apsr Alive, Clean- Newspapsr for the Home din anty I AND THE TRYON BEE L. XXV NO. 41 TRYON, N. C..FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13,. 1920 $2.00 A YEAR i - 1 niR 0 FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY 3,.,sra! Intertst Gathered Bjr Our Correspondent From V Sections of Polk County MAFLE GROVE. anous his own as well as other people's in terest. His slocan" is Boost others. i and they will Boost you. Not a bad . idea. ' ' ; CEDAR MOUNTAIN NEWS. came home Sunday Which we a business hi Coin passed tnrougn tms I I... loo U'PPlf. Vpicer Lc his sick baby. cnnn be well. n Giiios made Won last week. g. ciibbs,.is working at the neur Mill Spring. 7 Lccr.aand Bessie Barnett t Saturday night with their Thurcey Udell. -a . j 11 t S. uibDS visuea lurs. v. x. k week. - race Gibbs spent last ' week grandmother, Mrs. N. L. (obert Whiteside visited at TJ. last Sunday R. Blanton visited in Cane ction last Friday. -o LL SPRING ROUTE 1; rs. - Mr. Edward Anderson is having a new building erected on hjs farm. Miss Bessie O Foster and brother Barnard Foster Jpent last week-end visiting miss - uettie Edwards at STTNNY -VIEW. the play being planned by the Club. in i .. .... ' wlu pxease attend, this meeting. Sunny view 'school' is the proud Landrum S. C. Mr. J. R. Sams returned from at- possesseror of a new1 -orean.' Some Miss T.nVile Vtis,hn- ayTa Kf pAiv tending a meeting of Farm Demon- erood sin crino- now davs , ; : 1T,.V te,r.,ore?fcoo i . . , . o O " . v-vv.u ICbUlllCU LU . I1C1 M ry ' Teachers meeting Was held here home after closing her school. Every Mr F w- Blanton spent a few Saturday, which was a, great success, one is glad to have Miss Foster home days at Shelby, last week. . . " Misses Mayme Wilson and. Esther a-din.- . - in. Avery jinott is at home from G-ibbs spent Saturday night at Mr. J 1 Miss Beatrice Owens was the guest Arkon. Ohio, on o ei vi It. ti- - V- i . , . v .';-r.mf:!" . , ' . . r . , , Ai u TiJiV vw llla j. etui- u. u i4i.;suii o . ' v . - ny- 4 ' Mr. Earnest Gibbs, of Steam's high Mr. C. E. Shore was in Henderson- school, was a visitor here Saturday ville, Saturday. and Sunday. , ' v Postmaster, L. H. Cloud, was in Misses Esther Gibbs and Ward, S. C, on business, last week. lWllsoh were visitors at Mr. TO Foster of Misses LuciU artd ' Bessie ii , ' A- A . ivi onnay ai uemoon. . v. -' Mr. . G. W.' Foster is . steadily im proving his- f arrhv he has been busv TT4.1 I ... ?- - . . Xi&wier for some time sowing grass . and W. D. I clover and if hi6 v imnrovpniPTits rrn. K 4 11 . " TT ... . . I -r-r . - .. - I Q . ivir. AiDerta curgess, of Altredvine neiton's. Sunday. : . - nM h will anm Wr . L&IT1T). N. .T. STIPTlt n foM- rloiTc- iTTifl-i I - TVf T-c A T TiiTiricrloli . tTiciforl Vio I 11 " . 1 a. 1 ' rr " u f uhjio uiui 1 w. iwuuuuiv uivvu 1 weii as a Deauiiiiui Piace ' iiume louts. " . : daughter, Mrs. i1. i. uoggms, on last Mr. Floyd Pitman, of Landrum, Sunday. spend Sunday with his mother. t Misses Bessie and Emma Helton Mr. Moore, of Laurens, S. C, has and Cleo Feagan visited at Mr. G. W. purchased the stock of goods of our Bradley s, cn last Sunday. . merchant, C. E. Shore, and will take Misses Lizzie and Mattie -Williams were callers at Mr. A. H. Lynch's Sunday. ' ': ' ' " Hello, Maple Grove, reap glad to hear of your good school. Hope you all will be like ex-governor Aycock. possession about March 1st. Services at the Presbyterian church Sunday, ill a. m. Rev Caldwell, Pas tor. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guffy, of Ruth- Mr. L. E. Hipp one. of- our most up to-date farmers; "is always fixing things so he can? do - more work, by way of adding new machinery to his outni, ms latest addition is a wood sawing outfit, and. has also ordered a new truck, so lie will be able to handle his wood with speed andpro ht. v - v. - . OLK OUTY FRIVI 0 IE DEPARTTilEIlT IILI Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent FARMERS AND BUSINESS MEN OF POLK COUNTY, tL J? or tfVe last two years, we have Deen talklnfir about oreanizinc somp- thing in Polk county, through which farmers could improve farm and home conditions on the farm yes, right on the farm where they live but iust what kind of organization; it has been hard to determine. We thought of calling it a board of trade, then chamber of commerce and othre things all of which did not convey the mean ing we wanted it to havt. Then farm bureau came along and e