T ITI t Y I lite only Paper A Live,C!2an ForrhB..,Uonie publish in Tolk County AN D JHE TRYOINIBEE VOL. XXV NO. 27, ROM FRIENDS Gs,3r4llafn..t Gathered Sjr Ou, Corre.pondeaU From V.riou. ScIwm of JPolk Coantj at Its a MOUNTAIN VIEW. Rev. J' T. Ruppe filled his regular ointment at Mountain viev the and Sunday. ,J t WicrVi will TrpnrVi t Rev. jSountam vie 2:30 P Hurrah MS11 Spring Route 1 writer, Level if you can. Per- Vp UP U'S they have gone, to tne lanaot haps Miss Alice McCrain wa,s the dinner omest of Miss Aima W)rn, ounuay. ' Several from this section attenaea . f--r,fr-t Silver Creek. Sunday. Ult - . . ill l rr 3 ; Miss Alma uorn win iave a ueuuay, iU1 ... 1TT11. . XT Vovember 4th, ior wmtney, v,., hei-e she expects io spenu a xw months. ; . ; , Banett Mcurain ana oy xaciviur-. 0 wie piay visitors of Arthur Jack- n..oif Inst.. . J " - sen, auiiuaj - .'- . Jirs. Alt ha JMcraw was a caner at Mr. Dermis jacKSon s, ounaay p. m.-. Mr Dennis Jackson is having ; , a house bunt. 1 4 nev.' TRYON ROUTE 1. Some on the route donned ghost's costumes and attended the hallo ween party at Columbus last Friday night. Or returning home , met a ghost.. Which ghost scared' -the-, other : the XI Lit 1 ll J worst. However mey an ..reported a scary, enjoyable time, .' Messrs. S.B. Edwards and family, F. B. Nance and family, Ray Edwards and wife, were visitors on our route, Sunday. ' ., Mr. George Biggerstaff arwj family lere after church guests of 'Mr. Otis Jfaldrop, Sunday. ': ' . V . . j ; Miss Bessie Hamilton isv studying viora from Sungerland's cprrespon dence school of music," Chicago. "T Mr. George Biggerstaff -entertained last night with an old-fashiond husk ing bee. A good supper was enjoyed by all. ' ' ;r";;.: " 4 i"" Mrs. Jake Browppe and Mrs." Jake Holbert went shoppinsr at the cotton market, last week.'- ''. j -. . 1 he result of the conference to.' us is, we are sorrv to bid Rev."1: E. L. Shelton good-bye,, - but?: gladly receive Rev. W. J. Hackney as our pastor at Bethlehem. S ' --': Hurrah for the NEWS and all of its force. COLUMBUS. Misses Mae and. Odessa Mills are on a visit to relatives in Spartanburg. They will also attend the fair and cir cus while there. ' - Mr. Gordon Johnson, of Arden, N. C, a former student of Stearns . High School, spent the week-end here. wfe are glad to note that Mrs. F. il. Burgess, who has been suffering from a fall, is improving. Mr. Boney Arledee. of . Silver Creek, was in town Saturday. ; Mrs. Carnegie had as dinner guests Sunday, "Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cloud Miss Emma McNych Mrr-Bill Guffey spent the week-end oaluda. . - : Mr. Robert Hill is visiting relatives a- Kutherfordton. 1 w r. and Mrs. John Dalton spent naay with ,Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bur gess. Don't forget ,the educational rally at Ulumbus; Saturday. ; . Miss Gladys Smith, who is : teach- "8 at Lynn, spent the week-end with "ume lolks. i i' . -nr. an(i Mrs Earle Head; 0f Fish- . spent some time in Columbus last teK, on business. . ' . ' Bessie Hamilton attended the fvec'n party, Friday night. ' ;ur- Koy Cantrell has returned to "JS nome ar.H will onnl at keen's Creek. . '.. V ,; e!iSS Estdle Walker has heen cali' a hme on account of the illness of mother. , ' .- ur- Jack Guffpv line Taf nrnpH . t.fi his ho: me at Hutherfordton.., K MlLL SPRING ROUTE 2. , it maices us feel young, again in tv g00d old scho1 bel1' ring' L ! morning so soon. , eeel delighted to see Miss Fea Dack again after turning , f four or five schools .to ; down come Mrv nnyVieW ' Cool "n B' Hyder and several - from ove attended Sunday, school THE COUNTY at Big Level Sunday, the repoii raa good singing. : ( - Mrs. ,J W. Pitts . spent several hours with Mrs. N. E. Williams Sun day morning. , . . Mattie Mae Williams spent Sunday night with hev sister Penola Ben nett. :7' ' "i . '.' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Gilbert ' were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G Corn Sunday. , , ,' Mr. Frank Dimsdale i spent Sun day night at N. E. Williams. ' " Miss Annie Wilson spent Sunday afternoon at her father's, Mr. T. N. Wilson's. . . " Mrs. Lillie Melton is spending , a few weeks with her cousin Mrs. Wa vieleen Coggin. v . J. Mrs. Thos. F, Mills and Mrs. J. W. Pitts were visitors at Mr. Jessie Green's; Sunday afternoon.. . i j-iitiie jueona ljyncn nas been very ill for the past week. N Messrs. F. R. Coggin and Frank Mills made a business trip to Ashe ville last week. Mr. and '. Mrs. J. J. Prince and daughter Ruth spent Wednesday night at T. M.. Ruppe. Mr. Bill Jackson from Spartan burg was home Sunday for a short spell. . , v Mr. T. T. Mills made a "business. trip to Columbus Monday. v The people in this section have been very busy taking up sweet potatoes for the past week. Several enjoyed a grape' hunt t on the mountain, Sunday, but best of all was the beef and gravy withv sweet potatoes. ; .'