Ihc only Paper Published in Polk County A Uve, ;0::n For tb I!:r2 VOL. XXV NO. 37. TRYON, N. a FRIDAY,, JAIfUARY 16, 1920. $2X0 A YEAR F II OUR FR S OVER IRE COUNTY Som Umt of General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County 7 SALUDA MT. LEBANON. Miss Grace Gibbs spent 4st week with her grandmother. -jv J- dr.: and Mrs. Harry Bennett arid Lizzie and Matie Williams visited at U,1 S. Gibbs', Sunday last;- ;. V? ,v Repoig of theCondition of v ' . ALift.-Uir; SALUDA at . Saluda, I n Nthe State of North Car olina, at tft close of business Dec. 31st, 1919,4 ?" - : ' loans and f discounts 4 . . : . S49.d77.20 Overdrafts I u;..V.. - fiiK.4n l united Sta: les bonds and A SUNDAY SCHOOL'S FUNDS .. - - . . . Libel tv bonds. . . The Holidays are over, and . the On Saturdav mormW nf Jfln,iaw ine quesnon is sometimes assea iBankine iMse. S3720.77 young folks have gone back to work 10th, Miss Bertha Constant answered whffc ' Sday S ai meir s, nope xney we suaaen summons ol death. She "T T . v ?: . All ,1 " " If was only sick a week, before she died. - Lt2,mn: ?ow.s . Cash in vaSTt and net WHAT THE SCHOUT MOVEMENT MEANS. again will work as hard as : they play, owned thev do they will sure be some . good She was carried to her sister's Mrs. nurcn oxaiuaa nas it . mounlidue from banks results. . U G. Jones of Saluda, where the doc- fne h. which is a good showmg . . bankers and trust com- 1 Miss Flora Harwick has - returned tor could attend her, much better, but Jor , school ith only ; average Cash'itSmSheld oveV ii'hrs from a visit" to her: home in Jackson- kept growing worse all the time. She tendence.tf 60: In addition to report n over 24 ville,! Florida, and has resumed her was carried to Asheville hospital and eciuwi aJ,sl&tea raismg u,uu iar r,. .. Tota.. . 1 ...$8578.41 soldiers were not fully developed in duties as teacner m me punuc school, oiea mere., yuite. a number, of friends r;"!T. ?A rfJ.SM si - Imesias men should.be. He also I : PKKK'K after one has reacld arid wffl direct tte - futar. W -lheir After England's. T narrow escape from defeat at the hands of the Boers in South Africa the thinking men of England hecaTi I f ' -w V4 S3b Umv 8,550.00 lor their very poor showing against sucn a small nation. They hadv the '75000 and equipment, but for ; some reason this small nation came very near defeating this great and proud nation. . Sir Baden-Powell reasoned that the young men of England who 20,140.42 224.62 were The Epworth Leaguer has selected and relatives . attended - the ' funeral a committee on entertainment, to service at Mt. Lebanon, Sunday. She lav plans for a social, to be in the will be wonderfully missed among near future. Iher friends as wejl as home folks at Miss Marvion Patterson is spending Mt. Lebanon, for she never failed to some days, on a house r arty With attend singing and preaching here. friends, at Pickens, S. C. A I But God knows what is best. We ex- Mrs. W. H. Pace, has returned from I tend to the bereaved family bur deep- been the treasury and these ' doee, with " very few exceptions, are up to-date in every instance. This shows their in terest and devotion to their fraternity . and their extreme regard for an ob- ; ligation, which to a Scout is Iaw In this connection the Scouts wish to ex . press their gratitude to - .Mk F, P. Bacon as a sort of father to the cause here for in every instance whexTa deficit hasoccured and Mr. Bacon has , been advised he come forward .more , liberally in clearing this account. These Scouts of today ; will be our men of tomorrow and if their1 ener- ' gies are directed in- the channel of usefulness : and wholesome pleasures . they will qevelop into men pf parts 4t... w Birthday Collection r 9,3$ Children: Day Collectiofe' . 4.53 Paid For ' ! " ..... ,v ,.. . ;: ' .;:" ' 166,97 Lesson .Leaves and Papers .''4199 a visit to her mother, wh: has quite ill, at Statesville, N. C. Mrs. F. E. Pregnall- and Master Samuel Sonne.r, have returned home, f ronrCharleston S. C where they vis ited relatives during the holidays. Sammy reports a grand time. But says -There is no place like home." ; home." .1 , ;.Valftia Mr. D. E. MJurray has gone to Fletcher. N.' C. to take' charge of a Missions Childrens Home Centenary Fund f Christmas Entertainment : v, x est sympathy, and ask God to give them strength to bear, their troubles. Quite a number from Fijihtnn and others, passed through here last week Armenian Relief on their way ot Columbus