1 Mted Nor. w 1 95 IlilUil ntt Pnblished evcrj Friday at - - trvon, north Carolina . Telephone 99 , -nnd-clasa, matter Anril-2S. mis C. BUSH, Publisher Mm. - I - ) - :fnnnn irnr IMJllLLPllk Subscription $2.00 per Year OSirU ARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, , g Jutioni of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices wkr n imi8ion i charged, or for financia gtia. wil" charged regular advertmng rates of jgl AMERICAN PRESS, ASSOCIATION. jjj irt 19th Street. New York City, is our sole (jtfcluiive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." No place on the globe will you fjnd as big-hearted, generous and noble people as reside in this old ; town. They are not much on dress parade. They do not wear ...silk 'stocking and silk hats, but they have hearts as bif and warm as ever pulsated in huma: breasts. , . : , : - vo MAPLE GROVE. ATTENTION TO EARTH ROADS . . .... - - ; Authority on Highway Construction. Likes Concrete, but Favors More . , Care of Lanes. :. , ' ' "More attention has got to be paid to the earth foads if the coming bond elections are to go over." This Js the opinion of E. L. Stevens, inventor and road expert. Mr. Stevens is,, perhaps, one of the most unique characters in the road-building world. A graduate civil engineer, he felt the tremendous need for the perfection and develop ment of the road system of America. He stepped out from the promising channels of the regular engineering profession and went down almost -below the level of ordinary men to study road building, says Rocky Mountain News. , He has made road building and maintenance his life work and is now, probably, as well qualified as any "man Rev. Hyder delivered a good ser mon at Cooper Gap, Sunday. Miss Pearl Gibbs left for Kansas Cit after spending a few months with home folks. - ; Mrs. N. E. Lynch took dinner .with her daughter, Mrs. U. S. Gibbs, Sun day ; ; j; ; ' , ' -. - - Miss Eva Spicer was the pleasant guest of Miss Leona Burnett, Sun day " Mpssrs. f!1nr! Wilsmi nnrl Si'HnPv McGuinn, of Asheville, visited home folks, ' Monday and Tuesday, return-1 ing 'Wednesday morning. J The prayer meeting at Mr. J. L. Jackson's was well attended on Sun day afternoon. Little Lola Gibbs visited little Lucy Taylor, Sunday. , Mrs. Bonnie Corn visited Mrs. El la Gibbs, Saturday. Mrs. M. N. Burnett and daughter, Miss Leona, visited Mrs. Mollie Spicer, one day last week. . . Messrs., C. C. Wilson and Sidney McGuinn visited vat the home of U. S. Gibbs, Tuesday. Miss Grace Gibbs visited her cous in, Mrs. C. B; Gibbs, last -Wednesday afternoon. I' Several from this section made a trip to Asheville last week. ' Where There's a Baby Ori Farm Keep Rat-Snap.. Rats are on most farms. Once they get inside the house look out. Rats kill infants biting them is not unusual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Brake a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surely rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold and , guaranteed by The Ballenger Co. and Carolina Hardware Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator7 of the estate of H. K. Corn, deceased, this is to notify all persons 'having claims against said estate to exhibit ' 4V.v. A J-l i . . , .... w me unuersignea, aammistra tor: on or before ti Hii A n n tober, 1920, or Tthis notice will be YCLCl tae i-n lvo -f A 11 isa.M. jx. men ici-uvcry. ah persons indebted to said estate will foc xuane immediate payment. FURMAN JACKSON, Administrator Is There An Electric Flat Iron . n V II v iii iuurnoine . Price $ 5.50" . . Guaranteed for 10 Years IRYOIi ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY y, J 5 wmtmmmfiiism Sand-Clay Road Well Cared For. to tell, the methods for the proper up building of the nation's highway sys tem. ' For a number of years Mr. Stevens has been highway commissioner for the Estes Park highway. This piece of road work in itself is a testimony to his ideals. He is also the inventor of the Stevens improved road drag, one of the simplest and most efficient road machines on the American mar ket. " Mr. Stevens believes in concrete highways and ; prepared boulevards, but he also believes that the earth road, which comprises more than 80 per cent of the country's highways, is of no less importance. - "A concrete highway isn't going to do a farmer much good if he has got to haul his load three miles through hub-deep mud before he gets to It," is Mr. Stevens' attitude. " The farmer is the man who is going to pay for most of the country roads. and although concrete roads are need ed where the trafilc is sufficiently heavy the earth roads that feed the concrete road must be kept up. As an inventor of road machinery. a road engineer, a