v . - , - ... . . ' . '. " ..', . eft . - ,-- - -- . . .. . .t The only Paper Published in Polk County A live, Qzli ' Ilewsj::;:r Forths fa VOL. XXV NO. 38. : ANR THE SrRYONJE . -1RYON, N. FRIDAY; JANyARlf ' 23, 192(h $2.00 A YEAH F ROM OUR PRE DS OVER the: gouhty c.n, lt.n of G iisral IaUrt Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various aecuons or roue County LYNN. wards, andMr. Jack Gtiffy; of Ruth-, erfordton, were married last week; Rev. Dr. Pratt will preach in the near Ruthrf ordtonj ' rhauel next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. . . .. i Some Sf the teacners, we nouce, i "have let, ine watireio uviuu4Jr are boarding at Mrs. John Khodes'. . F. Swann attended tne norse is domiciled Miss Emma McNinch t. - at the home of Mrs. A, K McMurray. r Mr. Robt. Hill spent Sunday with his iamily. . ' . . Mr. Lindsey Smith, DeWitt Smith and mule sale at Landrum last Sat- were in Spartanburg Saturday. urday and purchased , a pair of nne black mares. The many , friends of Mr. 1. A. Rippy will be glad ot know he is now located with the Ballenger Co at Tryon. Miss Ruby Hood and ner anend, Miss Hamilton, of Hendersonville, were visiting at Mr. P. N, Hood's fast week-end. ' w R Parker and family, who have lived all their lives in this commun ity, have moved to . Spindaie, N. C. Mr. Parker was a very efficinet hand in the hosiery milL We are sorry that conditions are such that our good help see it to thir advantage to go to other mills doing same kind of work." We mentioned some time ago that the Tryon Hosiery Co., at this place should make some improvements for the comfort of their help, other wisethere would be an exodus. We understand S. M. Blackwell and family are contemplating going away from the mill. Sam has been here almost, if not quite all his life, of all the earth do. right? ' ."One by one we .will all be gaUierei?; horned' Therefore let us all prepare- to meet our God for we must all apjpear before the judgment seajt- of ; Christ.! 7 : T. W, Bradley, will commence . a singing school at the church- on the 22nd, near the McCraw place, on the mountain. - i , : T W. Bradley, J. B. Bradley. Curtis Newman and Posey , Hencjerson at tended the burial " services" Sunday, at Mt:Lebanon. ' ' y ' Court over and now and nothing 1 - - A ' I - zz- COLUMBUS BAP7JST CHURCH . Sunday School 10-1)0 Preaching next Sunday Ji:00 " The pastor hopes to see as many 'of thelmembers of - the church 'at these services -as possible A welcome to all.' f E. V Jones, Pator. . POLK C0UI1TY FARM AIIO HOME DEPABllEtlT Edited by J. R. Sam, County Agent ... .,, INFORMATION WEEVIL ON THE BOLL-PROBLEM MILL; SPRING BAPTIST CHURCH 43 Sunday School Jtl0:30 Prachin? every: 1st1 and 3d Sjjndays. Owing to a tnreatened attack; of pneumonia the How Can the Farmer Prepare for Prospective Loss of 25 Per Cent of His Cotton Crop? Fea- Born .to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. gans,, Sunday . night, a boy. .. The friends of Miss ElizabethSpi- yey, a former teacher here, will be sorry to learn of the death of her on ly sister. r . Messrs. R. Sams and Fred W Blanton werfe "in Spartanburg, Satur day. ' " 7: - ' Mr. J. P. Arledge and Mr. F. M. Burgess were in Asheville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W Dedmond en tertained Monday evening in honor of the birthday of his daughter, Lizzie. About forty guests were present. Mrs. Chas. Davenport visited her sister, Mrs. Fisher, at Lynn, Sunday Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Lawter, of Lynn, visited. Mr. and Mrs. Lmdesey 'Smith, Sunday. done; . Way -can't we 'have another I can coun oetween now ana marcn, i AnTvinfrnf . & a - cases, but .to dispose ot thousand dollars of our SUNNY VIEW. andiiot try. a few more money T - What has become of the school and road money ? We will V all know sooner or later, some to their sorrow, if what .vre hear is true. Now i the time of all i times for the farmer to begm his' vwork and keep at it - till his crop is protected, T. W. Bradley went to Saluda, on business,". Monday, v. , -. a Thomas iPrice,,. Ernest Laughter and Ed. BradleV -were shopping " in Saluda, . Saturday last. Newton. Case' has the contract and is building a new house for Jasper Henderson, which Henderson and his young wife will occupy when imished. 3 The writer has- estimated that the southern section' of North Carolina will be liable to an average loss to its Hope to, greet a parge audience at our?nexregular service the first Sun- cotton of 25 per cent (average for any States south of us have kept day in Febuary. If - ten -year, period) after th e boU perous and,to alarge extent, :V.'