Hoie f - :-T,--r 7' TRYON. N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1920. ; . . v, . ; , . OO.A TEAQ; : V X : 11J. -.... r - - - - ' " ' ' . , . - i jVOb. ill OUR FRIEND S OVER THE .tairil Iatcrat Gathered By Our Correspondent From Various Sections of Polk County SALUDA rathy of the entire com-sympax-iy bereaved fam ily ge" Pare whose wife jEMii Pace T departed this 10th. 1920. the daughter of Mr. E LPaa Tuesday Feb pop e a MT. LEBANON. We are having the coldest weather on Sunday and Monday that we have had this winter. , A great deal of ice in the creeks. '" Y Mr. T. W. Bradley failed to sing for Mt. Lebanon choir last Sunday, on ac xer oi mr. ; . t of so mtfch '"Flu" around in the his wiie, aau . wo cnnaren, Tn,rt,r,COT1 na a-nne to t.po. who have always re-. T - th -t ni? ..a and are well . Known i . fT. s ll. 0arrett, and brother a J .... Minnie the eldest tne . nr ' t v,rtr. fnr v,-"c! vcnuiy a"" , ,:j.y, r raiiK, came w ucoouu -w- fe tomciA.IW51E U reaching Sunday . . But .wasn't any firm of Ihompson -"V-iriw preachra as Mr. ureen lanea co" ronrs. lie up Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green, passed fViwmtrb this settlement a few days Z v lace in the. business, Jo ?n a to Mr. and Mrs. Fred anl V'a . ,.,;t, y.i .father under w - Annf nin ATo5Ta fJaither Johnson and Har- Bradley bunoing ; man. Tftomp were m . vne u,- jiui secxion last ween. Misses Mamie and Etta Thompson and brother Gay, visited their sister, Mrs. W. B. Arledge. Miss Lillie Constant -and brother, The community extends-their sym pathy to these gooa peupre m bereavement. We are. glad to say other members of the lanuiy are cuu- nalAcnliinf ' Messrs. W. H. and it. M. .mu,fx Rutherfordton, spent Sunday with thoir families in Columbus. ovtfrl a heartv, welcome to our ;rvuiyc TWr and Mrs. A. P. Moore, uueuvu'si who will on'marcn isi uus.e Vi otnro nw oecurjied bv Mr. A-r. jd. Mica Twrna Mermen, one OI 'our Hich School teachers, leitt, Monday to o to the bedside 01 ner iamer, wuu is cnticauy in. fJ, o- , .:. Mr. and Mrs. JN. 15. bmixn.anu wui dren, of Detroit Mich., wlia are on an indefinite visit at me nome oi mr. Mrs. John Smith, .near town, spent a few, days witn tire , iamiiy , Lindsey Smith. , A. . . Miss Alice Tallant, teacher: of the irrammar grade . of - Stearns , High School, is pianmng ior. a. program of Georcre Washington's Urth- Acxr Miss Marv .Failor wiu nave charge of the music 1 i PBARIDGE. There are 'quite a few cases of flu arbund .here Vftiis ; week. Mr. Birch Davis',f amily, Mr. T. v. Uortan's f amilv. Mr. E. G. Thompson's family, Mr. John'Shehan'stamiiy, Mr. inirn Waldron's familv Mr. and Mrs. John Keed and iamiiy spent Sunday ;night ;.at :'Mr; : -Esper u.. , . -- The little child of Mr. and Mrs. uai-i vin Fhillins.' oi' Uoiumbus.. was : laid POLK C011K FB ID H0I.1E DEPMIIT Edited by J; R. Sam, County Agent - LISTEN POLK COUNTY FARMERS I which is late summer and early ;fHv &l ANn 'mraNEW MENh - . land spring. ow I can scarctlr ; se; AND flUblbb Slbm , hw these husky young fellows have . ine nrsi monuay . in iuujtcu 1 .. i .v . , l : j , , iriprrliandise. Mr. M. vM. G. Stat- Fs. "l...f.ft brothers IC 11 j J Mr. U ton, oi wife having LYNN. arer. man, yotrn; albe" rsTWSi. 