road supervisor and a road worker for his practicalities and the life dream of better roads as his idealism, Mr. Stevens is ably qual ified to Judge highway problems. UTAH TO SPED $8,000,000 Part of Money Is to Be Spent for Im provements on Arrowhead Trail to California. The state of Utah has decided to spend about $i000,000 on roads in the next two years, with an expenditure this year of about $2,000,000. Some of lthe Utah millions, which are made up of state. and federal, funds, are going to be used on the development of the Arrowhead trail, which is tributary to all parts of southern California, from San Diego and Imperial valley on the south to Fresno and San Luis Obispo on the north, r $300,000,000 FOR HIGHWAYS Sum Which If Capitalized at 5 Per Cent Would Represent Invest, ment of $6,000,000,000. Government road officials estimate that road construction and mainte nance in 'the United States Involve an annual outlay of over $300,000,000. sum, which, if capitalized at 5 per cent, would represent an ' investmen of $6,000,000,000. There has never been a nation-wide traffic census show either the direction or volume of traffic over these highways. 'Roads Must Be Linked 4Jp. If We are to keen costs down, nnr Jjljfhways must be linked tin imd thera jmust be thrdugh trunk lines provided to which feeders can be built. . Lower Haullna Costs. v Hauling costs . are lowered by good roads because the size of. the load limited by the worst spot In the roa Ons of Major Activities. 1 Roafl' building will shortly becomi .one of . the major activities of ott covernment. x Additional Tryon. NewsV- Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Bacon left, Tuesday, for Detroit, to be gone -for ten davs or two weeks; (While there they "will attend- the general conven tion "of the Episcopal church. v- Miss ; Doreas Edwards, -of Mill Soring route 1, spent Monday, night in Tryon with her sister, Miss Mossie. She was enroute to enter school at Valle Cruces, N. C. and left for that place Tuesday morning. ' - Mr. E. E. Missildine is having the interior of his drug, store repaired and decorated- for the winter season.' This is one of the best drug stores in any small town in the state and would be a credit to any place however arge. - . - . In giving the list of guarantors for next season in our issue of. last week, we omitted the name of Mr. E. E. Missildine. Since the list was published the following names, have been added to the list of guarantors of the chautauqua for next season : Messsrs E. G. Holden and J. H. Rion. WANTED TO BUY A real home, close in, desirably located.. Five to twenty acres, with modern eight room house in good repair; good big orchard and vineyard." Give full de scription and price. Address, J. A. Curtis, McBee, S. C. Mr. J. C. Fisher spent Sunday with Mr. F. M. Gosnell, near Oak Grove, Greenville county, S. C. He informs us Mr. Gosnell is seventy-one years o age, and his good , wife is seventy- ;hree. They have sixteen children, fifteen of whom are living, 101 grand- choildren and twenty-eight great grandchildren; making a total of 145 in this small family. Mr. Fisher says of this number he has 101 fourth and twenty-eight fifth cousins. Our stock of dress goods, furnish ings, and in fact everything for la dies and children is complete, and our prices are as low as is consistent with the quality of goods ' , offered. Rhodes & Streadwick. - Restoration of the Carolina Special, giving through service between Char leston and Cincinnati Ohio, over the Southern Railroad Lines, effective Sunday, November. 9th, was an nounced by the United Railroad Ad ministration today. Coaches and sleeping cars will be handled through between Charleston and Cincinnati, with dining car service between Charleston and Knoxville and be tween Cincinnati and Somerset, KTy. There will also be a through sleeping car betwen Columbia and Cincinnati and .between Asheville andChat-tanooga. Dresses fashioned in the favored lines of autumn, , They are beautiful ly tailored, of excellent quality of tricotine serge and all-wool jersey. Prices at $20, $27 and $30, really worth $25 $35 and $40. Rhodes & Streadwick. KMRAil ' As a business proposition. ' Twenty year' experience in life insurance as an avoca tion is at your service. You niay not only be able to save inoitey but to get the best policy to fit your -individual requirementsr C - Consultation free. ; Phone write or call - Wanted In Green river rove. 8 miles northeast of Saluda to prepare land for stock raising and fruit. Will sell the timber on 300 acres of virgin forest for immediate removal, either as a whole or in' sections. Usual va rieties, mostly oak, pine, 1 chestnut, etc Lumbermen will do well to in