, , - . . . . : . - , - . 1 . -...'. . - : " i. -' ' , v - -. . ' - ' - i . . I - V - - . : . ' '-. ; - : - ' . , - ' . . . . . - ..-v - ! A live, "Clean 1 for the Home AND THE TRYON BEE VOL. XXV NO. 45. TRYON, MC. FRIDAY MARCH 12, 1920. $2.00 A YEAR , FROM DUB FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY THE SCHOOL BUDGET. - - I :i:.; T " t . 1 3,n; Itani or Ssasral Inter st Githered S OurXJorrespandenU From Vario occtions of Polk County SANDY PLAINS. us Corrected and Final Budget for the Polk County Schools for the Year v Ending July 1920. Jllss Velma Walker spent Satur j'r,iTiit and Sunday with Miss ays l he Flynn. Lii iciest Young Peoples Chris- tv "iiu 'S(by night. Everyone reported a" coc d time. . . llitse Huttie Bridges' Velma Walker vere the guests of Misses Millie and Docie ilcKinney Thursday. Mr. aand Mrs. Roy Bridges were visitors at the former's parents Sat urday night. Mr. Boyd Vickers was a visitor in this part Sunday. ns. Everett Hall, was an after noon caller at Mrs. W. E. Walker's Wednesday. ' - ' v Misses Hattie Bridges, Velma WuiKer, were afternoon callers at Miss Xova Welborn's, Friday. . Mrs. Dock Welborn and son Boy, were the happy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laxton Bridges, Thursday night. r.i-ank Hodgers spent Friday night with Albert Norville. We are surely having some real March wind in this part' since Sun day. MELVIN HILL TRYON Mr. Sheilds former YYioonf The budeet tmblished in the Polk Coxes Sltore. has boup-ht. County News, October 31st. 1919 was mill and store at tht incorrect and misleading. .. That bud- low Mr. Firn Greens. get gave. the names of the teachers However cold, weddino- biie rancr crt who taught in the P61k county scnools merrily on the route, Sunday after- in 1918 an( the salary that eacn noon, when Mr. Rosco Hall and Miss district could get for the year 191-20 iNora weiiDorn were hanniitr marrnoA inis ouagei puDnsnea m uctoDer was May their lives be filled with nros- only a prospective budget, giving perity. every district m the county, regard- Mr. and Mrs. JnV fluffs 1 less of its size or location, an oppor- keeping on the McClure farm near tunity of "securing a State Certified Rutherfordton. We wish them ev- teacher. All the districts were not ery success in liff Mr rinW ir- lortunate enough to secure rttus nign greatly missed as she use to be a be- Wade teacher, and .hence ir was nec- lovea Tryon Routeite. jessary lor meir appropriation to ue reaucea to coniorm xo tne graae 01 rorfifirato Vipld Kvit.Via fjsnrVir which SUNNY VIEW Unlarv is fi-jepd hv t.hA Rrhnol T,aw and bome real COld Weather nOW davs. tonrVira w"hn aw tennhino- Cin the Mrs. J. J. Jackson visited her moth- countv this year, toeether with their er Mrs. W. Gibbs Sundav. Tvirn4-Vilw coin ttt fr11r'nrc oits4 io on OV. Born to Mr; and Mrs. F. R. Coesrins I art dunliVato f tVio final hndo-Pt auh- -l'Sirl- mifted to the State DeDartment of Mr. T. N. Wilson visited his mother I F!HnrjrHrm and swnm tft hv th flnim- Mrs. S. J. Helton Saturday last. ty Board of Education of Polk coun- Mrs. A. j. JJimsdale spent several ty fe h.Sr daghter Mrs Mamie Stearns High School. ' " f , a i t , I E. W. S. Cobb, Prin... $175.00 Misses Maggie and Arkansas Jack- v.mrn MrNinrn ' QO fin We had another cold nap the 8th. Morrurv 10 degrees above zero. Mr. Ralph Prince, who was so low wit ii uu. i improving niceiy. son visited at Mr. W. D. Heltons Sun day. Messrs A. H. Lynch. N. E. Williams G. S. Whiteside W. D. Helton Bill Bertha Pendergast.-. . . Mary Failor .... . Alice Tallant .. . Mrs. J. W. Jack 75.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Columbus, Saturday to the Repubh- Farmers hnnlincr fertilizer for the past two weeks. Some have been turning land and cleaning otf and burning" rubbish. Several of the citizens of this place went to Columbus Saturday on some political business. . . Mr. G. C. Feagan has-purchased a now two-horse, wagon. : G. A. Brazscom has recently JacKSon Hobart Whiteside. Dewitt I Helton and M H. Gilbert motored to Pleasant Hill, Bess Jackson . . 