at home. Rev. Wright and wife spent Sun day night at Rev. Womack's. Several from this section attended services at Rock Spring, Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. V. B. .Hyder were callers at ' A. A. Edwards' Saturday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt, of Shelby, snenf last, week rvith relatives in this section. ! Mr. Johnie Griffin left, Monday, for Cl.n1k,f XT O OI1C1UV, XT. V. .Mrs. Q. M. Powell's mother, Mrs Abrams, and other relatives of Hill- crest, visited, her Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T: Edwards made a business trip to Tryon,. Saturday. Rev N. N. Womack and daughter, Mice Minnie attended services at Grav's Chapel, Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Edwards spent bunday afternoon with Mrs. A. A. 'Edwards. We are glad to know that private Tench Edwards, of the 1st division is at Washington, 15. C, and expects to he home soon. Mrs M. E. Nelson died at her home Wednesday night, Sept. 17, . and was buried at Rock Spring cemetery on Thursday." 'We extend" our deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones. Miss Dorcas Edwards . will leave Tuesday, "Sept. 30, for Valle Graces, N. C ohere she will enter the Valle Cruces Industrial School. , k,7lasl and both tei rs. Kidd avo nonn.i r a 7 them Jh. Cw.; the c is vi Carnn. ; glad to wel- of Mr- Jim apy Li22- cho has heen for several waders. ter, - Mrs. J. is wounded in I was only re the hospital. irta lact Sunday, e good letter in the NEWS last week, written byMr. J. R. vf much enjoyed by some of the NEWS i " Ink Stains on Furniture. To' remove ink stains, from manoff- nrr rnRPWOOd or DluCK wuiuu. uuj, "T i a 1 Til rp nut null. a. v.w - j and Misses , Rnoonful .of water, anu- ent S Her v ture, put half a dozen on "n d Mattie Wil- touch the stain with a f eatner rinffs. Sundav. ,ifn the mixture. As soon as tne stam is been notified disappears, rub with a cloth dampenea landed in New with cold water. .. : ast week. at once and get reservation. Ernest Laughter hauled a load of U ATTEND THE POLK FAIRS. COUNTY The Department at Washington D. C, is launching a campaign for bet ter live stock throughout the United The land has been so dry farmers Ptaes by the introduction of pure- ureu maies. it is wonoenui yes could not plow, in fact it is too dry and land so hard you cannot dig po- atoes except with - a mattock. MT. LEBANON. is i . even amazing to see wnat, a pure bred bull can do for a community in. just a fw yars. The first crop uof calves f romvscrub cows is half bloods, and often appear as being full bred. The second gen The farmers of this community ?11 T . i.1 1 1 .Jj I . win soon De mrougn pmung iimuer. It's a patriotic duty to attend your fair and take along something to ex hibit. Never mind whether it is the- best specimen that ever grew or not ; take it along, some oody must have the worst, and if you fail to get the , distinction of having the best then why not strive for the worst. I would prefer to have the worst than to . have nothing at all. Sometimes it is almost as hard to have the worst as it is to have the best. I see all kinds of devices for ter racing land to prevent washing away -of the soil, and finalbr the sub soil, in various farm papers. Now if these papers would refuse to publish these implements, and tell , farmers the plain truth, that rass sod is the only absolute and: profitable non land . washer i that? has evefbeen; invented, and God "invented that see Gen. 1-11 they would be doing the - country . better service. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Garrett visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sherfy, Sun day. Misses Anna Arledge and Bynum Hill attended services at Mt. Lebanon, Sunday. The small infant of Mn and Mrs. J. C. Newman was buried at Mt. Thursday and was laid to rest in Green Creek cemetery Friday at 11 o'clock. We - extend to his wife and the remainder of the family our deepest sympathy. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bridges called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lebanon, Sunday. We extend to the F1y1' Sunday. ivir. vscar unages spent aaturuay night with Mr. Roy Welborn. o bereaved family our deepest sympa thy. ' . - Miss Minnie McBride and Mr. Wal ter Green were happily married Sun day, at the home of Mr. Fred Ar ledge. We wish them a long and hap py life. - SOLDIER'S MONUMENT. TEXT: "If I forget thee O Jeru salem, let my right hand forget her Miss Lena reen and Mr. Harrison Cunning." Psalms 137-5 Arledge, " of Mill Spring, visited It would seem from the textT abov friends and relatives near Saluda., that in ancient days people were loyal Sunday. ' and patriotic. It "is true that we' here we learn ttiere- win be an an-oay in America are in no such sad plight singing at Silver Creek 4th Sunday as Were the ancient Hebrew captives in September, by 7. T. Searcy. in Babylon. We still have our land John Price was a pleasant caller at intaCt and are materially prosperous. Mr. Sherfy's, Sunday. But we have just emerged from Mr. T. W. Bradley will sing at Mt. worfd war in wnich we. with all the Lebanon 1st Sunday in r October. rest 0f the word were threatened Hope everyone will be there that pos- a WOrse captivity "than the sibly can, if they think they can leave Babylonians inflicted on the Jewish their bottles at home. ' people. ' Mr. John n,. inompson was a pieas- ! We are proud of our boys who en ant caller at