6S Up.po themves andyomigwiV ovo Ha,,m-.1a tfc manv and clulflren;DUT; utey:iTe.-ana; to rest at reauugc ywav vc- vuv " , I . I riotnff it welL So can any terv. Sunday afternoon: ? ri he flu be- tf armers and - businessvmen m , Colum; doing it wen. can any ing the cause of its- death. ; ' : ; Mrs. Ralph Moored who-is 'in; Ruth- erf ordton hospital, is improving slow ly. - '; i '. - v;V C;yf " :Mr. Frank Moorehas purchased a Rrisco car. v -.- . ; Misses Bessie Thompson and ,Juan- ita Vorhies visited Miss Iva Gosnell, SnnHav afternoon.- . 1 ' Mrs. Rosa Parker. or ierroit, Mien. arrived here Saturday, to Join , her bnsband. Mr: :Ed.Parker. TheyVare , r- .-- -"TIT spending several, montns at Mr. . w,m. 'Miss Allie Connor 'was the guest .of Mrs. Annie Idles, Monday : night. Mrs. Gravson Turner is visiting at W. R. Turner's. , She , is- expectng TKUtnr Ga. (His wne xi P1. ..c , r cvnrt while before his sis- ai"::.n him to be unable to come D to Greek f or Eervices will preacn next funeral), and eesis, sundayTwasnw as "flu" is nour ywu p. uu g - f 'volvrnati of Balfour N. ' C, an Willie Pace of . l""?".1; poorly at present. 'Mn nervires last Sunday of. any na hire, but we suppose tnat Jjr. rratt f i-nm t.be . Pbilirtnirie1 Islands witn- a will preacn next ouauay aw les discharge-tromtne army. ' frtlnHo MTK. . US I . . .i :i Alice race oi uu " vi I around in me community. Miss Marietta Thompson is very K race has been sick about eigh - are rn hopes the Flu will not P- itbc heinff confined to nei to o.et in this part. ;n nf that time. d aboui xei rw Hospital KTmUp N C for awhile but did Ashevil le f 0rany while , there, t seem to impros e a y re .lr"afcr rreenille S. C.; re- .until the doctors de aiiuno "'x ... fi-,iT,o- more CROSS KEYS As I have not seen anything from these dicrffins for a while I thought I would say a few things. . Mrs. Martha Saunders aiea reu o, and was laid to rest Sunday in the ivTiii ProoV Tpmptprv. hunerai ser- but a sunnosition.: .Mr. R. D. Gray visited home folks at Rutherfordton, last week Mrs. McBrayer and Miss Lola went to Spartanburg, last Saturday, on a Qrinnninp' tour. s George A. Gash, Esq., was listing personal property under the new re valuation act, last. Friday. ' TbiirsHav. Feb. 12.- Lincoln's birth Ha v: Feb. 14th. St,. Valentine's aay; c,it,H!v Febmav 22nd. Geo. Wash ington's birthday. Our birthday will rTTno bv TUhA bv. ' . Mrs., J. S. Thompson is quite inma- thit there was nomug "'" Mft So for her, she then carne me and was cared i r y . . . conducted by Elders Geo. Uosed 'at this penciling; under thedoc- Evy b taw djiu u Branscom and W. A. Reed. Ws .treatment. ; .. - a familv. until tne augeia I ' . Itooti's Creek I a4.i rrc i;fl fiiro-veaT- 1 J lit! 111 LUC iuwuio ui vllVv I IV 1 1. ArulUi XIUUU a """' rf bear hILa"S h a meSr of High School has been closed atu Miss, Zillie Horton, of Inman, S. C is spending this -week ; with - home folks. ' 1 her husband to arrive home; this week Polk county, am taiKjng Polk counts what nature what.. the p Now what m ra m aEie Fears on. oi meiru&e, u cygr- . old-fashioned get together meeting. tt.;,a 'S?rith ' The warls ovefaridare allao glad MjSX-. of it, we are all scmucn wiser because i ; -Uir j - of he war.