judge da::iels is 'ROUGH ON IB LAW EXCUSES GIVEN BY SOME ARE CON VICTIONS ARE UNCERTAIN AND PARDONS COME EASY ONLY AN ALIBI OF COWARDS County Officials Who Are . Lukewarm About Law Enforcement " Bring Down Reproach on Community. Raleigh. Opening tne superior court here, judge Frank A. Daniels, brother of grand jury, sc ored mob law in no un certain terms. Citing the Franklin ton lynching as a distressing exam ple of what an infuriated crowd can do, be said that when someone plead ed with the infuriated mob to desist the answer came back that if they let criminals go to the courts the courts would not convict and if they did con vict the governor would not let their wuccu.-. .. Judpe Daniels denounced such an excuse as being only the alibi of rnwards. but at the same timA nr . , 7 . tne grana jury u uo its auty m such a manner as nobody would question nitinpr as nnnonv wrtiiiH mumM.. i Its sincerity. , iiio o- marks, said that county officials who are lukewarm about law enforroTnenf . . ' I bring reproach on any community, iUB.aic .uu.muuH,C8, u gam, m waicu a sucuuo yusae can De recruiir ea ai any ume iu cnase a iitue negro for stealing a pig, while people guilty of graver offenses are allowed to go free. 755,963 Bales Ginned in State. Commissioner of Agriculture Wil liam A. Graham announced that up to January 1 there were 755,963 bales of Selma Mills Change Hands. I The Selma cotton mills, at Selma, have changed hands, the considera- tion being about $500,000. The mills were purchased by the Standard Tex tile Produce company, an Ohio cor poration. . i , : ' Governor Issues Proclamation. Governor Bickett issued, a proclama- tion citing the fact that constitutional I prohibition becomes effective January 16 and setting aside Sunday, January 18 as "Law Enforcement Dav" On that day he requests that the congregations of the state assemble end that ministers preach sermons bearing on law enforcemenL No Medal Investigation. Washington. (Special). Cold wat er has been thrown on the proposed investigation by Congress of the Sims Daniels controversy over medals. This was learned when it , became known that republicans of the house naval affairs committee were opposed to ap pointing a sub committee to sit with a like senate committee in the inves tigation. Green Succeeds -Jeter. P. W. Green, head of the publicity department of the Federal Bureau of iareiS in Washington, has been J namedto rupppph w w t. v f x . . ucwi, wuu ic- j - 6uea as puDiicity director of the Ag- ncuirarai Extension work in North Carolina several weeks ago to accept a position in Atlanta. Mr. Green will come to Raleigh at the end of tb month to assume his new duties. Farm Purchases Approved. - Approval of the purchase of the site of the new state prison farm in Wake county was given at the regular monthly, meeting of the prison board ere' ar'd a voucher for approximately a quarter -of a million dollars was ped for payment for, the property. - - i'ji iuc iaiiu, acres, ara being examined by Attorney Gen al james s. Manning and as soon as ey are m readiness they will be filed or n'C0Tt and the voucher drawn in Payment. ; To Sell pr fison Pronsrtv All . ' the surplus mules, wagons, V, tractors and other farm eauip- aent at the state, farm in : Halifax, yMch. was recently sold, will he re- H01(i Januar- 15. Airman Varner stated that the' convict S. ahnlf Ann U l i i.1 ahn J v'ild be moved from the farms . , Uft latter part of the month fill. . j. . . e w oe Drougnt to Jttai- &lur IUt t0 WOrk 011 the new farm rialfir?1 and wi oe put to work " - cricks and .' sawing -lumber. - Jl 1 i.-o til 1 . ... . for j.; as collector of customs Sena tor' c Carollna.. was announced at -Cnw',"'11 be succeeded by James H. i. ..nuns onice. 