POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYOH; NORTH CAROLINA LIEUT. GOVERNOR TO STUDENT BODY SPEAKS ON SUBJECT OF "LIFE MORE ABUNDANT FOR NORTH CAROLINIANS." EXPRESS CHALLENGE FOR Llf E Educators being paid Eighteen Cents an Hour and Bricklayers Ninety five s Ridiculous Contortion Conference on Education At the request of Governor Thomas W. Bickett, Dr. B. C. Brooks, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Julius I Foust, President of the i State College for Women, and many prominent citizens, edacators and oth ers, Dr. P. P. Clayton, United States Commissioner of Education is cal'ing a conference on education in North Carolina, to meet in Greensboro, April 29 and 30, and May 1, 1920. The purpose of the conference is to bring together representative citi zens, men and women from all parts !of the State state, county and city 'officials, farmers, laborers, merchants j manufacturers, home makers, lawyers 'physicians, ministers; editors, educat ors and others, to . confer on the State'3 most important interest the education of its people. The theme of the conference will be "The Crisis in Education in North . Carolina and waiflio-h now io ivieei it, Lgfc 4. Addressing the student body of tho State University Lieutenant Governor' Sch 001 of Public Welfare .... O.Max Gardner discussed the subject,! With the co-operation and assist "Life More Abundant for North Caro-!ance of the Southern division of the linians." "If I were called, on tonight; Cross, the University of North to outline the platform of my party," , Carolina win place in the sum c i- Mi t rv,nVo th a mer school a school of puhlic welfare HR1NERS TO 22 DAY JOU TIKE m SPECIAL TRAIN TO CONSIST OF TEN OR MORE PULLMAN8 WILL BE REQUIRED TEKPLARS FROM PANY POINTS STILLS ARE STILL KEPT BUSY The LaGrange Lenorian" is the Name of a Newspaper Recently Launch ed In Town' of LaGrange. Charlotte Members are Anticipating Royal Good Time on This Unusual and Lengthy Western Trip Charlotte. Members of Oasis tem ple of the Shrine are looking forward with keen pleasure to the trip to Port land, Ore., in June, when a special train of 10 pullmans will be operated out of Charlotte, bearing the Carolina members to the meeting of the' im perial council. The cost of th3 trip will be about the speaker said, "I would make the er scnooi a scnooi oi puoac weuare Wrmt-,wand throb with an ex- offering a general course of twelve pression of challenge for life life 'eeks for all kinds of social workers j ?265 for each individual.. more abundantly. For, after all, nd a sPc!al S1X we2s training young men, what is the prime object ; course for Nort" Carolina county sup of government? What it it humanity 'erintendents of public welfare. -throughout the ages has yearned and . Goldsboro Despite the fact that moonchineers In this county have been very cautious of late and have been succesful in keeping a number of their stills hidden very well irom the shrewd government agents during the past two weeks revenue officers have unearthed a number of stills through out the county, two of them, so it is said, being among the largest ever captured in this section of the State. The LaGrange Lenoorian is the name of a new newspaper which has been launched In this thriving little tobacco town. It is aa eight-page XsAvau pu-B OArjOBittB qui Mwsaik makeup, and is managed and editored by Samuel T. Meares, a hustling young man who has had several years newspaper training in this State, and is one of the veterans of the World War. TAILORED SUITS FOR SFKING WT? suffered and died for? What is edu- Postmaster's Examinations ction, health, uplift, justice and social j Washington, An examination to service but man's struggle upward j.fin tne vacancy in the postoffice at for life, more abundant life. jGastonia has been announced. James "At the risk of a slight digression, jW. Atkins is acting postmaster. Edu I assert that eduoatdonafjy North ! cation counts 20 and business train Carolina will ever fulfill the ideals 4ng and experience 80.