.""a ".. - - i. n - t i ii - .n . 1 "" 11 " " ,,.- -mim iuj - mm i I. mi-iii ' '''vv; ' x " 1 i'V V A Live, Cto r HewspEpar forths . Hoir.2 1 1 " "v li tblished in oik County I) ANb.'-.trtE -.TRVON :. BEE $2.00 A YEAH VOL. XXV. NO. 3S. "'i . i. fON, N.. C: FMDAYHJANU ARY I 2, 1920. if I ' ii - ' - : . ' . : . -- . i : '.; r . y T i . - . ,-- . .v. , , . . - . v . - ; , : . i . -. . ..... ', - . " - i ' . " T . - : Jt V HlltilBS UUER THE COM OUR ht of "C'r.Utriiit GatK.md By Our CorrotpndBU Frem 1 . &clxaki PIk.CoalV Cii'A:;r SALUDA I aiicl all people ,.llVdespieVit, and let ; it die arid' be Vuried--never be resurrected. ' " ' " .: : ' f -: MIlIj SPRING kuu jljji i., 4 very quietly Wd pleasantly in this section.. f v-- si"'- ' : Lebanon- school began ; oiidayaf- ter being dosed a few daysf or. Xmas MELVIN HILL . , Mr4 Elzie Horn of, Detroit visited friendi in Melvin Hill Sunday. : i There were several Christmas trees in' thiton onc ''at the home of Mr. aridMrt. Ed Johnson, also Miss POLK COUNTY FARM AND HOME DEPARTffill Edited by J. R. Sam, County Ag;env. i Iipw seewa to be eniov , wervou " ; t I iur: a . t i. o.t. . i m L ie' holidays. ?. Tha splendid , Tryon,-Sundayiv. after Spending P 1 : ? .jMi f days with relatives, at5 Hendersonville Anronv Ker ;Zt and Mills.River. t out f- - Master Samuel Sonne : an his rithout a thool gav L on Xmas fci was c Mr. -Floyd Dyer; is - spending UUds had a little Christmas tree all iivnuajro - - - J their own Miss Mbssie Edwaras weni Dae w andwrs.,; .lonn, T0 THE farmers AND BLSI Gladys Lawter and her ; little girl RS MEN ftP POLK COUNTY mu anntr Mrs. 5 Premal.' are . spend- W"? "1 ed nd- much enjoyed at the eja Ainas vree w tue , ; ; , .r ... 1. vAa flt jWe hop lor mm Mr. and Mrs. Jim HOrn eve mgnr, ana.ie pro- i - -. - . t- . , ,-, . MissElJen -'wai 71-. . v .htj4 exceptionally gooo; aue to t ,r . . ; Tuesdayfor her -school .aTrevaru, .w been received I little lime would h lp; b it not ab- jsolutuly necessary; exceot for alfalfa and a few other legumes. No.t what TheMisses iHorton of -Cooley Salutatory Address for the year 1920 a cheap landand plenty of it. my:??W?-S v . Th finest sweet free sfone water in weeK very pieasanuy w""-- WaldroiT recently. v - , Mr. ,GeneraUMathis Vevereiy VAfton niclrine- was well attend . aaU-. "MVo W P I lur. anu airs. n. xx xtxcxvcc ,mtiring efforts of Mrs. -W. lv. . . ..ry-,,- c . . . -- "P V Prt sW wno spenoing some ume an 1 home. Here you are, The new year of the world, and plenty of it, The best 1 Q9ft Yps with fresh red blooming 1 and most ebuitable cl-uate the year home M cheeks All aglow and full of oppor- around to be found, no better piace on last . Satur-4 -fri- pvprv man and woman and I onrh crrow cranes. Dead.es aprls wuiuwj k.w jr 1 o ct Polk County Now don't ev- 1 stawberries and other fruits tnan here that! body turn foolish ami desire that here, Tomatoes almost grow wild- Mrs-M; A. Kilpatnck - who the same opportunity shall come tome Every thing necessary to grow liv from iere to Texas,' is - quite . of for u will not: but opportunity cer- 1 stock, in the way of pasturesa and .... . ., . : i i . anrt savannan. ba.! 1 : : v : 1 wwuvi ; ned the children; lor Tneir pans , -v . T , , . . ;a. .. : Mr.-enryLyncii. anoM"m'' ihab. U;-w rnma to each and all of us. U,- ron will imw in. irreat pro- 1 . 