45.00 Beulah, Mrs. Myrtle Holbert. . 45.00 45.00 45.00 75.00 60.00 have been quite busy can Convenljon., Everyone enjoyed Princei Annie Bishop. Mr. Mr. L. L. Jenkins speech. Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs visited their grandmother Sunday Mrs. N. L. .Lynch. Misses Esther Gibbs and Mame Wil son teachers of Red Mountain were pleasant observers of the work of bunny view school Jast Friday uritil noon. In the afternoon the teachers. Sandy 'Plains, Mrs. Earl Head Fox Mt, J. T. Gilbert. . , . Mrs. Ray Edwards. . . ... . . Tryon Graded School. C. Y. Milton, Prm......... Mardelle Lilly. . ....... Pearl Keenan, . ...... Mary Punn, . . , Mona Hadley . ed an Overland car. meeting was held in the usual manner, t Tl t i.: -n i . l.i j i I J J nurcnase , . . 't-.. ht ,..v. i, baturday March 40, beginning at irom JX.ffS'-x.rfXi.i-Ti a- m- The lesson. wi)l be 3rd. fPent a few months this winter m an and gth ch 0f ,,Pavis'. "The auto sc :hocl . Fran Ad .not have k f ft hcrs , -- eoo , ne-uun i iti& , uccAuCu w Mr. Hobart Whiteside was a pleas- UtH ft It' lUCt ) ill iltii Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Head spent sev ant caller at Mr, J. B. Wilson's. 150.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 45.00 100.00 Alice McBrayer, 75.00 Mary Jbollar, ...... ...... 75.00 Gladys Smith, .. ..... 70.00 Ada Tallant, .....N. ..... 60.00 Miss Smith taught until Christ mas, and Miss Tallant is, now taking ner place Mr. Pink Jackson is building a new pacoiec Valley transferred -to Tryon. Mrs. E. E. Missildine scent Tuesdav in Spartanburg. ' .; C.; L. Hill, of Saluda, was in Trvon for a. short time Wednesday. Mayor F. P. Bacon transacted bus iness in Asheville Wednesday. M J. P. Lockhart was a business! visitor m Asheville, Wednesday. : Mrs. Geo B. Cobb is visiting her son,: Chas. Cobb in Hendersonvelle. '- Mr.' W;. E. Rankin visited relatives and -looked after business matters in Asheville, Wednesday. , Miss Elizabeth Hunter, of Marion, S. Cr is spending a few weeks in Try-' on ytitK Mrs. J. W. Kennedy. lown taxes are ast. aue. All dp- uquents will be advertised April first. siu liiuAtsj, i own Manager. -Mr. B. D. Williams, has so far re covered froA her recent .attack of puenmohia as to be able to be out again Several of our people attended the nusical recital at Spartanburg, Mon iay. All agree that it was, "bettei -nan good." Mrs. W. E. Rankin went to Spart anburc: Wednesday to see herdauehte: iliss Virginia, who is attending school itjtnat. place. - Just received car load of buggies to oe sold worth the . monev. See me oefore buying. C. L. Maybry7 Cam pobello, S. C. Lostv While Riding: Gold wrist vvatch with black silk wristband, binder will please leave at Oak Hall and receive reward. ... r. ...... h James Leonord' who has been quite Tor.- some time with " stomach trouble, is much better, being able to sit up, and take some nourishment. Lecompte, of Corydon, la., is 3e guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Hill. Mr. Lecompte has a number of Mends here who greatly enjoy his visits to our town. X Mrs. A. L. Hill was in Asheville Tuesday going that far with her sis ter, Miss Lecompte, who returned tc h$r home in Iowa, after a visit of sev eral-weeks in Tryon. - - Mr. Qarence". Liehtner, who is fpending-some time in Tryon with his POLK COUNTY RHffll' HOME DEPffiTHI ' I M-i i mm Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent A SWING AROUND 1 POLK COUNTY. ryi tm A" LJ I imnK cii-AW -11.1 ." A'1 fl 1 i l a 1 m 1 - - - r rr Vl uu: Helton' Sundav. v n virAe v.Auu- Miil ., -a an now, noeer. ivi;cr. "dc.-; tiif 4-ixraci I -m. T t ' . - mi or nn Word has been received here that , Ltlt mT Ar&cac Tv r iT,, Tt 1 n p- H r Tio4-f tvtvc wc "ay hight with Miss Arkansas Jack- Mt. Valley. Mrs. D. H. Momson 45.00 . 