cried to find out what this organization proposed to do for the farmer and it has been a hard job; because it is so elastic that anything that is nec essary to be done or that farmers and business men want done in the county can be done through it. - It is not a secret orranization. neither is much the matter. , To begin to deal with the situation, most Polk comity ', and is deficient in humus or decom posed vegetable matter. Th already deficient in these three things! is cleared and run in corn and cotton, without any returns to the soil, until! what little nitrogen and humus there1 was by nature is exhausted and land ' washing then begins and entire ex haustion is the result. Now, we are just in that condition on a great many' farms. How can this condition 'be remedied? Easy enoueh . it .intelli gent and energetic means will ber sought and applied. Scientists have figured,a nd doubtless their figuring is approximaetly true, that in the air that is pressing down on every acre of land in Polk county, there is locked up at least twenty million dollars worth of pure nitrogen, which is just as free for every farmer to draw up- uu ior use on ms I arm, as tne sun- M . I p J, , - . -m r business trip to Landrum enuratun, spent a iew aays with Mr, Let your last ; words be "education', riSHTOP. and Mrs. Robt. Hill, last week. Mr. Robt. Hill spent the week-end ast. - . H McCrain visited his mW Martin McCrain Sunday. hJs family, -1;. roccori tnmntrh Mrs. ntman ana iamny were m iue vi.b 1 t r j . Uinr, Inst. week. anarum snapping, monaay. . u0tt?A Harris and Alice Mrs. renaergast and Miss uertha r0 11Pr of Miss Alice Pendergast were shopping in Spar v, , I wv P M. tanDurg, oaxuraay. Kagan Jackson attended ser- Silver Creek Sunday, r school organized a litarary Friday. February 6th 1920 llowing officers .were elected 1 Jackson, President, 1 Gladys V Vice President, Alice Mc SALUDA Claude Gilbert son of L, J. was taken to Asheville Saturday -;'on train 9 by R. K Newman, Chief ' of ; police under ajwarrant issued by the Secretary, Alice Corn, Chaplin, war department, charging -him with For that sure is important for. every one. " . - "- ' " 1 ", Mr. A. .H. Lynch is doing some ex tra good work with his new saw mill. : WTiy not come out to the school house Friday afternoon ? It will be worth while. The program will" con sist of songs hesitations dialogues. Let's see morejf the patrons visit our school. , . Mr. and Mrs. G, S. Whiteside visited Gilbert the latter's mother Mrs. W. W. Gibbs, Sunday. ' - ' ' Vv Mr: Hobart 5 Wliiteside -' was a pleasant caller at. Mr. J. B. Wilson's on last Sunday. Alice McCrain and Annie bckson program committee. PEARIDGE. desertion "of "the army. c The Saluda Seminary has been closed for a few days as a precaution against the flu, there being several cases in a mild form, among' the bearding students, we hope it will : Mr.: Bojenlson visited, in $his, Friday to.,seeHhePace's onprofes- section Sunday. . siunai uusmes. . ' . . , , . Messrs John. Bradlev and Taylor i. w. uramey sang ior tne- Moun the prices of farm products to enrich f armer h - to do s the tne larmer at tne unjust expense oi law and follow it and he . the consumer; but it is composed of nitroeen anH th(k hnrnna Two" weeks of very disasrreeable rmers, bankers, manufacturers, and If this SUT1T)lv lorlrw1 weather have passed and now we hope consumers of every description. It the air. How can he unlock this is uirc umig m one county ana enure- i storehouse oi mtrogehT How do you ly a different thing in another, owing I unlock any house? By having1 aiid to the general occupations of differ- using a key, of course. Well, we have ent counties. It is an organization the key to this great store house of with a definite program to uplift and nitrogen. The key is within easy improve the entire county and to reach of every farmer. The key is embrace every interest in the county, legume crops turned back to the" soil. It is entirely non-political and should All cow peas, soy beans, and peas and appeal to every man, woman and beans of all kinds, alfalfa, sweet clo- child in the county; because it exists 1 ver and all clovers of all kinds' are" and contemplates, the good of all. jlegumes.i and all these legume crops Now, on the next 1st Monday of 1 have the power, when properly indc- March,' 1920, which will be the 1st ulated with their peculiar bacteria;- to day of the montji, there will be a I draw from the air all the nitrogen jrteeanffOtfarmersandti)usmess men necessary "for their rjwnmwran':1 ny office at 1 :30 Vclock p?"m".rto lantotorewitnH at least for, better. Lagrippe or I flu has . visited us. Clement Arledge and Walt Burgess' entire families we learn, have had it Imore or less seriously better now. Wm. C Pace's family have had the flu for the past week, but not very seriously. Manning Case', of Upward, has been building the 'chimneys for I. Henderson's .new home, the past week. .'