v ALive,:!!Ga;n U forthe-llcnie. - - tlL -r; T J -1 ;; .-1 j -5 !- vU" Mu ;: r -Pi AV -i- VOL. XXV NO. 29 f: i OUR FRIENDS f 9n9r TTo Ur Co"-P-deul. From Viou. SscUu of Polk. County - - "ou 5jU FISHTOP. j;jCe cool weather now, and farmers n work and enjoy it.' Mrs. T. C. Laughter .visited the Bradley family, Sunday. g j. Bradley delivered fruit trees jnd other nursery products at Saluda on the 15th. ' p C. Pace, of Hendersonville, was a business caller in This section one fcy last week. ' . - C. C. Jones brought off the range 'fine heifers one day last week and brought them home. . Corn, instead-of being 60 per cent proved, when gathered to be about 40. " - ' s X. C. Laughter hauled off : another load of cottton last week. iWe had our $rst freeze Friday of last week. . ' ' ; ; f - took advantage of the cool spell and killed some fine porkers. , a few of our citizens have been working on the roads some last ".week (better once than never.). : Wm Morgan was in "this vicinity last week -and seems to be much fet ter of cancer. t . Miss Beaula Bradley, who has been staying over with home folks a few days, resumed her trip Monday to her home at Orange Grove, Fla. We have one accident to ciu:oniclle this week. It is reported that a certain-man was out driving over a rough place, on last Saturday, . yith his love and sweet " turtle dove, woo ing and cooing, when all of a sudden the buggy collapsed several miles from home. That's the worst . acci dent we have heard of this week, un less it is true that acouplegot mar tied one day last week -and parted the same day; and yet if that is true, it mayie the best thing to do and the best time to do it. Misses Bertha and Lela Laughter visited Mrs. Lela Newman Sunday. 7- Miss Beaulah Bradley visited grandma Newman, Sunday last. Mr. Go van Constant has to date killed the largest porker so far, 450 pounds net; and what is still better, has another about as large. C. C. Jones, T7 R. Stepp and Newt Case have all gone to Hendersonville ot get out some lumber for C. , C. Jones this week. T. W Bradley sang for the Mt. Lebanon chair Sunday. Bud Jackson will preach at E. J. on the fourth Sunday. COLUMBUS. Mr. Calvin Philips from Pea Ridge spent the week-end with his family. Mrs. N. T. Mills spent a few days last week with her mother in Spartan burg who is very ill. ! Miss Mae Boon resigned her work here as grammar crrade teacher, and w O took up work at Hickory Grove school. - - : ; ; Miss Emma McNynch was the guest of Mrs. C. E. Shore Sunday. Mrs. M. P. Spears is at; the bed side of her mother, who has been yery sick. : ; ;',': ;, Miss Odessa . Mills one of the teachers of the Mill Sprincr school spent the week-end wth home folks. e ar glad to note that Mrs. F. M. Burgess is able to be out again after King confined to her room for several .eeks. Miss Alice Wilson of Stearns High School spent the week-end with nome rolks. Messrs John CarneHfi and W. H. Jl of Rutherfordton, were heje Sun day. , Mr. Ellas Cantrell of Landrum, S. S was in town one day last week. Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb entertained pisses Emma McNvch and Mae Bon for supper, Friday evening, . Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Arledge, of 1Y1iU Sprincr. snent thP dav with their , dUghter, Mrs. A. H. Elliott Satur hy. '' :.' . ' n C'' v- Elliott ursday on business. wrk on the new ls Progressing nicely. The little son and was in town r " f ' . . bank building daughter . of ;i- and Mrs. C. V. Elliott spent Tues- y with their grandparents Mr.- and D. Elliott. Nerves-of-Smell, Note. , RPite of the vast mechanic?! im- In empnte : .t .'i l frvin Is sti11 the sweet perfume : of 2 ham and esss. Toledo Blade. THE COUNTY MOUNTAIN VIEW. Rev N. L. Wright filled his appoint ment 'at Mountainv View, Sunday af ternoon, 11 . " Mr. and Mrs. Moses Jackson were the dinner guests of Mr anil Mrs. J. G. Corn, Sunday. , ",:y. ; Cotton picking, pea picking; potato digging corn gathering seems to be about over with in this section and as frost has arrved it 'seems that, hog killing is very much in session as there have , been several large ones killed during the past week. - Mrs. Emma Halford and mother were the dinner guests of Mrs. L. B. Graw Monday. : Several, from this section attended preaching services at Cooper. Gap, Sunday. ; Master Arthur Jackson was -a play visitor of Master. Barnett and Brau dus McCrain. Sundav a. m. ' Mr. H. H. McCrain went to Spar anburg last week on business Mr. Clem Arledge is in this section today. " -- , ,' TRYON R, 1. Well, Mr. Editor 'as v our- 16-mile ; sermon , last; week failed to get any farther than the mail box. we trv again this week. - r ' School - began at Fox Mountain on Monday morning of this week. Mr. J no Gilbert principal. Mrs. Sue (Gibbs) Edwards primary teacher. ' The : .Beulah school also opened on Monday with ' Mrs. Myrtle (Pack) Holbert, as teacher. . - M5ss Bessie Hamillton is teaching School.