1 : i,;fl ; t'i S "u.opf; The sympathy of the, entire . com- Saluda Graded. ylrrZ:XrV Zr n W o muni y goes out to the bereaved fam- - Z. A. Nicholson little children who need her. 65.00 ily of Mr. Geo. Price in the loss of an uuv.ii xvjtii iiu, uic gciuug around aeain. in the Cane Creek Cemetry. LYNN. SALUDA Sunday. N"o Sunday school last Why. we do not know. Dr. Pratt will preach at the Chapel ricxt Sunday at 7:30 p. m.,his regular appointed time. Tha .school will close Its six. months terra next Friday, the-12th. We do not know the closing program, but sunnose it will be good from start to finish. Quite a lot of sickness in our town and vicinity for the past ten or fifteen aays, colds, influenza, etc Dr.- E. M. Salley and ' family have returned from .Orangeburg, S. C, vhere they have been J visiting the tloctor's parents for a short time,' they 100.00 Annie Nabers, . . . ...... .52.50 Flora Harwick, .......... 52.50 Mrs. Darby, . 45.00 Green River, C. O. Ridings... 80,00 J. E. Ridings, ..... 45.00 New Hope, Inez JSzell, . ... . 45.00 Millie Koerers. ....... 45.U0 Greens Creek H.S. R. G. Cannon, . , K. O.' Huskey . , Jellie urawley, Louise Bowen, . . . a 125.00 45.00 45.00 65.00 all seem to be benefited th- . trip Coxes, Marshal KAbrams ..... . 45.0 j the doctor says he got a good deal of Melvin Hill. K. W. Kreider. . 75.00 est. and has asrain plunered into his Eunice Snake ..... 45.00 duties, that for some time have been Hickory Grove. ery streneous on account of Influenza Bessie Hamilton 60.00 Miss Lois Pace and Miss Lila Mae Mae Boone. 60.00 Guice have returned to Demorest Ga. Silver Creek, Mrs. Walter Green 37.50 to resume their studies at Peidmont Mill SDrine. N."B. Arledare... 60.00 Last Monday and Tuesdav as vou will remember were cold days, and in faact it has not been very sultry all the week. Fans have not been necessary to keep the personal tem perature down to normals The wind for the most of the week superceded me aninciai ian. Any way, in spite of the cold, rain, wind and mud, and frozen ground; for we had some of all; we succeeded in getting in some good work. Mr. Luther Durham, Tryon Route 1, took advantage of a lull in the wind and sowed a nice bunch of permanent pasture. Then having an engagement with Mr. W.. B. McSwain, we fell in there Wednes day p. m., the third, and sowed grass seed until moon up, and then had tc retire before comnletinsr the iob. Now, I am going totell you some something I saw at" McSwain's. 1 saw two things on that farm, one ol them wpuld make a hungry cow's mouth water to look at them. The thing that would make a cow's moutl produce an extra amount of saliva at sight is a green grass field. This piece of grass was sown one vear age last October. It has had little at tention and has almost wintered six head of . cattle this winter and. that without other feed, and these cattle are in an excellent condition. Next vmter Mr. McSwain will be ready tc show farmers of Polk county how tc winter cattle on pastures. All doubt ing Thomases who still think thai grass won't grow in Polk county just :all around and talk with Mr. Mc Swain and let him show you a few ihings. The other thing I saw that would make a hungry human's moutr water, was a Rhode Island Red pul let grown by Mrs. Hershell McSwain lhis pullet, if owned by Dr. Kaupp.. ... -i . t. ..... . I Dir. i lilts. l otaeun la WWaLo who S;?? k13 befoe f while'; have been accusing her of being x af flicted. She is not only waking - up, DUt is going to put aside even that drowsy feeling that sometimes fol lows a long sleep. Now it must be remembered and remembered at the start, that the officers and directors of the sFair cannot put over a Fair respectable to Polk county without the hearty cooperation of the people, ana wnen l say the people I mean the Whole people, the farmers the mer chant, the banker, the