- - - . ... . : . - . -. :. v.V-.-.v u - - .- ... 0 .' .-" ': . ' ' " . - - . . ' -. - ' ' v v'-';-v ' - rx:-1 - " :. -Mjpllfe& .kfcrtfiS'' Heme . -iM teilllilr J: . if VOL. XXV NO. 40. F S3.ns It;(ni of General I ateratt Gathered Sections of Polk SALUDa Xot being able to find any news from Saluda in last weeks paper, we have decided to come again with , a short letter, and we wish to say to the readers of the Polk . County News, in and about Saluda that we will be plail if anyone and everyone, would gather up the news that you think would interest anyone that reads the paper, and bring it to the Post office, when you come after your, mail, and the Postmaster will gladly send it to the paper, you can help the paper and make it more interesting for your neighbors, we know you can help if vou will. Sendin the news, and let us all enjoy it together. . The ladies of the Baptist Church gave an oyster supper on last Friday night, for the purpose of raising money to put a cement walk up to the church, same being needed very much and wc are glad to say that the sup per was successsful- beyond the ex pectation of all concerned. 'As the weather was- good-more people came out than was expected, and some of the good things to eat gave out, be fore the crowd was satisfied. But wc hope for better luck next time, for they have promised to ' - give us another soon. When there will be a plenty for all, and enough . variety, "so every one can be satisfied. The ladies concerned wish to thank the people for their splendid support. Mr. E. B. Guice who has been at Newberry S. C, for come time is at home for a few days. He reports quite a bit of the dreaded influenza in that section. We 'are sony to hear of the death o! Andy Fletcher, ot Green river sec tion, who died ;in. Spartanburg with flu. He had been with the Southern railway surveyors for some time. He began with them while they were surveying a new grade in this section and went on down the road with them when they left here.. Report of the election of officers, and general condition of the Church of the Transfiguration, at Saluda, N C. Rector, Wm. B. Allen, M. A. The following officers have been elect ed for the coming year: Senior War den Mr. Frank P. Harrison; Junior Warden, Mr. Drayton Gilreath; Treas. Mr. John M. Hearon; Secretary, Mr. Dragon Gilreath. Womans' Auxiliary: Pres., Mrs William B. Allen; Vice President, Mrs. John M. Hearon; Secretary and Treasurer, "Mrs. J. J. Darby; TJ.' O." Custodian, Mrs. D. E. Murray.V Junior Auxiliary: Mrs. Wm. B Staton, President; Mrs. W. B. AUen Vice President; Wm. B. Allen, Jr. Secretary; Miss'H. Singleton, Treas urer. Sunday School Mr. Drayton Gil reath. Supt.; Teachers; Mrs. W. B Allen, Mrs. F. P. Harrison, Mrs. Wm - Staton, Mrs, J. J. Darby, Mrs. D. E Murray. ' . . We have just closed the most suc cessful year in the history of the church. All the properties have been painted, i. e. the church and li brary and parish house. The mission house has been thoroughly repaired--new roof, etc. The financial condi tion is good. All assessments and ap portionments to the Diocese have been paid. -Sewanee and N. W. cam paign quotas have-been raised.. The outlook is bright for the future. A Parish Year Book is being published and will be distributed later on. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Odell visited Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Burnett, Sunday. Misses Misses 'Claire Feagan and Merry Helton visited. Mrs. G. L. Tay loi'. Sunday last. There was a very good crowd at Sunday school at Cooper Gap, Sunday. We hope there will be a better one nt Sunday. Miss Maggie Jackson was the guest f Miss Grace Gibbs, last Sunday. Little Horace Gibbs was on the s'ck list a few days last week, .but is now better. The Red Mountain teachers were quests of, Mr. J.' W. Biddy,--last -Sun day. . - xv: ; . ... Mr. Reuben R. Wilson Was a pleas ant caller at Mr. W. B. Helton's,last ill OMR FRIENDS THE COUHTY Oar Corre.pondent. From Various County - church on Sunday night, February o, 10 start a meeting. iWe hope that everybody will attend. COLUMBUS. We are glad to reDort no cass of "flu in our community. The Woman's Betterment Club held a very interesting meeting Fri- day, Januarv 30th. ReeWtprf of- OVER ficers wiio have served since'the for- Think of thes sunlit thought of Commision now. hai 300 travel mation of the club' pxrpht thp spptp. WavHrv wnn wnc in Wo ins libraries. , tary. President, Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb; Vice FresidenV Treasurer Mrs tarv Mrs T?. M Mr.TrsrlTif1 T'Via 1 club has planned to take un a course of study given by. the, State Depart- ment on Citizenshin of Woman. The class has already been formed and we invite any ladie who would like to attend to inform themselves on this :subiect. We hone to secure as our instructor, Miss Bertha Pender- gast, a graduate of Boston Uriiver- sity, who has -spoken on suffrage be- ore women's clubs in the north. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tallant, ast week,, a girl. Miss Pearl Keenan is visiting Miss h Mae Mills this week. Mr. Will Guffey, of Rutherfordton, was in town, Monday. Mrs. Laura MrOuinn is on the sick ist - t. Mr. John T. Smith has returned from Raleigh, where he attended a. course of lectures at A. & E. collecre. tv, n-w mino- .irMo moot in a- fnr v--...& ... c . the teachers of Columbus township will be held at the High School build- I ing on Saturday morning, February 7th, at' 10:30 o'clock. Miss Emma McNinch, instructor. o t , .., ,-. . -I JTISHTOP. . I Our items for last week's issue failed to reach the press, on account of the beautiful little snow which came on the 20th. I will enumerate some of theutems noted. R. C. Jackson was a business caller in this section, Friday and he.reports the singing school at Mountain Grove getting along nicely. J I. Henderson and wife drove over ! to Hendlersonville Friday, to procure some furniture for their new house. T. Price, Ernest Laughter and P.. Henderson attended the singing at Mountain Grove church, Sunday arid Hackney were entertained at-the Now, another week is gone and it home of Mr. J. C. Powell, Saturday seems that winter has indeed come night. at last, but we. hope !t will soon moa- Mr. John Hulet and son, Lloyd, of erate so farmers can renew their Fingerville, S. C, visited at the home work preparing land for next year's of W. Womack, Saturday night. crop " Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Powell were I Henderson went over to -Henderson callers at Mr. Ancey Womack's, Tues last week to fix up some papers to day. make his wife safe. Miss Mary Hodge is on the sick Now that the rattlers are all stored list at this writng. Hope she will away in their homes, and coons have soon recover. about all died and sent off their hides; Mr. George Womack is nursing: a it is early. for fish news here but I cut foot. - , ; hnvp 'inst come into the information Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, hat leads to the discovery of where the eel spawns and raises its. young; (if true) does away with the notion among many, that they come from horse hair and among others that hey are the male catfish. We re- rffember a few summers back when it was said that hairs were found in cabbage that seemed to be alive and many people thought that was killing Deonle; when the truth came out that some parties had used arsenate ot lead on their - cabbage to kill the worms. The discovery, life and his- torv of the "eel" will be found in the "Literary Digest" on page 102, for January 24. We hope the editor will print the whole of the statement as it is a reliable paper, and many oi g0rn to Mr. and Mrs. Belton Jack the NEWS readers will not have the gon Monday a girl. opportunity to see it. The wonderful manner in which they propagate is even more strange than the many fictions of the past. (Sorry we have not the paper, con- sequently cannot publish it. Ja.; COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday school 10:00. v-n t: navf Snn(1av at 11:00. It is earnestly desired that as many of our members and friends will avail themselves of the privilege of attend ing; these j services. Only as we at- exnect hlessines. A 6ordial welcome to v : : : : . ... rr ... 1 v v . : 1 - . . r- . - TRYON, N. C FmDIIFEBRKj ARY j 6; 1920. LITTLE HELEN, THE PIANIST. Out of a world of anxiety, pain and i sorrow, a world where the young die and the old weep, some of us escaped on Friday to enter, a serene world whose language reveals "the new hea- vens and the new earth where there are no more tears. Trf'stMiilur tn th snnl f ti who were dead before we were oorn, as transferred to our mortal ars bv the effort oi a child we reahze that har- monies, beauty, delight -exist though our deaf ears are onlv conscious of thftm at varp interval j tfi year as Washington, coming unchang- tv, CHILD. I FIIJ3E ; TRAsE rietv. of this 1flnmcr i 'irWftf-iHrnes - vor information w on lbe to over value. Only' the immor- tal can roYnmnmVate nniv ih imrnnr. tal may receive such airless" messages The little o-irl's taW. W