. JONES. Pastor, weevil l fnlv staWicKol - Tko Mm'n a i - u je. JUKS, fastor. weevil is fuly established The rejrion invaded by boll weevil in the fall of 1919 will Yacfe this nrobabilitv for ; the first time in 1921,' and the region being sick which weevil will, presumably, invade that tuLLfiitata Owing to the pifistor there was' no preacljng at the Baptist j m ' 1920 will face it in 1922, theoretically as great as for the first year of weevir experience second upon it. This means that he will give more attention to corn, beans, peas, potatoes, 'hogs, or whatever other line of farming may -be most attractive to him. This means rotation and diver sification in a sound, rational manner. By this means he may cover up another part of that possible loss. These two indirect methods of get ting around the weevil injury . are the "keys that explain how and why the pros-teain- tained their cotton production. It is not because the boll weevil has died out; it hasn't. jBut it is because farm ing operations have been so modified the loss even though v still before 4s churclu 'Sunday. We continue to Have nice weather is unually merciful, aifd the and we - can hear ijie familiar old year is the first reaKtest. Gee! Haw! from evLiry-hillside. I No one has found any easy, simple, ( MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Miss Esther GibO spent the week end at home. t covered up and balancd by petter methods of cotton culture and a great production of other things. To apply these indirect , methods, means that the . farmer must - study cotton culture and general farming; The little infant of Mr. and' Mrs. p We are having' cool .weather at route 2; last Sunday. : Miss Lena J. J. Jackson, is very ill. Rev. N. L. Right delivered an teresting. sermon at Cooper . Gap, Sun- complete remedy for boll weevil. The direct means of fighting the weevil Mrs. Hadden andmtle daughter, of are lew; and none too effective, he must study these things more care- Asheville, are visit$gMrs. Hadden's through the recent poisoning methods fully than before, and he must study parents,! Mr. and ms. Grayson Ar- give promise. Perhaps the most ef- them from the point of view that cot ledgevrv Ik ? fective method of counteracting the ton will become a less certain crop the loss is m methods which do not that it has been heretofore. FRANK combat the obstacle, and these LIN SHERMAN, Extension Entom- bells Kwere - heard on methods involve study and planning I oloeist. beforehand. Lthis week! "Wedding i a.-J i ;j x.t. i ana naving recenuy purcnasea aim day. His'text was: "I am but a ht- r, we dont believe he Willi tiG child.' Kin o , "V. his men are. : at little home leave us. . We notice -the road their old practice that kas, been con demned a long time ago y all prac- Maggie Jackson visite d at-WW ucai roaa DuiiaerB nauung sanu anaiGibbs on last Sundav. tie chil(L?'Kings III. 7. t Mr. R. R. Wilson is -visiting sister, near Hendersonville .Misses Clara Feagan,-Mary Helton present which makes us enjoy a ; good Green w&a happilyjmarried to Mr. ' nre ' . . ? . i uuwiu iuu uc j'AKuu vv Rev! and Mrs. Wm. Wbniack spent ng and happy Uf. the day Tuesday with the' latter's sis ter, Mrs. Jerry Jackson; v.: - Mr. Marshall Abrams and two sis ters, Misses .Lucy and ; JWattie, were the guests of their sister, Mrs. Quincy Powell, Saturday and Sunday. MOUNTAE VIEW. School is this place. progrfjssing nicely . at Direct Fighting of Weevil Gathering and -Burning Squares.- This consist of gathering and burning the fallen squares through the growl ing season. It is practicable, some times profitable and sometimes not, on smaller areas where one has. plenty of cheap labor, as a large family of It is not FOR FARM and HOME MENT. DEPART- dumping in the rut holes in .the. road. to dipped but by the wheels of the first auto that comes along; .This, we believe is a big. waste V of money to say the least. We ask again what has become of the $12,000 road' bonds, a part of which was to . be used to repair the road to Columbus,: via Lynn? Mr. W.. E. Elliott and Minnie Wo- iM:-; S Whiteside. called see Ma&-i&ai MissarGHbiialjrisj her sister, Mrs; J J. Jackson, Sunday day calling at the hosnital to Bee their sister, Mrs. Hi' H. BlcCrauu. - V 1 - . - . . t . Mr; H. H; McCraf made a business children, or other children trip to ;Big Level, jjaturday. practicable on large areas 5 MissarGHM Jabotk areas with scant evening ' . ..; Farmers here are making use of the fine weather by turning the soil for another year. v' - V Mr. A. H. Lynch made a trip to Spartanburg, Monday Weddiniar bells have been rin urine in All that Fred Swann likes in op-. this Action, and belive me. they are erating a jitney between Tryon and stiH rincinp- . V Lynn is the jitney. Miss Edna Jones, of Asheville, vis ited her mother, Mrs. A. E. 