1i . ! I : 1V1FS- l U112&.V.eUllUUlt OI1U XK1 - w"! I . . - V --i O . Jane 1 . .. I " 1 1 o- - . I - k the exems. ; xne was very iss Kmian:!! be at : their old Rutherford counxy,.: rt; There was religious -service at ttie 0pportunity ; does not loiter around f usion-Timber for hxrne 1fuel- is .tiv. oaaea 1 wiia pscnwf . , , last wee wiw -.,v . r , rhnrch tin? for all,' and pld Santa ; Claus fiinjf r ' . weeks ' -' , . . - .. . .".'. -w-. waix ior menu" istributed theta-without; partiality. V . r Wm.v.r of P.trsbure' Misses Maggie Sue r aXGilrea 8hoppiiig;in Gaffiiey, Friday. tunity it is,, to thii o Xmas nightie M: E. Sunday FC;tk Edwards Wnt Christoas ::day w.th M,om Waldrop wet to Collins- rtunity. r. . mf45nmnt 1 la., nas purcnasea a nume . xt?j nH Maude Womaik. rmj-, . ..- . Mr. and jS. rsv R. L D. Gilbert: I church here on Christmas day. and stand and knock and pound and abundant and the supply, under our mers'her. V':TT ""3, Place: and expects to spend Ms-sum jid Amas fcv-c.' " -. . (he leading feature being, a: pagant titled MThe First Xmas mgnt, aid was nicely carried out; by six loung ladies "and 'four young men. iss Bessie sonner,ga,ve that she delivered in jher usual Misses Mildred and MaudeJWomanc.: viUe business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Feagan were Jwait for the individual whose oppor- j heavy rainfall and good sunshine will think and ponder too 1 faster than j the consumption, everything ask i in like time is ever l so to my mind there is movinsr and the individual must be I a VOXmz man I could : . -LTNN. Mr. John Womack Xand ; daugnxer, . VMoi Harris , and Miss Sinia . . readv- to 1 ,, -p rTirrTuTiit;v in Polk : . . , ., I " . t cuilsuuiUY ivvnwM . - tunc fc j w v.w . IuiseandBlanche, sotffr a Bennett r got married just ore iay hold on his opportunity when it County all that is needed is a good J. R. Ha and wo .cxn, , . 1 comes. A Happy New Tear to you all. cnma mav have1 onrjortunity I matter in the upper . 'tj i - unlntiVrn I ' - i buwcoi wvv, - - i uuj"; j Visited rreiauyes i . MAVAlanrl Kirbv son of Mr. I . nma nf mnn- I t ,;a.' awo- : thA in- y r.i .nuuwu - i tnis year w menwc ia" - i suiry, gemuue . in this section several davs last .weeK, and. Mrs. W. A.' Kirby .aged ' two yrs. I - crt -ive away large sums of rPr phamber: a eenerous amount - of Mr. and Mrs; Marioniihide and and five months passed away at- the money some to. make great improve-red biood in his veins, and a good n it Liiav ' - . - j' - , ' leridid way. : The . litttie ioiks - i suDscriDe-ior, yuur,.iwiuc . brotner, Mr. w.in.-xiUiyi.v. Now commence the new yearnght. j;T. Moreland 318 South te ; on their farms and homes -ensible wife with1 grit and pluck, r,J . ! L 'tj-- c.,t TJr-oTf-fillw. . hiaf retrular ap- - rm.v rnTTNTV NEWS.' Ut-- rrn.. -0tV.W vsianl : ' .! v .,- Now this is-what Polk -eounty n rhen they are: expccuu? " Av ;r wa. WA r1 -T. r.rr-"' "rT ' P1'. tt1"" . , '"T'LZZ- , some xo serve just this kind ofr people hitching up Re the waste piaces rose I know one i mA V-ndincnwi 'the J j J -r- oni) noTnelman wnn T-niRprl a-familV Ol DOyB m v i . - - 'k-.-' .- i cavioi-9 in -. I serve as nurse x- i ----- - , . The Christmas tree, gi.en by Mto totaie toW'L the ditch that drain, the wet Polk du do their ; parts fine, especially (help keep it 'right, Converse St. Spartanburg, S. C. He gom to preach the gospel, some to 1 educated to know the meaning of real Happy New.year, to all the readers j. -th iniluenza, Thursday, . h school, some to sing the gospel, usefulness and service to man farid . At v. iativtv wpws 1 ':-A..