if. '-1. -. a POLK COUNTY HEWS, JTEYOil, ITDRTII OAEOLniA rTKE FQUCQUHTY HEWS anHTBYOHBEE OooiolidatedNov, 1915 published every Friday at . NORTH CAROLINA Office phone 99 Residence 45. Xattrcd as econdclasis matter April 28. 191 at tba poit office at Tryon, North Carolina, un Ate the act of March 3. 1879 I - " ' C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher j j Subscription $2.00 per Year t. OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B solutions of Respect. Church or Lodge Noticea , where an admission fee is charged, or for financia arain. will be charged regular advertising rates of ; Ave cants pec line. . THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. ; 36 West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole sad exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." TEACHERS' READING CIRCLE WORK FOR POLK COUNTY. f - The State Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors, Raliegh, require that all teachers in the state shall avail themselves of the oppurnity of fered, in the respective counties, for professional training and growth in service. jThe Polk County Teachers, Association will at once begin in earnest the study of the Reading Cir cle Book for teachrs' selected for 1919 1920, Davis, "The fork of the Teacher". " The leaders for the respec tive townships have been selected and they are ready to lead in the work. I truly hope every teacher in Polk County will avail himself of this op portunity of securing extra state credit, and at the same time better prepare himself for the high callling in which he is engagd. It is suggested that the chapters In the book be taken up" as follows: f. Lesson 1. Chapter, 12 ; aftd 1 The Teacher. Ways of Regarding "Edu cation. '' : - 4. Lesson. 1. chapter 6 and 8 The As signment. The Study Period, i Lesson 3. Chapter 7 The Recition. j Lesson 4 chapter 2. The Pupil as an. Object of Study. S Lesson 5. Chapter 5J Governing and Maintaining Morale. I . Lesson 6. Chapter 3 The Teacher's Relation to the Curriculum. Lesson 7. Chapter 4 The Teacher in Relation to External Elements. ; Lesson 8. Chapter 10 Attendance, Records and Reports', j 'Lesson 9: Chapter 9. Measuring the Work of the School. ; Lesson 10. Chapter 11 The Teacher and the Educational Statistics. It is more desirable for, res pective grops to hold five meetings of 90 minutes each rather than ten meet ings of 45 minutes each they have the privilege of doing so. The first meetings will be held as follows, with the leaders whose name appears with the group: Tryon Town ship will meet at the 'Tryon School Sat. Jan. 24th. Prof. C. Y. Milton conductor. ; Saluda Township will meet at Sal uda School, Saturday, Jan. 24th at 11 a. m. Prof. Z: A . Nicholson conductor : Greens Creek Township will meet . G. H. S. Jan. 24 at 11 a. . m. Prof . vR. C. Cannon conductor. Columbus Township will meet at the Stearns' School Friday Jan. 23rd, at 1 p. m. Miss Clara McNinch con ductor. i White Oak Township will -meet a Mill Spring school Fridayan. 23rd. at 1 p. m. Prof. N, B Arldge con ductor. ; Cooper Gap Township' will meet at Sunny View school Friday Jan. 23rd. at lp. m. Miss Clara Feagan con ductor. " ! ,f - ..The time and place of each succeed ing meeting will be fixed by the re spective groups to suit their own con venience. . I shall be in all groups as often as possipble while the course' is being , vww i,; u iur any. reason mv .. . . .. . " i presence is specially desirable in any group;it will be necessarv for the eon- ductor to, notify, me some time in ad vance of the meeting. .. ' With very sincere vnnA w;cV,0. ' some splendid advice. We wish every one could have-heard his 'discourse, if the directions laid down, were ob served and followed, there would be a great change for the good faT this vicinity, and it is now up to the peo ple who wish to live for the right , and not be afraid of doing their duty in putting up a fight that will eventu ally put the demon Rum, where it will do no harm, that the future genera tion may be released from it's bale full influnce. Take away the tempta tion while the boy. is young, and when grown, - he can see for himself also we will have the satisfaction of know ing that we have done our duty.