- Other presi of genuine democracy and accomplish dential postmaster examinations are the full measure of life more abund- to be held for Clarkton at Lumberton, antly until provision is made to pay j school teachers and college profes sors more nearly what they are worth. The State's sense of fairness and just- M.MM'Vt V-a 4V!m 4 a Ka. a ovarii r I u8Ufc u7 ui. w Too Mjn Mepcnant9 . Hickory. With 291 charter mem bers, many of them the most influen tial and active democrats in this part of the county, the "Gardner for Gov ernor" club was organized to push the candidacy of O. Max Gardner in the ! primary campaign. The special train will leave Char- lotte June 14 and will be en route,; including the stops, for 22 days, re turning July 6. The journey going will be -by way of Chicago, St. Paul flnd nvr thp so-called "northern route." The return trip will be by Asheville, L. L. JenKins. KepuDii-. way of San Francisco, Los Angeles, can congressional standard bearer for) the Grand canon and the so-called this district, an ardent supporter ot Ti , . . . ... . woman speaker on the stump, in the It is exacted that there will be Shriners aboard from Asheville, Hick- . ft . . . ... . ory, Gastoma, Greensboro, Winston-1 . . nf tha Acll4X , . , , , All W WW b JL tttVlf LftOAUVUfr W V V , . .r ' "A""wt"i . ' T rille Woman's club. Monroe and Clinton at Sampson. The date is May 17 shocked by the appalling figures of comparison which are almost daily Reiterating his opinion that 50 per CftTlt TY1 arf in nf q1Htiw rrt rvev mtr. - ..... ... w . , . 5 O " " k-Uiiiup, ww WV MU. lv kt7 ""v"- 10 " 1 chase price is to much, and that there nlous contortion of the value o an j are toQ merchant8 in business serv ce that will tolerate the payment tQ aUow any of them tQ make a 01 eigmeen cents an nour ror w u-succesg an, cators and ninety-five cents an hour for the brtcklayer. that people ought to reduce their pur chases in so far as possible until there is a normal supply of goods to One Day's Flu Record be sold. Henry A. Page, fair pjice Influenza is releasing its grip on ; commissioner, issued a statement Raleigh and North Carolina, 729 new 'dealing with the efforts of the Depart- cases being in one day reported from ment of Justice to bring down prices, the various counties and 17 from Ra leigh with one death. New cases of influenza reported to the State Boaard of Healtlh from' the cally every city of consequence in the state. Reouest has been received to allow the South Carolina Shriners to Mount Olive, On March 7, at Golds join in on the special, but no action boro- an examination for postmaster ha yet been taken on this suggestion, at Mount Olive will be held, according The Charlotte members are anticipat- 10 an announcement just issuea oy ing a royal good time on the trip. Action for Criminal Libsl A criminal libel action against the GrPfiTivi!l "Pi 1 Vl 1 ' Q S i n cr Pnminmr nnH various counties, with the deaths fol- T. t li "U i m - . u t. James L. Mayo, editor of the Green- . . . .: , ! ville Dally News, growing out of llu.xxi, xc, riiiuMiu, o wiiu i ueaui, Harnett, 25; Henderson, 2; Johnson, the postoffice department. The salary ! of $1,900 per year, with a small allow-! anno fnr oIot-V nlro Viao rnf rot nalloil Burlington, A phone message was , ' 4 . x i wrucu in una tii.j' icuiug ui iuc suicide of Ben A. Burke, aged 50 years, at "Swepsonville cotton mill vil lage a few miles from Burlington. fil 4-, v:m I'll SifiJ jc- ' tion. Senator Simmons has receid a telegram from Mayor P. Q. Moore, of. Wilmington requesting that means be found to furnish Wilmington a supply of whiskey to fight influenza, which is said to be very bad in Wilmington. Lumbertou, There livys in Lum berton a lady who has had her coffin ! and burial robe in readiness for sev eral years." The lady whose name is Eliza Bass, keeps the coffin In her room under .; her bed. Miss Bass made her own burial cloths. She also has her tomb stone bought and paid for. Asheville, "The new bodies for the big trucks for the Asheville-Char- Laurinburg, The outlook for cot- charges in that paper that Joseph L. j lotte ezpress line will be completed ton acreage will be a slight increas McLawhom. sheriff nf Pitt nmmt- ! and evervthine In readness to berin this Tear in Scotland county. 