t : ' 1 . AND TUSTIMm-TnmU -. . . . - v TO 01 IV READERS ; : ? ; TIll TRY ON; ItOTJTE 1 0n Wednesday March 25, fire of un- ... r, nr cin - aesiruyeu . me ews We Our loss i is practically ten Usand dollars j with very little in- P - a . . 2 Uor eoing we are compelled; to ask jj of our readers to renew their" sub ription aim uiauj uiwoav . oc vrrn ran. Wo npr1 tYift until i Lt: j " - " Lney ri?ht now and, we are going to jsk you to renew your subscription y a period of three years for which re are going to make a price of $5.00 fer three years aoney As "we . need ' the at once and you are making a living of one dol Jcrlption today ar, sendin your sub-i. Do. not forget it If t . ..Aninnf frT vnn fn -ntnanr'-fn Vee years send in your name for one (r two years, i - ;j ' Help us to be in a position to give lou a better paper and we certain ly will do so. 1 j: Respectfully s poiA county news: Bush, Pub. 31 T. LEBANON Spring seems to have come at: last. Farmers are beginning to get busy,- x t Sir. J B. "f hbmpson" who hasTbien ery ill, is slowly Improving. I Mr. J. Sherfey; made a business trip o Tryon, Monday. . :. 1 Messrs. Hoyt and Ragan Thompson of the Western Uunion. returned to 'their work Sunday, after a visit of a 'few days with relatives. ' .5 - Misses Virginia Sherfey and Mamie Thompson are spending a few days with parents. ! . . ; Mr. T. V. Bradley sang for the Mt; Lebanon choir Sunday last. Miss Etta Thompson was the guest of Miss Virginia Sherfey Monday night. I --. - . T . ' Mrs. Logan Johnson visited. Mrs i. B Thompson, a few days ago. .' Mr. J. C. Newman . has been doing some much needed repair work on the roads in this section. " Miss Marietta Thompson was an af ternoon caller at Mrs. J. B: Constant's Thursday. ' . j ' Mr. Curtis Garrette visited relatives here Sunday. - Messrs. Ed land Luther Thompson and J. L. Hart of Saluda called on Mr. J. B. Thompson Sunday p. m.- Mr. John Parker of Tryon was the guest of Mr. Logan Johnson Sunday Mr. John E. Thompson was in Try on for a short time Monday. - ! ETTA THOMPSON. FOR SALE , .There Is a very wail in I the i nrords; a fire " consumed :. the :Pa1 v .1 r News plant.". CTfe extend much deep ojvwijr iu Messrs.- u. uush - (editor) and C. 'W.; Ballin Co.,-inthe loss of the two ? plants; May ' God' sustain . them undjer this heavy loss. -. .. vv,-v w are glad to report MrT, & Rice convalescent of "fla: . . " : : y. ,. i Mr. J oe Carpenter . is : a-rpieasant visitor of relatives on Route -li-v i Miss Pearl Edwards and- brother Hugh were guests at Walnut : Grove Sunday. Miss, Pearl never- tires 1: of &ir uaison's canned;, music. 1 Miss Clara Edwards is at home ; for Easter- vacatIon."' -rr -v it??- i .Miss Peart Edwards gave a " sing ing ana entertainment Saturday eve ning before her , exit to Brevard! oh Monday, to. the ; enjoyment of Messrs.' carrteiee llouppe, Clara Edwards, Bessie Hamilton and two Misses Vlck ers ; Messrs " Bona and" Ted "Arledce. Floyd Toney, Floyd Holbert, Arthur Rouppe; Joe - Hall, WaUer , and Theo. Edwards; Paul Hamilton, two, Messrs. unages and two Messrs. vlckers, - Hickory .Grove school will have an egg hunt -Saturday afternoon and all day singing Sunday; .r :y- J- .- - Fox Mountain school . postponed their Tryon Mountain hike last week on account $t unfavorable weather, although the, primary department had their little , picnic of wMe!r the little ;CR0S3 EEXS We wish Mr. -Bush all " success .pos sible in "the erection of a new News plant and ould be very glad to have it at Columbus If suits-- MRS. P. G. HAMILTON. The remains of T. N.; Giles was laid top rest" in the Green Creek Cemetery last-Wednesday23rd, 18205; e"was only. sIck for ,a: shorf whllel first tak- mgflnfluenza bnthelStdeveloping into pneumonia ' He leaves a ': ,wif