- Dr. J. O. Hooper of this place' had the misfortune of having his autom bile stolen one day last week, also had the good fortune of finding ' it again after the thief had wrecked it several miles away The Dr. with some friends were following him in 'a borrowed car, when they discovered it on the roadside where the theif had left had left it after he found he could ride no f uther, . so taking an overcoat and pair of gloves from, car, he continued on his way. But the trail i ii r ti was warm ana me persuers nnauy began to .close in on him so the he took to the woods to throw them off, making a wide detour he came back to the road and caught a passing car, on its way to Greenville S. C. and 'at-' temped to make his escape. But was finally overtaken, and carried to Hen dersonville where he was given a perliminary trial, and confined in jail. Car stealing seems to be very popular now. But all of them takes a chance at it, are not caught, as quick as this one was. Mr. J. B. Constant wishes to express his thanks to his many friends who stood by him and family, with their sympathy and help , in their recent bereavement, in the loss of their daughter Bertha. , Miss Hallie Singleton has gone to Washington D. C, to spend - some time with her sister. Her friends will be glad to know that- she is irdoing nicely after an operation for appen dicitis. "v ":' ' The Ladies Aid of hM. E. Church gave a dinner 'Friday evening at the Saluda Pharmacy, consisting . of various good things to eat. They re port a profitable, as well as a pleasant time. Clearing- about twenty dollars. Mr. R. M. Hall is attending the ffcIliFIAJEIi Klhh TKK CLD ONCE WITH CASCARA Ifll UP -V X VM WJ X X QUININE thefindftd dollars arid ninety cent rr n,-,w -mM election Townff Sstluda, which is hereby dts ignati aNthe Polling Place of sAid Standard cold temedy for 20 yeara -in- tablet torm sate, cure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 Hours relieves' grip in 3 aays, Money back if it fails. The genuine box nas a Red top witn Mr. Hura picture.- - . At All Drug Sur BOV SCOUTS OF TRYON. The Boy Scouts of Tryon met at the school house. Friday, January 16th. Robert Reich was .admitted to theor ganization. Morgan Morns and Gentworth Crawley have joined the troop and will get their transfers from the Landrum South Carolina troop. John Steelman passed the . tender foot test Friday night. There are now only eight boys in the troop who have not passed the Tenderfoot test and they all hope to pass soon. Over twenty boys were present Friday night although a bad rainy night. It is noped that more will ,come put next week. : -. , Stanley Ballenger who has been in the hospital in Asheville, has returned home. Thedore Balleger has re turned from a visit in Atlanta? We hope the people of Tryon "wii take an interest in the Scout and give mem any necessary aia. V . LE COMPTE HILL EDWARD FISHER Scout Reporters. What Most of Us Would Do. Dyei" "What would you do if you had all the money you have spent fool ishly?" Uyer "Spend it. foolishly." Life. . Vt' . ., - -o - ; t.- k-nA aairl -ietlOn CICVUW Wv - . rt be heM u?ider the laws, ruie -; mu reeuliUons ia elections for membera of thelGeneral ' Assembly ar heia. That U C. Mjetcali is nereDy appouiv- ed as Registrar of said eiecuon, nu H. P. fcorwith and R. M. Hall are am ICOTICE; -A Camntv uonvenon oi . uic- herebjj appointed as Judge o eieCXltt4 ; ; It iM f uther ordered v that at said electidji those favoring the issuance of botds and the levying of special tasKM vott a ballot on which shall he Tjriited the words For-School- house J3onda and those who are op-. possek4 thereto shall vote a oaiiot on ifTitlariftll h tirinted the swords "Atra&st Schoolhouse Bonds".: Andi it is jiither ordered that : copy of this ofjder, which shall ebnstitute a Noticliof eaid Election shall be posted at theCourtHouse door of Polk Coun ty, atr Columbus, N. C, for thirty days flreceeding said election that a copy 1 this rd'er, which shall : con stitute, a Notice of said Election, shall be published in the Polk County News, a newfbaper published at Tryon, N. C. in sai Polk. County for four succesive weekspreceding said election.' Done at a Regular- ineetiny of the Board of Commissioners of Polk County. North Carblifkon&he 6tH day of January 1920, it wliieh meeting there were present Charles Davenport. Chair man, fsid- George A. Painter and G. L. Thompson, Commissioners. pubicans of -Polk C6unty,vis called to meet at the Court Hottsen Columbus, N. C, on " Saturday the 31tt dayof January 1920 at 2 o'clock p. m; for the purpose of electing dele gates to, the Congressional conven tion to be held in Asheville, K C, on Saturday the 7th day of, February 19 20. The rarious Township : Chair mans are requested to calLand " hold their township "conventions on Satur day the 24th day of January 1920,' and elect delegates to said County Conventions. , January - 7th, 1920. W. C. ROBERTSON, Chairman, Co Ex. Com. Advertisement ft Chairman Commeissioner GEO. A. PAINTER G. L. THOMPSON one h lthoaruei fails in ti Tetter . Doo't tlK MUM d Whv IS A Headache? VARIOUS CAUSES FOR -THIS COMMON AFFLICTION ANEMIA OR BLOODLESSNESS VERY COMMON CAUSE C7 onGK tiouU Hunt's SU e treatiaent of Eczema. ingvefia. Itch. etc. me l!couraxrd be- tier treef cients failed Hunt a Salve he relieved buo 4r4u ot -uch caves. You can't last of our Mmny Bmch Gamrmt ; Try it at our ruk TODATl Prica 75c at IV ISSf ttDINE'S PHARMACY Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE OK RENT: 35 acres, good house and barn. Conveniently located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House partly fur nished.