. ' -:, Prayer meeting will be held at Thos. F.; Mills'. Saturday night Messrs Ralph' Edwards and Frank Mills were visitors at J. B. .Wilson's Sunday afternoon. Misses Gladys and Lizzie Wilson spent Sunday with their grandmother, Irs. Delphia Wilson, on route 1. . Come on Maple Grove with your news and fill in your space.- We don't want to' be slackers in anything we can do." . MAPLE GROVE. The Sunday -school was very well attended' at Cooper Gap, Sunday. - Mr. Hobart Whiteside' visited his cousins, Masses Lrrace ana uma uidds last Sunday. '. ; Miss lnaHill visited Miss Eva t - Spicer, Sunday. . - ; Misses Thurcey and Leona Burnett also Mr. Tolbert Odell were guests of Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs, Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Bonnie Corn spent the week end at her mothers', Mrs. Searcy's. .. Mrs. U. S. Gibbs and son, WHburn, visited Mrs. J. W. Biddy on last -Wed nesday. ; ; Miss Vada Haynes is at home, af ter spending a few months at". Chim ney Rock. " v" '- ". Mr. Ernest Ruff has returned home from Spartanburg, Sy. CI, where he has been at work for -some time. Mrs. M. N. Burnett was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Sue Wilson , on last Sunday. , x ' . - The church at Cane Creek has been repainted and we sure have , a nice church now; Rev. Morris will ;be there on next third-Sunday. Every body invited ot come. - , C . . . . o ABO LINE u NEWS I We hear quite a little talk of th "flu" in this section now. However it seems to be milder in its effects and shorter, in duration than it was last year. . : Mr. E. C. Davidson, who has been WW in Finierville, S. C, for the past year, moved , back to his home, Tuesday. He is welcomed by all his neighbors. . ' ' . Mr. J. I. Ridings and wife spent STinday afternoon with Mr. J. C. Da- vis " ; ' ' ' ''" ""' ' ' ; -A goodly number were present at Mrs, Thomas Hayes' Sunday af ter- Wrd an excellent sermon delivered by Rev.'Jack Tate. ; , ' Dreaming of Tn dream of cats is Cats. - said not to be . m ' M. lucky. If yu dreamt of a blacK cat, vour enemies are active; to De-Ditten bv one indicates misfortune; Durgiars are ibout, when, a n 'dream: .while cat follows you iu to dream you are stroking one means friends. beware ol iaiw OVER TRYON, N C FWDAYi NOVEMBER 7 , 1919. "AMERICAN FIRST . AND . - CIA FOREVER" AMER- V - . .; A DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES By the Citizen's Patriotic League.: of ; ? ! Covington, Ky: j ( Manufacturers Record, Baltimore, Md..) y :, First We believe in tlieN Constitu tion of the iJ'nited States as the writ ten basis of the most perfect system of government ever devised- by the' mind of man. 9 . . Second We believe in the ' flag of our land, as the perfect V emblem, of that for which our nation has stood liberty,, equality and justice to all over whom it waves. . ; r . ; Third We believe; that these priv ileges are the equal property of every citizen of this country without refer ence to his. 5 ancestry or birth, and, that, therefore, his country has the right to ; demand of him his undivided allegiance in peace and in war, under all circumstances, likewise ' without reference to birth o ancestry. . Fourth--We : believe that in the hour, of danger the Constitution and the fllag demand the loyal service and, if need be, the life of every citizen of these United States, and that the man who, in such an homy withholds either service or blood is a bastard v citizen and no true son of. America. Fifth We .believe that" the danger to the nation and its principals is, greater 'and more insidious today than at any hour during the active. hostili ties of the recent past. L s : Six Wle believe that . , this danger arises from several t sources, namely : (a) German propaganda wtiich is' ever with us, albeit under a new guise each day; : ' (b) - Appeals to racial prejudice" in political effort, which we unqualified ly ' condemn ; as un-American . ' and therefore, dangerous; , , A C) Socialism j ; vhether radical or otherwise; ' v; ; (d) The presence of f millions of illiterate foreigners incapable of comprehending or appreciating either the principles or the - blessings of American, institutions, and formings most ready, l and willing agency through which both German pro paganda and Socialistic , principles are disseminated; (e)Z Weak-kneed or conscienceless politicians, who skillfully refrained from offending the ; traitors amongst us during the war and are now striv ing with might and, main to gather the practical fruit of their treason able cowardice; . ' , (f ) Citizen of any class who put party before principle, or prejudice ahead of the weal of the country. 