'chamhir"nfret?ry f the WI1mington Editor of tu Cmmerce an- formerly Senator?' WilmInSton Dispatch. Common H ,lmmons and Overman rrin? " r? Mr- Con after con Sector ol ' 1 Taylor' wh0 nas been s,sed to a?stom 80vral years, re l Wa said I 10 Private liusinesi. Bids For . . : . inventions. ''"-,-' a executive committees will bp Por tended an Invitation to hold Teir 19a inventions 1, TneD r of Commerce; through its director? took steps toward securing re eon: CBnT Capital ity. s"r: Z7a twan Wa3 Oiorized to' ex tend the invitation at once. J&tkln8 the committees to select Raleigh as their convention city JhL ar; the Chamber of Commerce wS Point out the advantages of RaleTgh over other cities exDected -meetings. Its centr.1 "rir1 Proximity to W W7or large cities will be Revenue of $21,000,000. Revenue collections in North Caro lina last month showed an lucres f over 100 per cent over the same mr in 1918. the receipts ; totall$2?R iecember, 1918. ''pu last month Include in- eons. $204.01 ; tobacco stamps, $9,203,- 769.71; documentary stamps. S4.53R n7 biuck iransrer, $15.10; order formsr $24.50! Rruvtn1 in. i . " m.o, ' To Include Course in Hvoien ' Tha . . . -w.iMmiiuu m me curriculum at the Universitv nt k. n., i - cuuixua, ii i . a course in hygiene and public health, with the reouirement that avow ot om- ucui UUte me COlirSA. la rvrtTnTritt ihv nr. a t " r!" " iiancu, aBSUiUUll rvTaTft n n nual sanitary inspection of the Unlver- sity to Governor T. W. Bickett, chair- mna of the board of trustees. The W. C. A. Hiahwav a PaAt The Wilmington-CharlotteA'she- ville highway proposition is no longer a dream but a big reality," said Col. Ti L. Klrknatrick. Of the 424 mUes of highway which must be built to complete the road 316 are now either actually under con struction or arrangements have been made for their completion. Sixteen counties are now represented in the W. 6. A. Highway Association urtiJoh represents about 33 per cent" of the state's population and 40 per cent of Conference oh Summer School Work. President H. W. Chase and Prof. N, W. Walker of the University of North Carolina, were In Raleigh to confer witn State Supt. E. C. Brooks relative to summer school work, which, they say, will be carried on In tk nsual way. Baseball is Permanent Sport. Baseball in Raleigh next year and,- perhaps, for many years hereafter, will be in charge of a private company with a paid in capital of $10,000, under the leadershipof Col. vAJbert Cox as pres ident The Raleieh Athletic Associa tion, Inc., will furnish the national pastime to fans of this city, operate a modern stadium and promote general ly all forms of athletics for the public of the city and state. Road Building Program. Craven county is evidently unwill- low mty to monopo- ze the bu ldmg of hard surfaced roads luelB-111" uiicni a pro- gram that calls for the expenditure of 1 f Bvme .Ui,w uouars aunng me year on roaa worK. 'rne state year on highway commission was notified that petitions were in circulation calling for an election on the question of sell? ing $2,000,000 worth of bonds, and serving notice that the commission would be asked to supplement this with state and federal money. ' $100,000 Motor Vehicles In State. The number of pleasure vehicles, or otherwise ' passenger automobiles, li censed by the secretary of state in North Carolina passed the hundred thousand mark, the figures totalling at the end of the day 100,112.- In addi tion to these there are somewhai more than 9,000 trucks licensed in the state and some hundreds of motor cycles. . -. Aycock Memorial Assured. At last the Aycock memorial Is to be realty. It will be a statue, probably in bronze, and .will be located in 'the Capitol square at Raleigh. The executive committee of the Ay cock memorial committee met and onnnlnfail tha f11-Tl?n cr nmmftu tn select the sculptor and design and award tne t contract, u. w. onnor. chairman; Judge Francis D. Winston, and Dr. Clarence Poe. 4 . - It was announcer that $11,000 is in hand for the. work and more is needed. jm oi:j;T,''w'w-0; :vooacco. list, ' " auuouncea on good author- aDunaa.t humus, it should 437.32; distmed sprits, $21,934.93; ; supplied bere planting eift r h capital stock. $1,466.50; estate.' $11,- "John A.'McRae has been retained makinSeavi applications of manure ' yu,k.v. j u . miscfri