' hi i. V 'V.v.vy..,, ,V)VJ ,V .. I"- , ...... V an spent Friday business. ' . , ' made a bualess ais week. ards, of La Mesa, er niece, Mrs. W. I ' t- spent from Satur ; with relatives rn I p. ds was looking TSf ;rs in Spartanburg 4 an of nd 13 left Sunday, for for a short stay. Till visit Greensboro rlner's meet, which rsday. t fee and children, of spent Saturday and guests of his pa s. R. T. McFee. I . . ' fc la 1 jsildine and faniily burg i attending the i exercises of The ."heir eldest daughter, iember of the graduat t school this year. -, 'ti nd directors bf the building and . loan E. E. Missildine, tie, Sec; F. P. 'Bacon, P. G Morris, J. A. 'Andrews, T. A. Rippy, Dr. Earle Grady, Wal- Missildine and W. F. 3. a Army , drive in Polk 3 a close on the 20th ash collected. Polk I was $325.00 and was X in, .Western . North 1 its quota. All the dated in Tryon1 except lumbus and $3.00 from Ir. Bacon, Tryon tpwn- Miss BjeD, -tf eastfre; Bland and county chair 1 effective work for this ing invitations have Jqjrxyp.njMiss Jessie n ot Tryon Is"" ihr"tKe" ass: r !vf - ' . ' of Directors and Staff I of the " . ri Hospital and Training ol for Nurses : honor of your presence at the ' i -j ncement Exercises t evening, June third 2n hundred twenty It-thirty o'clock tery Park Hotel He, North Carolina - - ; - - v ; ve i :. , . .. rth Carolina, County of the Superior Court. ' Moore Smith, Plaintiff,' vs. i and wife, Miranda Moore, loore, Beatrice Moore and wight Mclntyre, Defen- NOTICE ndants, John P. Moore, Moore, and Moses. p wight . take notice: ' he day of April, 1920, in the above entitled ac ssued against the" said de id . others, by the Clefk- pf or Court for Polk Qount, Jlina, for the purpose of le certain Jeds to the said I JonA -P. Moore",' Beatrice P -"OSes "D wight Mclntyre, S0 AI00re an-(l ie, Miranda V Pn. tile gfUnd that, said deeds w.;uiea WWgh fraud, duress, Muuence, and for the further4 uf compellihg the said Joe C? wif e Miranda Moore to vMv". ,auuT J.o uxe saw :iiainr: ;rr lands are described as iftart of latent No. pn iS ftfeMil,i. "Cwk' Polk ad to i the same land con 11 M,?Srfie K deed dated k7 fSiV-and recorded in ilstLv ,PAe ?g !? tie . office" f Ae wr 5 .County, , :- Uke fcticenhat thlvlf t MfWr at the next term of icCTX Ao?,Polk County f after S'SlS-ff WW'Mto: f. 1920. M?oda7 ln Septem. 1 , a wnre the de- -. - Or jrhi i- - '-.Ti JCh win k i t. . w lut5 complaint of nllelln the office of the reuS ,f SaId County ine 12i day of May, 1920. J. P. ARLEDflTC m i . . pftwi... v'erK superior court Sh!vi:; it jn - " - ReparT of Uhe dotidUf . tfv-.J. ' v . .fl THE POIK COUIfTI BANK AND - . TRUST CO. - , ColuiabugN. C. At close pf. business May 4, 1920 ' ' .' .. . ; RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ...C$ 60 749.22 Demand Loans 2 0850 00 Overdrafts unsecured 98 5? United States Bonds aid iJiDeny Bonds j -i Banking House Furniture and Fixtures. ; All other ReaEstaTeovm - ed.; J-J- Cash in vatrit and "net amounts due from Bamks, Bankers and Trust Com panies Cash Items held over24 s 450.00 6,8778 2,0000 m.60 Cheeky for .clearing -.vl '' ; 27.00 ' 'Total liirl:i.l i.-$89,858.83 ;. ' . '- ' f; LIABILITIES- ;. Capital i Stock vpaid tinL-jI JJ: 13,000.0 Undivided Profits, less cur- . rent expenses and taxes . . , IaidTi-- -------Li v 2,20825 Bills Payable 10,000.00 Deposits subject to check. 