AND THE TRYON BEE TRYON, N. C, FKID AT, MAY 21, 920. $2.00 A YEAR he stockholders of the Peoples fci.lin r aim L.uw ""uuv - Wld ne nan, ' " f.i-t'd an orgamzauuu, awy. .itution and by-laws and elected 1 fnr thp npit vfiar. VctOl'S U) ft-nc w 7 books for suus.tupu" srios of stock. will be held open q'june 1st and" everyone wanting rotary, Mr. v. r. J-iiue ueiuic iuai e- r I's. Vernon, oi ueirtm, wuo ippti sncndig the winter months Tryon for a numuer ui yeais, ied to that citv wonnesaay. Spartanburg vistors Monday. rit iioiiuiiiv, v w school at Spartanburg, spent the. 1-evA with her parents in Tryon.; iss Sal lie Streadwick is in New for a visit of a week or ten r c. W. Morgan was a business or in Asheville Tuesday. rs. J. U. Reid, of Spartanburg, S. h sited frieiuis .in lryon oa tuuaay Monday. ; v . ;s. Lelia Norman, who was called t.corRia by the illness of her mo- r returned home Monday. he editor and wife are1 tn receipt in invitation to the commence it exercises of The Gwyn School Spartanburg. The exercises will aid on Friday, May 28. . Miss Eva rt Missildine of Tryon is a mem- of the graduating class. CAMPOBELLO NEWS CAMPOBELLO, S. C Farmers are rushing their work . now that the ground is dry enough to plow.'" Cot ton is coming up : nicely although planted so late. : Mr. J. W. Stacy, is putting a fresh coat of paint on his residence. Mr. S. S. Lawtes has installed an electric light plant in his" store and residence buildings. Messrs. , Joe Morris and Walte Waldrop were up from Cliff side last Sunday afternoon. We are sorry to report the serious illness of the twelve year old son -of Mr. and Mrs. Otes Feagan. He had an operation upon his throat some time - ago, -and consequently took pneumonia. FOR SALE . maern. neariv new nuneaiaw. nest kiential part of Tryon, - 5-rooms bath, second floor ceiled with for two nice rooms, screened p. in rear, basement, plenty terms shruos, nice lawn, with kty flowers, extra lot, fine , views lountains. Several fruit --treesl fu'.l particulars write or ' phone les Leonard. !. -' - -,. 0TU I- OF -BOND SALE Report of Condition of THE CAROLINA STATE BASK . Saluda, N. C At close of husiness May 4, 1920 ; RESOURCES v Loans and. discounts $44,902.2$ Demand Loans 2,300.0Q Overdrafts unsecured 10.0.4 United States Bonds and ; and ..- Liberty Bonds and i War Stamps ; 2,501.40 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages . 13,250.00 Banking House, Furniture & Fixtures 2,250.00 All other Real Estate owned 301.37 Cash in' vault and- net . i amounts due from Banks, . Bankers and Trust Com- v panies -. 14,105.77 Cash items held over 24 hours 37.11 Checks-for clearing - 150.00 Collections : ', 77.56 Report of the condition of fllE PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. : ' . Tryon, N.'C."'l - ' : . &t "the close of business, May 4, 1920 f . i . RESOURCES v Loans and Discounts 85,955.54 Demand Loans 600.00 Overdrafts unsecured . . 277.11 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 5,550.00 North Carolina State Bonds Liberty Bond for Certifi cate of "Deposit Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ;Ii" Cash - in vault - and ' net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies - 1 Cash. Items held over 24 hours liberty Bonds deposited to secure . notes 29.S5XI.00 9,160.00 44,711.16 ' 2.35 21,500.00 Total $197,606.16 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in$ 10,000.00 Surplus Fund .500.00 Undivided Profits, less cur- . ' rent expenses and taxes " paid -- 2,456.18 Bills Payable 17,264.46 Deposits subject to check. 70,851J28 Time" Certificates of De-- posit ! .' Savings Deposits Cashier's Checks outstand ing Certificate- of Deposit for Liberty Bonds V. Report of the Condition of ; THE BANK OF TRYON Tryon, N. C At the close of business May 4, 1920 ." RESOURCES : Loans ' and discounts f 90,283.92 Overdrafts, unsecured 1,417,45 United States . Bonds and Liberty Bonds s.l . 8,250.00 All other Stocks, Bonds, and Mortgages 1,829 .4L Banking House, . Furniture and Fixtures ; 4,700.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banksj Bankers and Trust Companies?- "68,401.19 Total $174,881.97 LIABILITIES : Capital. Stock paid in $ 10,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less cur- rent expenses and. taxes . paid .1,492.58 Deposits, subject to check 116,964.72 Time - Certificates of De- J posit i ; 1,313.00 Savings Deposits -- 34,596.17 Cashier's Checks outstand- ing 515.50 -rTotat-r-r-- - " - LIABILITIES- j. ::r: CantiaJ- Stocli paid in !