161 J Lee, 20;- with 1 death; Lenoir. ; f u d t Derform his d..t ,n rn.mAnp : the operation of business by Anril The working of the crop causes a 29; Montgomery, 3; Perquimans. 1; ; de8erters in the county during the I first," writes H. N. Edmunson, to the me apprehension onaccount of la Sampson," 26; Wake, 12; Washington, 23 ;-W&tauga, 5; Yancey, 8. Reports from cities follow: Greens boro, 2 with one death; Wilmington, 4 deaths; Raleigh, 17 with 1 death; Goldsboro, 4 deaths. "NothinQ Wrong with Amenrca "There is nothing wrong with Amer ica today except in the minds of the county during war, will be heard on appeal in -Supreme Court among the cases from the Fifth Judicial district. The lower court found the defend&nts i guilty and Judgement of the court was that the defendants pay $100 fine eac. Asheville Board of Trade. Judges to Pass on Essays Captain Walter L. Cox assistant to i the recruiting officer for North Can lows and the fundamental principles of Justice upon which this republic is men who doubt themselves, their fel-i Una, secured the promise of; thre jwell known men to serve as Judges in the school essay contest, which is he- founded," Secretary of the Navy Jo- ing conducted in this State. The Jud sephus Daniels told the Raleigh Ro- ges are Dr. E. C. Brooks, State sup ftary Club at a dinner In the Yar- ( erintendent of public Instruction, Col borough in celebration of the birth-;0nel Fred A. Olds and Mr. R. B. day of Rotary and' George Washing- House, collector of war records for ton. Secretary Daniels, honor guest, the State Historical Commission, pleaded for the faith of Washington, for men now. Epidemic Moving Eastward "Washington had the poise that j with the exception of Rowan conn this world needs today, said the sec-1 ty, most sections in the western end retary, "faith in the government of of the State that have been in the the people which should not be sway--grip cf influenza epidemic have re ed by lords; or mobs but by law and bor conditions; that Is, in the even! of too much rain in the chopping sea-; Wilmlna:ton, J. A. Farley, cashier I 7.C . , J 7 , 77, of the Wilmington Dispatch, and " , : "WVJ1 Star, has been named chief clerk to George H. Bellamy, United States Goldsboro, Five barrels of govern- Marshall for the Eastern district of ment bonded whiskey consigned to a North Carolina. local hospital arrived here undei guard of two government agents from l t v. , t, T-i t I Baltimorp. whprn it 1a sniH tho fluM uui imiii, -luc iui utiin tuuui ivt - ' publican ei.ecutive committe met to wnich used to blink and bubble, be certify to the State convention the hInd the bars was purchased; When delegates recommended by the pre- stuff arrived here it was unloaded cinct committees, and delegates to by the agents and quite a crowd wit THE choice of a tailored suit for spring gives one more concern than any otl'er item in the, wardrobe, except the hat that is to go with it. The woman who knows how to clothe herself correctly, from head to too for the street, in unostentatious but elegnnt garb, as full of style as It is quiet well, she will command admira tion. No one can outshine her. She must begin by studying her own pe culiarities, considering her figure and her own style. Some women look best In the plainest suits, but they are rather few. Women of this day have a great ad vantage because the needs of all fig ures and all styles are very carefully studied by professional designers. They plan to conceal the angles of women who are too slender and to lengthen the curves of those who are too stout. They Incorporate new style features ands manage them adroitly and they Introduce color or omit it, so an to suit every one. The new spring suits are swinging away from the' fanciful styles of the past season and are somewhat plain er. Vests in contrasting co!m made of silk, for which there J furore last spring, have reappi, but they do not dominate ther, for there are many coats f vests to be worn over the prr lingerie waists. Braid and fc are sparingly used, trahroideritsv ish and tlu?re Is a pronounced for neat eftects. Coats are s3 than they were; jacket -styles t