-We aU know-alotiof things we never -would, haye,. Known ww u - 1 had there been . no .war, , but we aou t r t want any orewar worse :nan "r.wwt -VSnt i ; the boys who broice tnar awiui ,xxm-1 P -r " j" -Ttt, 7rr delburg Line. But, we want to for- work outone J&rJfeE- ttifveiniSSaU States North Carolina is the best, ana I ciy ur r 7T ,rtT " 1 f. Hf i -ofTthe even one hundred counties inlbox x7i.Ti7 i u i j xiv ?0 fv,tt bRf straw and set this nen. ULnvZx. days "SSk vi "am 3ut "tolMni out will come the cMcks. Nowlwhen;. orvTi-nfir - True is Tint the case. I wawu nci. wu. &uc abaien:od -. . r ,. t. ivj.. wt .the ;peopleve Kow -wnat we wan . uo -w -iiT--' Vr-STj,, 4, to W-Mm,bdd &HU- auu i "..? 7 - 5? r, . . is visiting her morther . this Mrs. N. D. Moore. blunders committed by anyone in the w.-see me imporice -r . - l' . j lii I trnnrra STIfl rn RTir.lC IO It auU' s ABOLINE past, be tney oeaa or auve anu i;hT Vv?. ll a fw " mi brave men, just literally, take oft right? oil doing little jji1? oS SavS ccat and all, and lay yW-', I fmmitlis Tiarent oak.- and "the HSoU home m jJ- K old boy, playing , about She has been church 3 always iiveju - f-rc a salarv suffient to support hA1?a wnmi about the eye: first i Vbt. Christian me; ana i .f"" irr: w aroimd every wvw . ? 6"". o'i it tne om i luciii. o " . ;he has oeen a w n'6u,X tWr. resigned for a r,TuIi' " lrtree nrui fountain rage cnurch lor j - . .g bad we pay our K Ugy -and almost ? vears "iu , his home, fell, receiv- a very, ser- lm- the where old her them. -rW davs to see that we list every- for Ws were laid away m wetery of the cnurcn Tf r - . to a fice dog, ime has been enroueu i , - - election every Ainiriil services were wuuuwi- iow, - nLB,1 i inc ft ,ocftT rtf iTYiOTlth tO VOte Bonus. e nave i Ti i t ' i r-ui i iitto Jk - v . b M. E. church at Saluda: ana. iry- His sermon was a touching, tnb- i,cv. 7" j tt. tavpa pcted m tne miaaie? . E. church at aaiuoa .-. w ZZZZA then our roads are . so 0"""v-3., . . , 1 by Kev, to the deceased, and an eloquent DDeai to xne laic fe" , , ach and everyone should .examine .heir lamps and see that .they -fere Ailed with oil and be ready at al i: tha KiiiriTTions that wiu LliliCS A" . dav. we Know not JSUICIJ vviftiv- 1 , i. V of the Good Tft,.Tt.--Tmlt a decent load over them. And by the way. our f unug; r-o. n i-ftf boles that a doe could a-awl through. I think we had bet ter have a man appointea to see has gone with our money. , . Cantrell's Gin burned Wednesday .us. u , micrlit If tftmSTS KeeD UUilunu vxiv. tehSvSsoarreDnot S be .any thing left except the when the Bridegroom came. , -M ' r? vranw, D. L. Shehan Pace was very very cheertui qumk " tiia iTZk advantage of inc was at times very A 1 V- r Highways tead Success, BadHi """"'';'V':'''rD.OW'-:tO . .V . . 1 J ' , Tbere ,'c a"New Hope" for our com-1 TIf ' nnt wt for others to come in moisture ,na warmtn ox 'Wkw,. munity, since the farmer? of this sec- inherit this goodly land and make P-SKSiffiTn?--' tion are ;niaking rushing, .plans -fora e preseln, inhabitants drawers ;of TfJ new cotton ginTwhich is be erected watepr heweTS 0f stone in; the e Patch of land .year "fj near New Hope church.