.r ' :' , Dr. Hooper came into the cove last m my Brown-were callers at Mr. W. D. Hel- tain Grove choir Sunday last, and wiU s Jf thought arable or- for other crops to feedpon tt; ton's Sunday, afternoon. o Sam Gosnell and family, of soon pass over, as the school has been LTNN. dwintr fine work this year, under the ablft. management- of Prof. Stevens and his corps of splendid teachers. Ihev have been occupyincr their new not to congregate the ! buildings, since the beginning of the avoid all chances of flu No services of any kind last Sun day in our villiage , as thought best people thus But quite a fall term, and have been going nicely number of the young people congre- until now. Inburg, visited at Mr. M. - C. l's, Sunday. W. J. Wilsons' family have the John Keen and family were at Mr. J. T. Carswells Sunday. Juanita Voorhies and Bessie son enjoyed Sunday afternoon back riding. Is Mossie Edwards has returned i from Tryon. We are clad to Iher back again. M Myrtle Taylor has returned from Landrum. S. C. as the 1 closed for a while on account of enjoy their visit to the fullest, extent, the Tryon Hosiery Co.' flu". ' Iva Gosnell visited Miss Bes- piompson Monday afternoon. sing for the Mount Lebanon choir on next Sunday. Wm. Morgan visited in this section i last week. His cancer, while not painful, is rapidly progressing and will soon end the career of working stout man Now as for the elections, voting for or against taxes for schools and Mrs. H. P. Corwith now has the pleasure of entertaining her aunt Mrs. A. P. Thomas and cousin Miss Ger trude Thomas, of Rockford, Ill. who arrived here last Friday for a short TRYON ROUTE 1 gated Saturday night for a dance at""" "c v"' un-. Mr- r. R FHwards Sr I will say that all, or very nearly all, r,ne;of,n,v fcath r,rt hmmds. I tre men are willing to build schools, Miss Ophelia Thompson . has been churches county homes or anything quite indisposed for several days, Wi" lieuu' -r-. -a nt?in Wor-f nf Flat -RorTc with Judging from the past, the way the -row I.li- 1 1 l 1 - - ! . . . i limine rimiiiv iiiis uKeii mi Liiiiiuei evi wii stay. Hope the weather will be good his iamily have moved into our city,e - . . - , V : ,. , . i.i i, j j wt,ia0j u roads, county home and school funds, while the ladies are? here so they may one da? last week and is employed by 1U u.' . ' Wise, iicuu vuiisaiig, nuiicoi. iiicii ui l l j. . i. i.1 i. i.T - ;1 r r ... v n fm rr, .--foH r-nmrnnnitv elec- Slow to vuie anouier utx on tnem- IV I r . l . . UallCll IO liuiuc xui c 4.v,t i mc .uw.ju"vu J i , ... , , . i . ays If""1 iNewoerry o. wiic uuu oa.iuua, v. ; . . i i ' r TT rnAl i hn Minor CTr rP-l""'- 'Z has Deen ior some time, nc icpuiw ict ueiici oiivvji - plenty of work there- in the building suited in a majority in favor of bond. u- . Tt.'s rumored that some oi same paid. We have just learned that Curtis ganize a Polk County Farm Bureau. J have not their power. By grtrtdfns At the late meeting of County Agents these crops and' returning thern at Salisbury last week, the subject of wisely back to the soil, it is pssible-v organizing the Farm Bureaus was to make soil that will not producer thoroughly discussed and finally I anything, produce large crops; wherf . I Viflrlpfl Vinrlr tr pvptv rnnntv -fn His- I o AaA ir elinclif ? acc. j 'nfarnA tAWoj cussion by her own people, and to or- phate. Now knowing these thmgs, ganize what is best and best suited J why dally longer about using the'Tcey' to the needs of each county. . What that is within our reach and unlock suits Mecklenburg county would not and use freely from this' great freer . suit Polk county; but every county I supply of land building, or soil build- needs some kind of organization to ing elements ? f orter and push her agricultural inter- Of course all legumes will operate ests and bring her farmers, business better with the use of ground' lime- men and consumers into closer rela- stone; but cow peas, soy beans