no a-Mas. n.--i-rte--iy J T t- ,f i !.-J"rl .. 1 . r.A - :i.x ft j "V J'- " .... 01- XXT NO. 5 l K S 0 A L S Lecdmpte, . Snartanbdrc. S. C. I , TI11. and flOn. if- A. lJ. A"" " ' MJ?:-i; Rose, fla vhere she ; wis ieo 3 ,-cv nAtt ' from Friday til Tuesday . m Mrs ! Hiil and daughter. . Jose ine spent saiuruaj wi ivaw hhe public schools of Try on closed, Viday, after a successful year's iwrtion of the new plant .of The has arriveu ana s wusj i Lii-h n the new q;iarters. : i Thp Trvon Paper liox Co., recently Timed, have been receiving some new arhinerv this weeK. Mr and Mrs. Harry A. wiuue. ana rs. Helen Wing and little son who ve been here operating rine urefit n durinc the winter seasori,. left uesday for Castle Park Mlch.i rhere hey conduct a big sunnner resort. PAGE OPPOSITION ALABHED , i , i ,i i i 1 mm i - - - - Becoming alarmed' at- the rapid growth" of' Mr. Page's candidacy all over the state Bomo partisans of the other candidates are repeating the old slander, that "he deserted the Presi dent."'" - Read Mr. Page's reply : " For some mouths there was whis pered about North Carolina a charge concerning my puhuc record, to which I could not reply publicly.. . Be cently a. irery x distinguished , gentle man; making a speech In one of the Havinc auajiiied as administrator tkh will annexed of the estate, j of k. T. Giles, deceased, all person! mind having been & part of my Tec- porter of the Administratis to table uxeiresoiuiion. ..:;At't&e'ta I tidtlcl tl people of the Seventh. Coflgresdonal iDisjbrlct that I would not be a. candidate for renomlnatlon, the only stress that the Administration was I In was that of keeplhg the country out- of vy ar. ab iate asme iaii or iyit, thcmgn not myself a candidate for office, I -made speeches all over the State, from Bufnsvillo in the west to Belhaven tin' the east, traveling for six weeks. largest, citiesv of the fateradwcatln?: ah, in every the nomination and election of one ' 8P?ech I made during that campaign oi. uioe opposing me, publicly made urgeujiue rt?-eiecnou qi rresiaeni the statement that I had "In tf ttaTOonjiiiecause; "he kepf 'us dut of of i stress desertedthe AdministratioU i?aifar asI knowV every other I had been honin? vprv ; mnrh ' ' Dethdcrattc sneaker in" that camnaira montns , mat some gentleman would empnasipca tnis pnrase in urging tne have the courage to make this -charge rec01i ; Mr. Wilson . . v publicly. It was not only so .made. ntmno aw r.nV rL -. ut puolished the next morning In on "'r""" "v" , the most widely circulated new hixii ai44iwxkatiu papers of the State. . Since-this charge has been jnade, I : Nowr, If this charge were true 'I hafe I gone, carefully over' my record warand I-am willing thit iay. Tecord Ehitf berieasured by that, of any ojer dtUa.. -4' . . (Signed i jtawtv -7 " 1IAPLE GBQTE r Mc Claud Williams and Miss Qma GWbbs were, happily married last Sun-; dky.- Mf?Ftirmah Jackson performed the ceremdny iMr.iand Mrs. Fred Olbbs ylsited his brother; V. SGibbs Sunday. . ti NOTICE ifli glad to have: the opportcaitr to : answer it, and my answer shall not ;be merely the' placing pf 'my word against mat of the. gentleman tt Ao made the charges The - matter 8, in aviuc claims against said estate are enuested to present theiaccountto lie within twelve months ronv. date. r bar by sutute wm ue pieaa. - ah Wsons indebted to said estate , will jnake payment to me without further Ltice of settlement f . This 23 day of April, 1S20. . , ; r MBS. N. Ts GIVES, Administratrix ord as a member of 'Congress, I shall fuote the record. . t H PIBSOT BESIGN : ' . y SEAT IN CONOBESS A The incident he had in mind was fay , notification )io:?ihe pe?plej6f jCie Seventh Congressional District v . that I would not be a candidate for re. nomination. to Congress. This state I announce my candidacy tor Com taissioner of Labor ano Frmting in he June state-wide primary to suc- eed Hon. M. L. Shlpman, incumbent, nd will appreciate your yote - and lupnort at the polls. Ask any wpo bow of my labors in and about the Wislature Since" 1909. , ... . ,.. DAVII P. DElUNGSa astonia. N. C. Aprlr22i M20 sentatives'-; from the ,-ay the- first; gun .n U ' tath date -of my retirement, on Marcjl 4; ajri the record " will show that' upon" erery measure sub- ni$tted,td the Houstf by the .Adminisr-5 t ration, Whether in the earlier stages ot 'Xhe :Pfy the - purpose . being . to keep us out of war, or later when en-r trance intd the conflict was inevitable, I to prepare us for irar. but veto Is re- cvruca wiui ' use Atuamisirauon upon ei Cry. flsjle measure, I , Invite the closest 4acrutmy ,or my record ' as a representative trem North Carolina and .do not ask that my word hs tak- Mr. andt?Mn -Jennie Lannin Tiait ed at the Aome of Mr. E. U McGuinn . S-unday. " - " ' The Sunday School Is improving nicely at Cane Creek. . There: were liS there- Sunday. Everybody come that can. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Burnett andOasa; ily passed 'through this, section Scxt-r day.v ; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Williams vis ited., her . mother, Mrs. Elda Gibbs last , Wednesday. , ' - - - . veiroodylv There is 'to be an all day singing at Whiteside ' Valley tHe Fifth Sunday- tat' Hay; Lt every ooa? - J'fisy Grhc? Glbbs spent last Thurs day; uight" with; her grandmother.. ,. Bequlred by Act of Cersrsssr eAr. ust 24, 112, 2 C-ar Ccs5! , Published weekly at -Tryea Nr"C, katcmentr'for Apri; 1S2 -Before me a notary, puMiC, in and en -as against the .charge made" asainst ms - state-1 k u vi u wiarwranrtraf . a x .-.-, A - - t-I mtv, cf . . Polk. perB0xialry"ftpare4 6; Busb "wliot hav- imr hfn dnlr . sworn accbrdln to lawdeposcivanxif-says inac..- an v owner of The Polk County News, and manager and editor: and that tne se curity holders are C. "W, Ballenger, Tryon. N. C- and J. B. Hester; ttns- NOTICE OF B05B SALE Whereas, at an ' election held in Greens Creek High School District No. 20, on the 36th day of March, lbiO, more thatf a year; before a declaration' of war; was "made : against Germany. Jihas 'been said' thatM resigned my seat in Congress, As a matter of tact. Iraofved for the ..full, term toi which X olecUS; and reared on the 4th of March, 11 17. There ...were many i things . leading s up "to. my retirement Xroin Congress, most of them being or a. purely personal character. The fucident this gentleman and others ftaye; (n ;min6'Jia have been mak ing thee statements, grew but bf the introduction in the House of a reso lution by Mr McLemore, a member from the State of Texas, in which he updertook to direct the Executive De partment of the Government to refuse'' the issuance -.of. passports to Amerl. cans desiring to take passage 10 Eu.-': rope : on armed vessels of belligerenii nationsv A newspaper man called CONBTJef DIJBlNC? WAR tf Pnringthelatter part of. 1917,iind r0flca)ly' all of ,.1918,' as a member tsfVhe State Counci of Defense, a3 chairman ' for; my- county ir-diatrict during the. various- tihertx Loan Cam paigns, and; as "Vice- Director for ithe State in the: War Savings Stamp Campaign,' I save practically my whole time .to the . service of those things that t.were'j for the promotion of the activities necessary because of .the tee, Tryon, ft C. ? ' iSigned) a BUSH. Sworn ttf and? subscribed before e thte the-Ufc-day of May; 1S20. v.- WM. F; LITTLE., W he provisions of pter qs resolution to my attention oi me i-uuiiu wiw mg me . wnat my attitude : towarur: it Session 115 and the acts amendatory was. I told him that it was a matr thereof, a majority of the qualified ter with which the Congresa of the . . , m)(i autrirt vftted United States had absolutely nothing jvoters registered in said dstr yoted ,0 do tne Constitatlon havinr plaQ in favor of an is3ue ot S3.000.00 jpon the President this responsibility Dondg fox the purpose of building ad bttt should "the resolution come to a 'wiuiDninc with suitable furniture ind vote, the; TresponsiMllty being shifted fivf .iunrv and Arricultttr-1 ttxyesa the President tp the Houser'ct 7 u rrv Hfirh Bepresentatives at a time wheirw! kl building for the Greens Creek High I ' . n. . . r. .Jl) School; the said bonds to .run ?lor 1 other branches t th Gorernrncni; twenty years, and to bear iatresM were being exerted to keep thi coun- the rate not to exceed six per centum I try put ot. war, I -shtfuld vote to pro-? I ... --'ltJ ' -;ilhibit anvmiTjatflotic American who per annum, interest ' Pay-; 1 5,1 , "V: trm avi annuallv. . - - - rr I passage on the armed vessels- of" any Notice is rereby given that tne WAot the belUgerents. - dftrRiened Board of Jfiducation Fealiner . verv stronelv that tb olk County will receive -eaia? wo 1 House' of Bepresentatives should " not nr co1 Vtnnila flf thOir OmCe Ul t-AJ t Inta.fat-A In a mirftar a thtd anW l unihim. Polk Countvl Nortlt Carolina, I fntrnK 'tni'n ih WAn he purchaser to lurnisa 4egaI opTibody in the President of the? United ion and to pay tne expense wi I States, not only as ouchine the mat- ng bonds.. Each bid is to be ca-fter nnder Jcontroversn butas to ranied with a, certified chwx otheii.:iiiatter.ajladthftlMcl3e- dollars, and.' aaUVDids to-1 -moii-vjgoibi, - tcom-vbefore f the Ugs..S3r'ii L - ' - , wOI This bank issueOrtlcatof Dcvjoait bearing A per ttiii'tef&tty time desiiti ms!scx"aafe and Vofifablifi- in vest merit for idle funds. Mkny Polk County folktt aie leaking theif;fnoney .vqtkcior fhem -thns thif inediurf Issued in anyjumr froxrr $50.00 upAyard. The bank HtH a conscihce.' sum of fifty , , - - i-r- -jm- -XI.V ,1WJU4UM1I ywiMV. PWVW'' r F4ucation,.Columbus,-I..q2t?94u it bfltl It-was right is reserved to-Teject fW Ufn Affairs wi irmmedatidn all bids this the 19th. day of Aril, m -- tabU;v Tne effect 1i 1920- . ' ,: oi,r tils bei: to rerefer the ,hole matr Board of Education of PoltCouMy. ..eenjtW; Lrvvl167' DTf' longed, L voted -l ivery otherup- b. w. s. Cobb, Clerk. , . I.; it - . - ii r. :1b ;. j- . - . f JahK & Trdst Co. G. q. HpLUES, Pr T. VYALDROPV.P i WALTER JONES. V. P. r- v - vrr4.rfTLE,cji. y. a. clAtu, Atov. .( "i--v;'. . , ' . . f.JT- jf-