-- future. Let famers. Bankers, ma g Lancaster wiu i iumau 1 -Ti i. Mercnants, juaniuacmi c, . ' - rrrr . - " incfo little irrasa ev The name of this company Ube, profeSsionarmenJfeel thatil yes Lam and by MiLSSi: a part of Polk County and tnat;.i am -Ur- T'lattre- despite MiR;Mr. C. O. Ridihes Pres.. Mr. tv .The hanks ' merchants and aU tne aoing. ox -ai. . . ' . " A -M- -RHtrar n farmers I . v . J. tt. OAMO, UU4.y ASw. T nr,.octor Tres . Mr: JacK tocogginb,, fUoTMcelves trmst exist - irom WJiat UaiiVMW 1 - . VllVAlM'V W ... M4 - V. L I comes out of the soil, .rnen wny not x , 4-1. . . rliemea '1P9W1 an come r"11 -w,b,-o. rifRidA nf,the.:-.'mflaaea.. and, means ox - getwiiK. . . , .,1, ,. ,i ret :VHWm; w ing condiUons 'on tne. ;ia ; ays a irmrn vr 11111 iiiik w 111 - vai iuuic r . - v. I fVif rlrft an 5rot.nven"Un- W lUKt.w,., - farm, v So let ns -a;,BU1 ,4 ;J, ' l ate ao ihj ,v--j . . ae her long illness, although ner suiter- ffu ylled20.birds and3 inc was at times very- greur-5 T; AentV. : often nlanned for the luture anu - 7w always Miss Margret - s rum, ift v xx6 - - U J Vo Ti'iill oorjun. but expressed her reaamess to - Nance.Mr. Floyd Walker is an-evemng was the will of the Lord, bucn spteu ... M jaT1.es . ssesseu ci'uum 1 1 , ..... ---- t . .. n rarniei & vjii v., . did faith as she po ways be a reminder to tnose. to xo into tthe mercantile business m the opportunity to observe it during go mro her most trying moments, uui, the only safe anchorage for our little ships on this troublous sea of life. The family wishes to thank the many friends for their help and sym pathy during this time of trial. MELVIN HILL. srhter of W. M. Shehan, passed away at ten o clock Kiindnv nicrht. Fpbmarv 15th, ly0 and was buried the following after- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson last Saturday a boy. . A cold snap visited us last Sunday night and Monday morning. Mercury registered 11 above zero. Mr. Albert Turner aim ill dowTn with the flu. Mr s. S. Lavter made a business noon at 3 o'clock m the rnenusmp trip to church cemetery. Funeral . services were conducted by Rev. W. A- &-ea son. Her death was a great shock to everyone that knew her, as she was cnl'v 24 years old, and a splendid specimen of vounc womannooawiiu be was within one all tlvp nvncTiPcts nf a useful life , ottc rf ber eithty beforp bpr. We ran only say God ,..,, nj i;ved to see her b,wc hzt el-.. Viae bppn with tiie 1 L li ft,,..if?rm bavins ten familv nf Mr T?.. "R. Fulton, at Hen- V:1,mT, fiffv-five errand children, J - , . rmiuicui ""J . . dersonville. N. C. for some carne home about ten days ago to, " ' CTeat-great-grandcWldren. Rnnders was a laitniui DIED. a .4- V, - ViMYio rf ber daughter Mrs. t-o t.,,, t, Tndav afternoon tne XL.. O.TUHuau, v - ll e.nA oil- yirc Marr.na jsanaers paaicu loui mat itiu. - - 4.1, fifth Which 1o You Choose? The man who exerts the. greatest influ ence for the building of good highways will exert the greatest influence in shaping the destiny for good of unnumbered millions, and moulding the spiritual, the educational and the material life of the nation. Rack of all the forces that make for the nation's weal or woe are the country churches, the country schools and farnhfe. Back of success in all of these are good high ways, while the doom of all of them is writ ten deep in the mud of bad highways. . ' The good highway leads upward to higher possibilities of life. The bad, high way is the sure road downward to ruin. County "AeentNeut the-man ho tSmBs .a,pai .'7 -: Wunty . Agent. ..