littlo to do with clever technic or a desire to nrcduce an effert Rnrh is an inspiration,, a revelation. Ordinary performers may not miss a day's practice without feeling.it. she plays when she chooses. Meanwhile , her mind is developing, her power, in- creasing. , k -!,!?:fr8 mei .hwe:eVc?u.ecUon-on The "favorite" numbers were al- most as varied as were number on ; the . program. One musical child liK tie older than the player delighted cf TurAoic nii I .a.vi, ut iutuutioviui o iwunuu uapuwi cioso,' some . one else in the three Grieg compositions while one musi- cian caught her breath during the nlvi'n; sf ri,?T,v 4-j n'flr Ul . - 4.1.. L If ViVKXi O X-lbUU ill AJ ,xv.i W1C ,aeiuw power vx me music ueiiigjr.. ... -- if almost too much for her. , gration. . The audience was worthy of the ? player. There may have been snuf- fle3 and sneezes, colds; and coughs outside, but not one within that bles- sed precinct, ,'-x-.-, All good wishes follow-our young musician friend, Helen Pugh. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Rev. Parker Holmes, Presiding El- der of the Marion District, held our first quarterly conference at Lebanon, Saturday and Sunday. There was a good attendance of official memoers. All the churches of 'the. Mill Spring circuit were represented except Maness Chapel. Rev. Holmes preach- ed two excellent sermons, which were enjoyed by all present. Revs. Holmes recently, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. womacK are rejoicing over a new girl, wmcn ar- rived January 51. RED MOUNTAIN ye appreciate these spring like Ljays after a few days of real winter time. Mr an(j Mrs GeorgeRuff , moved to Beamont last Friday. . Miss Sue Jones is visiting Mrs. Qwensbv this week. Mr J: q Wilson and sons Lawton and waldon made a business trip to Rutherfordton Monday. Mr..Burban Wilson left Tuesday for Spartanburg were he - has accepted a -tion; Mr. T. N. Wilson came very near i etting his leg broken last week while helping load a saw. log. The ' Red i Mountain , teachers spent Sunday. night at the home of J. W. Biddy.' r, - -r ' There .were, not many at Sunday school Sunday. We hope to see more Honor roll. 11th week of school: 4th grade Lizzie Lee, Esther Wil son and Ura ; Whiteside. - ! . 1 Kth crrade Buf ord Whiteside and te Jones. . - ; First grade Bessie Whiteside. - -... Sue Jones ilinc; LIBRARIES. 'if- :The free trgf-elinff libraries sent out -FWvw T T 1 i il .. . eigny xne JNortn .Carolina JW : -Comtimission in' January of tn year- showed, an increase of over hujdred pr cent over the number fPPed,in Jaaaiy, 1919. 80 counties -ce?yinggthia service r j-eachirig J ronaorftapton to Richmond, and Dar tCTJackson. ; : . r ' SPV coll?ctions have , been , ar- ?ngecl fo Industrial ,-conimunitiesi VM bedone in response to de- ands from welfare. workers .: ,who "r2e .that spRjial? attention be given ?Jieeds ; off mill; people. The -Lib- r1 parked increase in ; the Yous ubcts eYents and sicial problems. ve f?1 e011 as world mocracyifrest reservation Mex- i5.;'iPoe: Gaorthy, Masefield, ; high P1?6 Jewsjuommerce - with i bouth fF103?; oism, - woinan : ;and 10 teri; 0ne ;oma "vclldl """ nmg paying tnai W. 0? ot Tpee'was inclined to ; be and jfstubborn TWs re a stud5i Kecent requests for a W' fennWniajatean tmmigratpn restnction.V.the inter- , . . , .... ..... - . Wgh schooeryr:; leads among the JM-Wf?1' XT' ques)IP s constancy m aemana. Commis sion has 50 package li- - I . 1,1 . ... . . . cranes on 'i&e restriction 01 lmmi- HLL SPRANG 'BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday hool 10:30.' CPreachinN- every J first : and , 'third .8 NOTICE. i A : meeting of the Executive Com mittee of iie Polk County Sunday school Association will be held at Co lumbus,: hxt Saturday, to arrange program place of next union meeting fi&k 5th Sunday in February. jj:. J. JONES, President. gv" o- . DR. ENRY B. CONRAD. All thatlfwas mortal of Dr. Conrad was tatceife f rom South' Bend. Ind.. where he -jfied Friday morning to his boyhood ' Mome at Wanston-Salem, in this ste, accompanied by his fa il : i iN -' j-i i 1 i. mer,.ms votner, nis wiie ana imam daughter. Mrs. He'fter, with her eldest son, was thereto meet the sad party on its arriva;v , The. syrfjpathy with the family felt by the cefchpanions -of his youth and early maijkood, his associates in var ious hospils and in the Navy, from i- i -i a i i . n wmcn ne iTas lately reiesea, as wen as by a hest of friends is so tense as to be quie beyond words. With: all prospects f a noble career, all that life and, feve