attained ponie importance; skirt about shoe-top length, the extrc short model? which Paris lane finding themselves rejected in t country. Thetwo suits shown ft may be takon as types worth ra ering; that one bavin? a vest of a bar fantasi ilk and vertical accord plaits in coat and skirt reveate 1 features in the mode. Silvered Net. Silvered net pfars a larse part young girls evening frocks. The k comes In all the accepted evenin;o ors, and the silvering Is accompli by machine In a scroll design. Ura ly the net is scalloped like lace U etlge. BOUDOIR PILLOWS the county convention the latter be ing dispensed with to comply with the regulaticns of the board of health. nessed its removal to the hospital. t order, justice and! fair dealing.' covered and the plague moved east ward where it is raging with consid erable violence in many counties, ac- Denies Ownership of Land coming to reports. In less than a day after R. C. Chop- PItt- Halifax and Camden counties lin, a Wake farmer, had denied that are suffering worst from the scourge two stills were recently found in his 1 and the influenza has not yet reached if arm, revenue officers captured a Its Peak in' those communities. Anson wtHl and destroyed 300 gallons of beer cunty In the southern section of the on a spring branch about 400 yards State has. also been hard hit by the from Choplin's own residence. j spread of the disease, and emergency About a week ago raiders found hospitals established in several parts two stills on Choplin's land, and one of the county, nurses and physicians was near the father's house while the other was near the son's home. Wilmington, Organized labor It expected to enter the coming dem ocratic primaries in New Han Monroe. Manager strauiberg or an aggressive political factor. Jamef the Reading Pa., club in the Interna- P Wade now memlier of city council tional baseball league, was here mak- lc to be offered for the lower Hons ing arrangements for training his of tne legislature, and James K. Tay team here this spring. Mr. Straulberg lor ls to be backed fop a se&t on thf was impressed with the advantages rd of county commissioners, ac off eredby Monroe, but had one or cordlng to reliable politlcal au iwu omer towns 10 investigate ana I thorities could not render a definite decision. sent to supplement the local health work. Convicted Men Must Die Joe Cain and Walter Cain, two of hav come to the rescue of employes for the murd ' of RIlev ' who had trouble in figuring out their be electrocuted at the State's Prison Seabord to The Rescue Officials of the Seaboard Air Line Ancoraes of the past year. The com pany will furnish the income of every employe to the Income Tax Division oi the Internal Revenue Department after March 1. This will enable the revenue department to mail income figures to the employes. Because of at 10-30 o'clock Friday March 5. Joe Bowles, third man, will serve twen ty year sentence. Final judgement in the case was written when Governor Biekett de clined to interfere with tho Jury ver dict pronounced upon the Cains but the varying amounts of pay inclxrd-1 commuted the death sentence of Joe lag hack tame employes had. consid-i Bowles to twenty years. The three rable trouble In making out returns. Legltlature May meet In June At the last regular session of the North Carolina Legislature the Gov- were convicted in January, Wit. To Investigate Oteen Charge. Washington, , (Special) At the in stance of Senator Simmons, Surgeon ernor was directed to vrti nciar General Ireland, of the Medical Corpa session during 1920 for framing legis- of the army wired Colonel C. C. Kin lation to enforce a new taxation act. ney, inspector Investigating conditons This session, it is b.u.e.. i, . be at the Government hospital at Oteen called for June and advocates of suf- iont to return until he had riven ti-J trage have announced that they ex pect to bring the suffrage amendment Jnp at this session. The opinion Is general that - it will be ratified. At ithe last session the amendment was adopted by the Senate by a large txoaJorUy, but was kUled In the House witness who has been suggested an opportunity to tell what