- ': .A: '-';" ' V''"-v :c'"- -" 5 Some of the parsonage committee on the route attended a call meeting at Mill Spring parsonage, where they found, a friendly, happy little family of Rev. W. J. Hackney, wife and three children but for their comfort and to complete their happiness we found quite much to be done both in furnishing and repairing of par sonage. We are pleased to state Mr. Ander son and family, of Mars Hill have moved on our route; and also glad to know that he is a relative of our fa- mous grass apostie. Mr. Orr recently spent the after noon exchanging castles in the air with Mr. R. G. Hamilton. Our coun try" would be much improved if we had more such builders, if. thev wpuldn't topple when they hit the ground. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Laugn- tr, Friday of last week, a son. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shore and "girl ies," Catherine and Ollie and our fa mous Stearns High School teacher, Miss Emma McNych, were pleasant callers' at Walnut Grote Sunday af ternoon. ' Mrs. T. P. Rice and Miss S. J. Carpenter also called for a litttle chat. Mrs. Rice was much enthused over a , recent trip ; to the "Land of the ; Sky,' visiting relatives. . Mr. Parris and family will soon be off to Columbia, S.. C, where they are to make their future home. Misses Thelma Heague, Annie Ed wards, Grace . Hamilton, : iilsie Ed wards and Bessie Hamilton recently enjoyed an autumn stroll through the bermuda bottom end to "Big Rock." Many know: of this famous resort without further description. '"'"' ' V. o '.;v-' LYNN. : Prof. R. D. Gray and Miss Mary Willie Lolar spent last week-end with Mr. Gray's father near Gray's Chapel: ' v Miss Alice McBrayer and Miss Ma bel Arledge spent last week-end in Saluda. , . , . . - SupU W. T. Hammett spent - the week-end with home folks at Inman. . Herman Rippy left last - week . lor Columbia, S. C, where' he was exam ined and sworn in to the U. S.Navy for 4 years, will go from Columbia'to Chicago, 111., and there enter jchool foV aviation mechanics. r Watch for the eclipse of the sun on Thanksgiving day at about 7,; a. rm., until 8 or 9 a. m. c- ' ' x Mr. W. B. Parker is visiting some of the hosiery mills in Tennessee and Kentucky. 1 He may Consider - some tempting proposition.--; : : A baby girl was born to Mr. and MnrBen Blackwell- last, Saturday af- OVER TRYON, rf. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1919. ternoon, November 15: At 4 this pen ciling both mother and babe are do- mg well, ihe v correspondent . con gratulates. Quite a lot of nice, fat - porkers have been killed Jn Lynn in. the last few days. - 'Almost every: "family in Lynn has a fat porker, and some two and three all good? size. : Look out for the price of meat to "drop. . ie are ; glad that we have no ser ious illness to report of any one, but quite a lot of cbld, owing-to the sud den change of the weather, . - we sup pose. 1 If you want to see a real up-to-date home-made fat; hog, take . a peep in MrS Clayton Constant's hog pen. HILLCREST. Mr.. Clint Blackwell and Miss Irene Jones gave. their friends' a surprise Sunday when they committed matri mony; Mr. D. H; Houser. J.. . P.. offi ciating. :Here's wishing them a1 the happiness m the world. Mrs. T. J. Houser has returned to her. home after an extended visft with friends in; Asheville. f Rev. and, Mrs. Ramser. returned missionaries from British India, were at Hillcrest Institute last week. Mr Ramser gave a most interesting and instructive talk on . the customs and needs of that country.' I - V Our first real frost came ' on - the 14th of November, breaking all rec ords for lateness. And every morn ing since that made a ' new recoixl for whiteness. , t , ; The young people of the - neighbor hood met : at Mr. Jolly's, Saturday night f o a "sing.' h:;;-- o - S ' MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Rey. N. L. Wright filled his regular appointment at 'v Cooper Gap Sunday; alsc Mr. Price , from Rutterf ordton, delivered a good sermon. We are glad to report Mrs. Twitty Jackson is improving after a spell of sickness. v Mr. Thos. F. Mill3 made a business trip to Spartanyurg, last