fhe only Paper Published m Polk County l .:., Newspaper 1 V - - ---- : i.;::5AND:TI1E TJRYONBFF . VOL XXV NO. 22 F; F DM OUR RIEI1DS to- "f G.J Br Our Co..pa,Ilto From 5ctum of Polk County COLUMBUS. jliss Eula Jackson has returned to school after being absent for two weeks. - Mrs. E- W. S. Cobb, and children ale on an extended visit to her father near Winston Salem. Mr. Ernest McMurray left Sunday to enter enter school at Chapel Hill. Miss Bertha Pendergast was in Tryon Saturday. Rev. McCoin of Rutherfordton and Miss Clara Morris of Union - Mills were here Sunday night speaking in behalf of the seventy-five million Bap tist campaign. Mr. Edwin Constance who is stationed at Hampton Roads Va., was home on a few day's pass last week. .. , o -. ABOLEinE. We are sorry to learn that J. C. Davis is on the sick list this week. Miss Callie Calvert, of Fingerville, is spending the week here with rela tives and friends. Mrs. Z. M. and Carrie Walker spent Sunday afternon with Mrs. C. W. Davis. ' ; Mr. Jack Scoggins spent Sunday with J. A. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mines returned home one day last week from Cam pobello, where they have been visit ing relatives. Mr. M. F. Wilkins made a business trip to Rutherfordton Monday last. Mr. J. M. Davis made a business trip to Landrum, Monday, last. Mrs. Sarah Hayes, aged 81; years picked 93 pounds of cotton one day last week. K-" 'f ; " 1 V . Let everybody be at :the;Fair Jiif week, and everybody carryj something to exhibit. f HILLCREST. Mr. Earle Head spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. M. A. Smalley. Mrs. Carrie Hickman and daughter Miss Margaret Hunter, . spent the week-end at Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. -ML Georgion Misses Lucy and Mattie Abrams and Mr": IJirshall Abrams motored to Ashe-, ville Friday. Mrs. Finleywf Marion is visiting her mother, Mrs. Owensby. Rev. R. N. Hunter spent several days with relatives in Charlotte and .vicinity, last week, bringing his little daughter,. Rachel, home with him. A pleasant innovation in this neigh borhood is the weekly community ngmg recently instituted at Hillcrest school. SILTER CREEK. Mr. Zach Searcy was not present w the singing at Silver Creek, Sun day. There were many disappointed because of his absence, although we had some good singing. Rev T. W. Arledge, of , Sandy Springs conducted semces in the morning. . ' Mr- C E. Justice, of JRutherford :0n "-ade a business trip up to his fanns one day last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Zach Searcy 0n last Thursday, a boy. Miss Alice Arledge" of Saluda, sPent the past-week with relatives in lh,s section Messrs Will Foster and Joe Page ere visitors at Mountain View farm, Saturday night. Mrs. William Green and daughter, mnic, spent last week-end with rel atls at Warrior mountain. toh fiVG more and we hope l Wltnessing the greatest Fair we iumbever had in Polk county at c" . - ' LYNN Ba!t-R' N- Pratt, pastor of the Ptist church, and Rev. A. S. Cald chu',Pstor of the Presbyterian lay J1 f this Ptece, both have regu ft standing appointments, and by have gement the Lynn" -people htgTv p?eaching every Sunday in? t, Ahere being no church" build use'd f S?01 building is still being s ht and a11 Mnd f ser' adequatU the accommodations are in- Popie f and keePs a great , many Jt iS u u01? attenbng the services. De adont r . u tnax some Plan, may Pted m a very short tim by . ' .. OIIER THE COUNTY which the church building now start ed may be finished.: W. J. Ballard, who was in the fa mous 30th Division, is in attendance at. the reunion .at Greenville, this week. . IVs only a few days till the Fair Are you ready? The Fair will be just, what the people make it. Rev. W. M. Sheltbn, pastor of the M, E. church of MillxSpring, was the guest of Mr. R. D. Gray, principal of our school, last Saturday night John T. Panther and P. N. Hood, will, go this week to the Green River Association, as delegates from the Baptist church at this place. The As sociation meets with the Camp Creek church, Rutherford county, N.