inti- i i wuuwu. wnn arn inrArpstAri v "J1 kiuwiui; nnn turning i Campaign Workers Conference. As a preliminary to the approach ing campaign for Armenian and Syrian relief . to be conducted in February, State Chairman George H., Bellamy has called a conference-of North Caro Una county chairmen and other work era to be held In Raleigh i Monday. January 19. Over a hundred workers are expected to attend the metting. x The conference will be featured by addresses from prominent speabert representing the New York headquar ters of the Near East relief and ' will continue throughout the day. POLK COPKTtf NEWS. SUIT TO RESTRAIN ill A - - - "yuuMfcN MUCH 'CONCERNED OVER RAISE IN RATES IN THEIR INSURANCE POLICIES. MCRAE, HAS BEEN RETAINED Similar Action Is Now Being Taken By Lodges of the Order In Number of Other States of the Union. Charlotte, Suit has been threatened oy the local organization of the Wood- 4k TIT l i .... ment of the order, following an in- crease m ail insurance rates of the in the suit- He says he will fully in- "estigate. the situation and spa it I . , uere Iare Proper grounds ..for the in- I Stitutin-n rvf o i : " :. j :. fcW ppusca iocai . jilfl - which may be fgaiMi the national W. O. W. neaas at Omaha. Neh t wQ ' " I vrv. uiai Him a r crens r n l i i taken by lodges, in Texas Nebraska and oiriofir.m ' i . i wuuma. At a rci ...n - nr," cne wnite van. lUUEe a rnmm ttoa I i J i w ...kll,0 ao ayuuiuiea i ni to Uke charge of the proceedings. Meeting of Press Association. ureensboro. One hundred v i .. ueiB Ul LIie iNortn Carolina Press asao- ciatlon were meat f ho.m,. " hv ttla lnial v . : " uuuiuci 6icu "v"1 cvayain;i-B, ai me con clusion of the first day's session of ine widwmter press meetinc. Governor T. W. Bickett was present and addressed the publishers on the suoject of the new property revalua uon act, aeciaring that it made for truth and honesty an. that he accepted lull responsibility for having urged its passage. General J. S. Can, Of Durham w r r- aus ng -rr ulo ueuuiiciauon or taint- "iuUCjr wuea ne saia: "I -would ratner plow a stumped-tailed bull on Htekory mountain down in Chatham county than ride down Fifth avenue in a limousine bought with tainted money," Durham. Protests of ministers and citizens against Durham' itAai-'hi a orui Carolina, ror divorces ap- pear to have gone without avail. M.l .. - r wnn tne year 1920 in its first month there are 49 actions for divorce nend- ing in the superior court. - Winston-Salem. The canvassers for subscriptions to Winston-Salem's new million dollar hotel announced that the goal is in sight, and organizations are expected to be perfected within the next week or two to prepare plans for commencing work. Asheville With Col. Wade Harris and : George Stephens of Charlotte among the subscribers, $25,000 was raised toward the purchase of the Mt. Ur,C: way.in tte world and a decision was reached to call an organization meet v , , , ma uere, ai wmcn application tor a charter will be made Charlotte. Twenty thousand dollars for the erection of a memorial annex has just been made available for St. Peter's hospital, the board of trustees of the hospital announced The don ors of the gift are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Erwin, of Durham, who gave $10,000 each which is to be used as a memo rial to their grandson, Hamilton 'C. Jones, -4th, .whose death occurred a year ago. Charlotte.- A sale of 60 head of native-registered Jersey cattle near this city in March was announced ty Charles E. Miller, county livestock agent, the sale to be held under the auspices of the Mecklenburg Jersey Breeders' association. -Planning Lincoln Courthouse. Lincolnton. At the monthly meet- tag of the board of county commission rs James A. Salter, architect; of Ra leigh, was employed by the board to make the plans and specifications for the new court house which the county proposes to build on the site of the present one. This building which is to take the place of Lincoln county's' famous old courthouse, which was, built in 1854, and wnicn has s been a landmark for two generations,' will be modern and up-to-date in every way. Greensboro Lands Q. O. P. Convention - Greensiboro.