-...-MssuiitJe,... of-- h-iSt. ;. m Mr.' Polk county. farmer, did taandry e.tolyMffl Jrgg5'r;- " " a votir farmx last iwitn -wnat. TacuneB is-r-". . you make a survey Tour .larrn last . dttaen. ,in ttiree... ' i week as. 1 assea you ty u r ::r, rtwtb -niitik of Jthe:tmJdd TareliU did you see any o d WriJS? of todly Who -may. -hire ffek-IKttla " ( wasKedaway soiHNow honestly. oi to 7. the etindxeg, a tan..o did you see anytmng w tlA UnrTc to their credit a little, later, ,tocj ; nmnpracstVP tamer WOU1U IW ftJiKU" r--- " , : . , '-Tllrwrr fo ii- 7 wii if von - did I yet. otner. DieBBingB.ouu . w of on his farm? Well, if 70U.-"5 Kjot oniy thi8, but remember" that xxtv not. von be ashamed of it and io --t V." . --4v va- . f UJ get ria 1 1 know thing at W - 4. A. I A a lew uttie uuuBo, -r I fA TYintiAn time, just one littie tmng - besides. Where can' you but keep doing tnem ,iu --r hest the latter n thing you doing them .ana me jjj rste latter sum-and - .make, r SHiSf . nrtard Suet 5& S-. r It ft o r- - - t ma. A- va rnnrn take care of her father and mother, both of them being very sick, m a very short time she was taken away, leavinp them behind, still sick; but we are gkd to sav they are some' bet ter at this writing. She '.will, be this vicinityl both by her home folks and also by a good many of the people that come maa to 'timefbut hen. r f&fS pression was .that i e ey : ago . to nCrSit-trrandchildren. . . . out at this writing it is reported to Be Kw. soTiriors was rbristian and died in the. triumphs . n -ii i 4.1 (.oinTin1 TlftV.P f jf a great iaitn hi tne of thl Gospel of Jesus Chrnt She ad many friends who attended the fSneral and brought a Profusion of Lniitiful flowers and wreaths with -,v" . - .1 np decorate tne lot done. in Polk c in the county, and the owner is a yery fl 1 they intelligent man and is mating aJ". "ka gilded money temple look like success of it, but he does lonely bank at thd North Pole, a ; tQ imnrnvement he has made on that t loneiy uauiw . orchard within the last two ;years. ;r- ,ncitfrf tbis orcnara a ui- , . aa. ftuc,".r. acm. At that ;ls.at.any,wraoer iwv- r-iA lace? I niii i.wif it ft i i. ft r. lit IVJO v. - ' " f;ma fVo trpps were under i uiii- wtv vww -. - , . . i hi o nuina nn n. ; uuiuuiru u ii. i ;4-v,il nmrV. annlvmff leKUxne I """7" ; jIvi j out uy xo,iiiiJ.M " w..7 -- - MMwn hv ffM norsea.' niicxib. luu.uj crops; grass and manure &o b"gr pnos. aSl grand opera af , kind,, m fact any to tf UveaWa potentate, theenvy. wisely appaeu unu vrr; i; of the -Mint? Hog-raisers, nave com soil, has, produced startling resuus. x; offce pot,. bonds in reacK It is impossible for the owner who nySve -school howes reaie nf course he realizes is a bouleTard. mo& xnmea oc. n1,Sw&drcha mines distanced. p , itUfbufhr MILL SPRING UTE 1. pe.nnanenta improvement nen, carrier well addea to msuru and on the route again. .oci-nnaiiv visits his place. . . I ' w w xirrrrx i 1 - 1 4- A A11TT1 . I ftft.lft.1 ft 0V HV .WW - WW UllUlA xi va nrviniinr. wnicn liic uuwiv . . z-u AMuniM fQinnora in tne i -wr ' - . - i . . , safe. Mnav'iTr bas already been subscribed! w fftW who Have Sock: Spring, inrrov wow Mrs. JNora x-ioex . v4. wi be m WJ""-'' . 