-C. r A new arrival at the home of - Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ballard a few days ago. It was a boy; No. 2 congratu lations. V And for fear we forget a new arri val at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mally Thompson. It was a girl (No. 2 again); we congratulate. The teachers of the Lynn school gave a bpx supper and voting contest at the school house, Saturday night. Rev. Mr. Shelton," of Mill Spring was present and, made an interesting talk in the interest of the Lynn school and education in general. In addition to the boxes , sold, the ladies of the Bet terment ' Association sold cake and lemonade. Miss Mamie Durham, of Tryon, won the cake in the contest. The receipts amounted to $63.01 and will be used by the school trustees ot purchase some equipment for the school. All present report a good time. - i Miss Gladys Smith, of Columbus, haenaddfid fto the,, staff of , teach ersthe Irynn schooirfi'' The Odd Fellows Hall has been se cured temporariy for some of the classes of the school. Several of our young people at tended . some of the meetings of the Chautauqua at Tryon, last week. A little child of T. A. Ravan was quite badly burned a few days ago, but is fast improving. Mrs. Dewey Lewis left last Sunday morning to join her husband at Wil mington, N. .C, where they will make their present home. Well, it's dry, dry, dry, and cool cool nights but my what a fine time for gathering the hay. W. F. Swann is wielding the paint brush on the new annex of the school building A new roof is being put on the teachers' dormitory this week. MELYIM HILL. Cotton picking is in full swing now, and the indications are that the crop will open and be gathered sooner this year than usual. Mrs. Ada Waldrop went Sunday to visit her mother Mrs. Morris of Clif sides who is quite sick. A number of the Melvin Hill church members attended the business meet ing of a committee at Mill Creek last Saturday. Mrs. Jesse Jones is spending some time at the home of her husband's parents at Brooklyn. Mir. Elzie Horn who recently re turned from Detroit, was in this town Saturday. The debate here last Saturday night was quite entertaining, and was more or less instructive. The . sub ject was Resolved thr.t war is more destructive than Intemperance. -The negative won the the decision. " y Elder Miller preached a very inter esting sermon here Sunday night on the subiect of our conversations and how we use our tongues; and we are sure that everyone present felt that ho needed a stronger bridle for his tongue than he had ever had before. Mr S. S. Lawter made a business trip to Spartanburg, Monday. Miss Roddy, of Green River,, attend ed Sunday school here. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Toney, of Sandy Plains, made a short visit to relatives here, recently. - Air- and Mrs. Joe Morris, of Hen rietta, were in Melvin Hill, Sunday. Wp have been having a tew cooi nights lately, but no frost as yet.. Success and good luck to the NEWS and its editor. TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, OCTOBER: 3, 1919. THE CHPUA This county has- just completed' Chautauqua that has probably done a! much for the community as anything' in the past years. . It has demonstrat ed to all : of us that anything with merit and an upliftin- tone will meet with -great favor in this section and' that in every man's soul in this sec tion is a yearning foreknowledge. A circus can come for one day and draw a large crowd largely because a crowd is expected to gather and many peo ple want to be in a crowd, but this Chautauqua came for three days with six performances and drew f larger crowds with every succeeding-; day. The music , was enjoyed but the real drawing was made by the speak ers who had a message in forceful language that we wished to hear. All of us may not have what we general ly understand as education but all of us nave a aesire to Jive better, for our own sakes, for our children,, or for the community, and it was this chance to hear men and women tell us the methods and results of educa tion that we came in such large crowds to learn. , Colonel Gerhart gave us a master ful lecture on education, showing what it meant and its purpose. - The Chautaujua director gave us two lec tures showing the need of education and its results. Miss Lambert spoke one afternoon on : home-making and community spirit and showed us the benefit to be derived from co-operation in everything we do. She show ed us how dependent we are on the jrwin6 ywyie ox ims secxion ana their proper development both in school and at home and how much the ' future, depends on the proper training of our children. Miss Maltby, a Red Cross nurse, explained in plain lan guage the prevention of disease and the