-TGreensboro , . was - se lected as . the place and March 3 as the date for, the state Republican con vention. 1 ' The vote, was 12 for Greensboro, and four for .Raleigh. - Greensboro was urged because newspapers nere .would, print ''fair reports" of the convention. " Jake Newell - and ' others said that The News and Observer and "Char lotte Observer would belittle the con vention if it was held in one of these cities. FACES THE 1.01 nr. i T3ybilwTO -TTm ft::-. 5 PREPARE fOR STRAWBERRIES it If Soil Doesf DoesNot Have Abundance of numu8 -tl Must R c,.r:.j je; vupiicu - ce Planting. ; , V Prepared byhe United States Depart "J menS ofi Agriculture.) Preparation of land fnr strawberries hould be complete and tnorough, Ft&lure in this fore, ".setting fthe plants is m-piv tn prove costlvk Tf j XI- duii UUC3 UUl or more grerti-manure crops, prefer ably a legume. it present m thsoll, they may be starV I ed nut hi rwC.,- . ... I .11 "-"itlviCO ill t i -- --- 6viviii suiue or ine croDs which r0 " , v i ".unc iu mem, sucn as t::TruS ' wtnter oats. W mil oeajis. peanuts, and certain varieties of owpeas, of which the w best known. f Both the, hnfn..j .i. . . i u.mi i nt- snacpfl mntfPfl. TOW svstomo.SVn . . -Mtl. ' - t. j3 ensiveiy m I "'feai.cu reLrI TIS VVhara V.r I., I , " if, . me sun ia i riaavir n jrr ' . jr ttliU rau3er impervious to water, narrow haHa KC... i i. ' .. jusi ue maue ana tne mil system .niiiri k In cuSes wnere. wiie -soil is penetrated "hu"j uiscance nv-irrismtori watPr t uAAt w .,V " T r" Zl"' ue WIuer ana uaiieu-row SVl tPm mnv ho JJirectlons L r planting car nftor planting, . hanlstincr. and '"sW Varieties and esof strawberries are contained in ie- bulletin, copies of which may beS secured free, so Ion? as the supply fasts, on application to WTwT also the FarLeS' Bn Ipt umieu oiaies apartment of ag- as may lers Bullptlns iry Strawberry Cutture In South AHnnH I and Onlf 1tA!riS,no .' moo o. i rriure -umted states; and ium, strawberrf? Varieties in the Uni lea States. DP rfT FRUIT TREES naouns ana wce Gnaw Bark Near Surface of Ground and in . Some Cases girdle Trees. Each winter fon'sldernhlft rilima fro la I . , i one to young ffruit trees y rabbits and field mice. $ They gnhw the bark ear the surface of the cround and in txtreme cases he trees nr pntimi girdled. Oftea . such injured trpp may rbe saved pf suitable measures taken promptly; but a much bet ter plan is to iotect the trees from injury In the firgt place. This can be done by placing; around each. one a tree protector, ade of closely-woven galvanized iron t3vire or of thin wood veneer. The ire protectors are cheaper and atje much more gen erally used" siys V. jR. Gardner Tree Wrapped forfwfnte'r With Paper to ; Protect Ainst Rodents. o2 the UnivefsW. of Missouri College of agriculfire. They can be ODtained from alnst any firm deal ing in berry boxesor baskets or gen eral horticultural ( Applies. They cost from $1 to $1.25 ,j hundred and last for several years. jA-few trees in the home orchard cane protected from rabbits and mice "8fyv wrapping their trunks, with heavy 4aper and tying it In place. This, however,' is too slow nd expensive to ibe- practicable In Urge commercial pffntatlons. SMALL ORCHAffi IS' FAVORED . .- 1) ;;; ,. ; Every Farm Shouft Have at Least Twenty Fruit Tfees and Some . . Berry Bashes. . . j si- ... : ; Every , man who TUves on his own farm should have, g few. fruit trees and in a fenced ormard or yard. An acre 1 little enough but at least any farm should have te apple, five neach and five cherry tree& These cost but a trifle, but If red for properly will supply l-.a , family wpi fruit . in some form for the entire-ear Then a row of raspberries, blactiberries, currante and gooseberries andia square row of strawberries will avid 'much to the fcCPiness of the family. Extension Itepartment Unlversgjy of Arkansas, tt H'fiwirr:.W 1 MI Lesson UJjr -m . .... Bible Institute, of CAlcag-o.) (Copyright, isao. Western. Jfewpaper Dnlon) LESSON FOR JANUARY 18 THE BOLDNESS OF PETER AND . JOHN. LESSON TEXT-Acta m n ' SU, 5J2-; Tim. :-8. 