P f-T- C O U'l ITT NRWR- he only Paper Published in Polk County itavsjapa AND TlrlE TRON BEE . - ' ' VOL. XXV NO. 43 HBH OUR FRIENDS OVER THE COOIIIK TRADE AT HOME FACTS TRYON, NiC- FRIDAY, r FEBRUARY 27, 1920. $2.00 A YEAR 3 n : ,f 3 ?nral later st Gathered By Our Correspondent From Various Section of Polk County MILL SPRING. The Cow that Starved in Clover A certain cow, though pastured in We are TJndsey been very srbved. riaJ to report, that' Mr z - - Waldrop's family who nave pick with flu aTe much im- are very Esther vith home Yv. G. Egerton, also Ben Ross SICK WIIU Gibbs spent the week-end folks, returning to tier school Sunday afternoon gel Civ 'irvon ivuui'C a v your sweet peas sowed ' the 14th ?I certainly did sow a few. Let's see .v,n will have the first boquet. The new Masonic hall is gradually coin? up, at this place. ? Air J K. rosier s resilience o iwiv- ,w more home like. We are glad to have more new buildings going' up in -our r.u'-i" "" Mrs. J. H. Cocheran visited Mrs Gibbs, Thursday afternoon. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. J. the more tempting appearance of dis tant fields. Shunning the abundance at' hand, she wandered afar,, always finding the new spots less appetizing and less plentiful j and always leaving them untasted for the new fields in viting her on. Growing hunger only THE AMERICAN LEGO particulars are not. available at this beautiful meadows, was attracted by time. .Brother Mason has . the sym pathy of his many friends in. Saluda, where he has labored for some time, and is loved by all who know him: Mr. W. L. Thompson, one of our leading carpenters and contractors; is a verv busv man. Wa K11 Va-' of least one iob that he has heen mahle sPurred her on 'until finaUy, exhausted to do, that is nearly a year old. . - ' Dy lt sRe le" tIle sfnds 01 a desert Who says Saluda is not moving for- wnnce sne never again arose. - ward these dava. with nrnsHvp people wno shun the stores at home r - - x x new sso.nnn on cnrti r VniiMif ifc T 7 -v..vvv , Uwlu,u6, . U3 ? . . . 1.1 V $60,000.00 baby hospital, new cottages m'arer towus Uiien nna emseives better roads, and best of. all, the fine gettmg; less :than they expected. Get spirit which was shown bv the neonfe iK the of .seeing your local dealer i cmnnrfj .vi i first. If he hasn't what you' want; he . BUVHW MUR ' .UiG BkUVUl il UU11U IdoUC I wiii-giaaiy get-it. iouu.be helping him to serve you 'better by. helping him to make'it pay; ' DOLLAR INSURANCE hell, formerlv nf Owrhronlr nrrha -tiave you ver tnougnt oi your mwritinff from .Calif orn!a has offered loc merchants and prof essional men to run for ViVe President with . Tir as advisers? Have you ever realized Brock for President. H Jim that when you patronize them' you get come oiu-Doc. will he hnrV fmm the benefit; of their friendship and ad issue four votes to one? This is the spirit which makes a" good town. . Sa luda -has even candidates for Presi dent and Vice President. Dr Bush- Mr. Walter Dyer, after spending several days last week with hisx moth er, returned to Auburn, Ala., Satur day, where he is engaged in the lum ber business. " Mr. Floyd Dyer, who has been at work near Saluda for some time, re turned home Saturday. " Wheeler Odel, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Odel, died in Spartanburg, Mon day, of pneumonia following influenza. His body was carried home Tuesday and laid to rest in the cemetery at B'g Level Baptist church. He was 19 years of age. We extend to the grief stricken family our deepest sympathy. Mr. Arthur Thompson and Miss Mossie Edwards were united in mar riage, Sunday afternoon, at the home f W W. Womack. -"We : wish . for them all the good things oi iiie. .f Several names are added . to the sick list this week. Mrs. J. T. Ed wards, Mrs. A. A Edwards, Mrs. Cool Hodge and the entire family of Mr. Tom Wilson, California in the spring when f their campaign will' "'open in earnest. There is no question about their run ning well, for both are 6-ft.. 6 in.; and although Doctor's wind may; be bro ken a little, Jim's strength will tin vice that oftentimes they can and will protect and assist you by telling you plain facts? When you buy out of town you usu ally deal with strangers who are in terested ehiefly in getting your money On the night of February 24th: a meeting was called of- ex-service men for. the purpose of discussing the " or ganization of a local post of The American Legion. ' --- The ex-service