home care of the ; sick.She ' ; jfe Tustrated tohe amusement and in struction of all how to prevent a child f ronr sucking its thumb. It was just such simple instruction that taught the value of a Chautauqua every year in this county. The crowds that came every day to this tent showed how anxious and rea"dy we are to learn something that will benefit, our home living and our com munity life. ; Every psrformance had as a part of it's program music and comedy enouqrh to entertain all and lend va riety. None of us will forget Soon the recitation by Miss Agnes about the little boy who found the pie in his mother's pantry and. wrestled with his conscience for some time as to whether or not it was wrong - to take a piece. He argued that aunt Mabel said the preacher was not go ing to heaven and the preacher said vhat no one else was going there so he reckoned it would be a lonesome place anyway and that he might just as well take the pie. - . Twenty men of Tryon this past sea son had the courage to guarantee the amount necessary 'to bring this Chau tauqua to this county and their fore sight and efforts at success have been appreciated by all. For next year the following citizens of this county have asked to be guarantors and with the addition of three more names the total list of forty nams will , be complete and we will again have a ckautauqua for a three-day season with a complete change -; of program. B. L. Ballenger C. W. Morgan F. P. Bacon. Eugene Brownlee J. T. Green J.' A. Steelman J. B. Hester A. F. Corbin W. B. Stone J. M. Early J. C. Fisher F. S. Wilcox A. L. Hill V G. H. Holmes Mrs. J. W. Kenned, Nelson Jackson, Ji R. O. Andrews J F. Black W H Stearns W.'C: Ward J. N. Jackson W. W. Creasman Dwight Smith C. Bush G. F. Stone w. f. Little Louis A. Avant W. F. Swann . H. N. Bowne T. W. Ballew " W. Y. Wilkins Earle Grady Wl B. Wigel C. W. Ballenger Chas. ! J. Lynch W. T. Lindsey "Bully." - The" word "bully" as a familiar term of address was employed In the time of Shakespeare and no doubt was old even then. : In the sense of praise worthy, excellent as, "That was a bully dinner," It is used both by Americans and by British subjects. . : a -vr TRYON i Mjss Mary Lindsey visited Spartan burg friends, Tuesday, v ?r,C4JLynch went to: Columbia, S..C.on business Monday. . ; 4: --V v ; Nelson ; Jackson : transacted biness int Asheville, Tuesday. . , , Mr. E. J. Bradley, of Fishtop, was in- Tryon on bWness Tuesday. f Mr. C. 3v-Ballenger is transacting business in Atlanta, Ga., "this week; -Mrs.- A. HerYord, of Baltimore,. Md. isvisiting MrsChas. J. . Lynch at Riverside. j s-'-X'S.S? ; " :"'Miss Morley : and Miss Snow are spending twd or- three weeks, in' Spartanburg.- . , JWaverly Hester left Sunday to at-' tend - school at State Unversity ; at Chapel Hill : : ' : ' ' ? . Miss Beach and her. sisters. Mrs. iW? Warner and Mrs. Ball, spent Monday m ;AshevillA - ' j Don't forget the Polk County Fair at Columbus next Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. . 1 Elmo Caldwell left,: Sunday for Nashville, Tenn., to attend the Van- derbilt University. Miss Loraine St6ne'will "leave Tuesday next for Chicago, where she will visit relatives. ? iKarl Kelly and George Smith at tenaea me reunion oiN the 30 Div. at Greenville, this week. ; Mr F.' P. - Bacon returned home Saturday from a business trip to New York and Philadelphia. Mr. G. P. Bollman and bride, of Pittsburg Pa., are spending ' a few days in Tryon at Oak Hall. : Mrs. J. T. Williams and sister, Miss Clara Pue, and Miss Loraine Stone spent Tuesday in Spartanburg. t Mrs. E. L. Anderson, and little son Ned, are spending, the winter in Try- with her mother, Mrs. Lyon. Mr. C. S. Corwin, who has " Veen spending the summer in New York, returned to Tryon, Saturday last. Dr. W. W. Gray and son, Lieut. John Gray, attended the reunion of the 30th Division at Greenville, this week. Mr. George Claxton and family, who have been residing in Tryon for the past year, moved' to Spartanburg, Monday. . FOR SALE: Ford Touring Car in good condition (looks and mechanic ally) will sell reasonable. Write or call L. C. Pace, Saluda, N C. Meet your friends at the Fair next week. They will be there and you ought to be there with them. Let's all go and make it one big get togeth er event. It will do you good. F OK SALE Between two and three tons Soy Bean, hay; well cured and in first-class condition. Can be seen at M?ss