-'i.--i-.Um'x- ' . - .va MrtW thi- ia-what : Polk -eounty needs. irheri iney are; " -.. ... -. . - . , jo come soon; "Bnt theyf get pretty pomtment last Sunday night. Had Lious if he'doeV n6vcome on time, quite agood congregation and ,11. 00 meet nlv a. little late, 1 dollars' contribution. i i i r -I MAtviA ha or riTir-3 iii it i . i no ihihhh uu. dvwwj J '.n rv Uttle lThursday:Jari. l; 1920 Will start on ,v , such as Bobby Little and J. T. new year . with renewed resoiuuon.. . . . . .: - - - - . - ' -- 1 '- - p-fAci thers 5 The evemng was i -nope you : w v. . .'-- ' J . ... .. - . i-.TVtCTk-TYtllS horoughly enjoyed by the; audience, will nave a nappy r-. .-zp Cho fiUed the house to overffowing. - new year. : ' - -.; ''v,o t t ' w,AT,fW ftT- ; Wav . not able to record all we kanized at the M J3. Church, is rap- happenings that v happened m r crtf t nHVQ.TT-1'A I cations set in fo-.iifv -t.f Hillcrest Institute -to lts I anbursrMch.tlieyvdidon'iae60y.:i iAW lands, and perhaps he is tne RtnTY.i.s- buildine ' barns, h; renewed resolutions. ,g was immediately called, he . benefactor of all But- it clearillg iand, preparing to grow good had a Merry JCmas and ity; as a great success; CPiac-f everythmg possible 1 not where, or what the oppor- pastures and later on growlrve stock. edin the big tent, ' a : larger crowa woxkmgtlaitMuiiy:) reucv : tunity may be, let every one- ,wa 'ol7&lit axe growing a gained admission than Vas possible dear litUe fellow- but medical science be ready to seize the opportunity to& cMldren to v attend . these in the school room, heretofore used.v could not save the Uttie life. - He died whatever it may be and make the BChools, this is what wm make Polk, t. w. xt w-t-. . who snent xrv 2Rth at-: ll:00n. m. : and was iTPAllc Countv is of all a trreat and rich county, I knowtner from smaU number commuwty our it mrreannir . . -r . . . - ' .... rm I. -.P.... . . . v ' I ... . : ' -f . - r- 1 m . : . of members to a large roll can. ; ine nope to Tioie a xw. ,. VV has returned ot HUlcres. v F61k uounxy n. v,. xur ; .lland, a pjpee pi opporwum. through the week and,rbiow" it au in - ' . . '. . -r 4.1. I-, snanriinfl1 tflft- nul I - ; . l I - ' v - ' . .-y.V-l rr I k . l.Air at I. .i j . - 4- Va at. rt A0ovrtr ia t6 :make' each meeung JLioyd ranmcr 10 -..v..", - MTs -Carrie Hiclonan is spencung ifvmeralservics -werv i cu vounr men and women, iui during tne wee ena anu r. uivi . m ' . -t v . j mm imrn i -, - . mmmmn . more eryone -ra.nv' Sunday ;f ? and eniovable. iiiv- idayswitn nome iuiko. - w in Charlottft . tv'a mr.iViii T.TO-1 fv.o. Trruitine force and is stationea 1 ,;. dJ.; ja v " is welcome iuc . t-v--. . w - i rvnss -jjiarKiwe. . - : ... . i4. i . a t. . ; r ;e . ' . . I . .. - ; i ' , . was excntionalliy gooa ax x.wn-..ii;:.;;,; . . for the holidays. rJ . After tne .cnoir enw jewes-,.r - v. -M.r.':-HBrafd 4inaii7i-wna.iaxv t l.x.j.-. i r k.nM. MiBtnorirpn i rum uiv i : . , . '- a.: . familiar songs, a quanen. ago, nav.ng u -1n Akron. Ohio, for a year, is visiung ssr7, vh rSeaSit rere conducted , by i.' o-d .women, for lack of jt. v,0 weV end and at.the end Rev. Hunter of . HiU . Crest. . The . . on the part of the parents have of the year areno better off ttan a . 