court. Messrs. Reagan and Hoyt Thomp son have returned to their work in Virginia, after visiting home folks. Mr. Gaither Johnson was in Sa luda, Saturday, on business. Eev. Weldon. Green will fill his reg- farm and orchard, recently purchased ular appointment at this place 3rd by his brother-in-law Mr.Condon. I Sunday, if no providential hinderance. Miss Bertha Constant, daughter of It seems like coldls and grippe are Mr. and Mrs. M. W: Constant, died at very common everywhere now. the Merriwither Hospital, Saturday, morning ai o:iu wnere sne naa reen MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. taken on Friday night for an opera tion and was buried at ML Lebanon ..Wr, Snw PvteT,H our ihe farmers in this section are or f tKo K.n9v mM taking advanatge of the beautiful township Mrs. William P. Hume has been wcather and are turning the soil for $10.00 and other property called to the bedside of her mother, ,22,97 17,05 20,05 19,10 rent expenses ana tax- in-iwenues it is too late to deveion cnTnTnnnitv i y,m- eS. O 7nn.2R I n.InnT WSnw gnil ranai4 linoa T4- trrna 1 1 I 1 . - m m Deposits silniect tfl cheek ' AtSJOA9 ' "- mowing no ciass iines put ior wo tposiis svpject W cnecK. . 40 W.41 this firm conviction of hi anH a z ..t xime cerni cates 01 deposit '18.714.60 1 . . ' . . I .r."1? vwuiuuuAvy n wi. yasmers ciecKs ,-outstand- . oi xne uoy &cout Movement, wnicn Degun to realize tne importance ol I v , mg. . '. ..... 4 . . i . . 678.22 movement has gone into most of the this movement . and legislation - has ' TotaH - ' $8578 41 civze countries . of the world. been offered . to ' futher &&sist - tad State of NfVth Carolina, ' A boy may become, a Scout at the direct. If Tryon can show satis- c County Polk. Jan. 14, 1920. age of twelve years up to twenty and factory progress it is not too much I, r". XI. l.uaiiey, Casnier Of the f and he roes throuiyh three successive 1 to look forward to asRiitane from i. . rank. (our national and state legislatures. 19,10 In caching the top in $139,61 Balance in Treas. ' $27,36 . MISS ANNA LANKFORD, . Secty and Tres. if) . v REAL ESTATE TRANFERS. The . Columbus , Real tate and Insurance Company report ..the follow ing real estate, tranfers. -!,, the best oftny knowledge and -belief. Ue arst stands the test as a r . Et H BAILEY, Cashier. foot and after successfully correct Attest: :.; ' ; -, : E- B. Statbn, Y-: : v, J ; . r ' hn B.. Cannon, 'I'onald M. Frarer, ' . Tender-1 Elesewhere in this publication is- '$ passing (report of the last meeting held as rft- along varid lines than the average ported by . two J Tenderfoot Scouts, that test he has more real, knowledge Through the intesest and courtesy jsl . along r varied lines:. than the average Mr. Bush of the Pplk County Nea . young man of twenty five. Then he I this weekly report of meetings wru h; Directors. " Subscri andsworn to before me, stands the test as a Second Class and published. - I this 14th dS? of Jan. 1920. J. My commi'spon expires Mar. 20, 1920. b -o" " ''" from that to First Class. A First Class Scout must know how to swim at least fifty yards; have at I least two dollars deposited in some Savings Bank and this money to have who is ill at her home in Pittsburg The ladies of the Baptist church ha-e organized a missionary societv, and hdd their first meeting at the home of their president Mrs. P. H. Bailey, on Wednesdav last. Meet ings to be held every two weeks. Next one will be at the home of Mrs. J- B. Cullipher. " . ' " ' Reporter of the Condition of CAROLINA STATE BANK B. F. Gibbs to W G. Mattinger, 52 & Saluda, ; the State of North Car- gjings Bank andthis money to have acres near Mill Spring, considertion iiioW WV - ' $200 000 - ' E?OTIRrFq v V receive a message . .by; semaphore; 77;. , n ' c . . S - Vo Kftft walk at least.fourteenmiles alone or B. F. Gibbs to G. L. Orr, Saluda Joans and scounts ....,.$42,566.85 . j -i. 160 acres, rcoi&der uiuteu otais uonas ijioeixy : iisiacuury accuuni. i iu truip tuiu uu- bonds snd War Stamns 2.451.40 I Pw-Hnn a ? fcrmw TOliat. :tn H another crop. Y cci. Miss Mildred Womack snent Satur- Columbus township consideration i 7i . mprages . . . . . . . . . . 10,700.00 1 . . . - Philippine Marriage Custom, When a woman of th PWllECtocs marries, the name 'of lier husband la added to her maiden name, and la the event of his death she discards Lis name. . ... , . - ' .JiMi. f n..' n1 I Sift OA and '.-nfYtftv- nmtv rxr' : ' .