e and a number of small children The County and 'especially Green Creek Township mourns ;the- loss of ta good citizen. nMr Giles was a Wpodman he jwas one 6t. theiCharterTnembers which helped to organizeCross Keys Cainp No 714; in 1915. He made a true woodman; always remaining -faithful to his rr duties, never ;onei time did he go suspended: Vlt : seamed 'a great pleasure ;.to him - to know j L that :; his family '-was under the 'protection of one of the greatest' fraternal societies in the. world. ; iZ:? :;Sa;-::.' I ? Thev members of Cross Keys Camp performed their last. duty to the be loved Sovereign by bearing the . body to its last resting place,, and perform ing thfr" ceremonies constituted by the Order. . 7 . '-'t State of Norths Carolina- Polk - Coun- tyIn v the ; Superior Court .before -the " Clerk. '.-V.-i.'-.': G. L. Thompson, vs. Jesse F, : Pace. M; State . of North Carolina, to ; the' shWr- iff of. Polk County, greetings : '-t; Whereas; in ih-;:atucbmnt":proir Medinss.ia..-tae..avrerior. ., frnr;rt,,..fiTg county, - and, make due; return - within -sixty days t from date hereof.- ; ;r v-'f;C3erkvOl-':the':Snpert6rOourt;; .Thls 27thfdayj;of .Febriiary;192Q. SKOTICE'JOF ELECTION P . E B S 0 IT A L Mr. C. J. Lynch transacted business In Saluda, Tuesday. Mr. J. . M Jlearon, or Saluda was In Tryon on business Monday, . Miss Sallie Streadwick attended the ball game at Asheville Monday. Joyner Kelly, who recently re-en listed in the navy, is home on a short Wrlough,,;.-',. .;.- " . --. The Tryon Paper Box Co., one "of the sufferers, from' the 'fire of c last week, will open for business, tempo-' rarily in the store room recently oc cupied by The Carolina Hardware Co. Mr. Ballinger'a loss was adjusted by the Insurance companies, Tues- day.-.-. ,; ; ,;-,: - The editor expects to leave for mar ket on Tuesday next to buy a new outfit for The. News. " - " '-Jf AUiUJLiJllOXiiJi.xv. o awiiu Modern, nearly new bungalow, "best residential part of Tryon, .5-rooms and bath, second floor celled with space for two nice rooms, screened porch, in rear, basement, plenty flowering shrubs, nice lawn, with Plenty flowers, extra lot, fine views of mountains. Several fruit trees. For full particulars write or phone James L-eonard Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Louise Gaprlgues, de- roftseri. all nersons - indbted to the said Louise Garrigues ill make set tlement of such indebtedness to the undersigned: and an -and all claims which may be outstanding against said PfitAte must be trresented for settle mont fn htk nn4erslened within ? 12 montha from Ih'e date- of this notice, Otherwise, 'will be pleaded in bar of their, recovery. r J DR. L. F. GARRIGUES, Admr r.o Anrll 2 - - 4-1-bt. Polk, County, onthe 19th "day of Feb ruary, 1920 wherein Jesse F. Pace was defendant; and G. L. Thompson, was plaintiff, the following property was attached In the said proceedings, being the property of the said Jesse F. Pace. : Tract No. 1. : Beginning at a chest nut D.D. Pace's corner, and runs W. 10 poles to a spruce pine in the forks of the creek " known x as -r the long branch, thence, S. 29 W. with the creek 40 poles to a, water oak" on John Pace's : line thence; S. 3 E. .12 poles to a stake John Pace's corner, thence, S. 86 E. 82 poles to a rock pile thence N. 44 'W. 80 poles to the beginning containing 18.78-100 acres more or less. ' - .;.'---. ;; - .v '.'