vestigate at once. E. J. Bradley & Sons. . .. " Bad ' Business. Said the facetious philosopher : Put tlng something away for a rain v dnv ! excellent business policy, but what gets a, lot of f ellows In the toils of the law is putting it away for a dry one. W. F. LITTLE TRYON, N. C. Will You Spend 50c. On Rat-Snap to Save $100? One 50c pkg. can kfll 50 rats. The average rat will rob you of $10 a year in feed, chicks, and property destruct ion. RAT-SNAP is deadly to rats. Cremates after killing. Leaves ' no smell. Comes in cakes. Rats '. will pass up meat,' grain, cheese to ' feast on . RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, : 25c 5Qc, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co. and Carolina Hardware Co ; '..', v o COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school 10:30. Preaching service 11:30. We - trust that - our members will , try and . attend these services regularly from now, as we are t trying; to 'enlist the entire .mem bership of the church in the different branches of our church work. Let us strive to make this year the greatest in our history. B. Y. P. U. at four o'clock in the afternoon. E. J. Jones, Pastor. I YOUR-GAREER ' n 1 fl ' is-what you make it. You have thpn ! Iv. you to ruinit oV make an honoSrwithin.! H . credit to yourself. We nWr ne with I and out who mado it a rule of i: I up a bank account- tucl build 5 Banrang"; encourages thrift.. i BNiK; OF' LANDRUM j OId Reliable" Laidruni) S c 5 - OFFiCERS: ' I g H. B. CARLISLE, President. J. S. CARPENTER V n ? ROYi P. WHITLOCK. CaAier. - R. H BRADY aIV A SANITARY MEAT MARKET . ' Qur meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as clean :. as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the market, Eoth native and Western. We grind aJ our sausage and feel satisfied thaf if you' want clean, sweet meaU tlia you can do no bettes than let us serve you. v A. H. WILLIAMS. Mesa TWENTY YEARS AGO Nobody swatted the Jly. ;;'' i ) Nobody had appendicits. ' I 1 Nobody wore white shcf.s. ' Cream was five cents a pint. Cantelopes were muskmelons. Adycrticcments did not toll y the Milkshake" was a favorite drink, truth. v - ; - - : ; ' i : ..- . . j.. - You never heard of a"tin Eizzie." Doctors wanted to see your tongue. The hired girl drew $1.50 a week. -Farmers came to town for their mail. ' ' ' Nobody "listened in" on the tele phone, v V . t Folks said pneumatic tires were a joke. " ' Nobody-cared for the price of gaso line. The bucher "threw in" a chunk of liver. - , Stawstacks were, burned instead of baled. Jules Verne was the only convert to the submairne. You sjuck tubes in your ears to hear a phonograph and it cost a dime. VMJd SESV3D-PASTE; PABMTS ' v BEST THAT CAN BB MADE fCost"to you $3J2S a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOtt OVER 40 YEARS v Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or N t LONGMAN & MARTINEZ ' Manufacturers New York Gas, Oil aiml Auto parts and accessories-and mechanics to install -them properly for you. Goodrich Tires and Tubes Opr Public Service Gars can make hat trip quicker and more comfortably for you. 2-1917 '1-1918' Ford Touring Cars, second-hand, for sale. BallengerMorris Motor Co. FORDSERVICE STATION Tryon, - - North Carolina I Iroir f airrro Daods or town property sec W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryn. TthiirQlftt: Bay ARE REAL DAYS The time for saving and getting ahead in the game : ' of life isNOW. , :, With a Bank Account started and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. . The best way is to come in and start an account to day. ' Don't delay orr account if the amount you have for the start. r - - BAN m of SALU DA Capital $10,000.00 Safltadla, N. C. JOHN B. CANNON, Pres. - . PRESTON H. BAHEV, Cask. w m we K! In order to introduce our strong line of new ; and nobby Men's and Boys' Hats, we are going to make the week of ;OctbbCT.,13':'to.l9-. ... : ... .-' inclusive, special . Hat week, 'and will give !i0 PES CEIMT OFF on 3JI Hats. These are not old stock, but bran new m best shaped and color. Very few city stores can offer bigger values and will charge you more. The most popular colors this season are the dif ferenfrshades of brown, tans and greens. While in our store look at our stock of new shoes,1 all of which are being sold at less than whole sale. See our Outing, at 25c, pretty DressTGinghams at 30c, Work Shirts at $1, Qveralls at $2 and $2.A -Dress Shirts at less than today's whqlesale. Week 6f October 21 to 27 we are : going to of fer several, rugs at re ' duced prices. Look out for our weekly; specials. I tee emiger Co. Tryoh; FOR EVERYTHING , !. North Carolina i i - v

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