$ 5-,d65.00 Surplus Fund l 2,500.C0 Undivided Profits, less cur- rent expenses and- taxes paid -i- -; 2,620.20 Deposits subject to check 35,619.92 Time Certificates of Deposit- 34,045.94 Cashier's Checks outstand ing -- ------ : 99.67 iiereas, at an election held -in ns Creek High School District on the 30th day of March; 192Q, r Uie provisions of chanter .. oa e Public Laws of North Carolina, I icn 1915, and the acts amendatory of, a majority of the qualified rs registered in said district voted vor of an issue of $3,000.00. of s for the purpose, of building and ping with suitable furniture and res, a dormitory and Agricultur- pding for the Greens Creek High ol; the. said bonds to run for ;y years, and to bear interest at pte not to exceed sjx per centum f.nmm, interest payable semi- klly. - ,-. Jtice is rereby; given that the"un- :ned Board ' of Education of County will receive sealed bids pd bonds at their office in Col p, Polk County, North Carolina, F o o clock p. m., May 22nd. 1920. B - I'urcnaser to furnish lecal ODin- fna to pay the expense of print i-umib. ii,acn ma is to be accom H with a certified check in the ot fifty dollars, and said bids to irected and marked to "Board of ation. Columbus. N. C. $3,000.00 L.- . ' ' " reek School Bonds." The i is reserved tn rpwt ani ahA ta . v J-s, VMVli -WJLA fasthis the 13th day of April, i - ird of Educat ion nf Pnllr Pnnnfv 26,801.06 39,660.13 223.05 t29,850.00 Total ; $197,606.16 btate or North' Carolina County of Polk, May 13th ,1920, - - , J.-W-F, Little, Cashier' of the above named"- Bank- do solemnly swear that tfte.xabove statement is . true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - " ; W. F. LITTLE, Cashier ; Correct Attest : G. H, HOLMES, fVV. Y. WILKINS, W. F. L LITTLE, - Total n $174,881.97 State of North CarolIna--County of Polk, May 4, 1920. .:; : "li .J. B. Hester, Cashier of the above named Bank, T do" solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . . J. B. HESTER, Cashier. V. Correct Attest: . - ' , W. T. LINDSEY, : B. L. BALLINGER, . J. B. HESTER, -; ; . , v Directors. ; Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 12th-day of May, 1920. - H - GEO. A. o av: , ;ot4;iidc Total -,' $79,S85.73 State of North Carolina County of Polk, May 15, 1920.. I, Louise Lane a cashier, of the above named iBank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . : LOUISE LANE, Cashier. Correct Attest: M. A., PACE, - F. C. SONNER, V Directors. Subscribed and. sworn to ' before me, this 15th day of May, 1920. P. W. BAILEY, Notary Public, My commission expires March 1st, 1921. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Subscribed and sworn me, this 13th day of May, 1920 J. B. HESTER;. Notary Public An all day service will be held at Mill Springs Baptist Church on 5th -Sunday in May. Memorial services in the morning and " the afternoon Services -will be devoted to Sunday School work and a singing conven tion. All churches are invited to send delegates from .their . Sunday Schools and their best singers. An Directors, i interesting program will be offered.- to before i Brine lunch with you and-en joy the. day in the service of the Lord. " .E. J, JONES, Pastor. awa Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Henry Holbert, de ceased this is to notify all who owe the said Henry Holbert to make im mediate settlement and all persons- having claims against said Henry Holbert must present same to me' within 12 months from this date or they will be debarred from collecting same s . This . 4th day of May, 1920. C. L. McFARLAND. 4t" Administrator . 8!ap at Colleqe. Professors.. Crawford "Yon seem to think that a college education doesn't fit one for. th problems of; life." Crabshaw "I Judge by the, mess the average college professor makes of it when he under takes to. discuss jpubllc questions." Life.. ' ' , '.- s amid ProffnUalble This bank issues Certificates of Derjosit Bearing 4 per cent for any time desired. Interest begins dsy; of deposit. This makes a safe and profitable investment for idle' funds. Many Polk County, folks . are making their money work for them ' thru this medium, Issued in any sums -from $50.00 upward . : J.t C J 1 'The bank witH a conscience." X !. Peoples Bank & Trust. Co. G. H. HOLMES, Pre., J. T. WALDROP, V. P. WALTER JONES, V. P. : -W, F. UTTL, Cash; V. A. BLAND, As t. Cash. . .McQueen Salley,,M. D., Chm Beginning July 1st the price of milk a- -odd, Clerk. will be 20c per quan. uyuu van. - - -r m