-tf is , t 1 1 POLK COU1TTY HET78, TETOIT. HOEITajOAIlOLIlTA fTRYPN jua. v;. Surg Sunday. L J 1. 4- wl 1 rt of "TWfmrif Din . Tot- ft ipstto. e e tries J- xvuum. titjii.:- A A If. Harry A. niiiue was .ttu naue- - . . mi Won II tAilUy IMtiiVO IXll&l .Ulll ,l;XUliW;t;lpiii lountain Industries lea Room ens Feb. z. u is amerem. Etrs. Mary 0. Kellev ; returned inday from a visit in Illinois. :. Miss Mossie ruwaxjLis visiucu reia- Inmanjsunaay ana monaay.- Jackson and family spent Miss Mos Pes at Inm Mr. J. N. tturday and Sunday in Ashevillle. Sirs. Geo. A. Gash, left Sunday for visit with relatives at Spartanburg. For Sale: Good work horse, or will ide for milk cows. W. m GAINES. blrs. John Monroe left Sunday for, 'at Kock, to visit her sister, who is fry ' . . , Mr. B. L. Ballenger,left last Thurs- evening for a snort visit to points Florida. Mr. Grant C. Miller left Saturday fed Chicago. , r -r 1 AT ; 1 AMJ Helen r Ugn, tne marvtiaus cxniu anist will play at the Library this ternoon at four o'clock. For Sale: Several nice grade Jer v and Holsteins. Can be seen at nv rm 2 miles east of Landrum. B. T. larle. Mrs. Daniels, who has been ill for. o weeks, is now restored to health, the great satisfaction of many iends. .' ' Miss Stone, occupying the Carnegie pUSe enus Jicr jcar ux xryuii rcai- kce in a lew aays returning to ner bme m urooKiine, jviass. - Among the contributors to the new ti ' juthern Keview, a montniy magazine e first number of which is . nst out, the name of E. Payne xurskine, ivelist and essayist. I Mr. and Mrs. Sonk Ford have built VA arenow with their little daughter, WimfTne a small house below that : Miss Putnam, of whose property iey are still in charge. Mrs. Giles and daughter, Miss Mat ria who have been siiendine the win- r in tryon, left Sunday for a visit if a week or ten days in New york, ter wnicn tney win rctuxu w xryun. Mt. Edward W. Frost, lecturer, ar eolotrist. traveler, is to speak he re the Lanier Club this week, on a eent journey to Iceland-and Norway that if any one has not -yet nad nrmo-h nf winter, he or she -can visit lands where they have the real thing. Miss Mary Lindsey has gone to New torW for a two months visit. After r . t mi xi . tearing, as sne win, uie nnest mus icians of the time wre count upon her eturn with renewed faith in herself Ind her undoubted talent for; that Joble language. I Mrs. Holden on Tuesday gave a khost party for the Club which Mrs. poubleday and Miss Beatson conduct li the interest of young women of rycm, but the going was so bad that ut a few of the "spirits" material ized. Thfr few who did appear with heir two leaders and the president of he club enjoyed an evening of quaint murercent. Two concerts are soon to be given y the Lanier Club, in one of which local talent will figure in a scene' cop- Sod from the ever popular "Hippo- pome" in New York city Another kill be Miss Epton. the violinist and Iher sister, the accompanist and reader, of Spartanburg, will furnish "iv, cui-cudimiieiii. xue utiles win 'be announced later. At the Congregational Church all members of the church and Sunday school are requested to be present next Sunday Feb. 1st. It is intended that the services shall be inspirational to young and old, rich and poor. Vis itors also will be very cordially wel come. No SDecial offerinc is in mind. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Preacing and public worship at 11:00 a. m, W. A. BLACK. Minister. Last Sundav was a red letter . dav with the Congregationalists of Tryon. The minister, Mr. Black, preached in the morninc on "Christ. Th Creat. "Ex ample of Democracy." In the After noon the selected teams braved the mud and rain, making the house to nouse visitation. In the evening the membership of the church met the teams at the parsonage to hear their report, and to enjoy a socially reli gious event. Tables were spread by some of the ladies, after a simple, though delicious luncheon, the various problems of the church were discus sea m brief informal addresses by several of those present. The figures Placed in the hands of the treasurer, ind read to tVl rnmnonxr ovoVpH POT1- 'laerable enthusiasm, as they were in excess of the expectations of many, winging the amount aimed at within reach. We are passing through a periond that history will call the Extravagant Age. We are . making more and spending more than in any period of our national existence "So -many autos are being built and sold that there is a shortage of rubber to make the tires so tires had to advance 30 per cent.