A- "... -.- t v Miss Effie Holden, of New Yorc,' af ter spending a week with her oaf ents, t. onH Mrs. E. G. Holden. InnTryon. returned home Sunday. . .,' . '. w onH Mrs. E. E. Mlssildine were Spartanburg visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Conrad and little daugh- ter are visiuus icwuico u n msiuu Salem. Mr. James Vernon, Jr., of Detroit is spending some time nere witn ms family. , ; '..--I , v.--y Mr W. P. Little. Of the Peonies Rank, transacted business in Spartan burg, Wednesday. ; " . ' Mr C. Blake was a business vis. itor to Spartanburg on Wednesday. , Rev. W. M. Bowne wasin Biltmore Thursday. , .:.; -v The, following are the ". committee ' for the Salvation ' Army iHome.Serrice Drive iri Polk county -W. F. Little, Bank ; or Tryon, Treasurer ; F. - P. Bacon Chairman -Tryon; township; Dr, G. R. Little. Saluda Mrs: J. M. -.Lewis, Mill Spring; L. H. Cloud, Columbus; Miss Mae . Irene Flentye, Chairman Woman's committee v Mr. T. H. Coggey spent Thursday in Hendersonville. ' ' Mr Robert G. Ednev anrl "Mink RaJ telle Butler were married at the .home of Mrs. Hugh Turner on May 5. Jus tice R. A. Leonard performed the cere mony. - - - . : J ; ' ANNOUNCEMENT I announce my candidacy for. Com missioner of Labor , and Printing to the . June state-wide primary"" to 'suc ceed Hon. M. L. Shipman, inciimoent, and will appreciate your vote and support at the polls. Ask any who know of my labors in and about the legislature since 1909. V' - DAVID P. DELLINGER Gastonia, N. C.j April 22, 1920. c FOB. .'.SALE" -. . . NOTICE Having Qualified . as administrator with will annexed of the; estate of X. T. Giles, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the account to me within twelve months from date. or bar by statute will be" plead. All nersnns indebted to said., Estate will make payment to ma-withouUCurlKej notice or seuiemenc : This 23 day of April, 1920 :?-; MRS. N." T. GILES. , Administratrix 1000 bushels Seed Irish Cobbler Pota toes, $1.00 peck; Sugar Drip and Early Orange Cane Seed 7c pound. Send cash with order. . G. G. Hyr der, Box 815, Hendersonville, N. C.: NOTICE OF BOND SALE Whereas, at an election held in Greens Creek High School District No. 20, on the 30th day of March, 1920, under the provisions of chapter 55 of the Public Laws of North Carolina, Session 1915, and the acts amendatory thereof, a majority- of the-Qualified voters registered In said district "Voted in favor of an issue of ; $3,000.00 of Bonds for the purpose of building' and equipping with suitable furniture' and fixtures, a dormitory and Agricultur al building for the Greens Creek High School; the said bonds to 'run -for twenty years, and to bear Interest at the rate not to exceed six per centum per annum, interest payable semi annually. - ' . Notice is rereby given that the un- dersienpil Rnnrrt nf FMiicatifm of Polk County will receive sealed bids ior said bonds at their office $a Col umbus. Pnllr Pnnntv Knrth lrOlina. at two o'clock p. m.. May 22nd 1920. me purchaser to furnish legal opin ion and to pay the expense-of print ing bonds. Each bid is to -be accom panied with a certified check 'in the sum of fifty dollars, and said bids to be directed and mnrlrort tn "Roard of Education, Columbus, N. C, $3,000.00 weens ureek School- Bonds." The right is reserved to reject each and all bids this the 19th day of - April, 1920. - ; Board of Education of Polk County: By E. McQueen Salley, M. D.f Chnt: E. W. ,S. Cobb, Clerk. - , Modern" nearly new bungalow, best residential part of Tryon, S-rooms and bath;' second floor ceiled .with space, ior awo nice roomsr: screened porch : in. rear, basement, plenty flowering: "shrubs, nice lawn, s with plenty flowers, extra" lot; fine TleWs 6i mountains. Several fruit trees. For full particulars write or phone: James' Leonard, - ;',.; - ? This bank issues Certificates j5eposit bearing. 4 per cent for any time desired. ' Interest begins clay of deposit. iThis makes a safe and profitable investment for idle funds. Many PohVCounty folksV - are making their money work for them thru this medium, Issued in any sums DvA)) upwards . : - ; v ; 'The bank with a conscience."; 3s Ban!i & , Trust Co.1 G. H. HOL.rrALDRO?;V,P " : vALTERjoras y. p. W. F. JJTTLE, Cnh. V; A. BLAND, At Cab - & . - - - - . i , , "- ' 1 1 1 1 - 4 - :- , . . ...rr mti mm 1 1 1 1 - jT I'-A 1 V - Heal an Mi't.--' pHE only I .' ' . ' - - J- - ,.r. C22 Hutelv indicates policy aim of tike of 5 s :ccixccrh jn Jits; wrfd f- to vorls f cr, and tho cquarect concern in ,.; 7 :.ftvt Ik THOMPSON SALUDA; C BISHOP'S.. OAKAOE LANDBTJM, S. C. ? -mm . i j - i v '".f'".3fV"T"i?.