could offer, Dr. Conrad seemed olOa of the favorites in life, one bounf to be one. of the victors in the race. f, ' No one jnay try to vindicate or ex plain sucfa providence."'' It is well if those mopt dear to him can "wait- in silence tl consolations of time, the larger vilfon of the years. Mrs uqraa ana ner iiuie aaugmer returned In Tuesday , with her moth er and brother to the warm shelter of: her fiber's house, where sur rounded iy- the love of family ana friends iffis hoped that her sorrow may fmdrlcomfort, her torn , heart be healed. .H .I. - Mow Sound rTravels. Sound travels through dry air at the rate of ;lo feet per second ; through water a&.240 feet per second, and in steel wiry atx 17,130 feet per second. . ''For Happiness. Ks I thoif wouldst find much favor and peace'wkh God and man,be very low In thine' own eyes ; forgive thyself little, al others much. Archbishop Leightoii.1- : " - IT Forever 0 Den. "My nephew, Rupert the lop-eared one, yofj remember has come home fr m thtuni7ersity as knowing as an xmabridfibd dictionary," grimly stated old- P.- g. Pester. "But, unlike that valuabl tome,' you can't shut him up POUt HTY FARM AN D Edited by J. RJ Sams, AGAIN! BACK. TO THE SOIL: Some fanners (mav tire of so .much talk-and writing about, the soil; but when you come to think about it, the soil is the most, or one of the most, important things with which we-have to deaL (.It is- also one of the most abused v things ! in all the world. h Ain sunhght,, water, and soil are the es sential 'things connected with our liv ing. Toriunately, We . have no control over the air, sunlight'and water The sun shines when he pleases and as he pleases. The J air. ; is always present everywhere, winter and . summer, dry or wet, And , the rains , descend and. the snowx comes, and goes whether it is of our choice or not AH. these -thing? nature r regulates by fixed and ' uner ring law, over which we . have ' abso lutely no control, - and sometimes it occurs to me that ;' soil productivity should have been so fixed oy a kind Providence that it would liave gov erned production in a fixed - way till man could not have control of the soI any more than he. does of the air, sunlight and water. But how, wise in iod, our, laid and . beneficent. 1? ather, in ,the' creation and , arrangement of things that we do not have control of these things. ' He desired to make us as nearly, m tiis own image as; possi- ble; so He left one of the. all impor- tant-things to our management, to manage as we please. Suppose He had left;,the. management of .the air, sunlight and water to - our fixing, what land of job do -ou suppose we would -have made of .it? " We might have , fixed it till . modrn profiteers would jhaye jugged )np- .the air and sold aVsich a. price .that the poor people would have suffocated, or that 4 teigt havebeen bottled and the poof famished and corner on the sunshine till all mankind but a few of the arch profiteers would have frozen to death. So it was a happy thought when God fixed these things so that man could have no control COM over them; so that the poorest oi an as the flu scare is over. It is plan the earth could as fully . and freely ned to offer a reward to the pupil of enjoy .them without money and with- the "school who shall send m the best out price, and for these blessings, how many poor people thank God daily? But as to the soil, God did not see fit to so treat man as stated. He wanted to v make man as nearly like Himself as possible, so He created man, which . includes . woman, and turned them looose with orders to go Pine Crest Inn, are Mr. and Mrs. W. forth and "multiply and replenish C. Stevens, of Detroit, Mich., who are the earth.' Man was given just about here for their first visit and expect absolute control over the soil. Now to remain1 until the spring flowers are let's see what kind of a job he has in bloom. ; made of it. In the starting ! up of Mrs. L. K. Rumsey, of- Detrotf, things, man was furnished with5 a Mich., who is a sister, of Mrs.. G. garden yes, a real up-to- date gar- Smith, of that city,, and who has j vis den. It also had a house, orchard ited Tryon a number, of times tin the and all kinds of- friuts that was past,- is spending .two. weeks, at Pine bleasant to the . eye and taste, and Crest Inn. j all that was required for man to dress it. ! I About . the next thing we learn about man', management of soil, ? e rest inn couageS. mr. is that he made such a bote1 5i it McCormick is a student at the Um fW ho HnVPT, owt int the versity of Illinois and