he - or sh knows about treatment of patients The inspector was also advised. tc remain at Oteen and Asheville tht he had gone te the . bottom ot the charges that haTe been lodged. ! Mt. Airv. A WPrlrHnp- f Chariftl Hill. "TTi nnftn K: oKxCau w interest was consummated when Oli gang as it is commonly exists in Tr Bunkef of William B North Carolina today is nothing more of near town and Misg Mamie S1 than a blot on our civilization," said mon daughter of Allen Simmons, R. E. Boyd, of Gastonia. in his report of wj., pia!riB TOnQ nrtttAA . to the North Carolina club of ,the Uni- bonds of matrimony at the home o versity of North Carolina, meeting to the bride., The groQm ,s a grandgor near recommendations from the pub- of Chang, one of the Saimese twins Lf T G, cm1mlttee ,?n reconstruc- who 8ettled marrled here .it m j-ii, penatentianes. ana years ago, after tiring of their itine vuuu.Bug rant Hf wU, ,,me, - v tv vu ouu rvOi "" T , ' . .... J"y Catalogue on Press t Z n i 7T .,, !ffllU!2! Charlotte,-Charles E. MUler. fam to the Delgade cotton mills that will demonstration agent and wVeatoch double the capacity of the plant, and expert, has m preparation a cltalogoi the construction of a modern village the jrsey pure-bred and grade cam of Beventy-fiv .houses, will be begun to be 4n the sale March 19 the Sel immediately, officials of the mill an- Fftrn. Mitii" Li V r,, .i . . . W7n Farm- Th io 11 constitute ;::rrnrjTi wui B a the of cat 4 xunxvu uvuai a. j '1" ' . tie in Mecklenburg ' county and is ex Electric power will be substituted peCted to attract many livestock for steam, and a special power line men Col. R. L. Perry of Columbus, Ohio extended from th Hfv n " . ' ..." ' . ' ' vn t-f V . 1 v wno,w credited with having sold 9 ( plant. Ground has already been per cent of the Jersey, eold in thU nlu t?1 11 CarS f at public auction in the laS materials are now en route here, , 20 years will oondnct the sale here. 8Mor , HfflhlandeTTbrbs Newa. Mwt Airy.-John C. Boy. one of shelby.-The sale of Shelby's thlrc the best known young business men va a. w x. J " rrctir.t ,ander- it tt.' lnBuenw epW.mlc in thi com h fjS1. Cn,PT TJ, . tl , . c h. le Priest Jointly were the sue - Jt vn?"7 "i1 c8faI bidders. The former takln. If Chn MrB most ot machinery auTthe iX Absiher, his wife's rcpther are ser n(l ,,..-,, MA.' tww ioualy 111 and unableto attend the 2 the WflV 2 S ? funeral' two f rh rtiMron ff.. e outflt- Botn PPrs here hav lL Mder extensive addlUbn. an wThe'T' ?7: r r thetown is on th wwn in aiiiory. . IT IS hard to decide which of two things is most vitally interesting to the female of the species, and they are the clothing she wears and the furnishing of her home. Except for the care and thought she bestows on her family, nothing engrosses her as these things do. It is an Instinct with women to want to be attractively clothed and to make their homes at tractive, and let us hope that these things. will remain uppermost in her ambition. A great deal of attention ls given now to pillows for different parts t the house those for. the living room, the porch and the bedrooms which they help to make inviting and rest fuL Cretonnes and other cheerful and durable fabrics serve for porch fur nlshlngs, silks, tapestries, plushes and other more pretentious fabrics take care of the living rooms, while bedroom or boudoir pillows avail themselves of dainty laces, embroideries, silks, rib bons and even georgette crepe and chif fons. Most of these boudoir pillows ore drat covered with silk In light colon nnri nvor thocn rnlnrwl f Olinl3tioD fitted i may je kept clean, and they o J to preserve their chief charm. 1 of ribbon, small clusters? of ss J ers neip to rurnisn "snlendor dnr to woman." fflr J ing them the, same sheer fbrics J of her own garments; they m1 with her negligees. pans hasninn What Is described as the crt , Is an Interesting tew small w Taris model is of hatters V"T Is finished Jritu 0 scroll eb j4 uieb veil thv U uniquely dral tne nat. m Pans me ' hour is the' btg paradise bin nimrwr rrivr nnp siuc v - i ! toque, and one of the beat Roe 1 Palx milliners declares ter - horsehair cleverly djed.