men met in the Missildino hall, and after listeningto "vfcry. interesting talk by Comrade H. A: O'Dell, of Michigan, and other expressions from 'those assembled, Comrade O'Dell was elected chairman of ne meeting and on motion duly nade and carried the following tem porary officers were elected to serve intit, organization is completed an .heir;, successors are duly elected by .ne periected and chartered organi zation. v - v - Dr.; M. C. Palmer, Tern. Post Com mander; II. O. Andrews, Tern. Vice Post" Commander; N. B. Backson, Tem: Adjutant. The following men signed an appli cation to the State Commander for a charter: E. N. Atkinson', 'Tryon; M. Heh- drixrLynn; Leland. Butler, Try on; Ralph- S. Jackson, Tryon; Willie J. doubtedly r pull them through.- This True- they Sive yu something for it; will put - Saluda and Polk county on the map. " Let's keep her going, boys. . O ' PEARIDGE. but if they vould talk, it over with you as freely1 as your local dealer does, there are ; many times .when your POLK COUNTY FARM ID HQT.1E DEPARTLlElIT i Edited by J. RSams County Agent A . MESSAGE i TO WHOM ' CERNED . CON- In order to explain what is meant by the caption above,.! am moved to write these lines. Doubtless it will be remembered r that the County Agent of Pplk county and the Divis ion of Poultry Investigation at West Raleigh, N.; C, undertook a poultry project, by which it was hoped ulti mately to entirely eliminate scrub chickens from the" county. The plan was to have ftir. J E. lyey, who is connected with poultry work at C West ! Raleigh, to hold, , in connection with the County Agent, a series of Poultry Schools in Polk county; and in addition to this, ' the Department agreed to furnish SO settings of Pure Bred eggs . free of charge, m order to stimulate and en courage this-movement: 4 : . ; - Well; we are going td have a great ime in old Polk this yearr and when Mr. Ivey comes thir time our irood women will have the men all lined up and the- school houses -wneratvthesa schools will be held will not hold the folks. We: will have to renair to Na ture's arbor, where we can get proper elbow room and drink in the whole some Polk county air and view the lovliness- of her :i mountain scenerv. : m Now, in conclusion,, if anybody in Polk county really wants a start in those beautiful sinele. comb r Rhode Island Reds, write me . at once. I am in a position to startr or- tp help start ten such persons as- want to do something, that will take interest and help in putting this poultry' oven I want persons who will trv and trv their best, to cooperate with us in building a modern hen house; because this project is, or will be a .failure unless we can induce the farmers to V Now what has been done? Well, properly house their noultrv hist the I - " - - mr , Ballard, LynnrJethro Thompson, Try- sutnmer; before last, Mr: Ivey cam to same as their , horses .and other live on; -JVl. C. Palmer, Tryon; R. O. An drews1, Tryon; Karl Kelly, Tryon. ' The temporary Adjutant was in structed to arrange for a temporary meeting place and inform the body of his findings on the next meeting, "and to" communicate with the State organ- izatioh and obtain the necessary forms and. data necessary to' complete or- SALUDA Friends of Mr. Valter Jones- will be pleased to know that he is improv ing. Mr. Jones has been in ill healht ing. Mr. Jones has been in ill health for some tinie-, and the doctors have been trying to build him up without an operation. But they finally decid ed there was nothing else to do,so he went to the Meriwether hospital in Asheville and stood an operation which seems to have been successful, and we hope to have "him with'" us again soon. ' " " Mr. P. H. Bailev and his brother, Fred Bailey, made a trip to Cowpens Sunday, to visit their parents, return ing Monday afternoon. The weather being rainy, has caused the roads to. be bad. They report a hard tr p. We are glad to say that Mr. Lewis G. Pace, who has been very ill will influenza for several days, is improv ing. - Miss Alice Anders and brother, of Hendersonville, visited friends in . Sa- waa, Saturday and Thompson-Edwards. V ' ' Mr. Arthur Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Thompson, and Miss Mossie Edwards, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. A. A. Edwards, both of Mill Spring, were happily -married Sun day afternooon at the home( of Rev. W. W. Womack, Rev Womack per fonmng? ihompson and his bride are weir and favorably . known young . people, who have many friends' in Polk county who wish them all the joys and good things of life in the new home which they intend jnaking;. , ' Mr. Arthur Thompson carried Mr. Boone Russell's son to- Ruthertord ton hospital, - Tuesday, to undergo- an operation. J Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Parker were call ers at E. G. Thompson's, Monday af ternoon. .; . r, . " Mrs. Espher Carswell very ill at this writing. . The flu is still raging on Pearidge. ,-. o- , - SUNNY VIEW The Secret of; Successful Advertising School here is progressing nicely. Glad to note that there isn't any flu lere yet. But sorry to say there is 30 much around Red Mountain. Mr. Joda Vilson was a visitor here last .Friday. , Mr. John Bradley spent a social :our at Mr. W. D. Helton's, Sunday aftenroon. " Mr. John Jackson's two daughters pent last Saturday night at Mr. J. L. ackson's. , Mr.. Ralph Jackson made a trip to Asheville, N. C last week. Misses Maggie and Arkansas Jack- Sunday. We son spent Sunday evening-with Annie "Tell 'em quick, arid tell 'em often. You must have a gobd product in the first place atid som it's easier to row down f stream "than up. Explain to folks plainly and- sincerly what you have to sell, do it in as few words as passible-7-and keep everlastingly coming at them. "Advertising is pretty much -like run ning a furnace. YouVe got to keep on sh j Aili i j vi.jxl. Once you stop stoking, the fira sp33 o it. It's strange that some peo ple's imagination can't compass this fact." Wm Wrigley, Jr., American Magazine Polk county and held six DOultry schools in !the county; one in each township. . f We then .proceeded to distribute the 30 settings of eggs' and also induced those receivine1 these free eges to purchase an additional setting at the moderate price of $1.00 per setting. By which means about 24 Polk county citizens have, a start of Pure Bred Rhode Island Eggs, and a few will be able to-sell a few eees this year. Last July Mr. Ivey re turned to Polk county and held . his second series of schools and brought those who attended -these schools a vast amount of valuable new poultry stock. So let's see who wnT be the first and-best man or woman to help make this a great success. 1 Respectfully, ' . S. R. SAMS, County .Agent. " ; DONTS Don't forget to look after seed of all kinds' for coming crops. Dipn't forget the garden, and get busy about right now. February is -gone : Don t forget to make some nice, comfortable hens- nests, to coax the hens, into laying. , ; ' IDon-t forgetVto cult out therworth- uuuiuiauuu. uw yvc a&vts juau uc- I . , . . gun this fight for Pure Bred poultry' Tj.r swow in the county, and mean- to- keep it up till, every farm' in Polk county will keep only- Pure Bred poultry -that is, T mean every farm that has' on it a Marnier with even just one - progres sive idea in his think box. So Mr. Ivey will be" here again in July or uere all very triad to have them with Wilson: us. and there wa3 one 1-o-n-g, t-a-1-1 Mrs. A. H. Lynch visited her moth-Rian-who seemed to be especially hap- er, Mrs. N. E. Williams, on Sunday py. purchase : would be differently and more economically made. ; . Just think it over and give your local dealer a chance to be your friend. He'll thank you for the op portunity, and you will profit by it. The Moment of Need. In emergencies you run to your lo cal doctor for treatment or; to your drug store for a quick prescription. Or, to finish a dress before going on a trip, you need just a wee bit more cloth and run to the dry goods store to purchase it. Or, in numerous other ways you find local stores convenient and ready ; to supply urgent,need. But if you patronize these men only when you need something in a hurry- evening. - if voir habitually send money away to The .teachers of Cooper Gap town- out 0f town concerns the local en ship were delighted to have Professor terprises cannot continue to exist Cobb visit them at their meeting at Tney must nave your support at . all Sunny View, last Friday. At the times jf you want them here in time suggestion of Mr. CobD, the teachers of urgent need. " of Cooper Gap will meet together at ; rjere are many ways in which local Red Mountain Frida- March 5th, for f essionai and busines men can neir nexi meeunK. iue icauicio aic , , ot,h qq-ita vmi mnripv . - - - .. . . .. , , iscxvc jrw -r nusoand about two months, he requested to start m time to reacn tnem a chance. Your patronage is