Govan Constant's a few tered the serviCe during the great days since. war. some of whom made the supreme Mr. Gaither Johnson hauled a load sacrifice,. We desire tp express this of produce to Tryon, Saturday last, appreciation' by some ' lasting mem- Hannon Thompson is , -working at orial which will also , instill love of Tuxedo. ,' v Y our country, in the younger genera- o . tion. CROSS . KKYS. An artistic and dignified monu ment erected in Columbus should aid rnttnn in fViic nnrAmiiTii'Tv ic nnen-I not onlv in teaching natriotism but V V VVU . ili VillO WilUliUmvj Kt v f I - -" " W TRYON ROUTE 1. V Wonder how many read Mr. Sams' Farm and Home -Department- of last week, wonder how many will heed it ? "Wat off " I say to him, when he re turns after 20 years to find his dream a reality. , Our mail carrier has a fifteen days rest. In the "meantime he missed a leg-'o-mutton dinner, which was put in a box, before the donor knew of his vacation. ' Miss Sallie Hamilton- .of Ruther fordton -and Mrs. J. B. Foster, of Mill Spring, were, pleasant visitors at the Hamilton home one week. ing very fast and we hope to have also in showing our living heroes tht nice weather to get it picked. gratitude of the home ioucs wnom The Farmers Gin will soon be com- they so gallantly defended, pleted and ready for ginning. - "Lest we forget"- is the title of a Sunday school at Greens Creek great poem which should be memor was well attended Sunday. " izedby every boy and girl, in Sunday Mr. Bridge Green and wife were up School or day school, in Junior Red from Spartanburg Sunday. Cross or other organization. Our Mr. Jim Ray wife and 'little child- future citizens can show their appre ren and Miss Lela Barnett Wilbur ciation of the lessons therein taught Feagan, Miss Evelyn and John (Posey by subscribing 10c. and thus be motored up from Spartanburg, Sun- coming active members of the Sol day, and returned in the afternoon. diers Monument Association. ; Miss Ruby Putnam and : mother Adult memership dues have been spent Saturday night, and Sunday at fixed at 25c. 1 ' ' ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Our township committemen will Flynn. " cooperate with pastors teachers, and Mrs. Minnie Langley, is visiting local leaders in every community im her mother Mrs. Collins, tins week, this effert to raise a fund -worthy of Misses Ruby Putnam, Gladys Flynn a . loyal purpose. Messrs. Robert Jones and Edgar Da- The directors will endeavor to have vis. went kodaking Sunday afternoon, the monument completed and erected Mrs. M. Davis returned from Ruth- Iby. July 4, 1920, the birthday of our erf ordton hospital Saturday. nation. davlastl Mr. Henry McDowell died 'suddenly From The Artitles Of Association at his home near Greens Creek, last - During the world war many. able- bodied young men entered the service , from Polk county, displayed great. ability and bravery, rendered invalu- 4 able service to our country, , thereby refecting honor and credit upon county and state. ' A , number of our boys sacrificed their lives for the cause of freedom and the advancement of civilization. The people of Polk County are anxious to indicate their appreciation of this valorous service during ,th perilous days of .war by some credit able and lasting symbol. It is thought the erection of a suitable monument will in part ctfrry, out this symbol. To secure the cooperation of all, this Association has r been formed, and the officers appeal to every; man and woman, boy and girl, to form subordinate association,, pav the small dues and help raise an adequate fund. As To Raising Funds. A subordinate association may use any plan for raising money which may be most popular in the commun ity, whether by socials, box suppers or entertainments. Pastors ana teach ers are invited to cooperate with com- , mitteemen. As To Memership Dues Expense of printing, postage, &c., will be paid from membership dues that every dollar ; subscribed for the' monument may: be held ur trust and .. used for the great memorial. ' Dues and contributions should be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer whe- wil receipt for the same and keep proper record thereof. r Who, Are tllgable All white persons; eVerr white ma; or woman, boy or girl, with a spark of loyalty or patriotism will be elig able for memership. - As To Style Of Monument. This matter will be carfully consid-: ered by the Board of, Directors : and - suitable plans adopted so soon as th necessary funds are available. As To The f lace for Monument, , The court House square in Colum bus is considered the most suitable location. A special act of the legis lature may be secured making, the -Board of Education and the County. Commissioners jointly custodians. v Who Are to be Commemorated. The originators of the plan hav suggested placing slabs on each side of the monument, inscribed, to com- memorate those who paid the suprem sacrifice; those who rendered service in , the Army or Navy, at home hr camp, or. across the seas; the old vet-" erans of previous wars. - Time For Completeion It is hoped that-the mmrament-will be finished and ready for unveiling on July 4, 1920. -1 . The Soldiers Monument Association; -of Polk County, N. C Thos. C. Mills, of-Tryon, President. Prof E W S Cobh of Columbus, Vice - President '. -- !W A Cannon of ' Lynn, ' Secretary Treasurer Lynn, N. C. Sept 1, 1919 Sur- . . . V .1 a '..--:

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