- Apply to James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon. N. C. WANTED Cow peas, if you have any to sell, we want '-to . buy them. "HOMES SEED STORE, Spartanburg. S. C. 162 E. Main St. GEO. A.: GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEArt .?: .r-'AND . NOTARY PUBLIC, Collections a SDeciaUv n..i and Mortgagbs prepared, Z uoncracis wmien at reasonab prions. . TRYON, N. C. 4 Tryon Lodge No. 118 Knights xf Pythias Castle Hall in MissHdine Buflding Meets Thursday Evening at 8-30 VISITORS WELCOME w. f: little ; NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C NEWS ads Cet results. SOLICIT WE Your orders for Floorine. Ceilin.' Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framirt We manufacture this .and can caY you money. See us for lath, brick doors and sash. I. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. NEWS ADS. GET RESULT We Have the Right Prices attending 133rd. Annual Communication . of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina that wil convene in Raleigh, beginning Tuesday night, Jan 20th, and lasting until Thursday, as re presentative of Saluda Lodge No. 482. The members not able to at tend, will be able to et much useful information, on Mr. Hall's return as he is a very bright and active Mason and does not readly forget what he sees, ana hears. Mr. . Frantz Bishop, and his sister Mrs. Heatherly left here Sunday Miss Alma , with their grandmother morning for a trip to. Richmond Va., where they will be with relatives. Tench Edwards , son of A a. Ed wards, of Mill Spring- was married in Louisville, Kentucky, January 1. BULKY FEED FOR BROOD SOW Clover Chaff When Scalded and Soaked for Twelve Hours Is Palatable and Suitable. In reply to frequent inquiries for a bulky feed for wintering brood sows, it may be said that clover chaff, such as accumulates on a barn floor, when scalded and soaked for 12 hours, makes a palatable and suitable feed of this kind. It is desirable to add a little ollmeal or other mlllfeed to make it "go." Sows will eat a good deal ol clover and alfalfa even when fed dry. When they have access to it, sows will also eat a little corn fodder. I PEPTO-MANGAN OVERCOMES ANEMIA AND TENDS TO r AD VENT HEADACHES ;' - ' - v When one has an occasional head ache it is usually due to some tran sient or passing cause, such as indi gestion, however, over-tiredness, etc. When, however, one sufr fers from frequent periodic head aches there is always some special reason for it. . Amoncr the most com mon oi sucn reasons is Anemia or moodiessness. rnis condition is es pecially frequent amoung girls- and young women and those whose occu pations or habits of. life keep them too much indoors. The one important 1 a.a necessity m sucn cases is to build up the quantity and quality of the weak and 'watery blood. ; Gude's Pepto- Mangan is exceptionally valuable for this purpose. It increases the "hum ber and improves the aualitv of the ... r x 1 . red blood cells, thos4 vital littlt bodies which carry nurition to all parts of the body. It improves ' the, appetite, imparts color to the face, and restores health and strngth to the body gener ally. . After a short course of Pepto Mangan the headaches decrase in fre quency and severitv. and finally dis appear, if they are due to Anemia. fi a. a- i ... repto-mangan may De nad either m liquid or tablet form, as - preferred. When buying Peto-Mangan be ' sure the name "Gude's" is on the package. Without "Gude's" it . is "not Pepto Magan. Advertisement. ..- . , AND ' ;'. - . of Materials o doyfur ?UiildinK- Fall stock DoorsWindows, Siding, Flooring Ceilinfe Shingles, Loths, Interior Fmisff!and,Moiildino;, Rough and Dress(Lurhber. Carry complete STOCK Or 7-5 rmSARON LUMBER CO. f SALUDA, n. a ; JOINER KELLEY oowerase A4ivca.aaa :t' Phoie xS7 Tryon, N. C, :.S, In if Mick W. f. P. Spears THE UNIVERSAL CAB v Full; And Running Over . Our stock room lis full of jCIemiine Ford Parts We "have enough ' pirts to -. build a Ford from' the - ground up.