w.vt in icciuuer, i?xi'. one i iveu iuuuuuuu'iui - ime vv,"". . - j what they neeo. wo children. Mrs: iW. H. Pace. Hses of the school. The iorenoon x Mr. V- n. Pace and family are in - State .vilic, N. C, to attend the fun cjal of Mrs. Pace's mother, Mrs. R. Hpnry, who has been ailing for some time, but recently contracted mflvcriza that developed into ; pneu wionia. She passed awav at 6 p. m., reDruary 22nd. She surviv- le of Sil B uda, N. C; and Mr. Otto Henry will be spent in observation work of Whb Pays the. Fiddler? There is an old saying that "Those OU": ! V.'PVa ittJI, i.Z-1 J.T. 1 . I j.t ' 1 A -t " - m fia TVrtrlr: Will e.te:r, a- . - . .. . . . . . - TrT-i u whn dance: must pay the tiddler. - s x iiiwni. in iii li ti ui k viii i imi.i iv ii it' tr i ri in i ri. v in . -K. a.l wvwaja w -" w the ho People say there is no such s luck. To keep peace inthe v.-e wijl agree with them, and something else. We have a our town who seems to have or attraction -that will not 1 J X ftinv for the next pae same i-"", w, things as well. ? or example, we nave here a homelike community which we all annreciate and enjoy. But what ganization a nd obtain charter. . On motion duly made and carried the meeting adjourned to meet at 7:30 p. m.. Feb. 28th to discuss a name for the proposed post and the annual dues, and any other, matters claiming the attention of the body. "COME, BRING A BUDDY." Temporary Post Comamnder. The preamble of the National Constitution of the American Legion sounds the keynote of the nature and purpose of the organization. "For God and Country we associate our selves together for the following pur poses: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United v States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hun dred per cent Americanism; to pre serve , the -memories and incidents of our association in the Great War; to inculate a sense of. individual - obhga tion to the community, State and Nation; to. combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses ; to n-70 make Right the master of Might; to "-" I . 11 ...Ml 4-1- promote peace ana gooa wiu on eartn, and to safeguard and transmit to pos terity the piinciples of Justiee, Free dom and Democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness." August to hold his third series- of Poultry Scho0ls---and by the way, I want to say right here that the far mers of Polk county are the only peo ple in North Carolina, or any' other State, so far as I know,' who1 have this opportunity. This it a little plan of our own, trying to work out a great movement Dy wmcn other counties will take notice and: do1 like nse. This program is more elabo rate in its. scope than our people have contemplated. We mean for this poultry program to be only the entering wedge for the introduction later, into the county of all kinds of Pure Bred Live Stock, Hogs, Sheep and Cattle. . So now we are making the fight first for Pure Bred poultry and pardon me for digressing and let me ask all who will to go up on the mountain near Warrior Mountain, and see the three Arledge brothers' pure bred Rhode Island Red pullets and cockerels raised last year. You should have' gone and" seen the little, ong tailed-runts, . shabby, shaggy, rizzley scrub chickens, mixed in with those beautiful -Reds well these brothers were so ashamed of their SCRUBS that they ate and sold the last singleblooming one of them, and declare they will never waste any more good poultry" feed on scrub' chickens. j . ..- v - . Then if you want to see .the pret tiest sight in Polkc ounty, go right on over into .Green River Cove and see Mrs. Tom Pace's flock of Rhode Island Reds, and her new hen house. It is a sight worth seeing, and Mrs. chance. ! Don't'forget? ano leaver- you farm, tools scattered aittund: iathe-rainj andV sunshine'tc rust- imkrJtir i&itoo expensive. , : -1 Don't forget to attot' a Teat trp-to- v date pasture orf the" farm That milk cow needs it. ' - . ? Don't forget t stop sdmft gullies and wash; cutsi on your farm) it "only onei it is that muchi . r: 1 Don't forget to ' prune: v and' -take care o your peach and iq?plitrees. : ? Don't forget to: deposit every cent . of money you handle in your- nearest . bank, but be certain it is a banb in: Polk county.. . . , - . . . -:. Don't forget to save-' somgr money this year, if only a-little. Don't forget to be-good an6kindito your neighbor; ' Thitf will bring your the greatest returns-of -any invest ment you can make. - o ABO LINE fw. Teachers." The lesson meeting will be the 2nd and 7th chap ,ers of the book. nnttn the bereaved f am- would happen to our pleasant : com- !l F T firiell in; the iOSS OI tneir muniiy li. we ah B.iFcvwlc""""e i v it v Tn,i ; t, nnsK. th fund out of which theexDense oi son ana Drowier. 