manufacturer. live stocic men and women, garden ers, mountain industrial workers and any others who are not herein named. And when I say farmers I mean fruit growers and all who make anything grow out of the soil; and now is the time to "begin plans by which you can have something creditable to carry to the fair. We want to make a fine display of pure bred poultry at our next Fair; we will have the birds and we will open the eyes of outside folks. They think we are way be hind in everything well, if we are you just ought to see us catching up yes, we just will not always be be hind. Two more years after this, we mean to beat any county in North Carolina to our size in a County Fair. Keep your eye on us and see. We are already going fast on some things and we will just WHIZZ -efore long. But the purpose of this little talk is to get everybody in the harness for a good pull. You know to get work out of a team, you must feed, water and curry well, and see that no feet get over the traces. Now that all are in a good humor and happy be cause the cold winter is past and the happy spring time with the singing of the birds, the cackling of hens and swelling of buds which indicate the approach of spring time is here, re minding us of seed time and harvest, so let us all get busy and strive with of the office of Poultry Investigation and Pathology, would not take a ter might and main -to make something dollar, bill for her, and many just of excellence to help make our next such hens should be produced on all Fair one of the best in all of the fairs the farms in the county, and-will be held in the Old North State. In the next fewvyears. Mr. Hershell Just a word further. Don't fret McSwain raised this pulllet from I about the premium list. It . will be I Hnllpcrp that werp intp.runted bv In- Odpssa Mills. ...... 60.00 Mrs. J. Grayson Newman has been 1 q ' cvftrf ju 'n Wa w Pnnt a a Thmrmsnn.. 40.00 sick with flu pleurisy, etc., but fch VOUnff ladies will be able to finish Pea Ridee. W. G. Green 40.00 quite m av T - j ' ' r - Ube term without futher trouble. Cool Grove, Myrtle" Pace f3i I u es 5 S0e L a Emma Lou Pace only daughter of Lebanon, Mrs. V. B. Hyder. . i u . l q,T j v 4. 'Jtr Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Pace age 15 Rock Spring, Mrs. M. il ::J lV'.UUL reponeu uetttr di tuc months died Thursday March the 4th, Whiteside. uue mis is wmten. . and was buried at Friendship ceme- Sunny View, Clara Feagon " iVir- ana iurs- u- .r.6 terv.on Friday. March 5th, 1920. Mr. Eunice Randall, i ftunaay p. m., a son. At tms an(j Mrs pace were taken nl with in. Red Mt.,' Esther Gibbs l. ,K muuier una oaue uxe uumg fluenza and the little girl was moved Mamie Wilson UU. Mrs. Lewis IS at the home Of . fV,a nf i,0 o-i-nndnnrpntcr. Mr. CJnnd Hill.' "Rabbi wr mother, Mrs. John Rhodes. We congratulate il to the home of her grandparents, Mr. Sand Hill, Bessie Harris. . . . and Mrs. J. A. Forest, hoping, she Brights Creek, Bessie Justice ne.nrf.i Vir dkaoco hnt crip H 1 H I rrT rTTTl CPIirAT O C, repp ived a T messae-e that his son n' a?a ,nnauy mt Sn-TZ Union Grove, Lovie Wilson. . ' V V a ,mes;sage. tnat nis sqn y extend our sympathy to the be- q. p , R 'th Williams ha. ust arrived and wanted to see Yvf qv,01. nrl motliPr whom we "L1' VuTn vv"111115- w t' so, he came at once arrived flre glad to gay are now impr0ving T.. -ny-x, , . - i and expect to be well soon, and hope 31;'. I . V T?n-.Ton anA fnmilv have n . .5 i: Ul 4- T r--A nA i - itney may itaiue umi uui jjviu "u i.r.d sown spririns sir.kness the nasi -lTl. au ii i,;.0 -Pm. tvp Koct and said that "of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" and there they may meet her again. . Vprv dpnlorable affair occurred here last week, when two white and 45.00 40.00 .42.50 .70.00 45.00 70.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 two weeks, but at this time are im proving. The old house that was used for of je and junk rooms and was partly J-'urned sometime at?o. iust in the 60.