-rTheh too, thbse parts are Ford-made. -They are exact duplicates of die original parts now in your car, and will give the Same hard wear. Our shep is equipped with up-to-the-minute - tools and machinery. specially Resigned so that w can properly and promptly take care of yonr repair work from a minor adjustment to a complete over - haul. And the mechanics who will work on you ' . ; car uaderataaJs the Ford mechanism and know the Ford lyray. to make repairs. i "Z' We net only give hord service but sell Ford cars and Ford trucks, sojt is easy to understand that we have mere thaa a passing interest in your car. Be on the safe side, of dependabld repairs. Tourinjr $525 Chassis $475 Runabout $500 Truck $550 Couplet $650 Sedan 775 Freight on any. above $38.36 ' ' Gov. tax on each jT 1UUIIIY lilULUl tdl tUUlUdUY Tryon, :North Carolina; Kalfnnnnr FlnrIn yuuciiucr Attorney at Law Colkmbus N. C, "4 - t tt - V Jr aicv SYSTEM OF SHEEP FARMING One That Is Continuously Successful Must Not Ignore Either Mu- . ton or Wool. A system of sheep farming that is to be continuously successful, can not ignore either wool or mutton. In many cases the two products will be worthy of equal consideration. In others either one may be emphasized accord ing to the peculiarities of conditions, management, and marketing. IF SELL - HAVE UHD TO List it with me, I can sell it for you. .. W. A. Todd, Real Estate Landrum,S. C i v - . ...... - - - NOTICE OF ELECTION Whereas the Bc&rd of Education of x win. cuunv y nas petitioned lor an election to be held in'. Saluda School uismct Mo 17 in Saluda Townihln Polk county, which district includes the incorporated town of Saluda, to ascenam whether the voters in said district, are in favor of issuing bonds aux mc yUI UUSe OT nil! nnn(,. a nmr i. m anQ jqt gaid school district, in occordanc with th pruvisions oi, Chapter 55 of the Pub lic jaw m as amended by the i-UDUC ljaws Of 1917. theref n if . OKDERED by the Board of Commis- i sioners or Folk Countv BARLEY IS GOOa SWINE FEED When Fed With Tankaaa It Is EffL clent and Almost Equal to Corn for Fattening. Barley is an efficient feed for hogs when fed with tankage, and is almost equal to corn in fattening hogs for market, according to results obtained which has just been comnleted at the f1?1?? ht held in Saluda -School Dis- Purdue experiment station lis Indiana, ZSz .xl- A .n .tne l day of Feb. w Mcrun wnetner tne voters oi saia saiuda School DistnVf isi. it m . r- V A. are in iavor oi issuing bonds in the i. Twy Thosand. Dollars i-fiu.uuu.ror the purpose of - build ing; m ana ior said school HUff .WHAT QUARTERS WILL DOT Just one Thrift Stamp other will build a fortuna after an ori a hos E,.W. S, Cobb Countv Supt. an.lth! unible Thrift SUmp I. and the .repairing and furnishg the ..ue tw ucir;iuv a uauun oi ior "";"c uiwiuie equipment. The n.builders. The government stands bonds shall run for .twenty years back ot the these builders and has a?d shal-bear interest, at a rateot ueciarea us intention to continue the sale of Thrift Stamps,' War Saving! Stamps and Treasury Savings Certifi cates as a permanent -"part ot the na tional financial poltcy. - . SALUDA uajf was oDservea in V . 1 v . vxic cnurcnes nere last Sunday Rev. ; Mason at the Baptist Church gave AVAAA C te. A vcr waium per annum fig fe'ny and the max lmuin tax that, may, be levied vay ins mterest upon - said c - Pde a , sinking xur ; uie ' payment of said bonds shall not exceed thirty cents on Is There i v An V Electric Flat Iron V la Your Home II.- in Price $ 5.50 anteed for 10 Year. EIE0RIC SERVICE COMPANY -GiroGeries of We wish to call your attention to a few our Fancy Groceries . .; . - - ... t - Best Prunes per lb.. ..:.. ... : .30 and .35 - . Best California Peaches per lb. : . . ...... . .35 The Famous Brand of W. H. Coffee. Hunts Brand canned fruit, Pears, Peaches, Apricots Greengage Plum, and the; most complete line of preserves and jellies we have ever carried. 4- NOTICE. DELINQUENT TAX , ;r . PAYEI&.;.t;-. ; ' ' --r : " '.'-,V. ",.' Noti4 is hereby given to the par ties narked, below, and - to all jother personswh may be concerned as mortga(fieM that the., undersigned purcha4M,a,t saleof property of de- imouenr tax navirq i. ni-'u.. Polk Cojinty, N. C:, on the 5th day of May, 1U9, land listed and ; derfbed as follows;. , ' - ' i 2 SK108 in the Town "of Trytn. lessv20eet Vi back of each lot, Hsted 3 X&S&y' W - Miller for e year io. - ' rnrSlli86 that appli- ?H?4tU be-made to .the sherifT SiwikF5 N-C.,y the undert Sf?13 of property af rtLJ.fe of Ma- 1920. y This JOHN f IckHART, PurcbAxsr. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR GRAHAM FLOUR SWANDOWN CAKE FLOUR WICHITA FLOUR v PILLSBURY FLOUR j'. We make a specialty of any of these items in quanities, you will be suprised at the sav ing there is buying canned goods by the dozen. -; - ; v . - - si ft to. Tryon, V FOR EVERYTHING ; ' - North Carolina V

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