- AH along the line same conditions exist and the end is not in 1 x vv signt. wearing apparel has ad vanced to a point where it takes a small fortune to buy anything to wear. A customer annlieH tn a hanV recently for a loan tor finance the pur chase of a suit of clothes seems like a joke but it is the eosDel . truth. Where is it all going to. end? -This can be said with certainty, that the person who lives frugal, watches his expenditures and saves as he goes along is going to come out all right. A dollar will be worth a dollar one of these days and a dollar put away now will be worth double before lone-. - o Save now while you can, the time is coming when it will not be so easy to get money. Open a savings Account in this bank and let us pay. you com pound interest. Do it today. We issue these Certificates of Depos- its at any time, to bear interest from date of issue and we compound .the interest every sixjky days.,: -This de partment has passed the $30,000.00 mark, "Hie highest ever known in Polk County thus showing the wisdom of Polk County investors..' If not con venient to come, to the bank, write us and you will have' complete infor mation by return mail. ' K 1 Our Certificates of Deposits are the best known form of investment be cause your money -is ready ior you any time you need it. It pays a good rate of interest and absolutely SAFE. Do not leave valuable papers around the house. Rent a Safe Deposit Box for $2.00 per year and feel that your valuables are secure. A The following from Caryle is not only a gem in literature but is full of truth. - V, - There is a perpetual nobleness in work. . Tore is always hope in a man who works; in idleness alone is there perpetual despair. Blessed is he who has found his work ;let him- ask no other blessedness. ' All , trvie. .work is sacred; in all true work, were it but hard hand-labor, there is something of divineness. Sweat of the brow; and up from that to sweat of the . brain. Sweat of the heart; . this is the noblest thing yet discovred under God's sky.- made by taking the lead in a little over two years tiiri V This bank has tried in every way $ live up to its op portuniUea. and to de velop th$ county's resources. Our antntion is not real- ized f or we are farjhbrt'of our goal. We need the help 4 our- citizens- to make thisjank standout as a re a - -I -J At ait . m . uecwon ux tms couriys wonaenui re sources. We' want l! bank of such size ' 3 ' that ..when Directors are consulted that this bank will flake a showing to attract the . necess?y men of means to locate here and h )lp us develop our opportunities. Youcan help bx op- ening an. account? with us. We promise you the la word in service, consideration and 4 'operation. Come with us. . . .. ' it fPolk County folks take pride in Shoes Millinery A cheeking accoult with this bank gives you standing jn the community and influence abroach Success can be influenced by being Identified with the successful. W wil welcome your account. Order your draft-5, collections and notes payable at thi bank and there by, get the best pospble service. We will appreciate the isiness. The Peoples, 5t Tryon , "Polk this, their "bank for the shoeing it has County's greatest Effnk' Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. U. H. Holmes, Pres. . X T. Waldrop, Vice Pres. Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. IittleCashier- j - rV. A. Bland, Asst Cash to come and see us in our new fire-proof store building, just completed, where we have on display a new, clean stock of TC7 1 virocerips. irnrnicninrrc and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and all of which is sold at rock bottom fig ures, We are ready and anxious to supply your wants in anything in our line, and we welcome a comparison of our prices with those of our competitors. See us for Feed of all kind. : Wilkks & Co. Tryon9 N. C. 1 1 "TRYON CASINO r ;CLUBM An elaborate display of costumes?. such as doubtless were never witness ed by Tryon folks, was seen at the Tryon Casino Club's Masquerade Ball lasc inursaay