'Jones, last week-end. - A new arrival at James F. Connor's It is a girl. A new arrival at S. F. Fowler's boy No. 4. - Mr Chas. B Edwards is moving in to the J, H. Parris house. Mrs. J. B. Panther, who was "very sick a few weeks ago has very much improved and has gone to her daugh ter's, Mrs. Chas. Williams, at Inman, S. C, for a change Miss Oma Gibbs visited her grand mother last week, Mrs: N. L. Lynch. Rev.4N. L. Right spent Saturday- night at Mr. J. L. Jackson's. Messrs. Hobart Whiteside and Bill Jackson "are helping Mr. A. HJLynch saw lumber this week. " Mr. TerrelKTaylor is discharged from the Navy and has accepted a position in Spartanburg, Mr. and Mrs. T.' N. Wilson are vis iting relatives in South Carolina, , this week FISHTOP. COLUMBUS. Niceawinter weather- prevails just now, v Green river froze over on the 5th, in places. ' ; . Almost everyone has a cold in this section. Gurley Lawter was in this section lone day last week and procured furs to the amount , of $172. . Several had i shinned their furs, or the amount would have1 been much larger. Gravson Jackson was here; Mon- .... day on business. r ,r X ' We were very sorry to hear of the death of Miss Bertha Constant, who died at - the .- hospital in Asheville, Friday night, and was buried at Mt. Lebanon church. Sunday. She was on and SDartanhnro- nn KiislnPSS 1 4-1.-. J.n1.ti. f Hfx nnj Mm "Rnrtvn ... ' O, " I UlC UttUglilCl ui mm Wk. - 1 x. a. - J 1 n lona nr-nr. UUf Tavnnw etnlanto Of i!. J 1 J. r-iAr, Vatvio nno fleams High School, Miss Elsie Ed- h?s said that in the midst of life we lus' Qaughter .of Mr. 3. B. Ed-1 are in death. "Shall not the judge The Philomathean Society of the high school have arranged a program for Friday evening at 7:30, at high school auditorium. One of the .- in teresting features of the program will be a debate, "Resolved that a Classical Education is Preferable to a Business Education." The debaters are Oma Reynolds and" Katherine Shore, negative; Ula Jackson and Aylene Edwards, affirmative. An' ad mission of 10c will be charged. 9. The "J vauo UI.. AUI. ! VX Hughes will be glad to know he is recovered from a serious illness. " Dr. H. H.-Edwards was in Ruther- lordt vis One PoisoningThisis a ' newer ' de velopment. It consists in dusting the plants carefully several times during the season 'of putting on squares with a poison known as cal-arsenate. The neice Miss OUie Mae Womack of I - Several from : thig section attended Forest City, who had recently under-; preaching srvices- $it Cooper Gap. gone an. operation if or appendicitis. I Sunday. !f They report her much imnroved. Mr. Bynum Hill rland Miss Lena v- I . vr . r, ' J- I .... .. . . Rev. and Mrs. WrJ. Hackney visited Green were nappiimarned, ounaay, progress is decnbed in Farmers Bul- at the home of Mr. J. C. Lowell Tues- Mr. Charles Walke, officiating. ietin 731 of the U. S. Department of day. . f k i - L Mr. H. H. McCrsfn and wife will Agriculture, at Washington, and other Mr.. Elva Gray visited relatives carry their son, Binett, to Ruther-I publication on the subject are being near Bostic. N. C last week, return- fordton, luesday, tf consult me aoc- prepared. Those interested should . r . ' I . .M . I of a has TRYON R, 1. OMany on route were shockede with surprise aa&d many relatives maae sad by Miss Jhllsie Edwards running away irom scnooi and marrying mr. Jac.lt Guffy, of . Rutherford county, though we wish them much success and happiness in life. Miss EsMe Edwards left,'vthis week, for her school at Brevard. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Heague are re joicing over the birth of ja. little- girl. - We -didnft ring a bell the night of the death of John Barleycorn, but rejoiced as. much as any. ' . . , Mr. King : Brown is very ,ick at this writing. , . - i. Miss Bessie "Jackson's school is closed, on -account of the death of her mother.-.-- . ".' L'" Messrs: Joe Hall and " Walter Ed wards, of Greenville, spent the week end with home folks. Miss Bessie Hamilton Is not able to take up her school work this week--has a touc&Jbf pneumonia and is also suffering from having feeth extract ed. " " ' . ' ., . tors in reerard to tMe treatment case of Daralysis. iii which he I been affected for &me time. rr MadepUp. Mrs. Flatbush lie tells everybody her face is her f orttHe." Mrs. Benson- hurst "Well, she's.ftiade It nearly all. herself." Tonkcrs J.. ;tatesraan. Safe !