16-1S; H.b. iToEu?iEu,k.NI5jrioR top- 1. Peter and John Arrested (w. 1-4) 1- By Whom Arrested (vv. i, 2) The priests and Sadducees. The priests were Intolerant because these new teachers were encroaching upon their ministerial functions. The Sad ducees opposed them from doctrinal consideration. They denied the resur- ?0nJl0m dead 4nd the future life. Although they were the intellect ual liberalists of their day they were cruelly intolerant The most outstand ing bigots of our day are the professed Intellectuals whose watchword is "scholarship." 2- The Result (vv. 3, 4). Peter and .John were now nut In conf.nAmpnt hii the next day, it being too late for trial 'l uiac cay. Though the apo?tles were held by chains Christ continued to work, for the number of believers had now greatly Increased. Opposition helps God's cause. II. Peter and John 'on Trial (w. 5- 1. The Inquiry vv. 5-7). They were asked, "By what power, or in what name, have ye done this?" This in. quiry admitted the reality of the mir acle.. 2. Peter's Answer (w. 8-12)' With stinging sarcasm he showed them they were not being tried as evil do ers, but for doing good to the helpless uuu neeay man. He showed the ab surdity of dealing with men as crim-, inals who had merely relieved the suf fering and helpless man from distress -thus the rulers were placed in a most ridiculous and embarrassing po sition. Since they could not deny the miracle, Peter boldly declared, "Be It known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that, by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom Gad . raised from - the dead, even by him doth this man stand before you whole. This Is the stone which was set at naught by you build ers, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other form ; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby ye must be saved.". III. The Impression Upon the San hedrin (w. 13-22), 1. They marvelled Jv. 13). The fact that the apostles spoke so boldly, be ing unlearned men, caused them to marvel. They saw that the behavior and words of Peter were as unusual as the miracle. 2. They took knowledge that they had been with Jesus (v. 13). They saw mat tnough they had killed Jesus. nis ine and work were being repro duced in his disciples. Being with Christ (1) gives an experiential knowledge of him. The one who real ly knows Christ can and will testify of him and for him. (2) Gives free dom from fear. Peter, who .ohnrtiv T - - - before this quailed before a Jewish maid, was now bold before the most augnsi assembly of the Jews. (3H upens a man's lips. What the heart feels, the mouth must speak out. 3. The judges commanded them not to speak in Christ's name (v. 18). They could not deny the miracle nor gainsay the accusation which Peter brought against them, so they attempt ed to Intimidate them., 4. Peter and John's reply (w. 19, 20). They expressed their determina tion to disobey their instructors they openly defied the Sanhedrin. "Whether It.be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye; for we cannot speak the uimgs wnicn we nave seen and heard." By this declaration they re pudiated the authority of the rulers of Israel and set the church in a place of independence from the Jewish state. - 5. Their release (v. 21). Having further, threatened them, the Sanhed rin let them go, as it had no way to punish them, since the people were on their side, V: ;V IV. The Church at Prayer, (w. 23- 31). As soon as Peter and John were set free they hastened away to their dis ciples and rehearsed to them their ex perience. They took the matter to God in prayer, and in their- commun ion they turned to the Holy Scriptures xor comrort and strength. Forgive and Forgiven. Of bim that hopes to be forgiven It is indispensably required that he for give. It is. therefore, superfluous to urge any other motive. On this great duty, eternity is suspended. , and to him that refuses to practice It. 