'hhcwci, uv r i f 1. family call a"(--v him t h : - pd awav on Feb. 16th. He was loved upkeep is taken? ' ' n whatsoever. Vhv he lav by all of his schoolmates here. We unvn j 1.x .:... I "AnivJav that ' God knows best. - i'uloc, aim ei li iase a lour- i . , n f:v t . . .. t Koiive ,"Smnv; view I ashamea to can n wur uwu, ... ; l I T-m rmmr rfnlloi- that. io eatit.ftnt. nT V,; .. , v -twa 4 Irtinty sometmnff. JUST, maac i x-ux cvwuv xuui, no quesuons asKea.; j : , v li'-ere .-.:- I -.nii ev Fridav afternoon. Our community would soon go rack: and roin so that we should to be Was? n n fionn'nas 4 Vi TJotS-. church last Sunday, owing to-the I'a.ot beincr railed awar fx otfA : Truth Universal. !;'e 1 uial of his father, who died He who seeks TrutU should be ot ve7 Mdenly one' day-kst week. The no country. Voltaire, . ... town, somebody has more ., taxes, be cause that dollar has gone to- do its work elsewhere. The dollar' spent lo cally pays its share of the cost of lo- J cab improvements, helps to reduce your taxes and to make your home en joyable. These are facts and to them over! 1 We sincerely and honestly believe that our local merchants are deserv ing and entitled to your patronage You ; owe it to yourself and jto them to give them your loyal support; and if you can not do. this you should move to a comunity where you can. Re loval to vour comunity. and trade at home. ; - Some few of our . correspondence reached us too late to get in this is sue, and will appear next wees.. The sincere sympathy of. the entire community goes out to the hereaved family of Mrs. M. F. Wilkins, whose husbandi Mr..M.- F. Wilkins departed this life at eight o'clock last Friday morning,- Feb: 20. Mr.? Wilkins-was one. of this community's best citizens, and to' brings 'the statement closer home; one of the best t neighbors ; Rev. Hunter, of Hillcrest r. Institute, conducted' the funeral service - at Green, River church,- Saturday,. 2:00 p. m., after which- the remains were. placed in their last resting place jn Green-.River cemetery. Mr." -Wilkins: had been engaged in; the merchandise, business for the last twenty yeara. A part of this tame was- in Finger- . ville,. S. Ckt but the last eight years he has .been running a larger business., in Abolene, known as .Wilkins and. Company; ' He was, taken sick with . the "flu" on Saturday and seemed . to Pace can supply eggs . for. hatching he getting alongr nicely until Monday, purposes at reasonable rates to Polk morning, when he was awakened with 1 .111 ' XI 1( . . m. . ... county i?lks. jl course ims is ixr. a severe hurting in v.nia side. The Pace's affair, as Tom is badly hen-1 physician was caller-and he at once pecked husband. You see Mrs. Pace pron0unced it pneumonia. All eirth- just made him hike around and get ly efforts were made to check the dis-' up the lumber and nails for that hen ease, but of no-avail. Dr.-Head-had house or it never would, have' been the case, but ta-leave nothing undone,; built. So i want some good- Polk DrC Wilson. . of Finfferrille. . and.. Dr. county farmers' wives to . get their JohncTwity, of Rutherfordtoa- N. husbands behind the. curtain and de were -suTmnoned; Iwt with alU tliat, liver a few real good lectures . and notlung stopped -the inevitables .tha bring -their husbands around like Mrs. death angel came and" -carried' him Pace has and this thing will tge fas- home; carried f rom arf ideal dt ter. I : just naturally r have a poor zeAf a mes successful' business man; opinion of a man who i not Tien- and ebove all a Christian. CButr '.his ; pecked." The man whtvis not fOien- fifeis finished and his spirit safe pecked invariably wears Jthe petUcoat -, , , : , , - or tries to, and (consequently there is r , V , v e :' always a row In' the home. So gen- r - , 11 r . ' - ' " -? Hi iiemen, just come; nguu mus auu 1 - ., . - -nittv - . ; . -.. - takeyour meaicme uxe 10m race aia -jjo the duty that lies nearest thes,' bey your good wife wnen sne. pc- Ud Carlyle; When thou hast Cent litely asks you to aid and abet her in j that, the .sest- ?rm - teinedUtel;t5 L21jL' m 1 4.1m A1liiii Intnl. I - UUiiUiK ;iAuui vuix mvwisi iyw4 1 .