'r : Seventh We believe that the sal vation of the nation aemands that America, ; shall be Americanized, let ting the progress. hurt where it may. . Eighth To this end '-, we believe that certain radical steps of re-construction must be immediately adopt ed: (a) Resident aliens of all nation alities who art incapable qf 'appreciat ing the blessings of our. institutions must be deported. b) Forneign-born citizens who lave proven their unfitness for' cit izenship by either open disloyalty in word or deed, or by seditious inactiv ity in the times of war, must have the rights of citizenship withdrawn "and they ikewise must be deported. (c) German and other foreign languages must be banished from all elementary schools and from public print and public' speech v alike, save where they are employed for the pur pose of Americanizing ; foreign-born people not yet acquainted . with the English language; ' (d) All methods and plans for Americanizing our foreiTi-bbrn popu lation must be "directed by Americans whose antecedents and environment has : given tfiem a clear ooacption of the principles of ..American institu tions; ,v V r .-v- -i? . . t ( e ) All immigration must be im mediately suspended for an indefinite period. f; ; Ninth. We believe that German propaganda must be destroyed, and with it all Of the spawn which it has produced social revolution; pussy footing politicians who seek pro-Ger man support; race agitation and ag tators. J : - ' ' r. Tenth We believe that the ballot is the one and only constitutional means by which Americans can secure needed changs of4 governmental policy and. purpose and that the honest and lintellignt use of the ballot in placing in position of responsibility only loy al Americans without reference to an cestry, will effectually safeguard our inherited , rights. t " Eleventh We: believe that all at- tempts at coercion in the control of the Legislative, executive or - judicial departments of the Government are un-American, treasonable and' preg nant with" unspeakablevdanger to the nation. -: . . .... . Twelfth We believethat the hour has. come when every loyal American who valuer his inheriannce of liberty ahd loves the- flag ( of his land must put country firsts and, forgetting other affiliations," join hands with ' ev ery loyal f citizen to free America from its present peril Then, God helping us all else forgot we pledge our hands, our hearts, our lives, our services to America first and America forever. - S A SOLDIER'S IDEA. Editor Polk County News, Tryon, North" Carolina,V ' Dear Sir: - ' ' .Willyou allow an ; humble ex-service man space in. your papeV to pre sent his jviews to. the poeple of Polk. Cotmty, with reference to the Polk County Soldiers Mjonumerit ; Associa tion and -its purpose. Mr. Thomas C. Mills", President of this association, in a recent; issue of the NEWS made an appeal for memership and subscrip tions this association, stating that Mr. W. A. Cannon Secy, and Treas. Lynn, N, C; will now accept members for the small sum of twenty-five cents, and subscriptions of any amount you f eeljthat you want to give As you al ready know, the purpose of this asso ciation is to secure funds' with1 which to erect in Polk County, a monument in memory of those fine young men who gave , their lives, in the war against Germany. This association, is worthy of .your jassistance . and v .sup ports epxyfol County, "re call for just almoment?T'eTs5tittoii; iust one year ago, -when nobody on: earth knew when the war would end, or what would happen before it ended. It is diffrent now, the nar is over, we were victorions, most ofNttie boys who bore their part so bravelyn the thick of it are . back home now. Some peo ple have slipped Jaack into . the rut again and almost forgotten fhere was a war, but there are others who have not. Nov matter -what -experiences mav have come to anyone out of the whole sad business, a moments reflec tion on what was one year ago and what is now, should make everyone feel like showing some ; appreciation. The object of. this letter is, primarily, to ask that the people of the county and the Executive Committee of the Monument Association consider , the building of something; of benefit to the county, say for example, a sub stantial and beautiful bridge over one of the large streams, on some princi