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 et the Hosiery mill, is now being twQ coiored men were seriously n '!0'. ' wounded in a pitched battle with pis- Thev are all too . senousiy Our efficient mail carrier on the route between Trvon and Columbus, Has purchased a Ford. . A- late, cold snriner a eood crop of in.it may follow. . ' tnls Thpv are all too wnnn dpd for a trial as yet, therefore the outcome is- still uncertain. But we do know that whiskey was the t iTrVinlo trnnhlp and we A j.reat many of the colored peopje K the eyes 0f the people will be in tr.m vieimtv havp hppn nuite ill 1 f a 4- -fot that. wp. do v.-'-h. ti imi..: n - - ouuu vf"."". ,. r, Sam BlackweU has been con i to his now Tryon Graded. John McJMeil, Jrrin. Mrs. C. Jackson. . . . Greens Creek, G. E. Hogue , . .Mrs. G. E. Hosfue. .. . Coxes, O. F. Briscoe. 40.00 Stony Knoll, Mrs. W.- M. Mills 40.00 Pea Ridse. T. C. Headen 4.uu J. D. Jones ...... 3&.ou Saluda. Janie Beattv . ... 40.00 E. W. S. COBB, -Clerk Board of Education. F. M. BURGESS, Clerk Bd. Co. Commissioners. ' CHAS DAVENPORT, Chm. Bd. Co. Commissioners. not need it in our lives. It is only a iivnnr at. t.hP best, and a very ex- room with flu, but better pensive one at that: also Jt is almost alwaysxat the bottom oi an our ww bles with one another. Why do we lot it Hvp? Mr TTno-h Ward, of Fort Motte, S. ' . ' . r J mr. anu RYON ROUTE 1 i 0v t ip wop Kh-7tow1 Vina rrmno hv. P ia nsitmc his narentS. tarmers are getting btisy again, Mrs. W. C. Ward, oi this place, for a uCV!? Fake Rppe, John Owens, a few davs. He looks well. I - m ..iuivaiu.i 1 1 1 .11 i t-' iiiis i f. l.i i ljji J'HrTHlmrrt n-r,A T d tt i Tt, V.1,t.pr Sorrow llAAW 1T1 1 1 A till ?1 TYl ylmP. were at home for two days. 'r,e "all is also at home for the sum r from the same camp ' 1 ' r .I": Taylor Whiteside's family have- ana also Mr. Kinsr Brown's. RED MOUNTAIN, w srp having some real March ? v w t , tv, p was onlv - a-small crowd: at Sunday, school, Sundays fWe hope to nave (iiiwxc av j - . - . The flu is still very Daa.oevci a The annual snrine nacr tournament was played t the golf club last Tues- rrn II 1 J 1 At day. rnev weatner Deing iaeai gwii weather brought out a large number of players and visitors. The first prize was won by Mr. A. Lr. mil. oi Tryon, and . second by Mr. J. M. Hodges, oi ioieao, umo, stopping at Oak Hall; third by Mr. N. G.-Moore, of Chicago, stopmg at Pine Crest inn. A tournament will be played on the links Friday afternoon. Wanted: 20' bushels mixed -.peasC Write givjng kinds and price C- J. Lynch, Tryon, N. C. business trip to Detroit. ' He expects bo be gone a week or ten days. Mr Rpwell "will - hold his Annual Spring Exhibitsfpf Paintings of Tryon and vicinity at the Library every Friday in March and ixpril. Opening I Exhibit Friday March 19th,. from -10 j to 6:$0. . . ! The speaker who way expected to preach at the ; Congregataortal church will not be present. The Rev. W. A. Black, A. M., the pastor will address the people on "The Laborer and His Hire." Visitors welcome. ' We have for publication an article' relative to sidewalks and streets 'in Tryon," but owing to rush of other matter we are compelled to omit it this week. ' We will welcome several more short articles on this subject, so as to get the views of our people be fore our Town Commissioners. - i Among recent arivals in Tryon are Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Richards and daughters, of Orange, New Jersey. They are occupying the Jlankin house Mr." M. A. Richards has'' returned to New York on a business trip to the 'National Oil Products Co..' of which he is president. Miss Mardelle I Lilly, of the Tryon Graded school, expects that about five of her; pupils will take part in the prize poster contest how under way in this state and