1 . . ... t rr,fa 1 . ' ' 1 at.tumO t1li fiTBt: WHUe We r:: wic, -Harei ; Cullipher, service. He was discharged au sum , ..v- ,v; ' t " Wmade itfirf great sacrifice of gw Messrs Fred Bailey, John l. ia, camp vuvx . . .Nat . Jones has rrnea w . mg up xneir au , Nabors, accompamea iv-ju jBuyienu-i .r.rf home. - : ; m.V v parents-and reiauves au n Patterson, sung moving back to tne mounux, Mafc stoctton and Miss Bessie baby prattle and the sweet aisposiT Davis were married on Christmas ton that made - happiness - ana joy ' I.i. .,; v Wnt. Wet tray the Durham, N. ii nA Bva or - mnn ruu-.K. ui wr- n - - .iii .- l . - u ... - v cameland ? brought many beauuiui tunites and have gone to other coun- home are gtrugzUng for a bare ex-: been flow'feideredKir ietance. L -appeal to aU-parents to; J itine ivk tA thivbeneaved. parents who' ,;11 ,.T.Hpvi.loTied. -rsbme -yOUfig nakeoine" hf eiaucb-th-- cnrls 01 .vn Jr.. and Miles bv vMiss Marvin Silent Nteht." The leader for next where they came 3 years ago . ,. , j i r .t.o Kinnv. a uuvicv y- p j... i i.cc .1 k. rticnaruwi i - iu -" . -- - OUiiUAjr o - Mr Robert Tiner, son of Mrs. L. I Trinity college, -1 i hiring at OrarigeburgrS C, for some time, has been ing a bride in I where ever ne went. ..--..' Mr C. w. Camp has ' returned to blessings pf the kind Heavenly Fath Akron, mio, after a fw days at r guid them through this .life and ii -.. . ' ii m a -a ,T.nfir iuiure ui .vi a x- rv tcw.r of Carrollton,. HIV are !,'.. nriJinr tVi Li. all times !Thv:WiU Be very ionunaw: "" vi. - o.r anH Mr. ViaTKe vr-y i B j - . f that dty They-; have. vi.iUgtteira . dine." v ; ' - ' Tk.M'Me on in-formal dance ai i , .v - o .tPte,-?-! Mrs. time, has been very fortunate m nnd . . ' if-.r in I1LV I vi SiT.l lilt L11C1JL v-v t - - mg a onqe m .f. ;.tivpR. They visited been spenmnK '".V ... . wv, man misrht ask the quesuon-r-were l:;,?zZ n M the the opportunity of which you speak? farm help build up the- greatest I answer, all over the couniyinc county lif e in aU i tne woria-;. mav say the soil is poor, not o no are many farmers in f ol ffil' wtsoil so 'in. and this is the foundation of good ?he home to -take the , drugery vof farming True humus nitrogen are homei 0ff the mother and give her lorkinir but how quick these can be opportunity to visit and aid ner less locking Dut no r yux fortunate sister; in finding-; ways ..to,, trrown and supplied right on ir.e jo"" wJtm aW need im- ground needing them. The great ram "-ents ai0ng all lines. All lines fall and splendid sunshine make it 0f agriculture,,! murt be improved one of the fastest- growing places I Mored ber . t .v. AA1mtv i. have an alti- and more per acre, "" ,.. mother Have returned people here about lb years agu , 3.0?; on Saturday night; I MILL : SPRING " BAPTIST V know-In he county we nave m - rroS I mean, better Uv. xTamv.ot Kinnv. wuu iwuvu - . . . , t , .i.i !.... a-a.ta a bvpi hi lium uvv i , j .a.a xf r . mnm nnii .ijcw nciiiKut - . j i " p . i I kuue ftuwiC'ivi.' IV? v. giocs anu iiiuic wi i ,-i i tVi (rrnnm S Vi.V- . . . xl - vn-r T rt nt-nno-phurcr. wnere vney -.f- ... a w v. wjrfM c MQ-r-r a short wmie ago. is v make their home uur o. --w - , - on u ,r..nr rounle me ine nouu v - irn .mj 1 1 iiir. v ' i ' 1lVifc " w iMAPLE GROVTS. - - . I DfcrWWJtt. V. -'-' Jl . Sunday School 1:30 Preaching serr to 3500 on the mountain heights, on ter fruit 0f fands more anaflewr - . . - 5 ..