night. A good number of the clubs mem bers were present and many welcome guests., A review of the errand march show ed that much time and thought had been given to each costume.. It was apparent that foreign lands from all parts of the world had eent a-- representative. Two notorious convicts who had ap parently made their escape, sought refuge among the dancers One of the attractions of the even ing was an exhibition of yodling given oy a colored man from the Coxe plan tation. The Entertainment Committee is arranging for a Barn Dance, on the night of February 5th, announce ments of which will te sent to the Club members. ' The House Committee will before pared to announce .the "opening'X)f the bowling, alleys at an -early- date.The arrival of the Trap, fqr clayA ;Pjgeon shooting ;is expected hourlyr There are but a few remaining days in which to be benefitted by the Club's reduced membership, all those who have recieved the Clubs form of ap plication should take advantage of this fact. Last night the Tryon Casino Club held another of its weekly dances and as here-to-fore proved to be a very delightful evening. COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH. NOTICE OP SERVICE BY PUBLI- In i The - Superior Court.Bef ore The t : ' Clerk. v. NORTH CAROLINA POLK COUNTY G. L. THOMPSON : ' - . v- -Vs- -r JESSE F. PACE, xne uerendant m the above-entitled cause of action will take "notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Polk, County, to recover the, sum of $700-00., as bond in the suberior'court of Polk county which was forfeited by the defedant at last term of court, and paid by his su?ey the plaintiff in inis action; me qienaant win iur ther take notice tha there was on the same date of thiisummons a war rant o5 attachment u sued against him and returnable with fjiis summons; he will futher take note that he is re quired to appear before the clerk of the superior court fo;f Polk County, at his omce in Columbill 19 day of Feb ruary .1920, and answer or demur the complaint in said act sn, or the plaint-' iff will apply to the f iourt for the re lief demanded in tm said complaint This 28th day of Jai 1820. V -f . J. T& ARLEDGE, Clerk of thg Superior Court. ' ID . What Good is Opportunity - To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable you to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a say ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BJLRROW. V C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNBR President ", r;, : ; Viee Prtsideats li. B. LANB Sunday School 10:00 Preaching every 2nd and 3rd Sun days. - r " o RECENT OAK HALl, ARRIVALS. Mrs. R. G. Lewis, Boston; Mrs. J. M. Keough, Boston; Mrs. J. C. Far thing, Mr. Frank Farthing, Montreal, Canada, Mrs. Farthing is the wife of Bishop Farthing, tyrs. A. Fv Bemir, child and governess, Boston; "Mr. G. W. Hicks, Chicago. .. o - DR. HENRY B. CONKAD. . PEOPLE (BesDinitrDflini ARE To k MILL SPRING. BAPTIST CHURCH Dr Conrad who has recently-become a nart of a laree clinic of able phy- , -r l. ! scians in South- vena Indiana nas been suffering from pneumonia and is at the hospital in that city, with his Sunday School' msn i reaching Sunday morning 11:30 1 father and mother from Wmston e pastor will be on hand for ser- Salem attending uoon him. u,KS,ne? Sunday unless provident- His wife nee Miss Hallie Hester mnaerea. Hope to greet a good )whom all Tryon values not oeing aoie yiBKauon at both Sunda- Scnooi to do more than cheer mm now , anu "u cnurch services. A cordial wel- Inmin hv her. nrsence as a small C0I"e to all. E. J. JONTS. Pastor. Uaiio-litr has recently claimed" her ltime and strength. p.nv t-.T r I Tf s not often that two young peo- . UUAt Ufr "nun- . pie start out with more and higher Tv n.. r, ... , hnnpa And with so many devotea ouse Fridav S ?Tf nJrhl friends and well wishes all of whom S22? 2KB JnSsSS temporary cloud on their Sr Hill. After the . business PP2SL.