7- J. I. Ridings, C. W. Davis and A. f B. Turner. The subsenpuon, xu j casionally visits his place. wmcn tue uu-u . .- ... rprrtain fan win- " 7 ,1 ii U Tii- r:l : Zfom from a sickiLe feel sure tnat tne gin wm in resy - 7- Tj00hne. Unpration this. lail. sister, Mib. faiey x-, - f made such imi to Sa- rayj to Test in Mill;Greekmceme- pend their summers. &ne Sunday 15th. f1. was a member of the Baptist churcn "the dead which die in tne ijoru. ana always lived a quiet unnstiau life, dvvays ready to do her part m ay ejood work; and we that know ver tan safely say that she will en Joy the reward the Lord has prom iss l to all that do His will. ' Mr. N. . ... vie f arn- rret. fn learn that he is , Ed. Msterw. . iV ilt attack of ''Flu . r.o?tnT, a. JN. tJ. tnis wxcr. . : wosierv CcVhare ven- hor it -I ' not prove . . . - .t4 Coa limited repairs v The "Flu" ha3 ; -aireo . - ibe Bev. W. Wi Womack was called , to "Tbursdav to conduct the "WfS ttat fte? funlraTof & oirfi and neighbor. lien- .. - r ' 1 tt fro fftlft-l Ho TX7fl n. i,tra we J "v" " 4.1.' ff0r a few loi tne ross, naniuK ww-a v"-- by staying im uw j "tr- . lof the. Baptist churcn tor uty ye. tured toe q. r lts Mr. Curtis Smith n'ctw, can see their way both him and years, yet a few years, tneir larms - T- - ,f. d one son, -USr. COLUMBUS ' We wish to correct an error of last week which is due our "rTi boys who were so generous with theif I refreshments at the reception given r?6 f the Philomathon society. , P, Ipldsher daugn, gyjj in? served"paec. ox iuiBts nanotte, 01 ttyucouv, cbocolate it should nave ieau . Ga., are the guests of Mrs. H. B. wnlates. - . Lane at the Oaks. They have ; been focoiate attended meetings pending some time in Asheville this -r f Romans' Betterment Club V-nt IT j.- xl,ft, efface 01 -OOT ' VV iii"f rp- aanita- ro VI -.."""Cni.; ,im- was neia X iri' nicc Rertha derst ga outline, of the men. uur wf r.7i fc. to be nopeu v on onlv one clear to" make -soxik '7 at . TtiPir iiuucca i this year is out. POORS FORD. revoiutionizeu. x y" Ut. tv,n nft . Hauehter. ,Llias s.7ananas farmer in Polk county who saia ne TTW their, loss. his wife, ineir aeatn, , ye farm. ne 1 --LrWn,7;wiRitd at the ;Me;S A Wo- Rev. ; Teal conducted tne iune he made use 0f every suggestion tuv - , Bridcres of vice. They left several bM meant improvement. He let pure C. were in this"section to morn their ioss ana -to bred poultry take the place oij scruo 33..., er c."ie" t"" buried at He began tosowgsana .T John. Clyde, and' - TV I TG linCK V ft.1111 -- M . 1 ..r im TVICTHTITIO' 'rUWlUl' IVUUK I . . 1 " T A. i. rnanr vnnirnav Tiiirni. Knox Womack. the homo ox i v . i c?i. i iiuw ij n o - . cold, windy Green River church lasunaay tie on his pastures. He has puiieo " dT Rev. and Mrs..W v ' vo v.ot ciV for some time and con i i nna tvmis.ml . stumns that I "i!.." A bavmcr some tbis section today. we,T" rrnnmnson and family, tinued to. grow worse rvir. . LVLuriuc mw... - ... j i .. . - rr 4 r.