a member of woods, where he had to go to clear- ing, fencing, plowing, pulling; stumps cutting -briars, ditching, terracing, etc. So man took absolute i control over the soil and what has been, the history and result? Well, the first j thing he did was to violate God's laws 1 which are the laws of nature. God told him right at the start, see Gen. 1-9. "Now let the. dry ground bring fnrfh oras" Tnis rnmmanri was when the waters and dry ground were first, separated, even before man.was made; yet man ever since has been fighting firrass, and as a result his lands have been" washing away, soil fertility has been decreasing and man hunting here and there for something to replace this rundown soil and in this good year of 1920 we find man Shipping nitrate of soda from South America; paying at the rate of more tnan $iuu per xon ana geiung an ar - tide far below par; wniie mere ' is locked up in the air more than twen ty million dollars worth of j pure ni trogen over 'every acre of jland he owns, which is free to every farm owner who will only tap thejfountain, and the fountain is so easily and quickly, tapped. Now-af this article has already grown long, we will con sider in another paper , just how; every farmer may tap this source of wealth that God offers him just as freely as He gives him air sunshine-and water, $2.00 1 A YEAR HOME - DEPARTT.1 Ef IT County Agent - with some simple unalterable law iand he: blessing vwill be ' ours yes, : that . the, abused, washed away land ,an be rebuilt and made, to , produce as at first- and, by and .through thev soil act ing harmoniously; with -the air, sun- shine and water, plus an obedient and faithful farmer to the faithful atten tion and application of God's laws to simple' agriculture I - f '' " Respectfully - J..R. 3AMS. County Agent. T . . ;- ! STOCKHOLDERS MEHTIKG -r-r- ..vj'.v; ' : .; The annual meeting - of the . Stock holders of the Bank of Tryon wa? held -on . Feb. 3rd, 1920, land tha" old board of Directors and officers were renelect- , ed for the ensuing year. ' " r On January 1st 1920 the usual eight per cent dividend was paid and a sub stantial amount added to' the : undiv ided profits account, v ' ; AMERICAN AUTHORS. It is not always possible to an- nounce ' beforehand : the subject to be treated.. at the Lanier, Club but- next Thursday, the twefth,. the Club . pro- poses to devote to ' some American authors, among 'them Mary Wilkina Freeman, from whose unpublished writings four "pastels", will be read. These finished sketches give one : a great respect for' the conscientious- ness of Mrs; Freeman's work. l MR. EDWARD S. FROST. . AT THE LANIER CLUB. Mr. Frost, who was so active a now- er in tbJ--.var.wkf;-'iunt?yt spoke .for the . iihier. . Club on!.Thurs- day giving the ladies and their friends ajJMngf;( of-IcelaSTd"' ano! dosed -ports Tf urther away; of disappointments, and strange experiences, which kind memory has smoothed into a tapestry of beauty, Mr. Frost has generously promised ' to sneak f or the public school as soon report of the lecture, the. award to be made with Mr.: Frost's agreement. PINE CREST INN NOTES. Among those who have recently arrived in Tryon and are stopping at Mr. Robert McCormick, of Normal, Ilunois, has recently joined his moth- and sisters who are occupying one Pf Upsilon fraternity and has e Tryon to spend his. mid- liTf w i, v M"; BT naV laufhtef: Mlss Hel? P: Bul o T lumois, are siopping iew , f. 7 t),"v' home m Miami . and ; Mm, Beach, wnere xney nave spent -tne greater mo' wuo1:. , T WA1"? nas r"" rme iaa her ref children and nurse, and will 1 , Clean Record. "What makes Jinks so proud of his ancestors? I never heard any of them did anything." "That's exactly the So many persons' ancestors did ... nnlirprMr.hmnmi Tim 1 Dispatch. Salt in History. - In olden times, when salt was not bo easily obtained as it is today, II was regarded in. some countries as t luxury. This seems strange, does il not? At one time the Chinese madi It into little cakes, stamped the, lmagt of the emperor upon it, and used It at money. In Arabia those who togethei ate food which had been- salted, be I lieved that. this established a. special bond of friendship between them. Thll led to the old saying: rrbere la salt between ;us,7 : i S : ? ! i ! I ; k t 1. 1 i! ii s i r. ill s 1 ; S i .' i ! n s - ! Sunday. ' a11' E. J. JONES, Pastor. 2nd. grad Jot -Whitosidt, wnen y a .want to. juaje. .' - n and all we have to do,-is to comply! Rv. Mariwwill'b.fttlCan Crek If

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