- fVio -ro iq. rio chancr in Dr. Conrad's condition. J that this Bank is playing an essential part in handling the buLnets of Polk f. county: I he business has been greatly facilitated in many r espects. Polk " county people are beginning to realize that it is to their advtrge to keep their account here. It enables them to get their out of g'own checks cashed without "exchange. It enables them to make depositifhere without driving over muddy roads to Tryon and Landrum, and at tl same time, they have equal adequate protection. We carry Hold4& Insurance, Burglar Insurance, and besides. this we have a safe that is Absolutely the safest safe made. Our stockholders and depositors fiom Mil Spring and Cooper Gap find that they save a day to stop off here with deposits when taking them in person or when mailing them. ; If you are net a depositor of this bank we invite yoii to come in and get acquainted and try us. Everyone should pay their jills by check To do this you have a legal receipt. We return yeurpaid checks monthly furnishing you with statement of your account to dte. Start a savings account for yourself, your boy or your girl. We paj 4 per cent. - compounded quarterly. If you have money to invest command take out a certiffcate of deposit with us draws four per ccntocan Ije converted , into cash any time in person or by mail. - j Special attention given to deposits sent by mail. Whel in Colum bus make this home. ' !When our two-story building is fmpleted we will have a rest room, for you; your wife and children. Thjsfoom will be equipped with desk, pen and ink and sufficient paper for the fjransactson of business, v '" " ; r : - ' Hours 9 to S h CO. Y POLK COUNTY BANK k 4 The Peoples Friendly Bank. COLUMBUS, N. C. TRUS1 E. W. & COBB. Prwident FRANK JACKSOM Vice Pret. W. E-WALKER, Vice Prei. fe ' FRED W. BLANTON. Ch. U. L. ARLEDGElvt CuWer 8- O O o o C) () () o o o o o o C) C) Q o o 'WW SAFETY! WHAT MAKES A BANK? 0800COCOCOCOCOCO COURTESY! 1 SEMICO & O o () Well, our answer te that question is the men behind the bank, ( ) the men interested in its management, the men who stand f er business ( integrity and square dealing. ( ) The officers of our bank are accommodating and willing to extend you every courtesy. Our directors are not figure-heads, they actually ( ) direct the affairs of the bank and knew hew its business is conbucted. ) Our stockholders are among the solid men of the community. These C J are what it takes (o make a good bank, in our judgement, a safe place for you to do business. - We invite you to join us BANK OF TRYON TT. T. LINDSEY Pri & B. HESTER Cashier. o () o o COCOCOoCOCOCCCOCOCOCOCOCOCO LIB REAL ESTATE HNS. CD. J Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. . Tract No. 1 . I 60 acres 2 1 -2 miles from Salud, small or chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, well timbered. Price $15.00 per acre! Tract No. 2. 44 1-10 acres 1 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to Landrum, 13 acres cleared. Price $35.00 per acre. Estates "Unp Mt- Hill J H,. rl uui or the Boys Life Magazine. . ine Scouts TPce'weA a 1pMt rnn iainin ecK:oi xen aonars ior me PUBLIC SALE NOTICE. iSSrS lfe Sc?uts fP Mr. Thorn Scouts want to tret as many I will offer for sale at the cadence subscrintT.:? .'S n Polk County all my Magazine. - household and kitchen furniture and Jt uwwere over twenty boys pre- farming tools, one mare .TV mthe Scuts of Spartanburg andlthe highestbidder for cash QCOe Efte. some arranSfent f oi? 4he dayl FeK 5fd.: 192(kf gimnlO an inTS. ?5x. lLiTA continue till every '"i soma i .... . . I it : - .11 . . WP w?1" w ?u"a oam on. m ng T ;i,,V, cnlH fair- v iiiji n . . m m - - a v. n. i a m ni i in j v v uiiu & u take .. 7.. "re;i"!0Pre ."yon. vw i Y'ZZa ,. m-KmH: bidder ttcir w rrMC a,a - scouts m TiSTaTW o Jan. M. H: MORRIS t R. S. STREADWICK Scout ReporttTi. ' FbrTh e Beot In Go To idi. mm -Is V PKpni No. 14 C. D. BYERS. t X. Tryon N, C ' f . ill I ... - ; , - k t - i Grdieries - .mi-t.-i- ' - & ' v .V", TryKei; porfairinni. Baimds or town property sec ! W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryoini. ' A SANITARY Ml MM Our oettt are kept in a sanitary ice box, which ve keep as clean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep iL We buy only the best meats on the mukct, both native and. Western. We grind al. oar sausage and feel sa&sd that if you want clean, sweet meats tha 'you can do, no.bettes than let us serve you. f'ffi I Market prices psid for Cattle, Hogi; and Chickens. .'. A H. WILLIAMS. If a Merchant srcciates year t'jsbss h v;i!l iinim for it. Oar Advertisers Ire at You ffigiit . I .. . iV.