and tions with each other and thereby velvet beans can be grown profitably have a better understanding. This is by the use of acid phosphate or even the purpose of a Farm Bureau in a without it on moderately good land county, and I trust that we will have for a soil builder. But a liberal use a large and representative meeting of both lime and phosphate gives best from every township . in the county, results. ! Because this is a movement to build Now, I know what the average? and Polk county and no particular section, below the average farmer will say to u to SCO- our rarripr wpII and on I again. fster Homer Durham is suffering ken arm, caused by being thrown I ms bicycle. p. Elsie (Edwards) Guffy and pad, Mr. Jack Guffy,, visited f folks on Lighting Rod Ridge, :ay. . prs Paul Hamilton and Loran 7 cycled to Hickorv Grove Sun- aftem?icn. . ' e ae sorry to learri the most suc- T1W hurt attAw ITT All? vuiumuua CVC1 ZVli. T f 3w notion) has sold out. his store. e thexe kind friendly people will e in other business and stay with f. Gecige Champion was recent- pried to Miss Howard, of Land- la'. ... n? sctt peas fofr best results, I ii n i H.-C rn t? T.ifflo is mntnim v do- nartips onnosed the school Dona ail " . ... " . xjl. va. j I r -rr . . . . . l,o T HonHprcnn will mnvo TnPsHllv . .i jj ; rii 1,0 nnnncoH tho hnnrt hprp I iAV- - ing sometnmg m tne way ox impiuvc- vuiumoua mat uv-w v.- ments to his already fine drug store, last' Saturday. just now he is putting in glass doprs It's said that t several voted against to all his shelves, so all his goods will School Bond last Saturday in Lynn be protected from the dust, thereby that could not read or write and who making the store more sanitary, as had large famlufes to school aiso owneu well as improving the beauty of the no real estate to be taxed. interior. ' The Soldiers Memorial Association Miss Elizabeth Bums one of the ( Directors meet at Columbus last bat- ! -r. oli --F Proa and a lew f faithful were on hand. ,lhe Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, County Agent. COLUMBUS. teachers at the Saluda Seminary was suddenly called to the bedside of her sister in New York, who is very ill. Mr. L. R. Luten and family motored up from Greenville on Monday last, coming through by Mountain Page church, report a good trip, finding the roads better than was expected. Mr. J. M. Delock who recently mov- A fr. TTno-o-ins riaee nas reiumeu w -jc home from a trip to Columbia S. C, where he was attending court. Mr. Fred Bailey is away for a few days with friends at Columbia, S. C. Rev. W. A. Creason was canea away from a very interesting meet ing in Alabama to be home with ms family who are sick with inflluenza we are glad to say that they into his new home. o- MELVIN HILL : The flu has visited this little town again, but the patients are all on the mend now. 1 . Mrs. Mclntire an' aged lady passed away last Friday night at the home of her son. . She was somewhere m AGAIN THE SOIL. directors discussed the plan of better ninety and had been ailing for some- organization also style ana cost 01 fitting memorial. Mr. N.W. Randall run down to Shelby, on business, last Tuesday. At this writing Mr. P. N. Hood is time. 1 We are glad to note that those who had the flu last winter are not having it this winter. 1 i ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson has on the sick list being confined , to his been staying with their son , Philips and family for the past two weeks nursing them through the flu. room. Mr. T. A. Rippy and family have had a little epidemic of their own of ;the sore eyes. V Tt ia rpnorted that some were in- The Bible School closed here Fri day and the teacher, Eld. C'. B. Miller, went into, Mitchell county and is are kv TT. "c opiar, Literarv . Society of n " " S I I ) i' Vl f?flir-l nun. n vananf 1 rTl I TnW ho nif'mVm,.,. e t--u:i I - r -rv wr To na is nnit ill with '"Via Ui bllK r lLllUUlflllUIL 1 iVIT-S. i . it. x & i otiety at the Hierh School in fin pnza evening. February Mr W. F. Little of Tryon spent veraf hours spent m in Sunday with his brother Dr. G. R. Lit- the bovs served de- ti Mr. W. F. is looking nne anu cake. Vir. u Acr all richt in his coiatp. T, TJnf wo would be ,. "c cnauerone s weiei nrownr. location. E. VJ n n-ui, j nr: r r-. r . , . ij i iA tmi1h make his erai l.i. Hit t- After ft..:. iirnp in Saluda, and be one of us as of yore. .Anyway, come up as often as you ' can, brother