'the throne of mercy Is Inaccessible, and the Savior of the world has been born In vain. Johnson. Fellow-Worker With God. We are; God's fellow-workers In the work of human salvation. He Is de pending upon our co-operation, -4 11 O NT- SdXXTH m conducted ,by National Council of - w iiucriti.) PERSHING WRITES TO SCOUTS Han -vvA 1 T.. -. . uctttI UUI1U jf t-ersning has always wen a strong friend of the Boy Scout af America. . (.uii'iiip VUIUC OI the many-sided service they gave in' the war, v. v V He knows the value of scout training In prwlucing a well-equipped manhood. iu .mere were a hundred thousanj former scouts In the army In France. General Pershing has sent this -let"? iw to ine president of the Boy Scout' Of America, urging them ber": , "On July 2Tth, last year, while w were in the mfdst of the dmfitP hat- tie of the Marne, I sent a greeting to the Rnv Srv-iTf o rf A r soldiers In France, and urged them to keep faith with the scout laws. .w. ui aiumi-n. mini onr Those were days when old am! younz realifvi tha " iiv-icooi ijr every one to serve the country. lodny. wlfhout the pressure of tt great war to hold our attention Upon the necpssitv rf oa ni lmnortanf fhnr tho iaBnn. . In patriotism nnd devotion be always ' borne In . mind, as the obligations' to nPfl tlmA Mm. . . - ivoovu in asiK waar - - i nil ns lirrpnr a in lere be no rolaxutlou efforts' m. your HOW SCOUTING AIDS 'ARENTSL Here are two sample remarks made by a Boy Scout und by his father, eacto without the knowledge of the other; after, a father and 6cout said: "1 n Pror lrni 1 . j - . .. aucnr wimi a aarnea goou iciiuw 1 1 1 v Trirrifi. rono -! 11 . : m- : . and camped ?ith me. He always seemed like a stern man. ' vhnw ' Mr Idea Was tn rniAfcH m hiam t . r- i ucu w as UVI crwst .1 . 1 v . . . , iiicu a uiu uui wane 10 oe good. Rnt w v, nr uas ueeii nere, autr- we have been fishing tntrothor anri k. o vO-v-v.i UUU U V iuv; a iui 01 intere8tmjr things that I never knew before, ami that I never would suppose he knew. Now all of a sudden he seems like a chum of mine. I hope he'll keep right on coming up." 'Within an hour the father of the same boy had said: "I've just realized . my boy for. the first time. Say, he Isn't a baby any more. -and Tve beeii handling him like one. .I'm going to chan CP Ing him better." . .-, .. On these hikes the boy entertain his father at the camp and at the ' other doings. He . prepares the tent for , him, sharing Jils own, which ae other may share but his father. - ...... HE CAN TALK FOR MILES ( The 6cout Who Knows the Code 'Can Easily Semaphore a Message. BOY SCOUT TROOPS IN MILL. One of the most-Interesting lettert that have ever cqme to the national : headquarters of the Boy Seont America contained the applications ol five troops of boys employ ed in cotton mills In Georgkt. Southwest mGrange Is the post of . flee center for the four communitle where these great mills are located -V There is one troop; each to" the Unity " Cotton mills, the Unity Spinning mills and the tflm City mills and two troop for the Hillside Cotton mills. These lads who would be scoutf have a vision of the future good cit xenshlp upon which America must rely, The FulIerE. Callaway company. hat provided an auditorium, to be arranged in five separate compartments, one fo each troop. About . 20 of the men in the mills will give time to helping the boy scouts ir the program., . ... SCOUTS DAILY GOOD TURNS. ' The boy scouts In Troop No. 21, ot " New Haven, Conn cleaned the church ' took up the carpet and carried out "the ' accumulation of ashes In, the cellar. -In Paducah. Ky there are six largt- ' monuments. Boy scouts.- noting ' that - they looked rather crusty, took It upor - ' themselves to dean and polish th- . . and keep them clean Un the fnrnre Special troops have been assigned tz i each monument One trooD is nwMa.U sible for palnting,the; dty flagpcii and keeping it aalninz. " M :