.;; - Tract No. 2... Beginning at a chest nut stump witn pointers P. G. Ward's corner and runs N. 43 'E: 16 poles to a rock J.v W. Pace's corner, thence; N. 43 E. 54 poles to a4 rock, thence; with S. O. Pace's line S. 60 E, 32j?oles to a rock B F. Turner's corner, thence S. 30 W. 38 poles to a rock,-thence; S. 20 W. .10 poles to a large popular stump, thence: S. 6Q,W 52 poles to a rocklT E. Ward's corner,- thence with his line N. 4CW. 80. poles to the nning containing 31 acres more or less. , ! ' And whereas,, in said proceedings of attachment a judgment was given by the court in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant for the. sum of $700.00., and $13.90, costs. ; , j ' Nowr therefore," you are j hereby commanded to satisfy the said Judg ment.' out of the property so . attached as aforesaid,, by the sale of the same, or so much thereof as shall be suffi cient' to satisfy the judgment ; : and if tthere is not a sufficient ; i amount realized ; by - said sale - then ; you shall satisfy- said judgment out of any other, goods and : chattels of said judgment debtor - withia-your , . Whereas the Board of Education of Polk County has petitioned for h an election to . be Jield in Green's Creek SdiboisrIctNo. 20' - in3;Greens ' i Creek ; Township, Polk County-to ; as-' . certain, whether the voters of the dis trict are in favor of issuing a bond . ' ior :the . purpose - of building . a ' new ; . public fschoolrbuilding, more particu- larly- described : asr a SmithTHughea" Asricultttra School-house, with . dor : mitory. and other; reom, in said. school district; in accordance with the provf sions: of the StateWlde Bond Act for School -BuIldlngsrChapter 55 of Pub- -He laws of 1915' as amended "by the , ? public laws-ot 1917; W''': ;Thereforer It is ordered by the Board' . of Commissioners of. Polk County that an election' be - held in Green's Creek School District No. 20 on the 20th day k. of ; March A. D., i920,; to ascertain ' whether the'vvoters of said. Green's -X Creek School District No. 20 are ,in . -favor of Issuing a bond' in the sum of -Three Thousand Dollars- ($3,000) , for X; the purpose : of V building rebuilding &l and ; repairing- said school house in ' aid 1 school'' district, ; and . furnishing - '1 the sar- .- with suitable ' equipment ; " : Tne; BaidTpha, shalt run ior'- eigb,- teen years and . six months, and ' shall ' -bear, interest at not to exceed five (5) per centum ; per annum interest pay- V able semi-annually together with, a portion of the principal making a to tal semi-annual payment of- one hun- . dred twenty-five dollars ' ($125) " as -shown in detail in amortization table attached to said bond. Privilege shall be granted of making additional pay ments ,on the principal as therein specified ton any of interest payment, thus shortening the duration of the bond.': ::-r-y:.y' . - " - , The maximum, that may be levied to pay the interest upon said . bond and a sinking fund for the semi-annual payment on said" bond shall not exceed- thirty (30) cents on the hun dred dollars and ninety (90) cents on N the' poll. ; '"r ----:r';: i v..--;: That the said election shall . be held -at "Sheild's precinct voting place in. ' said Green's Creek: School District No. . 20, which is hereby designated as the. polling place of said election, and the said election shall be held under, the -laws, rules and regulations govern ing elections in special tax districts. " That Berlin -White is hereby appoint- ? ed Regstrar of said Election and G. Ed Feagan and J. T. Greenway are hereby appointed as Judges " of said , election. : It is. further-; ordered that at said election those favoring! the" issuance of a bond and the laying of a special tax shall vote a ballot on which shall ' be printed the words "For School house Bonds', and those who are ; op-v posed . thereto shall vote a ballot on . wWch shall be 'printedTthe .ords "Against School-house Bonds. . . And it is further ordered ' that a copy of this order, which Bhall ' con stitute a notice of said election shall; be posted at the Court House door of Polk County at Columbus, N.-C.,-for r j