$et, . woman In Pott411e, Pa., laughed herself to death, bjjt we are wlllhig it -wasn't over one .of to ' Home Remedy. "You . must take care of that cold, Mrs. G reea. Yer want ; to gi t pen north of ukerliptus fromx the . chemist, put it in tai jug of boiling water, old yer 'ead oer it, and Ignore it." To ronto Saturday Night. - wager mat u-W4S her husband's Jokes-Detrpit Times. i" ' What Is Serica? . What is America ?1 It is not a terri tory, it is not a set ff institutions. It is a body of ideateland ideas. It Is not a geographic bwundary. It is a thought, e concept. jV : ' says WilHna to Leat-ii the Truth. The New York sXientist who kissing Is a chemlca reaction may be sure that a lot of persons will be glad to test the truth of jjjiis theory by ac tual experiments, -ilCleveland Plain Dealer. ' . j : . As WHie Uerstood It. Willie woson a tifisit to his uncle in tlie country and pas watching him milking one evening When he re turned to the houy his aunt asked himr "Is Uncle Hezie through milk ing yet, Willie ?M "Nt yt,w. answered Willie. "Hes finished two fanccts and has just commenced jn the other two. apply to Washihgton. The mach inery is rather expensive, the appli cations must be thorough and well timed. Both of the above methods can be studied at the farmer's leisure during the next year or two. It is the indi rect means of balancing the loss that he must begin to figure on now. Getting Around The Weevil Injury Facing a loss of 25 per cent in his cotton production, it is possible for the skillful and resourceful farmer to get around this loss in either or both of two ways. They are ways which do not come within the practice of an entomologist, so I will merely point out the line of study for him to follow. First. As the weevil become in creasingly abundant and destructive through' trie summer, he may use every possible means to' hasten " his cotton to early maturity so as to get as much cotton made as possible be fore the weevil overtakes it. This he. can do by the use of early maturing varities, extra through preparation of the soil, use of quick-acting fertilizers applied in such time, manner and amount as to hasten maturity, abun dant rapid shallow cultivation. All this is good for cotton even if there were no weevil; 'hence by tpese means he gives the cotton an extra stimulus and covers up a part of that possible loss. Second. Knowing that cotton will henceforth be a les3 certain crop, he can balance up his operation in such a way that he will be less dependent I am giving Mr. Franklin Sher man's warning to cotton growers that the boll weevil will reach us bye and bye and that bye and bye will not be long off. Now no farmer need flatterhimself into the belief that he is not corning to. Polk -...County. -:-.He y will : be here .all 'right ;andbn tirae- will we take time by the fore" lock 'andf and be so thoroughly prepared that we will not feel his coming; or will we fail to heed the. warning and for several years suffer financial set-back unnecessarily, - -. And now is the time , to go -to work against the evil day TJie remedy ia 1st crop rotation, and this just what ' should have been carried on all these years if no boll weevil had evr been" in existance. By a systematic crop rotation the soil can be not only kept up: but can be built to -a higher J de gree, of productively. Then; when legume crops and a rotation of crops are practiced, More poultry, hogs and cattle can, and should be kept on ev ery farm which would increase the farm income to take the place of the cotton destroyed by the: boll weevil , Not only this; but the manure fur nished by this additional live stock, would so enrich the land that much larger yields of cotton per acre would be grown- So that not only would ravages of the boll weevil be offset; but farmers would be enjoying larger returns by having adopted proper methods in advance, overcoming the destructive results of the boll weevil Now I trjist every Polk County cotton grower will give earnest heed to Mr. Sherman's warning and ' begin - now, to prepare for more 'live stock and the first step is to build up per manani and temporary pastures in order that live stock may be grown . J. R. SAMS, County Agent. For Those Fond of Onions. If you find onions indigestible, put them, after peeling, Into a basin of boiling water to which ordinary wash lng soda has been added in the pro portion of one teaspoonf uL to a quart. Let 'stand for ten minutes, then djain and cook in any way you like. - y 1 , -J I

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