-.''iv w Mrs. W. W. Womack. s V List ypur .; property with . us ' Jor Air other &1 estate owned Cash in itault rand net Miss Maggie Sue Edwards entered school at' Rutherfordton,". last Mon day. ' ' Mr. General . Mathis, who was kicked by a horse some time ago, was carried to d Barikinff hase. $1250 f urni- ' ! dents; now to help in case of runaway The Handy BelU MYou like a Norfolk jacketf "Yes, said the commuter, "the belt. Is ej handy to hang small packages oa. E?oston-TranscrIpt. ;' sale exchange or rent, r Report of the Condition of -POLK CO. BANK & TRUST, CO. at Columbus, in the State of North KUinenorawn nospiiai, i Dec 1919. oux iment lor. dislocated .limDS, -uncon- X a. j j 1 BCiuutsncBS. - ltuuuair, euiubrvtt.c. ucsu banl, bankers and exhaustion, sunburn, ivy poisoning, f : trust companies. .... 11.152.84 1 bites and stings, nosebleed, earache, Collection. & 235.25 toothache, inflammation or crit in . w I where he, died last week. leaves a wife and one child. He CROSS KEYS. . Mr. and Mrs. B. children called on the former's brother Mr. F B. Nance, near Mill Springy Saturday night and Sunday. Ralph Covington and Ules Collins spent Saturday night with Isham and Otis Henderson. Mr. Reuben Collins attended servics at Green River Sunday. Mr. Arthur Peeler, Miss Euna Shields and Miss Mabel Jones went a joy riding Sunday afternoon. Some RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . . . r j s Wedding -bells have been ringng on nv3Sf K " " " the route since Amas. . Mr. uarznian United States - bonds and Green was married to Miss Lela Mel- j Liberty ibonds.. F. Nance and wn on last unoay. 1 weonaoay HSrV',"iioM- the horn of his father, Mr. L. Odell, tTSSSS Mr. Tolbert Odell was united in mar- . $2427.30 '. ; riage to Miss Thurcy Burnett. The All other real estate owned ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Cash in -vault and net a W -Womack. We wish for them all - mount due from banks . - . 1 panicers ana trust com the good things 01 me. . Cheekjs forjclearing LIABILITIES 154.55 eyes, cramps or stomach ache, and :-tv if demonstrate artificial respiration.,Pre- i o7?'nS J"" stojk, paid in..... 6,000.00 foods used in camping. Eead a map flStx- correctly and draw correctly a field . .; rent expenses and tax- vwumuvus 999 - ; .; es piid. ............ 2,889.16 ing bxiildings, roads, principal eleva- 5,000.00 Deposits subject to check. . 32.997.14 tims etc. TTra nronerlv . an axe in " lav :f a j ;a. m irnii I - - xime tcrwjeaLes oi uepusiu fPli;n- tree Judire distance within Cashier's ecks outstand- felung a tree. Judge distance withm ing. tf. . . 53.68 twenty-five per cent by s wcods- H , man methods. Describe fully at . fr $64,893.92 least ten species of tre sa or plants by S&"ASnU V. ,ooo their bark, leaves, or flowers or scent. w...vr vhm v mi. ii.u Savvd-Off ' Sermcjv A man can ran a store without .ad vertising, and he can wink at a pnttj, girl In the dark but what's the wt' Indianapolis Star. ' V Medicins From Ug Hama Stags are bred in China for . horns, the horns being cut whl? sct" each year and used In the manuTactiar ox medicine. 483.94 2,000.00 Tunasten Gtatistica., The amount of standard . tunsstea ore used In the manuf ncture of lacan-k descent lamps in the United State' this year was In the- neighborhood cS' 4 -tons. 27,556.78 paiues . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. D. Gilbert vis ited at the home of Mr. Jesse Green, A -0 4 I the above statement is true to the North Star, and name at least three I. M B. line. Cashier of the above Or six species of wild birds by their named ban do solemnly swear that I feathers, notes or tracks Find the Sunday. Messrs A. A. and T. made a busines trip to Rutherfordton LIABILITIES- Canitai stocV. naiH in'. : . S13.000.00 L. Womack 1 TTnHivided nrofits. less nir- people don't seem to mind the wind Fridav- nor the weather. Mr. R. C. Cannon principal of Green Creek school, returned January seventh, unmarried, to the joy of the lady teachers and High school girls. Miss Nanie Feagan, formerly a student of S. H. S. is now attending school at Green's Creek. Mr. Clinton Greenway and Mr. John Horn were-pleasant callers at Mr. B. A. Jones' Sunday evening. Mr. Grady Flynn called at Mr. Frank Shields' Sunday evening as usuaU Our census man, Mr. A. A. Edwards has been very busy since Jan. 1. MAPLE GROVE. rent expenses and tax es paid 182.11 Deposits subject .to chedt. . 47,210.12 Time certificates of deposit '6tizz.Z6 Cashier's ,checks outstand ing. . ... ....... 