Frank, we are always glad to see you. Mr: Bush the worthy editor of the omen" have "arrived and weipinllc County News was in town Sat- J ar'V ladies who wish to attend.1 Qi, WtW around in his ener- r mtRibers who win av Tar,iri . ffnf5iiny to business for ri.tlf-rgast and Marv Failor. v ATt 'fc Vlnh Urill 1. .Ii.. .1. TT!L lii v ue neia at me nign r uook3 for v, um: n . . " OUUUJC Oil VAtlACll- r ui yY fluenced to vote against School Bond . eachin e there.. last Saturday by the aid of a little Mr rj.om Waldrop and family have Boose, how does that sound i moved to Henrietta. It is said that some? who had large The Melvin Hill correspondent has famlies of children and ho real estate been down with the flu for the past . 1 1. ! I i-T I . I. r voted against J5ona,wniie some otneis tw0 weeks. who did own real estate and had no j. It seems that the srround pig didn't children voted for Bond last Saturday its real funny how we all look at things 'especially when a little tax figures iithe propsition. , Miss Nora Jones is confined to her room with a case of old fashion sore eyes. : x . Mr. M. H. Covil run down to Spar tanburg last Tuesday. Mr. Fred E. Swann left last Monday for High -Point to buy furniture for his firm, the Ballenger Co. Mr. John Rhodes left, last Sunday for 'Atlanta to buy her spring stock of millinery. see his shadow although he might have seen it if he came out in the nick of time, when the sun shone -for about five minutes on ground hog day. Covetousness. .1 Coveting is as dangerous as posses sing. The man with little or no money can love It as much as the man with much. The latter is in danger of pride and hardness of heart, but the former suffers most from envy, anxiety and bitterness of spirit Money has as many slaves among the poor as among the rich. I all this; he will say yes, the man with j plenty of money can do all ' those thing. I say yes, many a very' poor man without money has done those i things and became rich. I know' very Door men who. in a small way began Last week we tried to show that all hmnrovineV small piece of land, year life depends on air, sunshine, water year, till his whole farm was and soil, that man has no control made rich, and fine pure bred potil-i whatever over the air, sunshine and tr hogs, sheep and cattle are now water; but that he does have domin- b in j, where old field pines, ion over the soil. nmnino- briars, cullies, etc.. occupied God holds sovereign sway over the Lh farms fifif teen years ago. What three first essentials. The sunshine, ugs the difference? 1st, a vision; the rains and storms come by tixed 2n(J information; 3rd, pluck and f el- laws; but God does not plow iana, u. ereas: 4th sticktoitiveness; t 1 1 1 -k . 11 5th, results. Respectfully, j J. R. SAMS, County Agent. PLOWSHARES fT'l Sing a song of cotton seed Not mixed at the gin, One type for the neighborhoocU Brings the money in. Fence your chickens. garden? not your pull stumps, ditch and build fences' for us. Man was given absolute con trol over the forest, animals, fishes and birds and now Mr. Farmer, let's take a stroll through Polk county and look over the average farm and see how the lands look. Are they gar dens like the first man was provided with? Are all the fields producing luxuriant crops of corn, wheat, cotton potatoes, clover and grasses, and fat cattle and sheep browsing in green pastures t I ask every farmer in Polk county to take time enough to go all over his farm and look it over well and see just how it looks. Is there any old field thrown out, all scarred with red gullies, and strag gling pines, un nnrnntr ftnd the buds growing nere anu tnere 1 Are tueae 1 - . . miiiM trmwinir dopnpr and worse ev s, spray-for ery year; mcy I m, m,t,V a ImrtM clay down on your bottoms causing , T wrt " Wthere weU as on the hillside? y TTZ Have your'river and creek bottoms wnief-' "."rj ZZLZ. mH oTiiTicr liKorallxr trt irnnr pf. the Way PI Smiles xroill tuc forts to make crops on them? Do throtighou the year, your fields all look just as you want them to look , when you go out and make a 'survey? No, of course not. What is the matter? Well, there is Purebred livestock pays' and tHs. year farmers in 48 states are raising more purebreds than ever before.'- Give the home orchard a good start, women Vulture the Land's Scavenger.' The Egyptian vulture was the chief scavenger of the land of rharaoh '''"'"TV

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