46,6$1.77 Time Certificates of De- - posit 1 17,584.81 Cashier's Checks outstand ing 404.00 Total .1 --489,58.83 State of North Carolina-Uconnty of -. Polk May 4, 1920. v : I, Fred W. Blanton, Cashier bf the above, named Bank, do '.solemnly swearHhat the above statement is true to the best f taf knowledge aiid be-i Met . . FRED W. BLANTON; Cashier. Correct Attest: " ,j i , : : j.Rv.sAMs; - . E. W. S. COBB, . : - . FRED ' W BliANTON. "Directors. Subscribed and sworn, to before me, this 18th' aay1 of May 1920: v . J. P. ARLEDGE. . 0 - . Clerk fS,uperior;Court.J :-ss: i-'S .V: :-f- ..fKjx. , U L- CONTROL SHEEP-KILLING DOG -1 Secretary of Agriculture Asks Twenty ; Governor to Urge Laws Pro- ; ' ' tectlrig Sheep, r..--' :;;'- (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) a tTie -.enactment of s more .adequate -V1-- ? sheep-kUling Gogs Is urged by Secretary Houston in a-lf tter iustehf to the1' governor, of 2 :, states;, tTe secretary points ;putv that, althmiffh lying increase In the number of sheep in the United States in the oast ve there is room for further expansion of the industry, jFarmerp, he eays, iare discouraged in .many instances f rom keeping sheep on account bf 1 the dan ger of damage by .dogs! The letters were sent to the governors of Arkan sas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indi ana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mary land. Minnesota Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire;? North CarolineSOklif noma, South Carolina,: Tennessee, Vlr gtaTa, West Virginia and Wisconsin,' where State legislatures are now In session. Following is the letter : ' $ tVI4?nderstn tnat wany states fiw havejinder consideration ithe matteof legislation to encourage the larger de velopment of the sheep Industry by re moving, or .contrqlling the dog menace, purlng the'past year, g you perhaps know5, there has been a' gratifying In crease in the 'number: of sheep in the JJnited States;.: -There lis Undoubtedly room in manyectipns of the,country for .further expansion along this line," especially intne settled farming'areUs; The field representatives of this "de partment,': however; generally report that farmers are discouraged in many instances from. keeDine sheen on as count of -the da tiger of- damage f by $ It is mn teasytmaHer te: overfeed . earthis in mind Unless the 4 A.wTvia arc on range. . , - ": Hens that .are laying are npt lltelj to accumulate fat; It 6 when tiiey art r . identiai "rly; row? bungalow, be i to4f- ceil .wim ch, n I nice j-oomsscreen4 vering shear' Dasement, T plenty nty flowPb8' nIce lawn, with "aottntainf xtra lot fine views or ftiH p3t Teveral- frui trees. ' Janies Uo3!ilfnlarB rie or phone Giv the fowls good dust and plentj of it This is how they keep them selves xree of vermin and vr ell. Hens of light breeds may be profit ably kept for three reasons; those oi the heavy breeds for two seasons. ' Good layers are bred up and not fed np. All the feeding in the world can not induce a naturally nonproductive ben to change her nature." ' " ' K A trap nest is the one accurate way to tell whether yoti are' keeping a pay ing flock, ; but ,tk .poultrynaan .who keeps it must look after the nest lit proper- way. .'. " . l - ; : If yon have jnade a failure of every thing else, : don't think the chicken business will prove to be a life safer. It requires not only brains,' but an overplus of energy 11 tm . ' Chicken never Wh am nnv ntlia. birds do but cleanse .thetnseTves f in sects pi wallowln g in soil. For this reason every potmryliouse should be liruviuvu wiui nasi dqju Five, "eggs but of every 100 spoiled by being fertile. Producing In fertile egs does not require anything butvthe -removal of rihe rdoster from the ljoek after the tieedVfor batcbiajt ss is past - y. .t;r- . Uilk is no sutorti tutc for meat; fttr tt is joot flffldently concentrated. . It to lmpossiDie for xowis ta arinc esougn of;lt tty,tnke the ptoce of meat When feo1wu2i ' aim&l5od, csSk ' performs excellent service. ' ?The : oji'imodLssiejLilieT ily one for rconsideraCpn arid actlonby ? . . j Infertile-- egs v snr rrmo, trommon among - poor' layers ltnan good ones. Experiments at the Maine experiment station, proved 'it nearly impossible to were the poorest layers-- .17 r j Sheep Qraxino on National forest the i various states. I am, therefore, taking the liberty to brlnff the matter to your 'attentfen, with "the' hope timt yon will look into the situation and make such 'recommendations as , may eeepi wise to ithe legislature of the state. " May I not, In this 'cbrihection,' call your Attention to , the . carefully drewn .arid apparently vtell-enforeed lavas' of severs states,' Adtably : titos Of New' Yerk and Pennsylviuil wUfh are set fortb 1 the tmnetin (PairirsJ Ihilletixr )l&closed htrew!tb.n , 3 uicf,vuuaiuoCkOI THE BANK OF SALUDA Saluda, Jf. C. Atcjose of. business, May 4, 1920 V PSOURCES ' l4)atfand Wsttounts-d--$ 56,344.06 Overorarts unsecured 622 17 United States Bonds and w LibertyBonds i 9,100.00 Banking House, Furniture .and Fixtures. 6,200.00 All other Real Estate own- ' uasn in vault and t r.nf amounts due frtfrh RanVo . Bankers and , Trust Com panies ' I Check for clearing ---II- JZ50.00 8,687:23 985.97 ' KToJal; ra---: rr-$82,689.43 . j: . ; LIABILITIES ;,. Capital Stock paid' in' $ 1 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less cur . rent expenses and taxes ' ' ?ai 1410.51 Bills, Payable 10,000.00 Deposits' "subject to check- -26,136.48 Time Certificates of De- v . posit; J 19,348.58 Savings Iteposits -Ji 15,700.45 Cashier's Xhecks outstand ing v nA1 Total .. : $82,689.43 SUteg;- Norths Carolina-Countp of ihrJfff. Bafley, Cashier of - the above? , named J Bank, fflo solemnly swear jthat thtf :ibove:,'statfemefjt is true to the best 6t my knowledge and belief. , t u ' . . ; ;H:.P- BAILEY, Cashier. -s Correct -Attest' F . i - 1: HENRX P. CORWITH, J. M. DEAVER, H. D. TURNER. " ' ---- . .. . J Directors. Subscribed and -sworn to before me, this 15th day of May, 1920. : r ' r R. H. STATON, . . ' Notary Public ; My commission expires ' July 21st, 1921. - - , - ADM?as5JlATQRa jitec;' X Havihg qualified .as' administrator of the. estate of Henry Holbert, de ceased this is to ;notify all who '? owe the said HenryHolbert ; to make im mediate' settlement : and all persons -jwrfnyUlgjty, Magaihst . : Holbert itanst .present same to 4 me within .12 months from .this .date or they will ber debarred f ronr collecting same. ' This 4th day of May 1920. i 4t Administrator Beginning July 1st thY price of milk win be zoc per cuart: Lynn Dairy. NorflKCarina, ) Polk ; Co&oijJji Superior Court. - r ; Ski; Tnompson vs Jesse F. Pace NOTICE OF SALE UNDER E2LECU- By virtuejof an execution directed to the. undersigned from the Superior Court of Polk County, in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the seventh day 'of June, 1920 at twelve o'clock M., at the Cburt House doJ? highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title anYin terest which the said Jesse F. Pace, the defendant, has In the following real estate, to-wit : . s Beginning at a rock and pointers a ner.of !ot No- A and Tuns S.2 W. 173 poles to a rock and pointers thenceji S. 78 E.' 37 poies.towte oak, thence ; S. 85 E. 56 poles to a rotik and pointers thence 'N: 2 E 177 poles to a rock and noint N, 86 y. 91 pole, to 5e ui6 uue tmneemn m .value less f '1 Property, uay pi May, lyzQ. , FRANK JACKSON, Sheriff of Polk County, . . .. :, - : , r Shaketars Stance 'Ato'Wr"1 AdmittIng5tothe fullest ti-i t-W me4t of posterity,; seems 'ikelji tha a copyfof thewcrk of sij i cotU temporary djramatist wm ever fc: 11 for: ? 