600.34 best ;of my s knowledge and belief. 'Q H. B. Lane, Cashier. Correct Attest: :4 C Sonner, 1 Irt. A. Pace, W. C. Robertson. ' Directors. I P. H Bailey, Notary Public My ;commisj'aon expirees Mar. 1, 1920.; Mr. and -Mrs. G. L. Taylor visited at the home of U. S. Gibbs, Sunday. Mr Claude -Wilson spent last Sat urday and Sunday with home folks, returning to his work Monday. Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs vis ited Miss Leona Bunrett, Sunday. " Mr. Tolbert Odel and Miss Thurcey Riifrnitf wturo Tinfvnilv mflrrieH af. the Mrs. Jackson, wife of Rev. Elbert home of Mr." L. Odel." We wish them a long and happy life. A crowd of young folks enjoyed some nice music t at Mr. Will Tesse nor's the other day. . - . Messrs. G. L.y Taylor and U. S. nihha wore fho oniests nf Mr. J. P. I -XJi T W , VAAW 1 O " " - W Wr. and Mrs. Melvin Swain spent w;ic ior cir Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mp. Claude McGuinn was a dinner Total. $64,732.12 State of JNorth Carolinal; County of Polk Jani 14, 1920. iM. FredWi. Blanton. Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear ever 2nd and 4th- Sunday morning. COLUMBtfS BAPTIST CHURCH. constellations of stars. Furnish sat isfactory evidence that he has put in to practice in his daily life the prin ciples of the Scout Oath and Law. Enlist a boy trained by himself into the rank of Tenderfoot. 'Let us that are older think for one minute and ask ourselves how many of the tests we could stand if we were beinflr examined to become a First Sunday ;chool 10:00. Preaching Scout ;iealize just. Jackson, was laid to rest vin Greens Creek cemetery . January seventh. Rev. G. G. O'neil conducted the funeral services. - The firm of Feagan and McDonwell have purchased a Ford truck. Feagan. guest at Mr. E. L. McGiiinn's, Sunday that the above statement -is true to the best of of my knowledge and be lief. ' . , i FRED W. BLANTONT Cashier. Correct Attest: ., J. R. Sams, , Frank Jackson, JE. W. S. Cobb; .: .. ' Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of Jan. 1920. J. P. Arledge, C. S. C. . : - He Knew. -v "Mr. Fusser," said, the professor. ; "can you tell me the meaning of the vtltle Sir?"" ! T don't know the exact ,meanlng," replied 'the student, but that's what a girl sayscwhen the wrong chap kisses her." s E. J. Jones, Pastor. v o " ; MILL SPRANG BAPTIST CHURCH CM Sunday chool. 3,0:30. Preaching next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 fol- I lowed by ciference of the church. Preachnig sjunday morning at 11. Everybody ihvited to attend these services. & cordial welcome to all. E. J. Jones, Pastor. ' turai Result. ii young . Swift has - gone broke, eh? -Vhat was the trouble? Urown ijf was on pleasure bent, and overdid Ithe thing. ' flroon Sir vrmn? much greater pleasure we could derive from just such varied knowledge and how very useful this information would prove in our daily life. The Scout movement in Tryon has not shown the development that is possible although at the present time nearly forty boys are actively inter ested and meet every Friday night at the school house under the leadership of Mr. Link Hill and assistance of Nelson Jackson Jr. The Scouts need assistance and above all an apprecia tion and understanding on the part of the community and with . this their possibilities are without limit: The Scoutes -pay regular dues into . j Wher Flowers Are Most Fragrant- - Flowers are more fragrant wluen ths sun is not shining on them, acord ing to a French sdentlKt; because th oils that produce the perfumer ax forced out by the water pressurt- la the plant cells, and this is diminUhed by sunlleht. , - Able to Atfterd It Hnb "The doctor sayt that XT X keep 'on working at this pace aftcr money I shall be a wreck at forty- five' Wife "Never mind, dear;: py that time we shall be able to afford W Boston Transcript. European Literature. It was not until the European mind cast away forever the fetters of Re naissance traditions that Shelley and Wordsworth became possible In Eng land, that Goethe and Heine were pos sible In Germany, or Victor Hugo and Alfred de Musset In France. Fit Punishment. Recall the line in the Ukado about making the punishment fit the jcrinsJ Well, a Chicago girl has married the man who tried to kidnap her. TotetS Blade. i ; ; ' fhf Father sayj "he oon'i K ft -j I If Tnlic-rTiisc' J cyUt MOST HAVE I The feH cia, -" 4 I Breathes Thcrfi a . . l ( 1 " ' ,. , t :