veek. A crowd of Sunny View youngsters enjoyed a car ride 'Sunday afternoon with Miss "Feagan, the driver. There will be a box supper at Sun ny View, Saturday, Nov. 22. All girls come with well filled boxes and boys with your pockets fullxff money. Sunny , View school organized a lit erary society Friday and the follow ing officers were . elected : Mr. Noah Lynch, president; Miss Lizzie Wil liams, vice president; Miss rAnnie Wilson secretary; Miss Oma Gibbs, chaplain, Miss Arkansas Jackson, treasurer; Miss Mattie Williams, tel ler, v and , Miss Eunice Randall, critic. You are welcome to attend this so ciety. So, come. - Mr. Ernest Ruff returned nome Sunday. The Sunny View i teachers andy sev eral of the pupils attended the box supper at Red Mountain v Saturday night. : ' RED MOUNTAIN. Rev." Wright filled his appointment at Cooper Gap church, Sunday. Mr. Prince of Rutherfordton made an 1 in teresting talk on the campaign.- We believe the captains and directors will go to work and bring our church to the front. v ' - School beean at Red Mountain last Monday with Miss Esther Gibbs prin cipal and Miss Mamie Wilson assis tant. We are sure with the cooper ation of the parents we will, have a good school. f , Mr. Press Hayes died last Tuesday night and was buried at Cooper Gap. church Thursday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved N mother and children. Glad to note rs. Twitty Jackson is very much improved after a few days of serious illness. Wedding bells are ringing in our section . of the Globe, Mr. King Law- ter and Miss Naomi Dimsdalc were happily married last Thursday. We We wish for them a long and happy The l$ed Mountain ' school had a boxsupper Jlast ! Saturday. - Boxes brought .$16.90, cake I $12.10, amounts to $29.00: to be used in painting the school hotise. and buv a bell. This work is -tp Jbe done in a short while. -Mr; W J. Wilson spent Sunday at Mr. ; Joe Wilsons. . ?.;Go to Sunday school at Cooper Gap church every Suday and help tc make a good school, W t.rz planning :to paint the church and buy an ; organ and need your help. Our school, has organized a Liter ary Society to be held v each - Friday afternoon j;We invite 'any t one, es pecially the; parents to visit us and seA. jf you like what we: are doing. Fol- owirig are the officers elected for the first wo months Buf ord Whiteside, President rfGladys Wilson, Vice Presi dent;! Rajrv Mc 'Murray,- Secretary; MaryLynch Chaplain;; Esther ; Wil son, VSupervisor;UraWhi ler ; Lizzie Lee Wilson, : Floor girl; Esther' Gibbs Critic: Program com mittee .Gladys Wilscn " and Mary Lynch- ; Come and we will give you a hearty welcome. Mr. aridMrs. Clyde Wilson have moved ? into the house with Georere Ruff. UILL SPRING. Rev E.v J. Jones filled his appoint ment at White Oak, Sunday. A large rowdj was present. We are sure the campaign workers are haying great success in brinerine the members who are not accusmed' to attending zo attend, we are proud ot our pastor. We can see his influence al ready, and he - has only preached for us three times. We are looking for ward the day when all the members of : the Baptist church will be active members. J R. Foster is now postmaster at Mill Spring. School opened here " last Monday with'N. B. Arledge principal, and Miss', Odessa Mills assistant. We hopethey will have a successful term! The new Methodist preacher has arrived here. . We have been unable to learn his name. The people were so glad to see him that they" gave him a heartv welcdnme- bv ooundine himJthe system of Prayer Groups. on Jast Wednesday . nieht. : -MV.'aiid' Mrs Robert Thome, and Messrs Bee and Otho Lewis, of Greenville S. C, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. M. Lewis. Minter and Fred Barber were the dinner guests of Gordon and" Gorge Gibbs, Sunday. Miss Esther Gibbs who is teaching school " at Red Mountain, spent ' the week-end with her parents. ' Miss Odessa Mills spent the week end with her parents at' Columbus. Mrs. tRay Edwards spent last Mon day with her hom$ folks. Miss Addie Cochran, who has been with her brother, Lee at Cross Keys, has returned to her home. MELVIN HILL Well Mr? - Jack ' Frost came at last Friday morning being the first. Mrs. Carrie Johnson had a severe attack of tonsilitis last week. Mr; and Mrs. G. C. Feagan called on the formers uncle Mr. Ed Feagan, near Greens Creek, Sunday. Mr. Smp Johnson made a ttrip to Canada recently. 