Carer's barn in Paco let valley. Miss F. Hudson. Mr. J. B. Cleveland, of Spartanburg accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland and Misses Nellie and Amelia Scriven, were guests of Mr. W. J. Scriven out on Route 1 , Tuesday. The big event of the year for Polk county will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week We refer to the Polk County Fair. Prepare to. attend and meet your friends. They wil be there so ought you. ! Rev. H. N. Bowne, Dean of the Con vocation of Waynesville, attended i very enthusiastic meeting of the Con vocation at Brevard last Tuesday and Wednesday, in the interests of the Nation-Wide campaign of the5 Epis copal church. Rev. H. N. Bowne and Miss Ruth Bowne left for New York on Monday to be gone about a week or ten days. Mrs. Bowne , accompanied them as far as Spartanburg. Mr. Bowne has "been summoned as one of the witness es in the Ferris will case. The hear ing is to take place in White Plains, N. Y., on Oct. 6th. One of several Tryon visitors in Saluda, says . it is worth the journey weekly to have dealings with the postoffice. The purchaser of a postal card or one cent stamp is "greeted as though he were a guest, not a custo mer and his mail handed him as gra ciously as if he Were being decorated for distinguished services. After a busy but pleasant summer in central and eastern Massachusetts, Miss Edith Thurston spent several days in town this week. Her. mother J stead of reopening her school in Try- POLK CHITY WHO: HflfJE BEP1EIE11I ' , - Edited by J. R. Samt, County Agent. LAST WORD BEFORE THE FAIR. Before, this issue reaches the far mers all the community fairs will be over. Saluda is already over and Columbus, Mali' Spring and Sunny View will be a matter of history this week. :rr; : " Next . week, yednesday the 8th Thursday the 9th and Friday the 10th will be the Polk County Fair at : Co lumbus. Mr. Swann and Miss Fien tye, of-Xynn, may be seen - at any time from now till the Fair is on rel ative to registration of exhibits. They will be at Columbus the first day of the Fair especially to register all ex hibits. Mr. Ed. D. Weaver, Bun combe county's efficient County Agent will judge the Fair, on the 9th,' as he must judge at another fair on the loth.., - ; Now the Polkf County Fairisjwlmt Polk county farmers and ftusiriesjs men: make it; tnerefore itbehooves every farmer to!cbme and Bring'some thingthat has been produced' On their farm, whether it possesses high, qual ity or not. Bring it along and show the- willingness to . co-operate with your neighbors in a good, work. There is nothing quiet so helpful in developing a comunity as the conT munity fair. Then in order to de velop; the county, let. all these com munities, and' the people from, all sec tions df the county attend th& county fair and bring; something . to help make it a success. It i& a "sorry" fellow . who will come to the fair and hang around and say of exhibits, "Well, I left much better stuff, than that at (home." If you think you have on, this season, she will . assist her eoui fifes' Sarah ThStonoMIai vana, in conducting that lady's English-speaking school in a suburb of the Cuban capital. Mrs. Thurston will accompany her daughter. The Cuban-American lady became favor ably known to the residents of Tryon, on her visit to her relatives here last winter. She gave at the Lanier Club a v,y interesting and informing talk on xe in Cuba. While their many friends made during their long resi dence, will regret their absence, they can but congratulate them on what seems to be a very favorable and for tunate, business operation, as well as a chance to enjoy a semi-tropical winter. TO THE PEOPLE I am called to New York as witness to testamentary capacity of the late Mrs. Fefris, whose will is being con tested. As this is a jury trial, al though set for the 6th inst, the de lays of the law are sucn that I may be disapointed in not getting back to Polk County in time for our County Fair. T I hope that every officer and every one interested in the development of this grand mountain country will aid in making this County Fair a Great success. Come on the 8th and help to get ready, come on the 9th and have a good time and come on the 10th and elect officers for the coming year. W. T. LINDSEY President Polk County Fair. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Several from this section visited Seleanor Jackson, of Mill Spring route 1, Monday We are informed that she is very ill. Mr. J. T. Ruppe spent Friday and Saturday nights at Mr. H. H. Mc- Crains'. Mr Holbert Jackson, of Hender- sonville, attended preaching services here, Sunday. Messrs. Furman Jackson, JayCorn, Oscar McCrain, Miss Mary Ann Bradley and Mrs., Sallie McCrain motored through this section Mon day. iWe suppose they were on their way to Rutherfordton. Several attended prayer service at Mr. H. H. McCrain's, Saturday night. Glad to note that the painting of Mountain View church is finished and is looking a great deal better. Misses Carrie Jackson, Alice Mc Crain, Messrs. Hobart Jackson and Henry Garrett attended the singing at Silver Creek Sunday afternoon. All report a nice itme. $2.00 A YEAR. the best stuff in the county, have the courage to bring it and set it right up by the other fellow's and see which is : best. If you are - in doubt as ta?" whether' yburs is: best, ' then bring- it -along and help out by showing the .: best vnn Vinvp TTio kncV.,,- the county should attend the Fair 'in v order that they may,' become better . acquainted withlthe farmer an "vice li tions may be cultivated. ' - J. R. SAMS, County Agent. Brief Farm Topics to Think About. , . This is the Fair season all over the:; country and- should be a season of ? thankfulness and rejoicing. - - 'It you do not have the best of v- j erything to bring to the Fair: brin . the best of everything you "have: and perhaps you will have' the best o" something. X ' DON'T GROTTriW. fiMTTP.: tjttv- YOUR TEETH. WHEN THE STORM jv . su hi i a x u U HARD, AND HELP THE OTHER FELLOW; AND SEE HOW THE SUN WttLL SHINE OUT. " Speak well of your town, your com munity and your neighbor; or get, out and find a" place where you can. TTucai, sowing ume is near, at hand... xiwviuiig- uut me Dest recieaned seed,vtreated for smut, and plant only in a CnnH smT mall niuniiJ .1 U.: o-" nvn uicyaxcu. ill. LUO proper time, about Oct. 15th to- 28th ; I and expect a good crop to follow. EDUCATIONAL RALLEY The public school officials in 'Polk" County are laboring under many dis advantages because of conditions over which they have no control. Con siderable adverse criticism has been and is yet being made regarding ed ucational conditions in this county. There are none who relize more fully than the educational officials that the public schools in Polk County are not doing what they should do for the people of the county. But there are questions that 'come up for the con- sideration of the Board of Education that the general public know nothing about, and therefore are unable to in telligently either criticise or help the educational forces in the county. On the second Saturday in Noyem- -ber there will be held at Columbus, N. C beginning at 10:30 o'clock an EDUCATIONAL RALLY in which' all the people of the county whatever may be their calling or occupation are asked to take an active, part. A better knowledge of the conditions that are confronting us in the work of education will make it possible for all ' the forces in the county to work to gether Jiarmoniously and effectively. , Let me urge that every teacher in the county of whatever name or order be present at this meeting, and that you come with a contribution for the better organization of the school work Every committeeman is urged to be present and discuss the educational situation from his standpoint. The preachers, the lawyers, the doctors, the editors, and business men are cordially and earnestly asked to be present at this meeting and to take an active part in the discussions. And last but not least every man and wo man who has any interest in the ed ucational welfare of Polk County are earnestly requested to attend this meeting and take an active Dart in the work which means- so much to the welfare of Polk County. " . EL W S. Cobb County Supt. PEARIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gosnell nent several days last week with relatives -near Spartanburg. , Arthur Thompson left Sundav af ternoon for Greenville, S. C to at tend the reunion of the 30th Division. Miss Mae Philips is visitincr at Mr. John Reed's this week. 'Mr. Ralph . Edwards, Misses Iva Gosnell and Bessie Thompson were tcallers at Mr. N. E. Williams Sim, day afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore anent Saturday night at Mrs, E. Taylor!, - 4

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