- i ....... a., hit. i i.Ai. .mhith -unii unnuiv uur ..abw j vice 11:30. - Aa,tms oegms u . ereat range oi aiuvuu wucr.. ;r. .ujmrl "." - . . ... " .-. i- i .a ira m.amoM t 11 1 ic . mi . - .. . .o.: I - Ik. noeflr prnUv . dJSirCS mat -ft; found we STTOW COWWiu, a small crowa ax ouii-iycx v y uiv 1w make business merchants and for the banks make the homes pros- " ... 4- aa o Hn .J M ai -Potnilv snent his return, eo witn a u.wu m. k h. naiicv uu i ' i . ' herp -was a smau vvv i j - - .. . , i . .-. tnerwuuiw .. - . .. . - n,"r olav vrith Mr Bailey's fa- around the world. Ilti Qnndav and they - had a every member of tne ennrenr-ow and all the grains grown w-v perous and happy. To do uus we bum. Chnstmas day witn iur. x" jt tt . j- ivof eme weddings day school bunday, anavney "" . f - . . Gimdav , ua , ttu. -Rtates. when L,.. k cfn.i and imnroved and op- tv.v anA mother, at Cowpens. b . us rumuicu - ;J . . i . -'i: Wine lesson.',; - : young, snaii uc v- - wnere V. fui "r- -tv L of ; the m.v. - - . I . . .-.. r TMO nfl I IIH. V All vm- luvt'M.-... " . . I , . 1 U. t f XIDTTJITP J1L1 I i j 1 vWTfiT- T ITTlt ajlU UI.WW I KrUL-U X1UD T . - Mr. Fred Bailey Was with .n- tooK piace uu, "---. -ive We enJoyed the nice little Chns - , a i Pla"u . r"1 "J. f mits farmer; backed op hy . m .banjono South Carolina during tne no v.c-y, mas tree st Red Mountain last wea- esousn -- . rr ana we iv -i , , 7wif snn-nv i on xnese .servitco xv i irom r !. avT I .4m r Q1W1 WA WUllUCi : 1U T I" i - . I a i . The school will resume wor yrr - fup,P xmas tree. year. Let the people of the, commnn- including the peach, cnerry, Wl I . Uf W . 1 . m A . . -. .... A . r I .i X .1 . awanrl - TIPaiT - SLS Ok- 1 nAA. - T1PBT grape apuvvx) e enj.xyea e mce -To-, - attcn(telce up- ' wa Then all kinds of fruits m soutn uarouna r ? - f . ,'. M take. . mas tree neu -"V. ".I .v... ; ..viv. for the coming S ' finest winter apple to the fig i nr 1 -. T1TT1 - 1 I tlL? OllU "WW ' ' . 1 l ivr4kl' -Un V . .-UI111V 1 Ull 1 ..-wwa. ' I li xtxiM. - days, ueports . . ia entertaining , a"?"-Llr:n6 brothers, Mbnday. JanJ 5th. , - : ? WMiss Ma- to be known far and r.car as a ner iavner, uwy r -V . ' -a.,v 4ntreRted in the a.o. mr. vouu. rr" - ?x, ' . Let us es . . 17a i t.vprv uciavu - . , i . i j. .aa.at.. wirn .1 fnuruiiu . utfi - ht'-t i - - . . unnnnv i mio i.iin:. ucu. '?-'- .. .1 from Waynesboro; Misses Lois Pace, . ; .i i--; ,-t nevt Sunday mie Bessie Sonner, work snouia oe px- r - home folks. ; 1 hi -- I ria rui.c " . 1 , .. ,, .TsaIT Mr.' Stanley Uorning at the Chapel tor reo t . - :smfl:cidnev vande of any previous year. 1.11a -iiae uuiw - . . ". . a ttiw Year's start, i messra. iwwi v"!" .. T I . - -b. i TOKTS. Pas K.WU "-. . - - . . '. 4-V-a MUitlAI. 1 J " " Stevens, from Piedmont College. Dem- nation a the happy re- McGuinix were visitors ithis section Ca.. ar home for the holidays. Mr. D. H. Swann wastne n .ng L .irdav 0 ., ; . ... . - aa i -.