in the Fifth Federal Reserve District. Numerous entries are being made in other parts of the state, according to a statement from the War Loan Organization. Pupils in both public and private schools are competing, only colleges, normals and industrials schools being barred. Children in this state will also have a chance to win the two district grand prizes of ten dollars each offered in addition to the six state prizes. . Mr. Eugene Brownlee is in recept of a "letter from Mrs. Univon, whose home is in the Barbadces Islands say ing that her brother-in-law, in China writes her that he thinks Oak Hall, at Trvon, N. C, would be a pleasant place for her to spend . the summer. This goes to show how well and fav orably known' our little town is, and we hedrtilv aefee with Mr. Univon, m his opinoin and will add tnat it would be a delightful place for any one to spend a vacation either sum mer or winter- in fact twelve months in the year.. Tryon has the best year round climate of any place in, the country. - Archie Paul Butler of Tryon who recetly enlisted, in th navy at the Ashpville naw recruitine station is now attending the navy school at Hampton Roads, Va. and has been given special mention m tne Dunetm of orders published at the Hampton Roads training school lor nis excel lent work in the yeoman - school for the week ending Ffibruary,4 1920. Butler enlisted as apprentice- seaman Raleis:hiast.-yearv: Now, to- show, my 1 The thing for you to do just now is' faith in this pullet. I hereby in good Ito prepare to make the . best coni. pifllet and dare him to write me to I tatdes, and in fact every kind of come for her. Well. Mr. McSwair. I crop of the very best quality. And has pulled many stumps on his farm: j you Hampshire Association, let Polk bought a tractor, plowed his land 14 j county ana an the world who visit to 15 inches deerr. has sown S200.0C our Fair just see what you can do YVUltU J. ailU V Cl . QCCU. UIO I m,.- waa J carded scrub chickens for nure bred I let tne uurocr ioiand-hina. U. l. U. So you' see he is coming; some and 1 ana otner nog Dreeaers .come along two vearsr ,from now other larere 1 ana maKe a oetter snow, jjet tne lano! owners in the countv. when that Rhode Island Red folks who raised pesky boll weevil gets them 4n the jeggs from the Department show what short ribs, will sav: Ohwhv didn't 1 1 they have done. Let those of other take warning as McSwain did and be I breeds show that they are ahead if independent of, this cotton eved mon- I tney are or can ana now is tne time ster. Well, we will have to wait a to start with calves pigs, poultry and few years and watch results in order I every other product of the held, gar- to find out WHO is WHO in old Folk aen, orcnara, laciory, etc. We also visited the farm of Mr. Wi Ai Green and Mr. Will Deck, who have just planted their first pasture work: My, whata muddy road from Green River church to Tom Moore's up near the Pearidge section. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, County Agent, o Report of the' Condition of the. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. II at Tryon, in the State of North Caro- found Tom busy butchering a nice I lina, at the close of business, Febru- " pig. No, not Tom, but he had somei-" iy ocrkTTTjnc? Vinndv whn wprp dnino' it. Tom and I I RESOURCES ....w " 1-, . I , ,. , I. . . had a cood time starting: of somelans ana aiscounts iu&i)t . . . m . tin m mm TronT-lincr annlP anri npach trees on I ueiuauu lutuis w. -""'"t-j r-r-- Jr ; " .In 1 fi - l a. r- mt their way to fruitfulness. I found I uveraraits, securea, io. u " . ...... i J err PViilirt Rriscn nut. nf hert. iust naviTlP I uiisctmeu fii.... fmm a snpll nf flu and Mrs. I United States bonds and 58.29 Brisco and daughter just in the grip of the same. ivir. ensco nas prepar ed some land well to start some per- Liberty Bond3 7,750.00 Liberty Bonds f dr Certifi cates of Deposit... 