523,000. Subha thfngjhappcU re cently in'thi case of fottr al4ear folios;, but Shakespeare rwas f tSake speare, :even when, his contemporaries -took him as a matter of cinie. and ' since then the judgment oftfcne has made; hinf A'standaM. by which the etn Playwrighti caa be reasonably estimated, ; i ": . v,s ' .n . rf-' L The sngy man joves to give advice; x costs notmng. S--,-,--jMM ill? J afe- anadl P Tg1 bankjissues (rtificates of Deposit bearing 4 jpei cent for any time desired. Interest begins day of deposit This ,,jnake..sta f or j&fe funds; Many Polk County folks are making their money york;for th.ejn " thni this medium Issued in any sums from $50.00 upward. - V . v ' lhe bank with a conscience." 17 oJS: WALTER JONES, V. P. W.F.UTTLE,Clu V. A. BlJ-ND, Ati. ChJ M I V . 1 " 1 . : - , : , ...... . ; ; ? . .4. . i ...f .2." , vTrsonal tnmt, ! Oestroyett ffui IderV'iBWsi -j . r Nobody ever will know how much the great palace of . Versailles cost France under the reign of Its builder, Louis XIV 'Louis became badly scared, riTIo Vk -a Tko had heard 41 good debt, about ie dis. 2 terbers who were wlppering tij even akinghad no richtto SDend sc 'muchlf money for a palace tc iiouse his! fiends . when the nation ;6vf which-br ruled was starving. So Lqj&is did g7h!many a purchaser of expensive- hats has d0nesihce-r-tore up the bills and burn ed them before, anybody could ' look them over. i !l I . f Dusinea Is Duslnesc 5uestVmust"teke' tie nextTlrj-In? It means money to me I How .soon does it gor , Clerk (country inn) Td lose my job if I told you ! It means money to us to keep yon here!" USE FEED TnOUQttS FOn F10S ChouW Be Centrucie ihcvLiScb v Little Porker Will Idetv Prepard thett BuW HpiBt iolntrbf AtTjefl!tUTiL) V rf. Tonng pigs snouia-'oe -Siycn. .-ir. fmaA in ni4i ; maBfi l-tt4tell iOr AtotAnal mfff trotm its Share. Tt S-DO- idlest-way to-acompUsh Jtbs4a iQr te pigs w-aS Isom iFu,t5ri construct ea ieea irqugn, one jai jw keep the' pigs out of the feed and VrtlT . - . . . k mm lessen the possibiaty ; 01 crowaing. SYSTEM ' Of fSHEK FARMING iTofi BeliicceesVul Woof orMuttoh ,f Cannon Be . Igriercd-Tyro Vrjfucts l:i": fl - PfontalrLi v II, : (Pfepar by tb: Ubjl?- States Be: , r .Anient 01 Aeticulture.) r : . A system of sheep fanning that is to be continuously successful can not lgnfirfe eitter wootbr iittd4ln piajayJ cases: the two proauctsvnu do worxny 'of : equal consideration.- v In . cers. !IUieT1onaes--5i ing to the peculiarities of fccndltioss, . : 1 i- is your Opportunity to J II place your order for delivery of a I Buick Valve-in-Head motor car-to : morrow n;yeek,br longer delay iKy cause 3o waiting tto . or ninety days in ceciuing delivery; j j Biddrdemands are ; edch dciy i piirciiacinfT h cav-ceci as a protccurin rarature2-cr ;.. j.ij:--v o t .. 2 - - - 1 1. '. rT K . -4-i;r j vur.cvcflf ... m vital ana zmpor- -ist .- -.-s?fe-. ;. -.-! -j,. -.J -jfi ri, -I kt: -- - utlrJc. -. . - ura &unmisr ranu rau mcnins r . ; v ti -in m - - - : 1?1T - -. , - A V- ' ',-frU ' II -.l K4 . autfijf - ' ti rt . tr?'tiL-. : tl . ' ftl IT - AM . . . . 1 a IZZ" . . -.. 1' '- -T1 '"V i ni: -- -, ; ; - f ' ' . jt -llir:?:::; fl '' v; : k1 -.v-.f-!- jJ- T f 1 , ) i ,' ! ., . ' .V J

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