'I The debates have been discontinued here for the present. School is in progress here with Mrs. Lillie Steadman and her sister Miss Spake as teachers. t Mr. and Mrs. Feagan - also Mr. and Mrs. Waldrop motored to Chesnee on a shopping expedition last Sat urday. Mrs. J. W. Stacy has . been quite sick of tonsilitis for the past week. , Mr. Jim Johnson and family con template moving up into the Jesse Jones house soon. HILLCREST. (To late for last week.) Misses. Carrie and Mary Hickman also Miss4Martha Hunter entertained last Friday night at a Halloween party.' They fed the ghost on pea nuts, Those present were; Misses Ruth and Wells Rogers, Mary and Ai ma Goode, Alma High Nella Brian and Marian Sulzer and others, Mrs.' G. E. Hickman and daughter, little-Agnes, took supper at Hillcrest Saturday night. ' , - Rev. . R. N. Hunter made a business trip to Rutherfordton, N. C, Satur day. ' . v Miss Mary Thomas -spent Sunday with the Camps. ' Mr.' Homer Arnold spent : the week end with John Brian. v : Rev. R. N. Hunter is in Charlott for 'sl few days attending conference. Rev. G. E. Kidd i teaching in his place this week. , ' . t , Martha Hickman ha been serlous- y ill but, is now recovering rapidly. Miss : Lucile Milton -left ? Hillcrest Wednesday morning for her home in Charlotte, N. C. ' - ' " " o " " - THANKSGIVING SERVICE. There will be a service at Church of The Holy Cross on Thankgiving Day, at 11 A. M. The services on Sunday will be Holy Communion, 7:30 A. M., Sunday School, 10:00 A. M., and morning prayer and sermon at 11:00 A. M- O - MILL SPRING BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday School 10:30. Preaching every 1st and 3rd Sunday's. The pastor was deeply gratified at the splendidwork of the teams, and the results was apparent in the large Sunday School and still larger con gregation at preaching services. The adult class has already out grown its quarters and will soon need larger space. A cordial welcome extended to all to join in our services. f V E. J. JONES, Pastor. .... :.;.. o. COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday School 10:00 Preaching service 11:00. Hope to see a con stantly increasing attendance in our Sunday School. The en's class, al so the-Mothers class- ought to inspire the grown up's as "the iuscussions are practical and deeply religiousV A cordial welcome to all to join in our services. E. J. JONES, Pastor. THE NATION WIDE CAMPAIGN. One of the important features con nected with the Nation-wide cam paign in -the - Episcopal Church, is These; groups-meet simultamously in diff eretttparts- of the- . Parish, - for Prayer,4 Reading and imeditation for the purpose of gaining that ' spirital strength whichcan "come only by drawing ourselvs apart for awhile from our usual dailv life, and prac ticing the presence of God. ( Mrs. Bacon is -chairman for the Parish of the Holy Cross. The leaders of the -different groups are Mrs. Grady; Mrs5Holmes, Mrs.' Bland and Mrs. Bowne. For the young people , Mrs. Bacon is the leader. The first meeting will be held at the homes of tHe different leaders on Fri day of this week at 3:30 P. M., and will be, held' .for -'several successive Fridays at the same time. The men will have " their group meeting at a time and place to be de termined later. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY. To the Sunday School Superinten dents and pupils of Polk County: In this glad day. of glorious privil edge and wonderful opportunity for Kingdom work, when men's and wo men's hearts are turning more and more to the fundamental teachings of the Blessed Christ, and more and more are beginning to appreciate and understand the leading's of God's spirit, what more fitting way for you to cooperate in the Divine purpose of God in the world than to put your self in persoAal touch with the glo rious things the Sunday Schools of our land stands for, and are steadily accomplishing. In making this per sonal appeal to you in behalf of the Sunday Schools of Polk County we are appealing to your, best sentiments in the moral welfare of your commun ity, and your sense of duty and your high moral regard for the Christian influence that emanates from a "pro gressive and live Sunday School. To this end we are calling a meeting to be held at Columbus Nov 30th 1919 the 5th Sunday of this months to or ganize a Polk County Sunday School Association, and arrange for a re newal of the fifth Sunday service as formerly held. ' f Each Sunday School expected to send 6 or more Aelegates; Send your best speaker's and singers, and make this - a glorious Sunday School rally for our own Polk County. Services are divided as follows. 11 to 12:30. Recess. 