21,650.00 manent pasture; but land was too wet Banking house, $6,260 fur to do the sowing, lhe men in voik county that are now engaged in start ing permanent pastures are too num erous to mention. The only com plaint I can make is that their faith is not yet strong enough to go on ai larger scale; but as time goes on and men see what other men have done, niture and fixtures v $2,900 L. 9,160.00 Cash in 'vault and ne t a- mount due from banks bankers and trust com panies i. 22.752J21 Cash items held over 24 hours - 27.02 v will fall in as they witness the bettter Liberty Bonds deposited to secure nuie.-. ?,ovu.uu -v , J, , . . way. out wny on eartn ao so many men want to take tail hold on every thing they 'undertake? Why always behind ? Why do so many men be rvntpnf trt Hp int.'an average, nr.un- I Surnlus fund man strive for leadership? -1 mean Undivided profits, less cur by this to hunt for new ideas and thought and then sieze them and Total $195,053.52 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 500.00 rent expenses and tax es pai 1,864.55 lead out and instead of waiting ever- gills payable . . . . 24,600.00 lastingly for somebody else to try eposits suoject ro cnew.. -'t-L new ideas and lead. cerancates oi aeposit Now just nobody fret; in about avSs aeposits ........ three more years old Polk will be, on Cashier's checks outstand- the map. You just ought to see the ' 1f1"vJ V'V ' 1Z801 beautiful green pastures with good wa1 "c,a,t AUl M ... .. cattle, hogs and poultry everywhere; . Lfterty Bonds...... 21,6o0.00 , but u, now sorry i am going w oe ,ncAcoca for those good-hearted fellows who - -T?TtaLv 'A ;. -195,0532 remind -me of a beech stump, that State of North Carolina, nothing on earth but dynamite or a County of Polk March 6 i?20 Herculese stump puller can persuaae ."'iT " r1"! WA "1C Alfrt them to move. Yes, I will be truly named .bank, do solemnly swear that sorry for them,' but it will not be my aoove statement is true to vne w i m Mt I Wa at vi lm AwtI aW aa a w s4 Ii at this community. B. Edwards and loci tt. " vsitors at wainut urove t neaneaday. 133 littleGlen- at J. B: teachS woro .j 4. xtti-4. r.J nr teachers attended tne teachers meeting at Sunny View, Friday -ana they also spent thevweek-end vA their homes. . ";:h'mixiy -'o: . -yd i-:-Mr. Braudus Wilson spent Satur day "nighlrat the home.of; Ms""grand- ilfwitty'sledT the bed- side oi Mr ana Mrs.1. . wnson, xasw week. Th y were suffering from flu, but we are glad to say they are some better Jiovr. - - and was sent to the yeoman school be cause he demonstrated his abilityr. and ambitidnl tot gEt? ahead in "his i new work; isTbep course Ur at - meeamsn school is of four months duration ana isi along the same. lines, as that of a business -college, upon graduation the students are promoted to be .first or second class petty- officers and sent to one of the fine ships of the navy. fault. - Respectf ullv J. R. SAMS, ounty Agent, ' -O v A WORD ABOUT THE POLK COUNTY FAIR. best of my knowledge and belief. W. F. LITTLE. Cashier. Correct Attest: - G.. H. Holmes, W. Y. Wilkins, W F. Little, Directors. t:,- Subscribed and sworn to before me, ."L- J. B. Hester. Notary Public. ' "Last week notice .was given about the meeting, of 'officers ; and directors I bubscribea ana sworn to w M the Polk County Fair Association; om oi wara, but- there should '.be some more said about the - Fair itself. x-The Board of County : Commission ers did themselves honor m appropn ating $250.00' to help make the 1920 Polk Countv Fair a success -yes a x 'r-t-. How ItXan Be Done. "By looking wise and keeping his mouth shut, many a man has been able . ... . Mai cnvP5s -an ftcmcuiturai success, i - .v. it , .v.A .ASin " . . . . . I iu uaaa uuuUbU iuc cus . ius 4tu Old Polk is arousing ironv tnat -;wp thl - TjTT J.T.i ."f .Iaah Vi nnttMa fft lr I A

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