pal road of the count v. with an arch x at each end of the bridge with a tab let of stone or bronze fittingly incrib- ed, that all who ride or walk may read what Polk County thinks of the con duct of her sons in the greatest of all wars, l reaa an editorial in coiners Weekly, issue of September 13th, un der, the captian "WHAT THEY FOUGHT .FOR', which . I desire to pass on to you. It reads as follows: "Bronze tablets have an enduring dig nity. Monuments can be,, and often are, worthy and impressoive Surely no one would care to critize the , com munity which has elected to commem orate its gratitude to its' herpes in either-bronze or; stone. But those communities that have not yet made a decision might well ask themselves first just what it was for which these young men- gave their lives, iney hoped they were fighting to make this a better world for men and women to pass their lives in, and for children to errow up in. That hope has other mediums of expression. Parks, hos pitals, playgrounds, libraries all these are dedicated in its spirit. m And what memorial to their death could, after all, be more fitting jthan invest ment in the lives for , which they died?" . I suggest a bridge for the reason that it is much needed at some 4- - . --4- - J places and the cost is not so great as a library, hospital or , other building. Think it over, than act; r , ONE' OF THEM. When Sneezing Was a Bad Omen. . Sneezing - -from remote times - has Tseen held "ominous. Our forefathers went to bed Hgain if hey 'sneezed while putting on their shoes. A sneeze to the right was deemed lucky ; .to the left of evil portent. To sneeze near a burial place was unlucky. . Edited, by Jt R. i Sams,. County , Agent. I have just visited, . hurriedly, al most every section of Polk county ,and will give a few of my. observa tions. . - : -,...' 1st." It" gives me great pleasure to note everywhere in the county, 'a rapid growth of real Polk Couhty Spirit. Everywhere I hear the cheer ful note that old Polk is coming, Jto the' front in every respect. 2nd. The spirit. of real cooperation is fast getting hold on .Polk county farmers and some of the business men. r As. evidence of this, a coopera tive cotton gin is in successful opera tion at Sandy Plains and the further fact that Polk County Bank . & Trust Co., opened doors for business last Fridav. Oct; 31. This enfornrisp is owned and conducted exclusively by farmers, and with the primary ob ject of developing agriculture along all lines in Polk county. This is . just the beginning of cooperative , move ment in .the - county. , Unless merc haants in , the .county will cooperate poser with the ; farmer and aid in sup plying a market for ths farmers' products, as well as his purchasig needs,, fsome cooperative , .farmers stores in the county, as a medium of obtaining, farm machinery and find ing a. market for. their products will be a necessity, and will be . supplied hy themseves if not supplied through present .channels. .There is room in the county for another cotton .gin or two. ' 3rd. I have witnessed a great change in the. attitude of the individ ual farmer relative to "permanent pas tures and sowing legumes. There is no .more expressions of doubt now about Polk, county being able to pro duce as Jine.. legumes and grasses,, aa can oe produced anywhere, when : nec essary conditions are complied with? and these conditions are not hard. : 4th., There is1 a disposition every where to cut up large farms , and boundaries of land into smaller farms; Smaller farms; intensively cultivated, should be the slogan in PoUj: county.. The farmers who are living; easiest, and saving the . most money, own small farms and following rotation of crops and soil improvement.. Large farms of poor land full of gullies, old field pine, 'running briars and broom sage, etc., are a pitiful eye sore to the passer-by,, and burden of taxation to the, owner. The time Is fast approach ing, that good business sense s will compel such land .owners to dispose of alManas that are not yielding a profit; then too, man did not create the land, and the time will come that individuals should not be allowed to hold land which they will not, and cannot use for the general welfare. 