--snent Saturday TUgnt ana when the end came. .xiuf , ' t"; v -ni bni bought a tractor. I ay withes father, Mr. ...i. ity losses a good woman but our Viii say, yes, Anybody h llSSSWSSSi. Thompson. . ... - Us her gam. . 5 money, can do nich things. .1. . .. - cic..jfcomtivf "ri jM rt t r4r ti leu 1 iriiu 1 , -n nju 1 - . a. .vatsi'a rtn - iiik - - - Miss Anna xtouy ""r 1 Miss Annie uavis, speui c ut taices money w Reid, Friday atternoon. ; . . Eva Davis last Sunday. had been side lor some time perhaps one, thousand . stumps l w wornarV. until last Fnoay hat nadbeen hindering his progress . I I ; nlnnnnrr M lffl n H. I " o . JAr-. RaWdavTii end came. This commun- ?or years TR f r. this section. irum ' 7. -ii. tut,. T .' We are glad to report no "flu in ia HArtion. v Mi$s Ilaggie Sue JMwanU lias re- fp t fi a Plca?nr fn V" :tbmv inVrim little own. for w.iivff(WA tn have such riice People wltyuS.-: , 'V1...!';' ,Mrs. J. c. BMiwW made a; trip to Irvon, on FM&Ur. Bushneir ,1$ fUl in Calif orr4 &bt we expect him; home again sport 'cjpend the suniiner; My. and Mr A. D. Turner, ' t-ve been snendir.o' some time in Uoardman and AVilmintrton. N, -".C., nave returned 'home, and treport. ,.a ver Pleasant time while away. ' Mr. H. P rriHi wa "riiiiflenl called to the bedside of his sistert c&ord, Illinois, iry ilL-. 1. Society 1 L LatkCB iuvuvj . 1 -i Itl-iri-nil scale, but now I want -to W a r"W-ttaxePr -trtec f the sick people in this sec- win 1 . M' F. about what a man can, do nout l VheTd tbe homMr. tion seem to be getting better. ; Uwrngio ni,md -Willdns money. I know some . oeyi j7pclt.Sundzy idernoon. lion, cui vu o . i I ny.no' fomilv Mr. Oland WliKinsi ,TfV,nf mnnpv rieht m the WOOOS. I"' 71- -ir ft-ftiiftr.,4, . rv. Mr. J. m. lvxiivci o & 0 , t., ..ii -nnt return toirrru.-- rinrpi their land and'pianteai . m v WA.i-.CotiitJ!.ftf. ana miss ' , 1 nnnHred aoDle I wnw-W. ''vw M-r , ..The Won en v of Miss helda meeting at February Minnie Arieoge, - n ie Arledge . 1.. ---- . -4-v, inic! neiv house. Tiiceiy wivu 1110 . . Mr W. 'C. Eplee and family visited Hill Crest Institute this weeK. Mr. J. W. Thompson, oatuxjr " 1 COLUMBUS Tuesday, 10th at 4 p.- ; tve,next six was elected pre"- . months. ..,' . r?aivin Phillips eialaimed.their ... 1 1 have had P?; months Satur- baby, Yates, aged six montn rlav n eht at P- m .,u"rifon. Pea Ridge , on Sunday afternoon, r t . r Thnmnsim -Kiiiea a 1 ftf4or 9CT. WPPK 'Willi:!! I MTinaV HUllUUl .tv.ww. nog one - -""t:; on1av mormng .u 339 pounds. . rreauuus . iftTrTp to all home ana oosuum r.-,rAij irici,, Mr. J. We extend a coraiai ..jiiiviiiai' fboir own vine an TIT T"ViTVITISAn. Friday. - . "rii'lMei.-.fi Melvfa Hill, mvmity and.visiwrs w,.r- - Uanent pastnrea Mitchell, Saturday lart. Uut 'fourtrorfifteen hdrea. appte fomejH; 1. 1 1 j x. Tbpv have tuscaru-1 "rv- . - t v nave ounv mwu-v" r H , - . house s and barns ana-cr- . Mates . aTprffcrenct, - iidea .shorrir t oz ' depeaus npoa.TV r i . . ' ft. . 11.. . ' Par Tntr period, er aac ior. ww. J. We extend a cordmlomt wiiea -tt ornan.i . the people of TColumbus and lThey also have started small Dltcw.1.Tolcede mi. muniSr and all-visitors W " 1 and .