-aT o nifo rain cuav oh- -&e- i - - . - ..... j i I rm. nrt'the bieWSl ume cY-i, cipieui, i. - - -. Wra. -K. R. Wilson ana muiMBUS plum quince, goose . Wrv. current & c, & c, men tne tabUsh a record for 1920 f-tr in ad- root crops. such as sweet and msh potatoes, turnips of all kinds grow w perfection When propeny tu1Y" Ti.a water supply for man and beast aiv --. wnere tor. BAPTIST . . ntTT.or-n U. . verv Dest ana bvwj iney ---- . - nresent. as a toen mr. , - . . I. i-nt nroflUiott-l'liei at a party that iasw r r'.rrTlAv Hosiery company cUldren.r. the guests M . .f ": 00d and pine is abundant- r- t T Staton's. on r Tiaay m;nv, rautu xvr,- - .. -iv, i.a t;, awf Mr. and Mrs. Wl A. ivun Sundav School lu:uu rreociuK v . - , . ii., v- 'iheid square dance predom- and help. M es ' V 7:30. iUthe pastor has been absent and . gw e . Mnated., j . Jcopfor Mser, Lawton Wilson and Ha - for two Sundays thereUbeces l,xto t The; young.foiKS seem M-., very much appre- bert Wluteside passea.u on 1St unaay xn 5 Wvlue-The climate is more out thesaying, -wnen - - and section the other day ; IThis .begins anew ye;ir. JT" Mi Seldom ever too J"" let us set ourselves a ne.r " ATt farm and never bun- . W w - mtrnb wa " v-w" j 1 ati,Pr and have a good time. v,uuu ,wf . - - Modern rr.. .tl.ino' llKe the iDUrpose - 1 s - i...i. a. cn i.v them. There is 1 UVA "" j bein young. W are glad to say -w .,. .. nothing drunkenness nc r : ..a- crtn failed to organize, that mere x-w . . . - . ii.-n t Viova nothing to der,- w . . : nn.f tfc can it will be a thing 01 tne town one night last week for day afternoon. nose of organizing a Moaen Wdman Camp, but for some : rea . . i j 1 aaIj f work on the iarm aim in our bunaay scnuvi f rtr PPRt and sleep too not vo ww 1 . :.. iiii .Vip . crrasses and wen at mmu v..- o- - life. A new record for 1920. E. J. JONES, Pastor. Severe Critics.;- : ;Whiie we The reputaUon or n successiui uinu - Ootimlstic Thoughts say against this, or- WOn't last 20 minutes after a crowa oi ie most imlJortant element in sue- . .? t ' !., about all failures -berfns picking it to pieces. AAAnomy o money and believe x." -.. u.ia oVas - :'-' : - . .. . - rnp 1121V 1 v .1 .;- 'i uieuu XJiaiM : . - - 1 . nnTia 1.11 ncc .w v 1 1 t mi a 11 1 irr Christmas. . c . .f ran carry awns ,"' - been but little W Cll ...,- - J clovers will thrive and so wll and thA verv finest herds of -cat- .. . .1 ami noultrv: when tie, nogs Buc-V r - - , humus and nitrogen are added, and a merchants and' other business .menol tii a rountv. so this is the task of all- Task of the banics, nas i vn chants to aid the farmers m growmg his crops, and!., helping him markeu the same, TasK 01 tne iarac operate with ! v these ageius. County officials, all pullmg together for the same great, ena ana ww to' make Polk County , tne - wdv. the best and the most aesiraow p v on earth for men' and . women -to .live terms to be iouna on tne , earth, now this is the task of al- and like men and women wtn hearts of love , with m, vith v the necessary grey mawA..5t nerve and grit go about this task and make 1920 the most . progressive happiest and best of all the ryeani within the history of the countySo with good will and love and greetmga of the season I wish every one a pros perous year and stand ready as - the. servant of all; to aid anfapner citiien in any wav possible toJ)etter his or her condition. - itespeciiuujr, 1 J. B SAMS, County Agent, - , 1 '" . : I - I - - - - tu . j I-;---.;- r lIIlte: I Give Him a Chance, I tlrs. Clancy Give Him I a Chance Tim Ml E. 1 WANT V0U T7 Ct TO TH ...AoruAr ..tP GRf EHSJ PiLOKf OF BMP, APACi(AStC0"t,MIV:flF" Ov'' V,.. rt...PLl A Kin A. Mit? JAM. K: MA. IFOR60T-TH6 .TOOTH PICK "7T 7 1 r " :A0iFTWfry'r5T(e: ON r i i I 4 m il '--6 : - 1 !, . 'i '. i If 3

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