5th. The best of all signs for bet terment in Polk county, is the spread ing of the brotherly spirit and j the spirit to uphold good morals and law and order. Everywhere Polk county citizens, are. speaking out boldly against crime and the law breaker No longer is crime winked at by: Polk county citizens. And this is the way it " should be. No county anywhere has a greater. per cent, of law aid ing Christian men and womcd. l tie trouble in the past, this majority has not properly asserted the right to en force their convictions for righteous ness; but the public conscience is aroused and the time for evil doers in Polk county is past. With the pre- dling opinion that right living MUST be the rule of. action in Polk county, we 'Will soon become - the greatest and best county in "the old North State where- everybody t will Want to come and stay come. . Short Dots. . Keep the fattening pigs comfort able, and they will give you better returns for your . kindness. , '. Also prepare a nice, warm roosting place for those pure bred hens, and just listen at them cackle-during the cold: winter days as you gather' the baskets of eggs, when eggs are high. Then prepare to keep the milk cow I better than last winter, and O, how i she will appreciate this little attention iand repay you by the overflowing milk. pail. - -, v ; Watch for that ..washing . away of barn yard, manure; v I , know many farms in Polk county where there is $2.00 A YEAH enough manure - washed ; away, every; year to enrich a good sized garden, r Now the mntion of garden .made me think Are you planning forrabetter garden next year ? If not get busy and. do it right now. Don't wait till next March and then find yourself way behind. Everybody should de sire, to be a leader in all good under takings.' Now let everybody PULL for POLK COUNTY, W PULL OUT. The coal strike is o ii. ; The cold November winds, -are. . Jhere.; Every family in our towns as well as on our farmst should lay in an;, ample supply of coal and wood for the colder weath er that is just ahead. Remember that I roads will be mud- dy and farmers cannot haul much wood at a load, on such roads; so don't be angry when he charges a higher price for aisraaller load than if haul ed while the roads are good. Just watch old Columbus grow She has been! Hide-Bound fOr' fifty years , or mQrej 'but .a new spirit has taken hold of her- citizens, v and the citizens of all parts of the cpunty. The last word Look to - tho,; im provement of. your, soil; out of ; which all life on the earth is kept going. . LYNN. ; JFh.es halloween program fori ti last Saturday nightj was. broken into- very r lnuch by the- lowering clouds an4 pourV down of, rain just at, night,. r H,owevef there was quite a crowd; gathered and had. .amusement, along. i . the., halloween style. Mr. ..Thos. ,CL Mils,! president of thePolk. County,. Soldiers Monu-; ment Association, was .present and -, made a very . interesting, talk on the plans of raising, funds for ;the Monu ment fund through, and by the: schools which , we. .hope will be , set' in motion , next. Saturday, at the -meeting of the directors qi the Association. , Despite . the , rain and. broken program, sum of $10.00 was raised to theredit of . the school for the .Soldiers JMonument fund Otis Hooker, the son of Mr and Mrs. R. E. Hooker, is spending a30 days'- furlough with his parents. He enlisted six years agr ' He is now,, stationed at some c y in Califor nia. Eugene Norman wa. Lynn last Sunday on leave of ab Some evidence of that ; ' t Elixir of Life (booze) was notice . in . Lynn on last Sunday. What a shame. ',: Mr. Ben Blackwell, of ,Tryon has moved L in the . Cannon cottage- next to postofficev S. M. Robinson,: of Lowell, N. was in Lynn last Saturday, Mr. Rob-" inson is president of the .Tryon Hosiery Co., and We, suspect his visit was strictly a business one. The tax collector failed to -recog nize Lynn as a tax colle;cting point as all other former collectors. ; Guess it was an oversight , e ; Don't forget the educational rally at Columbus, next Saturday, the 8th. Also the meeting of Polk County Sol- diers Monument Association. ' ' Jack frost as yet has hot been in our gardens. Plenty of tomatoes, onions and lettuce. Had better knock on wood Mr iW F Swann, one" of the local school committee ; informs us that the sanitary toilets .will be installed just as soon as they arrive. ! Dr. Dula, of Lenoir, N. C, an eye specialist, stopped in Lynn on his way to Columbus, one day last week, long enough to examine several school children, and several were lined up, but for want of time they couid not . be served. It seemed to : bad that they could not have this very impor tant examination - :' ' Will : someone answer, who has the correct information, do wehave an appropriation in North ; Carolina for the examination of the eyes ; etc, of the school children? 3 ; Uncle Eben: ' "De amount of hurryin' a man wants to do," said Uncle aen, "Is mlgbty- afoot Qr , noss npi iu ucyeuu uu wueuer ne i traTeHy

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