1:30 to 3, giving yoti plenty of time ' to get 'home. Good speakers inspiring music, come and have a good, social, uplift ing time. . V ; 4 ; ; E. J. JONES. U . Menace -to Locusts. . - - Locusts in Algeria have found t & dangerous enemy in- a fly which f oK lows them and lays its eggs where they, lay theirs. f - $2.00 A YEAR REAL SUGAR SUBSTITUTE "'HAS SANCTION OF GOVERNMENT Malt Sugar Sirup Has ' High Food Value and Delicious Flavor Made from Barley in Same Plants and With Practically Identical Equip, ment Formerly Used in Mak- -ing Beer. - Malt sugar sirups a brand-new sweet which has arrived on a com mercial scale at the psychological mo ment to relieve the sugar shortage, say the specialists of 'the Bureau of Chemisery, United States Depart ment' of Agriculture, - who Vhave in vestigated "various substitutes for sugar. In addition to being a v sweet malt sugar sirup has a -'v delicious flavor, somewhat resembling that of honey, which adds tnucH to ' its - paK ' atability and value as a Kugar Sub stitute. j Commercial Proouction Beginning While malt sugar, has long" been known to chemists its production on a commercial scale is only beginning. Two factors have stimulated its pro duction recently. The shortage of sugar has developed a market for it, and the recent prohibition "law "has made available both the raw material and the machinery needed for its manufacture. " Malt Sugar i sirup is made from the -same "grains as beer, and may be made from "corn or pota toes or any plant containing J starch. Barley which "was used until recently in the manufacture of f beer, can' 1 be used- now to produce malt :siigar sir up. - ; -.v!f ;;' Breweries, with verv little change, can be used and are now being used for its manufacture, r Up to a ' cer tain point the "process for ' making malt sugar sirup the same a& the pro cess for i making r Deer. Evap6rating , pansViseprmcip qtdp ment required "b" j breweries Tto "" 'be come malt". sugar sirup" factories. Excellent Substitute for 'Sag&r Malt sugar sirui looks very much like maple sirup. It can be used if or everything ?that-cane sugar is used for. While its use on the table may not be quite as conveientas-' sugar, it is a most excellent '-'substitute "for table use when sugar is not tbbe "had, as it not only provides veetness but is equal to sugar in food thie. hFor cooking and bakinar purposes and for making candy it is not only equal '- to sugar in convenience -and f obd value but is superior for some uses' because it will not so readily crystallize, i . Used in Manufacture of -Candy Mialt ugar sirup is now being sold in large quantities to commercial bakeries and dandy ;and soft-orink manufacturers who use it in place" of . sugar The wholesale price; as quot ed in recent advertisements'in trade papers and elsewhere is' from 7 'to 9 cents per ' pound in ' barrel lots. Many retail grocers do not handle it yet he- . cause there has been ' little "demand v for it on the ' part "of 'housewives. Grocers can now 6btain r it and no doubt will be glad to do so as the de mand for it increases. Housewives can and will conserve their dwindling supply of sugar by using it in cook- -ing, baking, and - homemade confec tions,'and even on the table for sweet ening coffee, oatmeal,? and desserts. If the housewives want it, the grocerS will get it. Although malt sugar sirup ' is oe ing called upon,-so far as ' household use is concerned,- merely as a - pinch hitter in the present 'emergency, Mthe epecialists expect that it will make such a batting average that it .- will hereafter -have a regular place in the batting order. This is a case "where the substitute makes so good that 'the regular,' whose; place it takes, may . have to warm 'the bench. While it is not likely that this new sweet wilTre place sugar for the table' use - in normal times, it nndoubtedly will make a place for itself in the house- 1 hold as it is doing in the 'mariufac- fture-of food products. It is ! an? ex cellent, wholesome sirup and,' on ac count of its delicious flavor, is sup erior to sugar for some purposes : in cooking and baking. Mn P. LaDuke, Farmer, Says,. Ton Bet Rats can Bite. Through.7 MetaL" "I had feed bins lined with zinc last year, Tats got: through - pretty soon. Was out $18. A $1 pkg. of ; RAT SNAP killed so manv rats. that. , Vm never been without i it since. - Onr collie dog never touched RAT-SNAP. You try it. -Three n sizes, 25c, ; 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed - by The Ballenger Co. and The Carolina Hard, wart Co, ; - J .